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All Star Wrestling: Bringing Wrestling Back To Boston

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[CENTER][I][I][U][COLOR=black]Live from the Laurent Ballroom in Burlington, VT.[/COLOR][/U][/I][/I] [I][U][COLOR=black]July 1978[/COLOR][/U][/COLOR][/U][/I][/CENTER] [I][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/Random_Male18.jpg[/IMG][/I] [I][I][COLOR=black]"Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting night of wrestling! I'm John Combs alongside my broadcast partner James DuVall. We've got some great matches lined up tonight folks including our champion Corporal Doom defending his title against former three time champion The Boston Bomber!"[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=black][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/Random_Male30.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][I][COLOR=black]"That's right John, but first up we have two former APWF's Heavyweight champions going one-on-one as Marcus McKing takes on Rip Chord!"[/COLOR][COLOR=black] hotel room in 1987. According to the papers he had over 10 pounds of pure Columbian cocaine in the room with him and had died of a massive heart attack from an overdose.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I][U][COLOR=black]Phoenix[/COLOR][/U][/I][I][U][COLOR=black] Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/I]Phoenix, AZ[/B][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black]Boston."[/COLOR][/I]Boston turned successful business man turned into bankrupt shallow husk of a man who was slowly killing himself with alcohol, had just gone through his phone book and realized that most of his friends were now dead. [/COLOR] [COLOR=black]
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The Next Week [I][U]December 22, 2006[/U][/I] [I][U]Flight 243 Inbound to Boston Logan Airport[/U][/I] Rich pushed his seat back into the reclining position and tried to relax. He couldn't believe what he was doing, what he had let his Dad talk him into, and that he had possibly jeopardized his job by requesting a week off for Christmas and then taking off early today. But maybe this was his chance to finally get back into what he truly loved. Sure he had failed as both a wrestler and as a promoter but now he was older and wiser. Well, he chuckled to himself, older anyways. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] "Hey man, can I get by?" The young kid sitting next to Rich stirred him out of his thoughts. Rich put his chairback up and stood up to let him go around. "Sure, no problem." For a moment Rich could've sworn he recognized him but quickly dismissed it. He sat back down and went back to his thoughts. The past week had been a blur. His Dad had hit a lucky streak at the Foxwoods casinos and he wanted to use his winnings to open up a new promotion in Boston. At first he had played along not wanting to hurt his Father's fragile ego but then he slowly began to think that maybe this could work. When he told Rich that his old friend John Combs was on board as well Rich thought '[I]What the hell!' [/I]and booked his flight out to at least meet. His father had emailed him some prelimary ideas for the promotion and Rich couldn't help but smile as he realized that it was almost the same kind of product he had been running with his own PCW. He pulled out his laptop and opened his email. [quote] [B][B]FOCUS FOR ALL STAR WRESTLING[/B] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/ASW_alt2.jpg[/IMG] This will be a very modern product but still include the entertainment aspect of wrestling. While we'll try to encompass all types of workers we're going to be mainly looking for young kids who can fly around the ring and entertain the people in the seats. I'm not much for gratuitous T&A but if we can find some pretty girls to stand at ringside and that brings in warm bodies, I'm not against that. Also we'll be looking to have mainly short matches between 8-15 minutes with maybe our main event lasting as long as 20 minutes. But I don't want people to get bored with a match, it's all about keeping their attention and getting them so excited they can't wait until the next show. I've put away $20,000 to start up this project and have already spoken to the owner of [I]Biker's Paradise [/I]who has said we can run shows in his place whenever we want for a very modest fee. I figure until we get our name brand out there, this place will work. Besides that Rich, I'm giving you free reign to bring in who you think would work best for what we're trying to do. I know that you know the independent scene better than anyone else and that's why you're the head booker. John and I will be your announce team but other than that I haven't been able to convince any of my other associates to join up with me. Oh and I've started putting flyers up around town saying we'll be having a show at the end of January, I figure we can get something going by then. Have a safe flight and I'll see you in a few days. Love, Dad [/B][/quote] Rich leaned back and, despite his initial dismissal of the idea, he knew at least 10 workers off the top of his head who he figured would at least show up and give ASW a chance. ASW...All Star Wrestling...Rich wasn't sure he liked the name, too old-fashioned, but it looked like his Dad had already had a logo designed so I guess that was one decision he didn't have to worry about. "Need to squeeze back in there man." The young kid had returned from the lavatory and Rich let him get by and then settled back in his seat. He looked over at the laptop as it titled towards him when Rich put his seatbelt back on. "What's All Star Wrestling? Never heard of it." "Umm...well." Rich then had a profound thought. Why was he so scared to commit to this? What did he have to lose except his reporting job with the Indepent Wrestling Website that he had started to grow tired of anyways? "It's the promotion that my Father and I are opening up in Boston. I'm Rich DuVall, head booker. If you're going to be in Boston for awhile you should come see a show next month..." Rich motioned for the kid's name. "Kris...Kris Turkleton. That's kinda funny I'm actually a wrestler myself." He began before Rich cut him off. "Of course! Fearless Blue! Damn I'm sorry, I guess I'm sort of lost in my thoughts. I actually went and saw one of your shows. I write for a wrestling website and XDW is starting to pick up some notice." Rich was so caught up in thought he didn't realize the surprised look on Kris' face. "Wow, I've never met anyone outside of San Diego that recognized me. But always nice to met a fan. Yeah we've got some big plans, we're hoping to maybe start going to LA to do some shows there." Kris sat back with a content look on his face. Rich recognized that look as one that he had when he first started PCW. "Well good luck to you Kris. Just remember to take baby steps. Promotions can fold faster than you'd believe. Trust me on this one." [B][I]DING![/I][/B] The announcements started telling people to prepare for landing. Rich packed up his laptop and polished off the rest of his Ginger Ale. Kris meanwhile had actually fallen back asleep. Oh to be young again Rich thought to himself. [B][I][U]2 hours later[/U][/I][/B] Rich found himself sitting in his Dad's condo and was going over all the details of their new promotion. There had been little pleasantries exchanged between them and James was right down to business. "So, what do you think?" James said, sipping a glass of whisky on the rocks. Rich couldn't remember the last time he had seen his Dad so...alive I guess was the word. "Dad, I think it all looks great. Although I wished you would have waited until we at least get a hold of some talent before announcing a show date." Rich sighed and leaned back, lacing his hands behind his head. "But we do have talent Rich!" James exclaimed. "Umm, Dad, look I do know some independent workers from the shows I've seen but no one good enough to commit without even knowing what their getting into." Rich tried to rationally explain to his Dad who seemed too lost in his visions of glory. "But don't you see Rich...[I]you're [/I]the talent! The triumphant return of Rick Arquitte to the ring!" James was beaming, although whether it was from the whisky or his genuine excitement Rich couldn't tell. "Oh boy!" [B][I][U]To Be Continued[/U][/I][/B]
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Setting Up The Roster [I][U][B]January 2, 2007[/B][/U][/I] [I][U][B]Quincy, MA[/B][/U][/I] It had taken Rich quite awhile to convince his father that he was in no shape to be headlining shows, but did admit that his knee felt better than it had in quite sometime and he would be willing to do some dark matches and help out when needed. But Rich was mainly concerned with getting a roster assembled over the next three weeks for the company's first show. Of course he immediately thought of Kris "Fearless Blue" Turkelton but then remembered that he was only 17 years old and was still in High School, and seemed hell-bent on making his backyard promotion into a real business. Rich settled on just keeping tabs on eXtreme Danger Wrestling on their webpage and see just how they did. Maybe when the majority of the roster wasn't in school they could make a couple of appearances on his show...but that was probably at least a year away...and Rich had a show in 18 days! [I]"Butt dance again...like the rhythm's down your pants now."* [/I]Rich's laptop played a sound telling him that he had a new email. Rich walked across his small office that his Dad had set up for him and sat down at his desk. [quote] To: Rich <[EMAIL="RichardDuVall@yahoo.com"][COLOR=black]RichardDuVall@yahoo.com[/COLOR][/EMAIL]> From: [EMAIL="JamesDuVall@Comcast.net"][COLOR=black]JamesDuVall@Comcast.net[/COLOR][/EMAIL] Date: 1/2/2007 Subject: ASW is officially in business! Good Morning Rich! Today is the day it all starts for real son. I've gotten all the legal mumbo jumbo taken care of with my lawyer (thank God I only need to see him a couple of hours every month, he charges $75 bucks an hour) and so you can start sending out contract offers. Also I've arranged with the local temp agency to send over an office worker 2 Friday's a month. I figure you could use the help with the paperwork. If it ever gets to a point where you need more, just let me know. I got a hold of an old business friend of mine who runs a small marketing firm. He's agreed to help us set-up a website and to run an small ad once a month in the Metro. He said that once the website is up we'd be able to play our shows on the site, but I'll let you decide about that. Lastly just a couple of things to reiterate about what I'm looking for in our roster. I'm looking for guys in their prime or about to hit their prime. I want ASW to be a youth movement, not a retirement home. Hand in hand with that, I want athletes in the ring, I don't care if their brawlers or technicians but I don't want to see anyone that is going to be winded after just a couple of minutes. As far as the money is concerned, we're really kind of strapped for cash, and the people we need to pay every month aren't going to take I.O.U.s (I'm afraid I burned those bridges a couple of years ago) so we always need to stay in the black, at least until we're established enough to get a line of credit from a bank. O.K. I've rambled enough, I'll let you get to work. Let me know when you've got a roster assembled as I'd like to have a meeting before the show. And let's plan on having a meeting at the end of every month so we can discuss our current situation and where things are headed. Talk to you soon, Dad [/quote] [I]'Well, time to get to work'[/I] Rich thought to himself as he started to pull up his spreadsheet of all the worker's he'd been keeping tabs on. [B][I][U]Later that week[/U][/I][/B] First he looked at some cruiserweights who had caught his eye as their style seemed to play up to the product of ASW the best. The pickings were slim as far as workers he knew that weren't tied down to another promotion (and who work for under $500 an appearance). He sent out an email to the following workers: [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cal Sanders: [/B]Rich had seen Cal at a Canadian Independent show in July of 2006 and really liked what he saw; he was a very solid worker who could take to the air when needed, but was also comfortable (actually more comfortable) working a very technical match. Sure he couldn't carry an interview if it had a handle on it but that's what managers are for. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Smart: [/B]Mark is a young kid who actually has some history with USPW, working his way up from towel boy, to sound operator, to actually working a couple opening matches. But Mark doesn't fit the mold of what UPSW thinks a worker should be and let him drift away back to the independent circuit. Mark is alot like Cal in the fact that he can put on some decent aerial moves as well mix it up on the mat. Unlike Cal however, Mark has some untapped charisma that he's only rarely got to showcase. We'll need to work with him on developing a solid character but he looks like another solid worker. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Roderick Remus: [/B]Roderick is a young rising star who Rich has followed closely for quite sometime. Starting out as a tag team worker he was forces to go into singles competition when his brother had an accident that left him unable to compete. Roderick is rough, unpolished high flyer who seems to have unlimited potential if handled right. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tempest Appleby: [/B]Another Canadian worker paying his dues on the independent circuit, Tempest is a natural aerial worker whose skills are some of the best Rich has ever seen. He's another worker who shouldn't ever touch a microphone but paired with the right manager could go far. These were the top four choices and as far as cruiserweights, the only real choices. Rich broadened his search and also sent out emails to the following: [B]K-Squared[/B] [B]Ace Youngblood[/B] [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] [B]Jeremy Jazz[/B] [B]Dog Fyte[/B] [B]Little Bill Lebowski[/B] [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] [B]Matty Phatty[/B] And finally...someone that Rich's Dad actually wanted to be contacted because he had heard about him from a friend of a friend...Ladies and Gentlemen here is the one-of-a-kind... [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy: [/B]Another native Canadian who has got some attention mostly for his ridiculous name, but also on the fact that he can wrestle a good solid technical match. Rich had in fact seen him at a show where he was used as opening match fodder really didn't give him much thought at the time, but who knows, maybe if Stretch had a run with a company he could do something...or he might lay an egg (/end bad pun) Rich looked down at his list and realized that if he got everyone to sign he'd have a decent but unknown roster. But maybe going with unknowns is a good way to build up his own company image. Instead of people saying that so-and-so from another company is appearing tonight, they would only associate them with ASW. Also Rich knew the headaches of dealing with workers traveling between promotions and if that could be avoided, all the better. As his last order of business Rich sent out an email to Oz Lord. Oz was a independent scene ref who had lately started traveling to Mexico to get some work. Oz was competent and Rich knew he was anxious to get back to the states for a steady gig. This just left him without a road agent or manager, and once again his thought strayed to Mexico. Four years ago Rich had met a girl who was just finishing up her degree at Arizona State University. She was smart, funny and strikingly beautiful. Rich had a whirlwind romance that all started when she came to see one of his PCW shows and then started helping him organize the shows, and ended shortly after PCW shut down and Rich got into a drunken argument with her. Man had it really been over a year since he talked to her. He knew she had gone down to Mexico on a contract job for some company that was opening up a new plant down there and he tried to keep in touch with her but she had a busy schedule and grew tired of dealing with Rich's indecisivenessabout his direction in life. Rich figured that this was probably as good a chance as he'd ever have to patch things up with her and so he picked up the phone and dialed. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/Buttercup.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Hello?" [/I]Her voice sounded as sweet to Rich as the first time he'd heard it. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/male4.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Hi Jen, it's...umm...it's me Rich. How are you?" [/I]He knew it sounded weak and pathetic but he always got like this when he talked to her. He heard a sigh on the other end of the line. [I]"Hi Rich, hey I'm actually about to get on a plane. My contract is up here in Mexico and I'm heading back to visit my folks in Boston." [/I] Rich paused and composed himself, not believing what he just heard. Maybe there was a God up there. [I]"What's your flight number?" [/I] [I]"Why?" [/I]She asked starting to sound perturbed. [I]"Because Buttercup, I'm going to pick you up from the airport"[/I] [B][I][U]To Be Continued[/U][/I][/B] * This if from a Strong Bad email on the Homestar Runner website. Check it out if you never have. [URL="http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail133.html"][COLOR=black]http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail133.html[/COLOR][/URL]
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Setting The Foundation [B][I][U]Later that same day[/U][/I][/B] Before Rich was about to step out of his office and head to the airport he received another email from his Dad. [quote] Subject: Packs of Pacts Hey Rich, Hope things are going well with the talent search. I just wanted to let you know that I've been making some contacts with other promotions in hopes that we might be able to do a talent trade once in awhile to bring some new workers without having to sign them to a long term contract. So far I've been in touch with the following: British Feds -21st Century Wrestling -UCR Canadian Feds -4C -CGC -NOTBW American Feds -CZCW -MAW -NYCW -RIPW -TCW -USPW Mexican Feds -MPWF -OLLIE -SOTBW I'll let you know when I hear back from them. Dad [/quote] Rich sat back in his chair with a smug grin on his face. He could've never imagined that his father would still have connections to the wrestling world after all his time away. I guess, even though it eventually failed, his years of running his own business had kept his negotiating skills sharp. Although it would be interesting to see how many of those promotions agree to a working relationship, and even if they agree, if they would have any workers they'll even want to trade for! But on the bright side, it'll stem the tide of workers being stolen away on written contracts if and when they get popular enough. Rich looked at the list again and noticed that SWF was not on there. Not really surprising as he was sure that Richard Eisen wouldn't agree to that anyways, and besides his Dad still held quite a grudge against him for buying out CWB all those years ago. I guess some grudges die hard...or not at all. Rich closed down his computer and headed out the door to the airport not having the slightest idea what he was going to say to Jen "Butterup" Myers when she got off the plane. Well, it was about a half hour drive to the airport so he'd have a little bit of time to formulate some kind of plan. [B][I][U]Logan International Airport[/U][/I][/B] Rich's palms were sweating, he realized as he wiped his hands on his jeans for what seemed like the tenth time in the past minute, and his heart was racing. Jen's flight had landed about 15 minutes ago and so any minute (any second) she could be walking out the doors. Rich paced back and forth until a crowd of people starting coming out...and then he saw her. She looked exhausted and her hair was a mess, but she was still as pretty as he remembered her. He waved to her; a little too emphatically he thought to himself. She caught sight of him and made her way through the crowd. Before Rich could begin to say anything she had embraced him in a big hug. It felt good to hold her again and he returned the hug twofold. After a minute she stepped back and looked up at him. [I]"It's really good to see you."[/I] She said to him as she reached down to pick up her bag she had dropped. [I]"Oh here, let me get that." [/I]Rich managed to spit out as he reached down at the same time and they bumped heads. She gave him a comical look as she rubbed her head. [I]"I'll get my own bag for now, thanks though."[/I] They headed down to the baggage claim and exchanged life stories about what had happened since they last saw each other. They were lucky and Jen's luggage was one of the first ones out and soon they were in Rich's car heading out of the airport. [I]"Allright Rich, I have to know, why are you back in Boston and what do you want from me?" [/I]Jen asked a few minutes into the ride. Rich nervously gripped the steering wheel before answering. [I]"I've gone into business with my Dad, Jen. We're opening up a new wrestling promotion here in Boston...and...I want you to be a part of it. I need a road agent and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a manager. Most of all Jen, I'm going to need a friend to help get me through this."[/I] There was a long pause before Jen answered. [I]"Rich...I...I don't know what to say. I've wanted to get into the business for awhile, but this is all so sudden."[/I] [I]"No need to give me an answer right now, but I would like to know before the end of the week so we can start working on the first show." [/I]Rich replied back to her, relieved that her initial reaction was very positive. Rich exited off 93 and then Jen guided him to her parents' house right outside of the town of Canton, MA. He helped her get her bags out of the car and then gave her a last hug before he left. Just before he got into his car he called to her as she was going up the steps to the house. [I]"I almost forgot to ask; what was the occasion for coming to visit your folks?" [/I] [I]"Oh...well Rich, I haven't seen them in awhile and also I wanted to tell them that I'm...engaged." [/I] [B][I][U]The Next Day[/U][/I][/B] Rich walked downstairs into his office, thankful that his Dad had got him an apartment that was right upstairs from his office. He put on a pot of coffee and started up his computer. He saw that he had an email waiting from his Dad and laughed to himself that it looked like his father was doing more work for this company than he was so far. [quote] Subject: Win Some, Lose Some Morning Rich, Just wanted to let you know I've heard back from all of the owners I contacted yesterday (Love this internet) and I've got mostly good news. Everyone except for 21CW, SOTBW and NYCW accepted a working agreement with us, and actually I'm not too broken up about any of them anyways. Haven't heard about any signing on your end, are things O.K.? Let me know if I can do anything, I'll stop over on Friday just to check in. Dad [/quote] Rich got up and got a cup of coffee and then went out and grabbed the paper. He went back inside and started flipping through and then almost spit his coffee out when he got to the announcments section. [quote] [I][B][FONT=Times New Roman][B][I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]Myers to Wed Mexican Wrestler[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B] [FONT=Times New Roman]Mr. and Mrs. Myers of Canton are proud to announce the engagment of their daughter Jennifer to Mario Gonzalez of Tampico Mexico. Jennifer and Mario are to be wed in Our Lady of Perpetual Grace in Canton July 28, 2007. Jennifer is a graduate of Arizona State Univeristy who is an independent Project Manager. Mario is a wrestler who works for South of the Border Pro Wrestling.[/FONT] [/FONT][/B][/I][/quote] No wonder Jen was so nervous yesterday, she was engaged to Mario Heroic. Rich recalled that when they broke up she said that she could never, after Rich, date another wrestler again, and now she was marrying one. Could this be any weirder a situation? The phone rang snapping Rich out of his funk. He snapped up the phone. [I]"Yeah?" [/I]He said with a little more disdain than he realized. It was Jen. [I]"Hey there Mr. Grumpy Pants, just thought I'd let you know that I'll take the job."[/I] Things just got weirder. [B][I][U]To Be Continued[/U][/I][/B]
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Ah, good ol' trackersan, out of the desert and into new england. This seems to be shaping up as no WEF or even PCW, still, I wish you nothing but the best and hope you continue with the fine writings and teach some of the kids on this board how to write characters and storylines. Beek
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The Roster is Set OOC: First off, just wanted to thanks to the first 3 posters in my little diary here. I'm sure that everyone who writes appreciates getting feedback on their work. I promise that the backstory is almost finished and we'll get to the wrestling action pretty soon. And I have to make a special welcome to Beeker who was the person who got me into this whole diary writing crazyness back on the .400 boards. [B][I][U]2nd Week of January, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office [/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich had his hands full in just his second full week on the job as he was overwhelmed with the response he got from workers, and maybe a bit underwhelmed at his negotiation skills. Every worker he had contacted got back in touch with him and agreed to discuss terms for a Pay Per Apperance contract. When the dust settled Rich typed up an email to his Dad to let him know how his company was shaping up...and so he'd know he was actually working! [quote] [U]Subject: The All Stars of ASW[/U] Hey Dad, Just to let you know I've gotten the roster sorted out this week and have the following workers on contract with us. We're planning on having a creative meeting next week to get ready for our Saturday show so you'll be able to meet everyone before hand. It looks really good Dad and I'm excited about our first show! [U]Main Eventers[/U] [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/AceYoungblood.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Ace Youngblood ($600)[/B] Ace is a good young talent who is a natural babyface...he also has enough popularity and just enough skills that he demanded $600 per apperance! I really wanted him so I agreed but with all the working agreements we have in place, I think Ace might be getting more screen time in other promotions as we use him for trade bait. [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Roderick Remus ($575)[/B] Roderick is another fine young talent (he's only 18) who can be a good heel or face. I'm planning on using him as one of our main heels but he was another worker who was a harsh negotiator. So at $575 an apperance, Roderick might appear on every other show for awhile. [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MattyPhatty_alt.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Matty Phatty ($550)[/B] Matty is one or trio of 32 year olds we have on our roster and is by far the most bizarre of them. He really has solid skills in the ring and certainly a very catchy costume, but he was another who just refused to budge on his contract amount. $550 for him and his weird monkey outfit. On a bright note, he's actually got some popularity in Canada and I think I'm going to be contacting some owners about a swap. [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Dazzling Dave Diamond ($475)[/B] I have to admit that at first I thought that Dave would be one of the bigger pains when it came down to brass tacks and hard numbers but apparently when you're unemployed and really want to get your name out there, your ego can take a back seat. Dave is our "cheapest" Main Eventer at $475 and I can see us using him as "the" heel in our company until Roderick is ready to run with that distintion. [U]Upper Midcarders[/U] The upper midcard is a good group of workers who should be the main focus of our shows for awhile due to their bargain basement prices (except for Dog Fyte who I've already got plans to use as trade bait). Here's a quick rundown: [B][U]Faces[/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/U] Kashmir Singh ($125)[/B] Kashmir comes to us all the way from India with a great look and a terrific attitude. This guy is going to be a star and I'm already looking to him to carry some of our other workers with weaker in-ring skills. He can work any type of match, and is willing to take his bumps to make someone else look good. [B][U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG][/U] Little Bill Lebowski ($150)[/B] Bill is another of our veteran workers but at 32 he still is looking for a company to give him a good run. He really seems focused on improving himself and hopefully we can get him some good matches. [B][U]Heels[/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][/U]K-Squared ($125)[/B] Kenny is a Canadian worker who has some nice high-flying skills that I can't wait to see in action. He has some good mic skills as well and so we'll giving him some promo time during shows. [B][U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MarkSmart-1.jpg[/IMG][/U]Mark Smart ($125)[/B] Mark has been working the independant circuit since leaving USPW a couple of years ago and he's another kid who I think can go far with some experience. He's another talented high-flyer so he should be able to work with most of our roster. Oh, and he has experience as a towel boy, so we're covered there too! [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Dog Fyte ($500)[/B] I know that $500 seems a lot for someone not in our main event but this guy is a tough customer who can put on a good brawl or work a more technical match. For now though I think I'll use him to bring in some cheaper workers from other feds...just don't tell him I said that. And, as per your request, you'll be glad to know that I was able to secure the services of... [U][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg[/IMG][/U] [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy ($125)[/B] I tell you Dad, this guy is just weird, and I don't know if it's an act. But I know that he can wrestle a good match so I decided to give him a shot. I've actually got an idea for a great entrance for him and a couple of storylines, so hopefully he connects with the crowd. [U]The Rest of the Roster[/U] [U]Midcarders[/U] [B][U]Face[/U][/B] [B]Cal Sanders ($100): [/B]Really a steal for this guy at this price. His only limitation is his weak mic skills, but I've already got him teamed up with a manager. [B][U]Heels[/U][/B] [B]Jeremy Jazz ($100): [/B]A young cruiserweight with average skills. I'm actually not too sold on him but we'll see how he responds to some matches with more experienced workers. [B]Tempest Appleby ($125): [/B]Another Canadian import who really can bring it for a high-flying match. He's got skills that are on par with some of the best in the business today. I'm hoping we can get him moved up the card pretty quickly. [U]Lower Midcard[/U] [B]Thomas Morgan ($150): [/B]Rounding out our workers, and our trio of 32 year olds, Thomas is a great mat worker with pretty good mic skills whose just gone unnoticed in the wrestling world. He's another worker I'm hoping we can get into a hot storyline and get him some attention to the public. [U]Ref[/U] [B]Oz Lord ($275): [/B]Refs don't come cheap and believe me, you wouldn't want anyone underneath Oz as far as skills go. Don't get me wrong, he's competant enough for us right now (and probably for quite sometime), but hopefully he either grows with us or we're able to bring in a more experience ref in the future. [U]Manager/Road Agent[/U] [B]Jen "Buttercup" Myers ($100): [/B]You'll never who I got back in contact with. Now before you think I'm making a mistake, trust me when I say that Jen can run the backstage just fine, and besides, like refs, road agents' pay skyrockets the more talented and respected they get, so let's be happy we have someone who can be both a manager and a road agent. Oh and she's engaged to Mario Heroic from Mexico, so who knows, maybe she can convince him to come up for a show now and then. As far as myself, I'm planning on working some dark matches as well as helping out during interviews, perhaps even doing some managing work if the need arises. Don't worry, I'll let you know when I think I can do a match for the main show. That's all for now, I'll let you know how the talent trades work out over the next couple of days. Rich [/quote] After sending the email Rich picked up the phone. He had a roster of some talented employeed workers in front of him and he had some vague ideas running through his head when the line picked up. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CliffAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [I]"CZCW, this is Cliff?" [/I]Rich paused not expecting the CZCW owner to be answering the phones but then went right into his speil about wanting to make a talent trade. He must of caught Cliff in a good mood because when he hung up he had exchanged Ace Youngblood for three appearences and in return got... [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]MASKED COUGAR![/B] After Rich hung up the phone he did a little victory dance arond the office as he got another cup of coffee. He was on such a high, snagging someone who is one of the best Indy fliers in the country for someone, who let's face it, needs some work, that he decided to go for broke and picked up the phone again. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Hello?" [/I]Rich was getting lucky catching the owners on the phone, he felt kind of bad that he had a secretary, well at least one day a week anyways. [I]"Hey Rip, it's Rich DuVall from ASW. I know you and my father worked out an agreement yesterday..."[/I] [B][U]20 minutes later...[/U][/B] [I]"O.K. then, no thank you sir. Alright, I'll tell Dad you said hi." [/I]Rich hung up the phone and had a slightly dazed look in his eye. He stood up and went up to the dry erase board where he kept his roster posted. On the top of the chart underneath "Main Eventers" he scribbled in a name and then stepped back and just admired how great it looked... [B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4]Mainstream Hernandez[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][U]To Be Continued[/U][/B]
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Legal Loopholes Help Set the First Card [B][I][U]Friday, 2nd Week of January, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office [/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich was riding high from his previous deals he had made earlier in the week and when he woke up today, he decided that he would try for a truely stellar deal that would really help draw for the first couple of shows. He called up to the 4C main office and after talking with an office assistant, he was put on the phone with Troy Winner, owner of 4C. Rich thought he would try to ease into the negotiations. [I]"Hello Troy. First off just wanted to say..." [/I] [I]"Look Rich I'm a busy man, let's cut to it, what do you want?" [/I]Troy cut him off with his trademark gruffness. This guy has a little temper, Rich thought to himself, and then had to catch himself from laughing. [I]"I'm interested in sending one of my workers up to your a few shows and..." [/I]Again Rich was cut off. [I]"Who are you gonig to give me?" [/I]Troy was certainly all business. [I]"Matty Phatty. I'm sure you've heard of him up there he's..."[/I] [I]"Yes, yes. We could actually use him. Now who do you think you're going to get off of me."[/I] Rich took a deep breath. [I]"Darryl Devine." [/I] There was a pause on the other end and then some laughter. Well, you can't win 'em all, he thought. Maybe there was another promotion that would take him, he was already thinking of phoning up Rip again at MAW when suddenly Troy cut back in. [I]"Yes that's fine. Fax up the forms right now and my assistant will take care of everything. How many appearences were you thinking?" [/I]Troy's demeanor had changed dramatically. [I]"Well, two would be nice..."[/I] [I]"Let's make it three! I'll fax you back a confirmation as soon as everything is signed. Nice doing business with you kid."[/I] [I]CLICK[/I] Rich slowly hung up the phone truely perplexed at the sudden turn of events. He had gone from a wing and a prayer of having Devine show up for a show to getting him for THREE! The front door opened and he looked up to see his very part-time office temp walk in. [I]"Good morning Mr. DuVall. How are you today." [/I]She said in her usual perky voice. Her name was Erin Vallone, she was 20 and a senior at Quincy Community College who was tranferring to UMASS next year to get a Bachlor's. [I]"Hi Erin. I'm great, I've got a fax I need you to send right away. Another talent trade."[/I] [I]"Of course." [/I]She grabbed the paperwork and headed over to the fax machine. Rich went back to his computer reading the morning news before surfing some of his favorite wrestling internet news sites. He was a little disapointed with his old company's webpage as it looked like since he had left only 3 or 4 new articles had gone up. He hated to think that he was the link holding that webpage together but, come to think of it, the last two years his whole life had pretty much revolved around writing up stories so maybe he had been carrying more than his share of the load. Erin walked over to his desk and handed him some papers. [I]"He must have been sitting right by the fax. I got the signed copy back almost as soon as I had sent it."[/I] Rich thanked her and she went back over the tiny desk that served as her work area and starting some filing. He looked down at the signed copy of the contract and saw a hastily scrawled signature across the bottom. What was going on with Troy that he was so eager to complete this deal? Shrugging it off he turned his attention back to the computer and pulled up SWF's mainpage. On top of their usual hype for their upcoming shows Rich saw a headline story that had just been put up the night before. He coughed up a bit of his coffee as he scanned over the article. [quote] [B][FONT=Times New Roman]DEVINE TIMES AHEAD![/FONT][/B] [FONT=Times New Roman]Young independent circuit standout Darryl Devine is in the midst of completing a contract with SWF that would make him exclusive to the company. An inside source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the terms of the deal still being under discussion, said that it was most likely only a matter of days before the deal would be completed.[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman]Currently working with USPW and 4C in Canada, Devine looks set to make SWF his home and have a run at the big times. This will be his first exposure to a large national audience...[/FONT] [/quote] Rich stopped reading and grabbed the phone. His father wasn't going to like this. [B][I][U]Later that day[/U][/I][/B] Sometimes lawyers earn their keep, and today was one of those times. James DuVall's lawyer immediatly contacted the lawyers for both 4C and SWF and in the end he was able to get SWF to agree that Devine would still have to make his 3 appearences with ASW. This was an incredible turn of events as not only would they still have Devine for their first 3 shows, he would be working for SWF at the same time, which meant that he would be a HUGE attraction for ASW. Afterwards Rich set up some fliers for the first show, as now he could go on with his earlier plans knowing that Devine was theirs for 3 shows. He also contacted their internet support company to upload the information onto the company website. [quote] [CENTER][B][SIZE=5][FONT=Impact][B][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]SATURDAY JANUARY 20, 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5][FONT=Impact][B][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]ALL STAR WRESTLING[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5][FONT=Impact][B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]FEATURING THE ANNOUNCE TEAM OF CWB FAME[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5][FONT=Impact][B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]JOHN COMBS AND JAMES DUVALL[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=5][FONT=Impact][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]PRESENT[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]ASW NEW YEAR'S DESOLUTION[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]THE SEARCH FOR THE FIRST ASW CHAMPION BEGINS[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]THE MAIN EVENT WILL FEATURE[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]SWF'S NEWEST STAR DARRYL DEVINE VS. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MainstreamHernandez_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=System][SIZE=4]ALSO:[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=System][SIZE=4]MASKED COUGAR VS. STRETCH THE CHICKEN BOY[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=System][SIZE=4]RODERICK REMUS VS. BILL LEBOWSKI[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=System][SIZE=4]KASHMIRE SINGH VS. DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=4]CAL SANDERS VS TEMPEST APPLEBY[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=System][SIZE=4]BATTLE IT OUT FOR THE ASW ALL AMERICAN TITLE[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [LEFT][FONT=System][SIZE=4]THE SHOW WILL BE HELD AT BOSTON'S FAMOUS BIKER'S PARADISE AND TICKETS ARE ONLY $2.00 AT THE DOOR. SHOW STARTS AT 8:00PM.[/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT] [/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/quote] [LEFT]Satisfied after a very strange day I sat out to grab something to eat and decided on Accupolco's Mexican restaurant. They had some good food and great margarittas and Rich felt like celebrating.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Rich got a nice corner booth and was about halfway through his first Cadilac Margaritta when he happened to look up and see a couple that had just walked in...it was his ex Jen and her new fiance Mario Heroic.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Rich quickly motioned the waiter over for a second drink...and just for good measure ordered a third. He saw Jen notice him and start to make her way over...it was going to be a long night.[/LEFT]
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Preparing For Our First Show [B][I][U]Friday January, 19 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Biker's Paradise Bar[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Boston, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich had decided that it would be better to have the planning meeting in the actual place where the show was going to be held. Earlier in the week Rich had sent out emails to all the workers that were going to be part of the show was glad to hear everyone could make it. He got there an hour before the meeting so he could scope out the place and talk with the owner a bit. Rich was impressed with the place as he really expected it to be a dive but for what they were paying they really couldn't expect anything more. There was a decent ring, a backroom with a few lockers that workers could change in (no showers though...man that's gonna reek after the show) and a ramp from the backroom down to the ring. Rich looked up from his notepad when he heard the front door open and saw his Dad walk in. He didn't immediatly recognize the man with him as he stood up to greet them. [I]"Rich good to see you. Do you remember John?"[/I] His Dad said as he pointed to the man by him. [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/TEW2007/946.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Hey there Rich, how have you been? Geez haven't seen you in a quite awhile." [/I] Rich paused trying to take in what he was seeing. This wasn't the John Combs he remembered, he must have had a lot of work done over the years. John noticed Rich's hesistation. [I]"Ahh...I see you've noticed the new face."[/I] [I]"And new hair!" [/I]James chipped in giving John a friendly nudge at the same time. [I]"Yeah, yeah, so I had some work done on my hair too. You didn't think I'd go through all that trouble on my face just to keep my crow's nest did you?" [/I]John and James found two empty bar stools and ordered a round of drinks. Rich sat down beside them and started looking over his notebook. Eventually everyone showed up who would be in the show and Rich got them gather down by ringside. He stepped up into the ring and looked out on the gathered group. He had forgotten the rush of getting a show together and as he looked around and saw Darryl Devine, Mainstream Hernandez and Masked Cougar all in the same room all preparing to do a show for him...well it brought a smile to his face. [I]"I'm glad to see everyone here. Thanks to those of you that had to fly in from out of state, and welcome to those of you coming to us from another company. I hope that you'll leave with a better appreciation of what ASW is what we're trying to do.[/I] [I]"Now for our first two shows, we're going to mainly focus around the tournament for our ASW Heavyweight Championship belt."[/I] Rich turned and picked up one of the belts he had previously laid out inside of the ring. He unwrapped and held it up to the men. [I]"Not bad for a local company to produce on such short notice. So, you've all seen the schedule for the show in the email I sent out to you, you know what I want to see. Jen will be going over with each of you about special spots for each match and the general flow of each we're trying to achieve."[/I] Rich looked around and was pleased to see that everyone seemed to be on board and was nodding their agreement. [I]"Allright guys, that's all I have, let's all try to get here by 6:00pm tomorrow so we can make sure we're all ready. Kashmir and Jake [/I](Stretch the Chicken Boy) [I], I want you guys to put on a quick match at around 7:30 to get the crowd warmed up. Just 10 minutes in and out, nothing fancy. And Tomas, I'd like to work a quick match with you right before the show gets started."[/I] Tomas "Mainstream" Hernandez looked up at Rich and smiled saying he'd love to work a match with the "Infamous" Rick Arquitte. Rich was impressed that he had obviously done some homework on his history and knew of his time as an active wrestler in PCW before blowing his knee out. Rich again thanked everyone and the broke up into pairs discussing their upcoming matches. He walked up to his Dad and John to get their thoughts. [I]"Great speech son. Quick and to the point. That's the way to do business. John and I were just going over your notes for the match and it looks pretty straightforward." [/I]James DuVall had settled into his business voice now that he was talking wrestling. [I]"Yeah...umm...I just need to make sure I can pronounce all these moves." [/I]John said with a chuckle in his voice. Rich looked at him and noticed that John actually did seem concerned as he was going over his match notes. [I]"Everything O.K. John?" [/I]Rich asked trying to remain calm in spite of the fact that the lead announcer for tomorrow's show looked like he was struggling to just get through his notes. [I]"Don't worry partner, I'll have my secretary write up the notes phonetically for ya!" [/I]James said trying to lighten the mood. Rich knew that John and his Dad were best friends and had stayed close since CWB had closed. He just hoped that the two could still produce results behind the announce table. Rich excussed himself and walked over to where Darryl and Mainstream were sitting. He was glad to see they were both laughing and joking with each other and the main topic of conversation seemed to be SWF. Rich knew it was a only a matter of time before Mainstream was himself given a chance to shine in SWF and he was thrilled that he was going to be able to have them wrestle for ASW. [I]"Hey guys I won't bother you too much, I just wanted to speak with you for minute Tomas."[/I] Rich said to them when they both looked up at his approach. Darryl said he had to use the bathroom and after he left Rich sat down in his chair. [I]"So what's up boss?" [/I]Tomas said as Rich grabbed a handful of peanuts from the bowl on the table. [I]"Well, I was thinking since you're going to be facing Darryl tomorrow night, that maybe instead of the usual happy-go-lucky character you play that you might try something else." [/I]Rich brushed off his hands and grabbed a small case out of his pocket then handed it to Tomas. Tomas opened up the case and saw the pair of shades inside and got a big smirk on his face. [I]"I think I can see where you're going with this. What'd you have in mind?"[/I] [B][I][U]New Year's Desolution is next![/U][/I][/B]
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New Year's Desolutions Part 1 [LEFT][B][I][U]January 20, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Live from Biker's Paradise (being broadcast over the internet)[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW New Year's Desolutions[/U][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Pre-Show (Not broadcast live but available on the website after the show)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]James DuVall stands up at the announce table and announces to the crowd that has showed up early that there will be a couple of exhibition matches before the main show. In the ring are Kashmir Singh and Jake Matts (aka Stretch The Chicken Boy) but he is just wearing normal wrestling trunks and is without his trademark goggles.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Kashmir and Jake put on a nice quick match for the small crowd of about 15 people that had showed up early. It was obvious they had some good chemistry, easily transitioning through their set. In the end Jake hit got Kashmir locked in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring for the submission victory. [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]Next out came Rick Arquitte and Mainstream Hernandez. James DuVall at ringside provided some nice color work but overall the match itself wasn't anything great. Hernandez finished the match at the 7:35 mark with a nice looking flying body cross for the pinfall victory [B](E-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Main Show[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]The crowd made some noise as the announcement was made on the overhead speaker system that the show was starting. Up on the ramp leading to the ring from the back Cal Sanders was standing with his manager, the lovely Buttercup getting ready for his upcoming match. Tempest Appleby walked up behind them.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"I don't know why you're even bothering to go to ring. It's obvious who's going to be ASW's first All American Champion. Even though I'm a proud Canadian...and we all know that the best wrestler in the world...Sean McFly (he pauses and bows his head after he says Sean's name), hails from Canada. I'm going to win the title and it's just a shame that all the fat beer swilling Americans here in this biker dump are going to be forced to watch such a poor match, because I'm going to destroy you!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Cal is about to say something when Buttercup comes between them. [I]"Now listen here, first off Biker's Paradise is a swinging hot spot here in the great town of Boston and secondly Cal Sanders is going to win the All American title because he represents everything that title stands for; honesty, hard work and dedication. And after he wins, we're gonna celebrate with a nice victory dance around the ring."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Tempest sneers at the two of them as James DuVall walks over to the group. He speaks with a very thick british accent and keeps his nose raised and looks down at each of them as he talks. [I]"Now listen here see, the match is going to take place in the ring and all you commoners better get down there this instance. The people here didn't pay to listen to you lowely folks bicker over who's better, they want to see some wrestling...and your match is starting so get up there!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]There is some faint applause from the crowd as James walks back over to the announce table and Cal and Tempest walk down to ringside. [B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]1st Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Cal Sanders (with Buttercup) vs. Tempest Appleby[/U][/B] [B][U]All American Championship Title Match[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]With the wrestler already down at ringside there wasn't a long introduction for either worker. Cal got some last minute encouragement from his manager and then climbed in the ring.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Good evening wrestling fans! We are very proud to be bringing wrestling back to Boston! Tonight, alongside my longtime friend and broadcast partner James DuVall, I'm John Combs welcoming you to All Star Wrestling's New Year's Desolution." [/I]The announcer got the crowd going as the referee checked the workers for illegal objects and gave them last minute instructions.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"John, I can't say what a distinct pleasure it is to be back ringside with you once again...even if it does have to be in a...well, less than regal establishment such as this."[/I] James added with his usual charm.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"The ref calls for the bell and we're underway! Cal Sanders or Tempest Appleby? Who will be the first wrestler to wear gold in ASW?" [/I]John got into his play-by-play mode as the action kicked off.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Cal and Tempest really didn't impress too much, but in the same vein they didn't stink up the place either. It was a quick opening bout that saw each man get some offense in and the match ended on a thrilling spot where Cal was sitting on the turnbuckle and Tempest tried to hit his version of The Delorian Driver (a huricanranna off the top rope) but Cal was able to hold onto the ropes causing Tempest to crash to the mat.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Oh no! This can't be good!" [/I]James shouted from ringside as Cal climbed up to his feet on the turnbuckle.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"It's certainly not going to be good for Tempest! Cal is up and...he HITS THE LUMBERJACK DROP!" [/I]James calls out as Cal hits his finishing move.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"No, it can't end like this! I don't want to see a common thug like Sanders win the gold!" [/I]Despite James' objections Oz Lord made the count as Cal hooked the leg for the 3 count. Despite the effort in the ring the crowd just gave a smattering of applause, which was likely due to nobody really knowing the workers in the ring. [B](E-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]As the wrestlers make their way into the back James and John remind the crowd that the main event of the evening will be Darryl Devine taking on Mainstream Hernandez. This gets a decent round of applause and a couple of hollars from the crowd. [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]But next up, the first match in the tournament to determine who will the first ASW Heavyweight Champion, the announcers tell we'll see Masked Cougar taking on...Stretch the Chicken Boy. This draws a much smaller response from the crowd except for one loud guy in the back who makes a chicken call, much to the delight of those around him. [B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"Ladies and Gentlemen" [/I]John tells them from ringside, [I]"Coming to us all the way from California and one of CZCW's shining stars, here comes Masked Cougar!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Cougar comes down the ramp and waves to the crowd. He takes the time to shake a few hands and even signs a couple of people's programs. He rolls into the ring, leaps up on the turnbuckle and continues waving to the crowd.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Suddenly the lights dim except for a spotlight on the top of the ramp entrance. A small cart is wheeled out with a large...egg on it. [I]Sprach Zarathustra [/I][URL="http://www.moviesounds.com/2001/2001theme.wav"][COLOR=black][I]http://www.moviesounds.com/2001/2001theme.wav[/I][/COLOR][/URL]begins to play, drawing a few laughs from the audience. The egg begins to shake and as the music cresendos it pops open to reveal Stretch The Chicken Boy in his full costume.[/LEFT] [LEFT]He jumps out of the egg and sneers at the audience as they continue to laugh. He grabs one of the programs that Cougar had previously signed and rips it up and then tosses the pieces back at the fan. This gets some boos from the audience and let's out an evil laugh then slowly walks down into the ring. His music fades away as he comes face to face with Cougar who yells at him for what he did. The ref comes between then and pushes them apart. He then points over to ringside and calls for the bell.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]2nd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Masked Cougar vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy[/U][/B] [B][U]Winner advances to Semi-Finals[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"And we're underway! Who will win to go on to the next round as we begin the search for our first Heavyweight Champion? Both of these men look ready to go and we've got a collar and elbow lockup to start the match off." [/I]John says with his signature enthusiasm.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Stretch needs to be careful because, and you can't say this about too many people, Cougar can overpower him and outweighs him! Stretch needs to take this to the mat." [/I]James add his own unique insight to the match.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Cougar does out power Stretch and backs him into the corner. The ref calls for a break and Cougar immediatly lets go. Stretch uses the opening to kick his opponnent in the gut and then arm wringer him down to the mat. He immediatly puts pressure on the arm and uses his leverage put some strain on Cougar's back as well. Cougar is too close to the ropes though and gets a foot up to force the ref to call for a break. Stretch holds it for a four count before finally letting go.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"And the crafty Cougar is able to get a rope break."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"You mean the lucky Cougar!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Cougar gets to his feet and charges at Stretch who steps aside and hits a nice deep arm drag putting Cougar on the mat once more. Cougar hops back up and this time is ready for the attempted drag and he stops short and leaps up to hit a drop kick. This flusters Stretch and he's yelling something as he stands up only to get drop kicked again.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Cougar keeps the momentum on his side finally get Stretch set-up for his finishing flying headbut from the top rope, I Am Cougar Hear Me Roar. But Stretch rolls out of the way at the last second causing Cougar to smack into the mat. Stretch stands up and turns to the crowd pointing at them and laughing. He takes too much time though and Cougar sneaks up behind him and gets him in a small package. Stretch is too stunned to kick out and Cougar picks up the win. [B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"What a big win for Cougar who now advances to the next round!" [/I]John exclaims as Stretch is still in the ring complaining to the ref.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"This is a travesty! It's obvious that Cougar pulled the tights! Stretch was cheated out of victory!" [/I]James adds in, as only he can.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Well I didn't see that John, but I will admit that it was a strong showing from this young, strange individual. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him! We've got more action coming up folks as Roderick Remus is set to take on Bill Lebowski. It looks like Roderick is making his way down right now." [/I]John draws the attention of the audience up to the ramp.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I][U]Part 2 of the show tomorrow[/U][/I][/B][/LEFT]
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New Year's Desolutions Part 2 Roderick Remus takes a couple steps down the ramp, holding a microphone and giving the audience an arrogant smile. [I]"Well, well, what a treat all of you are about to get. You see, I'm what this company is about...youth energy. I'm the future of this company and tonight I'm gonna show I'm the present as well. Tonight's match against Bill Lebowski is just a formality. Bill is a washed has-been...hey, he's a washed up never-has-been! Whereas I haven't even reached my peak yet. Tonight I start on the path to my destiny...as ASW Heavyweight champion!" [/I][B](D-)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] He tosses down the microphone and struts down and enters the ring as he is introduced to the audience. Then another man steps out onto the ramp and picks up the microphone that Roderick had dropped. [I]"Ah to be young again. You know man, I can't be mad at you for feeling the way you do, I know when I was 18 I used to fell the same way. I also used to have wet dreams when I was that young, does that still happen to you? Do you even have your driver's license yet? Kid the next heavyweight champion isn't going to be some snot-nosed brat, it's going to be me." [/I][B](E-)[/B] [I]"Well I think the time for talking is done. Bill Lebowski will be facing off here against young up-and-commer Roderick Remus for the right to face Masked Cougar next month in a semi-final match-up." [/I]John tried to get the crowd fired up before the opening bell. [I]"I'm afraid that Mr. Lebowski is wrong in his assesment of young Master Remus. He is wise beyond his years and I think he's got what it takes to get past someone as lowly as Lebowski." [/I]James added as the ref called for the bell and the match got underway. [B][U]3rd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Roderick Remus vs. Bill Lebowski[/U][/B] Both men started off exchanging irish whips and shoulder block take downs. Remus was the first man to take the upper hand when he used a thumb to the eye and then hit a standing drop kick to put Bill down on the mat. He tried to follow up with a leg drope slingshot from the apron but Bill moved out of the way just in time. [I]"And now it's Lebowski on the offensive as he picks Remus up and nails him with a series of hard rights!"[/I]John calls from the announce table. [I]"Ref those are closed fists! Come on open your bloody eyes!"[/I]James of course not thinking anything of the earlier eye shot. Bill takes Roderick down with a short armed clothesline and makes a quick pin that gets a 2 count. He grabs his opponent by the hair, gets him to his feet and then tosses him outside the ring. He follows him out and brings him over to the announce table and then slams his face down right in front of James DuVall. DuVall stands up and starts to exchange words with him while Bill just laughs at him. Remus uses the distraction to low blow Lebowski from behind. He taunts the crowd and then runs Bill into the ring post and then tosses him into the ring. Bill is still reeling from the post-shot and it's almost academic when the Remus Clutch submission is locked on. He holds on for a few seconds but eventually has to tap out. [B](E)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] [I]"What a great victory for Remus! I told you this kid had it in him![/I]James taunts his announce partner as Remus roles out of the ring and the ref checks on Lebowski. [I]"It was a hard fought match by both men. A good performance by both men, well until Remus had to resort to that low blow to change the tide of the match!"[/I]James is quick to counter. [I]"Hey! It was Lebowski who took the match outside of the ring, whatever happens outside is all legal. He got exactly what he deserved."[/I]James said with his confident swagger. [I]"You maybe right James. Well fans the ring has been cleared out and we're almost ready for our next match...oh and it looks like the first grappler is making his way down now."[/I] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Dazzling Dave Diamond slowly walks down to the ramp. He is wearing a sparkling robe and is constantly fluffing his hair. He stops and says hi to a couple of ladies in the audience before he speaks to everyone. [I]"Ahh Boston. I have to say...what a pleasure...what an exciting moment...it must be...for all of you to be able to watch me wrestle tonight. And what a travesty that I have to waste my skills on such a no-talent lump like Kashmir Singh. I mean, look at me, I'm just reaching the peak of my life, absolute perfection in mind and body, and instead of showcasing my skills against a worthy opponent I've got to deal with this pathetic nobody of a worker. But don't worry folks, I promise that my post-victory celebration will be longer than the match itself."[/I] [B](D-)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Dave makes his way into the ring after very carefully putting his rope along a chair at ringside. Kashmir comes out next with a big smile and a bounce in his step, not affected by the taunts of the Dazzling one. He comes down to the ring and before the bell rings he tries to get Dave to shake hands. Dave simply turns his nose up at him and then swats the hand away. Oz Lord calls for the bell and we're under way. [B][U]4th Match Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Kashmir Singh Winner advances to Semi-Finals[/U][/B] These two workers went after each right from the start. Neither man could gain an upperhand through the first 10 minutes of the match, exchanging suplexes and bodyslams. Dave looked to take over the match when he used a running knee lift on Signh who was set-up back flip Dave after an irish whip. With Singh laid out Dave started climbing up the turnbuckle and then sat down on top. He waved to the crowd and then noticed the 2 women he had talked to during his entrance and he blew them a kiss. [I]"Look out Dave!"[/I]James shouted from ringside as Singh got up to his feet and caught Dave in the corner. He slugged him a couple of times in the head and then locked him up for a superplex but at the last second, Dave used a thumb to the eye and then pushed Singh back down to the mat. He lept off the second rope to hit a double-axe-handle that sent Singh to his knees. Dave stopped and caught his breath (and Singh sold being down really well to cover for the pause) and then set-him up for the Diamond Mine (diamond cutter). With a last wave to the crowd he hit one of his signature moves and then made the pin for the 3 count. [B](E)[/B] [I]"Oh what a travesty this was! Singh had the match won!"[/I]John was livid at ringside. [I]"Hey if the blind ref doesn't see it, then what can you do? Besides let's not take away from this great victory tonight by one of the true stars of ASW."[/I]James said with obvious joy at his partner's distaste for the ending of the match. [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Singh makes his way to the back while Dave grabs his robe at ringside and has a seat in the audience. [I]"Well I guess Dave wants to see first hand who is opponent will be in the next round."[/I]John notes from ringside. [I]"See Dave has it all, skills, looks, and a brain to match!"[/I] John lets the audience know that the next match will be the main event of the evening. There is noticable increase in the murmur of the audience as they get ready to see two future big-time stars go one-on-one right here in the Biker's Paradise bar. Darryl Devine steps out on the ramp and is greeted with one of the bigger rounds of applause for the night. [I]"Hello Boston! As most of you know, I've spent a long time on the Indy circuit and that I've recently been given an opportunity to work for the biggest company in the United States today. So, while I'm sad that I'm going to be leaving the cozy confines of working in small places like this, I'm glad to know that Boston is where I'll put on my last independant shows! And tonight I get to face off with Mainstream Hernandez, who I have nothing but respect for, he's a great worker and a great person and I hope we can give you folks a great main event."[/I] [B](E)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Darryl walks down and enters the ring as the audience applauds and the anticipation grows for the main event. There is a pause before Mainstream steps out onto the platform, looking just a little different than people are used to seeing him. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MainstreamHernandez_alt1.jpg[/IMG][I]"Well, well, well, look who decided to hold up to his end of legal agreement only after a team of lawyers told him he was obligated to. Darryl don't give us any crap about how you are so happy to be here in Boston, when we all know that you'd rather be sitting in a luxury suite in Las Vegas, or L.A. or wherever your new bigshot employer is going next. "Unlike me...you see...oh hello girls."[/I] He points to a couple of teenage girls that are seated next to the ramp. [I]"Where was I, oh yeah, you see, I'm here because I love the crowds in these small venues, and I especially like you two over there.[/I]He walks over to the two young women.[I]"Now after I'm finished with Devine, maybe you two could show ole' Mainstream here where the action is at in Boston? All right![/I][B](D-)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Hernandez takes off his shades and puts them on one of the giggling girls. He then slowly struts down to the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope. Devine keeps his cool and wait for the bell to ring before going after him. [B][U]5th Match Darryl Devine vs. Mainstream Hernandez Winner faces Dazzling Dave Diamond in the Semi-Finals[/U][/B] [I]"And there's the bell and the main event for Desolutions is under way. Folks I can't tell you how exciting it is to see these two going toe-to-toe right here tonight. I'm excited, the crowd is excited, I think that, maybe, perhaps, even my partner is excited to see this."[/I]John says as the two men lock up in the ring. [I]"Would you just pay attention to the match! The way you go on you're liable to miss something in the ring!"[/I]James chides his partner as Devine and Hernandez lock up in the center of the ring, both struggling to get an advantage. The first lock-up finds no winner and both men break it off after a few seconds of pushing back and forth. They lock up again and this time Devine is able to slip into a side headlock which Hernandez pushes off, sending Devine into the ropes. On the return Hernandez leap frogs him, then on the next return he drops to the mat as Devine leaps over him, and then on the next return he leaps and hits a flying forearm that sends Devine down to the mat and then out onto the floor. Hernandez doesn't follow he instead takes the time to fix his hair. Devine takes a 5 count to get back in the ring and Hernandez is there to pick him up to his feet. He sends him into another Irish Whip and this time goes for a Super Kick trying to end the match quickly but Devine goes low and hits a spear! [I]Wow! Spear by Devine! These two aren't pacing themselves at all! There's a genuine hate between them and both men want to make quick work of the other![/I]John breathlessly announces as he tries to keep up with the action in the ring. Devine hits a leg drop on Mainstream's head then leaps back up to his feet hitting an elbow drop. He goes right into an armbar, which he holds for a few seconds and then he gets to his feet again, pulling his opponent to his feet, still holding onto the arm bar. He twists the arm a bit more and then twists it sending Hernandez back down to the mat. Following that up he goes into a reverse chinlock, resting his upper body against Mainstream's back for added leverage. [I]"Nice mat work here by Devine. But it's going to take more than that to finish off Hernandez."[/I]James comments on the side. Hernadez fights to his feet and after a couple of elbows to Devine's side, the hold is released. Devine tries for an Irish Whip but has it reversed, as he bounces back Devine tries another Super Kick and CONNECTS! The crowd roars as Devine goes down to the mat. The cover is made and Oz counts 1! 2! 3! But wait... At the last second Devine gets a shoulder up. Hernandez complains to the ref to count faster as he pulls Devine to his feet. He gives him a kick to the gut then hits a running bulldog but instead of going for the pin he points to the turnbuckle and begins to climb. [I]"No, no, no! He's got the match won, just make a cover, he doesn't have the strength to kick out![/I]James lividly shouts from the announce table. Hernandez takes his time climbing up and then fixes his hair one last time. Too late though Devine is on his feet and he's running at the corner full speed. He climbs up and his momemtum crashes him into Hernandez and then both men tumble backwards out of the ring onto the floor. [I]"Oh my! I'm not sure what Devine had in mind, but I'm sure that this wasn't it! Both men are down and I don't know if they can get up or not."[/I]John says as he stands up at the announce table not having a good view of the action on the other side of the ring. The men slowly start to stir as Oz begins the 10 count. They both get to a knee by 5 but it's Hernandez who is first to his feet. He grabs Devine by the hair and goes to smash his face down onto the apron, but Devine blocks and instead smashes his opponents face down. Hernandez falls back down to the floor as the ref reaches 7 and Devine is about to slide back into the ring. Suddenly in the crowd, Dave Diamond stands up and folds up his chair. He charges at Devine and slams him in the back sending him to his knees in pain. Hernandez is back to his feet and he smiles at Dave and is about to climb back into the ring when Dave decks him right in the head! The ref reaches the 10 count and calls for the bell. [B](D)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] [I]"What in the world? What just happened? What's going on?[/I]John says as he strains to see the action unfolding on the other side. [I]"Ha! Brilliant! Dazzling Dave just got himself a free ticket to the finals![/I]James laughs as Dave climbs up into the ring. [I]"I thought I liked Dave before, now I know. What a great move on his part!" What a low-down rotten act! This is terrible, Dave knew he couldn't defeat either of these workers and so he made sure he wouldn't have to face them by eliminating both of them![/I]John is very agitated at ringside. Dave soaks in the boos from the crowd as he paces around the ring, obviously pleased with himself. [I]"Ahh, there's no greater feeling than after you've put in a hard, honest day's work huh? Now that I'm in the finals for this tournament, let this be a warning to Masked Cougar or Remus whoever I'l face; I'm going to do whatever it takes to win this thing and there's nothing...NOTHING...that any of you pathetic losers can do about it.[/I][B](E)[/B] [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] Suddenly Mainstream gets to his feet at ringside and rolls into the ring. Dave decides to get out and frantically rolls out of the ring while Mainstream chases him backstage. [B](F+)[/B] END OF BROADCAST [CENTER] [B]---------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [/CENTER] The house lights come up and James and John thank everyone for coming. [I]"I'm very happy I was able to bring wrestling back to where it belongs and I hope to see everyone back her next month. Tell your friends about us, bring them along with you, or tell them about our website, [url]www.asw.com[/url]. Thank you again for coming out, have a good night everyone.[/I]James acknowledged the applause from the crowd as they all got up and began to leave. [B]Show Recap:[/B] [U]Dark Matches[/U] Stretch the Chicken Boy defeated Kashmir Singh [B](E+)[/B] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Rick Arquitte [B](E-)[/B] [B]Main Show[/B] Cal Sanders defeated Tempest Appleby to win the ASW All American Title [B](E-)[/B] Masked Cougar defeated Stretch the Chicken Boy [B](E)[/B] Roderick Remus defeated Bill Lebowski [B](E)[/B] Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Kashmir Singh [B](E)[/B] Darryl Devine drew with Mainstream Hernandez (Double Count Out) after Dave Diamond interfered. [B](D)[/B] [B][I]Overall Show: E+ 38 people in attendance[/I][/B] [B]Next month confirmed matches[/B] Masked Cougar vs. Roderick Remus with the winner facing Dave Diamond for the ASW Heavyweight Championship. More announcement to come...stay tuned.
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Rolling Into February [B][I][U]February 1, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Richard was sitting at his computer frantically typing up his end-of-month report that his Dad had wanted to see yesterday. Of course some of the company sponsors were slow to send in their checks so Rich wanted to wait until he knew for sure how bad the damage was to the bottom line before sending the report. He had finished up his roster report earlier and he hadn't heard back from his father and was hoping that he hadn't stepped over a line by his analysis of the company's lead announcer. [quote] Subject: Roster Run Down 2/1/07 Dad, Just wanted to send you the highlights for our roster and show their up-to-date status: [B][U]Main Eventers:[/U][/B] [U]Ace Youngblood:[/U] Matches for January: Ace was our half of the trade with CZCW to bring in Masked Cougar. He was in their Day of the Underdog show in a tag team match. (D-) Status: We won't be using him most likely until our April show but hopefully CZCW can keep him working in the meantime. Notes: We need whatever is in the water out in California, going over the tape of the match with Jen we noticed an improvement in his brawling, chain wrestling and acting skills. I talked with Cougar about him and he said that everyone backstage spoke highly of him and had respect for the way he handled himself. [U]Darryl Devine:[/U] Matches for January: With all the comotion over his signing with SWF and leaving his 2 former employers, we were the only company he worked a match for last month. (D) Status: We still have him for 2 more appearances and so after our March show he'll be gone as I'm sure that SWF won't even want to try to negotiate a talent trade. Notes: Enjoy him while he's here! [U]Dazzling Dave Diamond:[/U] Matches for January: We're Dave's only employer so just the one match for him this month. (E) Status: Dave is looking good for us so far, and the fans seemed to have responded well to his character. He's someone that hopefully we can hold onto once his contract expires. Notes: He had really good chemistry with Kashmir and his rumble skills are looking better. His stamina though is concern as he was really winded after his 15 match last show. [U]Mainstream Hernandez:[/U] Matches for January: MAW didn't use him in their show so he had the 2 matches with us. One against me (E-) and our main event match. (D) Status: 2 more appearances left on his contract and hopefully we can work something out for more later down the road (if he's not scooped up on a written contract somewhere). Notes: His basics looked good in both of his matches and he can most likely work with any of our other workers for a good match. He looked good working a heel character in the ring, although the reaction to his character was only average his performance skills are certainly improving. [U]Masked Cougar:[/U] Matches for January: Cougar had the one match with us (E) and then had one match with his home promotion CZCW. He actually tagged with Ace in a match against their tag champions. (D-) Status: We have him for 2 more appearances and I haven't decided if we'll swing another trade for, make an offer to him, or go in another direction with the workers we allready have on contract. Notes: Cougar arrived late to our show and I've spoke to him, warning him that while I understand he had just gotten in town the day before, our younger workers who are getting their first taste of steady work look up to him and he could set a bad example. I don't expect anymore problems from him. He had great chemistry with Stretch (maybe you were right about him) and skillwise, he cut a decent promo for CZCW and looked sharp on the microphone. We'll give him some promo time for our next show. [U]Matty Phatty:[/U] January Matches: Matty is the person who got us Devine from 4C. He made the most of his first month with them and had a title match against Joey Poison for the 4C Championship. (D+) Status: Still has 2 more appearances with 4C so we'll most likely not be using him until our April show. Notes: Let's hope he continues to do great work for 4C. Hopefully we can work a storyline for him here when he returns. [U]Roderick Remus: [/U] January Matches: Roderick worked a good match against Bill (E) and since we're his only employer that was all. Status: Will be facing Masked Cougar this month which I think will be a great experience for him. Roderick should be one of our main stars here after a few more months of work. Notes: His performance in the ring was great and this kid is only going to get better. [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] [U]Bill Lebowski:[/U] January Matches: Bill is another ASW only man, so just had the one match against Roderick. (E) Status: Bill is a good worker but I'm not sure where I see him going with us. For now we'll use him to make our top heels look good. Notes: His performance in the ring against Remus was good as he was able to chain some nice moves together, let's hope he can continue to improve. [U]Dog Fyte:[/U] January matches: No matches for Dog. Status: We used him to get Hernandez from MAW so we won't be using him for a show until April. Notes: I hope MAW puts him in a match before he comes back or he might not be too happy. [U]Kashmir Singh:[/U] January Matches: He worked a dark match against Stretch (E+) and then put over Dave during the show (E). Status: Kashmir is a solid company man who is willing to do whatever we ask of him. I'm looking at him to be our top face a few months down the road. Notes: He and Stretch had great chemistry and I think he might have picked up some technical moves from the Chicken Boy. He also really carried the match against Dave and I think it might have completely fallen apart if it weren't for him. [U]K-Squared:[/U] January Matches: No matches for K2. Status: I'm looking at have K2 make his debut at our March show. Notes: Nothing to report. [U]Mark Smart:[/U] January Matches: No matches. Status: I'm thinking of having him work a storyline with Ace when he returns. Notes: Nothing to report. [U]Stretch The Chicken Boy:[/U] January Matches: Stretch put on a good dark match with Singh (E+) and then another good match against Cougar (E). Status: No matches for the main show this month, but I'll have him in a dark match so he can continue to get some experience. I'm excited about this kid and I'm glad you talked me into signing him. Notes: Good chemistry with both workers he had a match with and his character really went over well with the crowd. [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] [U]Cal Sanders:[/U] January Matches: Cal had the greatly unappreciated opening match for us (E-). Status: Our reigning All American champion is going to be working a storyline with Tempest for awhile and this next show will introduce a couple of other workers to the story. Notes: Him and Buttercup work really well as manager and client as Cal's mic skills need alot of work. [U]Jeremy Jazz:[/U] January Matches: No matches for the Jazz man. Status: Will be making his debut with us this month. Notes: Nothing to report. [U]Tempest Appleby:[/U] January Matches: Worked against Cal in the title match (E-). Status: Looks to have a good run in this storyline with Cal. Notes: His technical skill are improving and his character went over so well with the fans that I feel like we should give Sean McFly some royalty payments. [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] [U]Thomas Morgan:[/U] January Matches: No matches. Status: Will be making his debut this month (or maybe next) Notes: Nothing to report. [B][U]Staff[/U][/B] [U]Jen "Buttercup" Myers:[/U] Jen has done a great job in her dual role of road agent/manager. She's really good at holding together the backstage and the guys really listen to her ideas. Her onscreen character has gone over well and she's carrying Cal through his interviews nicely. [U]Oz Lord:[/U] Oz is a competent ref, and someone I hope to keep around for awhile. [U]Announce Team:[/U] First off let me say Dad that the people really still respond to you and you helped out alot of the matches on the internet broadcast of the show. I guess people today love your Royalty character as much (or maybe more) as they did back in the 70's. Now about John, don't get me wrong Dad, he a great guy and I know you 2 have a history together, but his lack of skill really showed during the main event of the last show. I know you've got an agreement with him through the next 3 months, but maybe we should look at bringing somone younger who's more familiar with workers today. Actually I've been in contact with Roderick's brother Remus after Roderick told me he'd love to be able to work with his brother and that he's pretty good on the stick. I'll let you know more later. Rich [/quote] Rich finished up the spreadsheet with the financials and gave a sigh. Looking at the number he guessed that things could have been worse off, although this month he looking to do a leaner show, it might be unavoidable losing money for awhile, at least until more people started showing up. The numbers for January: Starting Money: 20,000 Ticket Sales: +114 Sponsors: +2,557 Merchandise: +28 Workers: -3,750 Show costs: -700 Marketing, Admin, Misc. -771 Ending Money: 17,478 (-2,522 for month). Rich realized that at this rate they'd be out of money in 8 months...and suddenly he decided he needed a drink. OOC: I like to do a sort of in-depth end of month look at things, as a business man in real life I like this sort of thing. I hope everyone has enjoyed the show so far. Look for February's Roses Are Dead information to be up soon.
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Laying Down A Bed Of Roses [B][I][U]Friday 1st Week of February, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich was facing his first dilema of his short tenure in ASW; his Dad had gone absolutely ballistic when he heard that he had hired not one but two new announces. Although to be fair, he really only hired one of them and the other kind of fell into his lap. Like he had told his Dad earlier he contacted Roderick's brother Remus after Rod had told him that his brother was really a top notch announcer and just needed a shot to show of his skills. Rich thought that making this move was smart because it gave them a legitimate option for the lead announce duties and it would make the worker who they were hoping was the future of their company happy. The other announcer was a gift from Troy Winner. After all the legal headaches of the Darryl Devine trade, I guess Troy felt kind of bad and told Rich that he had talked to his lead announcer Terry Smith and that Terry agreed that he could drive down for a show if Rich ever needed him and would only want $200 to cover his travel expenses; how could Rich possibly say no, especially after he had seen some tapes of Terry's work. [CENTER][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/RemmingtonRemus-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/JohnCombs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/TerrySmith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]So now, Rich had three announcers and one irate father. He told Dad that he would use Terry for the dark matches this month just so Dad could get a feel for his work. Remmington needed time to move up from North Carolina and wouldn't be able to make for the show so that avoided dealing with him for this month.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Rich knew that John and his father were best of friends and he also knew that his Dad could recognize that James' skills had dramatically gone down hill since they last worked together. Rich brining it up made his Dad deal with that fact sooner than he was ready for he guessed. In the end he told his Father that he had an idea for a talk show segment that John could host after he handed the reins of the main announce duties over to either Terry or Remmington.[/LEFT] [LEFT]So one problem down (or at least avoided for a month) and that left Rich with his card for the next show. The show was going to be the Saturday after Valentine's Day and so he had a little quicker turn-around time to work with this month. He had the general layout of the show worked out and after a few hours on the computer he had done up the flyer just in time for Erin to run to Staples and make copies to be put up over town.[/LEFT] [quote] [CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]ALL STAR WRESTLING PRESENTS[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=5]ROSES ARE [COLOR=dimgray]DEAD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3]THE FIRST ASW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION WILL BE CROWNED![/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic]DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND [/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic]VS.[/FONT] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic]THE WINNER OF[/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic]MASKED COUGAR VS. RODERICK REMUS[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3]REMATCH TO SETTLE THE SCORE[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3]NUMBER 1 CONTENDER MATCH[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MainstreamHernandez_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic]DARRYL DEVINE VS. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic]WINNER WILL FACE THE NEW ASW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION NEXT MONTH[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic]ALSO APPEARING:[/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic]NEWLY CROWNED ASW ALL AMERICAN CHAMPION CAL SANDERS[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black]ALL THE ACTION IS AT BIKER'S PARADISE[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]SHOW WILL START AT 8:00PM. TICKETS: $2.00[/FONT][/CENTER] [/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] [LEFT]Rich knew he was taking a chance by booking a rematch on only the second show but he figured that he had two of the hottest commodities in wrestling, why not use them to put butts in the seats. Plus he'd be having them do double duty by working some dark matches as well (make 'em earn their pay!)[/LEFT] [LEFT]Rich was about to call it a night but decided to check the internet dirt sheets one last time for any juicy news. He was glad he did![/LEFT] [quote] [LEFT][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL RELEASED FROM TCW.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman]TCW continued it's downward spiral last month and the company has lost a large amount of it's standing in the wrestling community. In an attempt to right the ship, managment of the company decided to release a few workers to trim their roster down for a more focused product. Unfortunately for American Elemental, who had left WLW in Japan just for a shot to work for TCW, he is now in a sort of limbo as he really didn't receive enough exposure to be desirable to any of the other large companies and he may have burned his bridges in Japan.[/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/FONT][/quote] [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Rich's eyes gleamed as he read this report, knowing that it would most likely be only a footnote that most companies wouldn't even bother to notice. Rich had a dream, a vision that he hoped to one day come true; he wanted to put on a main event of a pay-per-view and have American Elemental be one of the workers. He knew just how talented the young man was and believed that given a shot he could be one of the most successful workers in history. Now he had a chance to get him to come work for ASW.[/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]His dream opponent was a little known (at least until last year) worker named John Greed. Greed was another talented worker that had never gotten a break...until SWF opened it's training promotion RIPW and offered him a developmental contract. Rich knew that he wouldn't be able to pry Greed away from Eisen but just maybe he could snag American Elemental before anyone else realized this diamond in the rough.[/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Rich worked frantically into the evening making phone calls and sending out emails trying to get in touch with AE...[/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Coming up next time: Rich gets a response from Elemental, but is it more than he bargained for? How will the tension between father and son be now that Rich has singled out his Dad's longtime friend? Can ASW run a tight enough show in February to stop bleeding money? Will Batman and Robin escape in time to stop the Penguin?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]Stay Tuned![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT] [/FONT]
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Pre-Show Jitters [B][I][U]Friday February 16, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]The Fours Restaurant[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich decided to have the show planning meeting away from Bikers Paradise this month just for a change of scenary. The Fours is a nice family owned sports bar that Rich had lunch at occasionally during the week and it was easier getting everyone there instead of getting the T to downtown Boston, well at least for Rich it was easier. John and James actually beat Rich to the meeting this time and he was surprised to see that instead of sitting at the bar the two of them were at the table reserved for them going over the show notes. [I]"Good evening gentlemen, hitting the books I see." [/I]Rich said trying to be as casual as he could. When neither of them looked up Rich decided not to push the matter and signalled to the waitress and ordered a Sam Adams. It was a much smaller meeting this time as there would be about half as many people in the show this month. Still Rich wanted to make sure that everyone was as prepared as they could be as this show would represent a historic moment for the company, the crowning of the first ASW Heavyweight Champion, and Rich wanted to make sure that it was treated as such. [I]"I'm glad all of you made it. No problems finding the place?" [/I]Rich opened keeping the mood light. [I]"Are you kidding? You couldn't get lost in this town if you tried!" [/I]Rich was surprised that it was John who cracked a joke. [I]"Allright then let's get down to business. We only have three matches on the card this month so they're going to be a little longer than normal so let's not have too much partying tonight...Cougar I'm looking your way..."[/I] [I][B][U]30 minutes later[/U][/B][/I] Rich wrapped up the main business of the night by reminding the wrestlers working a match to get with Jen before they left to go over the match notes with her and for any last minute instructions. Rich was just thinking how great everything had gone tonight when he noticed Terry and John talking off to the side of the main party. He decided he should walk up and just make sure John was riding roughshode over him to try to get him to leave...or something much worse. Needless to say, Rich was surprised to hear them laughing and joking. John was telling Terry what it was like to call matches back in the 70's when the action was much slower paced and you didn't have guys jumping all over the ring. Rich was about to say something and decided to leave the two of them alone. Rich turned back to the main party and saw everyone was getting ready to leave. He walked up to his Dad as he saw him leaving money for the check. [I]"Oh, Dad, no I've got it." [/I]He managed to sputter, still a little uneasy around him. [I]"Look Rich, I know that working for your Dad has got to be hard, and...I'm sorry for the way I blew up at you the other day. I know that your only looking out for the best interest of the company. Hell that's why I hired you! I've talked to John and he understands too, but look. He's got three months left on his contract, for my sake, let him work through it...and let him retire with some dignity. Don't make him do a talk show segment for Christ's sake, he's announcer, a legend in the business and he should be able to go out on his own terms."[/I] Rich nodded his head. [I]"O.K. Dad. That sounds fair. I'll let Terry and Remmington know after the show tomorrow and we can start figuring out who'll be taking his place."[/I] James nodded and headed out. Rich drained the last of his beer and grabbed his coat, waving to everyone as he left. The cold air outside hit him like a brick wall and he reached into his coat fumbling for his gloves and hat. He heard the restaurant door open behind him and saw that it was Jen. She walked up to him as he was just pulling on his hat. [I]"Aww, don't you look cute all bundled up? Is Richie cold?" [/I]Man Jen could still be annoying and endearing at the same time, Rich thought to himself. [I]"Yeah I guess so. Those years living in Phoenix can make you forget how to deal with the cold. Hell, out there when it gets to 80 it's time to break out the coats." [/I]Rich started rambling. Whenever he got nervous or was unsure how a situation should be going he just started talking, it was a gift and a curse really. Suddenly Jen leaned in a gave him a kiss. Not a peck on the check but a kiss on the lips. She leaned back from him, smiled and then turned and started walking to her car. Rich sighed to himself and wondered why women were so hard to figure out. [I]"It's never easy." [/I]He said outloud to himself. [I]"If it was easy everyone could do it." [/I]Came a reply from behind him. It was John leaving The Fours. [I]"Goodnight kid, I'll see you tomorrow."[/I] Rich shook his head laughing to himself as he started the walk back to his apartment, the cold not seeming to affect as much as it did a few minutes earlier. [B][I][U]Coming up next: Roses Are Dead[/U][/I][/B]
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Roses Are Dead [LEFT][B][I][U]February 17, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Live from Biker's Paradise (being broadcast over the internet)[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Roses Are Dead[/U][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Pre-Show (Not broadcast live but available on the website after the show)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]The people who showed up early got to see a special 6 man tag match featuring the team of All American Champion Cal Sanders, Darryl Devine and Rick Arquite taking on Tempest Appleby, Jeremy Jazz and Mainstream Hernandez. 4C's Terry Smith was the special announcer for the match and his smooth delivery was a nice change of pace from John Combs high octane but choppy work. It was a pretty chaotic match but each worker got some time to showcase their skills, with Jeremy Jazz making his unofficial debut looking a bit off his game. At the 14:37 mark Cal Sanders hit the Lumberjack Leap from the top rope and covered Jazz for the pinfall. [B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Main Show[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]The crowd cheered as the house lights went down and a spotlight hit the entrance ramp. Cal Sanders and his lovely manager Buttercup made their way down to the ring. Cal, fresh off his victory over Tempest Appleby last month, was holding the All American Title over his shoulder while Buttercup spoke to the audience.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"So here we are back in Bikers Paradise where my man, your NEW All American Champion, Cal Sanders kicked that freak of nature Tempest Appleby all over this ring last month. We just wanted to say Cal's run as the company's first All American Champion will be one that everyone can get behind. This title stands for all the hard working...and hard partying folks out there just like you." [/I][B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]The crowd applauded as Buttercup danced around the ring and then booed as Tempest Appleby and Jeremy Jazz came running out of the back and into the ring. Buttercup quickly got out of the ring but Sanders tried to fight off the two men. He held his own for a minute but eventually the pair had him down on the ground laying kicks into his stomach and back. They then took the title belt and spit on it, threw it back on top of Cal and left. A distressed Buttercup ran up to make sure he was O.K. [B](F-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]The announcer's welcome the crowd as Cal and Buttercup slowly make their way up the ramp. [I]"Hello everyone and welcome once again to Bikers Paradise here in Boston! I'm John Combs here ringside with James DuVall and what a show we've got lined up for tonight. First up Roderick Remus will face Masked Cougar for the right to face Dazzling Dave Diamond in our main event of the evening for the ASW Heavyweight Championship!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]As John is talking Roderick Remus makes his way out to the top of the ramp carrying a microphone. [I]"Last week I told you people that I would be victorious and I was! This week I'm going to tell you again, I WILL BEAT MASKED COUGAR! Let's face it, anyone that needs to hide behind a mask...well that's not championship material in my mind. He doesn't have what it takes to be a champion...I do. It's that simple." [/I][B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]Roderick is introduced and makes his way down into the ring as his opponent steps out onto the ramp. [I]"Listen to me kid! It doesn't matter what you wear on the outside that counts or makes you a champion, it's what you've got in here [/I](points to his heart) [I]that makes a difference. I know that and the fans know that. It's the heart of champion that wins matches...and I'm going to prove that to you tonight. [/I][B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]1st Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Masked Cougar vs. Roderick Remus[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Roderick jumped the bell and nailed Cougar with a vicious right to the face. As he staggered back the ref warned Roderick who shrugged him off and then he called for the bell. Roderick took advantage of his stunned opponent and went to work grabbing him and whipping him into the corner and then following up with a running elbow smash. He tossed Cougar to the ground and then climbed up to the top turnbuckle.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Oh my! Remus is going for it all here in the early goings! This could be a huge mistake!" [/I]John gasped from the announce table.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"No this could be a huge win for him and he could finish off Cougar quickly to save his strength for the title match later!" [/I]James was quick to counter.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Remus reached the top and leaped down onto Cougar going for a frog splash. Unbelievably he hit the move leaving Cougar stunned on the mat, but he hurt himself in the process and was clutching his own stomach in pain. As Remus struggled to crawl over and make the pin, Cougar wisely rolled himself out of the ring.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Oh what a cowardly move by Cougar! Stay in the ring and fight!" [/I]James said from the announce table.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Remus followed him out a a few moments afterwards and started to pick Cougar up by his mask. Before he could do anything, Cougar simply sat back down pulling Remus with him and bouncing his head off the apron. Remus stumbled backwards and Cougar drop kicked him into the first row of fans. He then picked him up and tossed him back into the ring.[/LEFT] [LEFT]From there it was all Cougar as he wore down his younger opponent and then climbed the ropes to hit I Am Cougar Hear Me Roar for the win. He stood up looking exhausted but thrilled that he would be moving onto the final match. [B](E-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"Well what an exciting match that was! But the best is yet to come folks as next up we have...well wait a minute it looks like our All American Champion is coming back down to the ring with his manager."[/I] John said sounding a bit confused.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Cal and Buttercup got into the ring and it was obvious that Cal was fuming over the earlier attack. [I]"I want you two in the ring next month! I'm going to show you exactly what I'm made of!" [/I]Buttercup quickly took the mic from him. [I]"Tempest and Jazz, next month, it's you two taking on my client and a partner of his chosing. If either of you win, we'll give you a shot at the All American Title!" [B](F)[/B][/I][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"Well an obviously irate Sanders is looking to take the fight to his nemisis Appleby. What are your thoughts James?"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"I think we're about to see my newest favorite wrestler!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]As John and James are talking Mainstream Hernandez walks out onto the ramp. He pulls his shades down to the end of his nose as he scans the audience. He apparently finds what he's looking for in a pair of young college age girls and sits down beside them.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Hi there girls, you mind if I sit? You see there's just something I've got to get off of my mind...it's the fact that despite the obviousness that I had my match against Devine won last month before Dull Dave came out and interferred, the management of this company tells me I have to face that souless sell out again to prove that I'm the number one contender for the...ASW Heavyweight Championship. Nice ring to it right? Anyways, (sigh) Devine, once again I'll show you that your nothing but an overhyped pretty boy and that I, Mainstream, am the better man. Ladies I'll see you after my victory. [B](D-)[/B][/I][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"Well folks as you just heard from one of the participants, due to the ending of their match last month, tonight we'll see the rematch between Darryl Devine and Mainstream Hernandez. The winner gets to face our new champion next month for the ASW Heavyweight Championship!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"John we both know that Mainstream had that match won last month, and he'll do it for real this month." [/I][B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]As Mainstream slowly walks down to the ring Devine steps out onto the ramp. [I]"Hernandez, I'm really sorry that you are such a jealous person, but keep plugging away and your day may come. However, I don't believe that today is your day, today is my day and I intend to walk out of here tonight with that guaranteed title shot." [/I][B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]2nd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Darryl Devine vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/U][/B] [B][U]#1 Contenders Match for ASW Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Both men eye each other as the ref calls for the bell. There's a stare down between them and then Mainstream starts running his mouth off and finally shoves Devine. Devine takes a couple steps back and then shoves Hernandez who trips up as he steps back and falls down. Devine gets a smirk on his face but Hernandez is back on his feet quickly and the two of them lock up.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"And so this match gets underway both men eyeing the big prize I'm sure. Neither man willing to give an inch to the other man." [/I]John says as he draws the crowd into the match.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Both men jostle back and forth and it's Hernandez who wins the lock up by spinning around as he rolls Devine over his shoulders and down onto the mat. He then grabs his opponents neck from behind and flips over him snapping his head down almost to the mat and then back as he let's go. Devine grabs his head in pain as Hernandez pauses and poses for the crowd. The he goes right back to work, hitting a leg drop on Devine before bringing back up to a standing position and then hitting a spinning wheel kick sending him right back down to the mat.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Wow Hernandez is starting out with a flurry of moves here tonight trying to wear his opponent down." [/I]John says as the action in the ring continues. [I]"We're just seeing the better man taking it to the lesser man John."[/I] James says from his side.[/LEFT] [LEFT]In the ring Hernandez is picking Devine back up when Devine elbows him in the gut then in the face. He whips him into the ropes and then hits a hurricaranna. He goes over and locks on an ankle lock and after holding it for moment he raises Hernandez up by the leg before slamming him down onto the mat. Hernandez clutches his knee in pain but Devine grabs it again and drops an elbow on it.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Now it's Devine who's got the momentum and he looks to capitalize on it! He hits another elbow drop and not it looks like he's setting him up for a figure four! This could be the match if he gets that locked in!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Just as Devine is about to lock it in Hernandez boots him in the backside breaking the hold. The two men go back and forth for several minutes with neither man being able to sustain an effective attack before the other man turns the tide and then goes on the offensive themselves.[/LEFT] [LEFT]At the 20 minute mark after reversing a suplex and then hitting one of his own, Hernandez is stalking Devine waiting for him to stand up so he can hit his Super Kick. As Devine gets up Hernandez slides in for the big move but Devine sidesteps it. As Hernandez's momentum carries him forward Devine leaps up and hits and Ensugir that sends Hernandez crashing to the mat. Devine quickly makes the cover. 1!!!! 2!!!!!!!!! 3.......NO! Hernandez just gets a shoulder up at the last possible second.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Devine stands up in disbelief wondering what to do next when suddenly Hernandez grabs him in a school boy pin. As the ref starts to make the count, he grabs the tights and even the rope for added leverage. Devine struggles but can't kick out before the 3 count! [B](D)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"No! No! What a terrible way for a great match to end! Devine has gotten cheated for a second month in a row!" [/I]James angerily shouts from the side. [I]"As far as I'm concerned the better man won. The how of it isn't important. Besides it looks like our first ASW Heavyweight Champion is on his way to the ring, so be quiet." [/I]James snidley remarks.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dazzling Dave Diamond wearing his sparkling robe and his sparkling smile slowly walks down the ramp. He spins around a couple of times as the crowd boos him. [I]"Oh that's fine, boo all you want...you people just can't handle someone with the looks, the skills, and the charm of someone like me. Now, my opponent, this Masked Kitten, after I'm done with him tonight, I can't wait to show you people how someone with class and refined tastes celebrates!" [/I][B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]3rd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Masked Cougar[/U][/B] [B][U]ASW Heavyweight Championship Match[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Masked Cougar opened the match with a running bulldog after Dave had turned his back on him taunting the booing crowd. He then put together a nice string of high flying moves ending with a sling shot splash from the apron. He made quick pin and got a 2 count.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Cougar trying to win this thing in a hurry!" [/I]John noted from ringside. [I]"Well that's the only way he's going to win this thing John, he's already wrestled a long match tonight against Remus, he can't have too much left in the tank!" [/I]James added.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Cougar kept on the offensive but Dave took his best shots and managed to stay on his feet. Cougar slipped up when on a series where he whipped Dave into the ropes and then had leap frogged him twice Dave surprised him when he grabbed the rope to stop his momentum and then charged Cougar when he came down and hit a Ed Hanson press and then continued to pummell him with left and rights once they were on the mat.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Then it was Dave's turn to dominate the offense and he lit into Cougar with a series of chops and elbows, weakening the already depleted worker. He then sent him into the corner with a hard whip that sent Cougar hard into the turnbuckle and then down to the mat. Dave ceased the opportunity and leapt up on the turnbuckle. He jumped down and hit a double stomp right to Cougar's midsection, doubling him over in pain.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"It's all over but the celebrating now!" [/I]James cheerfully exclaimed.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dave picked Cougar up and hit the Diamond Mine on him and went for the cover. Cougar somehow, someway managed to kick out at the last second. An infuriated Dave picked him up and hit another Diamond Mine and made another pinfall, which proved too much for Cougar who couldn't kick out in time to beat the 3 count. [B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]A large packet of confetti fell down from the ceiling as James went into the ring and presented the ASW Title belt to Dave. They two men shook hands and then James stepped out to let Dave celebrate. The fans in the bar blew the confetti around and soon the ring was covered.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Well, although I question his actions to get to this title match, I have to hand it to him that he fought a good match here against Cougar. Congratulations to our first ASW Heavyweight Champion Dazzling Dave Diamond." [/I]John reluctantly said from ringside.[/LEFT] [LEFT]As Dave walked around the ring holding up his title someone came running out of the back on a mad dash to the ring. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ![/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"It's the number one contender Hernandez coming out, and I don't think he's coming to congradulate the new champion!" [/I]John screamed from ringside.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Sure enough, as soon as Hernandez hit the ring he laid out the champion with a hard right to the head. He then picked up the belt and used it to whip Dave in the back and side before throwing it down to the ground and walking out. [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Well folks, a taste of things to come for next months main event it would seem. That's all for this month's show. Thank you for tuning into Roses Are Dead, we'll see you next month for Ides of March!" [/I]END OF BROADCAST[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]Show Recap[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][U]Dark Match[/U][/LEFT] [LEFT]Rick Arquitte, Cal Sanders and Darryl Devine defeated Jeremy Jazz, Tempest Appleby and Mainstream Hernandez (E)[/LEFT] [LEFT][U]Main Show[/U][/LEFT] [LEFT]Masked Cougar defeated Roderick Remus (E-)[/LEFT] [LEFT]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Darryl Devine (D)[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Masked Cougar for ASW Heavyweight Championship Title (E)[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I]Overall Show: E[/I][/B] [B][I]Attendance: 35[/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I][U]Confirmed Matches for Ides of March[/U][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Tempest Appleby and Jeremy Jazz vs. Cal Sanders and mystery partner[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Mainstream Hernandez ASW Championship Title match.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Show reactions and more coming soon...[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]Next up: Show reactions and planning for next month.[/U][/B][/LEFT]
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The Ides of March Loom Ahead OOC: Thanks Dragonmack for the continued vocal support and to all the people out there looking. Although I always enjoy the comments just seeing the views going up means people are reading. Thank you all and I hope you continue to enjoy the diary. [B][I][U]Saturday, March 3, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich found himself once again working late on his end-of-month report, even though his Dad said that this month he was only worried about the financials, Rich had waited until the last minute to run the reports. The good news, his Dad would find when he finally sent this off to him, was that even though the company had lost money, it had lost less money than their first month. The major coup was that they had spent less money and were still able to increase their reputation, at least in New England. Rich was pleasantly surprised that ASW was beginning to pop up in the newspapers once in awhile (the local papers anyways) and that some of the workers who had once been unknowns in America were started to get some recognition on the wrestling message boards. Alas the ASW website was still not drawing in fans the way he hoped, but he was convinced that any money they might possibly make from a few sales of DVD's of their shows was easily outweighed by getting their name out to other areas of the U.S. and the world so that at some point in the distant future they might hold a show somewhere other than at Biker's Paradise. [quote] Subject: ASW's Financials as of March 3, 2007 Dad, Sorry for the delay but here's our numbers for the previous month. We've slowed the leaking of our funds so hopefully by the time we can squeeze some more sponsorship money out of companies these first few months of loss won't really matter. :) The numbers for February: Starting Money: 17,478 Ticket Sales: +105 Sponsors: +2,501 Merchandise: +24 Workers: -3,400 Show costs: -700 Marketing, Admin, Misc. -769 Ending Money: 15,239 (-2,239 for month). I know you said you only wanted the worker reports on a quarterly basis, so I'll save the in depth review for next month's report but I just wanted to remind you that this next show will be the last for Masked Cougar, Darryl Devine, and Mainstream Hernandez. Those talent trades worked out great for us and I'll be looking in the future to bring in some other workers. Also Thomas Morgan has signed a ppa contract with 4C, which is win-win for us as he'll be getting work up there and will still be available for our shows as 4C runs on Mondays. Also, on a very happy note, I've been in contact with a worker who I think will be a great asset for us, at least in the short term. I'm in the final stages of working out a deal to have American Elemental work 3 shows for us (his price is a bit steep but I figure we can work a 3 month storyline with him to build up one of workers). I'll let you know more at our pre-show meeting next week. Steve [/quote] Rich sent off the email to his Dad and just checked the wrestling news sites before logging off. A couple of interesting things caught his eye; two new workers with blood ties to some pretty famous wrestlers had their first proffesional match this past month. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CarlosGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG] Carlos Gonzalez, the younger brother of Shawn Gonzalez, defeated Crocket Tubbs at the American Independent show [B](F+).[/B] Cameron Vassey, son of Larry and nephew of Bryan Vassey, alsow worked the American Independent show suffering a tag team defeat to Sgt. Bubba Lee West and Primal Rage while teaming with The Idaho Punisher. [B](D-)[/B]. Both worker probably need some more seasoning before getting the call to a big promotion, but Rich would be watching them closely to see if maybe they had a place in ASW. Rich shut his computer down and was about to leave when he saw Jen standing outside. He waved to her as he shut off the lights in the office and walked outside. There was an awkward moment as Rich fumbled to lock the door and almost dropped his keys. [I]"Hey Jen, what brings you up this way?" [/I]He tried to sound calm, cool, and collected even though he was anything but. Since that kiss that happened before the last show he was confused and afraid of what was going on. [I]"What can't a girl just stop in to say hi? O.K. I see that you're still freaked. God Rich, you never were good about hiding your feelings. I just wanted to stop by and say that I was sorry about what happened last month. I mean, considering the situation...and all. I'm sorry. O.K. well that wasn't so bad..." [/I]Jen stammered out. [I]"Jen is there something wrong? I mean, is everything O.K. with you and Mario?" [/I]He couldn't believe he was asking that, but Jen was still his friend. [I]"It's...complicated Rich. Let's just say that Mario is making all kinds of excuses why he can't come up here. I'm just frustrated...and I guess, maybe sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't run off to Mexico."[/I] Rich stood there stunned (this was becoming an all to common experience he thought to himself). He had no idea what to say, nothing at all. [I]"Look, I probably shouldn't have said that. I probably shouldn't have come over today. I'll let you go, bye Rich." [/I]She went to lean in, the awkwardly held out her hand to shake. Rich shook it and then she turned and quickly walked away heading to the T station. Rich was contemplating going after her when his cell phone rang. He looked down and saw that it was John Combs. This was odd as John rarely spoke to Rich without his father around. [I]"Hey John, what's going on?"[/I] Rich answered the phone. [I]"Hey kid. Listen, I've decided to retire...I know you and the old man have gone round and round about me and frankly I don't need the headache of this business anymore."[/I] [I]"I see. Well John, I'm sorry that things didn't work out but I'm glad I got to work with you if only for a short time."[/I] [I]"Now hold on kid, you ain't got rid of me yet! This next show is going to be my last and I've got a favor to ask. I just want to do one segment that's not behind the announce stand, something anything, I just want people to see that I don't have to be sitting down to talk. And another thing...I don't want any mushy on-screen farewell, just let me do my job and then we can celebrate my retirment after the show. O.K. kid? Look I gotta run, I'll see you at the meeting next week."[/I] [I]CLICK[/I] John had hung up before Rich could respond. Although Rich was excited about being able to use Remmington or Terry (or both maybe) as the new announcer he was indeed sad to be leaving as he knew how much it meant for his Dad to be working with John again. It's never easy, he thought to himself. Cause if it was everyone could do it, he heard John say in his head. Rich chuckled to himself and sat off to find somewhere to grab dinner. [B][I][U]Next Time: The Pre-show meeting as the Ides of March draw closer![/U][/I][/B]
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End of An Era [B][I][U]Friday March 9, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich was just finishing up the flyers for the March show when his temp Erin walked in. He said good morning and then went back to the flyer, hoping to be able to get out of the office early today. A few more mouse clicks and he was printing off the final version. [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][quote] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]SATURDAY MARCH 24, 2007[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]ALL STAR WRESTLING PRESENTS[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=7][COLOR=black]THE IDES OF MARCH[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=5][B][I]ASW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE MATCH[/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [LEFT][FONT=System][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=4][B]DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [/FONT][/LEFT] [CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=System]DEFENDS HIS TITLE AGAINST THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER [/FONT][FONT=System][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/MainstreamHernandez_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [RIGHT][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=4][B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT] [CENTER][FONT=System][SIZE=4]TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=System]CAL SANDERS AND HIS MYSTERY PARTNER TAKE ON TEMPEST APPLEBY AND JEREMY JAZZ[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/no_picture_alt1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=System]ALSO SCHEDULED TO APPEAR:[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=System]DARRYL DEVINE[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=System]KASHMIR SINGH[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Black]ALL THE ACTION IS AT BIKER'S PARADISE[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Arial Black]SHOW WILL START AT 8:00PM. TICKETS: $2.00[/FONT][/SIZE] [/FONT] [/CENTER] [/quote] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]Rich looked at the finished project and then called Erin over to make the Staples run and to start putting the flyers out. As she was gathering the paperwork together Rich was putting on his coat. [I]"You're in a hurry today Mr. DuVall. Hot date?"[/I] Erin joked as Rich shut down his computer. [I]"I'm just...I just need to get out of the office today. After you've done the Staples run you can go home. Don't worry I'll sign your timeslip for a full day of work."[/I] Rich hastily put his signature on a blank timesheet, said goodbye and was out the door before Erin could reply. Just as Erin was about to step out a women walked in the door. "Welcome to ASW, how may I help you?" She politely asked. Jen looked at her after looking around the office. [I]"Oh, hi I'm Jen Myers, I actually work for ASW. I was looking for Rich."[/I] [I]"I'm sorry Mr. DuVall has left for the day, can I leave him a message."[/I] Jen looked confused and slightly angry. [I]"I just wanted...oh never mind. I'll see him later. Thanks anyways."[/I] Jen stepped out leaving Erin with a confused look on her face as she left and locked up the office. [B][I][U]Friday March 23, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Papa Razzis Restaurant[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Boston, MA[/U][/I][/B] Seeing as this was going to be the last time that this group of workers was going to be together, Rich decided to hold this month's meeting in a little fancier place. Everyone had showed up relatively close to on-time and the mood seemed light and relaxed, except between Jen and Rich. The two had shared an awkward hello after a week of Rich doing everything he could to avoid her and hadn't really spoken since. Rich was glad to see that Jen was using the time constructively going over match notes with the workers who would be involved in the show tomorrow night. Rich walked over to his father and John who were in the middle of a toast. [I]"To old times."[/I] James said as he lifted his glass up to meet John's. [I]"And to new ones."[/I] John toasted back. They touched glasses and then drained whatever clear liquid was in them. [I]"Hello gentlemen, how are you this evening?"[/I] Rich asked as he sat down next to them. [I]"You know John I would still like to make some kind of announcement tommorrow during the show. I mean I feel..."[/I] [I]"Kid, I don't want to tell you again that I don't need any pomp and circumstance tomorrow night. Just let me do my job...and then you can buy the first round after the show."[/I] John said with his charactaristic grin. [I]"That sounds good John, just wanted to make sure you got the script for your part in the opening segment."[/I] Rich said as John held up the script that he had been going over earlier as evidenced by the notes he had made in the margin. [I]"Allright then, well I guess I should get this meeting officially going before everyone really cuts loose."[/I] Rich stood up and walked in front of the tables where everyone was gathered. As he stared out at the faces he had gotten to know over the past three he was saddened to think that this would be the last time this group was together, probably ever. Devine was making his last appearence for the company and was now going onto stardom in SWF. Mainstream was making his last apperance, and although he hadn't signed with anyone yet, it was surely only a matter of time before one of the big two signed him up. [I]"Good evening everyone, thank you coming, and thank you for not racking up to big a bar tab. I won't take much of your time tonight, we're all professionals here, we all know what our jobs are tomorrow. I have high hopes for this show, I think this is going to be the defining show for our young company. I just want to say thank you to everyone for your hard work over these past three months. For those of you leaving us after the show tomorrow, know that you'll always have a home in ASW. Those of you that are here for the long haul...the show has just started![/I] [I]"Now, I see Jen has already spoken with most of you for your matches tomorrow I just wanted to say a quick note to those of you involved in the tag match. I realize that we're asking alot of you and this is probably the longest match you've worked but I have faith in you and I think this will be a big part of our show. Good luck everyone, we'll see you at 6:30 at Biker's."[/I] Rich was pleased and maybe a little embarrassed when everyone started to clap after his speech. He had never thought of himself as a great speech maker, but he guessed that he had inherited his Dad's natural affinity for speaking in public, he just hadn't gotten to use that skill much since his last promotion had closed. [B][I][U]Later that night[/U][/I][/B] Rich had tried to go to bed early, but he just kept going over the show in his head. He knew he had a solid card but was worried about the tag match. Finally he figured that he couldn't change things now without screwing up the planning for everything else, he would have to trust in his initial instincts and let the cards fall where they may. [B][I][U]Coming up Next: The Ides of March[/U][/I][/B]
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ASW Ides Of March [LEFT][B][I][U]Saturday March 24, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Live from Biker's Paradise (being broadcast over the internet)[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Ides of March[/U][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Pre-Show (Not broadcast live but available on the website after the show)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]To get the crowd warmed up there was a special tag team match featuring Masked Cougar (making his final appearance in ASW for awhile) teaming with Rick Arquitte. They took on the unlikely team of Mainstream Hernandez and Stretch the Chicken Boy.[/LEFT] [LEFT]It turns out it was Rick and Cougar who were the unlikely team as they just didn't click as a tag team and their timing was really off. At the 13:20 mark, Stretch locked in the Chicken Choke (Crossface grapple) on Rick forcing him to tap out. [B](E-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Main Show[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]The show opened with Dazzling Dave coming down into the ring strutting and showing off his title belt to the booing fans. [I]"That's right, here I am, the first and only ASW Heavyweight champion...Diamond Dave. Now tonight not only do you get the pleasure of just seeing me, you get to see me defend my title against..."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]He's cut off as Mainstream Hernandez comes down the ramp and into the ring. [I]"Woah! Woah! Woah! Now we all saw what you did last month there big fella...you're gonna get your shot my title. Let's not do anything hasty."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Dave you discust me, you disgust everyone here. Look at your strutting around like you're the reason people came to see this show tonight...when we all know...it's me. I just gave you a taste of things to come last month, but tonight, after I pin you down..."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Mainstream is cut off as...Darryl Devine steps out onto the ramp. [I]"I'm sick of listening to the two of you bicker over who's better when it's obvious the best wrestler here is the one that you two have screwed out of his rightful shot at the title. We've all seen what's happened over the past two months, the two of you did everything in your power to make sure that I wouldn't get my shot. But tonight, I'm through playing Mr. Nice Guy, I want my title shot!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Well...Darryl, I'm sorry but it's not in my power to just hand out title shots, you've got to earn it." [/I]Dave sarcastically calls to him.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"But it is in my power..."[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]The crowd looks over at the announce table as John Combs stands up, grabs a microphone and walks into the ring. [I]"Now, I've had to sit at ringside and watch you two clowns make a joke of the ASW Title. I've sat there and called the shots, but tonight I'm not going to take it anymore. Tonight I'm going to set things right. Now Darryl, I can't change the past but I can do something right now, tonight you'll get your shot at the title...but first you have to face Kashmir Singh. Whoever wins will be in the main event, which will be a Triple Threat Match...and you know what, just to make it interesting, let's make it a Ladder Triple Threat match!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]The three men look at each other, Devine happy, Hernandez and Dave looking a little less than happy. [B](E+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]1st Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Darryl Devine vs. Kashmir Singh[/U][/B] [B][U]Winner gets place in Main Event[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Darryl was really on his game tonight and it showed as he put on one of his best matches of his tenure in ASW. Both opponents worked a similar style which made for an exciting match up. Devine took control first and displayed his strong chain wrestling skills by puttting together an impressive string of holds and strikes. He went for a quick cover but Kashmir powered out of the pin and then went on the offensive, overpowering the smaller worker with a series of strikes and kicks that sent Devine down to the mat where Kashmir applied a chinlock using his weight to push down on Devine.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"What a back and forth match so far! Both workers wanting that shot at the title tonight!" [/I]John exclaimed from the announce desk.[/LEFT] [LEFT]After another couple of momentum shifts Devine finally was able to hit Devine Dream Drop and make the pinfall. After the match Devine shook hands with the youngster and whispered a few words of encouragment to him. [B](D-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]Next out Cal Sanders came down to the ring with Buttercup by his side. [I]"Now as most of you know, my client, the ASW All American Champion, Cal Sanders has a tag match tonight. We know his opponents, Tempest and Jazz, we just don't know who his partner will be." [/I]Buttercup began.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"So here he is folks, my partner...Thomas Morgan!" [/I]Cal blurted out in his uncharismatic way. There was faint applause as Thomas Morgan stepped out to the ring but it was obvious nobody really knew (or cared) about Cal's partner. [B](F-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]2nd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Cal Sanders and Thomas Morgan vs. Tempest Appleby and Jeremy Jazz[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]This match was...well a disaster, especially after the great opening match. It dragged on too long, as both Tempest and Jazz were visably tired by the end of it. The only redeeming factor was the announcing and color commentary that made it at least watchable.[/LEFT] [LEFT]At the 18:25 mark, Jazz and Tempest both hit flying elbow drops on Thomas Morgan after Cal had been taken out by a double team attack outside the ring left him down on the mat unable to help his partner. [B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]After the match, Tempest and Jazz breathlessly taunted Cal as he walked back up the ramp. [I]"I guess (pant) maybe next time (pant) you'll have to find (pant) a better tag team partner. You know (pant) someone who coud carry you in a match. Maybe it's that belt that's holding you down Cal...don't worry, soon enough (pant) it'll be mine. [/I][B](F+)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]After the ring had cleared, Mainstream Hernandez made his way down to the ring. After briefly flirting with some girls at ringside, he grabbed a mic off of the announce table and stepped into the ring. [I]"Ahh so here we are, once again, Biker's Paradise, ready to do action. Except this time I'm getting my shot at the gold. You see the ASW Heavyweight Championship deserves a real man to wear the title, not some fruit cake like Dull Dave. Dave I hope you've enjoyed your one month reign because tonight it ends...right where it started. [/I][B](D)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]The ASW Champion was the next out of the back down the ramp. [I]"Oh Hernandez, what would you know about holding a title? In fact what does Devine know about holding a title? Nothing, because the two of you of all hype, all talk, and no results. Well my results are right here around my waist and I don't intend to let either of you take it away from me!" [/I][B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]As Dave made his way down to ringside Devine stepped out. [I]"Tonight, I'm dedicating this match to all the people of Boston. My victory tonight is for all of you out there, who deserve a better champion representing you than...well, whatever that is in the ring. [/I][B](E)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U]3rd Match[/U][/B] [B][U]Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. Darryl Devine[/U][/B] [B][U]Triangle Ladder Match for the ASW Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Before the match started two ladders were brought down to ringside and the championship belt was raised up to the ceiling on a piece of rope. The crowd was anxious for the match to get going and were cheering by the time the ref called for the bell.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"And here we go folks! This one has been brewing for three months! Who will come out on top? Who can reach up to grab the belt and leave here tonight as the ASW Heavyweight Champion?" [/I]John said with anticipation as the three workers in the ring circled each other.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Well Dave is at a distinct disadvantage here as he doesn't have the normal champions advantage, he could be laid out beside the ring and lose this match. No pinfalls, no submissions, no DQ's. Just whoever reaches the belt first." [/I]James added.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Mainstream and Devine were the first to lock up and just when it looked like Devine had his opponent wore down, Dave hit him with an elbow to the head, sending him to the mat. Dave and Mainstream exchanged smiles and then Mainstream hit a standing drop kick sending the champion down to the mat and rolling to the floor.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Mainstream went to work on Devine with some stomps to the head and then a couple of dropped elbows. Outside Dave grabbed one of the ladders and slid it into the ring. He rolled in and opened it up while Mainstream continued pounding on Devine. Mainstream seemed oblivious to Dave as he started climbing the ladder.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Oh no! I know that Mainstream and Devine don't like each other but Diamond Dave is about to get the belt!"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Dave got almost to the top and just about got his fingertips on the belt before deciding he needed to go up one more rung. Hernandez finally noticed him and started climbing up the other side of the ladder. Dave frantically started to untie the rope but Hernandez got to the top and slugged him with a solid right. The two men exchanged blows as Devine began to stir on the mat.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Devine looked up and saw the two men on top of the ladder and signalled to the audience for a big move. As they cheered Devine gave the ladder a big push sending it crashing to the ropes, dumping Hernandez outside and Dave onto the apron. Devine stood the ladder up and then started climbing up. He got to the top and started undoing the rope when Dave got up to his feet.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dave started climbing the ladder up the same side as Devine and got his hands wrapped around Darryl's waist. He pulled a couple of times before finally getting Devine to lose his hold on the ladder and come crashing down to the mat. Both men gasped for air as the crowd cheered.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Outside the ring Hernandez finally got to his feet and climbed in the ring. He was about to start climbing the ladder when Dave met him and the two of them started to exhange blows again. The two pushed each other back into the corner as Devine got back up to his feet. Seeing his two opponents tied up he began to climb the ladder.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"And now it's Devine who's racing to see if he can undo the belt before his opponents see him...can he make it?"[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT]Devine got to the top and started undoing the belt before he looked over to see his two opponents still standing in the corner fighting. He got a wicked look on his face and then lept down onto his oppoenents. At the same moment Hernandez decked Dave sending him to the mat and unfortunetly catching the full brunt of the splash from Devine. Both men collided, crashed into the turnbuckle and the momentum flipped them both over the top and down to the floor.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dazzling Dave wearilly pulled himself up to his feet and began, slowly, climbing the ladder, having to catch his breath after each step. Outside the ring, both men were slow to get to their feet but finally both were able to roll in after Dave had already gotten to the belt and started finishing off what was left of the knot holding the belt on the rope.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Devine and Hernandez both lunged at the ladder knocking it to the floor...but someohow Dave held on! He continued holding onto the belt as both of his opponents grabbed onto a leg trying to yank him off the belt and eventually they did.[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]"Wait a second! The belt came down with him! Dazzling Dave is still the champion!" [/I]James called out from ringside.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Indeed a stunned Dave found the belt still in his grip as he crashed to the mat, both Devine and Hernandez looked on in disbelief as the ref called for the bell. [B](D-)[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT]Devine and Hernandez gave one last wave to the audience as they stepped out of the ring leaving Dave alone to celebrate his victory. [B](E+) END OF BROADCAST[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [LEFT][I]"Well say what you will about him, but tonight Dave put his money where his mouth is so to speak and fought a great match. Thank you for coming everyone. It's been my distinct pleasure calling these matches for you." [/I]John seemed like he was about to continue but then simply stood up, took off his headset and walked into the back.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]Show Recap[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][U]Dark Match[/U] [LEFT]Rick Arquitte and Masked Cougar were defeated by Stretch the Chicken boy and Mainstream Hernandez (E-)[/LEFT] [LEFT][U]Main Show[/U][/LEFT] [LEFT]Darryl Devine defeated Kashmir Singh (D-)[/LEFT] [LEFT]Tempest Appleby and Jeremy Jazz defeated Cal Sander and Thomas Morgan (F+)[/LEFT] [LEFT]Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Mainstream Hernandez and Darryl Devine to retain the ASW Heavyweight Championship Title (D-)[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I]Overall Show: E+[/I][/B] [B][I]Attendance: 28[/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]Next up: Show reactions and planning for next month without the 3 biggest stars of the first 3 months...[/U][/B][/LEFT] [/LEFT]
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A New Era of ASW [B][I][U]Sunday March 25, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]ASW Main Office[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Quincy, MA[/U][/I][/B] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Rich woke up rather early, considering how late he had stayed out to celebrate both the company’s most successful show thus far and the “retirement” of John. John seemed in really high spirits at the after-party and Rich told him that if and when he decided to come back that they would always be able to find a spot for him.[/SIZE][/FONT] Germany, Mexico, …there was a world-wide response to the show. O.K. so there was 10 responses on the boards but it was still progress. The show had officially started drawing in fans on the internet, and as they say every journey starts with one step.[/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=black][FONT=Comic Sans MS]BOSTON[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Comic Sans MS]’S FAMOUS BIKER’S
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A Fond Farewell and And Odd Hello [B][I][U]Friday April 13, 2007[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Biker's Paradise[/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U]Boston, MA[/U][/I][/B] Rich had arrived early for the pre-show meeting but just as he was about to step into the bar a man approached him on the sidewalk. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/angrygeek.jpg[/IMG] [I]"Hey, aren't you Rick Arquitte? Yeah I almost didn't recognize you not staring up at the lights, you suck! Your matches are terrible! What are you the boss's kid or something? It's a good thing that your match last month wasn't broadcast on the internet show, it would have brought down the whole show...which already was bad enough!"[/I] Rich was about to ask him something but the angry man just kept on going. [I]"Another thing that sucks is that champion Dazzling Dave Diamond, he sucks with a capital S! Why didn't Darryl Devine win? Did you see his match on SWF's last Pay-Per-View? He put the beat down on Shady K, there's a company that knows how to use their workers...they don't suck! And something else, what's with your company logo? What did somebody with no graphics experience make it in just using Paint? IT REALLY SUCKS! Unlike this logo that I made up..."[/I] [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/TEW%20Photos/ASWPoster.jpg[/IMG] He hands Rich a poster of a new ASW logo design and as much as he doesn't like this man, he is really blown away by the logo he created. [I]"You like it? Of course you do, now the next time I load up your website I don't want to see that sucky, tired old one, I want to see mine!"[/I] [I]"Well I'll certainly pass it on to the creative team. Thank you Mr...oh I'm sorry what's your name?" [/I]Rich said as he looked up from the poster. But the man was gone and Rich couldn't see him as a crowd of people walked by. Rich shrugged and walked into the bar. [B][I][U]Later that night[/U][/I][/B] Rich was just wrapping up his usual speech to the workers. The mood was a little different from last time and the group gathered had changed, but Rich let them know that the first chapter of the company had been written but now it was up to the people who were in for the long haul to shape the future of the company. [I]"Speaking of the long haul, I'm very happy to let everyone know that James Tong, who I'm sure most of you better know as American Elemental, has just signed on for the next 9 months. I hope that most of you will get a chance to work with him, listen to him, and learn from him. He's a great worker and a great person who's seen and done more than most of here have ever done. [/I] [I]One last order of business, I just wanted to raise a toast to John Combs, who is retiring as our lead announcer. John your professionlism and dedication were not unnoticed, and you will be truely missed."[/I] John stands up and raised his glass, toasting everyone in the room as they applaud. [I]"Here's to all of you. And know that just because I'm not always going to be around, that I'm still watching. Don't let this good start ASW's got going be for nothing. Work hard and listen to the creative team, and I promise that everything will work out."[/I] John polished off his glass as another round of applause came from the gathered workers. Rich reminded everyone to get with Jen before they left and wished the new workers making their debut good luck. [B][I][U]Later that night[/U][/I][/B] Rich had stayed later than normal and was feeling pretty good when he stepped out of the bar. He looked at his watch and cursed as he realized that the trains had stopped running and he'd have to get a cab back to Quincy (gotta love Boston). As he stepped to the curb to hail a cab, the angry fan walked up beside him. [I]"Yeah doesn't the public transportation just suck in this city? I mean if New York can have 24 hour subway service why can't we, right? It just sucks!"[/I] Rich quickly ran off in the other direction, hoping he could hail a cab down. [B][I][U]COMING UP NEXT: ASW TORRENTIAL FORCE[/U][/I][/B] OOC: Thanks to J Silver for the new logo and for creating such a great character in his diary that I couldn't resist using him in mine to introduce the new logo. Show will be tonight or tomorrow (it is Valentine's Day after all).
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