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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs [B]“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin © [I]A guy can dream, can't he?[/I] I Quit Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs “The Game” Triple H [I]The MILLIONS *and millions* of The Rock's fans demand it![/I] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © [I]Because no-one, and I mean no-one can believably beat the BoD[/I] No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]Just like Mankind better[/I] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett ©[/B] vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock [I]Jarrett is one of the best characters in this dynasty.[/I] Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow [I]RVD! RVD! RVD![/I] World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship[B] Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis © [I]Chavito Heat will prevail![/I] Singles Match “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] [I]I'll pick the longshot[/I] Singles Match “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Because Lance Storm is better than you[/I]
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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship [B]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart[/B] vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin © I Quit Match The Rock vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © No Disqualification Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Mankind World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett ©[/B] vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship [B]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu ©[/B] vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis © Singles Match “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] Singles Match “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm[/B]
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;292169]Very good show, can't wait to see how the triple threat plays out at Fully Loaded.[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy, glad you liked it. I'm hoping the next few weeks will see an improvement as i get reacquainted with my style and as I get ready for my second biggest show of the year. Gotta say guys, not showing much love for the underdog tag team champions, are we?! Special thanks to G-Prime, I love that sort of feedback in predictions and it helps me know which way to aim. I'm especially glad you like Jarrett, as I have to admit I quite like the Jeff Jarrett/Dusty Rhodes dynamic they've got going, and I'm enjoying writing for the feud he has with Shamrock, because I think the dynamics/personalities/opinions of the three are quite different from the other feuds. Thanks everyone for the predictions and keep them coming in!
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Final Encounter Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship “King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin ©[/B] I Quit Match The Rock vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Goldust & Taz © No Disqualification Match The Bagwell vs [B]Mankind[/B] World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett ©[/B] vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs [B]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B]vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship Chavo Guerrero Jr vs[B] Psicosis ©[/B] Singles Match [B]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay[/B] vs D’Lo Brown Singles Match “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm[/B]
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[I]Las Vegas. A city built on the reliance of the greed of humankind. It plays on the soul as men risk and gamble everything they have at the chance of one big pay off. But those risks can reap rewards, and only the gambling man wins the jackpot. So tonight, when the cards are down and the chips are in, each man gambles with their health at the opportunity to be called the best. Whether they be the joker… the king of hearts…. or the possessor of the prize… They risk it all knowing they may soon become the WWF Champion and write their name into immortality. For one man… destiny awaits.[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"] [I]And now the World Wrestling Federation presents...[/I][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.wwf4ever.de/wweposter/FullyLoaded1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]26th July 1998[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] After an impressive firework display the camera pans the crowd before settling on the broadcast team for the night, JR and The King. [B]JR:[/B] 9 matches, 5 titles, live from the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada… this is Fully Loaded! Hello again folks, I’m good ol’ JR Jim Ross, and as always I’m alongside my broadcast partner Jerry “The King” Lawler, and King, how excited are you about tonight’s main event where Stone Cold defends his title under Triple Threat rules? [B]King: [/B]I haven’t been this excited since I saw the centrefold of Sable in this month’s WWF Magazine! And what’s exciting me the most about this event is it is the last PPV we will ever see Stone Cold as champion! [B]JR: [/B]Come on, King, you can’t possibly know that. Austin is one tough son of a gun. [B]King: [/B]He may be tough, but he’s not Mr McMahon! If McMahon says we’re going to see a title change then JR; we’re gonna see a title change! [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]Fatal Fourway Match for the Hardcore Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu © vs “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer vs Al Snow[/SIZE][/B] Fully Loaded kicks off with a bit of Hardcore action has four former ECW alumni take Las Vegas to the extreme! The crowd are mostly behind Al Snow (well, Head) but RVD saw even more cheers despite being a heel. This match was weapons and unique spots galore as the fans got into it from the off. Dreamer was on fire and thought he had the match won when he had Sabu rested on a table, but was taken out by a chair shot by RVD, who followed 5 Star Frog Splashing his buddy through the table! [B]Winner… and NEW World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam in 9:57[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The camera is backstage as Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives and the crowd becomes unhinged. Dutch Mantell attempts an interview but Austin doesn’t want to know; totally focused on his challenge tonight. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Taka Michinoku is backstage when he spots one of the mysterious ninja’s alone. He sneaks up behind and attacks, but the ninja costume just falls to the floor, with no-one inside it. Suddenly, four ninjas attack from behind, viciously beating Taka down. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “[B][SIZE="6"]The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs D’Lo Brown[/SIZE][/B] D’Lo hit the offensive from the start in an effort to subdue the aggressive Irishman, but Finlay wasn’t to be outperformed in his debut. The casual fan wasn’t particularly vocal in their support of this match, but both men put on a good match which accentuated their strengths. After almost 10 minutes on intense, stiff action, Finlay managed to nail a Celtic Cross for the clean victory to pick up the victory in his debut PPV match. [B]Winner: Finlay by pinfall in 8:43[/B][/CENTER] The referee called for the bell as D’Lo laid out cold, but Finlay wasn’t done. He grabbed him by the head and began pounding him, before grabbing the shillelagh and thumping it off the skull of D’Lo as blood rushed from a very wide gash. [B]JR:[/B] Good lord, does this man have no heart? [B]King:[/B] No, JR, he doesn’t and I love it! [B]JR:[/B] Love it? He just brutally assaulted an innocent man. ANOTHER innocent man. [B]King:[/B] It’s intensity, and it’s what makes Finlay the most dangerous man on the roster. No-one can stop the Fighting Irishman! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett is sitting alone in his dressing room, staring at his Intercontinental Title belt when Dusty Rhodes walks in. [B]Dusty: [/B]What’s up, babah? [B]Jarrett:[/B] I dunno, Dee, I just can’t get rid of the feeling that this is the end of Jeff Jarrett, IC Champ. [B]Dusty:[/B] That’s cwazah talk, babah, you knows you got all da stroke around here! [B]Jarrett:[/B] I know, but that Shamrock is one impressive slapnut. [B]Dusty: [/B]No… you’re an impressive slapnut. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I guess. [B]Dusty:[/B] Hey, you think dis aint natural? You think no-one gets nervous? You think David wasn’t nervous before he fought Goliath? That Jesus wasn’t nervous before converting all da non-believers? That da great Dustah Rhodes weren’t nervous before his three incredible NWA title reigns? You nervous ‘cos you da best in da world, babah, and dat’s a lotta pressure! [B]Jarrett:[/B] You really think I can do it? [B]Dusty:[/B] No, I don’t think you can. I know you can. The spirit of da American Dweam leave son in you, Jay, belee dat when you kick Shamrock’s ass! Who’s got all da stroke? [B]Jarrett:[/B] I do, slapnut, I do! Shamrock… you don’t know what you got comin to ya, ‘cos Double J is gonna whoop yo’ ass! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Mr McMahon is in his office when he is interrupted by The Bagwell. [B]Bagwell:[/B] MaccyM, good to see you bro. [B]McMahon:[/B] What is it, Baggy? [B]Bagwell:[/B] I just want you to know that I personally guarantee I will kick Mankind’s ass tonight. [B]McMahon: [/B]Good. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Oh… and I got you a present. Bagwell reaches into a bag and pulls out a bright red top hat. Vince looks bemused as Bagwell places it on his head, and follows it with a polite yet grudging smile. [B]Bagwell:[/B] It suits you, bro. He smiles, before reaching over and giving McMahon a hug, but McMahon shoves him off. [B]McMahon:[/B] Baggy… I don’t want a hug. I just wanna see you kick that little son of a bitches ass tonight. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Consider it done, Mister Mack. Consider it done. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="5"][B]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis ©[/SIZE][/B] Have the Light-Heavyweights finally found their place on the roster? Both men were given the freedom to go all out and did so by keeping with their speciality. Chavito Heat stuck to his game plan, trying to take out the legs of the flying Mexican, but Psicosis wasn’t to be put off, flying off, through and over the ropes to give himself quite the fan backing, and finished the match with a Guillotine Legdrop. [B]Winner... and still World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Champion: Psicosis in 8:41[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Michael Cole is backstage with Lance Storm. [B]Cole:[/B] Lance, it’s been quite a rollercoaster for you in your first few weeks as a WWF superstar. [B]Storm:[/B] Absolutely, I spent months in development waiting for my chance and Marc Mero seems determined to ruin it for me. But that just isn’t going to happen. He’s about to find out the hard way that I’m one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and he picked the wrong guy to mess with. Don’t let my eloquence or solemn tones confuse you, Mero, when that bell rings I turn in to a nasty, crippling wrestling machine, and if you give me the chance, I might just go ahead and snap you in half. Underestimate me at your peril. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The cameras cut backstage again to see Taka Michinoku tied and being held up at the wrists, his shirt ripped from his back as the Ninja’s take it in turns to whip him with numbchucks. [B]JR:[/B] Good Lord! This is vile! [B]King:[/B] Is it safe to look again JR? [B]JR[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologise for the graphic scenes you just witnessed and hope the women and children didn’t have to see that. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="6"]“Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm[/SIZE][/B] Mero looked like a man possessed, savaging beating down on the young Canadian from the off, only taking time out to taunt his ex-wife who took a seat by ringside to watch the match unfold. Storm did manage to use his vast technical abilities and knowledge of submissions to get back in the match and managed to secure the win when catching Mero off guard and locking in the Single Leg Boston Crab. [B]Winner: Lance Storm by submission in 7:21[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Sable climbed in the ring to raise Storm’s hand in victory, before walking over to Mero, helping him up slightly and slapping him back down to he ground! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Dutch Mantell is standing in a meek, damp boiler room with Mankind. [B]Dutch:[/B] Mankind, tonight you fight the other man vying for Mr McMahon’s attentions, The Bagwell. [B]Mankind:[/B] You know what, Dutch; I’m not fighting for Daddy’s affections anymore. Why should I bother? Like every other single person in my life who has written me off without trying to love me, Daddy doesn’t want to love me. I can be loving. I can be caring. I can hug in that… special way… that only Vince and I get. He knows that, but forces me off. I tried to get him to love me through compassion, and he chose Bagwell who uses underhand tactics. I may not be the sharpest spoon in the draw, or the best looking cat in the kennel, but I have my dignity damn it. I won’t resort to that. What I’ll do is show Bagwell in the only way I know how that as loving, caring and compassionate as I am, when you attack me, when you hit me with chairs, when you pledge to end my career, you see a side to Mankind you wish never existed. I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell will have a nice day as long as I’m kicking your ass. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]No Disqualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]The Bagwell vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Mankind is crazy. There’s never been any doubt about that. But there was a worrying look about his eyes that made him quite threatening in this match, as if he were battling old demons. Bagwell relied to the usual combination of strength and underhand tactics, a combination which at times seemed to overcome Mankind, but before long he was in his playground with access to every type of toy he could want. After a brutal, savage affair in which Bagwell confounded any critics who said he wouldn’t take a bump, Mankind picked up the win by reintroducing Mr Socko to the fans (to a rapturous reception) and shoved it in Bagwell’s gullet. Wrapped in Barbed Wire, of course. [B]Winner: Mankind by stoppage in 9:30[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] I’m standing by with the chairman of the WWF, Mr McMahon. Mr McMahon, welcome. [B]McMahon:[/B] Thank you, Mr Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] You requested this airtime? [B]McMahon:[/B] Indeed I did. I wanted to let you know that I have added a clause to the main events contract which says that the losing two competitors in tonights title match will face tomorrow in a number one contenders match for Summerslam. And not only that… hang on a second. McMahon walks away and over to Rob Van Dam, who is holding his newly won Hardcore Title. [B]McMahon:[/B] Rob… Rob… let me be the first to say congratulations. I was very impressed with you tonight and with the right attitude, I think you could go far in this company. I want you to know that in whatever you choose to do with that belt, you’ve got my approval. RVD looks him deep in the eyes and smiles. [B]RVD:[/B] Whatever, dude. This belt aint about Vince McMahon. This is all about Rob… Van… Dam! RVD walks off smiling and clutching the belt as McMahon’s face turns a bright shade of red. [B]McMahon: [/B]I guess someone hasn’t heard of don’t cross the boss… [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Taz is backstage with Goldust, with Goldust seemingly under-dressed for the occasion, only wearing his usual jumpsuit. [B]Taz:[/B] You ready, Goldie? [B]Goldust: [/B]ssss…. Oh hell yeah… Ever since that night where the guy… never mind. I’m ready. [B]Taz: [/B]You better be. No-one fancies us. In the city of gambling no-one wants to risk backing us. And why should they? [B]Goldust: [/B]I’ll tell you why. It’s not size that counts… it’s how you… ssss…. Use it. [B]Taz:[/B] Right… they are gonna walk into this match knowing that Taz is the toughest, meanest son of a bitch in the Federation, and you… are… you. Goldust: All me, baby. [B]Taz:[/B] And tonight I get the chance to establish myself at the top of the WWF. And remember, you screw up… I’m coming for your ass tomorrow night. [B]Goldust: [/B]I thought you wanted to win… oh… coming for my ass in a bad way. Gotcha. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett © w/ “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Jarrett took absolutely no time in resorting to cheap tactics, low blowing the Worlds Most Dangerous Man before the match even began as Dusty Rhodes bellowed instructions from ringside to his protégé. Jarrett circled Shamrock like a caged animal, knowing full well that even the smallest slip up could see his title change hands against an opponent as good as Ken Shamrock. Inevitably, even without a mistake from Jarrett the challenger still got back in the match, taking out both the champion and Dusty Rhodes with his intense smash and grab approach. All the cheap shots in the world couldn’t stop Shamrock when he’s on this sort of form and despite Jarrett’s and Rhodes’ best efforts Shamrock managed to lock in the Anklelock and Jarrett had to choice but to tap out! [B]Winner… and NEW World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock in 10:49[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The Brothers Of Destruction in a dimly lit room, towering over Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch:[/B] Kane, Undertaker, tonight you have the opportunity to put every problem you’ve ever had behind you as you team to challenge Goldust and Taz for the WWF Tag Team Titles. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Problems? You don’t know the meaning of problems, Dutch. Neither do Goldust and Taz, but that’s about to change. You see, there have never been a more dominating and destructing team in the WWF, and as me and my brother Kane step into that ring we will combine to raise the fires of hell to destroy the mortal souls of the Tag Team Champions. Goldust… Taz… rest in peace. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Triple H is sitting alone in his dressing room. He is breathing heavily and his hair is soaked and slicked back, unlike his previous look. The New Age Outlaws walk in. [B]Gunn:[/B] ‘Sup dawg? [B]Dogg:[/B] I’m cool, man. [B]Gunn:[/B] No, Trips. [B]Dogg:[/B] You said Dogg. [B]Gunn: [/B]It’s an expression. How you doing? Triple H says nothing, just stares forward. [B]Dogg: [/B]Okay… Well, thanks for coming back to check up on us on Monday. I know it cost you the match but that’s why we’re family, right? Triple H still says nothing, just breathes heavily and angrily. [B]Gunn: [/B]Erm… right… well, we thought you should know something. We saw who the helmeted person is. [B]Dogg:[/B] Helmet is right, for sure. Triple H stands up and gets in the Outlaws face. [B]Gunn: [/B]Brace yourself, this one is big. Triple H begins breathing uncontrollable, before leaning into his bag and pulls out his sledgehammer. He stares at it for a while, before brushing past the Outlaws to the ring. [B]Dogg:[/B] Trips, bro, don’t you wanna know who it is? [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]I Quit Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]The Rock vs “The Game” Triple H w/Chyna[/SIZE][/B] Yet another classic encounter from two surefire future champions. Triple H battled like a man possessed, at times seemingly trying to rip The Rock’s head off. But Rocky isn’t staring the main event straight in the face for nothing and stayed in the match throughout, electrifying the crowd with both his physical abilities and comedy on the microphone when trying to get The Game to quit, a task which is inevitable at the best of times. The match spilled out of the ring and up the rampway where both men nailed several moves on the concrete, took the fight through the crowd and even resorted to simple choking with electrical wire. Brutal just doesn’t do this match justice. However, after almost 20 minutes of intense competition, The Rock grabs Chyna and threatens to Rock Bottom her through the announcers table, just as he did over a month ago. He’s about to leap when Triple H grabs the microphone. [B]Triple H:[/B] Fine, Rocky, you’ve got it. Put her down. I QUIT! [B]Winner: The Rock in 18:11[/B][/CENTER] The Rock laughs, before throwing Chyna to the mat. Triple H grabs her and checks up on her as The Rock rolls in the ring to celebrate. Triple H looks up furiously and chases him in, meeting him with stiff right hooks. He grabs his sledgehammer and lines it up at The Rock when Chyna rolls in the ring and asks for it. He passes it over as Chyna gets ready to enact revenge on the man who cost her a month of her life when… BAM! Chyna hit Triple H! He crumpled to the mat in a heap as The Rock and Chyna began laying the boots into him. With The Game out cold, both The Rock and his new accomplice stood back, and she raised his arm in victory! [B]JR:[/B] That no good jezebel! [B]King:[/B] I love it! Chyna finally found the sense to ditch that waste of space and go with the future! [B]JR: [/B]Come on, King, she screwed The Game out of the match after everything he’s done for her. This makes me sick. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Dutch Mantell is backstage with Owen Hart. [B]Dutch:[/B] Owen, tonight you face Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels one more time and you have the opportunity to win your first WWF Championship. Your thoughts? [B]Owen:[/B] My brother means a lot to me. He always has. He was older and made a success of himself at a young age and has proven himself to be one of the best of all time, a feat which made our whole family proud. Like me, he works hard at everything he does and has grabbed headlines his whole life. I love him in a way only a brother can. But with the same token, I hate him. I’ve spent my whole life in his shadow, trying to prove to everyone that there is more than just one Hart who is worthy of WWF Title status. I work my butt off. I am perhaps the greatest technician in wrestling history, and yet I still live in the coldness of my brother’s shadow. But there is an answer to this. It’s one I thought I knew at No Way Out in February, only know I am sure. Wanna know how I step out of his shadow? It’s this simple; Owen Hart- World Wrestling Federation Champion. Tonight that dream becomes a reality. Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change of champion. And come Raw Is War tomorrow night, all those people that have ever doubted me or booed me will be forced to stand in appreciation of Day One of the Owen Hart era. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The camera goes backstage again to see the Ninja’s carrying Taka Michinoku above their heads and into the parking lot. Another smaller ninja opens the boot of a car and the others throw him in, before all climbing in the car as it speeds away into the night. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Kane & The Undertaker vs Goldust & Taz ©[/SIZE][/B] As The Undertaker, Kane & Taz stand in the ring, The Undertaker’s music hits again as we see the emergence of… The Goldertaker! Dressed in ministry clothing but with a gold hint, Goldust mocks all of the Deadman’s mannerisms, which infuriates the usually ice cold heart of The Undertaker. Goldertaker tries to intimidate his opponent, but the huge gulf in size makes it nigh-on impossible. He grabs a chair and sets it up, and then stands on it to tower over the Deadman. ‘Taker isn’t impressed and meets his with an uppercut to get the match underway. The Brothers Of Destruction dominate the early part of the match but despite being the smallest man in the match, Taz finds a way back in. However, it is ultimately to no avail as the Brothers Of Destruction Double Chokeslam Taz on the outside of the ring, and finish the match with a Spike Tombstone Piledriver from the new tag team champions! [B]Winners… and NEW World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions: Kane & The Undertaker in 12:48[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Michael Cole is backstage with Shawn Michaels. [B]Cole: [/B]HBK… [B]Michaels:[/B] Whoa, no, Mitchy, not now! I don’t wanna hear what you’ve gotta say, I just want you to watch that monitor right there and get ready for one hell of a show. Because the Showstoppa, the main event, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is about to head to the ring and prove that once for all I truly am the man that can. I have never… eeevver been outperformed in the big match environment and you’re about to see why. Imagine this, Mitchy, Shawn Michaels… World Wrestling Federation Champion yet again. No! Don’t imagine it… experience it! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] A video is played hyping the feud between Michaels, Owen and Austin that stared at Wrestlemania and will come to a head tonight in the last ever Triple Threat meeting between these three magnificent athletes. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin ©[/SIZE][/B] Steve Austin wastes no time as he attacks both men before the bell has even rung, once again refusing to play by the rules. There’s a disconcerting look about Austin’s eyes that indicate he realises how big a task it will be in retaining his title. The challengers soon work their way back into the match, especially Owen, who uses his vast knowledge of technical wrestling and submissions to keep both men down for much of the early part of the match, however, as the match progresses it breaks into a lot of one on one fighting as each wrestler spends time sidelined on the outside of the ring, culminating in Owen and Michaels double suplexing Austin through the announcers table, good as rendering him out of his own title defence. This left the two arch-nemesis’s going at it as the firstly try to outwrestle each other, then trying to outfight each other. Both men are busted open from stiff punches when a flying forearm from Michaels takes out referee Earl Hebner. This allows the match to take a hardcore slant as they battle into the crowd and use a variety of weapons on each other. Never one to miss an opportunity, HBK gains the upperhand and seems poised to win gold when the Brothers Of Destruction make their presence known. The new Tag Team Champions double team the former champion, nailing him with much of their repertoire when the New Age Outlaws run to the ring to even the sides and neutralise the Tag Champions presence. All this gives Austin a chance to return to the ring and he takes full advantage of the opportunity, nailing both Owen and Michaels with a Steel Chair before Hebner wakes up. From then on in all three exhausted men put it all on the line for the richest prize in the game, nailing each other with all their trademark moves and finishers. Michaels thought he’d nailed Austin with Sweet Chin Music but was pushed into a clothesline from Owen, who tripped the champion and locked in the Sharpshooter. Austin’s bloody face mirrored that of his at Wrestlemania 13 against Bret Hart as he tried desperately to reach the salvation of the ropes when Michaels came from nowhere to hit Sweet Chin Music! He collapsed on Owen as Hebner made the count… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Fink: Here is your winner….and the NEW World Wrestling Federation Champion… Shawn Michaels! (Time: 33:39)[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;294148]I marked out for HBK dude, that's pretty damn awesome. TAKA vs the ninjas is always good for a laugh. As always, a great show keefy.[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy, I'm glad someone enjoyed it. I know you've wanted HBK to win the belt for a while and your feedback helped me decide to go with it. As for Taka and the ninjas, it's pretty out there and unrealistic, sure, but I thought it had quite an "Attitude" ring to it. It will all come to a head fairly soon and will go a fair way to helping me achieve one of the goals I set myself at the start. I hope to get Raw up fairly soon, but I've been pretty unwell as of late so I can't make any promises. I'll get a Raw Preview up probably, but even so it's probably worth reminding everyone that the main event will be Stone Cold vs Owen Hart to establish the Number One Contender at Summerslam, and Vince McMahon will be interviewing for a new Authority Figure.
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From WWF.com [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [B][I][SIZE="6"]The Road To Summerslam[/SIZE][/I][/B] [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] Number One Contenders Match Owen Hart vs Steve Austin Tag Team Titles Match Brothers Of Destruction (c) vs New Age Outlaws Tag Team Match Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz Singles Match Faarooq vs Goldust[/QUOTE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;294231]Good show :) Poor Jay Eeh Double Eff though :( I liked the main event, HBK wins but everything is still up in the air.[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy. Don't feel too bad for Double J. He's one of my favourite people to write for so he won't exactly find himself out of work! [QUOTE=SHaynes23;294311]Great show, HBK winning the title back will surely cause some very entertaining moments, and that was a great match to read, made me feel like I was really there watching it.[/QUOTE] Phew, that's what I hoped for. I'm glad you enjoyed the show, HBK winning the belt wasn't really a consideration until recently and G-Prime's support of him forced my hand really. I really am pleased you enjoyed the show and your continued support and feedback is one of the main reasons I'm continuing with this.
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Number One Contenders Match Owen Hart vs [b]Steve Austin[/b] - You know my love for Owen, but Summerslam should be a hbk/austin rematch Tag Team Titles Match [b]Brothers Of Destruction (c)[/b] vs New Age Outlaws - Can't see the outlaws winning this, but think they will eventually due to interference from HHH leading to a hhh/taker match.....just aint happening yet. Tag Team Match Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz - Hardyz via dq - We need some gangrel action :P Singles Match Faarooq vs [b]Goldust[/b] - tazz to save his partners ass PLUS… Mr McMahon looks for a new authority figure and much, much more! - Don't know why but I'm seeing a Mr Bearer in this vision I'm having right now....nah Dusteh Babbee! Now, feedback on Fully Loaded. HBK winning: Excellant, as Austin as the challenger for the belt is much better than Austin as champion story wise. Owens time will come :D Chyna screwing HHH over and siding with Rock? Interesting, was she the helmeted person then? RD's helmet comment would make a lot of sense then :P BOD winning the belts had to happen as realisticly tazz and goldust would have had no chance of beating them circa 98 (I mean hell goldust was teamed up with Luna taking on marc Mero and Sable in real life) RVD pulling the promo he did circa october/november 2001 to Vinnie Mac? I liked a lot :D Also, Buff getting a prominant role with McMahon is good, as you also know my love for the stuff :P Thats my 3 pence :D
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[QUOTE=robertocarlos87;294755]Number One Contenders Match Owen Hart vs [b]Steve Austin[/b] - You know my love for Owen, but Summerslam should be a hbk/austin rematch Tag Team Titles Match [b]Brothers Of Destruction (c)[/b] vs New Age Outlaws - Can't see the outlaws winning this, but think they will eventually due to interference from HHH leading to a hhh/taker match.....just aint happening yet. Tag Team Match Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz - Hardyz via dq - We need some gangrel action :P Singles Match Faarooq vs [b]Goldust[/b] - tazz to save his partners ass PLUS… Mr McMahon looks for a new authority figure and much, much more! - Don't know why but I'm seeing a Mr Bearer in this vision I'm having right now....nah Dusteh Babbee! Now, feedback on Fully Loaded. HBK winning: Excellant, as Austin as the challenger for the belt is much better than Austin as champion story wise. Owens time will come :D Chyna screwing HHH over and siding with Rock? Interesting, was she the helmeted person then? RD's helmet comment would make a lot of sense then :P BOD winning the belts had to happen as realisticly tazz and goldust would have had no chance of beating them circa 98 (I mean hell goldust was teamed up with Luna taking on marc Mero and Sable in real life) RVD pulling the promo he did circa october/november 2001 to Vinnie Mac? I liked a lot :D Also, Buff getting a prominant role with McMahon is good, as you also know my love for the stuff :P Thats my 3 pence :D[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback buddy, I always love it 'cos it gives me a great insight to what the readers are thinking and you challenge my thought process so often with your predictions. Glad you like HBK as champion, I agree that Austin can be more prominent chasing rather than holding. It opens up a lot of avenues for him. Yup, Chyna was "the helmet". What with her build I don't think anyone would have suspected it was a woman! Thanks agin for the feedback and I'm glad to have you back on board. Thanks to everyone else who has predicted, Raw will probably be up tonight GMT, but be warned, it's a fairly long one!
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OOC: [I]My apologies if this show seems a bit long, it’s just there a lot of interaction angles which take up a lot of space! Also, I'm pretty pleased with this show, I think I've given my creativity a bit of a run out. Please take the time to read it and let me know what you think of it as it took a while to do.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]27th July 1998[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The show opens with Vince McMahon’s maniacal face on the screen. Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Raw Is War! I am speaking to you now to remind you tonight will see the appointment of a fellow Authority Figure to work alongside me here in the WWF! And not only that, but I would like to inform you that as of next week on Raw, for the entire month of August, we will see the WWF Hardcore Title defended under the 24/7 ruling, meaning whoever gets a pinfall at any time, at any place so long as a referee is in attendance they will be the fall holder. The person holding the belt at the end of the last Raw of the month will be the Hardcore Champion. [B]King:[/B] Wow! That’s huge! [B]Vince:[/B] But perhaps most interesting is this is the first Raw of a new era; that era being the one without Stone Cold Steve Austin as WWF Champion! The crowd boo. Vince: In theory tonight he gets a chance at winning a title shot, but of course against Owen Hart he has, well, no chance in hell! [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The show opens with the new WWF Champion; “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels! [B]Michaels:[/B] I thought I’d wander down to the ring just to give all of you a chance to witness the nnnnneeeeeewwwww WWF Champion in all his glory! I give to you, the World Wrestling Federation Champion… the Heartbreak Kid! As for the lengthy title reign I’m about to have, I want to make it clear that, as is always the case with Shawn Michaels, I will be a fighting champion. You know why? Because I know I am quite simply the greatest wrestler alive and there aint a man on Earth who can dislodge this champion! [B]Austin:[/B] First off, let me say congratulations, you son of a bitch! You won my title last night, I wasn’t pinned but fair play, you saw an opportunity and you took it. I’d have done the exact same thing if I had the chance, so I’m not here to bitch about it. But what I will say is tonight I get the chance to be the number one contender for that belt right there, and once I whoop Owen Hart’s ass I’m coming for you at Summerslam. So enjoy the next few days with the strap, ‘cos you aint gonna have it for long. [B]Michaels:[/B] Is that so? [B]Austin:[/B] Well, I dunno, let’s put it to the public vote. If you think Stone Cold is gonna go to Summerslam, open a championship size can of whoop ass all over Shawn Michaels and walk out once again as WWF Champion, gimmie a hell yeah! [B]Crowd:[/B] Hell yeah! [B]Michaels:[/B] Hell yeah? That sounds unanimous, Austin, but let me make one thing clear; no matter how many times it’s been said, it still rings true. In the big match environment I‘ve never been outperformed. And if you get to Summerslam, I don’t plan on seeing that change. [B]Austin:[/B] And I don’t plan on walking out of there without the WWF Title. Michaels: I didn’t expect anything less. As for tonight… Steve… good luck. I can’t wait to kick your ass at Summerslam. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="6"]"Hell’s Henchman" Faarooq w/Bradshaw and Jim Cornette vs Goldust[/B][/SIZE] Goldust, today dressed as , had his hands full (no, not in that way) against Faarooq in the opening match of Raw. Faarooq took exception to Goldust’s… tendencies… and was particularly stiff with him (again, not in that way), even going as far as handcuffing his hands behind his back, an act that only seemed to excite the Bizarre One. Even with his hands ‘cuffed behind his back, Goldust managed to nail a low blow and got enough purchase around Faarooq’s neck to nail a DDT for the shocking win! [B]Winner: Goldust in 8:51[/B][/CENTER] As soon as the match ends, the familiar sound of Taz’s music plays throughout the arena. [B]JR:[/B] Oh no. [B]King:[/B] JR, this is not good. Taz emerged from behind the curtain, putting on a pair of gloves as Goldust looked on, worried. Taz shoved the Henchmen out of the way as he climbed in the ring; seemingly ready to live up to his promise if they lost the Tag Titles against the Brother’s Of Destruction. Taz wastes no time in laying into the Golden One, punching him repeatedly knowing he can’t block with his hands cuffed behind his back. This continued until the referees rushed to the ring from the back to restrain him as Goldust’s bloody and battered body slumped to the mat. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson are sat in a room behind a desk with the sign “Authority Panel” in front of them. [B]Vince:[/B] Okay, if we’re ready Gentlemen, let’s have the first applicant. Mankind walks in to the room almost wearily. [B]Vince: [/B]No. Absolutely not. If I were you, I wouldn’t even bother, Mick. Next! [B]Mankind:[/B] You see, Daddy, this is so typical. I’ve done nothing but try to impress you for weeks upon weeks, Hell, I even beat your boy Bagwell last night and you still won’t show me any love. When will you realise that the day you take a risk on me is the day you may be surprised that I’m not the failure you think I am. One way or another, Daddy, one way or another you will grow to respect me, and dare I say it… love me. [B]Vince:[/B] That’s certainly possible, Mick, for sure. So why don’t you go out there and try and prove your worth to me by facing… I don’t know… how about the undefeated Finlay? [B]Mankind:[/B] Careful, Daddy. Like everyone else who has tried to break me, like everyone who has ignored me and mistreated me, you may grow to regret your actions. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] A video is played recapping the events surrounding Taka Michinoku and the mysterious ninjas at Fully Loaded, where Taka was brutally assaulted and almost tortured, before being abducted. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The show is interrupted by a video on screen… [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]D-Generation X Presents…[/COLOR] The Alliance In: A Day At The Office[/SIZE][/CENTER] The cameraman walks through the door with the sign “The Alliance” and approaches a chair facing the other way. All you can see is the grey hair of the chairman, Mr McMahon, but when it swivels around it reveals “Mr McMahon” is in fact Triple H with a wig and suit. [B]McHunter:[/B] Alliance, come… NNNNNOOOOOOOWWW! “The Alliance” enter the room, but are in fact Shawn Michaels (as Owen Hart), Billy Gunn (as Kane) and Road Dogg as The Undertaker. [B]McHunter:[/B] I thought I told you the plan last night. You two beanstalks interrupt in the main event and hand the title to Sensitive Hart here. [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] I summoned Beelzebub himself to help us, but he was busy. I thought me and my big burnt freak of a brother could take control of it. Obviously not. So I told Kane to lay in a bath of pork chops to think about it. [B]McHunter:[/B] You made him… Rest In Meats? [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] Yeah. [B]OweShawn:[/B] (in a whiny voice) But how does that help me? Now my brothers gone I need to rely on someone to get me by. If you guys can’t do it, who can? [B]McHunter:[/B] Sensitive Hart… are you crying? [B]OweShawn:[/B] I’m not crying. I was cutting onions for lunch. [B]McHunter:[/B] It’s 9pm. [B]Owe-Shawn:[/B] A late lunch. *sniffs* [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] If you want comfort you should bury your head in Kane’s man-boobs. [B]OweShawn:[/B] And Rest In Teets? [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] Exactly. [B]Big Red Gunnchine:[/B] (in an extremely high voice) You know what’s funny? [B]OweShawn:[/B] (tearfully) My God, it’s a miracle. You can talk! [B]Big Red Gunnchine:[/B] I could always talk; I’m just embarrassed about my voice. Like why I hide behind the mask. I’m not burnt; just ugly. [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] And how! [B]Big Red Gunnchine:[/B] I think it’s funny that you spend so long claiming to be the King when you haven’t won a thing in years. [B]OweShawn:[/B] I have! I’ve won… erm… I’m sure there’s something… Oh! The Hart family barbeque last fall! [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] Last fall? Afterwards did you lie down on the grass? [B]OweShawn:[/B] I couldn’t. The lawn was covered. [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] So did you have a Rest In Leaves? [B]OweShawn:[/B] Yeah I did! And had a lovely nappy-nap! [B]Big Red Gunnchine: [/B]That’s cute, but surely just proves you’re an even bigger loser than us! [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] That says something! I treat him so badly I might as well call him “Rest In Jeeves”. [B]OweShawn: [/B](slightly sobbing) Shut up! There’s no way the Sensitive Hart is as much of a loser as you two. [B]Big Red Gunnchine:[/B] I think you are… [B]McHunter:[/B] SSSSHUUUUT UUUP! Let’s just agree you’re all as big losers as each other, okay? [B]UnderRoadie:[/B] How about you? I’ve never seen a billionaire get his ass kicked as much as you. [B]McHunter:[/B] That’s not because I’m unsuccessful, damn it, that’s because I’m a giant ***hole! [B]Owe-Shawn:[/B] Finally! Something we can all agree on! [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="6"]Edge & Christian w/Michael Hayes vs Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] Four of the hottest young talents in wrestling today go at it in this preview of surely plenty of PPV’s to come. The Hardy Boyz eventually get the upperhand but are derailed when the lights mysteriously go out, and when they come back on they have been knocked out. Hayes looks shocked but the young Canadian duo leap on top of the high fliers to get the pinfall in mysterious circumstances. [B]Winners: Edge & Christian in 9:21[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The camera cuts back to the room where the interviews are being held. [B]Vince:[/B] I hate D-X. This applicant better be good… Hang on… what the hell are you doing here? The crowd erupts as the camera pans around to reveal Randy Savage standing before them. [B]Vince: [/B]Well? What do you want? [B]Savage:[/B] Ooooooh yyyeeeeah! The Macho Man wants everybody to freak out freak out as the Macho Man takes it to the limit… as the new Authority Figure of the World Wrestling Federation! Oooooooohhhh yyyyeeeeaaaahhh! Brisco, Patterson and McMahon all look shocked as the crowd start up a “Mach-o-Man” chant. They look at each other, and McMahon gradually breaks into a smile. [B]Vince:[/B] Oh yeah? [B]Savage:[/B] Oooohhh yyyeeaaaah! [B]Vince:[/B] You know what? You as Authority Figure? Oooooooohhhh… nnnnooooo! Next! Security lead Randy Savage out of the room when he turns a corner and sees the “Nacho Man” standing in a corridor. He frowns and looks angry at the impostor, who drops his bag of Nacho’s and slowly backs off, before turning and running away. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] RVD is in the locker room with his Hardcore Title when Tommy Dreamer walks in. Isn’t it remarkable how the cameras are always in the right place for the interesting stuff that goes on? [B]RVD: [/B]Hey dude. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Hey. I just wanted to congratulate you on the title win last night. [B]RVD: [/B]Thanks. [B]Dreamer:[/B] And I wanted to say you did the right thing in taking out Sabu to win the gold. I know you and him are buddies but that title means more than friendship. [B]RVD: [/B]Sabu knew how it was going in. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Sure, but it was still the right thing to do. But know this, when 24/7 kicks in next month, you can rest assure I’m gonna be all over you like a rash. And come the end of August, I’m gonna be hanging on to that Hardcore Title damn tight. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] Owen Hart is backstage, staring forward when The Bagwell walks in. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Hey bud, wassup? Owen says nothing. [B]Bagwell:[/B] You seen Vinny Mac? [B]Owen:[/B] It was a cheap shot. [B]Bagwell:[/B] What was? The DX film? [B]Owen[/B]: Last night. Michaels. He cheap shotted me. I had that title won and he knew it. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Surely in a Triple Thr… [B]Owen: [/B](louder) I had the title won. I was distracted and he hit me from nowhere. That title should be mine. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Okay… [B]Owen: [/B](louder again) I want that damn title. I’ve earned it. I’ve worked my ass off for too damn long to not be champion. I’m the best damn wrestler in the world and everytime I get close I lose it. [B]Bagwell:[/B] You’re time will come, don’t worry about it. Owen stands up and gets face to face with The Bagwell. [B]Owen:[/B] Don’t worry about it? Do you know what it’s like? For years people thought I was being overshadowed by my brother and I’ve finally broken through. And because of that damn Shawn Michaels I still don’t have the belt. Things are going to change. Mark my damn words, Bagwell. Things WILL change. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The camera cuts back to the Authority Decision Panel. [B]Vince: [/B]I hope the next person is better than the last couple; this is starting to look like a waste of time. Terri Runnels walks in. [B]Vince:[/B] Ah, Miss Runnels, how lovely to see you. What can we do for you dear? [B]Terri:[/B] I’m here to apply to be the new Authority. Pat Patterson scoffs, but McMahon’s glare is enough to shut him up. [B]Vince:[/B] Okay, so let me ask, how good are you at delegating? [B]Terri:[/B] Oh, I’m awful! I always get it wrong. [B]Vince: [/B](confused) Sure… how about discipline? [B]Terri: [/B]Are you kidding me? I couldn’t tell anyone off! Brisco and Patterson look confused at each other. [B]Vince:[/B] Okay, so what experience do you have? [B]Terri:[/B] Erm… well none, really. [B]Vince:[/B] Right… can I ask; what exactly is it you DO have? [B]Terri:[/B] I suppose only really these. The camera moves behind her as she removes her top, demonstrating herself in all her glory in front of the panel. Brisco’s face lights up as McMahon pulls glasses out of his jacket for a closer inspection. [B]Vince[/B]: They’re… phenomenal. [B]Terri:[/B] Thank you. [B]Patterson:[/B] We’ll get back to you. [B]Vince:[/B] Thanks for coming in. Terri exits. [B]Vince:[/B] I liked her. [B]Patterson:[/B] I preferred the men earlier. [B]Vince:[/B] Why does that not surprise me? [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="6"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Surely it’s not right that Mick Foley is put in two brutal matches in two days? Even though this one isn’t hardcore rules the stiff approach of Finlay means it’s perhaps more brutal than last nights encounter with The Bagwell. The match itself saw Finlay in control for most of it, Mankind demonstrating a selling masterclass. As is so often the case, Mankind infuriated his opponent by refusing to be put away and even picked up the win when Finlay got disqualified for attacking him with a shillelagh. [B]Winner: Mankind via DQ after 9:43[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The panel of voters for the authority figure position (all three of them) are sitting in the room again waiting for the next applicant. [B]Vince:[/B] Oh Christ. It gets worse. The camera pans around to reveal… [IMG]http://www.americanchronicle.com/articlePics/article2624.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince:[/B] Tell me you don’t think you have a chance of getting this job. [B]Warrior: [/B]Arrrggghhhh! The Warrior has the belief that it takes! [B]Vince:[/B] Mr Warrior, sir, please, I’m not in the mood. [B]Warrior: [/B]Arrrrgggghh! Mood is temporary, class is permanent. The spaceship is loaded to the brim with rocket fuel as it prepares to lift off to the moon, via the lonely planet of the authority. As the sun sets beyond the deepest mountain, and as the strongest man drops the lightest weight, the day, the week, the month, the year of the Warrior is upon us all as we get ready to harvest our options that hover above our fate. Beware, Vince McMahon. As the anchor drives into the steeled blade that is the Warrior’s arms and as the Heaven’s open with the clarity of blood, the Warrior guarantees that the life and tales that keep the clock hands turning will implode in a sea of anger and frustration! Arrrrggghh! The Warrior then kicks the door down and storms out the room in a moment of pure Warrior-esque charismatic anger. [B]Brisco:[/B] Shall we put him on the “maybe” pile? [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] The Rock and Chyna are backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Rock, Chyna… [B]Rock:[/B] Hey, jabroni, know your role and shut your mouth! Chyna has something she wants to say. [B]Chyna:[/B] Thank you. I guess you are expecting an explanation from me, huh? Well, it’s simple. DX was fun, they’re all nice guys and all that, but what’s that worth? Sure, Shawn is now WWF Champion, but how long is that gonna last? I aligned myself with someone on the up, a true champion, a guaranteed winner. That man is The Rock. Winners are attracted to winners, and Triple H just isn’t a winner. In fact, Triple H is a loser. The fact that I was aligned with a man who would be willing to throw a match away because he thought I was going to get attacked says more than I ever could. Me and Rocky aren’t a couple, it’s not a relationship based on love and sex. It’s based on respect. Triple H walks over. [B]Rock: [/B]Whoa, you piece of monkey of tr… [B]Triple H:[/B] Shut it, Rocky, before I make you eat sledgehammer sandwich. I have to say, I’m surprised you two aren’t a couple. I know The Rock is somewhat lacking in the testicle region, but Chyna more than makes up for that. [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa! The Rock has never… and The Rock means EVER, had problems with the People’s Strudel. Who have you been talking to? [B]Triple H:[/B] Actually, that’s the point I wanted to make. I’m done talking. The Game is about to become all action. And to demonstrate the point… Triple H meets The Rock with a stiff right and then grabs him by the head. He runs across the corridor, gaining speed, before throwing The Rock through a glass window! [B]Triple H:[/B] Smell that, *******. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="5"][B]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]Brothers Of Destruction © w/Paul Bearer vs New Age Outlaws[/SIZE][/B] This match was made after the Outlaws prevented Kane and Undertaker’s interference in last night’s main event, costing Owen the title and placing it in the hands of Shawn Michaels. The Outlaws started strongly, knowing anything other than a full out assault from the opening bell would see them lose, and possibly incapacitated. That said, the Champs managed to work their way back into the match and despite the Degenerates best efforts, they retained the straps with a Chokeslam from Kane. [B]Winners and still WWF Tag Team Champions: Brothers Of Destruction in 8:32[/B][/CENTER] As per usual with the Alliance administration, the win is not enough. The evil brothers took no time in attacking the challengers again, beating them down viciously. Kane threw Billy Gunn to the outside, removed one of the steel steps and placed his arm on the remaining one. He then grabbed the other and threw it down on Gunn’s arm. The first few rows covered their ears as Gunn’s deafening screams reverberated through the arena. ‘Taker, trying to outdo his younger brother, threw Road Dogg to the outside, stood upon the steel steps, turned the Degenerate upside down and drove him head first into the metal in a Tombstone, knocking him out immediately. [B]JR: [/B]Good God! Did we just witness these two sadistic brothers trying to outdo each other by enacting as much pain as possible? [B]King: [/B]We need to get EMT’s down here immediately. These guys look hurt. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett is sitting alone in a locker room, looking though photos of him with the IC belt. The pictures start off normal, but gradually get more extreme to the point of Jarrett trying to feed it ice cream. Dusty Rhodes then walks in. [B]Dusty[/B]: Finallah babah, I’ve found you! I’ve spent da whole show looking for you! [B]Jarrett:[/B] What do you want? [B]Dusty:[/B] How are you? [B]Jarrett: [/B]How do you think, Dee? With the IC belt gone I’ve got nothing. [B]Dusty: [/B]You’ve still got me, babah. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I know, but it’s not enough. With the belt I had all the stroke. Now I’ve barely got a paddle. [B]Dusty: [/B]Now listen up here, you da man! You knows dat! You don’t need dat belt. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I do, you should know. How did you feel when you lost the NWA Title? [B]Dusty:[/B] I don’t think I did lose it. [B]Jarrett:[/B] You lost it three times? [B]Dusty:[/B] We’re not talking about me, babah. If you think you need da title, then go and win it back. Dat Shamrock fella ‘aint the be all and end all. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I dunno. [B]Dusty:[/B] You do, babah! You’re da new American Dream! Do you know how big that is? [B]Jarrett:[/B] Pretty big I guess. [B]Dusty:[/B] No way, it’s da biggest! You could be da new Dustah Rhodes! Go out and show Shamrock who’s da man! [B]Jarrett: [/B]I don’t know, Dee. I just don’t think I have what it takes anymore. Jarrett’s head slumps as Dusty looks on, worried for his protégé. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] Dutch Mantell stands by with his trusty microphone alongside the former champ, Stone Cold. [B]Dutch:[/B] Steve, many will argue that this may well be your last chance. Contract stipulations have you in this match but surely it’s unlikely McMahon will give you another shot if you lose today? [B]Austin: [/B]It’s a God damn miracle I’ve not been taken out of this match already. But I know exactly how it is. Mr McMahon don’t like me, and truth be told I’m not exactly number one member of the Vince McMahon fan club. Everything I’ve done since I entered this damn company I’ve had to earn through hard work. Tonight I go out there and raise hell, I’ll kick ass and earn the right to be the number one contender and come Summerslam I’ll be the champ again, and that’s all I’ve gotta say about that. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/CENTER] [B]Vince: [/B]Damn it! All those interviews and not one person who’s anywhere near the standard I’m looking for. [B]Brisco:[/B] I could do it, Mr MackMan. [B]Vince:[/B] No offence, Jerry, but I’m looking for something else. I know so clearly what I need, yet we’ve had nothing but idiots so far. [B]Patterson:[/B] Maybe someone will surprise you? [B]Vince: [/B]I don’t like surprises, Pat. But something tells me it may all work out in the end… Vince smiles evilly as his cronies look confused at each other. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]Number One Contenders Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]“The King Of Hart’s” Owen Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B][/SIZE] It’s a wonder that these men can put on such a spectacle after going over half an hour last night. Both men know how important the WWF Title is and put it all on the line in a 5* effort of a match. Around the 20 minute mark Austin seemed to have the match won when he nailed a Stunner, but McMahon interfered and took out referee Earl Hebner. Austin, obviously furious, rolls out of the ring and chases Vince, eventually backing him into the corner of the ring when Kane runs down and begins attacking the Rattlesnake. He hits him with a Chokeslam as Vince calls for a new referee, but none came. They signal furiously waiting for a new referee when… JR: Bah gawd! It’s Shane! Shane’s back! King: No! This can’t be happening! This wasn’t in the plan! JR: To hell with the plan, Shane’s here in a referee uniform and he’s ready to make this an even match again! Shane stepped into the ring with Vince berating him. Shane seemed undeterred as he grabbed his father and threw him from the ring. This gave Austin the time to get to his feet, kicked Owen in the mid section and Stunnered the bejesus out of him. He hooked the leg… ONE… TWO!... What?! Shane didn’t count the second! Austin looks up at him to see Shane flipping the bird. Austin, seeing his chance at the title disappear again runs at Shane who does better at avoiding the former champion than his father had, giving Vince the chance to hit Austin with a Steel Chair. Owen drapes an arm over Stone Cold and Shane makes the count… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Owen Hart via pinfall in 23:40[/B][/CENTER] The McMahon’s help Owen to his feet and raise his arm in victory as the crowd boo, filling the ring with all sorts of garbage. Shane grabs a microphone. [B]Shane: [/B]That’s right, ladies and Gentlemen, I’m back and I am the new Authority Figure! Myself and my father have ironed out our issues and have reunited over our hate of Stone Cold Steve Austin! The crowd continue to boo. [B]Vince:[/B] Speaking of whom, I have a little message for you, Mr Austin. You thought you were invincible. But now? You’re not WWF Champion. You’re not the number one contender. This means you’re nothing, and if you’re nothing, you’re expendable. So… Stone Cold Steve Austin… [B]Shane & Vince together: [/B]YOU’RE FIRED!
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[QUOTE=Thunder;295013]Great show and twist at the end.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ya_its_me;295035]Oh man, how do you do it? I couldn't help but laughing during the whole time I was reading DX's parody on The Alliance. Plus, that twist at the end with Austin leaving was great. Wonder where he'll go now.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ColtCabana;295094]Good Show, and a nice alternate history for the WWF that your building.[/QUOTE] Thanks very much guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The twist at the end was something I wanted to get in for a while. Shane and Vince joining forces is a storyline that in one way or another will keep running for a while now. And Austin getting fired is SO attitude era that I just had to do it. I'm also glad that ya_its_me enjoyed the DX parody. I don't think I've been attitudinal with DX so far, but after the assault on the Outlaws on Raw I don't know how many skits they will be available to participate in. Thanks again for the feedback, it's much appreictaed.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;295126]That was an awesome show man, definatly didn't see the ending coming. And I about spit my Kool-Aid on the screen when I read that line from Briscoe...good stuff.[/QUOTE] I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy it. I'm also particularly pleased you didn't see the twist at the end coming as part of the essence of the Attitude era was the turns and the shocks and whatnot, so if people aren't seeing these twists I must be heading in the right direction. Out of interest, what do people think of the 24/7 rule? It's only going to be a month long thing and largely part of comic relief (but also to help some storylines along). I was never a fan, but I'm hoping in moderation it may shake things up a bit?
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/5/53/200px-WWFCarnage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]The World Wrestling Federation is proud to announce the October pay-per-view offering will be held in the United Kingdom, the first WWF PPV to be held in the UK since Summerslam 1992![/CENTER][/B] The event, expected to be called "Capital Carnage" is to be held on the 25th October 1998 and will broadcasted as normal to the US, as well as the WWF's usual loyal pay-per-view markets. The show, which will be held in the world famous Wembley Arena, is likely to feature performers such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Owen Hart, The Rock and WWF Champion Shawn Michaels. WWF Chairman Vince McMahon said: "This is an exciting time for the WWF and it's UK fans. The WWF is expanding globally and we have known for a while that the WWF is one of our biggest markets, and we would like to reward that and build on that with this PPV. "It will be a pay-per-view just like Fully Loaded was, or Summerslam will be. All the top guys will be there and everything will continue as if it were in the US, or any other country for that matter. And if this is the success we expect it to be, we plan on making it the first of many ventures abroad with the WWF PPV brand." Coupled with this, an untelevised tour of Europe is expected around this time, as the WWF's main television show RAW is WAR will also be held in the UK, in Manchester and Birmingham, in the surrounding weeks. --------------------------------------- Finally, to complete the news of global expansion, the World Wrestling Federation is proud to announce it will be returning to Canada for RAW is WAR for the first time since Survivor Series '97. The RAW after Summerslam will be held in the Molsen Center, the exact arena where Shawn Michaels beat Bret Hart in Hart's last match for the company. Coming the night after Michaels match with Bret's brother Owen at Summerslam, who knows what we can expect when the WWF returns to the Great White North[/SIZE].[/QUOTE] OOC: Okay, maybe I'm biased because I'm British, but I really wanted to do a WWF PPV in UK. Hopefully this is the first foreign one of many, as I look into expanding into Australia and others. Plus, I thought we had to go back to Canada eventually, and where better than the site of the Screwjob? And the night after the Owen - Shawn title match, either way that match goes the crowd will be hot as hell, so the timing seems perfect.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;295200]OOC: Okay, maybe I'm biased because I'm British, but I really wanted to do a WWF PPV in UK. Hopefully this is the first foreign one of many, as I look into expanding into Australia and others. Plus, I thought we had to go back to Canada eventually, and where better than the site of the Screwjob? And the night after the Owen - Shawn title match, either way that match goes the crowd will be hot as hell, so the timing seems perfect.[/QUOTE] Bring it Down Under, so the imaginary me in the universe that doesn't exist can go and cheer for HBK, even though I wasn't a wrestling fan until 2002... There's no flaws in this plan *Shifty eyes*
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