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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=G-Prime;308334]You'd better post a show soon[/QUOTE] Ask and you shall receive... [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] With just 6 days until the Biggest Event Of The Summer, Madison Square Garden looms over RAW is WAR in the final confrontations ahead of Summerslam! Ahead of their huge Iron Man match at the New York spectacular, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart will be in the ring at the same time as they undertake in a debate as to why they consider themselves the best man in a feud many people can’t split, and why they think they will walk away with the WWF Title come the end of Summerslam. Also scheduled for RAW is WAR is the Mankind – Undertaker match, put back a week from the last RAW show. McMahon stands by the policy of “Card Subject To Change” and if Mankind fails to find a partner for tonight’s show the match will be cancelled, and Mankind will yet again be denied the opportunity to face Kane & The Undertaker for the Tag Team Titles. Triple H’s desire to release frustration ahead of Summerslam has resulted in a match being booked against the unpinned Finlay, who we have been told will be accompanied to the ring by Chyna. The Game has made it perfectly clear of his intention to Pedigree Chyna; will this distract him against one of the most dangerous men in the company? Speaking of dangerous, the Intercontinental Champion defends his title tonight in Triple Threat stipulations against both of the Headbangers. With the former Tag Team Champions likely to work together to nullify the threat of Ken Shamrock, will Shamrock be able to make it to Summerslam where he has challenged Jeff Jarrett, or will Mosh or Thrasher be the champion going in to New York? Also on Raw we will see the Light-Heavyweight Title contested between two bitter rivals, the extreme trio of RVD, Al Snow and Tommy Dreamer face Shane McMahon and his back-up, the now named “Acolytes” and The Bagwell is in action! Catch all this and more live on RAW is WAR! [B][U][SIZE="4"]Scheduled Matches[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]If Mankind wins, he faces Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam[/B] “The Phenom” The Undertaker vs “Lone Psycho” Mankind [B]Single Match[/B] “Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs “The Game” Triple H [B]WWF Intercontinental Title[/B] Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs “World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock (c) [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] Shane McMahon & The Acolytes vs Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam [B]Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/B] “Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis (c) [B]Single Match[/B] The Bagwell vs Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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If Mankind wins, he faces Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam “The Phenom” The Undertaker vs [B]“Lone Psycho” Mankind[/B] Single Match “Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] WWF Intercontinental Title Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs [B]“World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock ©[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Shane McMahon & The Acolytes[/B] vs Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis- Light-Heavyweight Title Single Match [B]The Bagwell [/B]vs Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush
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If Mankind wins, he faces Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam “The Phenom” The Undertaker vs [B]“Lone Psycho” Mankind[/B] Single Match [B]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay[/B] vs “The Game” Triple H WWF Intercontinental Title Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs [B]“World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] 6 Man Tag Match Shane McMahon & The Acolytes vs [B]Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam[/B] Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis (c) Single Match [B]The Bagwell [/B]vs Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush I'm not exactly a frequent viewer of this board, but I started reading this diary a few months ago, and thought it was good. Although I never really committed myself to reading it back then, I finished it off during its hiatus. Now that it's back, I've started paying much more attention to it, and it really is awesome, probably the best diary I've ever read on this board or on the EWBattleground.
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If Mankind wins, he faces Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam “The Phenom” The Undertaker vs [B]“Lone Psycho” Mankind[/B] Single Match “Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] WWF Intercontinental Title Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs [B]“World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Shane McMahon & The Acolytes[/B] vs Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam Light-Heavyweight Title Match “Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Single Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush
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If Mankind wins, he faces Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam “The Phenom” The Undertaker vs [B]“Lone Psycho” Mankind[/B] Single Match “Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs [B]“The Game” Triple H[/B] WWF Intercontinental Title Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs [B]“World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock (c)[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Shane McMahon & The Acolytes[/B] vs Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer & Rob Van Dam Light-Heavyweight Title Match “Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis (c)[/B] Single Match The Bagwell vs [B]Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Monday 17th August 1998 Live from Baltimore, Maryland[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Once again the show opens with the Power Strut TM as Mr McMahon walks to the ring. [B]McMahon: [/B]Welcome everyone to The Alliance presents RAW is WAR! [I]The crowd predictably boo[/I] [B]McMahon: [/B]And tonight there is every chance that you will see a huge main event in Mankind vs The Undertaker! So, Mankind, have you found yourself a partner? Mankind comes down to the ring. [B]Mankind:[/B] As much as I know you don’t want tonight’s main event to happen, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint. You see, I have found a partner. [B]McMahon:[/B] (somewhat disappointed) Oh, you have? [B]Mankind:[/B] Indeed I have. There is just one problem. He is not here tonight. And he wants to remain anonymous for reasons that are completely beyond me. [B]McMahon: [/B]Like so much else, no doubt. So what are you saying, Mankind, that you want tonight’s match, which you can only have if you have a partner even though there is no proof you have a partner at all. [B]Mankind: [/B]Exactly. [B]McMahon:[/B] You know what, I’m gonna let this go. You’ve got your match tonight. But if you can’t find a partner, you will face Kane & The Undertaker at Summerslam anyway, in a non-title Handicap match! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Acolytes & Shane McMahon vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer, “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam & Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] Pure brutality form the off, as Shane McMahon’s right hand men do the majority of the fighting, and honestly, most of the dominating. The Extreme Trio have heart and guts in abundance which keeps them in the match, all the way up until Faarooq hitting Dreamer with a Dominator. [B]Winners: Acolytes and Shane McMahon in 8:27[/B][/CENTER] Immediately, the Acolytes turn their attention to Al Snow, the current fall holder of the Hardcore Title, but as they give chase they’re cut off by RVD who nails them both men with a steel chair. However, unbeknownst to him, Taka Michinoku sneaked through the crowd and climbed the top rope, leapt off breathtakingly to connect with a Diving Cross Body to score the pin and became the fall holder! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are backstage, looking for Edge & Christian’s locker room. Eventually they find it and start banging on the locked door excessively, but there is no response. However, their attention is diverted when a group of children, all covered in huge cloaks with hoods walk passed them, chanting “Your Time Has Come” over and over again. They watch in confusion until the children exit, but when they turn back to the door it has been covered in blood writing, with the word “Brood” plastered in huge, dripping letters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Pscosis ©[/SIZE][/B] Two of the finest Light-Heavyweights in the business go up against it yet again, with Chavo knowing fully he is yet to beat Psicosis since the flying Mexican won the Light-Heavyweight Title in his debut match. Chavo tried every trick in his huge cheating playbook but Psicosis picked up the win yet again in another action packed match. [B]Winner: Psicosis by pinfall in 9:51[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taz makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone, his face a picture of a man on a mission. [B]Taz:[/B] I’ll make this short. Goldust, you son of a bitch, you get out here now so I can punk you out like the jackass good for nothing freak you are. Goldust’s music hits and the crowd pop, especially as he hasn’t actually been seen for a couple of weeks, but laughter ensues as the man walking through the curtain happens to be a somewhat miniature version of the Golden One. [B]Taz:[/B] Hey, Goldie, I ’aint jokin’. I really don’t care for all these jokes, so bring yoself out here now. [B]Mini-Goldie:[/B] Whoa… Tazlinder… don’t judge me for my size. Size doesn’t matter… ssssss…. It’s what you do with it that counts. [B]Taz:[/B] Shut your hole, freak, I want Goldust. [B]Mini-Goldie:[/B] Mmmm… I knew you’d want me… and my hole is always open for you Tazzy… sssss… Taz has clearly had enough and kicks the midget in face, knocking him over. He then picks him up and locks in a Tazmission, squeezing the life out of the miniature Goldust. He then gets up and begins to walk up the ramp, when golden paint suddenly falls from the ceiling, covering him. Through the dripping paint you see Taz promising revenge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taka Michinoku is running backstage, trying desperately to stay away from any potential attackers. However, as he turned a corner he was jumped by the group of ninja’s yet again. The attack, as always, was vicious and within moments Taka was a beaten and bloody mess on the floor. Meanwhile, The Godfather is walking by with his Ho’s when he notices Taka passed out and the Ho’s start screaming uncontrollably. [B]Godfather:[/B] Good God, someone call an ambulance… and a referee! A referee runs over and Godfather pins him to become the new fall holder! [B]Godfather:[/B] Ladies… light up a fatty or this pimp daddy and lets have ourselves a celebration party! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher vs “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock ©[/SIZE][/B] The Headbangers teamed together from the off, trying desperately to nullify the threat of the Intercontinental Champion, but eventually Shamrock began to have his way and it was academic after he locked both Mosh and Thrasher in the Anklelock. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock by submission in 6:23[/B][/CENTER] As soon as Shamrock is handed his title he is attacked from behind by Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes. The assault is as brutal as it is swift and the Champion is down within seconds. Dusty holds his arms as Jarrett locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock, until Shamrock passes out from the pain. Jarrett then grabs the IC Title, flings it over his shoulder and grabs a microphone. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Good lord, slapnut, did you really think you had an affect on me? Did you really think YOU were able of forcing someone into depression? Don’t make me laugh. All I ever wanted was a rematch and you fell right for the trap. So yeah, Kenny, I’ll take you up on your offer of a match at Summerslam. That Intercontinental Title is the most important thing in the world to me, and come Sunday at Madison Square Garden, that title’s coming home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Godfather’s celebration party is well underway with several barely clothed ladies of the night dancing around. Godfather, caressing a Ho with one hand and his Hardcore Title with the other, is being served champagne by an unknown source when the bottle is turned upside down and BAM! The glass shatters on impact with the Pimp Daddy’s head and Godfather crumples to the floor. The camera moves back to reveal the waiter as Tommy Dreamer! The Innovator Of Violence covers Godfather as a referee counts to become the fall holder again! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay w/Chyna vs “The Game” Triple H[/SIZE][/B] However, after around 12 minutes of intense action, with Finlay down on he outside, Chyna sneaked into the ring and tried to attack The Game. Hunter saw it coming and ducked the clothesline, kicked her in the gut and set her up for the Pedigree. Finlay tried to enter the ring with his shillelagh and as such was restrained by the referee as The Rock slid in to the ring to deliver a devastating Rock Bottom to Triple H before he could nail the Pedigree. Rock and Chyna slipped out of the ring as Finlay threw the shillelagh away and climbed on top of The Game for the shocking victory. [B]Winner: Finlay by pinfall in 12:30[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes are walking backstage, laughing, when Vince McMahon walks over. [B]McMahon:[/B] Mr Jarrett, Mr Rhodes, let me be the first to congratulate you on manipulating Shamrock into giving you a rematch. I love little tricks and stuff like that; it shows the ruthless side to a person. [B]Jarrett: [/B]Why, thank you Mr Mackman. [B]McMahon:[/B] No problem. However, it seems Ken Shamrock is equally as ruthless as yourself. You see, when he made the request for the rematch, he made it abundantly clear he wanted a stipulation match, and that match should be kept a secret. Until now. Jeff Jarrett, this Sunday, at Madison Square Garden, live on PPV at the biggest event of the summer Summerslam, you will face Ken Shamrock… in a Lions Den match! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels walk to the ring, ready for their debate which is to be hosted by Jim Ross. [B]JR: [/B]Shawn, as champion, we shall start with you. Why do you think you will still be champion after Summerslam? [B]Shawn: [/B]I’ll tell you why, JR, it’s because every era has a legend. A man who every wrestler inspires to be. These are guys like Lou Thesz, Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair. And you know who will be this era’s legend? Shawn Michaels. Simply put, I am the very best the world of wrestling has to offer at the moment. It’s why I’m a four time WWF Champion. Men like Owen Hart have worked their asses off their entire career and have nothing to show for it. I have four title reigns. I am the very best in the world today. [B]JR:[/B] Owen? [B]Owen:[/B] I have to disagree. Shawn, you’re good. You’re very good. You’re not quite Bret Hart, but good nonetheless. I may never have been WWF Champion, but that means sh*t to me. Whatever either of us have achieved in the past doesn’t mean a thing going in to Summerslam. What matters is we are going in to the most challenging match a wrestler can compete in, on one of the biggest stages in wrestling, and deep down you know you just can’t beat me. [B]Shawn:[/B] Ha, well… that’s your opinion and I’m sure you’ll stick by it, but I see things differently. You choke on the big stage. You’ve flirted with this moment so many times in your career and got nowhere. But me? I’m the Showstoppa, the Main Event… The Icon. They’re more than just cute names. They have been given to me due to my untouchable ability to pull out the big guns on the big stage and perform like no other man can. [B]JR: [/B]Okay gents, one week from today RAW is WAR will be held in Montreal, Canada for the first WWF event since the Montreal Screwjob. What would it mean to you to enter that event with the title? [B]Owen:[/B] It would mean retribution. It would put things right. I may have forgiven Mr McMahon for his role in it, but I sure as hell haven’t forgiven you, Michaels. And to enter Montreal, the site of where you screwed my brother, with the WWF Title over my shoulder having beaten you will be the sweetest moment in my career. [B]Shawn:[/B] For me it would mean everything. To walk in to Montreal as champion would be proof that what happens in the ring stays in the ring. Put aside the politics, the backstage events, I can prove that all that matters at the end of the day is what happens in between the bells in the centre of the ring. I know I’ll get booed, but I don’t care. To hold the title high above my head in front of thousands of people who have written me off will be proof I can overcome anything. [B]Owen:[/B] I’ll say this, Shawn. As sure as I am that I will carry the Canadian flag down to the ring at Summerslam, I am even surer that I will be the World Wrestling Federation Champion this time next week. [B]Shawn:[/B] What makes you so sure? [B]Owen:[/B] Because I’m always one… step… ahead… Owen drops his microphone and charges at Michaels but is met with a picture perfect Sweet Chin Music! [B]Michaels:[/B] See you at Summerslam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Bagwell vs “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] Schquash. Always the trusty jobber, Quackenbush put on a solid selling display as The Bagwell should his impressive victory in a particularly easy match. [B]Winner: The Bagwell by pinfall in 2:38[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankind is walking backstage towards the ringside area when he is sees Chyna and The Rock laughing walking the other way. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hey Rocky. [B]Rock:[/B] I’m sorry, does The Rock know you? [B]Mankind:[/B] Yeah, it’s m… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter if The Rock knows you! The Rock is off to celebrate showing Triple H off as being the jabroni he is, get out of his way. [B]Mankind:[/B] You’re rude, Rocky. I’d be careful about karma. [B]Rock:[/B] Karma? Coming from a guy who gets beaten up for a living? [B]Mankind:[/B] Ha! So you do know me! [B]Rock: [/B]The Rock doesn’t have time for this. [B]Mankind:[/B] I can help you, Rocky, I really can. [B]Rock:[/B] You can help The Rock with karma, can you? [B]Mankind: [/B]If you mean chicken korma, then yeah I can! But be warned, after a curry you don’t want to smell what Mankind is cooking. [B]Rock:[/B] Don’t make The Rock threaten to kick your ass again, it would be a waste of energy. Chyna moves in and shoves Mankind aside as she and The Rock walk off. However, Triple H bursts out from nowhere and takes out The Rock. Chyna runs away as Rocky is propelled into a wall, and then smashed over the head with a steel chair. [B]Triple H:[/B] Chyna! You’re next! Triple H walks off, and the camera pans around to see Mankind standing there watching. [B]Mankind[/B]: Huh… karma. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Dreamer is backstage trying to leave when Sabu throws a chair at him. Dreamer catches it, but ducks as Sabu flies at him, and crushes the chair on his head. Sabu flops to the floor with the chair hanging around his neck and Dreamer runs off, but straight into the waiting arms of The Acolytes who lift him up and drill him through the catering table at the side of the hallway. Shane McMahon then waltzes over with a ridiculously big grin and covers the Innovator Of Violence to become the fall holder yet again without having to lift a finger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Undertaker w/The Acolytes, Kane, Paul Bearer, Owen Hart, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] The sorry alone soul of Mankind took on the entire Alliance, knowing this was his last chance at proving to the world he could do it. In his path was the Phenom, the Deadman, the legend that has stood upon the top of the Federation for the best part of a decade. Mankind, realising the gravity of the situation, went straight for his old arch-nemesis, targeting any available body part and going to town on it, but ‘Taker was back in the match in no time thanks to his comrades and began to dominate proceedings, beating down the hapless Mankind. Toying with the lone psycho, ‘Taker often threw him outside of the ring, leaving him to be devoured by the hungry dogs of The Alliance, knowing full well referee Mike Chioda cared too much about his job to put a stop to it. However, with Mankind down and The Alliance taking control, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Al Snow and Tommy Dreamer ran to help Mankind, battling it out with the men on the outside. The masked madman made his way back into the ring and summoned all of his courage to take it to The Deadman, beating him down, nailing the Double Arm DDT and pointing to his pants to bring out Mr Socko! [B]JR:[/B] It’s Socko! Mr Socko is gonna help take Mankind to Summerslam! [B]King:[/B] Oh please no! Please don’t let that stinkin’ sock be the reason Mankind beats The Undertaker! Mankind shoves Socko into The Phenom’s gullet and locks in the Socko Claw as the crowd erupt, but they are rudely brought back down to Earth with a bone shattering chair shot from Vince McMahon. McMahon helps ‘Taker to his feet as the duo beat down on him while brawling persists on the outside, when… [B]JR:[/B] It’s Austin! Austin! Austin! The crowd explode as Stone Cold emerges from the curtain, and strides down to the ring, taking out anyone on the outside that gets in his way. ‘Taker charges but Austin ducks, and nails him with a Stunner, grabs a chair and knocks McMahon out cold. He grabs Mankind and throws him on top of The Undertaker… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Mankind via pinfall in 24:50[/B][/CENTER] The crowd are cheering relentlessly when Austin throws Undertaker from the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Austin:[/B] Listen up closely, McMahon, you meeley mouthed son of a bitch. You wanna try and fire Stone Cold? Well uh-uh! That just ‘aint gonna happen. You can’t fire the Texas Rattlesnake ‘cos Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna team with Mankind to win those damn Tag Team Titles and THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO!
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[QUOTE=tiarnantman;308678]I'm not exactly a frequent viewer of this board, but I started reading this diary a few months ago, and thought it was good. Although I never really committed myself to reading it back then, I finished it off during its hiatus. Now that it's back, I've started paying much more attention to it, and it really is awesome, probably the best diary I've ever read on this board or on the EWBattleground.[/QUOTE] Wow! That's high praise indeed! I'm glad you're a reader buddy and I hope once I hit my stride (and I think I'm about to, as I'm quite pleased with write up for Sumemrslam so far) I can't justify your comments. Truth is, I was starting to get a tad disheartened with this (partially at myself for not hitting the level I'm aiming for) but this has completely inspired me to crack on with it at the sort of tempo I was when I started. So thank you. [QUOTE=G-Prime;309165]Good show man, great build-up to Summerslam. I kind of expected Foley's partner to be Austin though...[/QUOTE] Thanks matey. Glad you think the build up went well, Summerslam is a show that has been planend for a while. As for Austin, I figured people would realise it would be him. I'm not happy with how I've treated him (he's very much third in the list of title worthy people, behind Owen and Michaels) whereas he was the be all and end all at this point in real life. So I'm trying to build him up again by going for the juggular, and the role only Stone Cold could do... he's going to p*ss off Vince McMahon any way he can. Thanks for the feedback.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/Title.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/Ironman.jpg[/IMG] Simply put, the most gruelling 60 minutes a wrestler can face in their career. Finesse, stamina, athleticism, technical abilities, brawling, all rolled into one match guaranteed to go an hour. Two wrestlers in the peak of their careers in a feud that has spanned months, one man will walk out of New York City clutching the WWF Title in a feud that is yet to spawn an undisputed winner. Shawn Michaels, the WWF Champion, the Heartbreak Kid, a sure-fire future Hall Of Famer who has headlined several Wrestlemania’s and sold out arenas all over the country, desperate to prove once and for all he really is the best in the world today. Owen Hart, the challenger, a man who has broken out of his brother’s shadow and elevated himself to heights most man only dare dream of. This Sunday the Alliance member will stand alone as he main events the Biggest Event of the Summer, ready to prove once and for all he can win the big one. Only one man can leave Summerslam as the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/BODAustinMankind.jpg[/IMG] There has never been a Tag Team as dominant as the Brothers of Destruction. The Undertaker has stood atop the World Wrestling Federation longer than any other man, and in his brother has a kindred spirit, a man so evil even the idea of guilt or compassion is lost on them. No team has ever torn apart the Federation like them. But on the other side of the ring is a man who has no fear and is ready to walk through the fires of hell to establish himself in the position he has worked his whole life to achieve. Mankind has spent his life as the underdog, ignored and frowned upon by society and never given a chance. Yet he is still standing, and still holds the dream of one day being at the top of the WWF. And standing beside Mankind is the world’s most popular unemployed wrestler. After being fired following constant misdemeanours against Mr McMahon Stone Cold Steve Austin is back and ready to raise a can of whoop ass all over Madison Square Garden and take the Tag Team Titles away from the McMahon led Alliance. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/RockHHH.jpg[/IMG] It is entirely possible this feud between Triple H and The Rock will go down as one of the most intense and hate filled rivalries any of us have ever seen. After a series of brutal matches spanning several months, along with a huge backstabbing and power play surrounding the King Of The Ring, these two surefire future WWF Champions will go at it in a Ladder Match. The winner is the first man to collect the briefcase suspended above the ring. Awaiting one man is a shot at the title, and perhaps more importantly, pride. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/ShamrockJJ.jpg[/IMG] Love him or hate him, there is no denying Jeff Jarrett’s passion for the prestigious Intercontinental Title. Having regained his title at Wrestlemania, he fought off any man by any means possible- until he faced Ken Shamrock. The Worlds Most Dangerous Man tore The Stroke apart at Fully Loaded and took his belt in the process. Jarrett has manipulated and plotted his way into a rematch, but in Shamrock’s speciality match, winning the title may become secondary to simply surviving. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/McMahonDreamer.jpg[/IMG] After his shocking realignment with his father, Shane McMahon has been at the forefront of The Alliance’s push towards taking total control over the WWF. Without lifting a finger, Shane has been the fall holder during the 24/7 period twice, but has found himself in the view of the proud hardcore wrestler Tommy Dreamer, a man not afraid to go against the status quo for the good of Hardcore wrestling. The stipulations in the 24/7 rule say the current fall holder and previous fall holder must face at Summerslam, but this match isn’t as simple as power crazy businessman versus Hardcore Extremist. Dreamer might be wise in following McMahon Sr’s advice of “don’t cross the boss”. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/GoldustTaz.jpg[/IMG] In a match added to the card after this weeks RAW, former Tag Team Champions Taz & Goldust will meet in a rivalry that has been simmering for months. Never the happiest at having to team with the Bizarre One, Taz set about destroying his former partner when they lost the Tag Team Titles, but has found it harder than expected when contended with Goldust’s unparalleled mind tricks. [B][SIZE="5"]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/SIZE][/B] [B]60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/B] Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels © [B]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/B] Kane & The Undertaker © vs Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title[/B] The Rock vs Triple H [B]Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Ken Shamrock © [B]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/B] Shane McMahon © vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Singles Match[/B] Taz vs Goldust[/CENTER]
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels © Could just be picking this one with my heart and not my brain, but I'd love to see the Owen title reign that should have been in real life. World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] I think Stone Cold and Mankind walk out winners so that Kane and Undertaker can sort out the whole business with the WWF Championship shot. Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] It's time to play the game.....that's all I got. Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] Big fan of Je-double F Ja-double R e-double T at this point, but he doesn't beat Shamrock in the den. World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title Shane McMahon © vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] You can do it Tommy! Knock his socks off! Singles Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Goldust Taz is a B.A. Plain and simple.
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels © World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles [B]Kane & The Undertaker © [/B]vs Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title Shane McMahon © vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] Singles Match [B]Taz [/B]vs Goldust
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Owen Hart vs [B]Shawn Michaels ©[/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title [B]Shane McMahon ©[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer Singles Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Goldust
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart [/B]vs Shawn Michaels © [B][I]Finally you let Owen walk away with the title. It's his time.[/I][/B] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles [B]Kane & The Undertaker ©[/B] vs Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin [B][I]I think the champs retain here. But this sets up fueds for the future.[/I][/B] Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title The Rock vs [B]Triple H[/B] [B][I]HHH is going to join a muddied title picture.s [/I][/B] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] [B][I]Can't see JJ getting the win here, not in this match.[/I][/B] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title Shane McMahon © vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] [B][I]Bad night for the alliance on the whole.[/I][/B] Singles Match [B]Taz [/B]vs Goldust [B][I]Taz chokes him out. But omg GD seems to like it from behind.[/I][/B] [B]Can't wait![/B]
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Owen Hart vs [B]Shawn Michaels ©[/B] [I]He hasn't held it that long, I predict he retains, perhaps by DQ following interference by the Alliance.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]Honestly, who else could believably beat the BoD?[/I] Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H [I]The Rock is still on the rise, my money's on the Great One.[/I] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] [I]Love Jarrett, and he could go onto bigger, better things.[/I] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title Shane McMahon © vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] [I]Tommy's what Hardcore is all about.[/I] Singles Match Taz vs [B]Goldust[/B] [I]Goldy will attempt to molest Taz, and he'll lose because of it.[/I]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;309655][I]He hasn't held it that long, I predict he retains, perhaps by DQ following interference by the Alliance.[/I][/QUOTE] You realise it's an Iron Man match, right? Or do you mean the deciding fall will be DQ or something? Thanks everyone for the predictions and fgeedback, it really is interesting to see what you guys think. The show won't be up for a few days yet, but a pre-show will be posted relatively soon I think. So if you haven't predicted yet you still have time!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;310041]You realise it's an Iron Man match, right? Or do you mean the deciding fall will be DQ or something? [/QUOTE] D'oh... Forgot. Damn, I'm a tard... I'll change that to a draw, with Owen refusing to go into extra time (ala Kurt Angle last year)
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Owen Hart vs [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] © [i]I think the story would develop better with Owen continuing to chase the title. There's so much more you can pull out of it still, and I personally feel the title would be much more of a homecoming to Owen with more buildup.[/i] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [b]Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/b] [i]Mankind and Austin are tailor-made to beat the Brothers of Destruction. Unless some severe twist or turn happens, I can't see Mankind & Austin losing because the heavyweight title picture would be insanely cluttered. Putting the titles on Austin and Mankind to sort of "give them something to do for the time being" makes a lot of sense.[/i] Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title The Rock vs [b]Triple H[/b] [i]Because D-X feuding for the heavyweight title would be fun to see, and the Rock can always build another story just as interesting with someone else.[/i] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] vs Ken Shamrock © [i]Jarrett has a lot of momentum coming into this with his swerve at the very end to obtain the title shot. He's been playing some serious head games with Shamrock, and I think that might have him flustered. The Heavyweight title picture is the next step for Jarrett honestly and the aforementioned cluttering boxes him out. I think Jarrett takes this one and goes on a massive winning streak.[/i] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title [b]Shane McMahon[/b] © vs Tommy Dreamer [i]It makes sense for Dreamer to win it, but I've got a feeling Shane's entourage isn't seeing it that way.[/i] Singles Match Taz vs [b]Goldust[/b] [i]I think Goldust upsets Taz by beating him mentally.. which leads to another match at the next PPV. This story is too good to let it die now.[/i]
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60 Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Owen Hart vs [B]Shawn Michaels ©[/B] [I]HBK's reign continues[/I] World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]It takes a team like these guys to take down the BoD[/I] Ladder Match to determine the Number One Contender to the WWF Title [B]The Rock[/B] vs Triple H [I]Rock v HBK? Yes please![/I] Lions Den Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Ken Shamrock © [I]The resilient Double J gets the upset and has to contend with an even angrier Shamrock[/I] World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title [B]Shane McMahon ©[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer [I]Simba! Simba! Simba![/I] Singles Match Taz vs [B]Goldust[/B] [I]Goldust does "something" and Taz either bails or is DQ'd due to the violence of his retaliation...[/I]
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Thanks for the predictions RoHG and Flamey, I love predictions with feedback incorporated, really helps me see where you see me going. Show will be up... eventually... I do try to write the show up but get distracted with ideas for the future and end up neglecting the now! Stupid I know. Add that to business and tiredness and I must be one of the worst for getting shows written up consistently. But it hopefully won't be too long. The spine of the show is done- the important angles, the layout and the ending to all the matches, but perhaps most importantly the Iron Man Match. That mutha is long, let me tells ya. Keep predicting if you haven't, thanks to those who have and sorry for not getting it up yet. :)
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[CENTER][I]Two men at the top of their game, the best in the world. A rivalry built over months, a winner still not established. Tonight, with an hour set to declare a winner they go head to head, face to face, to find out who is truly the best by walking out of New York City as the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion…[/I] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/Title.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Live from the Mecca of Sports Entertainment, Madison Square Garden, in New York City, New York, in front of a crowd of 21,228[/SIZE][/B] After a huge pyrotechnic display, the camera pans the crowd and the sea of signs as the people of New York City go mad for the biggest event of the summer… SUMMERSLAM![/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]Hello everybody and welcome to the biggest event of the summer! I’m “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross, and I’m alongside my partner in crime Jerry “The King” Lawler. King, how excited are you about Summerslam? [B]King: [/B]I’m psyched JR, almost as much as this crowd! Look at them, they’re nuts! [B]JR: [/B]Tonight’s main event is of course the 60 Minute Iron Man Match between Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels, and the WWF Title is on the line. [B]King:[/B] I’ve been in a few hour long matches in my time, and let me tell you, they’re hard, JR, real hard. It takes more than fitness of the body; you need fitness of the mind. And tonight we will finally find out who is the best man, The King Of Harts or the Heartbreak Kid! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/McMahonDreamer.jpg[/IMG] This rowdy New York crowd are 100% behind Tommy Dreamer and it is the Innovator Of Violence who dominates the early proceedings, almost punishing McMahon for his treatment on RAW using a kendo stick in all sorts of creative and unsubtle ways to leave the boy wonder yelping in pain. Despite this, McMahon Jr. found a way back in to the match, due mainly to his incredible athleticism. He leapt and sprinted his way back into the match, and showed no remorse when using the weapons on hand. But a little too much toying and taunting gave Dreamer the opportunity to nail a Dreamer DDT and look for the “bad boys” of Hardcore Toys. He grabbed a 2 by 4 wrapped in barbed wire, but before he can use it he was ambushed by the Acolytes, who decimated the Extremist. Dreamer’s face was a crimson mask when Al Snow and Rob Van Dam ran to the ring wielding steel chairs, making solid impact on the Acolytes skulls. Dreamer set up a table on the outside, propped Shane up on the top rope, and dived off nailing a Dreamer DDT to the outside. With his last ounce of energy he draped an arm over McMahon to become the new fall holder! [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: Tommy Dreamer by pinfall in 8:58[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Dreamer was helped back into the ring by the referees, and his handed the Hardcore Title as he holds it aloft while the New York crowd chant his name. BAM! What the hell?! Sabu had crept in to the ring and he levelled Tommy Dreamer! He made the pin and ended Dreamer’s reign before ever really began! [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The screen cuts backstage in time to reveal a stretch limousine pulling in to the car park (damn New York traffic!). The cameraman runs to the end of the limo, which takes some doing, to see the door fly open and out steps The Undertaker, Kane, Paul Bearer, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon. The Alliance is here. [B]Vince:[/B] Mmm… Something tells me tonight is going to be a pretty good night for The Alliance. He grins and walks off, followed by the rest of his group. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Hi folks, I’m Michael Cole and I’m backstage with Mankind. We just saw The Alliance arrive, but do you agree with Mr McMahon that this will be a good night for The Alliance? Mankind: Well I don’t know about that Mickey, it really depends how their matches go. Cole: Of course, but do you agree with the sentiment? Mankind: I don’t think they understand sentiment, or sensitivity. All I tried to do was befriend Mr McMahon in the pursuit of that hug that only I gave give that makes you feel good in all the right places but he disregarded me as if I don’t have feelings. I’ll tell you what though, Mickey, I do. I feel pain, I feel hurt and I feel suffering. But tonight I want to prove I am capable of feeling WWF gold. I’ll make Mr McMahon pay for his negligence with my new best friend Steve Austin. Cole: Don’t you think Austin is only using you to get back at Mr McMahon? Mankind: I think that’s highly unlikely. Steve gets me, he knows how I think and when we go out to play tonight we’ll kick those giant turds backsides and become the greatest Tag Team Champions the world has ever seen… Mankind walks off, leaving Cole looking bemused, until he runs back to the microphone [B]Mankind:[/B] And that’s the bottom line, ‘cos Mankind said so! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/GoldustTaz.jpg[/IMG] The crowd pop for their first sighting of Goldust for nearly a month, even though Taz has a decent following being in the New York area. Taz is all business from the opening bell and goes to town on Goldust, who is somewhat slow out of the blocks. However, using his incredible ability to get in the head of his opponent he works his way back into the match, and even manages to throw Taz off his game plan with his sound wrestling ability. That said, after Taz manages to nail a perfect Trapped Leg Belly To Belly Suplex from the top rope, we slithered across the ring and wrapped his arms around the neck of Goldust, locking in the Tazmission. However, rather than seeing his foe writhing in pain, he saw him grinning with pleasure! Goldust started shaking… or dare I say it… vibrating… to the extent that Taz released the hold and begun to freak out yet again at Goldust’s mind games. He walked over to the Bizarre One and grabbed him, but was shockingly rolled up into a Small Package [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: Goldust via pinfall after 8:31[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] As soon as the bell is rung Taz got to his feet and ran straight through the Golden One with a devastating clothesline. Taz throws him to the outside, sends him into the steel turnbuckle, and begins ripping at the protective mats on the outside. JR starts yelling for help, but by the time it comes it is too late and Taz has delivered a brutal Piledriver on to the concrete. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The Alliance are in their locker room, minus Shane McMahon. Vince is pacing up and down. [B]Vince:[/B] Tonight has not started well. In fact, it couldn’t have started worse. [B]Owen:[/B] Vinny, relax. [B]Vince: [/B]Relax?! You want me to relax? Let me remind you, this is not your company that you’re losing control of. Shane has already lost and now I have to deal with that animal Taz. He could have broke the guys neck. Think of the lawsuit! [B]Undertaker:[/B] Nobodies losing control of anything. [B]Vince:[/B] You’re saying that now, but what about when you face Mankind and… urgh… Austin… later. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Believe me, Austin won’t be a problem. [B]Vince: [/B]I wish I had your confidence. God, if I just got my hands around his… [B]Undertaker:[/B] McMahon, drop it. He’s going against me and Kane, he hasn’t got a chance. We will openly end his career right here tonight, he won’t be an issue. [B]Owen:[/B] Yeah, Austin and Mankind will be destroyed, and The Alliance will finally hold the WWF Title once I've beaten Michaels. [B]Vince:[/B] Yeah, about that. Do you want us there from the start or to come part way through? [B]Owen:[/B] Neither. [B]Vince:[/B] What? [B]Owen:[/B] Do you have any idea what this means to me? This is my chance to win the WWF Title for the very first time, it’s a chance to gain an element of retribution over that son of a b*tch Shawn Michaels. I’m going out there tonight, to prove I’m the better man. And I’m gonna do it on my own. [B]Vince:[/B] If you’re sure. [B]Owen:[/B] I am. I’m going to walk away with the WWF Title and The Alliance will take full control of the World Wrestling Federation once and for all. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] A video is shown on the screen, with a voice over of; “For the first time since Summerslam 1992, the World Wrestling Federation is coming to the UK for a PPV… Capital Carnage, 1 of the 12 WWF pay-per-views of 1998, LIVE, 25th October” [B]JR:[/B] That’s right, all our fans from the United Kingdom who stayed up with us for Summerslam, get ready ‘cos Capital Carnage is coming to you this October! [B]King:[/B] Wahoo! Do you know how much more liberated Europe is than the States?! I can’t wait! [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Michael Cole: [/B]I’m standing by with The Rock who in just a few moments will once again fac… He is cut off by the hand of The Rock. [B]Rock:[/B] FINALLY… The Rock... has come back… to the city so full of trailer park trash they named it twice! [I]The crowd boo.[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Rock… [B]Rock:[/B] Know your role and shut your mouth, Mitchell Cole, and let The Rock ask you a question. Do you like to dance? [B]Cole:[/B] I hardly think tha… [B]Rock:[/B] Shut your mouth jabroni and answer The Rock’s question. Do you like to dance? [B]Cole:[/B] I suppose on a night out I like to tap my feet somewhat, yeah. [B]Rock:[/B] Then The Rock swears; if you don’t dance your way out of here this second The Rock will lay the smack down on you so hard that microphone will go down your throat and out your candy ass. Cole runs off. [B]Rock:[/B] Triple H! The time has come, here we are, Summerslam 1998, Madison Square Garden, New York City, home of the Knicks, and the opportunity is finally with us to make that one last step. Tonight The Rock walks down the People’s ramp, into the People’s ring, grabs the People’s briefcase, shines it up real nice, turns it sideways and sticks it straight up your candy ass! Grab your diary and make a note that today, the 23rd August 1998, is the night The Rock proved without a shadow of a doubt he really is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. When the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled, The Rock will be cashing in the briefcase and kicking the WWF Champion’s candy ass to prove he really is the best there ever was… IF YA SMEEEEEELLLLL… WHAT THE ROCK… IS COOKIN’! [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Dutch Mantell catches up to Triple H, who is sitting alone, soaking wet in his dressing room, breathing heavily. [B]Dutch:[/B] Hunter, we’re just moments away from your Ladder match against The Rock. After all the betrayals, the backstabbing, the backstage assaults, you finally have the chance to prove you are the better man. Your thoughts? Triple H stands up, breathing even more heavily, squares right up to Dutch, and walks off without saying a word. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/RockHHH.jpg[/IMG] There is no feeling out period as these two great warriors go straight for each other. Neither man is showing any sign of weakness as they batter each other real hard, refusing to give up the upper hand. Triple H’s over-zealousness costs him as he charges at The Rock and is sidestepped out of the ring. The People’s Champion follows and pounds him on the outside, immediately using the ladder as a weapon.After smashing The Game into it a few times, he lays it down and attempts a suplex onto it, only for the degenerate to block it and instead send The Rock face first on the metal with a reverse suplex! Hunter throws the ladder into the ring, followed by The Rock, and then joins him. He picks the ladder up and charges into The Rock two… three times, bloodying the former Nation member. He then balances it on the top rope, and attempts to whip The Rock into it, only for it to be reversed as Triple H runs into it headfirst. The Rock throws Triple H to the ground, grabs the ladder and holds it in a suplex-like position, lifting it above his head and then throwing backwards on to the stricken Game. Triple H rolls around in pain as The People’s Champion signals to the back as Chyna walks through the curtain towards the ring. She climbs through the ropes as Rocky holds the degenerate up, allowing Chyna free hits on him. She hits him over and over again, until Triple H kicks backwards to low blow The Rock, and grabs Chyna’s hair. She tries to escape but can’t, he kicks her in the gut and tries for a Pedigree, only for The Rock to cut it off with a stinging Rock Bottom. Chyna grabs the ladder and puts it in the middle of the ring, as The Rock slams The Game on to it, and crushes him with a People’s Elbow on to the ladder. Chyna helps The Rock up and assists him in setting up the ladder, much to the distain of the crowd. However, before he can climb Shawn Michaels runs down form the back and hits them both with Sweet Chin Music! The playing field is even! HBK returns to the back as the crowd cheer, leaving The Rock down alongside Triple H. When they get to their feet they start pounding each other again, this time with Triple H gaining the upper hand with a knee smash. He tries to set up the ladder, but in the time it takes him to start climbing The Rock grabbed another ladder as they gave chase to the top. Both men touched the briefcase with the tips of their fingers, but again begun brawling, this time at 20ft above the ring. They took turns punching, but neither gained an advantage, to The Rock went down stairs and locked Triple H in the Rock Bottom position, ready to slam him off the ladder! The crowd rose to their feet, only for Hunter to power out of it with elbows, and hitting a low shot on The Rock. With Rocky bent over the ladder, The Game climbs up a bit and places his neck between his legs and grabbed his arms, ready for a Pedigree from 20ft in the air! The crowd cheers, but The Rock muscles out of it, instead delivering a huge back body drop over the ladder and to the mat below. With Triple H down, an exhausted Rock tries to climb upwards towards the briefcase, but the strength to get higher eludes him. Just as he reaches for what seems the final time, Triple H jumps to his feet and barges into the ladder sending it toppling and throwing The Rock out of the ring! With his opponent on the outside, Triple H begins to climb the ladder once more, only for Chyna to enter the ring and push it over. However, The Game lands on his feet and stares straight into the eyes of his former bodyguard. She tries to run, but he grabs her by the hair, kicks her in the gut and finally gets to nail the Pedigree he has been waiting for! Meanwhile, The Rock has managed to regain his composure and he slides back into the ring. He hits Triple H from behind, throws his arm behind his neck and lifts him up for the Rock Bottom, but Triple H rolls underneath it, kicks him square in the groin and send him to the mat with a Pedigree. He then climbs the ladder, slowly but surely, rung by rung, closer and closer… within touching distance, and with his last ounce of strength reaches up and grabs the briefcase! [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: Triple H in 18:30[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The Game collapses to the mat below, clutching the briefcase. Referees and officials rush to the ring to inspect the damage- The Rock, Chyna and Triple H all out on the mat. But one of them smiles, as Triple H realises he’s the number one contender to the WWF Title. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Sabu is backstage getting chased by a crazed Al Snow, when he hides behind a few boxes and loses him somewhat easily. As he steps out he is ambushed by the Hardy Boyz. Matt beats down on him and lays him on a collection of boxes, and Jeff dives off a platform to Swanton him through them! With Jeff and Sabu down, Matt covers Sabu to become the fall holder! [B]Matt: [/B]Sorry Bro, but I couldn’t help it! I’m holding my first ever title at Madison Square Garden! Wooo! [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Michael Cole:[/B] I’m standing by with the man who made his return to the WWF last Monday on Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Steve, you’re teaming tonight with Mankind to face the most dominant duo ever in the World Wrestling Federation; Kane & The Undertaker. My question to you is can you trust your team mate, Mankind, tonight? [B]Austin:[/B] Do I respect Mankind? Hell yeah. But do I trust him? Hell no. I don’t trust Mankind as far as I can throw him, but then that’s just me- I don’t trust anybody. But tonight isn’t about trust, it’s about kicking ass and raising hell, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do all over The Alliance tonight and THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO! [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/BODAustinMankind.jpg[/IMG] The four men at the top of their individual games stand across the ring from each other, the evil siblings together as a unit, the challengers apart and seemingly not talking. Mankind manages to convince Austin that “Rock, Paper, Scissors” is the fairest way to establish who will start the match. With a Rock to Austin’s Scissors, Mankind wins, but the Texas Rattlesnake just flips him the bird and starts the match anyway. Austin starts the match off dominating the brothers but ultimately gets nowhere as they get up to whatever he throws at them. Mankind then has a go to just as little success, which allows the brothers back in the match and they target the Lone Psycho. With all the guts and heart he can muster, Mankind refuses to be kept down, as always, but could never seem to make his way to the refuge of his corner where Stone Cold waited to be tagged back in. Austin paces up and down the apron but to no avail, the brothers mercilessly beating down on Mankind. Kane whips Manky into the ropes and ducks, but Mankind catches him and nails a Double Arm DDT. He slithers towards his corner, but is cut off by The Undertaker, who grabs him and tries to bring him back to the champion’s corner, only to get met by with the unnoticed Mr Socko! With Undertaker dwindling, Kane boots Mankind across the face and turns him upside for a Tombstone. Mankind wriggles off his shoulder and leaps at Austin to make the tag as the Garden explodes! Austin goes for both the champions, nailing both of them with fists, and whipping them off the ropes for Lou Thesz Press’s. He attempts a Stunner on Undertaker but is shoved into a waiting Kane who derails him with a huge Chokeslam. With the Big Red Monster against the ropes, Mankind charges and knocks himself and Kane over the top rope. Undertaker tries to grab Austin but is wrapped up in a Small Package! ONE… TWO… NO! Undertaker kicked out! As both men rise to their feet, Undertaker runs at Austin, only for the Rattlesnake to duck, but doesn’t miss second time around with a huge flying clothesline. He grabs Stone Colds arm and climbs to the top rope for a piece of Old School, only for Austin to back into the rope to crotch the Deadman! He may be dead but his face says he still can feel pain in the goolies. As the Lord Of Darkness gets off the top rope he is met with the fists, but a Lou Thesz Press attempt is blocked when ‘Taker catches him, puts him on his shoulder and tries for a Tombstone, only for Austin to roll off his shoulder and nail him with a Stunner! ONE… TWO… TH… [B]King:[/B] It’s McMahon! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell is he doing here? He just put ‘Taker’s foot on the rope and cost Austin the Tag Titles! As Austin looks up and realises he has been double crossed he slides out of the ring towards the fleeing chairman, chasing him around the ring and then inside. But before he reaches him he’s cut off by the huge hand of Kane… CHOKESLAM! ONE… [B]JR:[/B] Not this way… TWO [B]JR:[/B] Kick out Steve! THREE! [B]JR:[/B] Damn it. [B][SIZE="4"]Winners: Kane & The Undertaker by pinfall in 12:41[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] McMahon laughs as the titles are handed back to the champions, with Mankind and Austin out cold on the mat. He raises the Alliance member’s arms in victory as the crowd boo. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Matt Hardy is trying to escape to somewhere private with the Hardcore Title when suddenly the lights go out. A few crashes are heard, and when the light comes back on Edge & Christian are standing over Hardy’s unconscious body. Christian covers his adversary and runs off as the current fall holder! [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] A video is played hyping the feud between Ken Shamrock and Jeff Jarrett, which started with Jarrett trying to befriend the then number one contender to his title, saw Jarrett lose the title at Fully Loaded and then start a whole host of mind games to manipulate his way into a rematch. Jeff Jarrett is first through the curtain, as JR explains that Knock Out or Submission are the only ways for the match to end. Jarrett is as arrogant as ever with Dustah by his side, but as he turns away from the ring and towards the Den his face somewhat drops, probably realising he is stepping in to Ken Shamrock’s playground. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/ShamrockJJ.jpg[/IMG] Jarrett gets the early advantage in this Intercontinental Title match, going for Shamrock as soon as he is through the door. In a no rules environment where there will be no escape, “The Stroke” knows he has to hit hard and fast if he is to stand any chance. This doesn’t last long though, as Shamrock systematically breaks Jarrett down both mentally and physically. With Dusty acting as the least attractive cheerleader in history on the outside, Jarrett tries to rally strength, but ultimately has nowhere to go in Shamrock’s match of choice. With Shamrock down he attempts a Figure Four, but Shamrock kicks him into the steel mesh of the surrounding cage, Belly To Back Suplexes him and locks in the Anklelock, which after a few moments of struggle causes Jarrett to tap furiously. [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 10:17[/SIZE][/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Edge & Christian are trying desperately to escape when Christian suddenly stops, declaring he needs the toilet. Edge says he’ll wait in the car. Christian rushes into the toilet, unzips, does his business and goes to leave when the door flies back in his face, knocking him dizzy. Tommy Dreamer then bursts through the door, wielding a chair and crushes it on the youngsters head. He covers him as a referee makes the count to hand the fall back to Dreamer! Dreamer leaves the toilet area as Edge comes to check on his tag partner, only to discover Dreamer with the belt. He gives chase, but it’s too late as Dreamer jumps in Edge & Christian’s getaway car head first as it screeches in to the night. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Michael Cole is standing by with Owen Hart. [B]Cole:[/B] Owen Hart, tonight you have the chance to finally put the events of Survivor Series behind the Hart family and fulfil your dream of being the World Wrestling Federation Champion. [B]Hart:[/B] This is it. My time is now. Shawn, you’re just there for the ride. There is no stopping me now, and you’re about to realise hell hath no fury like a Hart scorned. Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change of era. The Owen Hart era is about to begin. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] A video is played hyping the feud between Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels, starting with the Montreal Screwjob, running through Michaels title reign, up until Wrestlemania where both men were on the losing side to Steve Austin, through their recent battles and up until tonight where they face off in the ultimate test of who is the better man. [B]JR:[/B] Well King, there’s no denying Michaels has the advantage in big match experience. [B]King:[/B] I still can’t believe Owen is refusing help from The Alliance! That was his trump card, why won’t he play it? [B]JR:[/B] I think it has gone beyond that now. Owen so desperately wants to win the title he’s doing it alone. But regardless of that, it’s gonna be one hell of a match. Let’s take it up to the Fink… [B]The Fink:[/B] The following match is the Iron Man match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship! This match will last exactly one hour, with falls being counted for pinfalls, submissions, disqualifications and count outs. The man with the most falls at the end of the match will be declared the winner and the World Wrestling Federation Champion! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Summerslam/Ironman.jpg[/IMG] The bell rings and the most hotly anticipated WWF Title match in years is underway. Both men have a feeling out process, fully aware that a “full steam ahead” approach will not be to their benefit in the long run. With pride and dignity on the line as well as the title, they try a number of amateur wrestling holds to gain the psychological advantage, but with both men seeming equally adept at keeping the other man down, they attempt a battle of strength, but again there is no separating them. Owen does however manage to gain somewhat of the upperhand with his superior technical expertise, finding any way he can and using all body parts to keep ahead, and sensing the match swinging towards Owen, HBK speeds up his game, an approach that shocks the King Of Harts and Owen takes to the outside. With the crowd taunting the challenger, Owen uncharacteristically takes his eye off the game, allowing HBK the chance to nail the plancha to the outside, followed by nailing left and rights while referee Earl Hebner tries to pull him away, but this only gives Owen an in. They begin to battle down the rampway and into the crowd as Hebner shows leniency towards the count out rule, a fact Ross on commentary alludes to. Once back in the ring, the match continues its adopted brawling feel, which plays into the hands of the champion, who has learned a thing or two in his time at the top of the company. Dictating the tempo of the match, he attempts to exhaust his opponent as they fly around the ring, to the delight of the crowd but distain of the psychology-based rantings of the King behind the commentary table. Owen takes way the leg of HBK during an assault as a means of getting back into the match, and slows it down as he goes to town on the legs of Michaels, realising that not only will injured legs slow the match permanently, but he is more susceptible to his Sharpshooter. After almost 20 minutes of solid action, Owen senses the opportunity to gain a fall and decides it may be time to attempt his dreaded submission finisher, but as he locks the legs he is rolled up by the crafty champion! ONE… TWO… No, kick out! Both men jump to their feet as HBK hits an atomic drop, backs off and charges to hit a selection of clotheslines, slams the challenger and goes to the top. The crowd rise to their feet as Michaels dives off for the Elbow Drop… but misses! Owen springs onto his feet, locks his legs between HBK’s and pulls back in the Sharpshooter! Realising there is nowhere to go; the WWF Champion has no choice but to tap! [B]OWEN HART 1-0 SHAWN MICHAELS (23:03)[/B] The match then progresses with Owen continuing the assault on HBK, targeting his now prone legs and back like a shark to blood. With the crowd willing him on, Michaels worms his way into the match with a couple of desperation moves which finish in a skin the cat leg scissors and baseball slide combination. With Owen resting against the announcers table, Michaels climbs through the ropes, turns his back to him and nails him with a beautiful moonsault through the table! The crowd cheer ferociously, but those cheers eventually turn to boos as Vince McMahon, The Acolytes, The Undertaker and Kane come to the ring, despite Owen’s orders. The Tag Team Champions grab the champion and throw him into the ring, but before they can do any damage Triple H, Mankind and Stone Cold run to the ring and start raising hell, nullifying the threat of The Alliance and keeping it straight one on one. When Owen makes it to the ring, with the chance to go two up, he begins to tune up the band to rub salt in the wound, and with HBK now on his feet too, Owen dives at him, but Michaels telegraphs it and catches the foot, spins him around, runs him into the ropes and rolls him up for the three count! [B]OWEN HART 1-1 SHAWN MICHAELS (32:52)[/B] Owen, shocked at the speed HBK turned defence into attack, started to argue with Earl Hebner, but soon realised his partner was somewhat worse for wear and sensed the opportunity to attack. Refusing to be held down, Michaels continued to work his way into the match, and these two magnificent athletes went toe to toe for the next ten minutes. With exhaustion setting in, HBK made a desperate lunge at Owen, but the challenger grabbed the nearby referee and pulled him in the way, taking the brunt of the attack. Earl Hebner was out cold as Owen began to beat down on Michaels. He lifted him up, tuned up the band and nailed him with Sweet Chin Music, but with the referee out cold there was no-one to count the pin. Never one to turn down an opportunity, Owen grabbed a chair from the outside, and once the champion was back to his feet he was met with a vicious chair shot, splitting his forehead wide open as blood gushed outwards. After 45 minutes of intense action, added with severe blood loss, Michaels resembled a victim of a car crash more than a WWF Champion, but refused to be beaten. Owen threw everything he had at HBK but the shoulder kept coming up, leading to frustration from the challenger. He grabbed the chair again, but a now conscious Earl Hebner intervened, taking a chair shot himself for his trouble. Owen then turned to Michaels, but was met with Sweet Chin Music onto the chair held right in front of his face! Owen’s face became the proverbial crimson mask as Mike Chioda sprinted to the ring to count the fall… ONE… TWO… TH… No! Owen got his shoulder up! Anguish was painted all over the face of Shawn Michaels as he pleaded his case, but it was a more a case of desperation than hope. Both men struggled to their feet and began exchanging loose punches, refusing to give the other one the advantage. After an incredible 53 minutes of action, HBK was hit by the second wind that he owes to so much of his success, sprinting across the ring as if it were the third rather than 53rd minute, throwing everything at Owen. A flying forearm knocked Owen down, but Michaels leapt to his feet majestically, dove across the ring to the slowly stirring challenger and hit Sweet Chin Music yet again! ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]OWEN HART 1-2 SHAWN MICHAELS (53:48)[/B] Both men lay on the mat, searching for the energy to get to their feet, but their bodies giving out on them when they need it most. The realisation that he may be losing in the big one yet again, Owen took his game to the next level with a Shawn Michaels-esque second wind, knocking the champion for six. Michaels was sent sprawling out of the ring, but was relentlessly chased out by Owen. It’s now or never for Owen Hart. He hit with Michaels with everything his drained body would allow, at times not even using wrestling moves but just acts that would inflict both pain and severe exhaustion. There is a determination about HBK’s eyes, a refusal to quit, as if he was ready to take whatever torture Owen was ready to give and remain standing at the end of it. Owen eyes also showed determination, but a different kind. This determination had an almost evil streak, proof that he knew it may be his final chance. Ignoring the referee’s warning of disqualification, he pummelled the bloody champion, either knowing Chioda didn’t have the guts to make that big a call, or possibly just not caring. Blood streaming from his own head, he punched Michaels over and over, single minded on destruction. This tunnel vision gave Michaels the chance to wriggle away from the beating, to duck another punch and to scale the turnbuckle to deliver a moonsault on to the standing challenger. Michaels gets to his feet and props himself up on the top rope, his limbs giving out on him, and stamps his foot on the mat, knowing full well one last superkick would surely settle the match. Owen gets to his feet as HBK darts across the ring and throws his foot at the challenger, but Owen grabs his foot, sweeps his standing leg and ties Michaels up in the Sharpshooter. Every person in the crowd is on their feet as blood drips down Michaels face, his face a picture of pain, his screams demonstrating the pure, unadulterated agony he is in… 90 seconds remaining… Michaels desperately crawls along the mat, forcing Owen backwards, towards the salvage of the bottom rope. Every beat of his heart sends more blood gushing from his head as he moves closer and closer to the rope… 60 seconds remaining… His arm is outstretched, trying desperately to make it to the rope. He inches closer and closer, he can almost feel it, just as Owen walks forward and back in to the middle of the ring… 40 seconds remaining… Both men begin to scream, their bodies are telling them to stop but their desire to be the best keeps them going. Owen reaches back as Michaels back is twisted completely out of shape, but he refuses to quit… 20 seconds remaining… Michaels hand is hovering above the mat, knowing the next 20 seconds will make or break his career as a Hall Of Famer. Owen leans even further back, exerting immense pressure on his thighs and calves, in one last throw at the dice in the hope of becoming the World Wrestling Federation Champion… 10… Michaels clenches his hand, refusing to quit… 9… 8… Owen twists further back… 7… 6… Michaels unclenches his fist and raises it above the mat… 5… His hand is hovering, but the pain is too great… 4… 3… His face betrays his bravery, his eyes desperate to quit… 2… Michaels grabs his hair and pulls, trying to divert the pain… 1… [SIZE="4"][B]Fink:[/B] Here is your winner… aaaand STIIIILL… WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION… SHAWN MICHAELS[/SIZE]![/CENTER] Owen releases the hold at once and collapses forwards onto the mat. Michaels curls up and grabs his knee, writhing in pain. Owen gradually sits up in the corner, tired beyond belief just staring forward, perhaps only realising just how close he came to being the World Wrestling Federation Champion. The WWF Title is given to Mike Chioda, who attempts to lift Michaels to his feet. Gradually, Michaels rises and his handed the title as his arm is raised in victory. He drops to his knees, knowing this was the greatest challenge he will ever face as champion, and his eyes begin to well up as every person in attendance stands and applauds the efforts of both men.
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