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My First Diary Attempt

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[B][CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: SHOW DOWN RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]The night starts off with Head Booker Clayton coming to the ring. He said that he's made a terrible mistake in booking the show tonight and it seems that Hell Monkey had previous arrangements that wouldn't allow him to be here tonight. But to make it up to the fans the winner of the Insane Machine Barry Kingman match will stay in the ring and wrestle The Mean Machine for the title.[/B] Notes: E+ I'm very disappointed in myself to not realize that one of my main event workers had another show to do, guess I was getting used to running shows the last friday of every month. [B]Antonio defeats Cal Sanders in 7:52 by pinfall after an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: D+ Another solid opening match for Cal. He may have lost but he's gaining popularity in my eyes. [B]Harry Wilson defeated Rafael Ruiz in 10:36 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ a solid match by both of these two, I'd like to see them improve their grade later on [B]Barry Kingman defeats Insane Machine in 12:31 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C+ This is why I broght these two in here, as long as I don't lose them to the compatition they are the future of MAW [B]The Mean Machine defeats Barry Kingman in 15:23 by pinfall after a Mood Swing[/B] Notes: C+ Another great match by these two, I can't wait to break into the B range. The Mean Machine made his 2nd title defense, and Barry is improving his Performance Skills[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- The fans were mad that Hell Monkey didn't show up, my bad. Attendence was at 177 which is down again I need to think of ways to bring that back up. We lost 1,400 dollars which while is still bad at least its better than months past.
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[CENTER]11 October 07[/CENTER] Well appearantly the competition is reading my diary becuse as soon as I said how much faith I had in Insane Machine and how I hoped no one would steal him away, they did excatly that. Insane Machine just left my office to inform me that he has taken up a touring contract with PGHW and would like to leave this company because he has so many more obligations. Along with PGHW he's also working for CZCW and WLW. He said having a fourth obligation was stretching him to thin and since we were the smallest of the four he would be leaving us. As much as I wanted to suplex him through my table I decided against it mainly because if he leaves here on good terms we can quickly sign him again after his tour is completed. At the monthly meeting Rip said he's sick of losing money and I need to do something to stop it NOW! I was actually expecting this conversation many months ago, although he told me that I couldn't be below 15,000 by next year that didn't mean could blow as much money as I wanted. I told him I had already taken precautions with the next show by down grading it from Medium to Small that should save us about 1000 dollars and I would just book conservativly from here on out to close out the year. He said that would be fine as long as it didn't turn away fans. He then asked if I planned on hiring on any new talent since we lost Insane Machine and I told him no I was happy with our current roster and they would just have to step up to the task. After work I had to skip my now routine session of wrestling school to attend my interview with a beautiful reporter named Tabby. When I got to the resturant I saw she had already beaten me there and looked absolutly amazing. I made my way over to her table and she immediatly got to work. [I]Mr. Adams you've seemed to turn Mid Atlantic Wrestling complelty around almost over night, tell me what is your secret? There's no secret at all. he just brought in a few fresh faces and increased our advertising, and now, well here we are. It's rumored that even with all your success MAW is still losing money and can't keep up with the expenses how do you respond to that? While it's true that we have encountered a few financial problems we are still far from bankrupt and plan to limit some of our expenses in hopes to turn a profit. It was recently reported many of your wrestlers have began taking steriods what do you have to say about that? I assure you that steriod use is strongly prohibited in MAW and we test on a regualr basis right well mr adams what I have here is documentation from one of your former employess who says he hasn't been tested for drugs since you came into power, and you've even encouraged it during your meeting with some of the wrestlers? I what? Where did you... It also says that you've been having a relationship with one of your workers by the name of Nicole Kiss Wh... did you call me here to set me up? This interview is over Mr Adams can I at least get a statement about...[/I]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: WHERE IT ALL BEGINS AGAIN LIVE THURSDAY OCTOBER 26, 2007[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]CAMERON VESSEY VS Steven Parker[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]ALSO IN ACTION: [B]ANTONIO VS ERIK STRONG RAFAEL RUIZ VS HARRY WILSON CAL SANDERS VS JOSS THOMPSON[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;177861]Tough luck with EXILE, man. How much money do you have left?[/QUOTE] Yeah I was really hoping to push Exile i really do like him. I still have 41,000 so I'm good I think by the next Rip Invitational I should be good profit wise
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Haha the ambush interview was brilliant. It showed you acting like a typical horndog (would you have given her the interview if she was fat & ugly?) and getting caught out there as a result. It also showed how much growth you have yet to do (a more seasoned person in that situation would've been able to refute the allegations without batting an eye). I like this diary a lot :)
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: WHERE IT ALL BEGINS AGAIN RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]Cal Sanders defeats Joss Thompson in 6:40 by submission[/B] Notes: D+ A great way to open the night with Cal picking up the easy victory and getting a bit of a streak going [B]Nicole Kiss comes out and introduces Erik Strong for the next match[/B] Notes: F+ this wasn't a good idea at all, someone should tell these fans to lighten up when it comes to angles [B]Erik Strong defeats Antonio in 9:12 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D Antonio had the match won until Nicole Kiss jumped onto the apron and distraced him allowing Erik to roll him up for the easy pin [B]Rafael Ruiz defeats Harry Wilson in 15:04 by submission[/B] Notes: D+ Not a bad match, I expected a little bit more from these two but still a solid performance [B]Steven Parker defeats Cameron Vessey in 18:18 by pinfall after a Future Shock[/B] Notes: C Vessey was visibly tired at the end of the match, which probably took away from the ratings. Still a solid match for these two though.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- Another great show helped out popularity. Attendence was up to 214 which is great news for me since I tried to go light on the big names. And it looks like it paid off as we turned the corner and made a profit this month of 668 dollars. Not a huge amount but better than being in the red
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[B][CENTER]15 November 07[/CENTER][/B] (First I would like to point out that we reached a working agreement with USPW just days before last months show and used that agreement to get Joss Thompson added to our roster, just in case their was confussion on why he was at the last show.) So this is my official one year mark with the company, and after the show last month I thought I could do no wrong, luckly for me (or unlucky for me would be a better way of saying it) as soon as I walked into the office Sophie greeted me with, no not a kiss on the cheek, a grim look and only said "there are a few papers for you on your desk, and the boss wants to see you, he doesn't sound happy." I thought to myself, how bad can it be really? We just turned in not only on of our best shows, but we did it while turning a profit what more could the old man want? I decided to check the papers on my desk briefly before seeing Rip. As I opened my office door I realized this my take more than a minute. Spilled over my desk where a few local papers and their were still things coming from the fax machine. "What in the world?" I picked up the paper and decided to at least skim the headlines: [I][B]NOTBPW turns in another great show tonight and continues to grow reaching international levels. WLW has reportedly been in a huge financial slump and it's rumored that the bank has given them 90 days to pay off their loan or they will be closing the doors WEXXV reported yesterday that they to can no longer deal with the financial obligations of professional wrestling and my be closing their doors soon[/B][/I] Of the three headlines the one that scared me the most was the first. NOTBPW is based out of Canada and normally I wouldn't even glance at a headline about them, however every one in the wrestling business knows that whenever a company reaches a certin point in popularity they would be expected to inflate the size of their roster, and we had more than a few qualified people to fill their ranks. shallowing hard I inched my way over to the fax machine dreading the news I feared worst. Drawing a long breath I picked up the papers from the machine and read them outloud to myself. [I][B]From the office of Mr. Dan Stone, NOTBPW: As of 2359 on October 31, 2007 we have agreed in writting to a contract with Harry Wilson and Barry Kingman. This contract is bindable by law and superceeds any PPA contract you may have in place with these gifted athletes[/B][/I] I began to shake uncontrolably. they wouldn't even give me the common curtisy to tell me face to face, or at least give me a call. I had to find out this way? The respect I once had for NOTBPW began to fade quickly as I read over the statement again, it felt like he was mocking me with the words "these fine athletes" like we weren't good enough to be graced with such high quality wrestlers. I wanted to declair war on them on the spot, but knew that would be suicide for this promotion and everything we've worked to get. Instead I'll have to leave it bottled inside until the day comes that we are popular enough to crush them! My train of thought was interrupted by a loud beep and Sophie telling me that Rip wanted to see me NOW! I walked into Rip's office still confused by what he could possibly be so upset about, I didn't have to wait long to figure out As soon as the door shut behind me Rip spun around in his chair and slammed the Memphis Daily News down in front of me. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" He roared. Confused I looked at the headlines. [I][B]Local wrestling booker Clayton Adams doesn't deny the fact that he gives his wrestlers steroids, or that he enjoys "after hour" activites with one of the opposite sex[/B][/I] All of the blood in my body rushed from my head and I was as pale as a ghost. Damn the media, and that tramp reporter in that incredibly sexy miniskirt. I made a mental note to only do interviews with male reporters and even then it was skeptical. "I asked you to do one thing, one simple thing. Run this promotion to the best of your ability and keep all the negative publicity out of it. THIS SHOW AS HELL LOOKS NEGATIVE TO ME!" Rip slammed his fists onto the desk and for the first time in a year I was terrified of this man. I tried to defend myself several times but Rip wouldn't allow me to speak. Great where was all this Carisma I got from my father surely I could talk myself out of this, put a possitive spin on it. But no it's hard to get your point across when you're not allowed to speak. I left Rip's office just as quickly as I got there with specific instructions that I was no longer allowed to speak to the press until further notice. and if he so much as saw me look at Nicole the wrong way he would fire me as quickly as he hired me...so much for a good day
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: WILD RIDE RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Rip comes to the ring and appoliges to the fans about everything they read in the papers about his head booker. He says to show the fans that isn't the way Mid Atlantic Wrestling does business he's going to teach me a lesson. He says that at the Rip Chord Invitational i'll have my first ever pro wrestling match against... NATURAL STORM![/B] Notes: D- This announcement shocked me to say the least, but the fans seemed to love the idea of me getting my ass kicked in a handicapped match. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Ricky Douglas in 8:01 by submission[/B] Notes: D Another win by Cal the lumberjack. Although this one wasn't as impressive it still adds to the streak. [B]Natural Storm defeats Antonio and Thomas Morgan in 10:50 when Eddie made Thomas Morgan submit.[/B] Notes: D+ not to bad considering I was losing faith in my tag champs for awhile. This makes defense number 4. Thomas Morgan was the star of the segment, while D.C. Rayne improved his Rumbling skills. Thomas Morgan was a late free agent addition to our roster who wasn't going to debut till next month, but due to circuimstances beyond my control I had to bump him up to tonight [B]Hell Monkey defeats Erik Strong in 13:50 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: D I'm disappointed in this match, I know Hell Monkey has way more talent than that, even if he did have to carry Erik Strong. It's worth noting (although I hope I don't get fired for it) that Nicole Kiss did some good work at ringside. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Rafael Ruiz in 16:49 by pinfall after a Mood Swing[/B] Notes: C+ This was a great match that had Rafael improve on his Technical Skills. It also makes the 3rd title defense for The Mean Machine[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Not a bad show, although there were a couple matches that I felt under performed. The fans feel like I used Erik Strong to high up on the card and aren't happy about that. I drew in 204 people which makes 2 weeks in a row now I've been over 200. We lost 1,400 dollars this month, but it was expected due to the tag team match up.
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[CENTER][B]12 Dec 07[/B][/CENTER] Well for this being "the holiday season" it sure has been everything but good for me. First off the anouncement by Rip putting me in a handicap match next month took me completly by surprise, and while I'm excited about getting into the ring for the first time I also know how much pain I'm going to be in following the match. Then to top it off, I went to Rip's office for our monthly meeting and Sophie informed me that he's gone away on a "vaction" and won't return until the night of the Invitational. My head was spinning with what could be going on with him, but I had other matters to attend to. Our roster was still in bad shape following the raid that NOTBPW had on us. So I needed to beef it up a little. I did this by adding a couple of very good technical wrestlers Casey Valentine, The UK Dragon, and Marc Speed. They all signed 9 month PPA contracts with the UK Dragon's being the biggest at 1050. This was a little bit more than I would've liked to pay, but someone with his skills and leadership is really needed right now. I was then informed that Max Mayham's contract was coming to an end. After looking over his performance I didn't bother renewing it. I then got a phone call from one of my now good friends Shawn Gonzalez who said he just heard about last month's show and the drama that went along with it. He told me to stick it out and let me know that his roster is open to me whenever I need a hand. This was very good to know, but I didn't intend to Cherry pick from DAVE's roster, I was going to make a name for us using my own. It's also worth mentioning that NOTBPW tried to lure Steven Parker into a hefty written contract, but he stayed loyal to me and Rip and said this was where he belonged. My respect for that guy just tripled. I'm cutting all my days short at the office from now until the Invitational for some much needed ring practice. Even if I was going to get destroyed I planned on putting on a damn good show in the process.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: CHRISTMAS DISASTER LIVE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27, 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]STEVEN PARKER VS HELL MONKEY[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]CASEY VALENTINE VS RAFAEL RUIZ ANTONIO VS BURNING EXILE THOMAS MORGAN VS CAL SANDERS[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: CHRISTMAS DISASTER RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Head Booker Clayton Adams comes to the ring and says he's more than ready to take on the tag team champs and he's going to prove to the world the he's meant to be here.[/B] Notes: E+ Not a bad segment for me, I was actually surprsied how loud the booing was for me, seems like I've bexome quite the hell since my "interview" [B]Cal Sanders defeats Thomas Morgan in 8:04 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- Cal puts on another great match, he's truely a leader in this company. Thomas Morgan also looked solid and is a nice addition to our roster. [B]Burning EXILE defeats Antonio in 8:46 by pinfall with the EXILE driver[/B] Notes: D+ These two didn't click at all or the rating probably would've been even better. [B]Rafael Ruiz defeats Casey Valentine in 12:50 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ A solid match up with two of my futre stars. [B]Steven Parker defeats Hell Monkey in 16:44 by pinfall after a future shock[/B] Notes: C+ These two are great workers and put on another great show. The crowd really seems to like Hell Monkey[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- Anything in the C range always makes me happy, this was a greart show leading up to our biggest PPV of the year, and a nice way to end the year. We drew in 176 people which isn't much but considering the economy is at a D- and falling that is to be expected. The Wrestling industry is at B- and falling so it to is begining to get stale. He lost just 800 dollars this month, so while we didn't make a profit we didn't lose much either, all and all another very good show.
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[CENTER][B]7 January 08[/B][/CENTER] HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us here at MAW. This has been a pretty slow month for me here at the office as we prepare for the annual Rip Invitational where the winner will be granted a title shot at Revenage in April. We have made one signing though, Jimmie Cox has agreed to a 9 month contract with us worth 1,200 PA. But more importantly for me I've been preparing for the fight of my life this month against Natural Storm. The annual Pro Wrestling Magazine top 100 came out at the beginning of his month, and while now of our superstars were listed there were some very gifted ones, here's a look at the top 5: [CENTER]R.K. HAYES SEAN MCFLY SHUJI INUKAI RAYMOND DIAZ BUDDY GARNER[/CENTER] I haven't seen or heard from Rip since he made his announcment in November, but as I got to the office today I picked up a copy of the Times, and Rip was on the cover with the headlines [I]POSSIBLE RETURN?[/I] Is that why he's been gone so much because he was thinking about making a return to the ring? And if that was the case what would happen to MAW?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: RIP INVITATIONAL RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Natural Storm defeats Clayton Adams in 7:46 when D.C. Rayne pins him with a Storm Damage[/B] Notes: D+ Perhaps the best show Natural Storm has put on. And not a bad first showing for me either. Eddie Howard is improving in performance skills [B]Steven Parker defeats Eddie Howard in 7:35 by pinfall after a future shock[/B] Notes: C- Second good match in a row for Howard. Steven Parker moves on to the 2nd round. [B]Hell Monkey defeats D.C. Rayne in 7:50 by pinfall after a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: C- Hell Monkey continues to impress and moves on to round 2. [B]The Mean Machine draws with Rafael Ruiz in 17:52 after a double count out.[/B] Notes: D+ Perhaps the worse match ever recorded by these two, but I chalk it up to the fans hating the finish. [B]After the match rip came out and said that since neither one of these two men will be advancing the winner of the next match will be given a bye[/B] Notes: E+ What I expected from this segment. [B]Marc Speed defeats Cal Sanders in 6:38 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C Great match for these two. The crowd really loved it and Cal showed everyone why he is my favorite =) [B]Cameron Vessey defeats Antonio in 12:48 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- With the win Vessey moves to the finals. Antonio contiues to put on solid matches and doesn't complain win or lose. [B]Hell Monkey defeats Steven Parker in 14:13 by pinfall after a Hell Fire Kick[/B] Notes: B- My first B rating and a great one at that. Hell Monkey moves onto the finals and ends Parker's chance of reclaiming the belt. [B]Hell Monkey defeats Cameron Vessey in 18:04 by pinfall after a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: C These two didn't click so it took away from the match. Hell Monkey wins the Rip Invitational title and will face the champion in April.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- another great show and the fans seemed to be pleased as well. We drew in 203 people for this event. We lost 1500 dollars but then I expected it because it was a longer show with a few more workers.
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[CENTER][B]10 Feburary 08[/B][/CENTER] The only time I've seen Rip in the past several months was when he made his way on stage at the Rip Invitational. I came into the office the next day for our meeting, and Sophie said he had gone down to Florida to attend to a few family things. I was starting to get concerned I wasn't sure if he trusted me so much now that he was letting me run things by myself or if he was still hot about the interview a few months back. One things for sure he turned it into a nice angle for my debute, even though I guess my ass handed to me. And the article about him wanting to make a comeback still had me concerned, what was Rip up to? Another busy few weeks at the office as we try to prepare for MAW: Up Rising, I begin this entry with sad news. It seems that major Japanese company WLW has recently closed it's doors due to a lack of revanue. I felt terrible for them and wondered if the same grim fate awaited us, I mean in the past year we've only turned a profit once and even then it wasn't a significant enough amount to matter. But I couldn't worry about that just yet I had more serious things to attend to. Although I do have some great locker room gossip. It seems like Burning EXILE and Nicole Kiss have been seen going out together after last months show. This is great news for me because one hopefully the media will run with that and forget that they seem to think I'm sleeping with Nicole, and two maybe EXILE will finally start to learn English, it's very hard to negotiate a contract when you don't understand anything the other person is saying. I've decided to keep myself away from the ring for at least another show or two so I can continue to brush up on my skills hopefully it works.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: UPRISING RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Natural Strom defeats Team Japan in 12:47 when Eddie Howard pinned Kaz[/B] Notes: D+ Great match and the fans seemed to love it, the star of the match was Burning EXILE [B]The Mean Machine comes out and says that if Hell Monkey wants a shot at his title in April it will be by his rules. And he says he has a "special" kind of match in mind, but he won't spoil the surprise yet.[/B] Notes: D- Probably one of the better angle segments, what type of match could The Mean Machine have in mind? [B]Cameron Vessey defeats Rafael Ruiz in 15:39 by submission[/B] Notes: C- These two didn't click and it took away from the qaulity of the match. Also Cameron was tired towards then end of it. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Jimmy Cox in 19:31 by pinfall after a mood swing.[/B] Notes: C Another match where the two competetors didn't click. But still not bad overall, The Mean Machine made titel defense number 4[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- Not bad at all. I decided to go with only thee matches since there was a tag team match and also because I'm desprite to start making money. And in a surprising turn of events our attendence sky rocketed to 697! This should be great for my finances. Well it's not much but I did make 90 dollars :rolleyes:
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[CENTER][B]5 March 07[/B][/CENTER] Another month has gone by and still no word from Rip. I'm making due just fine withoug him though, in fact I've grown used to not hearing him shoot my ideas down any more. In more news it seems like Nicole Kiss and Burning EXILE are pretty well off, only days after I found out they were dating EXILE took hold of a small wrestling organazation in Mexico called Mexican Hardcore Wrestling and became the owner. Nicole hasn't made an appearnace yet on their promotion but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. I'm getting better with alot of my moves and a few of the guys have actually said they now prefer to wrestle me over some people they have in the past. This is great news for me and I'm thinking maybe I'll make another in ring appearance next month. I haven't heard anything from any reporters since my last bomb of an interview. I don't know if Sophoe just doesn't connect me with them or if they have given up, but for once everything in the office is silent...I'm sure that won't last long
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: A NEW BEGINNING LIVE SUNDAY MARCH 24, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH THE MEAN MACHINE VS CASEY VALENTINE[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]ANTONIO VS MARC SPEED KAZ VS RICKY DOUGLAS[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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