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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Where Insane Machine injured turns out better matches than half the undercard: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Smarmy gits. Most of the undercard is turning out E to D-. Machine is still turning out Ds. We're trying not to use him to give him a chance to heal, but that results in him complaining about not being used enough. But it also means he's on the bubble of people we're considering letting go so the others can be used more often. As far as our ideal roster size and how many people we can afford to lose... we can drop a lower midcarder, midcarder, upper midcarder, and two main eventers and still be doing fine. Our lower midcard consisted of the tag champs, one half of the challengers, and DeCipher... although we could easily get rid of Super Sonic and replace him with Fearless Blue on the Backyarders team. Midcard, Flyin' Jimmy Foxx always managed to tick us off, but Andre Gorman consistently failed to perform past a D... Upper midcard, we had Machine working injured and Cougar consistently showing up late. In the main event, we had the injured Mario Heroic, morale-dragger Phoenix, not-well-established-here Kid Toma, and nearly-overpriced Plague... decisions, decisions... October, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico --Ultimate Phoenix def. Andre Gorman in thirteen minutes (C-) Nathanial Casino and Fox Mask get into a shoving match backstage, and agree to settle things in the ring (E+) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask(c) def. Nathanial Casino in nine minutes (D) Show rating: D. And with that single match, Ultimate Phoenix has possibly saved Gorman's career. Nobody's pulled him to a C- before. CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH CZCW has released the following talents: DeCipher and Insane Machine. DeCipher's skills are evolving into more of a mat-based style which does not mesh with our current roster, and Insane Machine needs to learn to take some time off to rest, and not work through his injury. October, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the sold-out Guitierrez Community Center --Fearless Blue def. the debuting William Crash in seven minutes (E+) Plague comes out and runs down Nemesis, saying he may have lost at EDNDL, but at least his match didn't suck. Out comes Nemesis who is, needless to say, insulted (E+) --CZCW Title: Nemesis def. Plague in fourteen minutes (D) Show rating: D- Yeah, so, we hired someone new. He's cheap and has good stats for a newcomer. Nemesis, however, was begining to worry us... even Plague couldn't pull him past a D? Either Nemesis was sucking amazingly bad, or Plague was losing it... or both... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: More cuts as we try to determine exactly who is holding us back... and yeah, we know it's the undercard, but we can't cut many more of them...
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Breaking up is hard to do. Look, don't consider it a breakup... just consider it us telling you we won't use you for the rest of your contract. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... you're fired! Cutting two main eventers was going to be tough. Who to pick, who to pick... October, 2008. Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Tidal Tag Triple Threat Match X-Factor(c) def. the Backyarders and Air Force One in ten minutes, mainly due to Foxx and Dragon having another miscommunication (D-) Citizen X and Nemesis do our now-traditional setting up of the main event with insults (D) --CZCW Title: Nemesis II def. Citizen X in nine minutes (C-). Show rating: D Well, Nemesis may have just saved his title reign... and X isn't going to be cut now... that narrows the field down quite a bit. And just in time for the end of the month, a pattented Coastal Zone Mistake! We have a confession to make, we just did something we swore we'd never do, and replaced the savegame with the backup. Why? Well... someone forgot to triple-check the venue they chose for Week 4. We blew a quarter-million bucks on a huge venue with just under three hundred tickets. So... yeah, I'm reloading. Don't like it? Tough. If I lose the job, I want it to be because I suck, not because I made a big mistake. October 2008, Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live, Take Two From the San Louis Potosi Hall, West-Central Mexico --Angel De Mexico def. William Crash in ten minutes (D) Fox Mask and Rod Remus set up our main event (E+) --Xtreme Title: Rod Remus draws Fox Mask(c) via double countout at eleven minutes (D+) Show rating: D CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH CZCW has released the following wrestlers: Kid Toma and Ultimate Phoenix. We with them the best of luck with their other promotio... oh, Toma doesn't have another promotion? Well, I'm sure it won't be long... October was over, and we'd brought in another seven grand. Just two more months, and it looked like we'd make it... but everyone on the roster was complaining about not being used. Now that we'd cut free some of the expensive weight, maybe we could figure out a way to let people work without breaking the bank? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Does it matter if we keep our job if everyone wants to leave?
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There wasn't really a -good- commercial in the entire Super Bowl... but hey, there aren't any here, either! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So let's get right into it then, shall we? We don't like being on the second page. November, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Marc Speed def. Masked Cougar in nine minutes (C-) Mario Heroic and Angel de Mexico set up the main event with various lucha-related boasting (E+) --Mario Heroic def. Angel de Mexico in twelve minutes (C-) Show rating: C- Much, much better. Maybe people were afraid of being let go? Regardless, Heroic was doing better, and the undercarders were starting to step up, too. Worried about being let go, maybe? Well... at least one of them was up for renewal, and we didn't plan on renewing it... Perhaps, however, it was time to start setting up Year In Review, as it would be our last big show of the year, and our last shot to make any extra money we needed. But we'd have help... New shows for the coming season: SWF Lightning, CGC Progression, and... the return of Welcome to the Coastal Zone on Los Desportes Hoy, now an hour earlier at 11pm... and on Mondays. November 2008, Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico --Triple Threat Loser-Leaves-Town Match: Nathanial Casino def. Fearless Blue and Andre Gorman by pinning Andre Gorman at nine minutes (E+) Announced for CZCW Year In Review: Plague vs Fox Mask for the Xtreme Title, as Plague cuts a promo about the match (E+) --Plague def. Masked Cougar in thirteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D Yeah, we got rid of Gorman. He wasn't going to improve much more, and he had a bit of an ego problem. We'd keep an eye on him tho. LUCHALIBRENEWS.COM After being open for... well... seemingly forever, Mexican Hardcore Wrestling has been purchased by Leo Davis, a former American wrestler with almost no business or booking experience. This should be a fun train wreck to watch, folks! On the next Coastal Zone: Who will Nemesis face at Year In Review? Will there be a tag title match? And what will happen in the last two weeks before we return to television?
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Insert witty opening line here. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yes, it -is- bad that some people have had Plague as champion for three years. But we'll explain why after Year in Review when we recap how everyone's doing so far. November 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Snap Dragon def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx in eleven minutes (C-) Hype video for Fox v Plague at Year In Review (D-) --Citizen X def. Rod Remus in eleven minutes (D-) We announce that was a #1 Contender's match for Year In Review. It'll be X vs Nemesis (D-) Show rating: D Okay, could've been better, but we're starting to see a pattern emerge from some of these results. We were already begining to formulate a plan for our two shows a week... we'd always host TV from the Southwest (Most likely, the Snake Pit as ticket prices would make holding it at the Grissom Auditorium less profitable on anything but a sell-out) and use the half-hour events to tour the US, as we'd already gotten Mexico up into E+s. And the Internet had brought us up to E- everywhere else... expansion from here on was going to be tricky and require some really good shows. November 2008, Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico --Marion Heroic def. Mark Smart in seven minutes (D) Fox and Nemesis cut promos on their Year In Review opponents (E+, E+) --Fox Mask draws Nemesis II in a fifteen-minute time-limit (D+) Show rating: D+ And that's November, done in two quick posts. It's TV time again, folks. Which means, with our re-turned roster and rejuvenated Southwest, we should be able to get along and even make some money this time around. So how much money do we need to make in the last month of the year? On the next Coastal Zone: We have to make HOW MUCH???
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Where it all begins... again... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We'd decided that the 'Welcome to the Coastal Zone' name would be reserved for the TV show... our new Tuesday 'touring show' would be called CZCW American Tour. And not just because that would put it at the top of alphabetical lists. So lets get this started! ... oh, wait, you want to know how much money we need to make, don't you? Well, after November, our bank balance was... $465,000. We'd managed to meet our goal with a month to spare, and as long as we didn't blow fifteen grand that didn't see a return, we would be sittin' pretty. Which... means we'll manage to hit Cult this month and suddenly have to pay a hundred grand in expenses, won't we? December 2008, Week 1, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit! --Nathanial Casino def. William Crash in seven minutes (D-) We announce a Tidal #1 Contendership for next week between The Backyarders and Air Force One (E-) --Daredevil Aero def. Snap Dragon when Super Sonic interferes at eight minutes (E+). The Backyarders proceed to cut a promo all over Dragon and his absent partner (E-) --Plague def. Rod Remus in nine minutes (D). Plague then hypes his match at Year In Review (D) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask(c) def. Marc Speed in sixteen minutes (D). Afterwards, Plague ran out and beat down Fox, staring at the Xtreme Title before leg-dropping it on Fox's head (D-) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.05. Being on an hour earlier caused a 66% increase in our ratings! Can I get a w00t w00t? December 2008, Week 1, Tuesday CZCW American Tour Biker's Paradise, New England, USA Hype video for the Tidal Contendership match (F) --Randy Matravers def. Fearless Blue in seven minutes (E-) Hype video for Nemesis vs Citizen X (E+) --Masked Cougar def. Angel de Mexico in fifteen minutes (D) Show rating: D- Whoops, forgot to give the road agent a note on who should win that first match... we figured Blue would win it. Oh, well, it won't do any permenant damage... and it turns out the two have good chemistry. That could be good to know if we hold a show where these two are at all known. Right about now we read that you can edit your promotion... so I go in and make one edit. It won't affect us right now, but might in the future... CZCW is now an integrated promotion. If the girls want to compete? They can bring it. Granted, Alicia Strong is probably expensive right now, but someone else might be useful later. On the next Coastal Zone: It's not war, but the Zone makes a move on one of USPW's biggest names... of course, they're not currently employed anywhere, so...
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Where nothing is as it se... no, wait, everything is pretty much exactly as it seems. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! December 2008, Week 2, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit --Fearless Blue def. Zenshin Makioka in six minutes (E+) AF1 hypes the contendership match, stating they've had problems in the past... but to be champions will erase all their problems (E) --Backyarders def. AF1 in seven minutes due to interference from Fearless Blue and manager Ashley Grover (D). Announce X-Factor defending against the Backyarders at Year In Review (E) Citizen X tells us all how confident he is that he'll defeat Nemesis easily at YiR (D) --Citizen X def. Ben Williams in nine minutes (E+) Nemesis comes out for his match while Citizen X is leaving from his, and the two get into a brawl in the passageway. Remmy Remus has to get up from the announce table and help Pee-Wee break the two up (D-) --CZCW Title: Nemesis II def. Masked Cougar in seventeen minutes (D+) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.05 Yeah, a couple bad matches, but they were mainly for storyline reasons... tho if X couldn't drag Williams to a D, we were a little worried. December 2008, Week 2, Tuesday CZCW American Tour Weston Gymnasium, TriState region, USA --Zeshin Makioka def. Randy Matravers (E) Hype for YiR: Tidal Titles, Xtreme Title, and CZCW Title (F, E-, E+) --Mark Smart def. Cal Sanders (E+) Show rating: E+ Oh, and folks? Say hello to the newest member of the Zone... our first official Road Agent... Captain USA! Yeah, expensive, and he can't go in the ring anymore... but he can still teach the young kids something. At least, we hope so. On the next Coastal Zone: Two weeks until Year In Review. We're currently down just over seven grand for the month. If we keep this up, we need to make sure YiR makes money... but with matches already signed, can we watch the bottom line?
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[QUOTE=Remianen;196142]This has been an extremely entertaining diary thus far. But I think Year in Review is going to bring you awfully close to gettin' fired. :([/QUOTE] Any why shouldn't it? Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2k5 had pretty much that exact thing happen (I crunched the numbers afterwards; I believe I was fired due to being $24 short on the goal). What better thing for this dynasty to do than to succeed at the same task it's predecessor failed?
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We laugh in the face of unemployment! Ha ha ha! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Not wanting to tire out the Southwest crowds in the weeks before Year in Review, we decided to take the TV show on the road. December 2008, Week 3, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from dang-near the Palacio del Lucha, Nothern Mexico We open with Citizen X cutting a promo about how he's two weeks away from taking the CZCW Title away from 'that punk-ass kid' (E+). Out comes Mario Heroic, who says X doesn't deserve the title, because he doesn't honor the traditions of wrestling. X says skill, not respect, determines winners... and Mario invites him to prove it tonight (D). --Plague def. Angel de Mexico in thirteen minutes in a lucha libre match (D) Hype video for Plague vs Fox (E+) --X-Factor def. Fearless Blue & Ashley Grover in a non-title match in seven minutes. The goal was to show the Backyarders using everything, even their manager, to wear down X-Factor in the weeks heading up to YiR. (E+) Hype video for YiR's tag match (F) and for X vs Nemesis (E) --Citizen X def. Mario Heroic in eighteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.05. Looks like that was going to be our 'stable' rating for now. We're cool with that. ... okay, we were going to hold one short show in the Southwest. Just for extra cash, to be careful. December 2008, Week 3, Tuesday CZCW American Tour from the almost sold-out Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Masked Cougar def. William Crash in six minutes (D+) Rod Remus comes out to complain about how he deserves a title shot at YiR. Out comes Fox Mask, saying the Zone provides for those who work for it... and tells Remus that he'll be at YiR as Xtreme Champion, if he can beat Fox Mask for the title tonight (D-) --Xtreme Title: Fox Mask(c) def. Rod Remus in fifteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ Oh, come on! D+? One of the better segments we've done, a decent main event, and a non-sucky opener, and we still only rate a D+??? And that was only the first shock of the week. The second came during negotiations with a certain worker... who had gotten so popular they were asking nearly double that of our highest-paid worker! Guess who isn't getting a contract renewed? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: It's the week of Year In Review, but we've got a TV show and a small touring event to run first. How wil they change the face of our last show of 2008?
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We're not addicted to the game... just to the fifteen seconds of fame that this brings us. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! A brief programming note: Tonight, the rest of December. Tomorrow: Year In Review. Thursday: We celebrate the end of Welcome to the Coastal Zone's sixth week with a recap of where we are, where we've been, and what happened to those who've left us. As an interesting note, the Lucha Libre revival in Mexico seems to be coming to an end... both the industry and economy got up to B- before falling back to C-levels. December 2008, week 4, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Merida Resort, Southeast Mexico We open with Nemesis making an open challenge, and Snap Dragon accepting (E) --Mark Speed def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx in thirteen minutes (E+) Hype for Fox v Plague at YiR (E+) Ashley and Daredevil Aero hype the Backyarders/X-Factor match (F+) --Daredevil Aero def. Mark Smart in eight minutes when Ashley interfered (E) Hype for X-Factor/Backyarders (F) --CZCW Title: Nemesis(c) def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes (E+) Show rating: E+ TV rating: 0.0.... 0? I don't blame them for turning it off... Okay, that show sucked an egg. Central Mexico just wasn't kind to us, it seemed. December, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday CZCW American Tour From the Rainbow Bar & Grill, Southeast USA Hype for Fox v Plauge (E-) --William Crash def. Cal Sanders (E-) Hype for Backyarders/X-Factor (F-) --Super Sonic def. Randy Matravers (F+) Hype for Nemesis vs Citizen X (E+) --Ben Williams def. Zenshin Makioka (E-) Show rating: E-. Okay, so it -was- possible to put on a show that didn't help us in a place we'd never visited before. Didn't think that'd happen yet. Anyway, we have one big show left, and then... that's it for the year. We're currently four grand above our goal... so we've got some wiggle room for YiR. But we've only got three matches scheduled so far... and one of them isn't going to last very long... at least, not if we want to salvage a hope of it being good... we might need to break out something major... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Year In Review! Announced matches: CZCW Title: Nemesis II vs Citizen X Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Fox Mask vs Plague Tidal Tag Title Match: X-Factor (Ben Williams & Mark Smart) vs The Backyarders (Daredevil Aero & Super Sonic) Possible matches: Lucha Libre Action: Mario Heroic vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico Tag Match: Air Force One vs ??? Mass Jobber Chaos
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2008! December, 2008. Week 4, Sunday Live from the "What do you mean, not sold out?" Snake Pit We open the show with Air Force One, who say they've finally set aside their differences, because while guys like Fox, Plague, X, and Nemesis hogging the spotlight, along with the Xtreme and CZCW titles, they've decided they're better off showing that they're the best tag team in the Zone, and they'd prove it tonight... if the Zone's other two tag teams weren't busy. But wait, here comes... Marc Speed... and Nathanial Casino? They tell AF1 there there's a new team in town, and nobody's better than... Fast Money. And tonight, they prove it (E+) Undercard Madness -- Five Man Elimination Hardcore Match Cal Sanders vs Fearless Blue vs Randy Matravers vs William Crash vs Zeshin Makioka A little chaos to warm up the crowd, ending with Zeshin getting the surprise elimination of Fearless Blue to win (E-) Plague cuts a promo on Fox Mask (D) A video plays hyping the lucha skills on display in our next match (E+) Lucha Libre, Coastal Style Angel de Mexico vs Mario Heroic vs Masked Cougar Decent-length match that mainly focuses on Heroic and Cougar battling back and forth with Angel trying to sneak in moves and wins. Our ending comes when Angel tries to land a kick on Heroic, hits Cougar instead, and Heroic capitalizes for the pinfall (D-) X-Factor taunts the Backyarders, telling them to go back to suplexes on trampolines (E+) Fox Mask cuts a promo on Plague (D+) Tag Team Match Air Force One vs Fast Money Meh match that does it's job: Introduce the new team and give them a win (D-) Ashley Grover and the Backyarders hype up the Tidal Tag Title match (E) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Plague Nearly twenty minutes of action from these two and a lot of back and forth, ending in what some see as an upset: Plague lands a giant sunset flip powerbomb on Fox from the top of the ladder to the floor at ringside and, after a minute to recover, climbs the ladder to retrieve the Xtreme Title (D+) Citizen X and Nemesis cut dueling promos on each other (D, D+) Tidal Tag Title Match X-Factor(c) vs The Backyarders (w/Ashley) Short match that's slightly better than anyone expected, and X-Factor retains (E+) Hype video for Nemesis vs Citizen X (D+) CZCW Title Match Nemesis II (c) vs Citizen X Simple and to the point, these two go back and forth for fourteen minutes until an unseen low blow and a grab of the tights, and folks, we have a new champion in Citizen X. (D) Show rating: D-.
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Where sometimes the kick is wide, sometimes the kick is short, but y'know, it's not the kick... it's the goal. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. We lost money in December. We were expecting a sell out for YiR, and weren't sure why we didn't get one. But the end result was what mattered, and we lost money. Six grand. Meaning we were still nine grand over our goal of having more money than when we started. Our job was secured. So to celebrate... WELCOME TO THE COASTAL ZONE: The First Two Years Our current roster: Cliff Anderson, owner and color commentary William Peers, head booker and (poor) color commentary Remmington Remus, lead announcer Captain USA, road agent Pee-Wee Germaine, referee Enhancement Talent and Openers Cal Sanders -- The Leaping Lumberjack of Canada, Cal has become more of a technical wrestler than a flier, fighting in a Super Junior style. Mark Smart -- He's just proud to be in wrestling, and even prouder to be a co-holder of the Tidal Tag Titles. He just wishes he could find a way to get over. Randy Matravers -- No relation to Adam, although he uses the last name as a buoy for his ego. He's really just a bitter egomaniac with a grasp of the basics and some flying skills... and nothing else. Zeshin Makioka -- Formerlly of WEXXV, this spot monkey has great natural agility; if he gets some proper training, he could be a star. Lower Midcarders Ben Williams -- The former 'Bump Machine' of the indys, Williams is slowly growing into a good all-around wrestler. Co-holder of the Tidal Tag Titles Super Sonic -- The Redneck Luchador and former backyard wrestler, he's hoping he can improve more than everyone thinks he can. Micarders Angel De Mexico -- A rising star in the lucha business, Angel plays a young patriot who tries to represent his chosen sport to the utmost. Ashley Grover -- Protege of former Zone announcer Farrah Hesketh, shley seres as the manager of the Backyarders. She's also got some decent skills of her own, just needs some fine turning. Fearless Blue -- Former backyard wrestler and gymnast, Blue is mostly flash, very little substance. Flying Jimmy Foxx -- A free spirit who's a fairly average high flier, Foxx is starting to realize he may never make the big time. He's already 30 and still working on pay-per-appearance. Nathanial Casino -- A solid cruiserweight who has the looks and the mic skills to become big someday, he's in the Zone trying to get noticed. Marc Speed -- "Speedball" is an admittedly average super junior. His main high points are his good grasp of the basics and performance skills. Upper Midcarders Fox Mask -- He's the Locke of the Zone (Well, Locke from before Lost started to suck). Believe in the Zone, trust in the Zone, and the Zone will take care of you. Masked Cougar -- A cruiser with Lucha influences, Cougar is only 25 and can only get better with age. Roderick Remus -- Rookie phenom, only twenty years old... and feeling the sting of falling out of 'main eventer' status, the result of being pushed beyond his average skills. Snap Dragon -- One of the veterans of the Zone, he's mastered the basics and concentrates on a solid super-junior skillset. Main Eventers Citizen X -- A decent flier with good mic skills, X is a solid performer who has recently captured the CZCW Title. Nemesis II -- Son of the original Nemesis, Ash Campbell worked under a mask for the begining of his career, not wanting people to judge him on his name. But since he's been revealed, he's milked his name for all it's worth... and began to choke when pushed into the spotlight. Mario Heroic -- One of the greatest Mexican imports to the Zone, Mario is an amazingly charismatic flier. However, he joined the Zone while recovering from a nearly severed spinal cord, and has yet to regain his previous level of performance. Plague -- The oldest active Zoner at 34, Plague is one of the greatest cruiserweights not in the big leagues, held back by a simply average charisma. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Former members of the Zone roster -- what have they been up to this year? Air Attack Weasel: Currently a lower-midcarder for 4C, turning out D+/C- matches. Alicia Strong: Unemployed since the death of 5SSW in November 2007. Beach Babe Bunny: Unemployed. We figured BSC would've grabbed her up. Calamari Kid: Main Eventer for RIPW. Interesting, since SWF cut him loose. Cameron Vessey: Upper-Midcarder for MAW, averaging C-. DeCipher: Still on contract with OLLIE on a C- streak. Donnie J: Unemployed. Farrah Hesketh: Color commentator for AAA, CGC, and USPW. Frankie Perez: Upper-midcarder in RIPW, C- average. Fumihiro Ota: Unemployed after a two-show stint with TCW. Works indy shows. Insane Machine: Touring with INSPIRE, also did a tour with BHOTWG. Still working through neck-nerve damage. James Prudence: Unemployed. Even the indy shows stopped hiring him. Java & Savage Fury: Still working for USPW. Lost their USPW titles (and, supposedly, CZCW tag titles) to Des Davids and Jim Force, never regained them. Jeremiah Moose: Unemployed. Not putting on good matches at the indy shows, either. The Gilbert Brothers: Still with CGC. Kid Toma: Unemployed. Matt Sparrow: Lower-midcarder for TCW, averaging C+ matches. Three-time All-Action Champion, for a total of six months and 26 defenses. Remmy Skye: Working for 4C, USPW, and DAVE. Steve Flash: NYCW midcarder. Good C/C+ average rating though. Ultimate Phoenix: Upper-midcarder for SOTBPW. Pulled off a B+ with Axxis Jr and a B with El Demonico. On the next Coastal Zone: Title histories, we explain the CZCW/USPW/Tidal Tag thing, and the most surprising news stories of 2008. And Friday: Who is asking for so much money we'll be forced to say "Hit the road, Jack?" Hint: His name isn't Jack.
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Just curious how you got a tv show so early (its been bugging me forever) Because I'm in like 2012, and I don't even have a TV show yet. (I dunno if I just suck, but all my shows have been increasing popularity, and with the 450000 budget, I was running a show once a week trying to just cut my losses for the gain in popularity...) I've gotten southeast up to C-, Northwest to D-, and everywhere else E.
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;196688]Just curious how you got a tv show so early (its been bugging me forever) Because I'm in like 2012, and I don't even have a TV show yet. (I dunno if I just suck, but all my shows have been increasing popularity, and with the 450000 budget, I was running a show once a week trying to just cut my losses for the gain in popularity...) I've gotten southeast up to C-, Northwest to D-, and everywhere else E.[/QUOTE] I don't know if it will work for non-Zone promotions, as it's fairly specific. Get up to D- in the Southwest, get up to E/E- everywhere in Mexico, and talk to Los Desportes Hoy. They only deal in those four areas, so you look fairly good to them.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;196682]On the next Coastal Zone: Title histories, we explain the CZCW/USPW/Tidal Tag thing[/quote] Oh good, I was beggining to wonder ¬_¬ [quote]Who is asking for so much money we'll be forced to say "Hit the road, Jack?" Hint: His name isn't Jack.[/QUOTE] I'm guessing Snap Dragon. Since, based on the assumption that everyone got nine-month contracts, he'd be the only male up for renewal (and even if it was a female, I can't see Grover improving much at all to ask for a huge sum) ¬_¬ Yes, THAT'S how much attention I pay ¬_¬
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone's two-year anniversary party! CZCW Title Histories CZCW Title Donnie J - November 2006 - January 2007, 1 defense James Prudence until March 2007, 4 defenses Fox Mask (sixth reign) until September 2007, 9 defenses Ultimate Phoenix until February 2008, 10 defenses Plague until April 2008, 6 defenses Roderick Remus until August 2008, 10 defenses Nemesis II until December 2008, 9 defenses Citizen X -- current Xtreme title Insane Machine until April 2007, 5 defenses Roderick Remus until June 2007, 2 defenses Sam 'Calamari Kid' Pratt until September 2007, 4 defenses Insane Machine (second reign) until November 2007, 1 defense Rod Remus (second reign) until February 2008, 5 defenses Nemesis II (as Masked Man) until April 2008, 4 defenses Title stripped due to no-showing a title match. Insane Machine (third reign) until June 2008, two defenses Fox Mask until December 2008, 14 defenses Plague -- current CZCW Tag Titles .. y'know what? Doesn't matter. Won by Java and Tribal Warrior in June 2008, taken with them when contracts were terminated in late June 2008. Technically now unified with the USPW tag titles. Tidal Tag Titles X-Factor (Ben Williams & Mark Smart) from August 2008 to current. 3 defenses. Seperate title lineage. ----------------------------------------- Most surprising stories of the year 5) The Big Bad fails a steroid test... while unemployed. 4) Pistol Pete Hall retires. 3) The Chaos Demons are no longer on speaking terms. 2) Promotions close in droves: 5SSW, GCG, WLW, JEF, UCR, 21CW, ROF all bite the dust. 1) Sam Strong and Bruce the Giant are no longer friends. ------------------------------------------ Outside the Zone: How've they been doing? Angel de Mexico: Midcarder for MHW and MPWF. Citizen X: Main eventing RIPW and a lower-midcarder in DAVE. Mario Heroic: Main eventing USPW and lower-midcarder in SOTBPW. USPW National champion for two months and counting. Masked Cougar: Upper-midcarder for OLLIE and former Campion de Mexico for four months. Nemesis II: Midcarder for USPW Plague: Main eventer for MHW. Former WLW Tap Out champ (no defenses) and Burning Junior Tag Champ with Yoshii Shiomi (stripped after winning). --------------------------- Poll: Who is most likely to return to the Zone first? Alicia Strong, Donnie J, Insane Machine, Java, Matt Sparrow, or Remy Skye? ---------------------------- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Actual shows!
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Did I say six weeks? It's more like seven. But regardless... seven weeks. 220 posts. 4,500 views. You love us, you really love Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We knew we forgot something... here are the awards for 2008. Current Zoners on the Top 100: None Former Zoners on the Top 100: None Card of the Year: PGHW Year of Wrestling Match of the Year: Jeremy Stone and Sean McFly go to a double-countout as NOTBPW Jeopardy in June. Most Improved Promotion of the Year: INSPIRE Promotion of the Year: TCW Female Wrestler of the Year: Sensational Ogiwara Veteran of the Year: Pistol Pete Hall Young Wrestler of the Year: Emerald Angel Wrestler of the Year: Shuji Inukai Interesting note: Shuji is only #2 on the Top 100 list, beaten by Eisaku Kunomasu. January 2009, Week 1, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Lie from the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, Northern Mexico Rod Remus comes out to announce that he's insulted he has to take part in a tournament to determine the #1 Contender. THe shot should be his, by right (E+) --Angel de Mexico def. Cal Sanders in eight minutes (D-) Angel then says he wants the Xtreme Title, and he's willing to face Plague in whatever match he wants to get it (D-) --CZCW Title Tournament: Masked Cougar def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes (D) Fox Mask and Nemesis do dueling promos to hype the main event (E+, E+) --CZCW Title Tournament: Fox Mask def. Nemesis in fifteen minutes (E+) Show rating: D- TV rating: 0.01??? Nemesis was -really- stinking up the joint for some reason lately. We were going to have to consider de-pushing him... so far, our three major home-grown stars were all somewhat to very disappointing (Andre Gorman, Rod Remus, Nemesis II). January, 2009. Week 1, Tuesday CZCW American Tour The Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Marc Speed def. Ben Williams in seven minutes (D-) --Mark Smart def. Nathanial Casino via Williams-ference in seven minutes (D) Hype video for Fox v Cougar next week (D) --Angel de Mexico def. Fearless Blue in six minutes (E) Show rating: E+ Whoopsie. Angel and Blue don't click. But we'd get a little opperating capital, just in case our new goals involved money. And those goals are... We must not fall in size over the next year. We'd better be careful how many more stinkers of a tour we put on, then. Also... Cliff wanted to develop home-grown stars, so no hiring anyone who works for other promotions. That would make things difficult... and after seeing Machine struggle through pain and Heroic's state after his accident, Cliff said we couldn't hire people with below-average Resilience. That... could lower our possibilities.... let's see... nope, looks like everyone with a decent aerial skill also had decent resilience. Not a problem, bossman! On the next Coastal Zone: Fox vs Cougar for the #1 Contendership, will Plague accept Angel's challenge, and where's Citizen X?
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Tonight, questions will be answered... but will we like the answers? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We decided to try something different, as we realized that TV shows didn't have to be filmed in the areas they were broadcast. We could easily do TV shows from across America, and run small events around Mexico, benefiting from the TV show's popularity to bring in more tickets for sub-par shows. Of course, the TV shows could suck due to a lack of crowd reaction... so we'd try it once and see how it works... At least, that was the plan. January 2009, Week 2, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Hunter's Town Hall, Midwest USA Angel de Mexico starts things off saying that he obviously has to try harder to get Plague's attention... so tonight, he's challenged a former champion in Nemesis (F) --CZCW Title Tournament: Fox Mask def. Masked Cougar in fourteen minutes (D-). Out comes Citizen X to congratulate Fox... and to inform him that the title match he just won? Is tonight's main event. (E+) --Angel de Mexico def. Nemesis in thirteen minutes (D-) Dueling promos for Fox Mask and Citizen X (E+, E) --CZCW Title Match: Fox Mask def. Citizen X(c) in fourteen minutes when Citizen X is distracted by... Alicia Strong??? (D-) Show rating: D-. TV rating: 0.00. Argh. Not good, not good at all... Good enough to help in Mexico, probably not enough to help any in the Southwest. So we'd have to decide, what was more important... being able to make money consistently, or growing to make -more- money later on? And we'd found part of what our TV problem was... we were going up against Sebastian's World, which was pulling a 12.14 rating. January, 2009. Week 2, Tuesday CZCW American Tour Fom the sold-out San Louis Potosi Hall, West-Central Mexico. Yes, we're aware of the tour name. --Zeshin Makioka def. Randy Matravers (E-) --Tidal Tag Titles: Fast Money def. X-Factor(c) via DQ (E+) Hype video for the whole Fox/X/Alicia thing (E-) --Angel de Mexico def. Citizen X (E+) Show rating: E+ CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH CZCW announces they will not be renewing the contract of Citizen X. We wish him luck in his future endeavors, and hope he finds someone who will pay him what he wants to be paid... 'cause we're not paying him double what he was making before. The ceremonial Jobbing of the Leaver was complete... can you believe X wanted $1,800 an appearance? His time in DAVE and RIPW was going to his head. Luckily, Alicia's asking price had come down since the last time we checked, and she would make a perfect replacement. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Alicia left the Zone after losing to Fox... so why help him win? Will Plague respond to Angel? And will we ever bother finding a new name for X-Factor now that X is no longer with the company?
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Home of the "Work cheap or work elsewhere" policy. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! January 2009, Week 3, Monday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Merida Resort, Southeast Mexico We announce our main event: Fox & Alicia vs Nemesis & Remus. (E-) --Nathanial Caino def. Ben Williams in nine minutes (E) Backstage, Fox asks Alicia "WTF???"... using other words, of course. "Remember when I left the Zone? It was because I couldn't beat you, couldn't win that title. And I swore to you I wouldn't come back... until I knew I could. Well, I'm here. And nobody's taking that title from you until I get my shot at it." (E+) --Xtreme Title: Plague(c) def. Fearless Blue in six minutes via DQ when Angel de Mexico runs in and chairs Plague (D-). Afterwards, Angel continues with the beatdown, shouting "Can you ignore me now???" (E) Backstage, Rod Remus and Nemesis bicker about how they have to team up tonight (E) --Alicia Strong & Fox Mask def. Nemesis & Rod Remus in twenty-three minutes when Alicia pinned Nemesis. (E+) Show rating: E+. TV rating: 0.00. We were figuring on a good match for the main event, but forgot about how non-over some of our people were in Mexico. And those ratings were really begining to worry us... maybe we could switch dates or something... January 2009, Week 3, Tuesday CZCW American Tour Club X, Northwest USA --Cal Sanders def. Zenshin Makioka (E) Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic start off joking, then go into Yo Momma jokes, then begin insulting each other, and finally Ashley tells them to hae a match tonight and get it out of their systems so they can go back to being a team (E-) --Super Sonic def. Daredeil Aero (F+) Show rating: E-. Well, that didn't help us any, but it also didn't hurt us any. And it was cheap. And then we realized, we didn't have to worry about 'cheap' anymore... we didn't have any financial goals... WE COULD BLOW THE BUDGET!!! W00T! On the next Coastal Zone: At twenty grand a month, we've still got a couple years of funds. Let's get spending! ... and no, we're not bringing back X.
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[subliminal message][COLOR="White"]Steve Flash![/COLOR][/subliminal message] Sad to see Ash flaming out like that. Maybe look for some workers with above average Performance skills along with the aerial to maybe cover up some of the young guys' weaknesses? Like, oh I dunno, no one seems to come to mind. *cough*
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