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WWE Vs WCW - War's End

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raw.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"]Raw Preview:[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Huge Announcement![/SIZE][/COLOR] Mr. Mcmahon has promised a huge announcement that will rock the world of wrestling. When questioned on what exactly he had in mind he responded with "you'll just have to tune in, to find out". [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="4"] Former champion looking for revenge[/SIZE][/COLOR] After being screwed out of the title at Wrestlemania, what will the brahma bull have to say tonight? What we do know is that, thanks to general manager Mick Foley, we will see The Rock go one on one with Edge. [/CENTER]
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*The first 5 shows I booked were prior to writing this dynasty so I can't give grades for individual segments, however matches and overall rating will be there* [CENTER][IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raw.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Monday, Week 1, May 2001 Fleetcenter, New England 26,305[/COLOR] JR: Welcome ladies and gentleman to another edition of Monday Night Raw! I'm joined by Jonathan Coachman. Coach: Yes you are, and boy is tonight gonna be a good night, Vince Mcmahon major announcement? JR: I don't know if I should be excited or terrified.. No Chance.... [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/img] Vince Mcmahon makes his way out to the ring with Microphone in hand. "I'm sure you've heard the rumours, you know, that I'm going to KILL Smackdown!, well not exactly, quite the opposite infact. I'll tell you what's happening, tonight, well actually, RIGHT NOW, there will be a draft, no longer will you see your favourite superstars on Raw and Smackdown, oh no. They say competition is good for business, let's be honest that is something we don't currently have" *small WCW chant starts* (why ain't they at the Nitro show?) "SHUTTTTTUPPPPPPP, look at the titan tron, computer do your magic. Cut this company apart!" Roster is drawn "If you have a match tonight, I never want to see you on this show from this day onwards, and if you're not scheduled to appear tonight.. welll..these changes will take effect from... NOW!" *Vince leaves* JR: My god Coach what is Vince doing, is he trying to kill his own company?? Coach: WHO CARES? WHY AM I ON SMACKDOWN!?! JR: Luck of the draw I suppose. I guess you'd better leave. [COLOR="Black"]*Mick Foley appears on screen*[/COLOR] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/MickFoley.jpg[/img] *Crowd gives a huge pop* "Coach, as much as it pains me to say this, I guess we'll have to part ways" *Mick gives a thumbs up and cheeky grin*, but that's Ok because JR, he will be replaced.. infact he allready has..* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JerryLawler.jpg[/img] Jerry Lawler makes his way out to a huge ovation. JR: Welcome home King. King: It's good to be back. Is Trish Stratus scheduled to appear tonight JR? JR: When will you grow up? King: What? *I'm an assman......* Billy Gunn makes his way out to what can only be described as the Billy Gunn pop (I.e.. no pop no heat, no nothing) [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BillyGunn.jpg[/img] VS [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Christian.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Black"][b]Billy Gunn Vs Cristian[/b][/COLOR] Christian's last match on Raw, a good thing according to the fans in attendance, ends in a victory, a decent match with Christian getting the victory with the Unprettier in 7:47. [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR] Backstage we see The Rock looking for Stone Cold Steve Austin, will Stone Cold show up after what he did to The Rock at Wrestlemania? [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JoanieLaurer.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Lita2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFWomens.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Black"][b]Chyna Vs Lita[/b][/COLOR] What you expect from a women's match in the WWE. Chyna picks up the win. [COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR] We cut to HHH "You see, when you look at me, you see HHH, when I look at myself I feel ashamed, I feel naked. I live this sport for the Titles around my waist, that's why tonight.. Kane if you didn't lose your balls in the fire you'll meet me out there in the ring so I can take your title from you." JR: HHH and Kane tonight for the Intercontinental Title? Oh what a night. King: That's if Kane accepts, you know now that I think about it he may have actually lost his ba.. JR: I don't think Kane accepting is in doubt King.. *PYRO EXPLODES AND THE ARENA TURNS A DARK RED* JR: Well I guess there's your answer King. [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Kane.jpg[/IMG] VS [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TripleH.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFIntercontinental.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Black"][b]Kane Vs Triple H[/b][/COLOR] Great match. Open match with close pinfalls, with Kane kicking out of the pedigree and Triple H kicking out of the Chokeslam. Kane won by DQ after HHH smashed him in the face with a sledge hammer. [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] JR: What? I thought he wanted the title? Is this personal?! that's what I want to know King, was this personal?!?! was Triple H's primrary target to injure Kane? King: But why? We cut backstage to see The Rock still looking for Stone Cold, he's got fire in his eyes and wants revenge! Mick Foley tries to calm him down.. The Rock simply replies with "Get your hands off me".. Mick Foley reminds The Rock that he has a match tonight.. The Rock walks off in search of the Texas Rattlesnake.. JR: These two competitors will sadly be leaving us after tonight.. King: sadly? JR: well here they come [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BubbaRayDudley.jpg[/img][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/D-VonDudley.jpg[/img] VS [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TAKAMichinoku.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Black"][b]The Dudley Boys VS Kaientai[/b][/COLOR] Dudley's pick up the win with a 3D after 11:42 in an average tag part-squash match. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] Edge has an interview backstage.. "I don't feel sorry for the Rock, why should I? What cause he lost a title that should of been mine in the first place? Tonight I make it 2 defeats in a row for that eyebrow raising jackass" Mick Foley is seen backstage, he says he too has a major announcement and it will be later.. Tonight! [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raven.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Rhyno.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFHardcore.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Black"][b]Raven VS Rhyno - Raw farewell Hardcore Match.[/b][/COLOR] Typical cheesy hardcore match, everything including the kitchen sink were used, Rhyno picks up the win with the gore after 8 minutes to retain. Both get a decent ovation as they leave Raw forever. Backstage we see Rock again, this time however, he's in attire and is heading to the ring.. The Rock Vs Edge.. NEXT! [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TheRock.jpg[/img] VS [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Edge2.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Black"][b]The Rock Vs Edge[/b][/COLOR] Everything a modern day match in the WWE should be and more. Edge tries to cheat on more than one occasion however The Rock picks up the win with a Rock Bottom out of nowhere in 19:34 [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR] The Rock is stumbling about in the ring after a grueling match when the glass shatters and Stone Cold finally arrives, equipped with a chair. In a repeat of Wrestlemania he beats on the Rock countless times with the chair *Hey Steve, Steve* Mick Foley appears on the titantron.. "You better save your energy buddy, next week.. The Rock gets his rematch, The Rock Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, WWE World Title, on Raw.. BANG! BANG!" Raw goes off the air with Stone Cold continuing to beat on the Rock to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. Overall Grade [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Raw[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown![/COLOR] Face (F) Heel (H) [b]Main eventers[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Edge (H) Kane (F) Triple H (H) Austin (H) The Rock (F) [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Undertaker (F) Big Show (F) Kurt Angle (H) Chris Jericho (F)[/COLOR] [b]Upper Midcard[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Rikishi (H) Billy Gunn (F) X-Pac (H) Al Snow (F)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Christian (H) Chris Benoit (F) Taz (H) JBL (H)[/COLOR] [b]Midcard[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Farooq (F) Scotty 2 Hotty (F) Stevie Richards (H) Grandmaster Sexay (F) Test (F) William Regal (H)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jeff Hardy (F) Matt Hardy (F) Bubba Ray Dudley (H) D-Von (H) Raven (H) Rhyno (H) Hardcore Holly (F)[/COLOR] [b]Lower Midcard[/b] [COLOR="Red"]The Godfather D-Lo Brown (H) Perry Saturn (F) Taka Michinoku (F) Funaki (F) Val Venis[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]K-Kwik (F) Tajiri (F) Justin Credible (H) Spike Dudley (H) Dean Malenko (H) Steve Blackman (F)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Women's Division - Raw[/COLOR] [b]+ Others[/b] [b]Authority Figures[/b] [COLOR="Red"]General manager of Raw: Mick Foley [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]General manager of Smackdown!?: Unknown[/COLOR] [B]Titles[/b] [COLOR="Red"]WWE World[/COLOR] Stone Cold Steve Austin [COLOR="Blue"] World Heavyweight[/COLOR] Vacant [COLOR="Red"] WWE Intercontinental[/COLOR] Kane [COLOR="Blue"]WWE International[/COLOR] Vacant [COLOR="Red"]WWE Woman's[/COLOR] Chyna [COLOR="Blue"]WWE Hardcore[/COLOR] Rhyno [COLOR="Red"]World Tag Team[/COLOR] Vacant [COLOR="Blue"]WWE Tag Team[/COLOR] Vacant [COLOR="Blue"]WWE Light Heavyweight[/COLOR] Vacant [/CENTER]
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[b][SIZE="4"][i]Pro Wrestling Fanatics.com[/i][/SIZE] Monday Night Raw was actually very good, even if it did leave me scratching my head. What the hell is Vince thinking? A roster split? WWE simply lack the quantity and quality of wrestlers for that. It's insane. Even matches like Rock Vs Edge (which was immense) will get boring if we see them every week. It seems like WWE will go out and sign indie workers, infact they're allready in talks with a few. Subscribe to our website to find out who! Back to Raw itself. Great raw. It seems that getting rid of the head booker worked. It seems that former indie worker Wotto is now the man in charge, and that was a very good raw to start off his reign. Triple H vs Kane was a good match and will keep you guessing and well.. AUSTIN VS ROCK NEXT WEEK. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm tuning in.[/b]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Smackdown! Preview:[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]New World champion?[/SIZE][/COLOR] WWE Chairman Vince Mcmahon has announced this Thursday will see the first round matches of an 8 man tournament for the World Heavyweight title. He also added that the tournament will culminate at Smackdown!'s very first PPV 'Judgement Day' in 2 weeks. Who is in the tournament? Who will be the first Smackdown! World Champion?! [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Roster Split?![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] This Thursday will see Smackdown!'s hold it's first ever 'brand only' show. However, unlike Raw, Smackdown has no general manager. Is there a Suprise in store? Tune in to find out! [/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"][B][I]Pro Wrestling Fanatics.com[/I][/B][/SIZE] [B]WWE legend at Smackdown! We have learned that a true WWE legend is backstage at tonight's Smackdown!.. what is even more shocking however, is that he is returning to a full time role. To read the full story and find out who, simply log-in or subscribe to the greatest website for wrestling news.[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Thursday, week 1, May 2001 Xcel Energy Center (Mid West) 15,000. [/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]SOLD OUT[/COLOR] Michael Cole: Welcome folks, to the first ever Smackdown! only Smackdown No chance... [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/img] "Now, you may be thinking 'what the hell is Vince doing here tonight, did he not say only 2 weeks ago that he would never appear on this show again'.. well that's all very well and good, but this isn't the same show.. oh no, The Rock isn't here, Kane isn't here.. Mick Foley isn't here *spits*.. and let's be honest I own the damn company.. I own Smackdown.. I am a Billionaire, I am the genetic Jackhammer.. I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon damnit!" *Crowd boos and starts an ******* chant* "That's no way to talk about Mick Foley, but now, onto the reason why I'm really here.. I'll admit I made a mistake, it happens to the best of us, I made a mistake of monstrous proportions, I agreed to allowing Mick Foley run Raw, well tonight I'm making sure I don't make the same mistake twice.. ladies and gentleman.. welcome Smackdown!'s new General manager..s" [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/StephanieMcMahon.jpg[/img] *The crowd seems excited to see Stephanie.. not so much Shane* Shane: Thanks dad, now you see, although I don't agree with your choice of appointing Stephanie as my consultant Stephanie: Consultant?! Vince: Co-general manager Shane: Yeah whatever, I'd like to thank you for this opportunity dad, the opportunity to run Smackdown! and the opportunity of life dad, I mean look at these people here tonight, it's like a horror film, these inbred.. *Crowd gives major heel heat* Stephanie: Shut up Shane.. Without further ado, I'd like to announce my first signing as Smackdown! General manager, no way am I about to let Monday Night Raw go 1-up on Smackdown! so early on, soooo.. he is a WWE legend and he is your new colour commentator.. Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan!! *Massive pop from the crowd* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BobbyHeenan.jpg[/img] Michael Cole: Welcome back Bobby, I was getting lonely out here.. Heenan: What you think this company would let you call a show on your own? *laughs* Even the humanoids in this arena tonight would have to wear ear plugs.. Cole: Oh boy.... well let's get started with the World Heavyweight Tournament which will run until Judgement where only 2 men will remain, the winner of that match will be the new Champion Heenan: Do they pay you well to come out with those pears of wisdom? Cole: .... [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/KurtAngle.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Tajiri-1.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Round 1. Kurt Angle Vs Tajiri[/B] Good match. Kurt Angle didn't have it all his own way and both workers came out looking good after this one. Kurt Angle gets the pin with a quick roll-up and a handful of tights in 12:37. [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][b]Kurt Angle advances.[/b][/COLOR] Kurt Angle picks up a mic. "The 3 I's people, Intensity, Intergrity and Intelligence. That's why I will leave Judgement day as your World Champion. Oh it's true, it's true." We cut backstage to the General Manager's office. Stephanie has an announcement to make "As I'd like to make you all remember this Smackdown! as a historical one, I have signed the main event for tonight.. you will see The Big Show go one on one with The American Bad Ass, The Undertaker!" Shane looks on "what the hell Stephanie? Are you going to make all the decisions around here?" Cole: What a Jackass Shane is.. Kurt Angle has allready advanced to the semi finals next week, which other 6 superstars will get their chance.. Heenan: Maybe if you shut up for a minute we'll find out [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Christian.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Round 1. Chris Brnoit Vs Christian[/B] A good solid match, with Benoit working on Christian's shoulder for most of the match. Finish came when Benoit reversed the Unprettier into the crippler crossface and forced Christian to tap out in 15:42. [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR] [b]Chris Benoit Advances.[/b] Backstage we see The Undertaker being interviewed by the Coach. "Big Show, we may be friends but when you're in that ring and in order for me to win I have to beat you.. I'll beat you. I may no longer be down with the devil but i'll still go medieval on your ass.." Longhorn hits as JBL makes his way to the ring.. "Isn't it great being me? you know, a self made millionaire and soon to be World heavyweight champion?.." JBL is cut off By Hardcore Holly's theme music and our tournament match is under way. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/JBL.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Round 1. John Bradshaw Layfield Vs Hardcore Holly.[/B] Totally average match. JBL gets the win with the Clothesline from hell at the 10 minute mark. [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR] [B]John Bradshaw Layfield advances.[/B] Backstage we see Matt and Jeff Hardy speaking to Stephanie.. they ask her for a chance at the Tag Team titles at Judgement Day.. "I'll think about it" replies Stephanie. The camera cuts to the hallway where we see Chris Jericho walking to the ring.. BREAK THE WALLLLLLLS DOWN!.... [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ChrisJericho.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Rhyno.jpg[/img] [B]World Heavyweight Tournament. Round 1. Chris Jericho Vs Rhyno.[/B] Decent match, Jericho recieves a great ovation and works the crowd really well. Jericho picks up the win with the Lionsault after 12:56. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Chris Jericho advances.[/B] Jericho snatched a mic from ringside.. "All my Jerichoholics in the audience and I know there's trilions watching at home, Judgement day will be a night you will Never........EEEEVVVVVVVVVVEEEEERRRR forget as I'm taking that world title home babay.." Cole: So that's Chris Jericho Vs JBL, and Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit next week in the semi finals? Heenan: Yeah, that's right?! What you want a medal or something? Big Show is seen backstage talking to The Undertaker, they both seem to agree that although they may be friends neither will take it easy on the other.. WELLL.. WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW. Big show makes his way down to a very decent pop. Limp Bizkit hits and The Undertaker and his motorcycle make their way down the aisle.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TheUndertaker.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/BigShow.jpg[/img] [b]The Undertaker Vs The Big Show[/b] Good brawling contest. Mid way through the match Big Show becomes annoyed that Undertaker will not stay down, Big Show's frustration becomes too much as he attacks Undertaker with a chair and finds himself disqualified at 15:52. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] After the match Big Show continues the assault which leads to Big Show pile driving The Undertaker through the announce table and Taker having to be stretchered out as Big Show looks on with an evil smirk.. Cole: What?!?! I thought they were friends?!?!? WHAT IS THE BIG SHOW DOING?! Overall Grade: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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I'm liking this so far, it has potential. I liked the little Heenan quips. He must be hard to write for because he was so quick, so clever and so witty that transferring that in a diary must be tough. Just a quick note; in Angles promo he says "I will leave Judgment Day, it's true, it's true." Can I assume you meant "I will leave Judgment Day the World Hevyweight title"?! EDIT: Sorry just saw you changed it!
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;195339]Well I gotta say I don't understand deleting those who passed away years later, its called an era specific mod/scenario for a reason.[/QUOTE] It's a fair point, but it is his diary, his choice, and hence I think it's fine. If he isn't comfortable with it then that is fine. I'm about to start up a after Montreal dynasty and I'm gonna change the name of Over The Edge '99 when I get to it, as I'm not comfortable booking a show that is so inter-twinned with a tradegy.
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raw.gif[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Raw Preview:[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]The Rock Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] In the first raw after the brand split, we could not ask for a bigger main event. After the vicious attack from Stone Cold last week, what condition will the brahma bull be in? Austin will surely go into this match as favourite, but who will leave with the WWE title? [B][SIZE="4"]Strictly Business?[/SIZE][/B] After Triple H layed out Kane last week with the sledgehammer, many people were left speculating that Triple H only used Kane's Intercontinental title as a ploy into getting a match with him, the reason for the match however, being far more personal. Whether it be personal or strictly business, The Game has assured WWE.com that he will explain his actions this monday on Raw. [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;195520]only big guff is JBL going "Longhorns" out of no where.[/QUOTE] He'd been off screen for over a month, and he and Farooq had been split to different brands. It wasn't out of no where. See it as more of just a theme music change, i'll expand on the character later.
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Raw.gif[/img] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Raw Monday, Week 2, May 2001 Key Arena (North West) 15,000. [/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR] J.R: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to another edition of Monday Night Raw, where we have the main event of all main events lined up.. The Rock Vs Stone Cold King: I can't wait J.R! *The sound of a car crashing hits the arena and GM Mick Foley makes his out to great applause* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/MickFoley.jpg[/img] "You know I was sitting at home today, and I was thinking, 'Hey you know what Mick? You're the general manager of Raw.. You can make history every night'.. and what better place to make history then right here in Seattle, Washington?" *Thumbs up and a cheeky grin* "But you know what, I have to hand it to the people over at Smackdown.. Bobby Heenan, oh man that was good.. but I have a suprise for the people here tonight.. actually why doesn't he just come out now.." Walk by Pantera blasts through the arena.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/RobVanDam.jpg[/img] *RVD stands on the stage and delivers the infamous R..V..D taunt with which the crowd happily joins in* Mick Foley *Bang Bang* J.R: King, RVD on Raw? King: You know, ECW sucked, but even that didn't take the gloss away from this guy J.R: I'd have to agree King, for the fans who haven't seen this guy perform yet, well.. let's just say, you're in for a treat. [COLOR="Red"]BANG! THE PYRO EXPLODES AND KANE MAKES HIS WAY OUT[/COLOR] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFIntercontinental.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Kane.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Rikishi.jpg[/img] [B]Kane Vs. Rikishi[/B] Great match from two brilliant heavyweight wrestlers. Mid-way through the match, HHH made his way out to ringside and punched the timekeeper in the face before stealing Kane's Intercontinental title. This distracts Kane enough for Rkishi to roll him up 1...2... Kick out. Kane gets up and delivers the chokeslam for the 3 at 13:26, but when he turns round HHH is gone, and so is his title. [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] J.R: So it is about the title? Is that what HHH meant by explaining his actions? *Camera cuts to backstage* "Hey Kane.. you looking for me?! You want your, I mean MY, damn title?! Well I guess you're just going to have to meet me in the ring.. next week" With that, Kane charges at HHH, they brawl for a few seconds before HHH hits Kane with his own title and leaves in his car. Triple H and the Intercontinental title are gone. *You think you know me...* [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/Edge2.jpg[/img] Vs. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/RonSimmons.jpg[/img] [B]Edge Vs. Farooq[/B] Decent match, Edge gets the pinfall with an Impaler DDT at 10:47. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] The Rock is backstage "Finally..The Rock.. Has come back to Seeaattlleee... and the fact of the matter is this, tonight The Rock leaves here with the WWE title. Steve Austin, you better make sure you shine your little head real nice because it's on a one way ticket straight up your candy ass! And as for you Vince.. "I am the boss".."I am a genetic jackhammer.." AHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU JABRONI! The Rock assures you, and the millions.. *and millions* of the Rock's fans that if you even attempt to get involved the Rock will make sure that it will be the biggest mistake of your life.. If YAAAA SMELLLLLLL LA LA LA LOW What THE ROCK is.. cooking.." J.R: We have just learnt that Rob Van Dam will be making his WWE Raw in ring debut tonight.. well right now.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/RobVanDam.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/X-PacDX.jpg[/img] X-Pac gets major heel heat throughout the match, the fans just hate him. Average match with Rob Van Dam picking up the win with the Five Star Frog Splash in 15:18. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] After the match has finished Edge hits the ring, he proceeds to pound on RvD before setting up a table in the corner and Spearing him through it.. *Give me a damn mic!* Edge looks down at RvD.. "what you think you can just come out here like your something special because of your 'achievements' in some scummy little wrestling promotion that nobody gave a crap about *ecw chant starts* "well I've got news for you buddy, nobody takes the limelight away from me, did you hear me?!?! NOBODY. I'm Raw's most important player.. I'm Mr. Monday Night.. not you.. you're nothing" *Edge spits on RvD before leaving* Backstage we see Austin looking in the mirror trying to psyche himself up.. much like Wrestlemania 17.. however this time he is joined by Mr. McMahon.. J.R: My god King is Mr McMahon joining us out here.. If Yaaaaaaa SMELLLLLL.. The Rock makes his way out to the biggest pop of the night.. The Glass Shatters, and Austin and McMahon make their way down the aisle and the match is underway.. [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/WWFWorldHeavyweight-Attitudeera.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SteveAustin.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/TheRock.jpg[/img] [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock[/B] Absolutely awesome match. Very open, until Vince McMahon slips Steve Austin a chair which he uses for the DQ... *the sound of a car crash and Mick Foley makes his way out* "Oh you think it's going to be that easy? Huh.. well no.. because this match is now.. NO DQ!" Both wrestlers go at it before the Rock hits Stone Cold over the head with a vicious chair shot which draws blood.. 1.2.... KICK OUT.. Mr McMahon looks on with a grim and panicked expression on his face.. the fight continues outside the ring.. Austin gets the upper hand and DDT's the Rock through the announce table.. Austin attempts to lift the Rock's dead weight into the ring but can't.. Vince picks up a mic "As the owner of the WWE this match is now a falls counts anywhere match.." Austin makes the pin 1...2.........KICK OUT! both men are are staggering around when the rock delivers the Rock bottom..both men are down but the Rock's got the momentum.. Foley gets the Mic.. "This is now a last man standing match..Bang! Bang!"..1...2...3...4...5...6.. Rock is up!...7..8.. Austin is up!... they continue to fight with the little energy they have left when the camera cuts to Vince looking at his $20,000 watch.... he slips Austin a chair as Mick Foley looks on.. Chair shot to the Rock and both men are down and out, both in a bloody mess.. Vince picks up the mic "this match has a 25 minute time limit...which ends in 5..4..3..2..1..." [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR] The crowd boo at the draw finish and throw their paper cups at Vince.. Vince stares at Mick Foley with a look that could kill as Raw goes off the air.. Overall Grade [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="4"][i]Pro Wrestling Fanatics.com[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Trouble backstage in the WWE?![/SIZE] We have just learnt from our sources that newly appointed head booker Paul Wotto could be on his way out allready. The trouble arose after a heated argument with Mr. McMahon concerning the Judgement Day PPV this Sunday. As we understand it, Wotto believes it is far too early to have a single brand PPV, something Mr McMahon disagrees with strongly. The news comes as a huge shock to the WWE especially after the great shows they've put on lately. Stay tuned as we will bring more news no this story as soon as we get it.[/B]
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