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D.O.T.T. MACW TEW07 Style

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For those of you who have seen my diaries before, you know what to expect from me. I don't claim to be the best writer or anything of that nature but I do enjoy the game, specifically this mod for it. When I first started writing a diary for my game it was because I wanted to keep my own personal track record of the angles and such that I've gone through and to try to keep things as realistic as possible without flubbing on the game too much. But I've enjoyed writing them and getting reader feedback with comments and predictions. But enough of that. You won't find any fancy backstory comments here. What you're going to find is true old-school...what's the name on the marquee? Oh yeah...WRESTLING! So sit back, prop up your feet, relax and enjoy Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling my way. oh and one more thing..... SICKLES ALL AROUND!!!
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[CENTER][SIZE=5]MACW ROSTER[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE]Faces[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Heels[/COLOR] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff Jos Leduc Ric Flair Terry Funk[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Ricky Steamboat Roddy Piper[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk Jr. Greg Valentine[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Bugsy McGraw Jay Youngblood Mike Rotundo Sweet Brown Sugar[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dick Slater Magic Dragon(Managed by Gary Hart) One Man Gang(Managed by Sir Oliver Humperdink) The Assassin(Managed by Paul Jones) The Great Kabuki(Managed by Gary Hart)[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Private Jim Nelson[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Black Bart Dizzy Ed Hogan Kelly Kiniski(Managed by Sir Oliver Humperdink) Ken Timbs[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Angelo Mosca Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Masa Fuchi Mike Davis[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Mark Fleming Vinnie Valentino[/COLOR] [B]Occassional Wrestler[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Abe Jacobs Johnny Weaver Rufus R. Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Paul Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Gary Hart Sir Oliver Humperdink[/COLOR] [B]Announcers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Caudle[/COLOR] [B]Color Commentators[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett[/COLOR] [B]Referees[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Stu Schwartz Tommy Young Randy Anderson[/COLOR] [B]Authority Figure[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett Jr.[/COLOR] [B]Road Agents[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jack Brisco[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Gene Anderson[/COLOR] [B]Personalities[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone[/COLOR] [B]Tag Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw Roddy Piper and Bob Orton, Jr. Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood The Brisco Brothers[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang The Funks[/COLOR] [B]Stables[/B] [U]Gary Hart's Family[/U] Gary Hart Magic Dragon The Great Kabuki [U]House of Humperdink[/U] Sir Oliver Humperdink Kelly Kiniski One Man Gang [U]Paul Jones' Army[/U] Paul Jones The Assassin
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... [QUOTE][CENTER][B]MACW April Week 1 Update![/B][/CENTER] -April has come along here for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling fans and, well, for everyone else too. Going into this month we have several top athletes as our Champions. Let's get a run-down on who they are: [B]NWA World Heavyweight Champion[/B] [I]Ric Flair[/I] [B]NWA World Tag Team Champions[/B] [I]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/I] [B]United States Heavyweight Champion[/B] [I]Greg Valentine[/I] [B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion[/B] [I]Dory Funk, Jr.[/I] -Steamboat and Youngblood just came off a fantastic series of matches against Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle that sent the latter team running scared from the territory. -Rumors are abounding within the territory that Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is offering out several contracts to different wrestlers, including Larry Zbyszko, Ole Anderson and Barry Windham among others. This could really rock and shake the foundation of the territory. -As most people are aware, the WWF recently broke away from the NWA, turning traitor on the hands that feed them. This has brought them to war with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, among other companies. This led to rumors that the World Wrestling Federation might be going after certain wrestlers contracted to MACW, including Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat. -Mike Davis and Mike Rotundo both ended their commitments to CWF at the beginning of the month. They intend on focusing on their MACW careers. -Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is upcoming! Please stay tuned for a list of who to expect coming to your area![/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Card Preview! Macon City Auditorium, Macon GA[/CENTER][/B] [B]NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line[/B] Ric Flair(C) vs. Jay Youngblood Ivan Koloff vs. Wahoo McDaniel House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) vs. Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw Mike Rotundo vs. The Assassin Plus MORE of your favorite MACW Superstars, including Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine![/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC. always appreciated!
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NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line [B]Ric Flair(C)[/B] vs. Jay Youngblood [B] Ivan Koloff[/B] vs. Wahoo McDaniel House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) vs. [B]Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw [/B] Mike Rotundo vs. [B]The Assassin[/B]
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NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line [B]Ric Flair(C)[/B] vs. Jay Youngblood: This is going to be interesting. I'm a fan of your renditions of Flair. [B]Ivan Koloff [/B]vs. Wahoo McDaniel: Sickles... All... Around!;) House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) vs. [B]Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw[/B]: Best guess. [B]Mike Rotundo[/B] vs. The Assassin: I feel a strong Rotundo push coming. Plus MORE of your favorite MACW Superstars, including Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine!
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[B][CENTER][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1]Macon Auditorium, Macon GA Attendance: 2,000 Overall Rating: B+[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][U]Mike Rotundo vs. The Assassin[/U][/B] Paul Jones led the Assassin down to the ring where Mike Rotundo was already waiting inside. Rotundo turned his back to stretch and the Assassin rammed him in the corner with a big avalanche! Rotundo fell to the mat and the Assassin picked him back up, bodyslamming him to the ground. The Assassin locked in the Assassin Hammerlock and Rotundo had no choice but to quickly give up! [B][U]The Assassin b. Mike Rotundo =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Boogie Woogie On Down![/COLOR][/B] Jimmy Valiant came down to the ring to a nice ovation from the crowd. He hyped himself up, getting the crowd ready to see the Boogie and even the Woogie! =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) vs. Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw[/U][/B] Sir Oliver Humperdink led his team down to the ring to face the popular duo of Rufus Jones and Bugsy McGraw. Rufus and Bugsy started with the advantage, using some speed against Kiniski. But soon with the help of their manager, the House of Humperdink fired back. The One Man Gang got the pinfall on Rufus with his 747 Splash! [B][U]House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) b. Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]MACW In Your Town![/COLOR][/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett spoke about how coming soon to a city near you Greg The Hammer Valentine will be defending his United States Heavyweight Title against Rowdy Roddy Piper! So make sure to keep an eye out for when MACW is coming to YOUR town! =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Ivan Koloff vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/U][/B] Native American Chief Wahoo McDaniel came out to the ring for this bout against the Evil Russian Ivan Koloff. This was a classic back and forth contest between the two superstars that saw Wahoo start with an advantage and get several quick near-falls before Ivan fought back with a few rakes of the eyes. Ivan wore down the Native American, working over the back as a set up to the Russian Bear's Bearhug. Wahoo fought out of a backbreaker and started coming back against the Russian Bear, knocking him into the corner. Koloff grabbed the chain from his ringside post and wrapped it around his fist. He waited until Wahoo came near and then NAILED the Native American in the face with a chained fist! This left no choice but for the DQ! [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Ivan Koloff =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Ivan wasn't done, though! He continued to beat on Wahoo with the chain, wrapping it around the Native American's throat and choking him out! Ivan stomped on the fallen and unconcious body of Wahoo, raising his arms in victory before leaving the ring. =C+ [B][COLOR=RED]An Easy Win[/COLOR][/B] The cameras went backstage to show Ric Flair standing by in his blue sequined robe with the NWA World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Ric Flair: "Jay Youngblood? Is that the best they can give the Nature Boy? Is he really the number one guy they have to offer up the Whooooo NWA World Heavyweight Champion? Well, Youngblood, tonight when you walk that aisle against the Nature Boy be prepared to face the dirtiest player in the game. Tonight, the Nature Boy is not going to pull any punches here in Macon by god Georgia. Whooooo. And tonight the Nature Boy is going to get into his limousine after the show with the ladies here and prove why he is called Space Mountain. Why? Because he can go alllll night. Whooooo!" =B- [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line Ric Flair(C) vs. Jay Youngblood[/U][/B] Flair came to the ring looking very confident but Youngblood did not look intimidated by the brash Nature Boy. Soon into the bout, Youngblood rolled Flair up and got a 2 count. Flair staggered back into the corner and Youngblood raised his hand, putting his thumb and index finger inches apart to show how close Flair was to losing the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Flair took over from there, bringing Youngblood into the corner and unloading with those vicious chops across the chest. Once Flair had Youngblood down, the Nature Boy turned his attention to the knee, stomping it and working it over with kneebars and even dropping a knee on the leg of Youngblood! Flair played to the crowd some, getting booed by them as they tried to cheer Youngblood on to come back. Flair bounced off the ropes, measured Youngblood and dropped a knee across the forehead. That had Youngblood writhing in pain! Flair lifted Youngblood and locked in an abdominal stretch near the ropes and used the ropes for leverage several times, trying to secure a victory. The fans rallied behind Youngblood, who eventually hip-tossed Flair to the mat! Both men crashed down though and the referee began the ten count. Both athletes were slowly getting up to their feet, meeting in the center of the ring. Flair laid a chop against Youngblood's chest but Youngblood fired back with one of his own! They traded several more chops before Youngblood started taking the advantage! He whipped Flair into the corner and Flair flipped over the turnbuckles! He landed on the apron and began running along to the other side! Flair climbed the turnbuckles but was caught by Youngblood! Flair cried 'NO!' but it was to no avail as Youngblood slammed him off the turnbuckle to the mat! But Youngblood grabbed his knee in the process and it was obvious that Youngblood was hurting! Jay got back up though and came over to Flair, pushing him in the corner and laying in some vicious chops against the Nature Boy! Youngblood looked to the crowd for support and got it in buckets as he lifted the Nature Boy onto the top turnbuckle! It looks like we could have a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Youngblood ascends the turnbuckles...but falls backward? Youngblood's knee buckled under him! He grabs his knee as soon as he hits the mat and Flair quickly drops down! Flair grabs the leg and twists, locking on the Figure 4 Leglock! It doesn't take long for Youngblood to submit. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Jay Youngblood =A[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Flair will not release the hold! He's wrenching on the leg as the referee tries to break it but Flair won't budge! The hold finally gets broken after a couple of minutes but Flair stomps on the injured knee of the World Tag Team Champion! =C+ The crowd cheers as Ricky Steamboat comes running from the back and into the ring! He meets Flair with chops and punches, hip-tossing the Nature Boy and dropkicking him to the ground. Flair slithers out of the ring on his belly and grabs his NWA World Heavyweight Title, staring up at Steamboat as the show comes to an end. =C+
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((OOC: Thanks for your predictions everyone!)) [QUOTE][B][CENTER]MACW Mid-Week Report[/CENTER][/B] -What a wild television taping it was as the Naure Boy successfully defended his title in a hard-fought match against Jay Youngblood in the main event. -MACW would like to welcome a couple of men to the fold. Young manager Jim Cornette has signed on to work in the territory as well as referee Earl Hebner. Both men should add some very unique attributes to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and we wish them both well. -Veteran Ole Anderson has decided to maintain his loyalty to Georgia Championship Wrestling and will not be coming to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We wish him well there and look forward to, perhaps, working with him in the future.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][SIZE=5][CENTER]MACW In Your Town[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B]Main Event Non-Title[/B] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Ric Flair and Dory Funk Jr. [B]United States Heavyweight Title On The Line[/B] Greg Valentine(c) vs. Roddy Piper Dusty Rhodes vs. Jos Leduc The Brisco Brothers vs. The House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo vs. The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always appreciated!
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[B][CENTER][SIZE=5]MACW In Your Town![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1]Mid-Atlantic Region Attendance: 5,000 Overall Rating: B[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][U]Dick Slater vs. Private Jim Nelson[/U][/B] The show began with an unadvertised special match as fans got to see Dirty Dick Slater in action against the recent stand-up American Private Jim Nelson. Slater dominated the bout, much as anyone would expect the veteran to. He finished the match off with a Sleeperhold. [B][U]Dick Slater b. Private Jim Nelson =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Gary Hart's Family[/COLOR][/B] Gary Hart came down to the ring, leading his charges: The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon. He told the crowd that this is his international family and that sometime soon everyone in this territory is going to feel the wrath of the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon. It will start tonight with Rufus and Mike Rotundo. =C [QUOTE][B][U]Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo vs. The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/U][/B] Rufus and Rotundo interrupted Gary Hart, much to the cheers from the crowd as they made their way down to the ring and inside. Hart's Henchmen cleared the ring as Rufus and Rotundo played to the crowd for a moment. Once the bell sounded, though, it was all Kabuki and Dragon. For the most part, they dominated Rufus and Rotundo, using frequent tags and their martial arts moves. Kabuki picked up the pinfall over Rotundo using the Heart Kick. [B][U]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon b. Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Native Revenge[/COLOR][/B] A spotlight shined on the promo area, taking the eyes away from the ring as it cleared. Standing by were Wahoo McDaniel and Tony Schiavone. Schiavone asked Wahoo about the attack by Ivan Koloff at the last tv taping. Wahoo said he was angry about what Ivan Koloff did and that this wouldn't be the last they heard about it. Soon, maybe as soon as the next taping, Wahoo would be getting his revenge against the Russian Bear. You could guarantee that. =B- [QUOTE][B][U]The Brisco Brothers vs. The House of Humperdink(One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski)[/U][/B] It was the technical expertise of the Brisco Brothers against the power and cunning of the House of Humperdink. The Briscos started the match out isolating Kiniski but a rake of the eyes stopped that and in came the One Man Gang. OMG used his power to his advantage slowly down the attack of the Briscos and the House concentrated their attack on Jerry Brisco. Quick tags were the specialty of the House of Humperdink but a mistimed avalanche by OMG led to a Brisco tag! Jack was a house of fire inside the ring, taking down both members of the House of Humperdink and even Sir Oliver from the apron! After taking down everyone, Jack tagged Jerry in and pointed to the House and we have stereo Figure 4's! Referee Randy Anderson checks and then calls for the bell as both men give up! [B][U]The Brisco Brothers b. The House of Humperdink =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Jos Leduc[/U][/B] The action continued fast and ferious here as the American Dream Dusty Rhodes came out to a nice crowd ovation and boos were sounded for the Canadian Wildman. This was a pretty good brawl that had the crowd into it for most of the match. The American Dream had to rally back the troops in this match and Bob Caudle explained that these two wrestlers have been fighting all over the country so they know each other pretty well by now. Dory Funk Jr. had joined in on commentary for this match. The Dream picked up a clean victory, using the Weaver Lock to knock out Leduc out. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Jos Leduc =B+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Dusty celebrated inside the ring following the match, much to the cheers from the fans and much to the chagrin of guest commentator Dory Funk Jr. =C- [B][COLOR=RED]Little Kid[/COLOR][/B] The focus turned to the commentators at ringside where Dory Funk spoke about how Dusty Rhodes was acting like a little kid after picking up an ordinary looking win over a subpar performer. He should only celebrate like that after winning something like this: and he patted that Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title before walking off. =C- [B][COLOR=RED]A New Champ![/COLOR][/B] Roddy Piper stepped out to the promo area alone and spoke about his match tonight with Greg The Hammer Valentine. He also said there's been some rumors about him possibly going to wrestle up north. Well, the U.S. Title does mean all over the United States, right? And last he checked that area is still in the U.S. But enough of that. Tonight, the Hammer is going to learn what all wrestlers learn when they step into the ring with the Hot Rod. He's gonna learn what it's like to pay the piper. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title On The Line Greg Valentine(c) vs. Roddy Piper[/U][/B] Roddy headed directly to the ring following the promo and waited on the Hammer to come out. Valentine was met with boos from the crowd as he held up the United States Heavyweight Title. The bell sounded and this match was underway. The two met in the center of the ring and began a brawl that had Valentine heading for cover and Piper swinging at air. Valentine paced around the ring while Piper tried to get outside and was held back by the referee. Finally, Valentine was able to grab Piper by the leg and drag him out of the ring, ramming his head into the ropes seperating the crowd from the ring area, choking Piper with them! He released before the 5 count, though, and tossed Piper back in the ring, following him inside. Valentine took this advantage and opportunity to work over the leg of Piper, slamming several elbows into it and wrenching it over but he couldn't get Piper to submit. Valentine went for the Figure 4 later in the match but Piper reversed it into an inside cradle for a 2 count. Valentine stomped on Piper quickly after that to keep the Rowdy Scot on the mat. The Hammer maintained a lengthy advantage over Piper, continuing to focus on that leg in a set-up for the Figure 4. Valentine laid Piper down with a slam and bounced off the ropes, preparing his elbow to drop the Hammer but Piper rolled out of the way at the last moment and Valentine hit the mat! Piper got the crowd to rally behind him against the hated Champion and began his comeback, blocking Valentine's punches and rocking the Hammer with one of his own! He backed Valentine into the ropes and then whipped him across. Valentine quickly grabbed the ropes before coming back to Piper. Piper walking in to a rake of the eyes and Valentine pushed the Hot Rod into the corner where they traded blows! The referee tried to get in the middle but he got shoved away by both men. That happened a second time and a third time had the referee ringing the bell! [B][U]Greg Valentine drew Roddy Piper =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Dream Insulted?[/COLOR][/B] While officials seperated Piper and Valentine, the focus turned back to the podium where Dusty Rhodes was standing by. He stated that he heard what Funk had to say earlier in the night and that if Dory really wanted him to prove it that he would get him in that ring and show him why the American Dream is a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Otherwise, he needs to keep his mouth shut if you will. =B- [B][COLOR=RED]Main Event[/COLOR][/B] The cameras focused on a different promo area then where Ric Flair and Dory Funk, Jr. were standing by. Flair talked about how tonight is going to go just like that tv taping in Georgia: with the Nature Boy on top. And after all is said and done, he's going to take Mr. Funk here into his limousine and they're gonna go partying allll night long. Whoooo. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Main Event Non-Title Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Ric Flair and Dory Funk Jr.[/U][/B] Flair and Funk headed to the ring from the staging area to boos and trash littered from the crowd. The crowd erupted in cheers as their favorites: Steamboat and Youngblood came out wearing their NWA World Tag Team Titles. This match would pit the NWA World Heavyweight Champion teaming with the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion against the NWA World Tag Team Champions. Flair was going to start but he saw Steamboat starting so he quickly got out of the ring, letting Dory Funk, Jr. start the match. Steamboat started off hot, sending Funk to the mat and out of the ring to regroup with the Nature Boy. Funk rolled back in and Steamboat kept on the offensive, making a quick to Youngblood and the two good guys kept Funk toward their corner, working on his arm. Funk was able to make a comeback and tag out to the Nature Boy, who quickly went to work on Youngblood's leg as he had done at the tv taping. The Nature Boy stretched Youngblood's knee and tweaked it before bouncing off the ropes and dropping a knee across the back of Youngblood's knee, the man screaming in pain! Bob Caudle reminded everyone in the arena that this match does have a 30 minute time limit. Flair tagged out and Funk continued the attack on Youngblood's knee, signaling for the spinning toehold but Steamboat came running in and clotheslined Funk to the ground! The referee grabbed Steamboat and began tugging him to the other side while Flair came in and pulled Youngblood over to the corner, bringing his leg back and slamming his knee into the ringpost! Youngblood cried out in pain and Flair got back in the corner before the referee turned back around. Funk continued to work on Youngblood, tagging in Flair as Caudle announced that time was getting shorter and shorter here for this match. Flair gave a 'Whoooo' to the crowd and then began locking in the Figure 4! But Youngblood punched Flair in the forehead! A second time ! A kick sent Flair to the mat! Youngblood turned, crawling toward his corner. Flair got up quickly and came over just in time to watch Youngblood make the tag! Steamboat came in, lighting Flair's chest with chops! He took down Funk! Double noggin-knockers to Flair and Funk! Jay Youngblood comes in and takes over with Funk as Steamboat hip-tosses Flair to the mat! Caudle begins a countdown from 10 as Steamboat notices the time and begins to move to the turnbuckles, climbing to the top! Flair rises to his feet and Steamboat comes off with a picture perfect Flying Body Press! He gets a 1 count and the bell sounds! [B][U]Ric Flair and Dory Funk Jr. drew Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood =B+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Steamboat checks with the referee, who explains that the time limit ran out. As Steamboat is getting this explanation, Flair nails him with a chopblock from behind! Outside the ring, Funk has taken the advantage over Jay Youngblood and grabs his and Flair's belts, sliding them into the ring. He tosses Jay Youngblood inside the ring and follows suit, having Flair hold Youngblood and he rams that Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title against Youngblood's face! But the crowd erupts as Dusty Rhodes comes running from the back to make the save! He downs Flair with a punch and Flair rolls outside. He begins peppering Dory with rights and another and another and a little flip flop and fly with the Bionic Elbow on Dory Funk, Jr! Funk gets out of the ring, leaving Dusty looking victorious. =B- [B][COLOR=RED]Next Time![/COLOR][/B] Bob Caudle thanks the fans for coming and announces that Terry Funk will be in the territory next week! Have a good night and drive safely. =B+
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]April Week 2 Report[/CENTER][/B] -Things are definitely heating up here in the Mid-Atlantic area and they are just gonna get better as Terry Funk makes his return this week to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -Austin Idol, Hulk Hogan, Jesse Ventura and Paul Orndorff all turned traitor, signing contracts with Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation. -Ken Timbs, Mark Fleming and Jos Leduc have all been released from their MACW contracts, leaving them free to sign on with other promotions. -MACW is also using those roster spots to sign several superstars, some of whom have toured here before. Those wrestlers include...no, wait, you'll have to tune in or buy tickets to find out. -Over in Japan, on Monday of week 2 Jumbo Tsuruta collapsed after a show and was rushed to the hospital following an overdose of an unknown drug. Details are sketchy at best at the moment. -Rumor has it that Jim Crockett wants to use the fact that he has the NWA World Title to make a possible invasion on WWF soil. They want to compete against us? Well, we can definitely compete against them and win.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Preview[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Event![/B] Wahoo McDaniel, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Ivan Koloff, Ric Flair and Terry Funk The Brisco Brothers vs. Black Bart and Dizzy Ed Hogan The Midnight Express vs. Jimmy Valiant and Rufus R. Jones A Debuting Superstar vs. Vinnie Valentino[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC. always appreciated!
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[SIZE=5][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=1][CENTER]Location: Mid-Atlantic Region Attendance: 5,000 Overall Grade: B-[/CENTER][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][U]A Debuting Superstar vs. Vinnie Valentino[/U][/B] Fans within the arena were stunned as the curtains parted for our opening superstar and out walked the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko! They rose in boos and pelted him with trash as he slipped into the ring, taking in their boos with his usual bravado. He looked across at his opponent and laughed before the bell sounded and the match was on. As one might expect, Zbyszko dominated the match, making short and sure work of Valentino. The Living Legend finished the match after a shoulder breaker. [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. Vinnie Valentino =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Fallen Dream[/COLOR][/B] As Bob Caudle and David Crockett spoke about the debut of Zbyszko, the cameras moved backstage to show Dusty Rhodes down and out in the locker room! He was bleeding from the forehead and had trainers and EMT's trying to talk to him but he didn't know what happened or who attacked him. =B+ [B][COLOR=RED]Rising Stars[/COLOR][/B] Three relative unknowns were standing within the promo area when we came back toward ringside. The smaller one introduced himself as Jim Cornette and claimed that this team is his Midnight Express: Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey. Tonight marks the debut of the Express here in MACW but it won't be long before they take care of those NWA World Tag Team Titles. =E+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Midnight Express vs. Jimmy Valiant and Rufus R. Jones[/U][/B] Cornette led his team down to the ring following the promo to take on the team of the Boogie Woogie Man and Rufus Jones. This was a decent match that showed that the Midnight Express know a lot more about tag team wrestling than one might think. They used several double-teams and some manager interference to take and keep the advantage on Rufus and Valiant. Bobby Eaton pinned Rufus after a legdrop from the top turnbuckle that he calls the Alabama Jam. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. Jimmy Valiant and Rufus R. Jones =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Mystery Tag Match[/COLOR][/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett recapped the attack on Dusty Rhodes earlier in the night and then spoke about the fact that this week in YOUR town, Dusty Rhodes will be taking on Terry and Dory Funk with a mystery partner involved. Who is this mystery partner? Nobody knows but Dusty. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Brisco Brothers vs. Black Bart and Dizzy Ed Hogan[/U][/B] The dynamic brothers came to the ring with cheers from the crowd as their opponents stood within it already and the bell sounded. As one might expect, this match was easily dominated by the Briscos, using double-team moves and tandem holds to wear down both Black Bart and Ed Hogan. Within the end, Hogan was forced to submit to a Jerry Brisco Figure 4 Leglock to pick up the win by the Brisco Brothers. [B][U]The Brisco Brothers b. Black Bart and Dizzy Ed Hogan =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] As the Briscos celebrated the victory and Jerry released the Figure 4, Jim Cornette came out from the back leading his Midnight Express to the ring! The Briscos turned around in time to get double-sledged by each member of the Midnight Express! Eaton catapulted Jack into the turnbuckle while Condrey took Jerry down with a body slam! Cornette smiled as the Express made short work of the Brisco Brothers, standing victorious inside the ring. =D+ [B][COLOR=RED]Another Challenge[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved to the promo area where the Hot Rod was standing by with a microphone. He talked about how he extended his contract with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling so he isn't planning on going anywhere. This brought a cheer from the crowd. But on to more important things. He got screwed last week against Greg the Hammer Valentine with a double disqualification. The Hammer must be afraid of the Hot Rod. Well, I'll tell you what Valentine, if you've got the cajones, why not meet me in a match where there are no DQs? Where nothing can save that little title of yours and we'll see who the better man is. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Wahoo McDaniel, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Ivan Koloff, Ric Flair and Terry Funk[/U][/B] It's time for 6 man tag team action as some major feuds are involved in this one, starting with Wahoo and Ivan Koloff and Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat. It also featured the return of Terry Funk to action here. With all 6 men being top athletes, you could bet that this was some great action. Wahoo started the match and so did Terry Funk. The bad guys got the advantage early and worked over Wahoo until Ivan was tagged in and Wahoo saw him and seemed to go berserk! Steamboat had to tag himself in to keep Wahoo from getting them DQed! Flair and Steamboat saw some action within this bout early but mainly when Steamboat was already down. Flair would get in some shots and then tag out quickly. Jay Youngblood did get some advantages over the veterans and showed why he is one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions. In the end of the match, a pier-six brawl broke out between all 6 men with referee Tommy Young having a hard time restoring order! Wahoo and Ivan battled on the outside, Funk and Youngblood on the other side of the ring. Inside, Steamboat looked to make an insult to Flair by locking in the Figure 4 but Flair leveled him with a punch! The cameras zoomed in and could see brass knuckles on Flair's hand! Flair tucked those away in his tights before the referee turned back around and rolled up Steamboat in a small package for the victory. [B][U]Ivan Koloff, Ric Flair and Terry Funk b. Wahoo McDaniel, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, Flair motioned to the back and out came...ARN ANDERSON?!?!? Double A slid inside the ring and put the boots to Steamboat! He whipped Steamboat into the ropes and dropped him hard with a Double A Spinebuster! He shook hands with Flair and hugged him! What in the world is going on?! =C+ Outside the ring, Wahoo and Ivan continued their brawl! They took it all the way up the aisle and disappeared as the show faded out. =B-
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;197493]Just about every DOTT is great, I don't know maybe it's a coincidence but I think it's a big testament to the mod itself.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliment. I agree about it being a testament to the mod itself. D. Boon and everyone worked very hard and I am very thankful just to be able to play it, let alone make this diary. I hope you and everyone else have enjoyed it so far as things are about to change up some.
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]April Week 2 Mid-Week Report[/CENTER][/B] -TRAITORS IN OUR MIDST! The big headline for this week is reports that Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat have gone against their word and have signed contracts with Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation! Jim Crockett is said to be FURIOUS with them since both signed contract extensions with MACW here recently. -On the plus side, Canadian wrestler the Dynamite Kid has been given a one shot appearance here in MACW due to a talent trade with Calgary Stampede. They, in turn, will receive Larry Zbyszko for one appearance. -Both Ricky Steamboat and Roddy Piper have invoked clauses in their contracts, giving each of them title shots at the next show. Could either one of them be taking a title to the World Wrestling Federation?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]MACW In Your Town Preview![/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Event! NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line![/B] Ric Flair(c) vs. Ricky Steamboat [B]United States Heavyweight Title On The Line[/B] Greg Valentine(c) vs. Roddy Piper Dusty Rhodes and Mystery Partner vs. The Funks Larry Zbyszko With An Open Challenge! The House of Humperdink vs. Angelo Mosca Jr. and Sweet Brown Sugar Jimmy Valiant vs. The Great Kabuki Plus MORE MACW Superstars as MACW In Your Town becomes truly the night the line was crossed.[/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette][B][U]A Debuting Superstar vs. Vinnie Valentino[/U][/B] Fans within the arena were stunned as the curtains parted for our opening superstar and out walked the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko! They rose in boos and pelted him with trash as he slipped into the ring, taking in their boos with his usual bravado. He looked across at his opponent and laughed before the bell sounded and the match was on. As one might expect, Zbyszko dominated the match, making short and sure work of Valentino. The Living Legend finished the match after a shoulder breaker. [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. Vinnie Valentino =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] GREAT MATCH! I love your portrayal of Zbyszko almost as much as I do your Flair. I can't wait for things to pick up with him! Definitely going to Larryland!
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[QUOTE=the ismailite;198591]You already know I'm gonna get caught up on this thing! Looks like I'm never gonna get to see you fully pull off a Steamboat/Flair feud though:D[/QUOTE] LOL. I promise I'll get back on this soon. Work and the holidays have caught up to me. Not to mention, my mom had a heart attack a couple weeks ago so we're kind of focusing on her at the moment and her birthday is on the 15th! I'm glad to continue to have you as a reader, though. I always appreciate your comments. As always, keep them coming!
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[B][CENTER][SIZE=5]MACW In Your Town![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Mid-Atlantic Region Attendance: 5,000 Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=RED]The Main Event![/COLOR][/B] The show opened with Bob Caudle and David Crockett talking about the main event tonight pitting Ric Flair against Ricky Steamboat. Will Steamboat be taking the NWA World Title away from Mid-Atlantic? Or will the Nature Boy prove that he is the man? All of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling will be watching this match tonight! =B+ [COLOR=RED][B]Mist![/B][/COLOR] The oriental music of the Great Kabuki led he and his manager Gary Hart out to the ring for their upcoming match. Kabuki knelt within the ring and sprayed some type of mist out into the air to an average reaction from the crowd. =C [QUOTE][B][U]Jimmy Valiant vs. The Great Kabuki[/U][/B] The Boogie Woogie Man came out by himself to a good crowd ovation. The crowd down here in Mid-Atlantic loves Valiant and when he climbed into the ring he was rushed by Kabuki! The two exchanged blows in the corner with the Boogie finally coming out on top, knocking Kabuki backward. Kabuki slid out of the ring to regroup with manager Gary Hart. Once Kabuki got back in the ring, he raked the eyes of Valiant and started taking the advantage. Kabuki held onto it, using his martial arts background and several advanced moves for this era. The momentum was slowed, though, when he had Valiant in a reverse chinlock and Valiant countered with a jawbreaker. The fans got behind the Boogie Woogie Man and the Boogie started rocking Kabuki with rights and lefts and an inverted atomic drop and a bodyslam! He bounced off the ropes and dropped a Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop! He made the cover but only got a 2 count. Why? Gary Hart jumped into the ring and raked Valiant's eyes from behind! The referee had no choice but to call for the bell. [B][U]Jimmy Valiant b. The Great Kabuki =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] With Valiant distracted by Gary Hart, this gave the Great Kabuki time to recover. Valiant finally gained the advantage over Hart, tossing him outside the ring. But when he turned to face Kabuki, Kabuki spit that mist into the face of the Boogie Woogie Man! Valiant grabbed at his eyes, falling to the mat and convulsing as Kabuki slid outside the ring, walking to the back victorious with Gary Hart. =C+ [B][COLOR=RED]Ceremonial Destruction[/COLOR][/B] After the ring was cleared out, the fans rose in cheers as Wahoo McDaniel headed out for an impromptu matchup. Bob Caudle stated that he didn't even know who McDaniel's opponent was supposed to be here tonight. Wahoo slipped inside the ring and bent over to place his ceremonial headdress away and was blindsided by Ivan Koloff with a forearm shot to the back! Where did Koloff come from? Ivan stomped on Wahoo, kneeling down and choking the native american with his russian chain! Then ivan turned his attention to that ceremonial headdress. Oh no! Ivan picked up the headdress and began ripping it apart! How insulting! He laughed, stomping on Wahoo and then trying to force him to eat some of the feathers! The crowd booed the Russian as Ivan held his arms up in victory and walked off, leaving Wahoo disgraced. =B- [QUOTE][B][U]The House of Humperdink vs. Angelo Mosca Jr. and Sweet Brown Sugar[/U][/B] The focus of the commentary during this match was not on the match itself but on what just happened with Wahoo McDaniel and Ivan Koloff. Inside the ring, the match was dominated by the House of Humperdink, much to the happiness of Sir Oliver Humperdink on the outside of the ring. One Man Gang pinned Angelo Mosca Jr. with a 747 Splash. [B][U]The House of Humperdink b. Angelo Mosca Jr. and Sweet Brown Sugar =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]That Open Challenge[/COLOR][/B] The crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko showed up in the promo area. He told the fans that they should be glad they get to see him in action tonight. After all, they are seeing a Living Legend in action. He walked toward the ring as he spoke, carrying a wireless microphone in hand. But nobody will probably stand up to him anyway and he'll be able to get out of this god-forsaken town. Does it even have a name? It doesn't matter. Just get whatever guy in the back who wants to take a trip to Larryland out here to the ring. =C- [COLOR=RED][B]Open Challenge Accepted[/B][/COLOR] Some unfamiliar music played and a wrestler stepped out from the back. He told the crowd that his name is the Dynamite Kid and tonight he accepts Larry Zbyszko's open challenge and will prove himself here in Mid-Atlantic. =E+ [QUOTE][B][U]Larry Zbyszko vs. The Dynamite Kid[/U][/B] The Living Legend stomped on the Dynamite Kid when the Kid entered the ring. Zbyszko focused his attack on the neck of the Kid, taking his time and punishing his opponent for having the gall to accept the open challenge. When Zbyszko finally made the choice to finish the match, he locked the Dynamite Kid in the Sleeperhold, putting him out in the middle of the ring. Kid fell to the mat and Zbyszko cinched the hold in deeper, forcing the referee to stop the match himself. [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. The Dynamite Kid =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Mystery Partner...REVEALED![/COLOR][/B] "Ameeeeeeeeerican Dream!" The music of Dusty Rhodes began to play through the arena and out he came to cheers from the crowd. He climbed into the ring and told the fans that tonight will be a shocker to most people but tonight he will be teaming with a man that he respects. He will be teaming with a man who will make the Funks livers quiver and their knees freeze! Tonight, his mystery partner to take on Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk is none other than...HARLEY RACE! Race stepped out to a mixed ovation from the crowd. He took in their sounds walking down to the ring and climbing inside, shaking hands with the American Dream. He took the microphone and said they need to get those Funks down to the ring and lets have a match! =B [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race vs. The Funks[/U][/B] The Dream motioned to Harley to start the match and Terry Funk started for the Funk side of things. Harley began with some swift technical wrestling, outclassing Funk, who quickly became frustrated, kicking the bottom rope and yelling at the audience. Once they meet in the center of the ring again, Race continues the advantage, tagging out to the American Dream and holding Terry Funk for a shot to the gut. The Dream picked up Terry Funk and drove his back across his knee for the backbreaker! Funk writhed in pain but reached a hand up and poked the Dream in the eyes! This broke the hold and Funk crawled over, making a tag to Dory. Dory came in and dropped an elbow on the Dream, making a cover and getting only a 1 count. Dory began dominating the Dream, working over his leg and knee area in particular, making quick tags with his brother Terry. Dory came back in later during the match and whipped the Dream across but the Dream took Dory down with a shoulderblock. The Dream was left on wobbly legs as Dory popped back up. The Dream peppered Dory with rights, right, right, right...flip flop and fly!...Bionic Elbow to the top of Dory Funk Jr's head! Dory hit the mat and the Dream dropped a bionic elbow but he couldn't make the cover! He'd had too much taken out of him. When he finally made the cover, Dory kicked out at two! The Dream started getting the crowd behind him and began crawling to make the tag with Harley Race! Dory was crawling toward his own corner. Who would make it first??? Dory tagged in his brother and Terry came running across...just as Harley Race was tagged in! Terry Funk's eyes went wide and Race began felling both him and his brother with punches! He rammed their heads together in a double noggin knocker! He pushed Terry into the corner and climbed up, wailing away with punches as the crowd counted along to ten! He backed up and Terry put up his dukes and then fell to the mat. Race got the crowd behind him, picking up Terry Funk and bodyslamming him while the Dream knocked Dory out of the ring. Race pointed to the corner and began to climb the turnbuckles. The American Dream dropped a bionic elbow on Terry to keep him down and Race came flying off the top turnbuckle with a flying headbutt! Race made the cover and the crowd counted along with the 1-2-3! [B][U]Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race b. The Funks =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]United States Title Staying In MACW![/COLOR][/B] Tony Schiavone stood at the promo area alongside the U.S. Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine. Tony noted that so many people have been talking about the NWA World Heavyweight Title that not many have noticed another fight we have tonight where the U.S. Title might go to the WWF. The Hammer here disagrees though. Valentine got on the microphone and said that the reason why nobody is talking about losing the U.S. Title is because it's NOT gonna happen. Roddy Piper may have gotten a shot here tonight but he will NOT receive the U.S. Title itself because that stays securely around the waist of the Hammer. And if Piper disagrees, if he thinks that Valentine is going to have to pay tonight? Well, Piper will see that real men don't wear skirts. =B- [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title On The Line Greg Valentine(c) vs. Roddy Piper[/U][/B] This was definitely a more talked about match in the arena tonight. It's already been made public that this will be Roddy Piper's last match here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Will he leave as the United States Heavyweight Champion? The crowd gave a mixed ovation for the Hot Rod when he came out, mainly because they know he's leaving but he's still a very popular figure. The two wrestlers here tonight had a classic brawl that went up the aisle slightly and back down toward the ring. Piper focused on the head and neck of the Hammer while Valentine of course went after Piper's knee. It was almost like the Hammer was trying to make Piper damaged goods in this match as Piper was almost all completely dominated in the later-goings. Valentine locked the Figure 4 on Piper and it didn't take long before the Hot Rod submitted! [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Roddy Piper =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Still The Man[/COLOR][/B] Ric Flair stood tall in the promo area as the spotlight shined on him. He said that tonight Ricky Steamboat, a man he used to respect, will walk that aisle in one last match against the Nature Boy with this World Heavyweight Title on the line. But it's about more than the gold belt. This match tonight is about more than the leer jets, the limousine riding, kiss stealing and everything else. It's about the N W Whooo A. It's about a legacy that stretches back a hundred years. It's about Harley Race. It's about Dusty Rhodes. It's about every man who's ever held this belt. Tonight, the Nature Boy holds all the past, the lineage of the National Wrestling Alliance on his shoulders. And tonight he will prove the old adage is true: to be the man, you have to beat the man. Tonight, Ricky Steamboat is going to learn that Ric Flair, by virtue of holding this belt, is the man. And by virtue of being the GREATEST wrestler on the planet Ric Flair is like diamonds brother. Ric Flair is forever. Whooooo. =A [QUOTE][B][U]Main Event! NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line! Ric Flair(c) vs. Ricky Steamboat[/U][/B] The crowd here was definitely conflicted as the hated Ric Flair stood within the ring going eye-to-eye with his nemesis, the popular Ricky Steamboat. Heated words were exchanged in the middle of the ring when the bell rang and Flair smacked the taste out of Steamboat's mouth! Steamboat fired back with a right hand. Flair returned the favor with a patented knife-edge chop to the chest! Steamboat hit Flair with a chop! Flair with a chop! Steamboat! Flair! Steamboat! Steamboat hit several more, backing Flair into the ropes. He whipped him across and leapfrogged over Flair. When Flair came back he was brought over with a hip-toss by Steamboat! Flair crawled back in the corner on his knees, calling for a timeout and signaling to the referee that Steamboat pulled the hair! Referee Tommy Young looked to Steamboat and warned him as Flair got to his feet. The two athletes circled each other and locked up in a collar and elbow tieup. Flair backed Steamboat into the corner and Steamboat raised his arms looking for a clean break. Flair began sliding back and then laid into Steamboat with a cheap right hand. Steamboat staggered out of the corner and Flair went right to the knee with a shoulder shot. Steamboat fell to his knees and Flair went right to work. He began his domination of this middle portion of the match with a focus on the knee of Steamboat. He wrenched the knee and locked it in a couple of different submission holds. His attack on the knee of Steamboat continued by ramming it against the unforgiving steel ringpost. If Flair keeps this up, Steamboat may be crippled his first day in the WWF! The fans tried to rally Steamboat a couple of times but Flair used pokes to the eye and low-blows when the referee wasn't looking to continue the advantage. Finally, Flair signaled for the end and began locking in a Figure 4 Leglock. Steamboat leaned up and wrapped Flair in a small package! 1... 2... 3...! Steamboat has done it! He has won the NWA World Heavyweight Title tonight! It's gonna go to the...wait, referee Tommy Young signals that it was only a 2 count! The match continues! Steamboat begins picking up the advantage, riding his wave of that small package and focusing on the lower back of Flair with some quick moves. Steamboat whipped Flair into the turnbuckle and Flair flipped over them, landing on the ring apron! Flair ran across the apron to another turnbuckle and began to climb up but he was caught by Steamboat! Flair shook his head several times but was finally bodyslammed off the turnbuckles. Steamboat, though, grabbed at his knee, releasing the kneepad he had on it and looking like he is in true pain, writhing on the mat. He grit his teeth though and began lifting himself up, moving toward the turnbuckles, signaling for the end. He began to ascend the turnbuckles, trying not to put too much weight on that knee. Flair rose to his feet and turned, just in time for Steamboat to leap with that flying bodypress! It connects but Flair rolls through and on top of Steamboat! Flair gets up quickly and grabs the leg of Steamboat, giving a quick 'Whooooo' and beginning...yes he locks in the Figure 4 Leglock in the center of the ring! Steamboat can't reach the ropes and he is in PAIN! Steamboat is trying not to give up, he's shaking his head 'no.' Flair lifts himself up on his hands, really putting the pressure on Steamboat! Finally Steamboat has no choice but to submit, giving Flair the win! The NWA World Heavyweight Title stays within the Mid-Atlantic grasp! [B][U]Ric Flair b. Ricky Steamboat =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Flair released the hold and held up the NWA World Heavyweight Title in victory, giving a strut across the ring as Steamboat rolled to the outside. Steamboat turned and received a kick to the gut?!?! What in the world?!?! It's Arn Anderson! Double A drops Steamboat with a DDT outside the ring! Steamboat is busted open by that DDT, bleeding all over the place! Anderson smiles, looking down at his handiwork as the show fades out. =D+
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[QUOTE][CENTER][B]April Week 3 Report[/B][/CENTER] -Roddy Piper wrestled his last match in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. It went a little over 15 minutes and he lost by submission to Greg The Hammer Valentine. Piper has no future in this business if he is going to treat contracts this way. He won't amount to much in the WWF. -The same can be said for Ricky Steamboat, who was defeated last night by the Nature Boy Ric Flair in a 30 minute contest for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. What people don't seem to remember is that Ricky Steamboat is still one-half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions. Steamboat and his partner Jay Youngblood will be forced to put those NWA World Tag Team Titles On The Line during the upcoming tv taping but who will they face? -Welcome back to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Harley Race! Race signed a pay-per-appearance contract so that he can keep up with some of his other bookings but he looks to have jumped right into things, teaming with Dusty Rhodes to take on the Funks. But really how long can Harley Race be a good guy? -Larry Zbyszko won his open challenge last night by defeating the young Dynamite Kid. Zbyszko is supposed to be placing another open challenge at the tv taping. Who will he face? -Wahoo McDaniel is said to be FURIOUS after what happened last night at the hands of Ivan Koloff. The Russian ripped up Wahoo's ceremonial headdress and tried to shove it in the Indian Chief's mouth. What will Wahoo come up with for revenge? [B]Confirmed Upcoming Matches For The TV Taping[/B] [I]NWA World Tag Team Titles On The Line[/I] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. ??? Larry Zbyszko Issues His Open Challenge Harley Race vs. Terry Funk And much, much more![/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always appreciated!
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[SIZE=5][CENTER][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][CENTER]Bessemer Civic Center. Bessemer, Alabama Attendance: 1,000 Overall Rating: C-[/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR=RED][B]New Tag Team Champions?[/B][/COLOR] The show began with Jim Cornette standing in the back alongside the new MACW tag team: The Midnight Express. Cornette said that tonight HIS team should have the tag title shot against Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. The Midnight Express are taking the Mid-Atlantic region by storm. Everyone should jump on the bandwagon. As a matter of fact, his momma told him that he's gonna manage champions and tonight he should have the opportunity to do that! In the end, not many people cared, though. =E [COLOR=RED][B]Loser Left Town[/B][/COLOR] The actual in-arena portion of the show began with the introduction of the man who is STILL the NWA World Heavyweight Champion by virtue of his win over WWF-bound Ricky Steamboat: "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair! Flair stepped out and released a 'Whooooo' to the crowd as he walked to the ring and stepped inside. Once he got on the mic. he told the crowd that it's hard to be humble when you're the Nature Boy and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Whooo. Ricky Steamboat thought he had something going over on the Nature Boy when he forced that NWA World Heavyweight Title match but all he got was a Figure 4 from the Nature Boy and a DDT from Double A! Tonight, Ric Flair, the Nature Boy is taking the night off. He's gonna go find himself a couple of Alabama's finest, put some paper bags over their heads and show them why Ric Flair is Whoooo Ric Flair. =B+ The Nature Boy was interrupted by the words of Bob Orton, Jr as Orton walked out from the back. Orton slipped into the ring and said that as much as he enjoyed seeing Ric Flair beat Ricky Steamboat there's another man here in Mid-Atlantic that deserves a shot at that NWA World Heavyweight Title. And he's a man who isn't leaving the region. He is Cowboy Bob Orton, Jr. So what do you say, Champ? =C- Flair looked disgusted and asked Orton if he had the gall to challenge the Nature Boy to a match tonight? Flair said he is quite sure all these rednecks here in Alabama would love to see that match take place but it won't happen tonight. No, Flair already stated that he is taking the night off. But the next show, the next card for Mid-Atlantic? You can bet that Bob Orton, Jr. will get a shot at Ric Flair...non-title. Whooo. =B [QUOTE][B][U]Mike Rotundo vs. Masa Fuchi[/U][/B] The opening contest of the evening had Gary Hart leading out the Japanese Masa Fuchi for this match against "Iron" Mike Rotundo. Rotundo and Fuchi had a decent match together with Fuchi using Gary Hart on the outside of the ring as a good distraction for Rotundo. Rotundo came back though and despite the interference of Hart gained the victory on Fuchi with an Airplane Spin. [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Masa Fuchi =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Main Event In Jeopardy?[/COLOR][/B] The cameras quickly faded to the backstage area where Jay Youngblood was being attended to! He lay up against one of the lockers with his face bloody, looking dazed as he talked to the trainers and EMTs. He had no clue what happened to him, just that he was hit from behind and everything went black for awhile. =C- [B][COLOR=RED]Welcome to Larryland[/COLOR][/B] Back within the ringside area, talk between Bob Caudle and David Crockett was interrupted by the appearance of the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko headed to the ring and climbed inside, looking around and stating that tonight continues the LarryLand Challenge. Is there another poor soul back in the back that wants to take on the Living Legend and become another page in the LarryLand Challenge? =C+ From the back walks...Angelo Mosca, Jr! The second generation superstar tells Zbyszko that tonight he is going to shut the Legend up! =D- [QUOTE][B][U]Larry Zbyszko vs. Angelo Mosca Jr.[/U][/B] Mosca climbed onto the apron and got nailed in the ribs with a knee that sent him flying off the apron to the ground below. Zbyszko told the referee to ring the bell and the open challenge was on. Zbyszko finally let Mosca climb into the ring but as one might expect he dominated the second generation superstar. Zbyszko finally got the pin around 5 minutes in following a ShoulderBreaker. [B][U]Larry Zbyszko b. Angelo Mosca Jr. =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Revenge Sought![/COLOR][/B] A pre-recorded interview was shown with Wahoo McDaniel out on the prairie grounds of a native american tribe. He held within his hands the torn remnants of his ceremonial headdress. He looked up at the camera with anger in his eyes, stating that Ivan Koloff declared war upon his people. And soon, very soon he would have his revenge against the Russian. He offered a match choice to Ivan Koloff. Ivan would be able to choose his own choice of matches to face Wahoo in. It doesn't matter because this Native American will have his revenge! =C+ [COLOR=RED][B]Match Tonight![/B][/COLOR] We were almost headed back toward the ring but made a stop-off in the dressing room where Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race were getting ready. Dusty told Harley that tonight he would have his back just like Race had the Dream's back in that tag team encounter. If that other snivveling little Funk tried anything he would receive the Bionic Elbow. Race just smiled and thanked Dusty with a pat on the back, saying that it's time for the King and the Dream to head to the ring. =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Harley Race vs. Terry Funk[/U][/B] Both men had wrestlers in their corner with Race having Dusty Rhodes in his corner while Funk had Dory Funk, Jr. in his corner. But the focus was on the two combatants inside the ring. Race had some fun with Terry Funk during the initial feeling-out period, out-wrestling Terry. Funk came back with a poke to the eyes and began focusing on Race's leg much like he and his brother had done to the American Dream. The fans started rallying behind Race midway through the match and Race began his comeback on Funk. Race knocked Funk down with punches and then a body slam! He followed that up with a long-holding vertical suplex on the man from the DoubleCross Ranch! Race climbed the turnbuckles and leapt off with that picture perfect Swan Dive Headbutt! He made the cover but the referee was with Dory Funk, Jr! Race got back up, very upset over Dory's interference and walked over to take him off the apron! The King grabbed the ropes and swung Dory in over the top rope! Race picked up Dory but was hit from behind by a recovering Terry Funk! In came the Dream! And it was a donnybrook as all 4 wrestlers were in the ring at the same time! The Dream and the King ended up cleaning house inside the ring but the official announcement was made that the match ended in a double disqualification. [B][U]Harley Race d. Terry Funk =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Titles On The Line Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. ???[/U][/B] Ricky Steamboat came out to the ring alone with his NWA World Tag Team Title belt. He handed it off and it was announced that Ricky Steamboat would be wrestling alone tonight due to the attack on his partner earlier in the evening! Their opponents turned out to be none other than... THE BRISCO BROTHERS!!! Jack and Jerry came out to the ring to cheers from the fans, shaking hands and slapping fives as they came out and slid inside the ring. Once the match started, it was a very good wrestling contest. Jack and Jerry used frequent tags to wear out Steamboat. They focused on his leg to help set up for that Figure 4 they like to use. Later in the bout, Jay Youngblood did come out to the ring to cheers from the crowd and got in the corner of Steamboat. When the hot tag was made, Youngblood took the advantage over the Briscos with a quick succession of moves to both participants. He brought them down with chops, suplexes and body slams! Steamboat tagged himself back in with both Briscos down and sent Youngblood out of the ring. He climbed the top turnbuckle and waited...waited...Jack slowly got to his feet and when Steamboat leapt, he was caught in mid-air and slammed to the mat! Jack dropped an elbow and made the cover, getting the 1-2-3 count and NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions! [B][U]The Brisco Brothers b. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] As the Briscos celebrated, they were attacked from behind by Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey! The Midnight Express used their manager's tennis racket to hit and choke Jerry and Jack Brisco! The night did not turn out as good as the Briscos had hoped as they were left laying by the Midnight Express, who laid the NWA World Tag Team Titles over their chests just before the show came to an end. =D+
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Very odd. Got a question. What tweaks did you do at the start? I ran some of the same matches you are running, but got much lower ratings. I am completely unable to get an A rating, even from Flair and Rhodes, getting an average top rating of B- with most shows hitting C or C+.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;200081]Very odd. Got a question. What tweaks did you do at the start? I ran some of the same matches you are running, but got much lower ratings. I am completely unable to get an A rating, even from Flair and Rhodes, getting an average top rating of B- with most shows hitting C or C+.[/QUOTE] Actually, I didn't make any changes to the data. For the televised shows, I do run things pre-show so that may have something to do with it for hype purposes and all. Thanks for reading, though! And please feel free to make any comments or upcoming predicitions or such.
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