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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=keefmoon;217709]Sorry but I have to ask... how exactly do you know that?! :p [/QUOTE] like I said I'm a stats freak. I kinda keep up with it. I know that If it continues at the current pace you will reach the top ten most viewed long before I will. But that comes from offering up a great diary. Keep up the good work. Hopefully baseball will settle out and I can get back to posting regularly.
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs[B] Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Boiler Room Brawl [B]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs New Age Outlaws World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs Goldust & Taz vs Legion Of Doom vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Boiler Room Brawl “Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels [B] The Rock [/B]vs Triple H World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Headbangers vs Goldust & Taz vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam [/B]vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable
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Keep it up coming keefy, this is quality mate. World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] In some ways, I would love to see Kane go over, because I think if you map out his career the "E" or the "F" have allowed him to achieve far less than his skills and size say he's capable of. I don't think he's your generic big man in that he is actually extremely skilled. But, I think Stone Cold needs to go over for longevity, I'm still pining for a rematch with Owen Hart where Owen wins. Boiler Room Brawl “Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] Mankind is the king of these kinds of matches. Also, it's not 'Mania, so Taker can lose at a Pay-Per-View. [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels I suspect I'm probably wrong here, but it'd be a great tonic for Owen to recement himself as the rightful number one contendor to the title. I suppose we're all a bit nostalgic and windswept by what happened to him, but I see him again as a man who never got to where he should of, due to circumstances beyond his control. The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] I don't know whether the losses to Shamrock may have devalued the Rock a little, but I guess that's one of the reasons I'm leaning towards HHH. World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] Oh you didn't know? Your a$$ better call somebody! World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon I'm a big fan of Shane McMahon, I think behind the scenes he's probably had a greater impact than he's acknowledged for in terms of the wrestling industry. But I'm an old school mark who was never happy with Vince Russo and David Arquette being WCW Champions, or Madusa or Daphne being WCW Cruiserweight Champions. Being a champion to me demands respect, and I guess realism, I'm sure Shane O could spring an upset, but I don't think consistently he could beat down a man, which is what I expect the Intercontinental Champion to do. That said, he's put on some of my favourite moments, beating his old man at 'Mania, going on the last Nitro, and the hole feud with Kane was it where he got his balls electrified? Ouch! Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz I'm a big fan of Edge & Christian, but I'm not sure if they're ready yet to go over 'Dust and Taz. I really like those two. Legion of Doom, their time will come again, they'd probably have to be favourites but I think a good push of 'Dust and Taz would be awesome. Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Either way, it's a good match, but I was always a fan of Rob Van Dam. When he initially came into the "E"I was in awe of his skills. Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable I'm pining for the WCW man here, of course so was Marc Mero though. Logically, Marc Mero and Sable are a better and more experienced combination, but for some reason I see Buff going over. I guess the name Buff was copyrighted by WCW?
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin [/B](c) Boiler Room Brawl [B]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/B] The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match [B]The Nation[/B] (c) vs New Age Outlaws World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B](c) vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;217789]I love the bad booking of WCW. You couldn't make this stuff up as the AI seems to completely understand how WCW was run![/QUOTE] Exactly! Hogandropping the belt on Nitro rather than a PPV? Not putting over anyone but his friends? This is all too familiar... [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;217863]like I said I'm a stats freak. I kinda keep up with it. I know that If it continues at the current pace you will reach the top ten most viewed long before I will. But that comes from offering up a great diary. Keep up the good work. Hopefully baseball will settle out and I can get back to posting regularly.[/QUOTE] I think me reaching the top ten before you will probably happen, not because mine is better (because it's not) but because of my title. "World Wrestling Federation" alone pulls in casual viewers as it's familiar, also the word "Montreal" creates interest, and most people loved the "Attitude" era, so all those elements in a title ultimately mean I'll get a lot of views. But I appreciate the kind words nonetheless. When I think about it, being a sad case with no life probably helps too as I can whack out regular shows. [QUOTE=tristram;217950]Keep it up coming keefy, this is quality mate[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot, buddy, I really appreciate it. [QUOTE=tristram;217950]World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] In some ways, I would love to see Kane go over, because I think if you map out his career the "E" or the "F" have allowed him to achieve far less than his skills and size say he's capable of. I don't think he's your generic big man in that he is actually extremely skilled. [/QUOTE] I agree. Kane was/is far better than he's given credit for. He can put on decent matches, and with the gimmick as it was I think it's criminal he spent so much of his career in the midcard (the team with X Pac, feud with X Pac, Hardcore title at WM17, Intercontinental Title after that, teamed with Spike Dudley more times than I care to remember, jobbing to MVP and friends now). I also have a lot of respect for him being such a team player. You don't see much of that now-a-days. [QUOTE=tristram;217950][B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels I suspect I'm probably wrong here, but it'd be a great tonic for Owen to recement himself as the rightful number one contendor to the title. I suppose we're all a bit nostalgic and windswept by what happened to him, but I see him again as a man who never got to where he should of, due to circumstances beyond his control.[/QUOTE] I think we are all a bit nostalgic around Owen, but with good reason. The guy was REALLY talented, more so than many realise I think. Unfortunately for him, during the whole Bret feud he wasn't given that big final push (which he should have, I mean, he beat Bret at Mania the same night Bret won the title) and after that I think he lost the connection with the fans, such as when he was teaming with Jarrett. I don't want to heap blame on the Fed but I think they really dropped the ball with Owen. He was really talented and popular backstage, yet never even looked like winning the title. [QUOTE=tristram;217950]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon I'm a big fan of Shane McMahon, I think behind the scenes he's probably had a greater impact than he's acknowledged for in terms of the wrestling industry. But I'm an old school mark who was never happy with Vince Russo and David Arquette being WCW Champions, or Madusa or Daphne being WCW Cruiserweight Champions. Being a champion to me demands respect, and I guess realism, I'm sure Shane O could spring an upset, but I don't think consistently he could beat down a man, which is what I expect the Intercontinental Champion to do. That said, he's put on some of my favourite moments, beating his old man at 'Mania, going on the last Nitro, and the hole feud with Kane was it where he got his balls electrified? Ouch![/QUOTE] I love Shane O'Mac. Around 2000 time he was actually one of my favourite wrestlers, because he just looks so easy to book. As a face, he is this guy who isn't a wrestler but will give the fans 100% every time he steps through the curtain. I've got nothing but respect for that. As a heel, with his power, he can have matches against top stars and look good. I think you may be seeing a lot of Shane in this diary because I love the guy to bits, he fits in to storylines so well. [QUOTE=tristram;217950]Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Either way, it's a good match, but I was always a fan of Rob Van Dam. When he initially came into the "E"I was in awe of his skills.[/QUOTE] You and me both, mate. I knew of him from ECDub and liked what I saw, but it wasn't until he joined the Fed that I got to see him regularly and he blew me away. He might as well have had "push me" written on him. [QUOTE=tristram;217950]Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable I'm pining for the WCW man here, of course so was Marc Mero though. Logically, Marc Mero and Sable are a better and more experienced combination, but for some reason I see Buff going over. I guess the name Buff was copyrighted by WCW?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I want to keep this fairly realistic with names and the like, and I assumed "Buff" was trademarked by WCW at the time. However, while Marcus Bagwell seemed obvious, I don't really like it, it doesn't fit with his persona. I am thinking about a name change to just "Bagwell". What do you think? Thanks to everyone who has made predictions, it's great to see so much support and I hope I can pull off a decent show to keep you here! Within the next couple of days I will put up all the King Of The Ring tourney entrants, so you can start predicting the winner of that too!
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;217998]"The King of Harts" Owen Hart is the next KING OF THE RING[/QUOTE] Nice guess! However, you may want to wait until the list is up, as Owen Hart isn't even scheduled to enter! I see KOTR as a midcard tourney to push someone to the upper midcard/main event, as well as an opportunity to further storylines and give some useful people airtime. An example of the latter category is "Dr Death" Steve Williams who I used to really like, but I have nothing to do with him.
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The other way to go with Buff is to make him pompous, and use his first name in WCW, Marcus Alexander Bagwell. I think from memory that was Stars and Stripes times as a babyface, but Marcus Alexander Bagwell to me sounds an uppity name and a gimmick could suit it.
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That's not a bad idea, actually. It could fit, although I'm not sure how "main eventer" it is, which I think Bagwell's current gimmick is. Maybe something like "The Bagwell" could work, in line with The Todd in Scrubs. I see them as fairly similar for reason... :confused:
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match [B]Kane[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) via DQ Austin retains Boiler Room Brawl [B]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Headbangers vs Goldust & Taz vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable
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I just read through about 2/3's of this, because I haven't checked this for a while... And I've kicked myself for it with each show... World Wrestling Federation Championship Match [B]Kane[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [I]I don't know why... I just get a feeling.[/I] Boiler Room Brawl [B]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind [I]That's right, a clean sweep for the BoD[/I] “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]I'm the biggest HBK mark on the planet[/I] [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H [I]The Rock's about due for his massive push to the main event... This is a nice way to do it.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs New Age Outlaws [I]They only just got the titles, they'll hang on to them for a while.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [I]An authority holding the title? Sounds like something WCW would do :P[/I] Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz [I]Because if they win, they have to stay together, and that's fun to watch.[/I] Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer [I]Because he's going to get pushed eventually, so why not start now?[/I] Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable [I]I've just never been a Sable fan.[/I]
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OOC: Thanks for the feedback on the matches G-Prime, I'm find it fascinating to see how people break down the matches and where they think I'm going. Especially so for someone like yourself who has such a great diary. An update for any readers- my laptop is going to be sent away for repairs fairly soon, which means I won't be able to post the event until I get it back. However, I do have access to another computer so will be able to check up on feedback and be able to add my own posts, such as previews of each of the matches and the list of KOTR entrants. Thanks to rjhabeeb for his guess on KOTR winner, does anyone else have any thoughts on the potential KOTR winner? Obviously it won't count for anything as the list hasn't even been published yet, but I was wondering where people think I'm going with it. Thanks again to anyone who has left predictions or feedback.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;218195] Thanks to rjhabeeb for his guess on KOTR winner, does anyone else have any thoughts on the potential KOTR winner? Obviously it won't count for anything as the list hasn't even been published yet, but I was wondering where people think I'm going with it. [/QUOTE] I am interested to see what direction you go with KOTR because I normally use that as more of a "Upper Mid becomes Main Eventer" title. I use the KOTR as a main event/upper mid card type of thing based on past winners such as Triple H, Steve Austin, Mabel (?!?!??), Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc. In real life these guys were right on the edge of Main Event (or were recently established MEs) and this win often pushed them into the spotlight for good except for Mabel who was/is a fool. I can not really guess who will win yet without seeing the entry list. The workers you push are often times very different that who I would push (not a bad thing, keeps me guessing) so I will need to wait and see how things line up for KOTR...
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;218212]I am interested to see what direction you go with KOTR because I normally use that as more of a "Upper Mid becomes Main Eventer" title. I use the KOTR as a main event/upper mid card type of thing based on past winners such as Triple H, Steve Austin, Mabel (?!?!??), Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, etc. In real life these guys were right on the edge of Main Event (or were recently established MEs) and this win often pushed them into the spotlight for good except for Mabel who was/is a fool. I can not really guess who will win yet without seeing the entry list. The workers you push are often times very different that who I would push (not a bad thing, keeps me guessing) so I will need to wait and see how things line up for KOTR...[/QUOTE] hahaha sadly after the KOTR they did push Mabel as a Main Eventer.....when i was a kid the SummerSlam he headlined vs. Diesal (if I remember right) was prob. the least excited i had ever been for a PPV
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [b]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/b] Boiler Room Brawl [b]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/b] vs Mankind Unless paul bearer shafts him again [b]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/b] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels Just because this should be planet owen :P [b]The Rock[/b] vs Triple H He needs it more than trips World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [b]New Age Outlaws[/b] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [b]Shane McMahon[/b] He was euro champ at one point right :P Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [b]Goldust & Taz[/b] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Big goldy cool baby, he could even hit the big boot! Hardcore Match [b]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/b] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [b]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/b] vs Marc Mero & Sable Mero turns on sable
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Boiler Room Brawl “Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] “The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels No Contest due to run in..... [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Headbangers vs Goldust & Taz vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs [B]Marc Mero & Sable[/B]
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World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] Tough, cos I'd like to see a Kane title run! Boiler Room Brawl [B]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind Just because of Kane losing really, even it up. [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels Upset! :) The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] HHH, via screwy finish World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs New Age Outlaws World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable
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New reader, first time predicting. Loving this diary :D The booking is realistic, while there's some new faces being introduced. I hope that great things happen with Lance Storm, and that the tag team continues to improve. Any chance of a list of who you have in Development? It'd be interesting to know who you've got your eye on for the future... World Wrestling Federation Championship Match Kane vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] [I]I don't see Stone Cold dropping the belt so soon in this reign, and Kane doesn't need the belt at this point. Perhaps after a go-round or two with D-X or Goldust... At this point, he's a little too new in the fed, while Stone Cold needs the belt to validate himself. As champion, he has a bullseye on his back, and that means he can't be the catalyst he has been before now. I'd love to see a reinvigorated Austin choosing his opponents in the future, rather than letting circumstances dictate them for him.[/I] Boiler Room Brawl “Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]Undertaker has been dominant of late, even if he did need saving from Austin. Still, Mankind seems overlooked and underestimated, considering how often he's beaten 'Taker, and I think he might manage another upset here.[/I] [B]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels [I]With DX set to go toe-to-toe with Vince, I can see him getting involved here, and even if he doesn't, Owen needs a win over HBK to move him onwards and upwards.[/I] [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H [I]Six of one... Still, HHH is hot regardless of the result here, simply because of DX. Rocky has the Nation, which just isn't the same. A win here would help him on his way up the card, no question.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match The Nation (c) vs [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] [I]Neither team excites (bring on the Hardys!) but simple booking logic demands an NAO revenge win here. They're also more versatile as champions, and offer greater potential for future feuds.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Shane McMahon [I]Shane O'Mac will pop the crowd with some crazy stunt, but Jarrett will exploit a rookie mistake here - quite apart from having Dusty and Terri in his corner.[/I] Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Number One Contendership of the WWF Tag Team Titles Edge & Christian vs Headbangers vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz [I]Goldust has been the big success of this diary, and Taz and he have some fun odd couple chemistry going on. Long-term, they're not a viable tag team, but with two green teams, one enhancement team and the rapidly ageing LOD against them, they're the right choice.[/I] Hardcore Match [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer [I]Tommy is never likely to progress beyond dependable midcarder, while RVD has bags of potential. Dreamer may get a measure of revenge down the road, but he's not derailing Mr. PPV at this point.[/I] Intergender Tag Match [B]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B] vs Marc Mero & Sable [I]This is a feud with legs, and I'd like to see it go another month or so - but for that, a heel victory is required. I just hope you avoid the all-too-obvious Sable heel turn...[/I]
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Thanks to everyone who's predicted, it's great to see so much support. Especially grateful to James Casey, as it's always great to see new faces on my lil diary, and you've left some excellent, well thought out feedback on the matches, which I absolutely love as it helps me see where people think I'm going. You've given me a lot to think about, for sure. Still no idea on when I'll post the show, as I'm waiting for the repair people to come and collect the laptop. They could have it for anything up to 4 weeks apparantly, so it may even have to be that long. I hope not, though.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;218827] Still no idea on when I'll post the show, as I'm waiting for the repair people to come and collect the laptop. They could have it for anything up to 4 weeks apparantly, so it may even have to be that long. I hope not, though.[/QUOTE] I would call the repair people out on that. They can fix your computer in 1 day. It is just a matter of when they order the parts (assuming they are not in stock) and when they get around to working on your machine. Tell them that if they can not get the machine back to you in a week then you will take it to someone else who can. In today's world there are a million places to go for computer repair, no reason to work with someone who can't get the job done plus the TEW community needs your diary! :D
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;218881]I would call the repair people out on that. They can fix your computer in 1 day. It is just a matter of when they order the parts (assuming they are not in stock) and when they get around to working on your machine. Tell them that if they can not get the machine back to you in a week then you will take it to someone else who can. In today's world there are a million places to go for computer repair, no reason to work with someone who can't get the job done plus the TEW community needs your diary! :D[/QUOTE] Lol! Thanks for the support! Unfortunately, I took insurance out with Comet (where I bought the laptop from last year) so I have to go through them really, as in a way I've already paid for the repairs. The whole repairing thing has been a shambles and they know where I stand on that, but there's little I can do now. I'm waiting for them to pick it from my house, but have no idea when that'll be (I know, that is incredibly lame in todays society, that they can't even give me a day that they will pick up) and then, according to them, they could hold onto it for anything up to four weeks. It sucks I know but my job requires me to have a laptop and the next few weeks are the only bit of time I can afford to go without it, so I'm backed into a corner. I may get the KOTR entrants or match previews up today, though.
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I'd like to make a cheeky request if I may. I would really love for this KOTR tourney to be able to show the brackets, and update it after each match so you can always see who has had to beat whom, or who you think will win by following the brackets etc, but graphically I wouldn't even know where to begin. So.... would it be possible for someone to make me the King Of The Ring 1998 brackets, starting with 16 and going on to 1 please. If the "capsules" or whatever you want to call them are all left blank then I could fill them out as I go along. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;218945]I'd like to make a cheeky request if I may. I would really love for this KOTR tourney to be able to show the brackets, and update it after each match so you can always see who has had to beat whom, or who you think will win by following the brackets etc, but graphically I wouldn't even know where to begin. So.... would it be possible for someone to make me the King Of The Ring 1998 brackets, starting with 16 and going on to 1 please. If the "capsules" or whatever you want to call them are all left blank then I could fill them out as I go along. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.[/QUOTE] PM me with your email address. I worked something up in Excel that looks really nice and will allow you to not only record who won but their time, etc.
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An article taken from the ever-reliable wwf.com... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KingOfTheRing.jpg[/IMG] The World Wrestling Federation is proud to announce the competitors who will be taking part in the 1998 King Of The Ring tournament. The competition will commence on the first RAW is WAR show after WWF In Your House: Breakdown;[/CENTER] [B][U]"Badd Ass" Billy Gunn[/U][/B] Billy Gunn is a former WWF Tag Team Champion, as part of the Smoking Gunn's and New Age Outlaws. Whilst his success has mainly come as part of a tag team, by winning the King Of The Ring tournament he could elevate himself into the upper stages of the card. [B][U]Christian[/U][/B] Perhaps no-one would benefit from winning the KOTR Tournament as much as Christian. So far his involvement in the WWF has been as part of the exciting young tag team Edge & Christian, however, by winning the presitgious tournament, Christian could solidify his place in the WWF for years to come. [B][U]Edge[/U][/B] Very little is known about Edge, if all truth be told. Along with his brother Christian, E&C have been led to the ring by Michael Hayes and shown incredible promise. By winning the tournament, he could show even his doubters that he truly is a World Champion in the making. [B][U]Godfather[/U][/B] The only pimp in professional wrestling is looking to make a splash- and he may well make it at the King Of The Ring. Very few have the experience the Godfather has, and we're not just talking about the ladies. As Paga Shango and Kama Mustafa, the Pimp Daddy has proven himself to be a worthy competitor. If he can win the KOTR, he may become the most famous pimp in the world. [B][U]Goldust[/U][/B] To dismiss Goldust as merely another bizarre character in the often unusual world of pro wrestling would be like spitting on his legacy as a wrestler. Whilst without a doubt weird, Goldust has shown that he is one of the most capable [I]wrestlers[/I] in the company, and already has an Intercontinental Title reign to his name. [B][U]WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett[/U][/B] The reigning Intercontinental Champion may well be the next big thing in professional wrestling. The fans hate him, but he gets results. So much so that he convinced Goldust's wife and father to turn on him, just through his love of the Intercontinental Title. If Jarrett can further this love into the KOTR tournament we could see the WWF's newest star sitting upon a throne. [B][U]"The Worlds Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock[/U][/B] At WWF In Your House: D-Generation X, Ken Shamrock was within a whisker of being the WWF Champion. Even though that night Shawn Michaels went home with the gold, the fans realised that Shamrock was the real deal. A win over rising star The Rock at Wrestlemania only furthered the opinion that "The World's Most Dangerous Man" was on a one man collision course with the WWF Champion. And when that day eventually comes, the champ better be ready. [B][U]"Marvellous" Marc Mero[/U][/B] A penny for your thoughts would make a man a millionaire if sat down with Marc Mero. After seeing his wife be forced to go on a date with Marcus Bagwell, the Marvellous one has been more on edge than ever. Despite being a veteran of sorts in the business, Mero has always failed to climb that last hurdle and become WWF Champion. By winning the KOTR, Mero could find himself back in the title hunt in no time at all. [B][U]"The Stuff" Marcus Bagwell[/U][/B] Whether you agree with him or not about his looks, personality or efficiency with the ladies, there is no doubting "The Stuff's" abilites in the ring. Since debuting before Wrestlemania, Bagwell has not been pinned or made to submit. Not only that, he has beaten Marc Mero and been on a date with Sable, and many claim it is just a matter of time before Bagwell is main eventing alonside Kane, Stone Cold and The Undertaker. [B][U]Road Dogg[/U][/B] There may be no-one more charismatic than the Road Dogg in the World Wrestling Federation. Whilst currently a loyal member of D-Generation X, by winning the KOTR he could see himself in the main event alongside his buddies Triple H and Shawn Michaels. [B][U]"The Whole Dam Show" Rob Van Dam[/U][/B] Since his debut just a month ago, RVD has made an impact like no other in WWF. He remains undefeated and even though he has sided with the crowd-hater Sabu, he has seen his popularity be immensely high. It is unlikely he will want to lose his undefeated streak in the KOTR Tournament after being so successful in the early part of his WWF Career. [B][U]The Rock[/U][/B] The Rock says he will whip everyone's ass on the way to beoming WWF Champion. And who are we to doubt him? The most electrifying man in sports entertainment has so far made a jabroni of anyone he's faced in the ring- can he continue this trend into the most presitigous tournament in wrestling? [B][U]"Dr Death" Steve Williams[/U][/B] Since redebuting with the WWF in late '97, "Dr Death" has been a consistent member of the roster, including participating in two matches at Wrestlemania XIV. However, to see himself propel into the main event, it would take a huge win over established stars. And if the King Of The Ring isn't the place to do that, where is? [B][U]"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz[/U][/B] Fans really know nothing about Taz. He is a thug from Brooklyn, but his attitude and general background have been kept a secret from the press. Taz has let the fans see of exactly what he wanted to see of him- a suplexing, dangerous, killing machine. Oh, and don't forget- he still hasn't lost a match yet. [B][U]"The Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer[/U][/B] Whatever Dreamer has done in the WWF, he has failed to do it his own way. Despite putting on an amazing performance at Wrestlemania, the "Innovator Of Violence" has not been allowed to take control in the way he would have liked. After winninng the King Of The Ring, there could be no disagreemement that Tommy Dreamer is finally doing things his way. [B][U]Triple H[/U][/B] The only person in the KOTR tournament to be a previous winner. Last year Hunter eliminated 15 other men to be crowned the King Of The Ring, however, only Bret Hart has managed to win the prestigous Tournament twice. Can HHH be the second man, or will he find himself being overtaken in the title race by a different winner? [CENTER]While there is only one previous winner in this years competition (1997 winner Triple H) there is no shortage of talent, as seen by the former champions, and three people who have (as of 19th May 1998) never been pinned or made to submit in their World Wrestling Federation careers (Marcus Bagwell, Taz and Rob Van Dam). All those who participate in the WWF prediction league can register their vote for who will win the King Of The Ring now, as it will be used as a tie breaker for the King Of The Ring prediction tournament.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Yes, that last comment was aimed at you guys…
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