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USPW: Old School Is In Again!

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[QUOTE] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW Stars Stripes and Slams![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Is this Love?[/B] We are shown a backstage segment where Mainstream Hernandez gives a bunch of flowers to Seduction, and then they kiss. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Bane defeated Patrick Cool in 3:51 by submission with a Camel Clutch.[/B] Bane is a young newcomer who used an MMA style. The chemistry just wasn't there. [COLOR="red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Freddie Pre-Show Thanks Fans[/B] Freddie Datsun comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by Giant Redwood. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] ------------------------------------- [B]Show:[/B] [B]Darryl Devine defeated Ernie Turner in 6:15 with a Devine Dream Drop.[/B] The crowd didn't like this match as neither guy really got their attention. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]The Demons Of Rage defeated The Hillbillys in 7:43 when Demon Anger defeated Pete The Hillbilly with a Demon Double Down.[/B] Everyone was exhausted except Demon Anger. This was a pretty bad match but it was expected. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Datsun in a Hurry[/B] We are outside the locker room of Freddie Datsun. He opens the door outwards, just in time to accidentally hit a passing by T-Rex square in the face, flooring him. Freddie Datsun doesn't notice what he has done, and walks off. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly won a 20 man battle royal in 18:27.[/B] The final four competitors also included T-Rex, Fumihiro Ota and William Hayes, with T-Rex being the final elimination. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]McFly Celebrates Victory[/B] Having picked up the victory, Sean McFly goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Ota Scouts Datsun[/B] Freddie Datsun is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Fumihiro Ota comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Freddie Datsun does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Freddie Datsun defeated Giant Redwood in 11:54 with a Patriot Press.[/B] Giant Redwood was exhausted by the end of this match. This is a pairing I will probably stay away from in the future. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Corporal Doom defeated Jim Force in 4:31 by pinfall following interference from Fumihiro Ota. Corporal Doom wins the USPW National title. [/B] The match was somewhat of a dissappointment. Corporal Doom was off tonight. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Corporal Shows Off[/B] Jim Force is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials and medics, having just suffered a defeat. Corporal Doom is in the ring with a microphone, and proceeds to taunt Jim Force about the loss. Jim Force tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]The Towers Of Power defeated The Lords Of War in 12:09 when Mick Muscles defeated Warlord Agony by submission after blatantly cheating. The Towers Of Power make defence number 4 of their USPW World Tag Team titles.[/B] This was an aweful match that will not be repeated very much if I can avoid it. The Lords of War let me down in this match. I was expecting a D+. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Peter Valentine in 15:40 with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 2 of his USPW World title.[/B] Neither guy could sell in this match. Both men were exhausted by the end and it showed but at times it helped add something to the match. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] 3,381 in attendance D+ overall (hurt our popularity overall) [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]NEWS:[/B][/SIZE] Cheetah Boy arrived late. After the show Mike Peters, and Sam Strong both confronted him. He did not provide an answer to why he was late so he was terminated. USPW debuted a new worker at Stars Stripes and Slams. Bane is a former MMA star in training. He never got his big break and at his young age decided to try wrestling. He looks impressive and natural when fighting but has a lot to learn if he is going to be good.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][COLOR="Navy"][B][SIZE="5"]USPW American Wrestling[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the Grissom Auditorium[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Darryl Devine drew with Steven Parker in 0:38 following a double disqualification.[/B] Giant Redwood ran in and attacked Darryl Devine, and Steven Parker causing the double DQ. [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Freddie Datsun, Fumihiro Ota and T-Rex in 14:11 when Sean McFly defeated Fumihiro Ota with a Delorean Driver. [/B] During the match we also had Corporal Doom run in and attack Freddie Datsun. Freddies character seems to be getting stale with the fans. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Fox Mask defeated Jacob Jett in 7:37 by pinfall with a Fox Flip Off DDT.[/B] These two guys have terrible chemistry. Fox Mask appears to be getting better but the awkwardness of the match overshadowed that. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]New USPW National Champion[/B] Corporal Doom comes down to the ring, which has been set up for a celebration. He shows off his new title for the crowd, enjoying the moment. [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Savage Fury defeated The Hillbillys in 7:01 when Tribal Warrior defeated Al The Hillbilly with a Head Hunter Special.[/B] These big guys did terrible together. The Hillbillies can't have a good match with anyone. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]McFly is Watching Live[/B] Sean McFly is shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Corporal Doom defeated Burning EXILE in 6:40 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Corporal Doom makes defence number 1 of his USPW National title. [/B] Doom was exhausted by the end of this match. This match was aweful. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Not Enough Power[/B] Mike Peters comes up to Seduction and asks her out on a date, but she rejects the proposal. Mike looks dejected as she carries on like nothing happened while walking off. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Cal Sanders defeated Valentine in 5:53 by DQ when Thomas Morgan ran in and attacked Cal Sanders.[/B] Valentine is improving and it shows when he works with guys like Cal. The match was not a very good one even though both men seemed very talented. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]The Forces Of America defeated William Hayes and Sammy The Shark in 5:42 when Jim Force defeated William Hayes with a Full Force.[/B] Sammy the Shark and William Hayes should not team up anymore. They have terrible timing and do not read each other well. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Bruce the Giant Watches from Crowd[/B] Bruce The Giant is shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] [B]The Demons Of Rage defeated Bane and Des Davids and Patrick Cool and Eric The Bull in 8:36; the order of elimination was Bane and Des Davids first, and finally Patrick Cool and Eric The Bull.[/B] There is no explaination why but this match was bad. Nobody seemed to show what they could do and the fact that so many guys were in this one kinda put everyone off their game. The flow was terrible. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Sam Strong defeated Peter Valentine in 10:43 with a Strong Arm Tactic.[/B] Both men didn't sell well and they also were obviously exhausted. Sam did show that he can still put on a good match and keep the flow going with a less talented worker. Sam carried his friend Peter to a watchable match. [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D Overall(Probably hurt the promotions popularity overall) 2,000 in attendance(sold out) Sam Strong was slightly overused... how could this be? 4.01 rating
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[SIZE="5"][B]NEWS[/B][/SIZE] USPW has posted that someone from TCW will be at the next show. There have been no leaks yet as to who it is but rumor has it that he will do a program with Sean McFly and possibly Bruce the Giant. USPW also is planning on bringing in some other guys for their upcoming tournament called USPW vs the World Cup Tournament held at the new yearly event USPW vs the World. Just three days before that is USPW Red, White, and Blue! These events could hurt each other but they could also be used to promote each other and benefit each other. USPW has gone on a raid around the world for some more workers to debut in this tournament. It could be very good or it could be a total letdown. With nobody being sure who is even in it there is very little hype going into it. The buzz is there and if USPW doesn't capitolize on it now they could be left with a very bad show.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;193250][B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D Overall(Probably hurt the promotions popularity overall) 2,000 in attendance(sold out) Sam Strong was slightly overused... how could this be? 4.01 rating[/QUOTE] Did you change Sam's push before booking him in the match? Fans don't like to see backstage workers onscreen for very long. Might be a 10 minute onscreen tolerance level for backstage workers. You exceeded it by 43 seconds (which fits the 'slightly' part). One name would largely fix your problems and give you a worker that can actually perform in the ring (besides Sean McFly). That name is Steve Flash. He's old(-er) but MUCH better than 97% of your roster when it comes to in-ring ability. I think if you put the world title on McFly (which seems like a no brainer type move), he can get the best performance (or at least the best ratings) from anyone on your roster. Given your current situation, you don't have time to "build up" to it so just have Bruce drop the title to Sean (maybe in a triple threat or fatal 4-way match including a heel or two for Sean to pin). That way Bruce and whoever can feud in the semi-main event match and Sean can carry whoever to a decent main event match. Alternatively, look for folks with good to great Performance skills (B or better would be my recommendation). Those workers would be more likely to able to squeeze C+ level performances out of your "untouchables". You could also add a women's division but that might just make your men look all the more rickety. Pick up Agent 69, Nadia Snow, Paige Croft, and Alicia Strong and you can have D+ to C- matches from the start. Except for Alicia, those workers work for extremely cheap too ($100-200 per appearance), given the level of performance they're capable of.
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW American Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Washington State Gymnasium[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Sean McFly defeated Valentine in 6:35 with a Delorean Driver.[/B] Sean McFly had a tremendous performance. Valentine looks to be improving his technical skills. [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Masked TCW Man defeated William Hayes, Darryl Devine, Thomas Morgan, Steven Parker and Fox Mask in 5:41 when Masked TCW Man defeated William Hayes with a Star Maker.[/B] The masked man looked great! Thomas Morgan looked like he had improved on his flying skills. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Peter Valentine Talks Trash[/B] Peter Valentine comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by Bruce The Giant. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Jacob Jett defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 6:47 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] This was an awful match. Hernandez looked to improve his rumble skills and his technical skills though. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Abduction?[/B] Seduction is walking backstage when she is grabbed and dragged into a waiting car. The car speeds off. Nobody could see who the guy was though. [COLOR="red"]F+[/COLOR] [B]Tribal Warrior defeated Tom E. Hawk in 7:45 by pinfall following interference from Java.[/B] This match was expected to be a bit better since both men can brawl. The crowd didn't like this match though. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Tag Champs Issue Open Challenge[/B] Des Davids and USA Kid come out and say that they will take the open challenge that The Towers Of Power issued. USA Kid is wearing a TCW shirt. Des Davids is wearing a MAW shirt. apparently they are going to be in the tournament at the end of the month. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Jim Force defeated T-Rex in 3:34 with a Full Force.[/B] The crowd didn't like the slow pace of this match due to the two big guys battling. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Two Men Arrive in the Front Row[/B] Troy Tornado and Steve Flash are shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. Troy is wearing a TCW shirt and Steve Flash is wearing a NYCW shirt. Could these men be in the tournament this month? [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]The Towers Of Power defeated USA Kid and Des Davids in 6:57 when Mick Muscles defeated USA Kid by submission after blatantly cheating. The Towers Of Power make defence number 5 of their USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] Danny Rushmore did not have his head in the game tonight and looked terrible. This match was another dissappointing match on the card. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Bruce is so Confident[/B] Bruce The Giant has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Peter Valentine. He also said that he will put his title on the line. "The USPW vs The World event is mine! My title will be on the line and I will win it all." [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Freddie Datsun defeated Black Hat Bailey in 7:58 with a Patriot Press.[/B] These two veterans are good but they didn't shine in this bout. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Training Video[/B] A montage of clips is shown, set to some inspirational 1980's power ballad, which are of Sean McFly training himself for USPW vs The World. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Peter Valentine in 12:36 with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 3 of his USPW World title. [/B] Neither man could sell very well and both men were very tired. The match got the crowd going though. [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats[/I][/B] C- overall (YES OUR BEST SHOW TO DATE WAHOOO) 1,945 in attendance 4.53 rating (We improved) [QUOTE] [SIZE="4"][B]NEWS[/B][/SIZE] At American Wrestling it looked like we got some competitors for the USPW vs the World Tournament. Troy Tornado, Steve Flash, Blackhat Bailey, USA Kid, and Des Davids appear to be representing other promotions. Now we understand that there will be qualifying matches leading up to the event since all USPW guys except Bruce the Giant have to earn a spot in the event. USPW American Wrestling has lost its television deal though. This could hurt USPW in the long run but Sam Strong is sticking by Mike Peters. [B]Pre-Event Qualifiers[/B] Des Davids vs Freddie Datsun(winner faces MAW representative) Steve Flash vs Sean McFly(winner faces CGC representative) Fox Mask vs Black Hat Bailey(winner faces Troy Tornado) [B]USPW vs The World Tournament Bracket[/B] [I]Round 1[/I] Bruce the Giant vs USA Kid Mainstream Hernandez(MAW) vs TCW Representative Des Davids/Freddie Datsun vs MAW Representative Steve Flash/Sean McFly vs CGC Representative Fox Mask/Black Hat Bailey vs Troy Tornado [I]Round 2[/I] Triangle Match with winners of the first three matches facing off. The winners of the last two matches face off to go to the finals. [B][I]Intermission Match[/I][/B] Towers of Power vs Canadian Blondes(Huey Cannonball and Oscar Golden) for the USPW Tag Team Titles. [I]Round 3[/I] The two final competitors face each other. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Pre-Event Qualifiers are Scheduled[/B] Des Davids vs Freddie Datsun(winner faces MAW representative) Steve Flash vs Sean McFly(winner faces CGC representative) Fox Mask vs Black Hat Bailey(winner faces Troy Tornado) Bruce the Giant vs T-Rex for the USPW World Title More matches to be announced later.[/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] I am looking forward to my tournament. Any ideas on who the mystery TCW, MAW, and CGC guys are? Also who is going to win? Early predictions are definately welcome.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B]Interview with Mike Peters[/B] I = Interviewer I: Thank you Mike Peters for your time. We understand you are the new head booker due to Shane Sneers multiple commitments? MP: Yes sir, that is very true. He has decided to stay on board but he is committed to helping us still. I: That is very interesting. He is a pretty good solid stand up guy then? MP: Yes everyone for the most part is. USPW is just like working somewhere else except everyone has one common goal and that is to put on the best shows they can. I: Ok, so last week was the last USPW American Wrestling on television due to the network taking it off the air. Now just to keep things going you guys have decided to run a weekly show online called USPW Alive. What can we expect? MP: You can pretty much expect it to take the role of USPW American Wrestling. We will use a very similiar format and use it to hype up our big events. I: Thats good to know. So you have two big events coming up but the one I want to discuss is USPW vs The World. We understand on the shirt USPW Alive we will have some qualifier matches for the show. What is next after this tournament? Can we expect anything big? MP: I hope that we always can deliver something big. As for the tournament it was my idea. Sam fully supported me on it and so did some of the other promoters of the promotions. A couple talent trades later and we have ourselves a tournament. I: The thing I love the most is that the USPW World Title is on the line. In this tournament you have Sean McFly, Bruce the Giant, and some other guys. You also could have the belt go to another promotion which could keep USPW in the spotlight. So many ideas could come from this and I really like it. MP: Thank you, and yes the title is on the line. Bruce the Giant feels unstoppable so I forced him to put the title on the line. Sam Strong backed me and we will see how it goes for him. I: Yeah our message forum on the website is exploding with rumors, ideas, controversy, and all of that. Do you guys already have the show booked? MP: Yes we pretty much know how we want it all to unfold but we need to be prepared for an injury or something like that. Hopefully everything goes as planned. I: Ok one last question... how do you enjoy working for Sam Strong? MP: Are you serious? He is a legend and a true professional. I love his ideas most of the time and think he is one of the most loyal men I've ever met. Without him none of this would be possible. He made wrestling what it is today and he also gave me this opportunity and just some electronics manufacturing salesman out of Michigan. I: Very well said... and thank you for your time I know you have a lot of business to attend. MP: It's my priviledge. [/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC:[/B] I did this to explain USPW Alive for everyone. [/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW Alive[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Delaware Auditorium[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Jacob Jett defeated Darryl Devine and Thomas Morgan in 12:43 when Jacob Jett defeated Thomas Morgan by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/B] The crowd absolutely hated this match. [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Possible New Team?[/B] Sammy The Shark and Valentine had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with The Lords Of War. Valentine is improving at acting and learning how to show more charisma. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]The Champ Kicks Off the Show[/B] Bruce The Giant comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by T-Rex. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Steven Parker defeated Burning EXILE in 9:53 by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/B] The crowd hated this match. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Nobody Can Beat a Giant[/B] Bruce The Giant cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with T-Rex. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Freddie Datsun defeated Des Davids in 8:09 with a Patriot Press.[/B] Des Davids and Freddie Datsun have great chemistry, and it showed in their performance. Freddie carried Des at times but Des Davids was definately no slouch. [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Champion has Guards[/B] Bruce The Giant goes into his locker room, but not before telling Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain to guard the door and not let anyone in. He disappears inside, leaving them standing outside looking mean. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Fox Mask defeated Black Hat Bailey in 6:33 by disqualification.[/B] These two had terrible chemistry. This is a match the fans never want to see again since it looked awkward. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Arrogant Demons of Rage[/B] The Demons Of Rage cut an interview about their upcoming match , where they treat them with utter contempt, calling the match "a complete waste of time" and a "foregone conclusion". [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Steve Flash in 11:48 with a Delorean Driver.[/B] Sean McFly looked good out there, but when does he look bad? This match was a good one for Steve Flash to debut in. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]The Demons Of Rage defeated The Lords Of War, The Hillbillys and Sammy The Shark and Valentine in 9:35; the order of elimination was Sammy The Shark and Valentine first, then The Hillbillys, and finally The Lords Of War.[/B] This match suffered because nobody in this match had the ability to put on a good match. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated T-Rex in 6:56 when T-Rex was disqualified when Giant Redwood ran in and attacked Bruce The Giant. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 4 of his USPW World title. [/B] T-Rex and Bruce do not click in the ring. Both men were very tired about mid way through the match. The lack of selling hurt the match. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D Overall (This match hurt our popularity AGAIN! Sam Strong is going to fire me eventually I bet.) 966 in attendance (Maybe I can use this to convince Sam to let me phase out some of the older untalented guys.)
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[QUOTE][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive Preview[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]Going to the Midwest[/COLOR] [B]Big Richard vs Bane vs Raine vs Tom E. Hawk[/B] Three newcomers(created workers) and one USPW veteran. [B]Nene Ebina vs Paige Croft[/B] First womens match in USPW ever. Past vs the Future. [B]Jacob Jett vs Darryl Devine[/B] These two youngsters have a bright future in this business and this could be one of many matches throughout their careers. [B]Sammy the Shark vs Steve Flash[/B] Steve Flash had a good showing in his USPW debut against Sean McFly but it wasn't enough. He is looking to redeem himself against Sammy the Shark. [B]Sean McFly vs Eric the Bull[/B] Sean McFly is looking to keep his momentum up against Eric the Bull in what will be a touch challenge for McFly. [B]=O= Bruce the Giant vs Giant Redwood for the USPW World Title[/B] In this epic battle of the Giants, Bruce is looking to keep his dominance over the main eventers of USPW. Also on the line is the #1 seed in the USPW vs The World Tournament.[/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] I like this card but I do not think it will get me above a D+.[/I]
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Don't feel too bad. After simming 3 months and 10 shows I haven't had a match above a C- with the regular USPW crew and in my NYCW dynasty game, I checked the AI USPW cards and they didnt get a card over a D+ until they started bringing in people like Guide and Mainstream Hernandez and they faced each other after 10 months of game time. Keep the faith and use the older guys for angles and promos instead of matches and it should help get the ratings up.
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[B]Personal Confrontation[/B] I was sitting in my new apartment talking on the phone with my girlfriend. The conversations seemed to be going well until... "So when are you going to be coming home to see me?" "I don't know." "That isn't the right answer." "I didn't realize this was trivial pursuit." "No, you are supposed to say as soon as possible or right now I am dropping everything and coming over." "I don't live just an hour away anymore. I can't do that. I will try and book a few matches in Michigan over the next couple months." "This has been the hardest month ever for me. Hasn't it been hard on you, being away from me?" "Yes this has been a really tough month." She didn't realize that I was referring to my month with USPW. "Are you sure? I do not think you miss me." "Of course I miss you honey. I just have been really busy and I'm not too good at my new job." I was still thinking how I was going to turn this thing around and get it going in a positive direction. Apparently while I was thinking about that she said something and I missed it. "Hello? Are you even paying attention to me? I can't do this anymore. You don't miss me. You don't listen or even pay attention to me. I love you but don't call me until you are ready to come home to me. We are done!" She began crying and hung up the phone. I felt my heart drop in my chest. I began to feel a lot of pain and it got hard to breathe. I tried calling her back but it kept going to her voicemail. I knew that we were done. She wanted me to make a choice between her and my dream job. The problem with me choosing the job is that I wasn't sure if it was forever. I knew if I was loyal to her she would stay by me forever. This was tough and even tougher than booking wrestling.
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[QUOTE] [B]Guest Article on USPW.com[/B] Hello fans, I have received many questions as to why I attacked Bruce the Giant. I am a former 3-time USPW World Champion and I wasn't even given a chance to represent the USPW in the tournament coming up this month. I knew that if I was not going to be given any chances I needed to make them. So I went after the Giant. So now we have a battle of the giants with the winner going on to the tournament as the USPW World Champion. I will not let this chance pass me by. I am Giant Redwood and it takes a lot to make a Redwood fall. I hope you all enjoy the match and I hope Bruce has a backup plan if he loses, because he will need it. [/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC: [/B]I am hoping to get a few shows up this weekend.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]USPW Alive[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="navy"]Live from the Junkyard[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Talking to Self[/B] A man is shown backstage having a conversation without someone off screen. As the camera pans back, it is revealed that he is actually talking to himself. [COLOR="Red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Nene Ebina defeated Paige Croft in 4:51 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] The fans were not happy to see females competing. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Raine defeated Big Richard, Bane and Tom E. Hawk in 6:40 when Raine defeated Tom E. Hawk with a Raine Drop.[/B] Big Richard was exhausted by the end. The crowd did not recoginize anyone in this match except Tom E. Hawk and that hurt the rating a lot. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]FDA defeated Jerry "The Snake" Slayer, Valentine, Ghost, April Appleseed and Agent 69 in 10:48 when FDA defeated Agent 69 with a Stunner.[/B] Again the fans really got on the womens cases because they did not want to see women competing. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Sammy the Shark Hypes Match[/B] Sammy The Shark had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Steve Flash. He changed his gimmick way too soon from his last change for it to be effective.[COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Steve Flash defeated Sammy The Shark in 8:37 with a Flash Bang.[/B] The crowd just didn't get into this match up. This pairing will not be done for awhile. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]MAW Discussion[/B] The Towers Of Power attack Des Davids and Mainstream Hernandez backstage, and leave them down and out. During this segment the fans got up to go to the bathroom and hit concession stands.[COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Jacob Jett defeated Darryl Devine in 7:28 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] This was the best match so far but that wasn't saying much. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Tag Title Match Made[/B] Des Davids and Mainstream Hernandez are backstage with Mike Peters. They ask to be given a chance to wrestle The Towers Of Power in a tag team match for the titles, and Mike Peters accepts the request. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Sean McFly defeated Eric The Bull in 7:41 with a Delorean Driver.[/B] The great performance by Sean McFly really stood out. [COLOR="red"]D+[/COLOR] [B]Bruce Wants Redwood Now[/B] Bruce The Giant cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Giant Redwood. [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [B]The Towers Of Power defeated Mainstream Hernandez and Des Davids in 9:32 when Mick Muscles defeated Des Davids by pinfall. The Towers Of Power make defence number 6 of their USPW World Tag Team titles. [/B] The crowd seems to be expecting more top names. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] [B]A video plays hyping Bruce The Giant vs. Giant Redwood.[/B] It shows the attacks on Bruce the Giant last week and Giant Redwoods highlights as World Champion in the past. [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Bruce The Giant defeated Giant Redwood in 8:18 with a Giant Choke Slam. Bruce The Giant makes defence number 5 of his USPW World title. [/B] Neither man could sell and both men were tired with Giant Redwood being the more tired of the two. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] D overall(hurt our populary wahoo) 1,000 in attendance(sold out) Valentine, and Des Davids were overused. The crowd expects more dangerous spots. USPW should consider raising the match danger to 40%.
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[B]USPW Meeting Room[/B] As we all began everyone was present. I sat next to Sam Strong who was at the head of the table. Danny sat across from me. Giant Redwood and Bruce the Giant sat to my right and Shane Sneer sat next to Danny Jillefski. Sam began, "fans were wanting more dangerous spots at our last show but this is a family friendly promotion. We will not be changing this. Also USPW is about men settling their differences in the ring and out, not women wrestling. We received a lot of emails and letters about the fans not being happy with the two matches we had that included women. So we need to make the women personalities or managers." I responded, "sir I understand the fans have not been too happy. I am trying to make changes for the better. We have some guys who can do phenomenal high spots once in awhile and other high risk moves. By keeping our product extremely toned down without headspots, high spots, and any hardcore our roster is limited. I do not like to limit my workers." Danny looked at me like I was digging myself into a hole with a smug grin on his face. He spoke up, "look Mike we are abandoning the fans we have by bringing in some of these guys. We needed to grow not clean out what we have and try to fill the holes with juvenile fans." After Danny said that Shane actually stuck up for me. He said, "I agree with what both of you want. Mike is just trying to give the USPW a new feel and modernize it some. You Danny want to book the same matches that the fans have seen for years. I think we need to find a common balance." Sam appeared to agree with Shane, "well lets find a way to give our old fans what they want and also try some new things as well but the women have to go as in ring competitors. Now on to the financials. We have lost almost $200,000 in a month. This would be fine if I felt we were growing but we aren't. My way to solve this is to actually reduce our show to one hour and see how that goes. I also want you to use the guys on written deals as much as possible. Also if these guys are not off my roster in the next couple days then one of you will be off of it in their place!" I looked down at the list he handed out and the name that stood out was Cheetah Boy because we already let him go. A couple guys were still on the roster and I would need to get rid of them myself. Strong stood up and slid his chair in. "That is all I wanted to discuss so carry on with what you were doing before. Oh Danny, Redwood I want you two to go and work on cutting promos. Redwood I really feel that we can make you better than what you are."
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[QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]NEWS[/B][/SIZE] USPW has released Oscar(Lex Appeal), and Patrick Cool due to the lack of quality performances for USPW. Mike issued a statement, "I think both of these guys can be great and I hope they do wonderful things. They just didn't perform up to what we expected here. We wish them the best and hopefully we see them putting on 5 star matches in TCW, or SWF some day." Other names on the chopping block are... April Appleseed, Nene Ebina, Tom E. Hawk, Fox Mask, Eric the Bull, T-Rex, and Des Davids. Also backstage at a recent show Al the Hillbilly told Mainstream Hernandez he would never amount to anything in this business because he is just a young punk.[/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC:[/B] I wasn't going to use Patrick Cool or Lex Appeal anyways so I needed to fire them. I feel like I am learning a lot from this diary and writing it down is helping me learn at a quicker pace.[/I]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;194774][B][I]OOC:[/B] I wasn't going to use Patrick Cool or Lex Appeal anyways so I needed to fire them. I feel like I am learning a lot from this diary and writing it down is helping me learn at a quicker pace.[/I][/QUOTE] Those were the first two I cut loose also. Next to go will be the hillbillies after I finish their current storyline with the Towers of Power.
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]USPW Alive Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sheik Mustafa vs Darryl Devine[/B] This match is between two guys who have not compiled an impressing win loss record. [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Valentine[/B] Both of these guys are planning on moving up the card in the future and this could be the beginning. Valentine is the defender of USPW as he has beaten everyone from other promotions. [B]Freddie Datsun vs Thomas Morgan[/B] This is a battle of the minds as both men are technical geniuses. [B]Fumihiro Ota vs Steve Flash vs Steven Parker[/B] This could be a really good match as all man are good mat wrestlers. [B]Towers of Power vs Demons of Rage non-title[/B] This should be a good brawl. [B]=O= Jim Force vs Des Davids for the USPW National Title[/B] Des Davids is challenging for the National Title but Jim Force is a freak this could be a surprisingly good match. The Hillbillies have something to say and will be given the chance to say it. Bruce the Giant, Sean McFly, Fox Mask, Giant Redwood, and others will also be there as the USPW returns home! That is right the USPW goes back to the South East and hope to amaze the hometown crowd.[/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC:[/B] I expect a C for this card that I have planned out.[/I]
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[QUOTE][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]USPW Alive[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Live from Arkansas Colliseum[/COLOR] [B]Preshow[/B] [B]Fox Mask defeated Ghost in 8:05 by DQ due to interference from Jacob Jett. Jacob Jett ran in and attacked Fox Mask with a chair.[/B] Fox Mask was off and it showed. [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Cameron Vessey defeated Burning EXILE in 6:29 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] Cameron Vessey is improving a lot but with all of the talent he has everyone expected more. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]The Show[/B] [B]Sheik Mustafa defeated Darryl Devine in 3:49 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/B] A very bad match that was expected to deliver. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Ladder Attack[/B] Cameron Vessey attacks Fox Mask in the ring, and knocks him down and out. Cameron Vessey pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in. He uses it to batter Fox Mask even more, and ends by setting it up and posing on it, above the downed body of Fox Mask. [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Valentine defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 7:31 by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/B] Another terrible match tonight. In the past this combo has worked but not this time. [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Giant Redwood and McFly Face to Face[/B] Amidst a chaotic in-ring scene, Sean McFly and Giant Redwood finally come face to face on opposite sides of the ring. They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Bane, FDA, Ten, Black Hat Bailey, Fox Mask and Des Davids. [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Freddie Datsun defeated Thomas Morgan in 9:08 with a Patriot Press.[/B] Freddie Datsun appears to be growing stale. The fans want something to freshen up his character some. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [B]Hillbillies Challenge Savage Fury[/B] The Hillbillys cut a promo challenging Savage Fury to a match at Alive next week. Paige Croft really helped the Hillbillies in this segment. [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [B]Steve Flash defeated Fumihiro Ota and Steven Parker in 8:34 when Steve Flash defeated Steven Parker with a Flash Bang.[/B] Another bad match even though it had talented workers in it. [COLOR="red"]D[/COLOR] [B]Demons of Rage Hype Match[/B] The Demons Of Rage come to the ring and challenge The Towers Of Power to put the titles on the line but Mike Peters declines their request. Agent 69 really helped the Demons of Rage get their point across in this segment.[COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]The Demons Of Rage defeated The Towers Of Power in 6:49 when Danny Rushmore was disqualified while fighting Demon Anger.[/B] Rushmore hit Demon Anger with one of the tag team titles forcing the ref to call for the bell. Agent 69 did a good job at ringside. [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][I]Stats:[/I][/B] E+ Overall (I feel so discouraged.) 1,700 in attendance The intense physicality of the matches is too high and should be toned down to about 0% "huh" [B][SIZE="5"]NEWS[/SIZE][/B] USPW will be stopping in the Great Lakes Region for their next show. Many believe that the USPW is on the downfall. Mike Peters is not doing so well and many sources say that the locker room wants him to get fired.
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