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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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This is going to be pretty big, but it is the only way I can post it without distorting the writing. This is the basis for the brackets for KOTR, thanks to DocStevens for it. After the first round, I will use the KOTR bracket screenshot I used and modified all the way to the final. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/Brackets.jpg[/IMG]
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Ah, damn it... 5 right. So close! Darn you, Dusty... Great PPV, though. Oen's really made the step up with that win, while Austin stunning Michaels was brilliant. And Kane loses nothing from a match like that. And the brackets seem poised for a HHH/Rock final. Here's how I see it going: [U]Round 1[/U] HHH vs Edge - HHH win - HHHHe's too hot to stop right now Dreamer vs Jarrett - Jarrett win - Dreamer won't go over Jarrett at this point, although I'd love to see a settled Dreamer take on Double J with the gold on the line in a couple of months Mero vs Bagwell - Bagwell win - Cheap victory for the Stuff Goldust vs Gunn - Goldust win - Goldust has huge momentum here, while Gunn has none Taz vs Christian - Taz win - Poor old Christian. He has no chance here Road Dogg vs Rock - Rock win - A lousy tournament for tag teams. Road Dogg might have his moments, but he's not in Rock's class Shamrock vs Godfather - Shamrock win - Ken seems to have been in a bit of a lull of late, and a win here would get him back on track. Any chance of Shamrock/Storm down the line? RVD vs Williams - RVD win - Williams was once a force of nature, but not in '98. Mr. Monday Night will take the duke [U]2nd Round[/U] HHH vs Jarrett - HHH win - A good showing here could help move Jarrett up the card, but HHH has more stroke... Bagwell vs Goldust - Goldust win - Battle of the perverts here. Bring in [I]Scrubs'[/I] The Todd and it'd be an awesome sight. Worrying, but awesome. Goldsut is bprobably a little too much to handle for Buff, though. Taz vs Rock - Rock win - As tempting as it is to predict a Taz/Angle like humbling of the Great One, Rocky's on his way to someplace special. Should be a great match, though... Shamrock vs RVD - RVD win - Six of one again, but you've done Rock/Shamrock recently, so I think you'll keep RVD's streak alive one match longer [U]Semi-finals[/U] HHH vs Goldust - HHH win - HHH knows to keep his fun out of the ring, by and large. Goldust is as easily distracted as a cat, so the Game will take this Rock vs RVD - Rock win - One for the future here, with two contrasting styles. Rock to edge a narrow match. [U]Final[/U] HHH vs Rock - Rock win - No way Rock is losing two in a row, and if you're building them as the twin cornerstones for the future, you need them to be relatively even. Besides, HHH has already won the KotR before.
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1st Round Predictions: [B]Triple H[/B]vs Edge ~Edge is not even close to Triple H's level and this will be a good learning experience for him. Dreamer vs [B]Jarrett[/B] ~Despite being a regional jobber you seem to want to push JJ so I assume he will win but hopefully I am wrong and Shane-O-Mac comes down to interfere and cost him the win! Mero vs [B]Bagwell[/B] ~Hopefully this will be the final match to settle this feud once and for all. [B]Goldlust[/B] vs Gunn ~Again another guy getting a huge push for reasons beyond understanding. Goldlust is not a wrestler, just a prevert with a gimmick. It would be like saying Anubis is a great mod maker or diary writer. [B]Taz[/B] vs Christian ~Easy pick here but I just am hoping that you are NOT trying to set up a Taz vs Goldlust PPV final! :( Road Dogg vs [B]The Rock[/B] ~The People's Champ is more than the Road Dogg can handle. [B]Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather ~Tough call as GF has got the Ho Train but we will give it to Shamrock as he appears to be an inhuman machine that has no interest in females. [B]RVD[/B] vs Steve Williams ~RVD is super hot right now and Williams has zero chance to win! Can't wait to see how it plays out!!!!
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First Round: [B]Triple H[/B] vs Edge Dreamer vs [B]Jarrett[/B] Mero vs [B]Bagwell[/B] [B]Goldlust[/B] vs Gunn [B]Taz[/B] vs Christian Road Dogg vs [B]The Rock[/B] [B]Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather [B]RVD[/B] vs Steve Williams
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[B]Triple H[/B] vs Edge [B]Dreamer[/B] vs Jarrett there is my 1st round upset Mero vs [B]Bagwell [/B] [B]Goldlust[/B] vs Gunn [B]Taz [/B]vs Christian Road Dogg vs[B] The Rock [/B] [B]Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather RVD vs [B]Steve Williams[/B] two upsets??? why not ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i might as well continue for now quarterfinals (predictions subject to change) HHH over Tommy Dreamer Goldust over Marcus Tazz over The Rock Shamrock over Dr. Death -------------------------------------------- semis Goldust over HHH (wacky **** to happen but why not HH doesnt need the huge push of being KOTR) Tazz over Shamrock (i think this would be a CLASSIC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FINALS THE TAZZMANIAC OVER sssssssssssssssGOLDUSTssssssssssss here is Goldusts next fued and it should be fun........i dont get the Goldust hate Dusty's boy could always wrestle we just have to thank creative for ruining his career with this gimmick
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;220726] FINALS THE TAZZMANIAC OVER sssssssssssssssGOLDUSTssssssssssss here is Goldusts next fued and it should be fun........i dont get the Goldust hate Dusty's boy could always wrestle we just have to thank creative for ruining his career with this gimmick[/QUOTE] My worst nightmare come true. I would have to tune out for that PPV but just my opinion and one that is certainly in the minority. I do have to say that it is pretty cool that readers are actually pulling for certain workers and others are cheering against those same workers. You don't see this in a diary very often!
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Taken from [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] After the latest immensely successful PPV last night, the WWF RAW is WAR tour contiunes to drive around the country for perhaps the biggest non-PPV event in history! Despite not ending the WWF Title reign of Stone Cold Stee Austin, Owen Hart's biased refereeing was enough to prompt Mr McMahon to follow through with his promise that Owen could face Stone Cold tonight on RAW, with the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title on the line! Both men went through gruelling matches last night, how much will they have in the tank ahea dof the title match? And what role will McMahon have? In a blockbuster rematch from Breakdown, The Undertaker looks to avenge his loss to Mankind in last nights Boiler Room Brawl, this time in a straight up one on one contest. What is The Undertakers condition after being thrown off the stage by Stone Cold? Fans will no doubt need no reminding that the King Of The Ring tournament starts tonight, with no fewer than 4 qualifying matches. The Rock faces Road Dogg, while the Godfather will compete with Ken Shamrock, Tommy Dreamer will battle the WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett and Triple H will be going up against Edge. After winning the Tag Team Gauntlet last night the bizarre team of Taz and Goldust will face off against The Nation with the tag gold on the line. Can the Golden One and The Human Suplex Machine be able to put their differences aside long enough to wrest the titles from the extremely dominant Tag Champions? Despite so far being unable to take Sabu's Hardcore Title in recent weeks, the odd Al Snow has impressed many with his extreme behaviour. Snow seems to be connecting with someone outside of the ring, but as of now this person has remained anomynous. He faces off again with Sabu, this time in a non-title match- can Al keep focused long enough to finally beat the Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Sabu? Tune in to RAW is WAR to find out the answers to these questions and so very much more![/CENTER] [B][U]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/U][/B] [B][U]WWF Championship Match[/U][/B] Owen Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [B][U]WWF Tag Team Title Match[/U][/B] The Nation (c) vs Goldust & Taz [B][U]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/U][/B] The Rock vs Road Dogg [B][U]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/U][/B] Edge vs Triple H [B][U]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/U][/B] Ken Shamrock vs Godfather [B][U]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/U][/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Tommy Dreamer The Undertaker vs Mankind [B][U]Hardcore Match[/U][/B] Sabu vs Al Snow[/QUOTE]
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs Goldust & Taz King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Road Dogg King Of The Ring Qualification Match Edge vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] Hardcore Match [B]Sabu[/B] vs Al Snow
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [b]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/b] - He will get his at mania :) WWF Tag Team Title Match The Nation (c) vs [b]Goldust & Taz[/b] - Michaels cena style King Of The Ring Qualification Match [b]The Rock[/b] vs Road Dogg - meh dunno y im doing these again but yeh King Of The Ring Qualification Match Edge vs [b]Triple H[/b] King Of The Ring Qualification Match [b]Ken Shamrock[/b] vs Godfather King Of The Ring Qualification Match [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] vs Tommy Dreamer [b]The Undertaker[/b] vs Mankind Hardcore Match [b]Sabu[/b] vs Al Snow
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] I wish Owen could pull it off WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs Goldust & Taz the beginning of the end for this wierd team King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Road Dogg King Of The Ring Qualification Match Edge vs[B] Triple H [/B] King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather King Of The Ring Qualification Match Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Tommy Dreamer [/B] [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind Hardcore Match Sabu vs [B]Al Snow[/B]
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs Goldust & Taz King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Road Dogg King Of The Ring Qualification Match Edge vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs Godfather King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind Hardcore Match [B]Sabu[/B] vs Al Snow
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) [/B] WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]The Nation (c)[/B] vs Goldust & Taz King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]The Rock [/B]vs Road Dogg King Of The Ring Qualification Match Edge vs [B]Triple H[/B] King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Ken Shamrock [/B]vs Godfather King Of The Ring Qualification Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind[/B] Hardcore Match [B]Sabu[/B] vs Al Snow
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart vs [FONT=Arial Black]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] WWF Tag Team title Match [FONT=Arial Black]The Nation (c) [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Goldust & Taz[/FONT] King Of The Ring Qualifying Match [FONT=Arial Black]The Rock [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Road Dogg[/FONT] King Of The Ring Qualifying Match Edge vs [FONT=Arial Black]Triple H[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] King Of The Ring Qualifying Match [FONT=Arial Black]Ken Shamrock [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs The Godfather[/FONT] King Of The Ring Qualifying Match: Jeff Jarrett vs[FONT=Arial Black] Tommy Dreamer[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]The Undertaker [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Mankind[/FONT] Hardcore Match [FONT=Arial Black]Sabu [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Al Snow[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;220786]My worst nightmare come true. I would have to tune out for that PPV but just my opinion and one that is certainly in the minority. I do have to say that it is pretty cool that readers are actually pulling for certain workers and others are cheering against those same workers. You don't see this in a diary very often![/QUOTE] Very true, and not something I ever expected, to be honest! I like people having these varying opinion though, it keeps me on my toes. Just look at guys like John Cena in real life. He's the number one guy in the company and even he isn't 100% popular/hated. In fact, I'd say it's about 80/20 at the moment. So having people with alternate opinions makes it realistic for me and means I have to do more as a booker than just say "he's popular, he wins" or "he's hated, he loses". I have to find a mix where everyone's happy. Or maybe just try and sell you on the greatness that is sssssss...... Gooooollldddduuuussssstttt! *bites* I do think Golden Delicious is overlooked though, which is unfortunate. He is far better in the ring than he's given credit for and has jobbed an awful lot when you consider how popular he was and how talented he was. However, give him a weird gimmick and the guy will never be main eventing, in some peoples eyes. That's part of the problem I have with Sean Morley, who is in development. I loved Val Venis when he debuted, but he was never going to get into the main event (which based on in ring ability, mic work, charisma and look, he deserved) because he had the gimmick of the porn star. Unfortunately for him, he is now nothing more than a jobber, when he had the potential to be a big time player. So do I call him up from development as a porn star and get him instantly over but cancel any chance of being taken seriously or build him up slowly, maybe never getting him over, but also allow him the opportunity to one day be a big deal? Thanks for all the feedback and predictions everyone. As soon as I get the chance, I'll book and write up RAW, and hopefully a few others in quick succession.
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That's part of the problem I have with Sean Morley, who is in development. I loved Val Venis when he debuted, but he was never going to get into the main event (which based on in ring ability, mic work, charisma and look, he deserved) because he had the gimmick of the porn star. Unfortunately for him, he is now nothing more than a jobber, when he had the potential to be a big time player. So do I call him up from development as a porn star and get him instantly over but cancel any chance of being taken seriously or build him up slowly, maybe never getting him over, but also allow him the opportunity to one day be a big deal? Do not and I repeat do not call up Mr. Morley as a Pornstar character... Sean Morley is one of my favorite workers and if WWE would get off there asses and realize he gets a good pop, can work a match and has mic skills and turn him heel he could easily be a great Tag Team or IC Champion... **** send him to Smackdown...
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[QUOTE=Chuck;221631]That's part of the problem I have with Sean Morley, who is in development. I loved Val Venis when he debuted, but he was never going to get into the main event (which based on in ring ability, mic work, charisma and look, he deserved) because he had the gimmick of the porn star. Unfortunately for him, he is now nothing more than a jobber, when he had the potential to be a big time player. So do I call him up from development as a porn star and get him instantly over but cancel any chance of being taken seriously or build him up slowly, maybe never getting him over, but also allow him the opportunity to one day be a big deal? Do not and I repeat do not call up Mr. Morley as a Pornstar character... Sean Morley is one of my favorite workers and if WWE would get off there asses and realize he gets a good pop, can work a match and has mic skills and turn him heel he could easily be a great Tag Team or IC Champion... **** send him to Smackdown...[/QUOTE] You see, in an ideal world, I wouldn't call him up as a porn star. But this 'aint a perfect world- this is the wrasslin' world! Morley did get over hugely as Val, and even gave him a short push in a feud with Mankind, and the Val gimmick (plus videos) was pretty good, in my opinion. However, as I said, he wasn't ever going to be a main eventer after having that gimmick, which is a damn shame as the guy is a great talent and should have wound up so very, very much more than a comin relief jobber on Heat. Thanks for the feedback though, it certainly helps me in my decision process about Morley.
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Just in case people were wondering why there hasn't been a show for a few days, I've been ridiculously busy and haven't got around to booking RAW yet. However, I should have the time tomorrow and hopefully the shows will be more frequent from then on.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] Live from the Welsh-Ryan Arena in front of a vocal crowd of 10,000[/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------ A video is played showing the mess surrounding the main event at last nights Breakdown PPV, where The Undertaker was announced as the Special Referee until he was taken out, then Owen Hart replaced him before he was taken out and Shawn Michaels made the final three count to help Stone Cold retain his WWF Championship against Kane. After the usual pyrotechnic display the new three man commentary team of Jim Ross, Jim Cornette and Jerry Lawler discuss the double main event. ---------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualifying Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett w/ Terri and “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer [/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately, these two lacked any sort of chemistry and hence the match seemed somewhat awkward. Dreamer did well, but Dusty and Terri’s constant interference meant he couldn’t really gain a foothold in the match, that was, until Shane McMahon came out to even up the scores. Jarrett then found himself more interested in taunting at Shane O’Mac after every move, which gave Dreamer the opportunity to roll him up to score a surprising win. [B]Winner: Tommy Dreamer in 7:38 Rating: C[/B][/CENTER] After the match Jarrett grabs a microphone and berates Shane McMahon, claiming his presence at ringside is what put him off. Shane challenges Jarrett to a rematch for the Intercontinental Title, to which Jarrett agrees- under the condition it is where and when he wants it. Dusty then hits Shane with the belt from behind for good measure. --------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell was backstage with Edge, Christian and Michael Hayes. After Dutch made the news public that following their loss in the Gauntlet last night, he is cutting all ties with the young team, Hayes claimed they were better without him as they were going on to bigger and better things, and they were the brightest young team in the company. With that, the Hardy Boyz walked over and claimed that they are in fact the best young team around, and are the kings of extreme offence. The teams square up until E&C back off, but the tension between them is clear. ---------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamock vs Godfather[/SIZE][/B] Another pairing that do not click, however, they still managed to draw a good match out as both men seemed to be particularly popular with the fans. It was a pretty even contest until Godfather submitted to Shamrock’s Anklelock. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 5:54 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Marcus Bagwell came down and viciously attacked Shamrock, beating him to the ground and then grabbing a microphone, telling the crowd that from now on he’ll be taken seriously and doesn’t care who he has to go through to prove it. ------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, backstage Kane is destroying a locker room, throwing chairs around and punching things, with Paul Bearer trying to calm him down. He tries to reassure him that his time will come again but Kane only seems concerned with venting his frustration. --------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Hardcore match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Champion “Homicidal, Genoicidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs Al Snow[/SIZE][/B] After weeks of these two battling and Snow throwing away opportunities when talking to himself, Al finally seemed only concerned with winning, as he and Sabu put on a Hardcore masterclass. Weapons flew everywhere as both tried to prove themselves, that is, until Snow threw a chair in Sabu’s face, knocking him out. With the chance to win, Al Snow began arguing again, but this time to the timekeeper. He slid out the ring, pushed the timekeeper out of the way and picked up a mannequin head, much to the delight of the few ECW fans in attendance. He argued with the head all the way back in the ring, but then used it to clock Sabu over the head and finally picked up his first win since returning. [B]Winner: Al Snow in 7:59 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero and Sable are backstage, as Sable is getting changed, talking to Mero who isn’t listening. [B]Sable:[/B] Marc, are you okay? [B]Mero:[/B] Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I be? [B]Sable:[/B] I don’t know, but you just seem a bit distant. [B]Mero:[/B] It’s nothing really… [B]Sable:[/B] So there’s something? [B]Mero: [/B]Yeah… umm… did you sleep with Bagwell? [B]Sable:[/B] What?! [B]Mero: [/B]Did you sleep with Bagwell? Or anyone else for that matter, you know, whilst we’ve been married? [B]Sable:[/B] How can you even ask me that? [B]Mero:[/B] I don’t know, I’ve just been worried lately that you haven’t been faithful. [B]Sable:[/B] This is unbelieveable, Marc, after all these years of marriage you don’t trust me? Sable storms out. [B]Mero[/B]: (to himself, deflated) She didn’t say no… ---------------------------------------------------- The New Blackjacks are backstage, in the middle of a heated debate with Faarooq about who is the most dominant team in the Federation. They nearly come to blows when Kane comes out of nowhere and rips them all apart, throwing into the walls, through a door, hitting them with whatever he can find, until all three are bloody and battered on the floor. --------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Edge w/Christian and Michael Hayes vs Triple H w/ Chyna[/SIZE][/B] Despite having a lack of chemistry, these two put on a great match that will have done wonders for Edge's prospects. Chyna stopped any real interference for Edge so Triple H won with a Pedigree [B]Winner: Triple H in 7:37 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] After the match The Rock comes to the ring and hits Triple H with a low blow, before rolling out of the ring laughing, obviously trying to play mind games with the degenerate. ---------------------------------------------------- Owen enters Vince’s office, and despite the obvious tension between them, they agree that if they are to end Steve Austin’s title reign they’ll have to work together, and hence McMahon will accompany Hart to the ring in the title match later tonight. -------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]King Of The Ring Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Road Dogg w/Billy Gunn[/SIZE][/B] This was the first match in the 1998 King Of The Ring that didn’t suffer from bad chemistry. They put on an excellent showing but eventually The Rock gained the upper hand and won with a Rock Bottom. [B]Winner: The Rock in 9:09 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] The Rock grabs a chair and takes out both of the Outlaws, and as he stands above them Triple H sprints to the ring, when The Rock rolls out. He walks away pointing his head saying “The Rock is in your head, but you will never get in The Rock’s!” ---------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon walks to the ring. [B]Vince:[/B] I’ll make this short and sweet- I’m just about sick with DX and Michaels helping Austin retain the title last night was the last straw. As of right now, D-Generation X are disbanded… forever! Shane McMahon comes to the ring. [B]Shane:[/B] Dad…. Dad… Dad… You know as well as I do that you have no real authority over DX. They can stick together rif they so choose. However, I agree that this gang warfare has gone too far, so I’m going to offer a compromise. Next week, The Nation will face D-Generation X in an 8 man tag match, and the losing team has to finish forever. What do you say? [B]Vince:[/B] I say that sounds like a plan. But Shane… don’t forget who in the hell I am. If I want DX gone forever, then I’m Vince McMahon, damn it, and I’ll get my own way, one way or another. ------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The Nation (c) w/The Rock vs Bravedust & Taz[/SIZE][/B] A great match between two red hot teams. Goldust (dressed as the film character Braveheart) once again seemed totally under his team mate’s skin, but Taz has a great knack of focusing his anger and frustration on his opponents. With that said, it still seemed like Taz was holding back- destroying his opponents in the ring but refusing to finish the match. At one point he even brought a chair in the ring, which had to be confiscated by Bravedust. Mabel and D’Lo looked good out their, and their excellent chemistry together continued, but there was no doubt who the fans were supporting. After around nine minutes, and as Mabel and Taz battle up the rampway, Triple H slid in the ring and hit a Pedigree on D’Lo Brown and dragged Bravedust on top of him for the shocking win. [B]Winner and new Tag Team Champions: Bravedust and Taz in 9:37 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Goldust celebrated as if it were the biggest win of his career as The Nation and Taz looked on shocked. The Rock was fuming in the ring as Triple H grabbed a microphone. [B]Triple H: [/B]People may say that The Nation needs to be together more than DX does, and they’d be right. DX doesn’t need to be together, because we’re as successful alone as we are together. However, we’re a family, and I’m not gonna see that family get ripped apart by a go nowhere group of nobodies who rely on being part of a stable to succeed. Next week, Rocky, I swear, I’m gonna pin you in the middle of the ring and finally bring an end to The Nation, once and for all! And if you ‘aint down with that, I got two words for ya! [B]Crowd:[/B] Suck it! ------------------------------------------------------ A graphic is shown on screen to say Mankind and Undertaker’s match will be next, followed by a video recapping the highlights of their match last night. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] The Undertaker straight from the outset beats Mankind down, looking for revenge. In fact, the bell was never rung as the beating dragged on for over three minutes. Mankind was bloodied as ‘Taker ripped his mask off and punched him over and over again, before dragging him to the announcers table and Chokeslamming him through it. [B]No-contest in 3:31 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on screen to say the title match is up next, which is followed by a video showing Owen’s biased refereeing last night, and his and McMahon’s promise that they will work together rto end Stone Cold’s title reign. Owen Hart confidently strides down to the ring with Mr McMahon next to him, both ready to do everything they can to pick up the win. Stone Cold then comes to the ring to a huge reception from the crowd. Both men stand in the ring, staring each other down, when Shawn Michaels’ music hits and he comes down to the ring and stands in Austin’s corner, clearly having his back for this match. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart w/Mr McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) w/ “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Another top match from Owen Hart, who has surely fully established himself as one of the top guys in the company now. Both men went all out for the victory, and McMahon’s involvement was cut short merely by the presence of HBK. Despite both men being exhausted, they put on a great show, right up until Owen had the advantage. He was ready to lock in the Sharpshooter, but instead chose to taunt Michaels, which gave Austin the chance to get to his feet and hit a Stunner for the win. [B]Winner and still WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 18:39 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] Physically drained, Austin celebrates in the ring, trying to lift his arm as the crowd cheer. However, Owen Hart gets up and attacks him from behind, before attacking Michaels too. He then grabs a chair and proceeds in wearing them both out with a steel chair, screaming whilst doing it. Owen Hart has never looked so dangerous. ---------------------------------------------------- [B]Final Rating: A[/B], should have increased our popularity. --------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] B- show from Silver Spurs Arena, where the main event saw Hogan and DDP beat Harlem Heat. Goldberg also featured (two shows in a month- that’s title winning consistency) when he teamed with Ultimo Dragon and Chris Jericho to face Kevin Sullivan, Chris Benoit and Psicosis. There was also yet another Outsides vs Luger/Giant match. -------------------------------------------------- Our popularity is finally higher everywhere in the USA than WCW.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=sebsy;223131]Great show there Keef, MON Owen Hart getting the Title \o/ Also hoping Christian goes on to big things in this diary :D[/QUOTE] Cheers matey. I love Christian personally, I was a huge fan of E&C around 2000 sort of time ("For the benefit of all those with flash photography...!") and then marked out for him totally as Captain Charisma. While he has a way to go before he's world champion (this is about 6 months before he debuted for the Fed in r/l, after all!) I'd love to make him the champ. A feud between him and Edge over the title in 5 years time or so would be pure money, if I push them like I hope I can. Thanks again for the feedback.
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