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Babes Of Sin City

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[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][img]http://away.com/images/stores/luxury/attractions/las-vegas-attractions.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Las Vegas, Nevada[/SIZE]Mandalay Bay Hotel Casino. New Years Day 2007 2:35am[/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="3"][I]"Im all in"[/I] I should have been at a New Years party with my boyfriend Christian tonight. We had been seeing each other for 3 years and i was sure he was going to propose to me tonight. I mean why else would he be acting all secretive towards me at New Years. I found out why a few hours ago. I say found out. He was more caught out. I walked into the bedroom and found Christian and one of my friends in bed together. [I]"Baby I love you"[/I] He pleaded to me, trying to explain that it was just a one off, and that it shouldn't have happened. [I]"Marie, Im sorry. It just happened. It meant nothing"[/I] My friend crying her eyes out proclaimed. How funny must it have been for them. Christian knew that i was thinking of settling down with him and i had confided in my friend everything about Christian over the years. And now the two of them had sent my world crashing down around me. I grabbed my bag and threw some clothes into it, some shoes and my make up, all the while staying silent, trying to find the words to say. [I]"Baby"[/I] Christian said. [I]"I love you. You know i do. But im just not ready for marriage. Im sorry"[/I] Christian knew that he had just said the worst thing possibly to me and started to get dressed quickly. I was about to boil over. I could feel it. [I]"And thats supposed to make this all ok"[/I] I cried. [I]"Why didn't you just tell me that instead of shagging my friend"[/I] [I]"I dont know"[/I] Was all he could manage to say. I grabbed my bag and keys and slammed the door shut behind me. I never wanted to see Christian or my friend ever again. I wanted a drink. I hit the strip and headed to the Mandalay Bay Casino. I could get some shopping, some drinks and head to the House of Blues to try heal my soul. But first of all i headed to an ATM and drained our joint account. I got to Mandalay Casino and a few drinks later i was starting to feel the pain dull due to the c0cktails that i had them line up. I decided to get a room at the casino tonight and plan my future without Christian tomorrow but something stopped me. The poker tables. [I]"Why not"[/I] I thought. Spend some of the bastards money and have a little fun. There were 5 people at the table when i got there. Three men and two women who appeared to be there together. The women were good but then again. So was i. Between us we managed to beat the men and were both determined to come away the winner. [I]"So whats your name"[/I] The blond asked. [I]"Marie Reyes"[/I] I replied. [I]"My names Honey Golightly. And this here is my work associate Marilyn Stardust"[/I] We talked for a while, taking it in turns to get a little ahead in chips whilst i somehow told her all about tonights events. [I]"I hope theres no hard feelings when i beat you. We did beat all the guys at least"[/I] I commented. It was Marilyn's turn to reply. [I]"Oh you think you have a better hand. How about we up the stakes."[/I] [I]"Careful Marilyn. I like this girl. She's got some guts, and maybe we can use her. How about we make this hand all or peanuts, Marie"[/I] [I]"What are you suggesting"[/I] I asked. [I]"If you have the guts to go all in & say.. put that fancy little sports car you were going about earlier on the line, then not only will we do the same but i will offer you Marilyns job if you win"[/I] [I]"Yeah but what does Marilyn do. I dont think you ever mentioned work"[/I] I replied. [I]"I own a wrestling promotion here in Las Vagas, maybe you have heard of it. Babes Of Sin City... well Marilyn here is in charge of getting the talent and arranging the shows. That job could be yours if you win"[/I] I looked at the cards i had. An Ace of Diamonds and a three of hearts. The flop wasn't helping much either. Two kings and a nine. The dealer looked at me waiting for my decision. [I]"Im all in"[/I] What the hell. It was Christians money mainly anyway. Honey & Marilyn went all in as well and it was time to show our cards. I turned over my Ace Nine and Marilyn let out a little sn1gger before turning over a King Nine. My heart sank a little. The dealer put down the turn card face down purposedly drawing out the suspense. He turned it over to reveal an ace and i almost whooped when i saw it. But Honey & Marilyn smiled knowing that i could only win by getting an ace. They just needed it to be any other card. The dealer again dealt the river card face down and i could feel my heart beating so hard and fast that i thought it might explode. [I]"And an ace on the river"[/I] The dealer said [I]"Miss Reyes wins. Full House. Aces & Nines"[/I] Honey handed me a card [I]"Come by my office tomorrow and we can get started. Welcome to Babes Of Sin City"[/I] [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/BSC.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Magenta"][B][SIZE="6"]Babes Of Sin City: News Report[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/TEW2007/Female159.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER]Babes Of Sin City would like to welcome Marie Reyes on board as the NEW head booker. Marie is from the UK and originally worked there as a graphic artist. She headed to Las Vegas with her then boyfriend due to his work commitment there and she soon found work freelancing. However Marie has since split with her then boyfriend and cant wait to get started here at Babes Of Sin City and have some fun.[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/BSC.jpg[/img] [SIZE="5"][B]Babes Of Sin City: The Roster[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/AlexisLeeLittlefeather.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Alexis Lee Littlefeather was an original Babe Of Sin City having met Honey Golightly when both were showgirls. She genuinely has some native american blood in her, hence the gimmick. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/AlisonCapone.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Alison Capone is a stripper from Nevada who first appeared as one of the Babes Of Sin City characters, playing the "Gangster Of Love". She quickly became one of the most popular heels in the promotion. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/AmyGalaxy.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A former stripper, Amy Galaxy plays the futuristic "Girl From The 22nd Century" for Babes Of Sin City. A cheesy gimmick, but the very revealing silver costume means she is still popular. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/AnnieHitchc0ck.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Annie Hitchc0ck is a former Las Vegas dancer who joined the Babes Of Sin City promotion in late 2006, playing the part of a movie director. Fortunately for her, she's cute enough to overcome such a lame gimmick, and has begun to become popular in the short time she's been with them. Unlike many of her peers in the promotion, she has some basic fighting skills, having had some training with the AAA promotion. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/BritneyHollywood.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A former Nevada lapdancer, Britney Hollywood joined the Babes Of Sin City roster in May 2006, and thanks to her charisma and revealing outfits soon started becoming very popular. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/CharlizeAngelle.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Charlize Angelle is an exotic dancer, originally from California, who was one of the original Babes Of Sin City. She plays the temptress "The Fallen Angelle", and is known for her flame red costumes. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/DharmaGregg.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Dharma Gregg is a former stripper from New York, who first appeared as one of the Babes Of Sin City. She plays the bubbly "Girl Next Door", as is one of the most popular girls on the roster. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/HeatherHalo.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Heather Halo is a make-up artist who worked extensively in Las Vegas, where she met Honey Golightly. She was brought in to be the referee for BSC, as she has some pro-wrestling knowledge, her brother being TCW's Clark Alexander. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/HoneyGolightly.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Honey Golightly was a famous Las Vegas showgirl who managed the rare trick of running her own career and being successful. She invested in the BSC promotion in 2006 after seeing a gap in the market to exploit. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/JenNeptune.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Jen Neptune is a model, originally from Alabama, who was one of the original Babes Of Sin City. She teams with her twin sister Kathy as The Neptune Twins, BSC's top babyface tag team attraction. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/KathyNeptune.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Kathy Neptune is a model, originally from Alabama, who was one of the original Babes Of Sin City. She teams with her twin sister Jen as The Neptune Twins, BSC's top babyface tag team attraction. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/MarilynStardust.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Marilyn Stardust was a big name in women's wrestling during the 80s, when she teamed with her fictional sister Anne Stardust. A bitter split left her out of the business, but she returned to be head booker of BSC in 2006. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/NurseDarlaKnight.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Nurse Darla Knight is a former stripper, who was brought into BSC to be the custom-made nemesis for Nurse Hope Daye. Knight is one of the few members of BSC with a legit fighting background, being a judo expert. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/NurseHopeDaye.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Nurse Hope Daye is an ex-exotic dancer who joined BSC shortly after it began. She plays the good nurse, and is constantly feuding with the evil Nurse Darla Knight, her custom-made nemesis. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/OfficerGoodhead.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Officer Goodhead is a former centerfold, who was an original member of the Babes Of Sin City roster. She plays an evil law enforcement officer, who has no problem strip searching other competitors at any time. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/PowerGirl.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Power Girl, played by Ali Cameron, is a super hero character that first appeared in late 2006 in the Babes Of Sin City promotion. Although it lacks subtlety, the skin tight costume has helped get her over pretty quickly. In real life, Cameron is a former dancer from the Seattle area, who just happened to be spotted by BSC head booker Marilyn Stardust. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/RoxyKitten.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Roxy Kitten first came to attention with BSC in 2006. A young ex-dancer, she may be small but she is very quick in the ring. She plays "The Rock Chick", and is usually found wearing leather. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/SaraSilver.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A former Las Vegas showgirl, Sara Silver is a close friend of BSC owner Honey Golightly. Seeing potential in her friend's quick wit, Golightly hired Silver to do colour commentary on BSC's shows, despite her lack of wrestling knowledge. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/SiennaDeVille.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Sienna DeVille is a former Las Vegas dancer who got into BSC having met Honey Golightly a few times. She became the primary heel manager in the promotion, playing an uber-bitch. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/SisterBethMercy.png[/IMG][/CENTER] "The Naughty Nun" Sister Beth Mercy is a former stripper who debuted with the Babes Of Sin City in late 2006. Like most of the roster, she isn't particularly talented and gets by solely on her looks and willingness to show lots of skin. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/Sprite.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A former nightclub hostess, Sprite was brought into BSC shortly after it began. She plays a pixie-esque character, and is a relatively popular character thanks to her tiny pink costume. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BSC/Vampella.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Southern Belle is a former beauty queen from Tennessee, who joined the Babes Of Sin City in 2006. Originally a sweet natured babyface when she debuted, she soon embraced the dark side when she turned into "The Scream Queen" Vampella, a more gothic character. Like most of her peers in BSC, she barely even qualifies as a wrestler, having only the most basic training, but that doesn't really matter as the fans of BSC don't really come to see great athletic spectacles anyway. [/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][img]http://wwp.las-vegas-us.com/las-vegas-the-strip.JPG[/img] [B][SIZE="4"]Las Vegas, Nevada[/SIZE][/B] Bellagio's Le Cirque Restaurant New Years Day 2007 11:27am[/CENTER] My head was thumping after all the drinks from last night but i had to go apartment hunting today. So i got dressed, grabbed my Audrey Hepburn sunglasses and went to face the day. I threw on my coat and wedged my hands deep into the pockets and felt something in there. It was Honey Golightly's business card. I was supposed to have rung her about this job opportunity last night. I headed to a payphone and called: [I]"Miss Golightly. Hi its Marie, from last night" [/I]I said [I]"I have been waiting for your call. Have you eaten yet. Im at Le Cirque's. Come and meet me"[/I] [I]"Erm.. Sure. Im about 20 minutes away"[/I] I replied I hailed a cab and headed to Le Cirque's. Half way there i went to reapply come lipstick and found a second set of car keys.. [I]"Whose are these"[/I] I thought to myself If Honey Golightly was suffering from last nights drinking she certainly wasn't showing it. She has a freshly pressed suit on and her hair and make-up were immaculate. She looked up from her newspaper, pushed her glasses back up her nose and motioned for me to join her. [I]"Hows your head this morning"[/I] she asked. [I]"Feel like i have gone a few rounds with Amir Khan"[/I] I replied [I]"Who"[/I] [I]"British boxer"[/I] [I]"I forgot you were British, your accent tends to wander"[/I] We traded pleasantries for a little while whilst i waited for a waiter to take my order. Bacon, eggs, hash browns with grated cheese on top, couple of slices of toast and a glass or two of pure orange. Perfect after a nights drinking. Honey just got another bottle of wine. [I]"How much can you remember about last night"[/I] Honey asked. [I]"Bits and bobs"[/I] I replied. [I]"Not sure how i managed to get two sets of car keys"[/I] [I]"Those are Marilyns. She was gutted to lose her car"[/I] I slid the keys across the table to Honey [I]"She can keep it. If im working with you both then it would be good to start things off right"[/I] [I]"Not both of us"[/I] Honey said. [I]"You will be working for me. Marilyn will actually be your employee"[/I] [I]"But what will I be actually doing"[/I] [I]"Like i said last night, you will be in charge of getting the girls together for shows and arranging just which girls get paired up"[/I] [I]"So your a strip club"[/I] I replied. Honey chuckled. [I]"Not quite. We mix elements of strip clubs, musicals, even wrestling to give our clients a fun evening."[/I] [I]"Like a USO show"[/I] I offered. [I]"Kinda. I have a few conditions to this job offer by the way"[/I] [I]"Here we go"[/I] I thought to myself. [I]"First off. I want our shows to become very popular. If after a year i think we are actually worse off than when you started. I will fire you. Second. This is MY money that you will be spending. If you get below half of what im investing in you in the first year then im pulling the plug on you. Third. Bad publicity can hurt our image. But nothing could be worse for us, than one of our girls having a drink problem and it causing a scene at work. So i will be background checking anyone you try hire just in case. Forth and finally. The girls need to be quite fit. Who knows just what they will be doing each show. I dont want any layabouts ok. This i will be looking into as well, Those are my conditions.. Not too restrictive i feel."[/I] I sat there for a minute considering the offer. [I]"Before i sign this"[/I] I replied. [I]"Lets talk about my salary. Waiter, another bottle of wine for Miss Golightly and another orange for me"[/I] [I]"Oooh bravo Miss Reyes"[/I] [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="4"]TotalExtremeWrestling.com News Report [SIZE="2"](Updated each day)[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] Tuesday 2nd January 2007[/CENTER] [B][I]AAA Fire Miss Mexico[/I][/B] Miss Mexico found herslef unemployed last night, as AAA ended her contract. Insiders have indicated that this was purely business, a result of an attempt to reduce their bloated roster, and that the door may be open for her to return at a later date. [B][I]Otsune Tsumura Fired[/I][/B] In a shock move, 5SSW last night ended the contract of Otsune Tsumura. It's understood that the decision was made due to 5SSW wanting to reduce their roster size as the company attempts to improve its efficiency. She was unable to be reached for comment. [CENTER]Wednesday 3rd January 2007[/CENTER] [I][B]AAA Pretty Amazing Report[/B][/I] Angel Athletic Association held AAA Pretty Amazing last night in The Portland Center, and drew 1,000 fans. The feedback has been awesome, the small company has outshone some of the bigger promotions recent efforts. The star of the show was Wanda Fish. [B][I]PWA: The TV Show[/I][/B] Port-South Wrestling Association held PWA: The TV Show last night in Celtic Heritage Hall, and drew 712 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent, the show went down really well. Adam Matravers was said to be the star of the show. [CENTER]Thursday 4th January 2007[/CENTER] [B][I]Stuart Ferdinand Sidelined[/I][/B] News has come in that Stuart Ferdinand has picked up an injury. It is said to have happened during a match last night, and early reports are that he will need to take time off in order to heal, which is a huge blow for him. [CENTER]Friday 5th January 2007[/CENTER] [B][I]Geordie Jimmy Morris In Control Of PWA[/I][/B] PWA announced their new head booker last night, and insiders were unsurprised to find that Geordie Jimmy Morris has gotten the job. He was the leading contender for the role from the very start, and is now expected to implement a 'creative shake-up' at the next show.[/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Magenta"][B]Babes Of Sin City[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Present:[/B] [SIZE="6"][B]Top Heavy[/B][/SIZE] Sat 6th January 2007 Piper Casino (South West) 235 Attendance[/CENTER] The show starts with a camera sneaking around backstage. It peeks around a door and we see Marie Reyes getting changed. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C[/COLOR] Marie Reyes comes out the back room door with a microphone to address the crowd. [I]"Lads lads lads. Welcome. We hope you enjoy. Im your host tonight. Marie Reyes. Get ready for a night of gorgeous women"[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: E[/COLOR] The sound technicians play a quick song and allow the punters to get a drink. Then Sister Beth Mercy takes to the ring. She dances around a pole for a while entertaining the lads before shouting [I]"Bikini Contest!!"[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Marie Reyes heads back into the ring: [I]"Alright. Its time for a bikini contest and you guys are gonna be the judges. First up is Amy Galaxy"[/I] Amy Galaxy comes out in a little silver bikini and parades around and sitting on some of the punters laps. She finishes up by flashing the crowd her chest to get some loud cheers. [I]"Alright Amy. Next up. Be careful lads or she will strip search you. Its Officer Goodhead"[/I] Officer Goodhead comes out in a little black bikini with SWAT written across the arse. She pulls a man from the crowd and quickly gives him a search before leaving a kiss on his cheek and pushing him back in his chair. She finished by gently rubbing her nightstick across her body. [I]"Ok.. So then lads. Who is hotter. Give me a cheer if you think it was Amy"[/I] The crowd cheers. [I]"Ok. Cheer if you thought it was Officer Goodhead"[/I] The crowd cheers again. [I]"I think thats about even actually. Guess we will have to find a winner another way. In a mud wrestling match"[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] The curtains get pulled back to find a mud pit. Officer Goodhead grabs Amy Galaxy and pushes her straight in. They roll around for a while until Goodhead keeps Galaxy down for three [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] Amy Galaxy clambers out of the mud ring. What she doesn't notice is Officer Goodhead and Marie Reyes sneaking up behind her. Goodhead unclips the bikini top while Marie pulls the bottoms down. Amy Galaxy shreeks and runs backstage [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Jen Neptune & Kathy Neptune appear on the screen. They pretend to be in a low budget Van Damme movie as identical twins. Its played completely for laughs and they get them [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] Dharma Gregg and Vampella appear backstage, arguing about who is the hottest. Eventually Vampella challenges Dharma to a match, so that the fans can decide. The challenge is accepted. [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] And its a lingerie match for them. Dharma Gregg & Vampella roll around long enough for the crowd to really enjoy it, before Vampella took the loss. [COLOR="magenta"]Rating: E[/COLOR] Honey Golightly comes out to see the crowd [I]"I have been taking names on who you guys want to see tonight and i can now announce the two names. You guys wanted to see Nurse Hope Daye & Charlize Angelle get close. Well here you go and in evening gowns"[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] Both women came out looking super hot in dazzling even gowns. Charlize Angelle immediately drove at Nurse Hope Daye trying to rip her top off. They wrestled around for a while exposing parts of each other before Charlize finally got all of Nurse Dayes clothes off [COLOR="Magenta"]Rating: E-[/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][COLOR="magenta"]Final Rating: E-[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE]O.o.c Note: Eugh. I hated booking that[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;186219]Yeah. How do you keep a narrative going if you just get the strip club casuals coming in[/QUOTE] I think the trick is to try to slowly push the narrative to allow for more and longer matches. Probably will have to see if Honey will let you push the match % up a bit as well. You have some wrestlers with good potential and many have decent charisma and microphone abilities so its just a matter of finding a way to build the narrative backstage. Think of some of hte older wrestlers like The Rock or Hogan, who really didn't wrestle all that well, but the storylines loved following them from promo, to angle, to promo, to challenge, to promo until finally you got to the actually match 4 weeks later and barely noticed that it was the first "match" for this wrestler in a month.
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[QUOTE=Clarity;186149][FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="4"]TotalExtremeWrestling.com News Report [SIZE="2"](Updated each day)[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER]Wednesday 3rd January 2007[/CENTER] [B][I]PWA: The TV Show[/I][/B] Port-South Wrestling Association held PWA: The TV Show last night in Celtic Heritage Hall, and drew 712 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent, the show went down really well. Adam Matravers was said to be the star of the show. [CENTER]Friday 5th January 2007[/CENTER] [B][I]Geordie Jimmy Morris In Control Of PWA[/I][/B] PWA announced their new head booker last night, and insiders were unsurprised to find that Geordie Jimmy Morris has gotten the job. He was the leading contender for the role from the very start, and is now expected to implement a 'creative shake-up' at the next show.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Glad to see PWA continuing in some form or another. Too bad Goordie won't be as good as Adam M.
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Well that's one way to do it. :p When I book BSC, I book it like present day WWE, with women. Half the show is matches, half is angles (the 40% match ratio seems to have a +/- 10% "grace period"). My narratives usually revolve around my titles (since I tend to put my titles on my strongest workers or the workers I'm trying to focus on and develop). The problem I've been having with BSC is keeping the Neptunes out of the main event level. But then, I revamped their roster quite a bit as well.
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