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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Kane vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Owen Hart [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Bradshaw vs [B]Tag Team Champion Goldust[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] vs Taka Michinoku in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Finlay[/B] vs Matt Hardy [B]Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow
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[B]Kane [/B]vs Shawn Michaels [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Ken Shamrock Bradshaw vs [B]Tag Team Champion Goldust[/B] Chavo Guerrero vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] in a number one contenders match for the Light-Heavyweight Title [B]Finlay[/B] vs Matt Hardy Hardcore Champion Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]PRESENTS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Week 1 July 1998[/B][/SIZE] Live from the Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, New York in front of a crowd of 7,988 A video is played to open the show, replaying the ending to last weeks RAW is WAR where Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels drew in the number one contender Battle Royal match.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The show opens with an excessively long limousine pulling into the arena. The driver steps out and opens the door to reveal Mr. McMahon! Vince steps out from the limo and walks into the building where much of the roster are milling around. Several welcome him back, more ignore him. Bagwell then walks over. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Mr. McMahon, Mr. McMahon sir, just let me welcome you back to the WWF. I hope you are feeling better? [B]Vince:[/B] Yes, Bagwell, I’m feeling much better thank you. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Super. I just want you to know that it would be an absolute dream come true to work with you more closely, and if there is anything I can do to prove my worth, the Buff One would love to help you and The Alliance. [B]Vince: [/B]You know what; I had planned on The Alliance being quite the elitist group. But if you can impress me, I’ll consider it. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Of course, what can I do to impress you? [B]Vince:[/B] I’ll leave that up to you… McMahon continues to walk on, but as he begins to turn a corner Stone Cold Steve Austin walks up and stares straight into his face as the crowd pops. A look of hatred is painted all over McMahon’s face. [B]McMahon:[/B] You might want to get out of my way, Austin, because I’m not in the mood. You put me in the hospital, you attacked me when I was there, and quite frankly, you’ve made my life hell. Austin smiles. [B]McMahon:[/B] I don’t know what you’re smiling about, because tonight you are banned from the building. I don’t want you ruining my show. Get the hell out of my arena. Security guards walks over and grab the WWF Champion and drag him out of the arena as the crowd boo incessantly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Hardcore Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Maniac” Sabu & “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] The top four (and only four) members of the hardcore division went at it hammer and tong (and stop sign, and broom stick, and steel chairs, and mannequin heads, etc) in this tornado tag match. Al Snow and Dreamer seemed to take their game to a new level in trying to prove they are worthy competitors to Sabu’s Hardcore title, and Snow even managed to pin the champ following the shot with his trusted Head. [B]Winners: Tommy Dreamer & Al Snow in 7:57[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to reveals D’Lo shouting at Mabel, who in turn looks pretty angry, following their loss last week. Are we seeing the demise of one of the Federation’s best loved tag teams? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is backstage stretching when Jeff Jarrett walks in. Shamrock’s head immediately pricks up with distain. [B]Jeff:[/B] Kenny boy, how’s it goin’ dawg? Shamrock stares a hole straight through him. [B]Jeff:[/B] Okay, look, I wanna apologise. I acted like a grade A slapnut last week insulting Shane O’Mac. And it was stupid to waste time by messing around when I should be proving in the ring why I’ve got all the stroke around here. Shamrock looks angry. [B]Jeff:[/B] I didn’t mean prove it in the ring with you, I meant in the ring in general. You’re one dangerous slapnut, I definitely didn’t mean with you. So I just wanted to check that you’re not still p*ssed with me? ‘Cos if you are, I’ll do whatever it takes to prove that me and you aint that different after all. [B]Shamrock:[/B] Listen closely, Jeff, ‘cos I’ll say this just the once. I don’t like you. I don’t like your attitude, and I don’t like you carrying the Intercontinental title. And I’m just waiting for someone to give me a shot at that belt so I can get in the zone and take the gold. And when I do that… I’m gonna snap your damn ankle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] A rematch from so many times over the last two months as two of the hottest young talents in the world face off man on man to discover the number one contender to the Light-Heavyweight title, currently held by Psicosis. Chavo, as usual, tried every dirty trick in the book, and Taka flew about the ring as if he had wings. A suicide plancha to the outside brought the crowd to their feet, but as Taka was waiting to nail the Michinoku Driver, the mysterious ninja who had been attacking him for weeks struck again with a brutal numchuck shock, knocking the former champ out cold. [B]Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr in 8:24[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero and Sable make their way down to the ring, smiling and holding hands, however, Sable’s smile seems slightly more forced that Mero’s. [B]Mero: [/B]Everybody here knows I’ve made countless mistakes in my time. But I count my biggest mistake as nearly losing you a couple of weeks back, Sable. And I want you to know that getting you back was the second happiest day of my life after our wedding day. The crowd start chanting “this is bullsh*t” and “boring”, but Mero continues. [B]Mero:[/B] While I thought I’d lost you, I realised how much I needed you. You make me what I am, and I’m eternally grateful. That’s why, Sable… Rena… I want me and you to have a commitment ceremony next week on Raw! The crowd boo’s ferociously. [B]Sable: [/B]Marc, sweetheart, that’s a lovely offer… but I have to say no. The crowd cheers. [B]Sable:[/B] I love you, but I’m still not sure that this will work out. Hell, I was going to divorce you just weeks ago. Marc Mero looks furious, his face going bright red. [B]Sable:[/B] This is all just too fast. I’m sorry, Marc, I just can’t see this working. Sable begins to exit the ring, but Mero grabs her by the arm and pulls her back. [B]Mero: [/B]When are you going to get it? You’re my girl. Me and you, we’re gonna last… whether you want it to or not. Mero shoves Sable to the ground. She cowers to the corner of the ring as Mero begins to loom intimidating over her. He grabs her by the hair and lifts her up into a TKO position when Lance Storm comes sprinting to the ring. Mero drops Sable and turns to the unknown Canadian who greets him with stiff rights, knocking him back. He whips him into the ropes and back body drops him, before Mero rolls out of the ring to safety and away from Storm. The Canadian then goes over to check on Sable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs Matt Hardy[/SIZE][/B] This match was assigned by Mr McMahon after the brutal assault by Finlay which left Matt’s brother Jeff needing medical assistance. Finlay’s debut match was met with boos as he dominating the young daredevil, and even though Matt got in some offence, he didn’t have enough to put away the veteran who picked up the win with a Celtic Cross. [B]Winner: Finlay in 6:00[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Lance Storm, the unknown wrestler who stopped Mero from attacking Sable just moments ago. [B]Cole:[/B] I’m standing by with the young man who interfered in the Mero and Sable incident. Excuse my bluntness, but who are you? [B]Storm:[/B] My name is Lance Storm, and I’m a development worker with the WWF. [B]Cole:[/B] What are you doing here? [B]Storm:[/B] I was backstage with my fellow JAPW alumni when I saw what Mero was doing to Sable. I know what I did probably wasn’t legal or allowed, but I couldn’t stand by and watch him do that to her. She’d done nothing wrong. Sable wanders over. [B]Sable:[/B] Look, I don’t know who you are, but thank you for your help. You stopped my own husband from kicking my ass. But I’m warning you… stay away. Marc is a very dangerous man, and I assure you that he will come looking for you and won’t rest until you’ve paid for what you’ve done. [B]Storm:[/B] With all due respect, ma’am, that sack of crap had it coming. The crowd pops. [B]Storm:[/B] I’m not going to stand by and watch a man attack an innocent women, and if he wants to try and kick my ass, I’ll applaud him for finally picking on someone his own size and say… you know where to find me, Mero, I’ll be back here again next week… waiting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michaels is backstage stretching when Vince McMahon walks in. [B]McMahon:[/B] Look, Michaels, I’m gonna make this short because quite frankly I just don’t like you. [B]Michaels:[/B] Mutual. [B]McMahon:[/B] But I wanted to let you know that you have to win this evenings match more than you my realise. [B]Michaels: [/B]And why would that be, Vincent? [B]McMahon:[/B] Because if you don’t, I’ve just had my lawyers put it in writing that you will never get another title shot again…. Ever. [B]Michaels:[/B] Ouch. I guess it’s a good thing that I happen to be…. The showstoppa, the main event, and maybe one day the guy who gets to play Sweet Chin Music right on your chin. [B]McMahon:[/B] Something tells me I’m going to really enjoy watching you crash and burn. McMahon moves closer to Michaels face and stares him deep in the eyes. [B]McMahon:[/B] One way or another, everyone learns not to cross the boss. Ask your friend… Bret… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last weeks Tag Team Title match saw the Jim Cornette led Hell’s Henchmen lose their first match as a team when they failed to steal the belts from the most unique champions in WWF history. Bradshaw came to the ring, spitting and snorting, and awaited the entrance of one half of the champs. But instead of Goldust’s music, a small orchestra make their way to the entrance way and begin playing God Save The Queen, as Goldust walks through the curtain dressed entirely as the Queen Of England! Bradshaw loses his rag as Queen Goldizabeth II, covered in a gold dress and crown slowly walks to the ring. [B]JR:[/B] I tell you what, folks, I get the feeling Goldust would get less beaten up than if he wandered into an Oklahoman bar on pay day… [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Bradshaw w/Faarooq & Jim Cornette vs Queen Goldizabeth II[/SIZE][/B] Can you say “ass kicking”? Bradshaw quite literally beat the spit out of the Bizarre One who for all his frolicking and, ahem, homoerotic tendencies, managed to put on quite the solid match. However, with Faarooq and Cornette at ringside and no Taz to be seen, Bradshaw managed to put the Golden one away with a Clothesline From Hell, and picks up the pinfall with Taz nowhere to be seen. [B]Winner: Bradshaw in 7:07[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taka Michinoku is backstage, nursing a sore head when he turns a corner and sees the ninja that has been attacking him for the last few weeks. Taka begins to run after him and the ninja runs. However, the ninja has seemingly supernatural pace as every corner he turns he gets a little further away until he is out of sight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A backstage worker walks up to Mankind, who is sitting in the corner of a corridor, talking to himself and rocking back and forth. It seems despite his best efforts to cheer up Mr McMahon he wasn’t even announced to be here tonight… [B]B.W:[/B] Mankind? Mr McMahon requests a moment of your time. [B]Mankind:[/B] Daddy wants to see me? Oh good, I’m bugging for a hugging… They down the corridor and go into the corporate suite, but McMahon is nowhere to be seen. Mankind looks deeply saddened, looking all over for him when out of nowhere Bagwell jumps out with a steel chair and smacks it right across Mankind’s skull. He lays the boots into him, and begins smacking him around if he’s a piece of trash. Vince McMahon then walks in. [B]McMahon: [/B]Now that is how you impress Vincent Kennedy McMahon! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Some might argue it is a waste to have such an impressive technical display on free television, but it sure as hell makes RAW is WAR unmissable. This match came about as an opportunistic Owen Hart dumped Ken Shamrock out of last weeks Battle Royal after Shamrock had offered such an impressive display, and the distain both men had for each other was plain to see. Shamrock got the advantage early on but Owen is one of the greatest in the world today and knew the importance of gaining momentum on the way to Fully Loaded in just three weeks. Both men exchanged technical holds to begin but the intense brawling both men are capable of soon shone through as they fought like real men, no cheating, and with The Alliance not at ringside both men could go at it. Shamrock seemed to be determined to lock in the Anklelock almost as much as Owen wanted the Sharpshooter, but the match came to an abrupt end when Jeff Jarrett ran to the ring with the Intercontinental belt and swung it at an unsuspecting Owen to try and hand the victory to Shamrock, only for Owen to duck at the last minute as the belt crashed into Shamrock’s skull. Owen threw Jarrett from the ring and pinned the unconscious Shamrock. [B]Winner: Owen Hart in 14:12[/B][/CENTER] Blood began to seep from the head of Shamrock as Owen hightailed from the ring, leaving Jarrett to realise what he had done. [B]JR:[/B] Oh my! Jarrett tried to worm his way out of a title defence and has found himself right in the headlights of the World’s Most Dangerous man! [B]King:[/B] If I were Jarrett I think I’d hand the belt over now. Ken Shamrock’s coming for you, JJ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ring is decked out with a desk and chairs, and JR is standing by with a microphone, he introduces us to the contract signing for the I Quit match at Fully Loaded, and the participants join him in the ring for the festivities to begin. Triple H is to go first. [B]Triple H:[/B] Rocky… You claim to be the most-electrifying man in the WWF, and you claim to be the future of the industry, yet you don’t seem to have the fortitude to prove yourself like a man. It’s all about sneak shots and hiding away with you. You attacked Chyna. You’ve hired some helmeted goon to cost me matches and to beat me up. You’re trying to get into my mind. And you know what? It’s working. The Rock smiles. [B]Triple H:[/B] So welcome to my mind, Rocky. It’s a dark place, and one that no-one has ever stepped into and been able to walk out of without the use of crutches. Rocky, you are in my mind, and for that I’m going to make you pay. I may not be able to touch you after the contract is signed, but that will just make my hatred for you more intense. And when it comes to Fully Loaded, the only “Break It Down” that will apply is in relation to your legs. And you can be sure f this, Rocky, in sin city, when the cards are down and the gambling starts, and as you try to play the chancers game…. I will be… The Game that you just can’t win. He signs the contract and hands the contract and microphone over to The Rock, who starts off by clapping sarcastically. [B]Rock:[/B] Bravo, Hunter, bravo. For someone who is normally exposing his ass or spray painting personal belongings, that sounded pretty good. But The Rock has one problem with it. When The Rock walks through the people’s curtain… down the people’s ramp… into the people’s ring… with the miiiilllions…. And millions… of The Rock’s fans chanting “Rocky… Rocky!” The fans start a “Rocky Sucks!” chant, except a few who start a “Rocky” chant. [B]Rock:[/B] That ring belongs to just one man. The Rock. The People’s Champion. The most electrifying man in the WWF. And you will finally realise what it is like to be in the presence of greatness as The Rock takes his size 16 boot, shines it up real nice and sticks straight up your candy ass! [B]Triple H:[/B] See, that’s why I’m gonna beat you at Fully Loaded, Rock. You’re a walking catchphrase. As you plan on singing and dancing and making people laugh, I’m there to kick your ass. [B]Rock:[/B] Don’t ever… and The Rock means EVER!... interrupt The Rock again. And don’t misinterpret The Rock either. What it boils down to is this, Hunter… regardless of what I say or do now, in Las Vegas on July 22nd, you will get the very best of The Rock. And The Rock asks you bring the best of Triple H, because it will be that much sweeter when The Rock kicks your candy ass. And if you can’t smell it now, come Fully Loaded, you really will know what The Rock is cooking. He leans over the table and signs the contract. He then stands up and extends a hand. [B]Rock:[/B] But until then, may the best man win. Triple H shakes his hand as The Rock draws him in close, staring into his eyes, before nailing him with a Rock Bottom as the crowd boo. The Rock picks up a steel chair and smashes it across Triple H’s head, drawing blood, before swinging it down on his prone body over and over again. [B]JR:[/B] Rocky! What are you doing? You just violated the contract, you’re gonna get suspended for a year? [B]Rock:[/B] Know your role and shut your damn mouth you fat sack of crap, and sit down next to that feeble excuse for royalty. The Rock never signed the damn contract in the first place. The Rock grabs a pen and scrapes it across Triple H’s head, before signing the contract in Triple H’s blood. [B]Rock:[/B] See you at Fully Loaded. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera goes backstage where Mr McMahon is walking. Michael Cole catches up to him. [B]Cole:[/B] Mr McMahon, sir, if I may, it’s great to see you back. [B]McMahon:[/B] Thank you, Mitchell. [B]Cole:[/B] It’s Mich… never mind. I was just wondering, after Shawn Michaels fairly earned a spot in the Fully Loaded main event, why are you now making him earn it again against Kane when you haven’t to Owen Hart? [B]McMahon:[/B] You think Owen hasn’t earned his spot in the main event? [B]Cole:[/B] That’s not wh… [B]McMahon:[/B] Besides, in the interest of fairness to the fans and to the WWF as a business, I’ve decided it’s in everyone’s best interests to not have Shawn Michaels headlining the pay-per-view. [B]Cole:[/B] But surely that’s not your choice to make once he has earned the spot in a match? [B]McMahon:[/B] It may be a cliché, Mitchell, but it definitely stands true… Don’t cross the boss. And Michaels will find out tonight, once and for all, that you just don't cross the boss. Especially with my... ahem... contacts. Vince walks off as Cole tries to ask what he means, but McMano ignores him. He walks through a door to the parking lot when he sends a handler ahead to let the driver know he is ready to leave. The camera remains fixated on his face when he reaches his limo as his face drops. The camera then pans around to reveal the limousine utterly destroyed; the windshield destroyed, the tyres pierced, and the driver out cold on the floor. As McMahon walks around the car to survey the damage, we see miraculous gulp of doom as the camera pans back to reveal white spray paint on the side reading “3:16”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on screen indicating that the main event of Kane vs Shawn Michaels is coming up… next! [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“Big Red Monster” Kane w/Paul Bearer vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Last week saw Michaels superhuman ability to overcome the odds take another turn as he managed to eliminate many peoples favourite in last weeks Battle Royal, Kane. At the request of Paul Bearer, Kane had the opportunity to destroy the Heartbreak Kid in this match and seemed ready to take it, especially with the opportunity of ending Michaels title aspirations. Kane dominated the early going with his awesome power, throwing Michaels around like a rag doll. But they don’t call Shawn Michaels the showstoppa for nothing, and he managed to work his way back into the match with all his might. After 13 minutes of intense action both men are spent, both struggling to make it to their feet. Kane is first to his feet, and charges at Michaels to hit a Big Boot, but Michaels turns at the last second to nail Sweet Chin Music as both men collapse in a heap. All of a sudden, the lights go out and the Undertaker’s music hits. A hearse is driven down to ringside, and the Undertaker steps out, pulling out a casket. Kane sat up as Undertaker opened the lid, but out popped Austin as the crowd went insane! Austin climbed out and nailed ‘Taker with right hooks, before going after Kane in the ring. He grabbed a chair and swung it at Kane’s head, taking him down. The Deadman rolled in the ring but was also met with a chair shot to the head. Austin then storms out of the ring as Michaels gets to his feet, falls into the corner, tunes up the band as Kane gets to his feet and Sweet Chin Music! Michaels falls onto the prone monster for the three count! [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels in 14:13[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! Austin was banned from the arena but he still found a way to screw McMahon! [B]King:[/B] Who the hell cares? This is awful! Michaels is going to Fully Loaded![/SIZE][/FONT]
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So no feedback of any type after that show? Not even negative? Everything up to Fully Loaded is more of a build to Summerslam as I'm a fan of slow builds and having feuds get bigger over time, so it may be the shows aren't action packed enough for some of you, especially as this is set in the Attitude era. Is this the case?
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Well I have to say that was worth the week and half we had to wait on you to put it up. lol But seriously, Fully Loaded is setting up to be a great PPV. Just to let you know I have already ordered it and am planning on calling in sick to work that night so I won't miss a thing. As for RAW, a little surprised at the tandem of Snow and Dreamer getting the win. Hate to see D'Lo and Mabel going at it. Love Austin being Austin. And the Triple threat Main event at Fully Loaded is setting up nicely. I eagerly await what you have in store for us next.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;282243]So no feedback of any type after that show? Not even negative? Everything up to Fully Loaded is more of a build to Summerslam as I'm a fan of slow builds and having feuds get bigger over time, so it may be the shows aren't action packed enough for some of you, especially as this is set in the Attitude era. Is this the case?[/QUOTE] Only got around to reading RAW fully today. Not every show can be a balls-to-the-wall, home run show. I felt it was a good show and put a few more pieces in place for Fully Loaded. I expected both Owen and HBK to somehow pull out wins and I liked how you made both into wider stories. Jarrett costing Shamrock the match unintentionally by attempting to keep his belt safe only to now face the prosect of the world's most dangerous man hunting him down was a very well booked. I also loved the idea of Austin popping out of the casket before opening a few cans on whoopass, despite the old 'banned from the arena' trick... that would have been a classic moment. Even if Fully Loaded is/was a lesser event at the time, it's still shaping up to be a good one, which bodes well for Summerslam indeed.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;282258]Well I have to say that was worth the week and half we had to wait on you to put it up. lol But seriously, Fully Loaded is setting up to be a great PPV. Just to let you know I have already ordered it and am planning on calling in sick to work that night so I won't miss a thing. As for RAW, a little surprised at the tandem of Snow and Dreamer getting the win. Hate to see D'Lo and Mabel going at it. Love Austin being Austin. And the Triple threat Main event at Fully Loaded is setting up nicely. I eagerly await what you have in store for us next.[/QUOTE] Thanks bro, appreciate the feedback. I'm glad you're gonna order the PPV. While in many ways it is the Royal Rumble/No Way Out kind of PPV for Summerslam, there will still be events and moments that impact in a big way and things that come to a conclusion. Snow & Dreamer was a victory I didn't expect many people to see coming. Before this became a diary and was just a game on TEW05, Snow was basically a jobber who was getting frustrated and gradually losing his mind. I sent him down to development with the plan of bringing him and his accomplice to build on a very ECW-feeling Hardcore division. People forget how good a worker Snow was. Him and Dreaer winning hopefully blows the division wide open as the team work between Sabu and RVD has dominated it since Terry Funk lost the strap back in April. I liked Mabel & D'Lo as a team (especially with excellent chemistry on the game) but without the game I think Mabel will hold D'Lo down a bit. I just want people to know that D'Lo isn't just a tag tema jobber in my mind, and the time will ocme when he stands out on his own. Of course, there's no saying when that will be... Glad you're liking it, I really hope I can whack out more regular shows. [QUOTE=sebsplex;282390]Only got around to reading RAW fully today. Not every show can be a balls-to-the-wall, home run show. I felt it was a good show and put a few more pieces in place for Fully Loaded. I expected both Owen and HBK to somehow pull out wins and I liked how you made both into wider stories. Jarrett costing Shamrock the match unintentionally by attempting to keep his belt safe only to now face the prosect of the world's most dangerous man hunting him down was a very well booked. I also loved the idea of Austin popping out of the casket before opening a few cans on whoopass, despite the old 'banned from the arena' trick... that would have been a classic moment. Even if Fully Loaded is/was a lesser event at the time, it's still shaping up to be a good one, which bodes well for Summerslam indeed.[/QUOTE] I absolutely love this as a bit of feedback. This is amazing, thank you. So useful. I'm glad you liked Jarrett and Shamrock's thing. I think Jarrett as a coc.ky heel who will do anything to hang on to his gold is a good role for him, and I think there are few people who could pull of the "if there was one person you don't want chasing you, it's me" role it's Kenny Shamrock. I could really envision Austin doing the casket trick on a Raw in 98. What you can expect to see in the future is McMahon really setting his sights on Austin for a while as Austin has done everything he can to really screw with Vinny. And we know how keen McMahon is to enforce "don't cross the boss." Thanks again for the feedback and I hope you like Fully Loaded. It does look like a good event when I look at it, but with an ultimate goal of Summerslam on the horizon hopefully it can be the best "functional" PPV I can do.
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From WWF.com [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [B][I][SIZE="6"]Best Of Enemies?[/SIZE][/I][/B] With only two weeks until Fully Loaded emanates from Las Vegas, this weeks main event sees three different rivals put their differences aside for a three way tag team match! Ken Shamrock teams with Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock, The Rock teams with Triple H and the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin teams with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Not only this, but the Special Referee will be none other than Owen Hart! Can these three teams of rivals have each others backs for long enough to secure some much needed momentum heading into the July spectacular? Not only that, but following The Bagwell’s assault of Mankind until Mr McMahon’s orders last week, the Psychotic one will face the Buff One in a singles match, as well as a Hardcore Title match and the tag champions face the hottest young team in the WWF in a non-title match! [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] [B]Best Of Enemies Three Way Tag Team Match[/B] The Rock & Triple H vs Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock vs Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]Singles Match[/B] The Bagwell vs Mankind [B]Non-Title Match[/B] Edge & Christian vs Goldust & Taz [B]Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title[/B] Sabu © vs Al Snow vs Tommy Dreamer [B]If Storm Wins, He Gains A WWF Contract![/B] Gangrel vs Lance Storm [B]PLUS…[/B] Mr McMahon announces another match for Fully Loaded![/QUOTE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Best Of Enemies Three Way Tag Team Match [B]The Rock & Triple H[/B] vs Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock vs Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin Singles Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] Non-Title Match [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Goldust & Taz Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title [B]Sabu ©[/B] vs Al Snow vs Tommy Dreamer If Storm Wins, He Gains A WWF Contract! Gangrel vs [B]Lance Storm[/B]
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Best Of Enemies Three Way Tag Team Match [B]The Rock & Triple [/B]H vs Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock vs Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin Singles Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] Non-Title Match [B]Edge & Christian [/B]vs Goldust & Taz Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title [B]Sabu ©[/B] vs Al Snow vs Tommy Dreamer If Storm Wins, He Gains A WWF Contract! Gangrel vs [B]Lance Storm[/B]
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Best Of Enemies Three Way Tag Team Match The Rock & Triple H vs Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock vs [B]Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Singles Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Mankind Non-Title Match [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Goldust & Taz Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title [B]Sabu ©[/B] vs Al Snow vs Tommy Dreamer If Storm Wins, He Gains A WWF Contract! Gangrel vs [B]Lance Storm [/B]
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Best Of Enemies Three Way Tag Team Match The Rock & Triple H vs Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock vs [B]Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] The two biggest leading men will take this... with Owen calling the bout fairly and jumping HBK afterwards or possibly getting ref bumped to allow a non-crooked official to count the final fall. Singles Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Mankind Not sure if Mankind is really going anywhere right now. Non-Title Match [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Goldust & Taz A win to establish credible challengers in one way or another, meaning that even if Edge and Christian aren't the team to fight for the gold, Taz and Goldust will end up falling here. Triple Threat Match for the Hardcore Title Sabu © vs Al Snow vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] A change to perhaps keep the minor title scene moving. If Storm Wins, He Gains A WWF Contract! Gangrel vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] Storm comprehensively earns himself a contract.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]Presents[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday, Week 2, July, 1998[/B][/CENTER] The show opens with The Power Walk ™ as McMahon comes to the ring, microphone in hand. [B]McMahon:[/B] I’ve decided in the interest of fairness that Fully Loaded should see the tag team of Goldust & Taz have the opportunity to defend their Tag Team Titles. So, after much consideration I have decided that the following team should get the shot… After a few moments pause Kane & The Undertaker walk menacingly down to the ring. [B]JR:[/B] What the hell? This isn’t fair! They haven’t earned a shot, they just attack people. [B]King:[/B] This is great! Kane & Undertaker will be the most devastating team in history! [B]McMahon:[/B] And to make sure they’re up to the task, I’ll give them a warm up match tonight against the Hardy Boyz. [B]JR:[/B] Austin! Austin! Austin! [B]King:[/B] Why must he ruin everything McMahon does?! McMahon waits for Austin, but there’s no sign of him. [B]McMahon:[/B] What’s the matter, Austin, too scared to show your face? From nowhere, Austin rolls in the ring with a bucket and tips it over McMahon’s head, before throwing it at Kane and low blowing Undertaker, then rolling back out of the ring. A shocked McMahon dips his finger in the liquid and tastes it. [B]McMahon:[/B] Beer?! I hate beer! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Homicidal, Genocial, Suicidal” Sabu © vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] This Triple Threat match was largely even, with all three men getting there hardcore kicks in turn. In fact, Al Snow appeared to have the match won when he clocked Sabu with Head, but Rob Van Dam appeared from nowhere to deliver a Van Daminator, followed by a Frog Splash, giving his buddy the win. [B]Winner: Sabu in 8:35[/B][/CENTER] As RVD helps Sabu up, Vince McMahon walks onto the stage with a microphone. [B]Vince:[/B] I love seeing friends bonding, that’s real nice. And congratulations Mr Sabu. But as the other two will no doubt want a rematch, and as Mr Van Dam keeps showing excellent ruthless aggression by interfering in Sabu’s matches, I’m going to book a Fatal Fourway match for that belt at Fully Loaded between Sabu, Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer and Rob… Van… Dam! And it’s each man for themselves, Rob. Sabu, who is leaning heavily on RVD’s shoulders looks shocked as Van Dam looks at him intently, before stepping aside and letting Sabu crumple of the mat. RVD then grabs the belt, looks to the crowd and signals with his thumbs that belt is coming home with R… V…D! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage where we see Mabel arriving to the arena alone. [B]JR:[/B] What’s this, King? Have Lo Down definitely split? Mabel’s arriving alone... Suddenly, Finlay comes from nowhere with shillelagh in hand and begins beating Mabel down, focusing largely on the knee and legs. He finishes off by mounting him from behind and choking him out with the shillelagh until the monster has passed out. Why does Finlay keep doing this? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taz is in a locker room, pacing to and fro. Goldust walks in. [B]Taz:[/B] Oh good, no whacky costume today? [B]Goldust:[/B] Oh don’t worry, Taztleton, I’ll slip into something more comfortable later. But I have a question for you. [B]Taz:[/B] I told you I will never… ever… do that to another guy. Freak. [B]Goldust:[/B] Oh contraire, Tazious, not that. At least, not that now. I want to know that after the Golden One having your back for so long, why you refused to…. ssssss…. Back me up last week. [B]Taz: [/B]I don’t have to answer to you or nobody, okay? The only reason I haven’t punked yo’ ass out already is you got that belt. If we ever lose the straps, that’s it. You’re a deadman. [B]Goldust:[/B] Oh stop it Tazelon, you always know exactly where to get me. [B]Taz:[/B] Out. Now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Generation X are in their locker room. Well, Triple H & Shawn Michaels. New Age Outlaws are all but completely forgotten about, apparently. [B]Triple H:[/B] Shawn, you not it man, you’re like a brother to me. But tonight, for some reason, I’m teaming with the People’s Ass The Rock and you’re teaming with the Texas Crapelsnake Stone Cold, and we’re against each other. [B]Michaels:[/B] Ouch, bro. [B]Triple H:[/B] You know I don’t wanna kick your butt, but this is wrestling. When we’re on other sides, we have no choice. [B]Michaels:[/B] Absolument, Senor Hunter. As much as I hate to admit it, it appears to be time you discovered what its like to go up against the Showstoppa! The Main Event! And the next WWF Champion! [B]Triple H:[/B] No problem, Shawn, because when I’m done kicking your ass tonight, I just know you’re gonna give me a title shot at that belt you’ll win in Vegas. ‘Cos lets face it… there ‘aint anyone as good as duh Game-r! [B]Michaels:[/B] We’ll see, son, we’ll see. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Gangrel vs Lance Storm[/SIZE][/B] Lance Storm knows this is his big chance and seems ready to take it. The bizarre Gangrel gets his share of attacks in, but this match is all about the technical prowess of Storm. After about 5 minutes Marc Mero runs down the ramp with a baseball bat and smashes it across the face of Lance Storm… only for the referee to DQ him and give Storm the win! Lance Storm is a WWF superstar! [B]Winner: Lance Storm via DQ in 5:12[/B][/CENTER] Mero doesn’t seem at all bothered as he continues assaulting Storm, punching and kicking him and throwing him around like a ragdoll. Storm is bleeding within seconds as Mero as never looked so dangerous. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Chavo Guerrero Jr. [B]Cole:[/B] Chavo, last week you defeated Taka Michinoku to earn a rematch at Fully Loaded against the man who defeated you for the Light-Heavyweight Title; Psicosis. [B]Chavo:[/B] Hang on there, homes, the only reason the jumping bean bag beat me was I had no idea who I was facing. I’m a student of the game, I study my opponents, but I couldn’t do that. But at Fully Loaded I’m going to prove why I’m the franchise of the Light-Heavyweight Title, homes. I never miss a beat. Ever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is stretching in his locker room when Jeff Jarrett & Dusty Rhodes walked in. [B]Jarrett:[/B] What’s this I’m hearing backstage, slapnut? You’ve been granted a title shot against me at Fully Loaded? That be crazy talk, slapnut. [B]Shamrock: [/B]I’m warning you, Jarrett, don’t push me. [B]Jarrett: [/B]Don’t be a slapnut all your life, Kenny, have a day off. You and I shouldn’t fight at Fully Loaded because we’re better as a team. Everyone can see that. You’re a crazy slapnut and I have all the stroke around here; it couldn’t possibly work any better. [B]Dusty:[/B] Oh, you tell him, babah! [I]Jarrett turns to Dusty.[/I] [B]Jarrett:[/B] Not now, D. [I]Turns back to Shamrock.[/I] [B]Jarrett:[/B] So whadya say, partna? [I]Shamrock looks at him, before gradually nodding his head and breaking out in a smile.[/I] [B]Shamrock: [/B]You know what, Jarrett? [B]Jarrett:[/B] (smiling) What? [B]Shamrock: [/B]If you don’t get out of my locker room this second I’ll get in the zone and snap your damn ankle. Jarrett looks visibly frustrated as he and Dusty vacate the room. [B]Jarrett:[/B] You’re one crazy slapnut, Shamrock! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Brothers Of Destruction vs Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] Even a fan favourite team like the Hardy Boyz can’t avoid a squashing if they’re facing the bosses boys. Kane & Undertaker beat them from pillar to post, before finishing them off with a tandem Tombstoning of the young high-fliers. Has there ever been a more potentially dominant team in the history of tag team wrestling? [B]Winners: Kane & The Undertaker in 4:31[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office, smiling evilly at what the Brothers Of Destruction had done to one of the top tag teams in the company. Jim Cornette then walks in. [B]Vince:[/B] JC, did you see that?! Undertaker and Kane just destroyed… [B]Cornette:[/B] I saw it, Mr McMahon. But unfortunately that’s not good enough for me. My boys have kicked the Tag Champs asses for weeks now, and now you say they aren’t the number one contenders. [B]Vince: [/B]Excuse me, did you miss that ass kicking courtesy of the Brothers Of Destruction? I know you hate the champions, so can you think of anyone better to face them? [B]Cornette:[/B] Yes. Hell’s Henchmen. [B]Vince:[/B] I’m sorry JC, your boys are good, but my boys are going to be the most decorated brothers in WWF history. [B]Cornette:[/B] Be careful, Vince. Not even you can withstand the wrath of Hell’s Henchmen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to where Taka Michinoku and Psicosis are talking backstage. As they talk, shadows of other people start flying around the room at an incredible pace, which Taka begins to notice. He leaves the room to check it out, and sees the ninja down the corridor. He sprints towards him, but before he reaches him a rope appears in front of the ninja, who grabs it. The rope is then pulled upwards into the ceiling. Taka looks up into the gap when the ninja attacks as if from nowhere, beating Taka down again with the numchucks. How did the ninja get from inside the ceiling to behind Taka in a matter of seconds? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Bagwell w/Vince McMahon vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Mr McMahon joined his apparent new protégé in a match between him and his second biggest enemy. Mankind kept smiling and waving at McMahon, seemingly oblivious at McMahon’s distain. The match ends as McMahon passes Bagwell a steel chair, which he uses to ring Mankind’s bell over and over again, before being passed a table. He powerbombs Mankind through it, before helping McMahon into the ring who helps lay the boots into him. Bagwell then rubs it in by “crowning” him with his tophat. This was never about the match; this was McMahon trying to destroy his “son”. [B]Winner: Mankind via DQ in 9:28[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis is backstage with his belt when Chavo Guerrero appears out of nowhere to beat him down, throwing him into the walls and stomping a mudhole in him. [B]Chavo:[/B] See, vato loco, that’s what happens when I know who I’m facing. Be grateful you got that title, ‘cos it’s coming home with me at Fully Loaded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is backstage with Marc Mero. [B]Dutch:[/B] Marc, why did you attack Lance Storm? That gave him the DQ win, so he now has a contract with the WWF. [B]Mero:[/B] You think I don’t know what I’m doing? Now that interfering waste of space has a contract anything I do to him is totally legal. Lance Storm… welcome to hell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Non-Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Edge & Christian w/Michael Hayes vs Tag Team Champions Taz & The Goldbird[/SIZE][/B] Latest characterisation, courtesy of Goldust is the Freebird Michael Hayes rip off “Goldbird”, giving Hayes even more reason to interrupt than usual. The youngsters show how far they’ve come since their debut, but ultimately aren’t able to withstand the wrath of the Tazmission. [B]Winners: Taz & Goldbird in 7:50[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd pop as the camera cuts backstage to Shawn Michaels stretching, and then even more so when he’s joined by Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]Michaels:[/B] What’s happening, champ? [B]Austin:[/B] Don’t “champ” me, boy. [B]Michaels:[/B] Boy? Ho Ho Ho there, Bald Eagle. Careful who you “boy” because you might find yourself on the end of a little Sweet Chin Music. [B]Austin:[/B] That’s exactly why I’m here. Powers that be say that while I just wanna stomp a mudhole in ya I’ve got to trust you to have my back. So do I have it? [B]Michaels:[/B] Ha, Austin, I know you’re relatively new to this whole main eventing thing, so I’ll cut you some slack. But here’s a valuable piece of advice for you. Don’t trust HBK. I’ll stab you in the back quick as look at ya if I think it’s in my best interests. ‘Cos after all, it’s all about the Heartbreak Kid. [B]Austin:[/B] That’s exactly what I thought you’d say, and it doesn’t bother Stone Cold a single bit ‘cos Stone Cold Steve Austin don’t trust anybody. And I’ll tell you to remember this, Kid, Texas Rattlesnake ‘aint some cute nickname. I’ll bite you in the neck before you can even tap your feet for Sweet Chin Music. As far as this match goes, I wanna raise hell, kick ass and walk out with a win, but if you get in my way, I’ll take you out. You can be sure of that. And come Fully Loaded, Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking out with the WWF Title and that’s the bottom line… ‘cos Stone Cold said so! [B]Michaels:[/B] We’ll see… we’ll see… Best of luck… champ. Michaels extends his hand, which Austin shakes firmly. But after a second they pull each other in closer so they are mere centre metres from each others faces, staring with a purpose. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Owen, at Fully Loaded you go to Fully Loaded with the opportunity to win the WWF Championship for the first time, but tonight you’re special referee in the 3 team tag team match. Can you call it down the line with your two opponents on one of the teams? [B]Owen:[/B] You know what, Mickey, I can. Because every single thing I do here is in the best interests of the WWF. Not like DX who try to raise hell, or that damned Stone Cold who simply can’t follow the rules. I’m a team player, and I’m on Mr McMahon’s team. Tonight I’ll call the match right down the middle to see which team of enemies can work best together. But come Fully Loaded, in the main event with the biggest prize in the game on the line, that’s my house. Michaels and Austin are trespassers in my house, and I’ll tear their heads off for it. It seems this Fully Loaded is based on Las Vegas’s gambling reputation, with card game slang terms branded around like no-ones business. So here’s one for you, Mickey, and rest assures, it’s from me, so it’s the best yet. Shawn Michaels may try to be the Joker in the pack, and Austin may be a Jack of all trades, but the man that will stand above all else come the end of Fully Loaded will be… THE KING OF HARTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]"The People’s Champion” The Rock & “The Game” Triple H vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett & “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels & WWF Heavyweight Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Special Referee: “King Of Harts” Owen Hart[/B][/SIZE] An interesting match as the three teams struggle to work together. Rock & Triple H surprisingly appear to be the only ones capable of teamwork. Despite Jarrett’s best efforts, Shamrock is there for one reason and he’s there for himself. Michaels & Austin do their best one-upmanship trying to prove they are the most popular in the Federation, resorting to taunts, signature moves and even a beer drinking contest during the match! Around 14 minutes Austin manages to nail a Stunner on Jarrett, but Owen refuses to count. Michaels and Austin begin to close in on him when Kane & The Undertaker run down and start battling with them down the ramp as Rock nails Shamrock with a Rock Bottom, and Triple H prevents Jarrett from making the save. [B]Winners: The Rock & Triple H in 14:28[/B][/CENTER] The Rock and Triple H start celebrating, before realising it was with each other. They get in each others faces, but with the no physical contact clause in the contract they can’t touch each other. Triple H grabs Jeff Jarrett and Pedigrees him to release some tension. Annoyed at being beaten to it, Rock grabs Jarrett and Rock Bottom’s him, proving whatever Triple H can do, Rock can do better. This prompts Shamrock into the ring who takes Rock & Triple H out with chairs, seemingly defending Jarrett. He helps him up, but grabs his Ankle and begins to tug when Michaels comes out of nowhere with Sweet Chin Music. Austin rolls in the ring and stands face to face with him, when The Alliance attack from behind, destroying Michaels and Austin as the show ends.
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Good show. I like the chaos at the top with so many credible workers, makes me yearn for the good ol' days of the WWF! This was such a strong period for them and they could have chosen so many different routes and still made it work, especially since so many workers could be perma-over [I]without[/I] a belt. I'm enjoying this one mate, its a good read. :)
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;288464]Good show. I like the chaos at the top with so many credible workers, makes me yearn for the good ol' days of the WWF! This was such a strong period for them and they could have chosen so many different routes and still made it work, especially since so many workers could be perma-over [I]without[/I] a belt. I'm enjoying this one mate, its a good read. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks bud. As much as that ending seemed a bit cluster****y, I really wanted to demonstrate just how strong the roster was back then. And I think anyone could have taken off with the right booking, the roster was that strong. Unfortunately that seems like a million miles from todays WWE. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;288465]Great show mate. Love the continual build towards Fully loaded.[/QUOTE] Thanks matey. The final show before Fully Loaded is nearly complete, as is an extra out of ring thing, so hopefully I can keep the updates coming fairly regularly.
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[B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Headquarters, Stamford, Connecticut 3:12pm, 15th July 1998[/SIZE][/B] The summer was here, the sun was shining and things were looking up for the WWF. With Fully Loaded just over a week away from the sold out MGM Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, we had a bumper show that was threatening to overshadow the biggest event of the summer, Summerslam. And on top of that, a couple of buddies took time out of their busy shower hugging schedule for a catch up over a pub lunch. Only problem was I’d had one too many to drink, and now I had been summoned to Mr McMahon’s office for one of his creative outpourings. I staggered down the hallway, fully aware that the slightest mistake would give away my inebriated state. I tried to maintain, stared straight ahead and burst through the main office in the WWF HQ, Vince McMahon’s. The chair at the end of the room was facing away from the door, rocking to and fro rhythmically in a style that briefly had me transfixed, but I quickly snapped out of it. [B]Me:[/B] Mr McMahon, you wanted to see me? The chair swung around, but Mr McMahon it weren’t. It was Jerry Brisco. HOLY CRAP! Was he the new Chairman of the Board?! [B]Brisco:[/B] Howdy, Dave, Mr MackMan will be along in just a second. Thank God. I stared intently into Brisco’s eyes, desperate to focus on something to prevent any sort of swaying. But somehow my eyes kept gradually moving to the side of his head to the most incredible ears I’d ever laid my eyes on. I stared for what felt like hours, focusing to the point they seemed to be growing wider and wider. My eyes grew with shock as these ears threatened to encapsulate the room. [B]Brisco:[/B] Dave, are you feeling alright? You look scared sh*tless. Damn it! I was found out… [B]Me[/B]: I wasn’t looking at your ears… Brisco’s face painted a picture as he rose from his chair angrily. His cheeks turned bright red as veins began pulsating from his skull. My God, is Jerry Brisco gonna kick my ass in Vince McMahon’s office? With that, Mr McMahon entered the room to spare my blushes. [B]Vince:[/B] Dave, good to see you buddy. I’m glad you’re here. I want to discuss the Hardcore Division with you. Keeping my best straight face as I tried to breathe as much fresh oxygen I could before the nausea began. [B]Me:[/B] Did you consider my proposal of adding to the Hardcore division? I think it’s starting to take off and we’re gaining a bit of ECW’s support. Phew. That sounded sober. Passed the first test. [B]Vince:[/B] Yeah I got the proposal, but I have another idea. Instead of pushing the wrestlers as genuine athletes to gain a small gathering of viewers, how about we add a little comic relief to the show to pull a bit more of a mainstream audience? [B]Me:[/B] Exsqueeze me? I beg your pudding? [B]Vince:[/B] I propose an open rule on the Hardcore Division. The champion can be pinned anywhere, anyhow at any time. It can happen in a comical way, and anyone can win. Women, Lightweights, Godfather’s Ho’s, hell, even Jerry here could. You’d tune into Raw and there had been three title changes since the last show. We could get a couple of retired wrestlers to fight over the belt in women’s clothing. We could have jobbers as 27 time champions! [B]Me:[/B] Bbbblllllewwwwggg! Yep. I was sick all over McMahon’s office floor. No amount of breathing or maintaining could prevent the projectile vomit induced by perhaps the most insane idea ever devised in wrestling. Take a potential hotbed of a division to draw a totally different demographic to the product whilst not alienating the current audience and use it as comic relief. I was certainly in the WWF. I wiped my mouth with my hand as McMahon and Brisco looked at me, at the vomit on the floor, then back at me. [B]Me:[/B] Let me think about it…. I exited the office, desperate to run back in and tackle them both to the ground for conception of such a bad idea. But the vomit stopped me running anywhere. [B]Brisco:[/B] Would you like me to grab a bucket, Mr MackMan?
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[QUOTE]On tonights show Mr McMahon has booked each of Sunday's main eventers in their speciality match as a warm up for one of the biggest matches in WWF history! [B]2 Out Of 3 Falls[/B] “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels [B]Submissions Match[/B] “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs Mankind [B]No Disqualification Match[/B] “Hell’s Henchman” Bradshaw vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]Singles Match[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs “The Game” Triple H [B]Singles Match[/B] The Rock vs Mystery Opponent [B]Tag Team Match[/B] Brothers Of Destruction vs Mystery Opponent[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]PRESENTS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Monday, Week 3, July, 1998[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] After the usual Raw Video and pyrotechnic display, the camera pans the crowd and settles on JR and The King. [B]JR:[/B] Hello folks and welcome to the final Raw Is War before Fully Loaded and, King, what a show it’s shaping up to be! [B]King:[/B] How good is Mr McMahon?! He puts all three men in the WFW Title match at Fully Loaded and gets them warm up match in their speciality. This is amazing! [B]JR:[/B] Oh please! You’re so far up McMahon’s ass you’re coming out of his mouth. [B]King: [/B]It’s an honour to be up Mr McMahon’s ass, JR, you should try it! Mr McMahon opens another Raw show by walking down to the ring, microphone in hand. [B]McMahon:[/B] First order of business, I’d like to welcome you to Mr McMahon’s Raw Is War! And I guarantee this will be a historic event as it will be the last Raw ever to have Stone Cold Steve Austin as WWF Champion. [I]The crowd boo.[/I] [B]McMahon:[/B] Now I’m here for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Kane & The Undertaker will have another warm up match tonight. They will face… Brian Christopher and Scott Taylor- Too Cool! [B]JR:[/B] Who?! [B]King:[/B] Too Cool, JR, and they sound great. Especially that Christopher guy. [B]JR:[/B] Oh I know. That’s not his real name though, is it? [B]King:[/B] It’s Brian something… And secondly, I would like to announce that as of the first Raw following Fully Loaded, I will be looking for a new authority figure to help run the WWF alongside me. I will be interviewing during Raw and the authority will have equal power over the WWF as me. [B]King:[/B] Another authority figure? This is great. [B]JR: [/B]Yeah, wonderful. Another McMahon suck up to do whatever he tells them. Maybe you should apply, King? Jeff Jarrett's music hits, and the IC Champion makes his way down to the ring with the aide of crutches and is guided by Dusty Rhodes to a chorus of boos. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Mr McMahon, if you don’t mind, I have a pressing issue I need to address with you. [B]McMahon: [/B]I don’t take kindly to interruptions, but continue… [B]Jarrett:[/B] Thank you. I am here to tell you that following the assault on me at the hands of The Rock, Triple H and Ken Shamrock I am in no physical state to wrestle at this Sunday’s pay-per-view. [B]McMahon:[/B] What? [B]Jarrett: [/B]Unfortunately my injuries are so severe I have to back out of the match at Fully Loaded with Ken Shamrock. [B]McMahon: [/B]Then you will forfeit the title right here, right now. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Oh no, see, Mr McMahon, I have come prepared. I have a doctor’s note. [B]JR: [/B]A doctor’s note? Is Jarrett running scared or what? [B]King:[/B] Sshhh… Jarrett only uses the best doctor’s. It’ll be written legibly and everything. [B]JR: [/B]Are you trying to join the “Jeff Jarrett Kiss My Ass Club” too now? Mr McMahon pulls out a pair of glasses and reads through the note, nodding occasionally approvingly. He then folds the letter back and puts his glasses away. [B]McMahon:[/B] This all seems in order Mr Jarrett; you are excused from the title defence at Fully Loaded. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Aw, thanks Mr Mack. I knew it would be okay because with all my stroke I only use the best doctors. [B]McMahon:[/B] Of course. Who is your doctor again? [B]Jarrett:[/B] Erm… McMahon pulls out his glasses again and looks at the letter. He then glances up, staring at Jarrett. [B]McMahon:[/B] Doctor… Dusty Rhodes, M.D? [B]Jarrett:[/B] Oh… erm… yeah. Dr Dusty Rhodes. Based in Tennessee, best doctor this side of the Atlantic. [B]King: [/B]I use him! McMahon just stares disapprovingly. [B]Jarrett: [/B]Okay… it’s the Dustman. But he is really a doctor. He passed his doctorate a few months back and has quite the medical mind. [B]McMahon:[/B] (after a few seconds of intent staring) GGGGGET OUUUT! Jarrett exits the ring with Dusty, with Jarrett heard to be cursing Dusty using his real name. [B]McMahon:[/B] And at Fully Loaded you will face Ken Shamrock one on one with the Intercontinental Title on the line! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr vs “The Game” Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Chavo and The Game have a good match to open the show wrestling-wise, but Triple H seems to be in the superior position until The Rock appears on the Titantron alongside the mystery helmeted attacker, who have the New Age Outlaws tied to chairs and gagged. Rock tells him where he is, and begins beating down on the Outlaws. Triple H runs backstage to help them but hence gets counted out to give Chavito the huge win. [B]Winner: Chavo Guerrero via count out after 9:22[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is stretching (actually, doing the splits) when Tommy Dreamer walks in. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Hey Rob, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. [B]RVD:[/B] Shoot. [B]Dreamer:[/B] This Sunday me and you are part of the Hardcore Title match, which is a huge opportunity. I’ve still not held that belt and damn it I want it bad. But one things concerns me… that it’ll be you and Sabu working together to make sure he keeps the belt. Rob, you’re an unbelievable athlete and we’ve had great matches over the years, so I’m asking you, out of respect for that belt, please don’t play Sabu’s lackey. [B]RVD: [/B]Whoa, Tommy, chill. I’m no lackey, you know that. I like Sabu. He’s a great wrestler and we get on. But when it comes to the Hardcore belt, I want it more than anyone. So don’t be shocked if come Raw next week, you see the Hardcore Title flung over the shoulder of Rob… Van… Dam! With that, Sabu comes from nowhere and hits Dreamer with a chair ridiculously violently. [B]RVD: [/B]But until then, we’re gonna do everything we can to kick your ass! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lance Storm is backstage with Sable. [B]Sable:[/B] Look, Lance, I really appreciate everything you’ve done, but its none of your business. Marc will cripple you if he gets the chance. You’ve pissed him off like I’ve never seen before. [B]Storm:[/B] I don’t care. He wants to treat me like a nobody; I’ll show him I’m somebody. Mero walks over. [B]Mero:[/B] How comfy. Having fun with your boyfriend, Rena? [B]Sable: [/B]Marc, we’re… [B]Mero: [/B]Shove it, bitch. [B]Storm: [/B]Hey! I’m right here boy; and I haven’t appreciated a single thing you’ve done over the last few months. [B]Mero:[/B] Who gives a rat ass what you say? You wouldn’t even have a contract if it weren’t for me. [B]Storm: [/B]Then you won’t mind allowing me my WWF pay-per-view debut then? Me and you; Fully Loaded. [B]Mero:[/B] Be careful what you wish for. Consider me there. Mero begins walking away, before turning back and clocking Storm with a cheap shot. He then walks off, laughing as Sable helps Storm back to his feet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Brothers Of Destruction vs Too Cool[/SIZE][/B] The young tag team never stood a chance. Kane & Undertaker beat the dancing duo from pillar to post and everywhere in between. [B]Winners: Kane & The Undertaker via pinfall in 1:21[/B][/CENTER] After the bell the brothers pick Too Cool up and continue the assault, ending it with a Tombstone to Taylor on the steel steps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goldust and Taz are watching the beatdown backstage on a monitor. [B]Goldust:[/B] They’re gonna kill us. [B]Taz: [/B]What? Do you want to lose to them on Sunday? In case you didn’t know, Taz don’t lie down for no man. [B]Goldust:[/B] …sssss… I know… unfortunately. [B]Taz:[/B] Hey, freak, my face is up here. Now listen up. While we have these damn belts you play by my rules. Just ‘cos those big dudes are walking ‘round kicking peoples ass doesn’t mean they can do crap to me. Not even the Brothers of Constipation can withstand the Tazmission. And when I punk them out, it will give me the shot at the big time I deserve, and I aint gonna lose it ‘cos you crapped your panties. [B]Goldust:[/B] How did you know I’m wearing panties? [B]Taz: [/B]This Sunday. No crap, okay? We’ll die if we don’t go out there and kick their ass. So I’m willing to pretend I don’t hate you for one day if it means I finally get the shot at the top I deserve. [B]Goldust:[/B] Mmmmm… Taz… are we… bonding? [B]Taz:[/B] Hell no! [B]Goldust:[/B] We are! Finally, you have come to love me like I knew you would. Group hug in the shower? [B]Taz:[/B] Oh God… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bagwell is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Bagwell, last week you decim… [B]Bagwell: [/B]Shut it, Mitch, I gots something to say. Last week the man with the best physique in wrestling and the best top hat in fashion proved that he definitely deserves to be the top guy in the WWF. I took that insane wreck Mankind and I handed his ass to him. He says he can get up from anything. He got up form Hell In A Cell with The Undertaker. But he couldn’t get up from an ass kicking courtesy of the Buff One! Mankind walks over. [B]Mankind:[/B] Couldn’t get up, huh? Well here I am Bagwell. You think that beating is even a notch on the bedpost? That was the hand job equivalent to intercourse. You did nothing to me, Bagwell, you just pissed me off. You and McMahon don’t wanna accept me? Fine. I haven’t been accepted my whole life. This is the playground all over again when I tried to befriend Tommy Atkinson and he shoved me in the puddle in front of all the girls. I’ve faced rejection before and dammit I’ll face it again. That’s why I want to give you the chance to really hurt me. Me and you at Fully Loaded, no disqualification, falls count anywhere. What do you say? [B]Bagwell:[/B] I say you’re on. Just come with your most comfortable pants and enjoy the show ‘cos I’ll rip your damn head off. [B]Mankind:[/B] Big words, Bagwell, but no substance. Come Sunday when me and you go one on one I will show you what it takes to be at the top. I may not have your body, or your taste in fashion, but I have desire and I have heart and I will go to Las Vegas and give you everything I have. I feel no pain and I feel no remorse. If I have to, I will end your career. [I]He begins to walk off, but turns back.[/I] [B]Mankind:[/B] Oh, and Bagwell… have a nice day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Non-Title No Disqualification Match[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]“Hell’s Henchman” Bradshaw w/ Faarooq and Jim Cornette vs WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin.[/B][/SIZE] The Henchmen trio try everything in their power to get the victory over the champion, but in Austin’s speciality he brawls his way to the win with three chair shots to each of the Henchmen and Cornette and finishes off with Stunners all around. [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin via pinfall in 8:44[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taka Michinoku is walking backstage when he overhears Japanese. He wanders over to a door and takes a peek through, and sees the ninja in a room with a room full of other ninjas. They are deep in meditation and are chanting in Japanese as Taka backs away from the room and looks shocked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finlay is backstage when from nowhere D’Lo Brown runs in and attacks the Irishman, punching him over and over again until he draws blood. Referees rush over to pull him away but D’Lo looks like a man possessed. [B]D’Lo:[/B] How do you like that, bitch? You better recognise that was revenge from last week! This has only just begun, boy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock walks to the ring. [B]Rock:[/B] So The Rock has to face a mystery opponent huh? The Rock couldn’t give a rats ass. Everybody knows The Rock is the people’s choice, he is the people’s champ, and before anyone knows it the future will come and The Rock will be the WWF Champion. The Rock doesn’t care who the mystery opponent is, be it The Undertaker, Stone Cold, King Kong Bundy, Kamala, Harvey Whippleman, hell it could even be that walking piece of trailer park trash Triple H for all the Rock cares, ‘cos the Rock is here to lay the smackdown and prove why he’s the best damn wrestling in the world, if ya smmmeeeeeeeellll… what The Rock… is cookin’! The Rock stands in the ring and waits for his opponent… [B]JR:[/B] By God! It’s Chyna! Chyna’s back! We haven’t seen her since she was Rock Bottomed through a table by The Rock over a month ago! [B]King:[/B] And boy does she look hot, JR! [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs “The 9th Wonder Of The World” Chyna[/SIZE][/B] Chyna looks great in her comeback match, even though The Rock shows no remorse in attacking a woman. They have an even, to and fro match which could go either way until Rocky nails a Rock Bottom from nowhere. [B]Winner: The Rock via pinfall in 7:35[/B][/CENTER] After the match, rather than celebrating The Rock picks her up and Rock Bottoms her twice more when Triple H runs to the ring, but once there he can do nothing. The Rock spits at him and tells him to bring it, but The Game has to just stand there and watch it. The Rock keeps Rock Bottoming her as Triple H loses his mind, eventually rolling out the ring and grabbing a sledgehammer and threatening The Rock with it. The Rock taunts him, telling him to take a swing as Triple H’s face grows bright red. Rock picks up Chyna again and nails her yet again with a Rock Bottom as Triple H starts visibly shaking. He rolls back out of the ring and lets rip on the steel turnbuckle and steps, smashing them with the sledgehammer to release his anger. He beats them viciously as The Rock looks on smiling, seeing he has got in The Game’s mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psicosis is backstage when Chavo Guerrero Jr comes out from nowhere and attacks him again. [B]Chavo: [/B]Get it into your thick skull, vato loco. Every breath you take is an insult to me. And this is your future… every week you hold the title you have this waiting for you. And it’ll just get worse every week, I assure you of that. At Fully Loaded you will experience pain like you have never felt before, courtesy of Chavito Heat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is in his locker room, stretching, when Mr McMahon walks in. [B]McMahon: [/B]Owen, tonight you face Mankind, and as much as it is a warm up for you for Fully Loaded, you know how much I hate Mankind. [B]Owen:[/B] No, how much WE hate Mankind. [B]McMahon:[/B] Okay. I want to check that you won’t be holding back. I want you to destroy him. Cripple him. End his career. End his life. I want him gone, forever. [B]Owen:[/B] Oh don’t worry, Mr McMahon. After tonight’s match, Mankind will lose the use of his legs. I guarantee it. McMahon and Owen begin laughing maniacally. [B]JR: [/B]Good lord, this is sick. Have these men have no heart, no soul? They’re talking about a man with children here. [B]King:[/B] Wait- Mankind has children? If he’s allowed to reproduce then civilisation is truly doomed, JR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Submission Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Owen is vicious and brutal, targeting Mankind’s legs from the start. But Mankind looks more focused, and more like the Cactus Jack we saw in ECW than Mankind in the WWF. However, Owen eventually caught him in the Sharpshooter, and eventually Mankind passed out through the pain after refusing to submit. [B]Winner: Owen Hart via Stoppage after 12:32[/B][/CENTER] As Owen celebrates over his passed out opponent, The Bagwell runs down to the ring and starts laying into the unconscious body of Mankind, attacking him viciously. Owen smiles and breaks into a laugh at the sight of perhaps a change in attitude from the Buff One. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]Cole:[/B] Steve, you defend your title at Fully Loaded in the Triple Threat match, but after seeing Owen Hart looking red hot, do you have any fears you may be losing the belt? [B]Austin: [/B]Does Stone Cold Steve Austin have any fears about losing this strap? This is the most God damn important thing in the world to me. I’ve worked my ass off for years to get to this point and I’m proud to say I’m WWF Champion. Everyone knows how good HBK is, and Owen is on fire, but neither of them are the Texas Rattlesnake. Tonight I kicked Bradshaw’s ass and at Fully Loaded I will open the biggest can of ass whooping you have ever seen in your lifetime. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the WWF Champion and there is no way in hell that is gonna change at Fully Loaded, and that’s the bottom line, ‘cos Stone Cold said so! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]“Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Two of the best athletes in the history of the WWF squared off in a classic Raw encounter. Both men were desperate for the momentum going into Fully Loaded, so both went full pelt for the victory. Shamrock in fact managed to get the opening fall after some breathtaking wrestling when HBK tapped to the Anklelock, knowing any damage could ruin his chances on Sunday. The match was evened out when HBK picked up a victory with a school boy roll up out of nowhere to prove what a great student of the game he is, however as the match approached the 20 minute mark we lost the opportunity to discover who the better man is when Owen Hart stormed the ring and attacked HBK with a shovel. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels by 2 falls to 1 after 19:34[/B][/CENTER] Owen continued the assault as the fans waited for the inevitable run in from Stone Cold, however, the camera cut backstage to reveal Stone Cold out cold in his dressing room with the Brothers Of Destruction standing menacingly over his prone body. Have The Alliance gained an advantage going in to Fully Loaded?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwf4ever.de/wweposter/FullyLoaded1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]Preview[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©[/U][/B] These three all time greats faced off in this exact match in what many are claiming to be the best ever Wrestlemania main event. Stone Cold won that night to win his first ever World Title and has held onto the strap since then, continuing to face Hart and Michaels alongside other greats like Kane. However, in the last time these three will ever face off for the title under Triple Threat stipulations can the Texas Rattlesnake overcome the odds again or will Mr McMahon finally have his way and see a new champion crowned? [U][B]I Quit Match The Rock vs “The Game” Triple H[/B][/U] The People’s Champion and The Game both claim to be the future of wrestling and both men think they can back it up. Both are former King Of The Ring winners, both have been a part of hugely successful factions and have been in a feud that has gone beyond proving a point and turned immensely personal. Triple H’s bodyguard Chyna was put out of action for over a month at the hands of The Rock, and these two were on the fast track to retirement before a no-physical confrontation clause was signed. This is the first chance they have to get physical for several weeks- can Las Vegas stand the heat? [B][U]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship Brothers Of Destruction vs Goldust & Taz ©[/U][/B] Alliance members and brothers Kane & Undertaker appear to be the most potentially dominant team in WWF history. After Mr McMahon set his sights on Tag Team gold the Brothers have been on a role in there quest to be Tag Champions. The current champions may be on a different page most of the time, but can they pull together to pull out the upset and shoot themselves into superstardom? [U][B]No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs Mankind[/B][/U] Both The Bagwell and Mankind have tried to impress Mr McMahon in the last few weeks by doing everything from assaulting each other to offering sock puppet shows, but the laughter ends in Las Vegas where these two warriors battle one on one in a no-disqualification environment with the intention of not only impressing the boss but shooting themselves in stardom at the expense of the other. [B][U]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship “The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett © vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/U][/B] Simply put, there is no man alive who wants to be Jeff Jarrett now. Despite his best efforts to climb into Jarrett’s good books, the Intercontinental Champion has failed horribly and now finds himself truly in the headlights as the World’s Most Dangerous Man comes speeding towards him. Can Double J succeed in his biggest challenge to date, or will we see a new, dangerous championship era? [U][B]Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow[/B][/U] The four greatest hardcore workers in the world right now face off with the intention of walking out of Sin City with the Hardcore Championship. As weapons fly and blood flows, who has the fortitude and skill to be champion come Raw on Monday? [B][U]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship “Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis ©[/U][/B] Psicosis planchaed into WWF fans hearts when he won the Light-Heavyweight Championship in his first match against Chavo Guerrero Jr. Chavito Heat has since then harassed and assaulted the Champion in his form of a welcome to the company, and with both men with vengeance on their mind Las Vegas may never be the same again! [U][B]Singles Match “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs D’Lo Brown[/B][/U] Finlay debuted last month by attacking innocent members of the roster in a fit of rage and hasn’t stopped since. His latest attack on former Tag Team Champion Mabel struck a chord with the big mans tag partner and D’Lo went looking for retribution. Under the bright lights of Las Vegas can the former Nation member be the cause of Finlay’s first ever loss? [B][U]Singles Match “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm[/U][/B] It’s been quite a few months for Marc Mero. After pushing his wife Sable too far time and time again the Marvellous One was found kicked to the curb by the stunning diva. When he attempted physical revenge an unknown Canadian athlete by the name of Lance Storm came to the rescue, but is now the target of the particularly dangerous Marc Mero. [B][SIZE="4"]QUICK PICKS[/SIZE][/B] [B]Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship[/B] “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin © [B]I Quit Match[/B] The Rock vs “The Game” Triple H [B]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship[/B] Kane & The Undertaker vs Goldust & Taz © [B]No Disqualification Match[/B] The Bagwell vs Mankind [B]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/B] “The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett © vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock [B]Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship[/B] “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow [B]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis © [B]Singles Match[/B] “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs D’Lo Brown [B]Singles Match[/B] “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm
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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship [B]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin © I Quit Match The Rock vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett ©[/B] vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs [B]“Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs Al Snow World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis © Singles Match [B]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay[/B] vs D’Lo Brown Singles Match “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm[/B]
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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin © I Quit Match The Rock vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett[/B] © vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] Singles Match “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] Singles Match [B]“Marvellous” Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm
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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin ©[/B] I Quit Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Game” Triple H World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship “The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett © vs [B]“Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/B] Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship [B]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu ©[/B] vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis © Singles Match [B]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay[/B] vs D’Lo Brown Singles Match [B]“Marvellous” Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm
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