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My First Diary Attempt

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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: A NEW BEGINNING RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Ricky Douglas defeats KAZ in 7:40 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D This was a good faced paced match that the fans seemed to enjoy fairly well. [B]The Mean MAchine comes out and says he'll face Hell Monkey next week in a cage match, and when he destroys Hell Monkey he's going prove to the world why he's the greatest world champion ever[/B] Notes: E+ The crowd seemed excited to see a cell match next month, but though The Mean Machine was in the ring way to long. [B]Marc Speed defeated Antonio in 17:57 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ Solid match up that could've went either way. Marc Speed was praised for his performance [B]The Mean Machine defeats Casey Valentine in 23:22 by pinfall after a Mood Swing[/B] Notes: C- I was scared that someone would be tired after this match, but that wasn't the case. The Mean Machine makes his 5th title defense.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Well this show fell back into the D category, but that's not to bad considering we are going for cheap with this one. We drew in 285 people which was nearly a sell out at Stanely Hall. We made 1,302 dollars this month which I think calls for a celebration.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;174202]On my way out of the office the most bizzare thing happened to me as I headed for my car I was attacked! No not by muggers, or pety thugs this was much worse than that, it seems I had been attacked by...a Boar. Yes that's right appearantly those damn things run rampant in the Mid Atlantic. I'm not seriously injured though, however I did sustain a broken wrist I don't expect it to keep me from my day to day duties.[/QUOTE] I feel your pain. I'm playing as Kate Avatar running 5SSW, and at the end of the first week, before I even ran my first show, my user character got injured "in an incident involving a pig". In Japan. Spinal Disalignment, a very serious injury. I was mad.
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[CENTER][B]15 April 08[/B][/CENTER] Well I found out today that Rip isn't dead. I got an email from him (which is weird because I didn't think the old man knew how to use a computer) he didn't say much except I was doing a great job and he sould be seeing me soon. He then said that he wanted me to participate in a tag match at the next show. I was going to wait one more month because this was going to be one of out bigger shows, but after all he is the boss so what choice do I have. The wrestling world has been pretty quite as of late, which I guess is a good thing, but it did give me time to go to the hospital to see James (better know by all of you as mainstream hernandez). He seemed to be in good spirits and said he's been keeping track of the show through the internet and he's begun his rehab. He said he's been taking it slowly but he should be able to get back into the ring by August. I was really happy for him and told him not to push himself to hard, but to show how much he meant to this company I would make sure his first match back would be against The Mean Machine. He seemed to be happy about this and I left his room generally pleased with myself and headed to work to start putting togethe rthe next show, when my phone rang. It was that same beautiful reporter...
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: REVENAGE LIVE SUNDAY APRIL 28, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP CAGE MATCH THE MEAN MACHINE VS HELL MONKEY[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]STEVEN PARKER VS CASEY VALENTINE CAL SANDERS AND CLAYTON ADAMS VS ERIK STRONG AND ANTONIO[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: REVENAGE RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]The Mean Machine comes out to the ring and says that after he beats Hell Monkey tonight there will be nothing left for him to prove and he'll be taking a much deserved vaction[/B] Notes: D- The Mean Machine plays the ****y role very well and the fans can't seem to get enough of it. [B]Clayton Adams and Cal Sanders defeat Antonio and Erik Strong in 10:34 when Cal pinned Antonio[/B] Notes: C- This was a great match for everyone involved. Cal is a great tag partner and Ii think him and I may team up more in the future, can anyone think of any good tag names? He has the lumberjack gimmick and I have a boy band gimmick :) We are both Heels [B]Casey Valentine defeats Steven Parker in 15:52 by submission[/B] Notes: D+ This match actually disappointed me, as I though they could get at least a solid C. [B]Hell Monkey defeats The Mean Machine in 19:50 by pinfall after a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: C+ Hell Monkey is the new Mid Atlantic Champion! after the match as Hell Monkey was celebrating Mean Machine attacked him from behind. We can expect the feud between these two to be far from over. Final Notes: C A great show again with minimal matches. I think my new formula at least for until I hit regional is going to be 3 matches on shows with a tag team and 4 on shows with out. But We again increased in popularity and had another 285 people show up nearly selling out. We lost 800 dollars this month, but we also had 4 main eventers on the show plus a tag match. Overall I'm extremely pleased.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]7 May 08[/B][/CENTER] What a differance a month makes. following last months show I'm pleased to announce that we have risen in popularity and we are now known as a "regional" promotion. This is huge news for a wrestling fed that was barely holding on at a local level just over a year ago. Of course with the added popularity means we need to inflate our roster so we look professinal. And I was quicly on the phone trying to line up new talent to bring in new fans. Withing just a few days I already had one signing... Dean "the machine" Daniels who is a very solid all around wrestler agreed to a 9 month contract with us that was worth 675 dollars per apperance. Looking through my roster I decided we needed one more main eventer some one who could come into the federation and make a huge splash. The problem with this of course is as soon as they do that they get snaatched up by the bigger feds. I didn't have to wait for long before I figured out not only who that would be, but also who solve the mystary behind Rip's absence for the past six months, because Sophie buzzed in and said Rip wanted to see me in his office NOW! You can imagine what was going through my head as I walked into my bosses office so much has gone on while he's been gone and I can only pray he approves of it. As I shut the door behind me I see we are not alone, standing next to Rip is a kid who looks to only be about 15. [I]"Have a seat Clayton."[/I] As I sit down I noticed that Rip is actually smiling and I can't think of the last time I saw that so I took it as a good sign and try to relax a little bit. [I]"First off I'd like to say thank you for a job well done in my absence, it's good to see that business still gets taken care of while I'm away. And I'm assuming you'd like to know where I've been, and who this young man is in front of me.[/I] I smile a little uneasy and just nod my head figureing thats a retorical question. [I]"This Clayton is my son Jay. He just turned 17, and for the past six months I've been at home teaching him everything there is to know about this great sport of wrestling. As of 15 minutes ago we signed him to an exclusive contract worth 1000 dollars per show."[/I] He must have saw the surprise in my eyes because he just laughed then continued [I]"Trust me Clayton he's going to be well worth the money, he's a Chord as soon as the fans get wind of that they'll give him the biggest pop you've ever heard. With that being said I expect you to push him as a main eventer and obviously a heel like his old man, after all he have to give the fans a reason to love him. And I trust you spoke to Tabby the reporter I had call you."[/I] I swallowed hard, and beads of sweat started to form on my head. "Yes sir I spoke to her, I told her that I didn't appriciate what she wrote in the last article she wrote and that I'd rather get stabbed in the eye with a hot sottering iron than speak to her again." Rip sat very still for a moment then reached into his desk and plugged something into the wall passing it over to me. "I don't understand, what is this?" [I]"It's a hot sottering iron. You might as well get it over with now, because you need to call her back and leak the news about Jay to her. Tell her only that he is my son and will be maineventing at the next show. Tell her she has 24 hours to print the story or you're going to the next paper."[/I] I sat there dumbfounded for a moment then Rip took the iron from me before I did something we both would've regreated. [I]"I have more news. One of my neighbors in florida is a man by the name off Steve Renacs. I don't expect you to know that name, but he's a very rich man. In fact he owns a local televison station named North Carolina Public Access. It's not much actually he said he's lucky to get more than 100 viewers at any given time. but none the less he offered me a slot on it for the next two season."[/I] My eyes grew big with excitment, could this be the moment I was waiting for, had Rip done the impossible? [I]"Starting next month we will be airing MAW: In the Zone every Sunday at 11:00 pm. Again this is nothing more than a public access channel that's peobably only going to be seen by a few die hard fans, but it gives those fans the chance to see us perform while we begin our tour of the U.S.[/I] Rip smiled pleased with himself that he had gotten me on the edge of my seat. [I]"That's right Clayton, from here on out we are going to be traveling to a few differant regions around the U.S. to increase our fan base. Mid Atlantic Wrestling is about to go prime time! And that brings me to our last topic of discussion, now that we have a weekly televison show, we need a new title belt. So Jay and I have been throwing things around and have decided on a mid card title called The Prime Time Championship. This should help boost the overness of some of our younger stars, as well as increase their morale. Now get out of here, I believe you have a certin reporter to call."[/I]
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I just got done reading all 6 pages and this is a great Diary, the best one i have read since the EWR days back on the EWB with someone doing a great backyard wrestling diary, and also the Bar Champion Wrestling Dairy about 2 year back right before TEW 2004 came out all the guys shows where in different bars very funny diary
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: MAYHAM LIVE FRIDAY MAY 25, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]JAY CHORD VS STEVEN PARKER[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]MARC SPEED VS RAFAEL RUIZ BURNING EXILE VS DEAN DANIELS ERIC STRONG VS RICKY DOUGLAS[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: MAYHAM RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Ricky Douglas defeats Erik Strong in 6:52 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D- Not the match I had hoped for. I had Erik switch to a "fan's own" gimmick and the fans don't seem to be buying it. [B] Rip comes to the ring and talks about how great his son is, and how being a champion runs in his familes blood. Soon Jay will be just that, a champion![/B] Notes: E+ The fans didn't seem to want to hear Rip talk about his son, they just want to see the kid in action. [B]Dean Daniels defeats Burning EXILE in 8:55 by pinfall after a Cradle Driver[/B] Notes: C- These two seemed to work well together, and put on a decent show. [B]Rafael Ruiz defeats Marc Speed in 12:32 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- Not a bad match, but these two didn't click or it could have been better. [B]Jay Chord defeats Steven Parker in 17:50 by submission[/B] Notes: D Horrible main event. If Jay expects to be the "savior" of this company he better cash in better shows than this.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D Not a good show at all, to many people didn't click, and the main event was awful. Not the type of show I wanted before we began our first televison appearance. We pulled in...you guessed it another 285 at Stanley Hall, which is funny because 585 was expected to come and it was recommanded I go with a bigger areana, I'm glad I didn't. We made 5,800 dollard this month which is just...WOW. I'm not sure why (i guess because we are now regional) but our sponsorship money has just doubled! Thank You Cal's Leg Wax for Men!
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;180534]Maw: Mayham Live Friday May 25, 2008 Jay Chord Vs [b]cameron Vessey[/b] Also In Action: [b]marc Speed[/b] Vs Rafael Ruiz [b] Burning Exile[/b] Vs Dean Daniels Eric Strong Vs [b]ricky Douglas[/b][/QUOTE] Well man you got one right, :D hopefully that mean we are incredibly unpredictable lol
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[CENTER][B]8 June 08[/B][/CENTER] So things around the office as of late have been absolutly insane! First off taking you back to last month, as some of you know I was instructed to phone Tabby the "reporter" who tried to end my career and leak the news about Jay to her. Turns out she got a huge promotion because of it and we will now be attending evey one of our monthly shows now to write a huge indepth article about us in Wrestling World Magazine. So that means that she and I will be having monthly chats. YAY. Rip has told me I have to keep good "relations" with her because the publicity is going to be huge. She's already called me twice today to set up, then confirm our interview at Summer Heat. It seems that she's going to get a one hour interview after the show (again completly Rip's idea) As I've already reported we are going to be having a weekly show on North Carolina Public Acces called. MAW: In the Zone, on Sunday's at 11:00 pm for one hour. I've decided that I'll post the results of the weekly show on here in the same format as the monthly shows, but I wont be advertising the matches before hand. If you would like let me know and if enough of you complain I'll start posting those just like the monthly shows as well (Ha I'm making you interact ;) ) Because of the success of last months show, and the fact that our weekly shows are going to be an hour long. I've made the monthly shows Medium and bumped them up to two hours (for now). This has actually been a very busy time in the wrestling world as well. It was reported that GCG (out of Japan) has closed their does and filed bankruptcy. This just months after WLW, leads me to believe the Japan wrestling market is very intense, I'm glad I'm not working over there. In related news however NOTBPW has continued to dominate not only the Canadian market, but the world market as well as they just recently reached Global popularity. Look out SWF these guys are for real. Speaking of Canada Thomas Morgan a solid wrestler who we had open a few shows for us. Just reached a written agreement with CGC (not to be confused with GCG) and just left our promotion, We wish Thomas the best of luck up north and will be following his career closely. We have also decided to sign a few workers of our own, hoping to bulk up the size of our roster to keep our shows fresh. And I'm pleased to announce the signing of Raphael to a 9 month 425 PPA contract. Raphael is currently going to be used a a lower midcard heel, and is expected to have a bright future with us. We have also come to terms with a huge superstar known to all of you as... Joey Poison! Joey is widley known is Canada, but also has a good sized following in the U.S. He agreed to a 9 month 900 PPA contract. He's being pushed as a mainevent face for now and he says he's pleased to finally get to work the other side of the spectrum, being used so much as a heel in canada. Rip however doesn't share the same enthusiasm as me about signing Joey, he feels it will "overshadow" his sons signing. He then continued to go on a rant about how Steven Parker purposfully made his son look bad last night and he wants me to book him against somebody more Jay's leagaue, somebody like...Hell Monkey. Suddenly I'm starting to doubt Rip as a boss. His focus has seemed to switch from MAW and what was best for it, to Jay and how he can get him over with the crowd. *Sigh* just another day at the office.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS FOR SUNDAY JUNE 5, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Dean Daniels defeats Ricky Douglas in 6:32 with a Crade Piledriver[/B] Notes: D- Horrible, horrible, horrible match. I don't think anything went right here at all. These two didn't click, Dean was off his game, and Ricky needs a gimmick change desprately. Hopefully this isn't a glimps of what's to come. [B]Antonio defeats Raphael in 8:10 by pinfall after an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: These two had good chemistry (thank god) And Antonio is improving in his performance skills [B]Rip comes to the ring and says Antonio and Dean will be facing each other, as well as two more people who will be named next week for the first ever Prime Time Title match.[/B] Notes: F+ yep they hated Rip that much. [B]Steven Parker defeats Jimmy Cox in 14:19 by pinfall with a Future Shock.[/B] Notes: C- Not a bad match for either of these two really. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Cameron Vessey in 17:54 by pinfall after a Mood Swing.[/B] Notes: C- Again this is about average for these two i think[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Not our best show, but our first one on T.V. this was also held in New York (The Tristate Region) so I'm sure that played a factor as well seeing as we aren't over there at all. Overall we dre in 67 people but still managed to increase popularity. The rating for the show were 0.00. Hmm does that mean no one watched it, or just not enough for it to register?
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[QUOTE=mad5226;180577]Final Notes: D+ Not our best show, but our first one on T.V. this was also held in New York (The Tristate Region) so I'm sure that played a factor as well seeing as we aren't over there at all. Overall we dre in 67 people but still managed to increase popularity. The rating for the show were 0.00. Hmm does that mean no one watched it, or just not enough for it to register?[/QUOTE] It means that the limited size and reach of your network is not large enough to garner an audience worth a number. If you'd had 50,000 viewers, the show would've rated 1.00. Your rating tells me that your show had less than 500 viewers (500 would be 0.01), which stands to reason really considering how many fans you usually draw to your shows. Have you considered lowering ticket prices for your TV show tapings (if they'd been raised at any point)? Might help to get more fannies in the seats, so to speak. And tell Rip to sit and spin. He wants Jay to go over everyone on the roster hoping that the fans will accept that. Whose fans? MAW's fans are hardcore traditionals (old school defined), aren't they? They're not gonna buy some snot-nosed greenhorn coming in and laying waste to the entire roster, no matter WHAT his last name is. Tell Rip that this is MAW, not SWF. Different fanbases entirely. ;)
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[QUOTE=Remianen;180589]It means that the limited size and reach of your network is not large enough to garner an audience worth a number. If you'd had 50,000 viewers, the show would've rated 1.00. Your rating tells me that your show had less than 500 viewers (500 would be 0.01), which stands to reason really considering how many fans you usually draw to your shows. Have you considered lowering ticket prices for your TV show tapings (if they'd been raised at any point)? Might help to get more fannies in the seats, so to speak. And tell Rip to sit and spin. He wants Jay to go over everyone on the roster hoping that the fans will accept that. Whose fans? MAW's fans are hardcore traditionals (old school defined), aren't they? They're not gonna buy some snot-nosed greenhorn coming in and laying waste to the entire roster, no matter WHAT his last name is. Tell Rip that this is MAW, not SWF. Different fanbases entirely. ;)[/QUOTE] thanks for the input. I figured it just meant that I didn't have X number of fans, I was just to lazy to do that math. :) It seems about right though you figure on average I get about 300 per show in that region so if everyone was to watch it, it still wouldn't even be a .01 makes you feel popular doesn't it lol. Yeah I agree about Rip it's only a matter of time before the fans turn on Jay if I use him the way he wants me to
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS FOR SUNDAY JUNE 12, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Erik Strong defeats Clayton Adams in 6:46 by pinfall with a Strong Sault[/B] D- These two didn't click at all and as a result I'm stuck with my worst rating as a wrestler to date =( [B]Cal Sanders defeats Burning EXILE in 8:41 by pinfall[/B] C- Great match these two always put on good shows. [B]Rip comes out and says that at Summer Heat it's going to be Cal Sanders, Antonio, Eric Strong, and Dean Daniels for the Prime Time Tilte, and it's going to be a LADDER MATCH![/B] Notes: D- Well they liked the sound of this much better this week than last. [B]Rafael Ruiz defeats Marc Speed in 13:23 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- The rematch for these two carried the same results as before and Speed isn't happy at all. [B]Hell Monkey defeats Joey Poison in 17:33 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: C- Hell Monkey makes his first successful title defense. After the match The Mean MAchine rushed down to the ring and assulted Hell Monkey until officals finally tore him off.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ another good show. This one was at Boston (New England region) we drew in a whopping 60 people and got a rating of 0.00
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY JUNE 19, 2008[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Cal Sanders defeats Clayton Adams in 4:54 by submission[/B] Notes:C This was a great match, and the best rating either of us have gotten so far. Although I'm afraid Cal my have some X-pac heat. No matter how hard I try he's stuck as an opener. [B]Raphael defeats Burning EXILE in 10:08 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ Another good match. Although I believe EXILE is getting tired of losing [B]Antonio defeats Eddie Howard in 12:57 by pinfall with an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: D+ Not bad but could be better. They say it's time to change Eddie's gimmic [B]Jay Chord defeats Joey Poison in 18:52 by submission[/B] Notes: D+ Jay still can't seem to get this whole Main Event thing down. Him and Joey ddin't click. Jay is improving in Performace skills[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ That's three in a row, surely there's a prize for that. We drew in 53 people, and yes you guessed it, our rating was 0.0 I think we are going to finish up this month in the Mid Atlantic to try to make up for some of that money we lost.
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