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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]SPONSERED BY[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]WAL-MART[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Where Human Rights Don’t Apply[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][I][CENTER]Monday 7th September 1998[/I] LIVE FROM RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA![/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The show opens yet again with the familiar entrance music of the McMahon’s as they strut down to the ring and grab a microphone. [B]Shane: [/B]Hello everyone and welcome to The Alliance presents Raw Is War! Ever since Owen Hart so brilliantly won the WWF Title from the human crotch stain Shawn Michaels, there has been somewhat of a problem here in the WWF. With Kane, The Undertaker, Triple H and the Human Crotch Stain all claiming to be the number one contender I feel something has to be done to un-clutter the title picture. That is why I am letting each of you know that I, Shane McMahon, am booking a number one contenders match for Judgment Day. It will be a tag match with Kane & The Undertaker facing Shawn Michaels and Triple H, and the winners will go on to face Owen Hart later that night in a Triple Threat match. [B]Vince:[/B] Hang on a minute, Shane, that’s a great idea and all… but don’t you think, “in the interest of fairness”, that it should be an all Alliance main event? [B]Shane:[/B] Are you saying Kane & The Undertaker won’t beat DX? [B]Vince:[/B] No, I’m saying we should make sure they do. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh, I already have. You see, for the Number One Contenders tag match, Owen Hart will be the special referee. [B]Vince:[/B] Now that’s just genius. [B]Shane:[/B] I know, pop, I know. Suddenly, the glass shatters and Austin bursts through the curtain and walks straight into the ring, with both McMahon’s backing away. [B]Austin: [/B]Congratulations, Shane, you are officially an @sshole. [B]Vince:[/B] Hey, Austin, that’s my son you’re talking about. Show some damn respect. [B]Austin:[/B] You can shut your mouth too you mealy mouthed son of a bitch.. Stone Cold shows respect to people who have earned it; and you sure as hell ‘aint done that. [B]Vince:[/B] I took a tiny wrestling territory and turned it into the greatest est… [B]Austin:[/B] BS McMahon, BS. I’m not here to talk through how you were once a spot in your daddy’s underpants, then became a jackass, then a bigger jackass, until finally today where not only you are a jackass but your good for nothing son is too. [B]Vince:[/B] I swear Austin… one of these days… [B]Austin:[/B] You’ll what? You see, from where ol’ Stone Cold is standing, all you’re doing is you’re talking a load of crap. That don’t me jack to me Vince it don’t mean jack. You see, I’m all about actions, so to be honest all this talking is making me feel a little sick and damn tired. How about you pull your right hand out your ass and with your left hand let go of the silver spoon you’ve shoved up Shane’s ass and actually face me like the man you claim to be. [B]Vince:[/B] Are you challenging me? [B]Austin:[/B] Damn right I’m challenging you. [B]Vince:[/B] WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! I’m Vince McMahon damn it! Nobody challenges me, not my dad, not Billionaire Ted, especially not a waste of space, foul mouthed idiot such as yourself. Oh no, Austin, you don’t challenge me… I challenge you. I challenge you to a one on one match. [B]Austin:[/B] Let me get this straight, ‘cos sometimes my hearing ‘aint so good. You want me in a match? [B]Vince: [/B]That’s right. [B]Austin: [/B]Okay… let me see how best to say this… IF YOU WANT STONE COLD TO KICK MCMAHON’S ASS AGAIN… GIMMIE A HELL YEAH! [B]Crowd: [/B]HELL YEAH! [B]Austin:[/B] Well I ‘aint ever said no to them before; you’ve got your damn match. The crowd pops, but not for long as Shane McMahon cheap shots him from behind. The McMahon’s lay the boot in to him for a few moments, until Vince grabs a microphone. [B]Vince:[/B] How do you like that, Austin? That’s what’s in your future if you want me! But as you say you do you will get your damn match… at Judgment Day! [B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd, can you believe it?! We’re gonna see Austin and McMahon one on one on PPV! [B]King:[/B] Holy crap! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"] Tajiri w/ Zukaya vs Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] Even though Snow has the experience advantage, his less than level head means the Zukaya member controls much of the match with unique, martial arts style of offence. But Snow hasn’t gotten where he is without being talented, and stays in the match throughout. However, when thrown to the outside, like sharks to blood, the rest of Zukaya try to attack the madman, only for Snow to grab his trusted Head and smash the Japanese stars heads with it. He then slides in to the ring, and goes to hit Tajiri with it, only for Tajiri to spit Green Mist all over Head’s face! This attack shocks Snow long enough for Tajiri to nail a Roundhouse Kick [B]Winner: Tajiri in 7:31[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Zukaya jump in the ring and start stomping the extremist, just like they had done last week. After a while they pull him to his feet, allowing Tajiri to fiddle with his mouth and spit Red Mist in Snow’s eyes. Snow falls to the ground screaming, holding his face as green and red paint rolls down from Tajiri’s mouth. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is backstage when he is confronted by Tommy Dreamer. [B]RVD:[/B] Hey, dude. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Hey. How you feeling? [B]RVD:[/B] Top of the world. It’s feels amazing to cross the boss, cross 24/7 and still be able to say the Hardcore Champion is me… R…V…D! [B]Dreamer:[/B] Yeah… congrats on that. [B]RVD: [/B]Thanks. [B]Dreamer:[/B] I feel like we really showed the world that hardcore wrestling does have a place in the WWF today. I mean, you’re the champion now, I held the fall twice, and beat the owner’s son on the second biggest pay-per-view of the year. [B]RVD:[/B] We did pretty damn good. [B]Dreamer[/B]: That’s for sure. But even so, after all the respect I’ve gained for you over these last few years, and man, that’s a lot of respect, you better know I’m still 100% gunning for that title of yours. I’ve never actually been Hardcore Champion and yet let me assure you, I’ll do whatever it takes to win it. [B]RVD:[/B] And I’ll do whatever it takes to retain it. [B]Dreamer:[/B] I hope you do, but even so, I’ll be the “Whole Dam Champion” before you know it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are stretching in their locker room when they are joined by DX, who shake their hands. [B]Shawn: [/B]Hey boys, how you feeling? [B]Jeff: [/B]Nervous. [B]Triple H:[/B] Good. [B]Jeff:[/B] I don’t get it? [B]Shawn:[/B] You have to be nervous! Do you know how big this is? You’ve got your title shot, and in your home state. This is the biggest opportunity you’ll ever get. [B]Matt:[/B] Now I’m even more nervous. [B]Triple H: [/B]Good, now use those nerves. Turn them into aggression. Make sure you don’t lose tonight. No-one has beaten Kane & The Undertaker yet, this is an incredible chance. We need to beat them at Judgment Day to remain the number one contenders for the WWF Title and even we’re nervous! But will that get the better of us? No. The time has come to prove the WWF will not be controlled by The Alliance, and you can take that first step. [B]Shawn:[/B] Chances like this are once in a lifetime. By beating the most dominating team in history you have the chance to be somebody’s. Don’t let it pass you by. You have potential, but that doesn’t mean diddly squat. Time has come to turn potential into gold. [B]Matt:[/B] Do you really think we can do it? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah. You won’t get another chance like this. Never say die. Make sure it’s Game Over for The Alliance. [B]Shawn:[/B] Don’t be denied- this is your night. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs Lance Storm[/SIZE][/B] This match was made after Jarrett unceremoniously dumped Storm out of the IC Number One Contenders match last week, and the Canadian clearly felt the need to prove a point. Dusty accompanied Jeff to the ring, carrying a mysterious bag to ringside with him. With Jarrett’s mind perhaps more focused on Godfather than the youngster, Storm almost had the match won when he caught Jarrett up in a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Jarrett reached the ropes and hit Storm with a Stroke. But rather than going for the pin, Jarrett summoned for Dusty to pass him the bag. Dusty did so, and Jarrett pulled out of it a big top hat, bling, a cigar and a bright green waistcoat. He put them all on the unconcious Lance Storm so he was a (bad) imitation of Godfather, and locked in the Sharpshooter. Jarrett screamed “how do you like that, pimping slapnut?” over and over again as Storm tapped out. [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett by submission in 8:42[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is backstage with The Acolytes. [B]Shane:[/B] Guys, I can’t thank you enough for your help over the last few weeks. You’re helping us get the WWF back on track by instilling fear into the troops. I’m sure you noticed a sharp increase in your pay checks this month… [B]Bradshaw:[/B] And then some. [B]Shane: [/B]Exactly. But that’s not all. To reward your loyalty, I have decided that up next Ken Shamrock will defend his Intercontinental Title against you, Bradshaw! And that match will be next! And Faarooq, later tonight live on RAW is WAR, you will beat a bit of respect into RVD when you face him for the Hardcore Title! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see Mabel and D’Lo Brown having quite a heated argument, probably over D’Lo not helping Mabel last week in the Battle Royal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bagwell walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen, if you please, take out your cameras and snap away, for you are witnessing history! This is one of the very last times you will see The Bagwell without the Intercontinental Title around his gorgeous waist. Come Judgment Day I’m going to win the belt and become the greatest Intercontinental Champion ever! Ken Shamrock’s music hits, and he walks down to the ring, does his normal screamy thing and gets in Bagwell’s face. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Wow. Me thinks someone might be better off changing to De-Caf. Look, Ken… bro… chillax, yeah? I’m not out here to annoy you, or to get you angry. I got all the respects for you in the world; we’re on the same page. I’m not going to cheap shot you, or beat you down or any of that shizzle, I’m just here to offer my beautiful voice to commentary for your match. And eventually, when our match comes about and not a minute sooner, we’ll lock up and have a great match. But until that day- Bagwell’s got your back! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock © vs Bradshaw w/Faarooq & Shane McMahon[/SIZE][/B] Bradshaw attempted to gain the upper hand by attacking brutally and fast even before the bell had rung, but that just didn’t cut it with the champ. Bradshaw’s brutal right hooks were met with brutal chops from Shamrock who matched the Acolytes intensity. After several minutes of brawling Shamrock managed to gain the upper hand, but before he could convert it into anything greater Shane McMahon distracted the referee while Faarooq attacked the champion, only for Bagwell to leave his place behind the announcers booth and took out firstly Faarooq then Bradshaw with the title belt. Shane looked on shocked as Shamrock positioned Bradshaw on the top rope and nailed him with a Tope Rope Belly To Back Suplex. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 8:21[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chavo Guerrero Jr is backstage with Dutch Mantell, Psicosis’ Light-Heavyweight Title slung over his shoulder. [B]Dutch:[/B] Chavo Guerrero, I have to ask, what were you thinking stealing the Light-Heavyweight Title? [B]Chavo:[/B] Stealing? You think I stole the title? Don’t be so naïve vato loco. It was Psicosis who stole the title from me; I’m just taking it back. [B]Dutch:[/B] But you didn’t win it, in fact, you’ve never even managed a single victory over Psicosis. [B]Chavo:[/B] That’s just a statistic, homes. I was the greatest Light-Heavyweight Champion in history. To think he had the cohunes to take my title away from me, while I was building the greatest wrestling dynasty of all time? Amigo, that makes me sick. If he wants this belt back, he’s gotta face me, one on one, at Judgment Day. And then Chavito Heat will finally end that “statistic” once and for all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ring is decked out in tartan from pillar to post, the camera men are in place and the microphone is switched on. The recognisable sound of bagpipes reverberate throughout the arena as the legendary “Rowdy” Roddy Piper struts down to the ring, taking in the adulation of the fans. [B]Piper:[/B] They said it would never happen. They said the time had been and passed. Well, you know what… they were wrong! Piper’s Pit is back! The crowd pop. [B]Piper: [/B]And for such an important moment in wrestling history, there should be nothing other than an important first guest for its return. So I’ll waste no time in bringing him out here. Just two weeks ago he shocked the world by becoming the World Wresting Federation Heavyweight Champion for the very first time… ladies and gentlemen, if you will, make some noise for Owen Hart! Owen walks down to the ring; belt slung over his shoulder, and grabs a microphone. [B]Piper:[/B] Owen; welcome. [B]Owen:[/B] Thanks. [B]Piper:[/B] So, you finally did it huh? You did what everyone said you couldn’t. You won the big one and brought home the WWF Champion and proved once and for all that you aren’t just Bret’s scrawny, irritating, uncharismatic rip off of a little brother. Congratulations. Owen, clearly frustrated, rises from his chair scowling, but soon cracks a smile. [B]Owen:[/B] Thanks, that means a lot coming from someone who was WWF Champion how many times? [B]Piper: [/B]Touché. Now, I was watching last weeks Raw Is War, and I couldn’t help but notice that you and your Alliance buddies were having a few problems. [B]Owen[/B]: Oh nah, it’s nothing. They were just concerned like the true friends and partners they are that I was outgrowing them. They know that without me The Alliance is about as worthless and pointless as a Roddy Piper cameo. [B]Piper: [/B](laughing) Did you refer to Kane & Undertaker as your “partners”? [B]Owen:[/B] You’ve gotta be the only 82 year old I know who still thinks innuendo is funny. [B]Piper:[/B] Hey! I’m 28! [B]Owen:[/B] Three times over? [B]Piper: [/B]We heard earlier that you are going to defend your WWF Championship at Judgment Day against who ever wins between DX and the Brothers Of Destruction, a match that you are going to officiate. [B]Owen: [/B]Well, it’s an honour to get the chance to prove that I am both the best wrestler and best referee this business has to offer. [B]Piper: [/B]But aren’t you concerned? I mean, BoD are the tag champions and DX make a pretty formidable team? [B]Owen:[/B] Oh, please! Kane & Undertaker are good, no doubt, but they aren’t exactly “Owen Hart”, are they? And DX? I’ve already proven just how much better I am than HBK, and if they win the tag match it will just be me versus him again. [B]Piper:[/B] What does that mean? [B]Owen:[/B] Do you not think it’s strange that for as long as his “best friend” was champion, Triple H never got a shot at the belt? DX is all about one guy, and that’s Shawn Michaels. Triple H is only there because he has to follow Michaels everywhere to just get noticed. And if they progress, do you really think Hunter will want to upset his buddy by winning the belt? I think not. This title is staying right here, and that’s for sure. I know I’m the best this company has to offer; because I’m intense, I’m strong, I’m quick and you’ll never know what I’m going to do next. For instance… Owen rushes forward and takes Piper out with the WWF Title belt. Piper crumbles to the floor as Owen destroys the set, before locking in the Sharpshooter on the unconscious legend. After several seconds of intense pressure he lets go, steps back, and crotch chops at him for good measure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to the D-Generation X locker room where Triple H and Shawn Michaels were watching the Piper’s Pit. [B]Michaels:[/B] What a jackass. [B]HHH:[/B] I know. [B]Michaels: [/B]Can you believe that guy? Might it be that his diaper is so tight it’s cutting off the blood to his brain? Is that even possible? [B]HHH:[/B] Hmm… he has a point though. [B]Michaels: [/B]You what? [B]HHH: [/B]About you and the title. How comes for all the time you’ve been WWF Champion I’ve never once gotten a shot at the belt? [B]Michaels:[/B] Wow. Erm… I guess… I dunno. I don’t make the matches. Ask the writer. [B]HHH:[/B] You mean the guy who can’t even win Real World Diary Of The Year? Get outta here. Dude; he’s name after The Who’s drummer, I’m not asking him. [B]Michaels:[/B] Then I guess we’ll never know. [B]HHH: [/B]Okay, so how about this? I won the Number One contenders match, and yet somehow you still got in on it too. What’s with that? [B]Michaels: [/B]I had it in the match contract that if I lost I could have an automatic rematch. [B]HHH: [/B]But why while I’m going for the belt? Why not after I had a go? Or perhaps most of all; why didn’t you write in the contract that when you won the belt I should get a shot at it? [B]Michaels:[/B] Well, I guess… I never thought of it to be honest. [B]HHH: [/B]Huh. [B]Michaels:[/B] You never asked me to. [B]HHH:[/B] I shouldn’t have to, Shawn. I shouldn’t have to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefRvd.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Faarooq w/Bradshaw vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam ©[/SIZE][/B] The Acolytes came down to the ring together, a little sore from the stiff chair shots they took from Bagwell earlier. RVD, with a quite astonishing amount of crowd support, brought weapons into the match straight away, and for much of it he was fighting two men. The Acolytes did gain the upper hand, but their desire to inflict pain on their rebel opponent gave him the chance to get back in the match as he threw steel chairs around, kicking in seemingly every direction. With both Acolytes down, he dragged Faarooq on top of Bradshaw, then put a chair on top of him, and ended the intense, stiff battle with a Five Star Frog Splash to them both. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:03[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett is backstage with Dusty Rhodes. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I don’t get it, Dee, it doesn’t matter what I do, I get treated like a slapnut. And can you believe that cigar smoking pimp telling me to “lighten up”? [B]Dusty:[/B] Yeah, dose babah’s were reeeeal fine. [B]Jarrett:[/B] What? [B]Dusty:[/B] Oh, err, nothing Jay. [B]Jarrett: [/B]What can I do? I’m a former Intercontinental Champion, the future of the World Wrestling Federation and I have more Stroke around this place than Vince, Shane and Linda combined. But I still find myself targeted by a pimp. [B]Dusty:[/B] Babah, you’s gotsta show Godfather who’s da man. Let him know you gots all da stroke by whupping his ass, beat him sideways and bring one of dem ho’s back for me. [B]Jarrett:[/B] How will that help me? [B]Dusty:[/B] Jay, babah, it’s not my fault. The ladeez are all about the American Dream. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I know, I’ll… Jarrett stops as he feels in his pocket, and pulls out the card and reads it. [B]Jarrett: [/B]“Godfather’s Pimping Agency- giving the ugly, boring and downright pathetic a night with a honey.” Son of a slapnut! I’ll kick his ass! Jarrett throws the card on the floor in disgust and storms out of the room. Dusty watches Jarrett go, then bend over and picks up the card. He gives it a quick read, and tucks it away in his pocket for safe keeping. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kane, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Kane, ‘Taker, tonight you face the Hardy Boyz who are gunning for your tag Team Titles, but surely you must have one eye on the huge number one contenders match Shane McMahon announced earlier? [B]Bearer: [/B]Weeeeeellll you see Duuutch… my boys aren’t thinking about the Hardy Boyz! They aren’t thinking about Owen hart! They aren’t thinking about DX! All they are thinking about is pain and suffering! The destruction will continue tonight! [B]Undertaker:[/B] Hell will freeze over before we lose this Tag Team Titles, I can assure you of that. Matt… Jeff… you may be in your home state, but while you’re in that ring you’re in OUR house. Whether you live or die tonight after the beating we give you doesn’t matter to us… but if you think there is any way you will be walking out of the building you’ve got another thing coming. And DX … just wait until Judgment Day. Because Paul is the judge… Kane is the jury… and I will be your executioner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Rocky, you requested this ti… The Rock puts his hand to his face, ushering Michael Cole to stop. [B]Rock:[/B] Honest to God, The Rock doesn’t know why you even bother. Scram, Jabroni. Cole looks disheartened and once again walks away. [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock is here for one reason and one reason only; to make an announcement. One week exactly from tonight, there will be the first ever “Rock Concert” live on Monday night RAW is WAR! That’s right; it will be The Rock and The Rock’s trusty guitar entertaining the millions… and millions… of The Rock’s fans in only the way the People’s Champion can. There’ll be rhyming, there’ll be jiving, and most importantly The Rock will prove that when it comes to spine tingling entertainment there was, is and will always be only one person who means anything, and that’s The Rock! If ya smeee…. The Rock stops and stares at something. [B]Rock:[/B] What in the blue hell do you want? Mankind walks into shot. [B]Mankind: [/B]Hey, Rocky. [B]Rock:[/B] Allow The Rock to repeat himself. What do you want? [B]Mankind: [/B]I’m super excited about the Rock Concert. I went to a rock concert a few years back. Saw Chesney Hawkes light up the Pavillion in New York. [B]Rock:[/B] Tell The Rock you’re joking. [B]Mankind:[/B] I’m not joking. I was thinking, maybe I could be your support act. I can do a bit of rhyming… “There was once a man from Nantucket, whatever he saw he would fu…” [B]Rock: [/B]Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is a family show! This is The Rock’s show, and he’s telling you that if you come anywhere near the stage at next weeks gig you’ll force The Rock into measures he doesn’t want to go. Smell that. The Rock storms off as Mankind looks around confused. [B]Mankind: [/B]I can’t smell anything? (He begins to walk away) I am… the one and only! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] Another great hardcore match from the former ECW wrestlers. Both men try just about every unique way of causing pain you could think of but eventually Dreamer puts Sabu away with a Dreamer DDT on to a steel chair. [B]Winner: Tommy Dreamer in 9:20[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bagwell is in his locker room, standing in front of a mirror and talking to himself, hyping himself up when Shamrock bursts in, grabs him by the throat and pushes him against a wall. [B]Shamrock:[/B] What’s your game Bagwell? [B]Bagwell:[/B] I don’t understand. What do you mean? [B]Shamrock:[/B] You know what I mean. You’re the most arrogant, pathetic, self obsessed waste of space in the building, yet you want to help me against the most powerful man in the company. What are you doing? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Calm down, K-Dawg. I’m just trying to help. You float alone, I dig that. I gots your back until a match. I want that belt damn much, but I wanna win it off you- I want my win to be against the best. I gots all da respect in the world for you, and I’ll be watching your back from now on. [B]Shamrock:[/B] I don’t trust you. If you screw me, I’ll snap your damn ankle in two. Got it? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Dawg, please. Shamrock lets go and walks out of the room, steam coming out of his ears. Bagwell at first looks shocked, rubbing his throat, but then lets out a sly smile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are in the back, warming up, when Edge & Christian walk in. [B]Matt: [/B]What do you want? We’re trying to get ready for our match. [B]Christian:[/B] We came to offer you good luck. [B]Edge: [/B]Yeah, this match of yours is huge! You’re headlining Raw, not many people have been able to do that. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah, only about 10,000 people. [B]Edge: [/B]Huh, yeah, good one Christian. And you’ve got the chance to walk away having beaten Kane & The Undertaker. [B]Christian:[/B] No-one has ever done that. [B]Edge:[/B] And there’s a reason. Those guys are intense. They’ll rip your head off and won’t even bat an eyelid. They are pure, unadulterated evil and if you’re not careful they might just end your career. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh, dude, that would be such a shame. I was just getting to like them. [B]Edge:[/B] Really? I still find them annoying… [B]Christian: [/B]Dude, they’re standing right there… [B]Edge: [/B]Oh crap. [I]Edge & Christian look around, pretending to be embarrassed.[/I] [B]Jeff: [/B]You can say all you want, you can try to intimidate us all you like, but the bottom line is there isn’t a chance we’re doing anything other than winning the Tag Titles in front of our home town fans. [B]Christian:[/B] Ha, what a joker this guy is. You’re the third funniest guy on the roster, after me and Edge. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah dude, don’t be such a Reekazoid. You really think these fans care about you? They’re more worried about learning how to sign the X on their parole form. [B]Christian: [/B]Or making passes at their daughters. [B]Edge:[/B] Or picking their cowboy hats off their trailer floor which is lined with all the disappointments that inevitably come from being from such a loser state. [B]Christian:[/B] Good one. [B]Edge: [/B]Thanks. Seriously, guys; don’t be Dork Chops all your life- have a day off. [I]Matt and Jeff suddenly push them up against the wall and stare intently in to their eyes.[/I] [B]Matt: [/B]You think they are evil? You think they are hardcore, or violent? You’ve not seen anything yet. There’s gonna be blood, there’s gonna be broken bones and there’s gonna be pain. And everyone of those will be Kane & Taker. And when we’re done kicking their asses, we’re coming straight after you. [I]The Hardy Boyz walk off.[/I] [B]Christian:[/B] Dude, I totally prefer South Carolina! [B]Edge:[/B] South Carolina rules! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTaker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Kane & The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs The Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] As soon as the opening bell goes the crowd is 100% of the home town boys, cheering every move and willing them on to the end. The Champions dominate the early proceedings, using their considerable power to keep down the eager young champions. However, as is so often the case with the Hardy Boyz, they refuse to know when they are beaten, and they keep on battling through. Knowing full well that utilising their quick, high flying offence may be the only way to stay in the match, they hit quickly and move, flying from all four corners and often ignore the rules to ensure they aren’t overwhelmed by the Champions who are almost twice their size and weight. With Kane in the ring and Jeff alone in the ring and unable to reach his brother, Kane starts to pull the youngster apart. He nails him with a Sidewalk Slam, and tags in his brother, who continues the decimation. ‘Taker then kicks him, whips him, boots him and clotheslines him. He picks Jeff up and proceeds in Chokeslamming him all the way to hell. However, rather than pinning him, he tags in his brother, who attempts a Chokeslam too, but Jeff manages to wriggle away and tag in his brother. Matt attempts the typical tag team clearing house routine, but can’t summon the power that would take against such beasts and is quickly taken down. But the crowd continue to roar for the home towners, which must be what gives Matt the strength to nail Kane with a DDT to equal the score. However, before he can attempt a tag or a pin, The Alliance runs down to the ring and quickly subdue the referee, allowing them to have their way with the brothers, until Shawn Michaels and Triple H run down to the ring with chairs. DX swing wildly to even the scores, but even so struggle with the far inferior numbers game… *Glass Shatters* JR: Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Austin is here! The Texas Rattlesnake struts down to the ring, grabbing the steel chair and begins clocking The Alliance members into next week. With everyone down, Austin chucks away the chair and Stunners first Kane, then The Undertaker, as Vince watches on from the outside, too scared to get involved in the melee. Austin then drags Matt over to his corner, where Matt manages to make the tag to his younger brother. Jeff climbs to the top rope and flies off majestically to nail Kane with a Swanton Bomb… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Howard Finkel: Here are your winners… and the NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… THE HARDY BOYZ[/B]![/CENTER] Austin flips the bird at Vince as the crowd erupts, and storms off down the aisle. D-Generation X get to their feet and help up the new Tag Team Champions. Both are exhausted as they are propped up by DX, who raise their arms in victory as it dawns on the rookies from North Carolina that they have upset all the odds and managed to realise their dream. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Tajiri def Al Snow Jeff Jarrett def Lance Storm WWF Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock def Bradshaw to retain his title WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam def Faarooq to retain his title Tommy Dreamer def Sabu to become the number one contender to the Hardcore Title Hardy Boyz def Kane & The Undertaker to win the WWF Tag Team Titles
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All right, it took me the better part of 2 days, but I just read through all 51 or so pages of this diary, and I must say ... this is phenomenal! The characterizations, the flow, the mix of comedy and action ... the amazing use of some underutilized talents to (n)ever walk through a WWF locker room ... phenomenal! I bow to you, Mr. Moon. :D
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DX were in fine form tonight, first coming and motivating the Hardys and then doing a great promo later on about Triple H never getting a title shot. Loved it. The return of Pipers Pit was great aswell, I'm looking forward to more of Piper. It's hard to book things like that for Mankind and The Rock but I think your doing a great job at it mate. I've liked both segments between them so far. Brilliant last two shows mate, I'm already pumped for Judgement Day. Vince/Austin and DX/BOD! Can't Wait!
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[QUOTE=Game-Face;466719]Amazing show keef--- great work[/QUOTE] Cheers buddy, I'm glad you liked it![QUOTE=Prophet;466902]All right, it took me the better part of 2 days, but I just read through all 51 or so pages of this diary, and I must say ... this is phenomenal! The characterizations, the flow, the mix of comedy and action ... the amazing use of some underutilized talents to (n)ever walk through a WWF locker room ... phenomenal! I bow to you, Mr. Moon. :D[/QUOTE] Wow, holy crap, that's some wonderful priase there. Thank you for taking the time to read through, I've put a lot of effort and time in to this so when someone takes the time to read it all and tell me that they liked it it just makes it so worthwhile. I really a bit overwhelmed with the support there, Prophet, thanks very much. [QUOTE=G-Prime;466954]Loved D-X complaining about the writer, although, I could've sworn it was you that I tied with for first place... Guess I was wrong. Anyway, great show mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks man, glad you're still reading. I beleieve it was Outlaw who you came joint first with, although I could be wrong. It certainly wasn't me though. [QUOTE=totti;467008]DX were in fine form tonight, first coming and motivating the Hardys and then doing a great promo later on about Triple H never getting a title shot. Loved it. The return of Pipers Pit was great aswell, I'm looking forward to more of Piper. It's hard to book things like that for Mankind and The Rock but I think your doing a great job at it mate. I've liked both segments between them so far. Brilliant last two shows mate, I'm already pumped for Judgement Day. Vince/Austin and DX/BOD! Can't Wait![/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. I'm really trying to get Owen over as a guy who has worked so hard to get to the top, he'll do whatever it takes to stay there. The mere fact he's in The Alliance is quite a big deal considering he spent most of the year in a sub-feud with Vince. And I thought Owen trying to put a wedge between DX is exactly the sort of heel champion I want! I enjoyed writing for Piper, but he's so hard to write for! It's all in the delivery, the timing and just the raw charisma, it makes it impossible to actually get a good showing for him. So he'll be a road agent who occassionally makes on screen appearances I think. Glad you're looking forward to Judgment Day. I hope the whole title picture makes sense? If not, I thought I'd summarise... Kane & The Undertaker will face Shawn Michaels & Triple H in a tag team match early on Judgment Day with Owen Hart as the guest referee. Both members of the winning team will then enter the Triple Threat main event against Owen for the WWF Title. Hope that makes sense. :)
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;467011] Thanks for the feedback. I'm really trying to get Owen over as a guy who has worked so hard to get to the top, he'll do whatever it takes to stay there. The mere fact he's in The Alliance is quite a big deal considering he spent most of the year in a sub-feud with Vince. And I thought Owen trying to put a wedge between DX is exactly the sort of heel champion I want! I enjoyed writing for Piper, but he's so hard to write for! It's all in the delivery, the timing and just the raw charisma, it makes it impossible to actually get a good showing for him. So he'll be a road agent who occassionally makes on screen appearances I think. Glad you're looking forward to Judgment Day. I hope the whole title picture makes sense? If not, I thought I'd summarise... Kane & The Undertaker will face Shawn Michaels & Triple H in a tag team match early on Judgment Day with Owen Hart as the guest referee. Both members of the winning team will then enter the Triple Threat main event against Owen for the WWF Title. Hope that makes sense. :)[/QUOTE] It's making sense alright and it's a great idea aswell. Hart should have an advantage because I see the DX/BOD match to be pretty long with all four men just not wanting to give it up. I could see Hart screwing Taker and Kane somehow but then again I really have no idea.
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Curse your timing of posts, Keefy. I was out and couldn't predict. Forshame! Great read again, but. The fourth wall breaking with DX was the high point for me. Somewhat shocked you gave The Hardyz their win but I liked it. It was actuallly better than the segment where Mankind one the strap, I thought. Now, time your posts a little better in future please :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[SIZE="1"]Please note that is just for a bit of fun and doesn't a) give my opinions or b) give what I would expect Tony Schiavone to have as opinions. Just as a WCW loyalist, with some epic miscalculations in broadcasting ("butts in seat", "what WCW is all about", etc) he makes sense to use. These are just little jokes based on some of the worse things about WCW, and please don't flame me because I actually quite liked WCW. It's just a bit of fun.[/SIZE] [CENTER][QUOTE]Time to see how the boys are doing down south, me thinks...[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/09.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Schiavone’s Schia-Wrongies[/SIZE][/B] Hello everbody and welcome to the first ever addition of Schiavone's Schia-Wrongies. I'm Tony Schiavone and I'm going to run through with you all that's good and right in World Championship Wrestling this month... In the most important piece of wrestling news for the past three centuries, Hollywood Hogan reclaimed the WCW Title this week in a magnificent technical encounter against Kevin Nash that really underlined what WCW is all about. Fans are already affectionately calling it the “Jackslap of Doom Match”, as Hogan retained the title by smacking Nash’s gentile region. I got this from the Hulkster right after the match; [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/hogan4a.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]“What’cha gonna do, meritocracy, when the politicking of Hulkamania runs wild on you!”[/SIZE][/B] Another highlight was between the entertaining as ever Eric Bischoff and “Yesterdays News” Ric Flair. The argument started in Bischoff’s office about the lack of matches for the Natureboy, and resulted in Bischoff’s sketching a picture he thought represented Flair’s career and proceeded in taking a dump all over it. Needless to say, it was the greatest turd I have ever seen. Last weeks main event was truly a beautiful spectacle to behold. The 74 year old walking steroid needle Lex Luger fought the 106 foot The Giant in a brilliant athletic contest. Shockingly for WCW, the younger superstar beat the over-the-hill star when The Giant hit Luger with a Big Boot and the senior citizens head fell off, showering the first five rows with beautiful steroid capsules and needles. I think Kevin Nash is probably the best wrestler in the world today. Look at the facts- he’s 7 foot tall, 300lbs, strong, powerful, 7 foot, strong, 300lbs and 7 foot. He really has the tools required to be the next Lou Thesz, and his delight at laying down for Hogan means he’ll have a very strong career as Hogan’s right hand man. Just the other week I got in a spot of bother when I had a kid kicked out of the arena for bothering me. It turns out that kid was in fact WCW wrestler Rey Misterio Jr, and he was just asking me if it was worth him turning up this month because he assumed he wouldn’t get used again. My bad; sorry Rey. Goldberg is on one hell of a roll as of late. The last week saw the youngster go from 826-0 to 45,684,534-0 despite getting pinned on eight different occasions. With such bad record keeping it’s possible he won’t ever lose. That is, of course, until he faces Hogan or Nash. No-one can beat them- look at the size of them, their ego’s alone are double the size of Goldberg and I haven’t even got on to Hogan’s steroid induced pythons… I accidentally flicked on to Raw Is War a couple of weeks ago and saw Bret Hart’s brother win the WWF Championship. He’s small, he’s young, and he doesn’t use backstage influence to stay at the top at the expense of others, and I think it’s disgusting. Come on everyone, all together now… yuk… that’ll put a lot of butts in seats. Speaking of Bret Hart, I was beside myself with joy to finally see him get used properly the other week when he became an nWo lackey. There’s to all the people who say WCW doesn’t push new talent- Bret Hart is relatively new (compared to the majority of the main event who were born shortly after the Jurassic period) and he’s getting Hollywood Hogan’s coffee. There are guys in the midcard that would die for that sort of acknowledgement. They deserve what they’ve got, though. Who do they know backstage? No-one, that’s who. That’s all for now folks, tune in every Monday night to see WCW Nitro live and in action. And remember the catchphrase… [I]It’s not what you know, or even who you know, but knowing how to manipulate those you do know in to keeping your spot.[/I] I think that catchphrase is really gonna catch on.[/CENTER]
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Heh, the streak numbers. But honestly mate, while the Goldberg streak numbers were bad, the worst ones where Sid Vicious would lose and then at the next show we were told he had won another 6 matches. From memory the streak started at 76-0 or something after he'd lost a bunch of matches :D Don't know what DOTM or DOTY you guys are alluding to, but for me, hands down in the past the three best writers joint have been yourself, nevermore and outlaw. One who's sneaking into that category now is mikeyg, great story. And that's an honour mate getting some rub against the aforementioned gents. By the way, what was your highlight on your Canadian trip?
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[QUOTE=tristram;468854]Heh, the streak numbers. But honestly mate, while the Goldberg streak numbers were bad, the worst ones where Sid Vicious would lose and then at the next show we were told he had won another 6 matches. From memory the streak started at 76-0 or something after he'd lost a bunch of matches :D[/QUOTE] Yeah, it's crazy that they did that sort of stuff really. I was so unneccessary and didn't really do to help them, just made them look a little bit stupid. [QUOTE=tristram;468854]Don't know what DOTM or DOTY you guys are alluding to, but for me, hands down in the past the three best writers joint have been yourself, nevermore and outlaw. One who's sneaking into that category now is mikeyg, great story. And that's an honour mate getting some rub against the aforementioned gents.[/QUOTE] Of course you know I put you, outlaw and Nevvy on equal parring for best writer, so it's really nice to be mentioned in the same breath. You guys are just so cerebral with everything you do, it's fantastic. Of course Mikey is looking pretty hot at the moment and definitely like the look of his dubceedub, but ove rthe last year you guys have been that damn good. [QUOTE=tristram;468854]By the way, what was your highlight on your Canadian trip?[/QUOTE] Oh man, don't get me started. The revolving restaurant up the CN Tower, the genuinely nice people, the fact that my family were really wonderful and I got on really well with them, watching a baseball game in the Rogers Centre (formerly SkyDome, where Mania X8 was held), the culture, the girls, the Grandstand Show and the Stampede were great fun. But my favourite was probably Banff. That place was so beautiful it looked manmade, in as much that it doesn't seem possible something can look that incredible without trying to. Stunning place. If you get a chance you should really go brother, it would be a great addition to your Europe trip.
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[FONT=”Century Gothic”][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B]The Rock Concert![/B] The Rock will roll in to Oklahoma City with his guitar and plans on electrifying the millions. Be sure not to miss this unique Raw Is War moment! [B]Kane vs Rob Van Dam[/B] Kane needs a punching bag after losing the Tag Titles and McMahon wants Van Dam punished for overcoming all his obstacles, who’s going to win in this non-title match? [B]Lo-Down vs Bagwell & Ken Shamrock[/B] Lo-Down have been given this chance to sort out their problems, while Bagwell is given the chance to prove he is for real in his respect for the Intercontinental Champion. [B]Edge & Christian vs Lance Storm & Al Snow[/B] Edge & Christian sure have changed in recent weeks. Storm and Al Snow are two of the hottest properties in the midcard right now and a win over the fastest rising team in the WWF could propel them up the card too. [B]Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] Zukaya’s reign of terror continued last week against Al Snow, so this week they have been fed another challenger- the jobber without a win to his name- Mike Quackenbush! Plus- more matches to be announced on the night and much, much more! Kane vs Rob Van Dam Lo-Down vs Bagwell & Ken Shamrock Edge & Christian vs Lance Storm & Al Snow Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;468889][FONT=”Century Gothic”][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B]The Rock Concert![/B] The Rock will roll in to Oklahoma City with his guitar and plans on electrifying the millions. Be sure not to miss this unique Raw Is War moment! [B]Kane vs Rob Van Dam[/B] Kane needs a punching bag after losing the Tag Titles and McMahon wants Van Dam punished for overcoming all his obstacles, who’s going to win in this non-title match? [B]Lo-Down vs Bagwell & Ken Shamrock[/B] Lo-Down have been given this chance to sort out their problems, while Bagwell is given the chance to prove he is for real in his respect for the Intercontinental Champion. [B]Edge & Christian vs Lance Storm & Al Snow[/B] Edge & Christian sure have changed in recent weeks. Storm and Al Snow are two of the hottest properties in the midcard right now and a win over the fastest rising team in the WWF could propel them up the card too. [B]Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] Zukaya’s reign of terror continued last week against Al Snow, so this week they have been fed another challenger- the jobber without a win to his name- Mike Quackenbush! Plus- more matches to be announced on the night and much, much more! Kane vs Rob Van Dam Lo-Down vs Bagwell & Ken Shamrock Edge & Christian vs Lance Storm & Al Snow Hayashi vs Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE] There's only one thing I like more than your shows keef... well actually three... bodies, brains and bucks. Anyhow... Kane - the big red machine is going to stop the show Lo-Down - I know how you loathe the sexy boy Buff Bagwell Edge and Christian Hayashi
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[B]Kane -[/B] He needs to look strong after losing the tag titles. [B] Bagwell and Shamrock -[/B] Bagwell has potential and he's accompanied by the Intercontinental Champ. [B] Edge and Christian -[/B] They need to be made strong as they will probably be challenging the Hardy's soon. [B]Hayashi - [/B]Hayashi is on the rise and Mike isn't. The Rock Concert should be good too, can't wait!
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Kane vs[B] Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]Everyone's favourite wrestler... and mine, RVD! Seriously, if Kane lost I'd mark out beyond belief.[/I] Lo-Down vs [B]Bagwell & Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]Can't see this going any other way.[/I] [B]Edge & Christian [/B]vs Lance Storm & Al Snow [I]Because I smell a push beckoning. That sentence doesn't make sense...[/I] [B]Hayashi[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush [I]Zukaya aren't gonna lose any yet.[/I] Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[B]Kane[/B] vs Rob Van Dam [I]By the end of the night, they might be calling him Rob Van Chokeslam.[/I] Lo-Down vs [B]Bagwell & Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]The Bagwell can't let down Shamrock yet, can he?[/I] Edge & Christian vs [B]Lance Storm & Al Snow[/B] [I]After all the lights out attacks, the Hardys get their revenge, and Storm and Snow take another step upward.[/I] [B]Hayashi[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush [I]I don't think Quackenbush is going to get his first win yet. Score another one for Zukaya.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B]REPUBLICAN PARTY[/B] [I]We help those with the means to help themselves[/I] Monday 14th September 1998 Live from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma [/CENTER] Yet again Raw is opened with the now extremely familiar sound of “No Chance In Hell” as Vince & Shane walk down to the ring. [B]Vince:[/B] Throughout my life I’ve been a risk taker. I’ve looked at what I have and what I could have and more often than not I’ve taken the plunge to have even more. I could have taken the WWF from my father and kept it at a small north eastern territory promotion, but instead I took and risk and built it into the vast empire you now see. [B]Shane:[/B] I’m proud of you, pop. [B]Vince: [/B]Thanks Shane. Last week I took another risk. I was offered a match at Judgment Day, weighed up my options and decided that the WWF without Steve Austin is worth risking my health for. But I’m under no illusions; it won’t be a walk in the park. That’s why I’ve decided I need a warm up match tonight. But not just any match, a match that also includes Stone Cold Steve Austin. The crowd pops. [B]Vince:[/B] It will be a tag team match, and naturally I need a partner I can trust to have my back. Shane… would you be my tag partner tonight? [B]Shane:[/B] It would be an honour, pop. [B]Vince:[/B] Tonight, me and my son Shane McMahon will team up to face Stone Cold Steve Austin and…. Oklahoma’s own Jim Ross! [B]King: [/B]What? JR you can’t do this… JR takes off his headset, grabs a microphone and steps in the ring to a fantastic reception from those in the crowd. [B]JR:[/B] Mr McMahon, please… I’m no athlete and I’m no wrestler. I like to think I can talk a good fight but I certainly can’t fight a good fight. [B]Vince:[/B] Nonsense. I need practise and if I’m having the one person I can trust in my corner, it’s only fair Austin gets the same. [B]JR:[/B] But Austin isn’t even here yet. Can’t you at the very least wait until he arrives before you book the match? [B]Vince:[/B] JR, don’t be so gullible. I’m Vince McMahon damn it, I have more power than anyone else in the business. We won’t wait for Austin because my “sources” tell me he won’t be here at all. [B]Shane:[/B] And if he doesn’t arrive in time it’s his own fault and the match must go ahead anyway. Oh boy do I love a good plan! [B]JR:[/B] Mr McMahon, please. My family is in the audience. I beg of you, don’t humiliate me like this. [B]Vince[/B]: Good God, you’re pathetic. Vince slaps Ross, causing the announcer to fall to the mat. [B]Vince:[/B] The match is on, you little son of a bitch. And if I were you, I’d renew my health insurance as soon as possible, because after tonight you’ll be spending the rest of the year in hospital. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][[IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefRvd.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Kane w/Paul Bearer vs “Whole Dam Show” Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] When RAW returns from commercial Michael Cole has taken the place of Jim Ross as announcer in time for this punishment match for Rob Van Dam. Kane is clearly irate after losing the Tag Titles and under the instructions of Mr McMahon tries to brutalise the Hardcore Champion who has found himself firmly in the crosshairs of the evil chairman. RVD puts up a better fight than most could but even he is eventually put away with a Chokeslam from hell. [B]Winner: Kane in 8:30[/B][/CENTER] The match has ended but the destruction has not, as the Acolytes and The Undertaker storm the ring straight after the bell. The Acolytes put in the boots and forearms on the befallen Hardcore Champion as The Undertaker and Kane watch on. Bradshaw and Faarooq Double Spinebuster RVD, before tossing him to the wolves of Kane and Undertaker. They grab him by the throat, hold him high above their heads as RVD stares at the Titantron hoping for assistance and slam him to the unforgiving mat one last time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz music hits and the crowd cheer for the new Tag Team Champions who burst through the curtain with all the enthusiasm and energy that has made them so popular. They high five the fans on their way to the ring, belts around their waists, and both grab a microphone. [B]Matt:[/B] We don’t wanna waste too much of your time, folks, we just came out here with a quick message. Growing up myself and my brother Jeff dreamt of becoming WWF Superstars. We would wrestle all the time and as some of you know even started up our own promotion. All we ever wanted was to do this for a living, so to stand here in front of you as Tag Team Champions is the most incredible honour. [B]Jeff:[/B] So we just want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support, and we promise we will do whatever it takes to prove we truly deserve these belts. Edge & Christian’s music hits and the young Canadian’s walk down to the ring, Edge slow capping, Christian fake crying. [B]Christian: [/B]Wow, Edge, I don’t know how much I can take. It’s just such an inspirational story. [B]Edge:[/B] You think so? I think spending your childhood dreaming of wrestling is kinda sad. [B]Christian: [/B]Why, what did you want to be? [B]Edge: [/B]I was going to be the first ever astronaut hockey player. [B]Christian:[/B] Which couldn’t you do, skate or fly? [B]Edge:[/B] Oh I could do both, this just paid more. [B]Christian:[/B] You can fly? [B]Edge:[/B] I can flap my arms so quickly I can actually hover several feet above the ground. [B]Jeff:[/B] Sorry to interrupt and all, but what the hell do you want? [B]Edge: [/B]Those belts of yours. You struck lucky against Kane & The Undertaker… [B]Christian:[/B] Not to mention you needed three other people to cheat for you to beat them… [B]Edge:[/B] And we want to take them away from you. What do you say; us versus you at Judgment Day? [B]Matt: [/B]If you want a fight you’ve come to the right place, but we aren’t gonna wait until Judgment Day. You want a fight, you get one right here, right now. The Hardy Boyz drop their belts and walk towards the Canadian’s, who back away, intimidated until the lights suddenly go out. They remain off for several seconds, but when they come back on both Tag Champions are out cold on the mat, with Gangrel standing over them. The crowd look on confused as the Vampire wrestler turns to face Edge & Christian. They look shocked at first, but gradually their faces change to blank as they drop to one knee and kneel in front of Gangrel. He laughs, grabs them by the hair and drags them backstage as the crowd look on, still with absolutely no idea what is going on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett, scowling as if it’s going out of fashion, is furiously walking down the corridor backstage, angrily muttering something about stroke and slapnuts, He turns a corner and bursts through a door into a room where the Godfather is cavorting with his scantily clad ho’s. [B]Jarrett: [/B]Listen up, slapnut, You’ve messed with me for the last time. These ladies may get paid for stroking, but you’ll get it for free from me. [B]Godfather:[/B] Excuse me? [B]Jarrett: [/B]Not in a gay way, in a knocking you out type way. You’re a degenerate and you’re exactly what’s wrong with America today. You truly are a grade A slapnut. [B]Godfather:[/B] Your boy Dusty doesn’t seem to think so. [B]Jarrett: [/B]What?! Dusty Rhodes walks out of the shower room with his arms around several ho’s. He laughs until he notices Jarrett and quickly removes his arms from the girls shoulders. [B]Jarrett:[/B] My gawd… you’ve corrupted Dee! Jarrett turns and leaves the room. [B]Dusty: [/B]Jay, babah, I can explain! Dusty goes to follow him, but turns back to the ho’s who wave at him seductively. [B]Dusty: [/B]Maybah later… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Hayashi w/Yamaguchi-San, Tajiri, Togo and Funaki vs “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] Hayashi smothers the jobber from the start, showing more of the ruthless aggression he and his brethren have displayed over the last few weeks. The Quack is still actively searching for his first win in the WWF, and managed to get back into the match and give himself yet another good showing. The desire was there for the win, but Zukaya had the resources and constantly interjected themselves into the match, somewhat ruining the flow. Eventually referee Jack Doan gets fed up and ejects the non-competitors, leaving Hayashi furious. He screams at the referee, and shoves him into the corner of the ring. This gives Quackenbush the chance to recover, sneak up from behind and rolls Hayashi up… ONE… TWO… THREE! Mike Quackenbush has finally won! [B]Winner: Mike Quackenbush in 9:31[/B][/CENTER] No sooner has Doan’s hand has hit the mat for the third time when Zukaya storm the ring, attacking both the winner and the referee. The beatdown is sudden and vicious, leaving neither man a chance. They eventually pick Quackenbush up, and as Togo and Funaki hold him upright Tajiri spits the dreaded green mist in his face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Dreamer is backstage when Rob Van Dam walks in, holding his head and looking quite sore. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Rob… [B]RVD:[/B] Where the hell were you just now? I got my ass handed to me by four men and you did nothing. [B]Dreamer:[/B] No-one else came… [B]RVD:[/B] I’m not asking about anyone else. I thought we were on the same page? [B]Dreamer: [/B]We are, I was just a bit busy. [B]RVD:[/B] Sorry Tom, that just doesn’t cut it. The four most violent men in the company tried to rip me limb from limb and you sat back and let them do it. I would never leave someone high and dry. RVD storms out of the room, slamming the door on the way out. Dreamer at first seems put out, but eventually a grin rises across his face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple H is in the DX locker room, watching the monitor, when Shawn Michaels walks in carrying a couple of cups of coffee. [B]Shawn:[/B] There you go brother, coffee with a splash of cream, just how you like it. [B]Triple H:[/B] What? I take it black. How do you not know that? [B]Shawn:[/B] Tell me you aren’t going to have another hissy fit? [B]Triple H: [/B]A hissy fit? [B]Shawn:[/B] Just kidding… [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah, I’m laughing. I wasn’t making a big deal out of the coffee, no, but even you in your little HBK bubble have to admit last weeks issue is somewhat of a big deal? [B]Shawn:[/B] Whatever man, I don’t wanna argue. [B]Triple H: [/B]Neither do I, but this is my career we’re talking about. [B]Shawn:[/B] (under his breath) Which is thanks to me… [B]Triple H:[/B] Excuse me? [B]Shawn: [/B]I dunno, Hunter, I just think you’re a little ungrateful for what I’ve done for you. Lets face it, before you started hanging with me you were poncing around as a blue blood staring at the lights night after night. Triple H walks over to Shawn and gets in his face. [B]Triple H:[/B] Anything else you wanna add to that? Michaels backs away. [B]Shawn:[/B] No. I’m sorry, that was over the line. [B]Triple H: [/B]You’re damn right it was. Now I know this is exactly what Hart wants us to be doing, so I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that, but you might wanna be careful Shawn. [B]Shawn:[/B] You’re right. If either one of us wants to walk away with the title we have to work together. Shawn extends his hand and Hunter looks at it. He seems somewhat reluctant, but shakes his partners hand anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Lo-Down vs “The Buff Stuff” Bagwell & “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” the WWF Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] The match starts with Mabel controlling the match, using his slow paced offence to beat on his opponents, who themselves will be opponents in just over a week. However, Shamrock and Bagwell haven’t got where they are today by getting dominated, and soon managed to get back in to the match with the sort of teamwork associated with men who have teamed for years. One suspects Shamrock still isn’t totally confident around the intentions of his partner, but both seem to put it aside as they work away at firstly Mabel, then D’Lo. Brown is highly regarded by the WWF for a reason but eventually the slick teamwork of Shamrock & The Bagwell means they get the advantage, but rather than tag out D’Lo ignores his partner and tries to go it alone. This leaves him prone to a DDT to Bagwell, who tags in Kenny for the Anklelock and the submission victory. [B]Winners: Ken Shamrock & The Bagwell in 8:37[/B][/CENTER] The referee raises the arms of Shamrock & Bagwell as D’Lo rolls around on the ground clutching at his ankle, eventually rolling out of the ring. Shamrock turns and glares at Bagwell, who is sporting a huge, cheesy grin. He nods at Shamrock and exits the ring, with Shamrock following closely behind, as angry and confused as ever. Mabel spots D’Lo getting to his feet and summons for him to enter the ring, clearly frustrated at his partners refusal to tag him in. D’Lo just shakes his head and walks away, leaving Mabel to turn away in disappointment. However, as soon as the big man has turned away D’Lo grabs a chair, slides back in the ring and begins brutalising his partner. The stiff chair shots crush the skull of Mabel as blood begins pouring out. Eventually, after the help of several referees and backstage workers, D’Lo is pulled away, and smiles with a psychotic look upon his face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is in his locker room, polishing his WWF Title when Kane & The Undertaker walk in [B]Owen:[/B] ‘Sup, boys? [B]Taker:[/B] You’ve got some answering to do. Since you won the WWF Title you’ve gone from being all about The Alliance to all about yourself. Me and Kane want to make sure that come the Day of Judgment, when you’re the referee, we can rely on you tipping the scales in the favour of the dark lords? [B]Owen:[/B] Taker, Taker, Taker, you shouldn’t even have to ask. [B]Taker:[/B] Good. So we’re in agreement? [B]Owen:[/B] Absolutely. I won’t be tipping the scales in anyone’s favour. [I]Kane gets in Owen’s face, so Owen backs away.[/I] [B]Owen:[/B] You see, I don’t take orders from anyone. Owen Hart will call the match as Owen Hart sees it, and that is right down the middle. If you’re good enough to beat DX, you’re damn right I will count the fall. But if you’re not, I’ll declare DX the winners and not bat an eyelid. Got it? [B]Taker:[/B] What I get is if you make the wrong decision in regards to The Alliance one more time there will be hell on Earth for you. Maybe it’s time you decided what’s more important to you- The Alliance or yourself. [B]Owen:[/B] Taker, buddy, the answer is, always has been and always be the same. I’m all about me and the WWF Title. And come Judgment Day you’ll get the proof of that. [B]Taker:[/B] You better drop to your knees and pray to the lord that you even make it out of Judgment Day with that attitude. [B]Owen:[/B] Let me put it to you this way… I guarantee when I referee your match against DX at Judgment Day I will make the right decision… It just may not be the decision you want. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A guitar sits next to a stool in the middle of the ring, ready for the first ever Rock Concert. The Rock arrogantly struts down to the ring, ignoring the fans, and sits on the stool. [B]Rock:[/B] Okay… wooo… The Rock needs no introduction, but hear goes anyway… FINALLY… THE ROCK HAS COME BACK… FOR THE FIRST EVER ROCK CONCERT! The Rock sits on the stool, positions the microphone, and grabs the guitar. [I][CENTER]The Rock is sitting here with his guitar Ready to play for the next hour Gracing the people with his beautiful voice And leaving the viewers without a choice They can’t watch things and have to see The veteran preservation society on TNT Nitro’s for those who are over the hill Quicker than you can say “Hogan’s muscle enhancement pill” But moving on is a total must As The Rock has something else to discuss Whether it be that Mankind has no class Or that Oklahoma can kiss The Rock’s ass So when Rock and Mankind meet at Judgment Day The Rock wouldn’t have it any other way The Rock will always be the people’s champ And Mankind will be the people’s tramp…[/CENTER][/I] Suddenly, the sound of a car crashing is played over the sound system and Mankind’s famous guitar riff starts playing. The crowd cheer as Mankind acknowledges them on the way to the ring, before grabbing a microphone. [B]Mankind:[/B] I’m sorry to interrupt, Rocky, but… well… the thing is… you’re not very good. [I]The crowd laugh.[/I] [B]Rock:[/B] What?! The Rock says how dare you interrupt the Rock Concert and claim that the most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment isn’t entertaining the people! Especially as you don’t even have the class to introduce yourself… [B]Mankind:[/B] Oh no, I’m not falling for that one again. [B]Rock:[/B] Damn it. [B]Mankind:[/B] Look, Rocky, I would have let you carry on but the fans reaction is just painful. Seriously, I haven’t been in this much pain since I tried industrial strength sand paper instead of regular toilet paper. [B]Rock: [/B]Tell The Rock, are you seriously saying The Rock isn’t entertaining the millions… and millions… of The Rock’s fans? Are you saying The Rock isn’t… the People’s Champion? [B]Mankind: [/B]I guess so. [B]Rock:[/B] Oh, Jabroni, this just got personal. The Rock goes for Mankind, but Mankind backs away. [B]Mankind: [/B]Whoa, Rocky, wait. Let me help. I’ll try a rhyme of my own. And this time it’s clean… [CENTER][I]The Rock stands here trying to rhyme While trying to play his guitar in time He wants to turn your frown upside down But sounds like a cat trying not to drown He should have listened to Mankind all along And tried to play a different song The Rock likes to talk about the People’s Groin But please let me mention mine No matter how good you think you are, Rock, I will always make you choke on my……… sock![/I][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Oh my! The Rock loses it and attacks Mankind, clotheslining him to the mat. He grabs his guitar and crushes it over the skull of Mankind, pieces of the instrument flying throughout the arena. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels and Triple H are walking backstage, looking for something or someone, when suddenly Kane, Undertaker and the Acolytes attack. The brothers use their brute strength to overwhelm them, the Acolytes use huge, solid wooden planks. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] Good luck trying to get involved in the main event tonight. No-ones gonna stop McMahon from destroying JR! [B]Faarooq:[/B] Damn! [B]Undertaker: [/B]And with Austin’s “travel difficulties”, the time has come for JR to rest… in… peace. [B]Faarooq:[/B] Damn damn! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Edge & Christian w/Gangrel vs Lance Storm & Al Snow w/Head[/B][/SIZE] Four of the best young talents in the company went at it in this one, with Snow & Storm surprising many with how well they clicked, although of course nowhere like the best friends from Toronto. It was a pretty even match throughout, but eventually Gangrel’s interference led to Edge & Christian getting the upper hand right up until the Hardy Boyz stormed the ring. [B]Winners: Edge & Christian by Disqualification in 11:53[/B][/CENTER] With passion in their eyes like never before, the Hardyz went at Edge, Christian and Gangrel hammer and tong. The superior numbers meant the trio eventually slipped away from the ring, but as they backed away the Hardyz screamed for more, intensely beckoning them to face them like men. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince and Shane McMahon are backstage; Vince flexing his muscles in preparation for his match, Shane is bouncing around the room. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh my, pop, tonight is gonna be mighty fine! Father and son competing side by side; sticking it to Steve Austin once and for all! [B]Vince:[/B] I can’t wait to see his face when he sees what we have done to his little buddy JR. [B]Shane: [/B]Hallelujah Daddy! Hallelujah! The door swings open as the muscular physique of Finlay walks in and squares up to both McMahon’s, entirely unafraid of their power. [B]Finlay:[/B] You boys better listen up and listen well, you hear me? This dictatorship you’re running doesn’t intimidate me, and it sure as hell doesn’t intimidate a lot of others. You can do whatever you want to try and scare the likes of JR, but you can rest assure people will stand up against you. And you’re gonna see that loud and clear tonight. [B]Vince:[/B] Just who in the hell do you think you are? I’m Vin… [B]Finlay:[/B] My name is Finlay… and I’m not afraid of anyone. Every action has a consequence, boys, you better decide what yours will be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Ross is standing in the parking lot, dressed in a tracksuit, clearly waiting for Austin to arrive. Mankind walks over and taps JR on the shoulder, nearly scaring the life out of the announcer. [B]JR: [/B]What is it, Mick? [B]Mankind: [/B]Mr Ross, JR, Austin isn’t coming. [B]JR: [/B]I know. I just hoped. I’m gonna get my ass kicked. [B]Mankind:[/B] Do you want my help? [B]JR: [/B]In what way? [B]Mankind:[/B] Well, if I take Austin’s role, you might not have to get involved. Maybe you’ll get DQ’d or… Suddenly The Rock attacks from behind, taking Mankind down with a steel chair. He brutalises him as JR watches, frozen with shock and fear. The Rock then turns to JR. [B]Rock:[/B] It’s all down to you now, you candy ass tub of goo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]No Disqualification Match[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/VinceMcMahon1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Vince & Shane McMahon vs “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross[/SIZE][/B] JR was a picture of fear as he stood in front of the McMahon’s, Shane laughing and bouncing like a pathetic child as Vince stared intently and evilly, a grin gradually emerging across his face. JR’s reluctance to fight meant the McMahon’s could embarrass the announcer, beating him down then humiliating him in front of his home crowd to the extent to it becoming uncomfortable. Father and son slapped him across the face as he laid battered on the mat, unable to put up a fight. Shane continuously rubbed the sole of his shoe in JR’s face, when… [B]King: [/B]Oh screw this; I can’t watch JR get put through this anymore. King got up from the table to a good reception and slid in the ring as Shane was in mid taunt, tackling him to the ground and taking it to him with his famous fists. Vince re-entered the ring but was met with a tackle from JR! The announcers had the McMahon’s on their back until the Acolytes and Kane & Undertaker stormed the ring, attacking them both. JR was quickly subdued so they could focus on King, taking it in turns to try and keep the legend down. Suddenly, as Kane lifted King up for a Chokeslam, Finlay rushed down to the ring, Shillelagh in hand. He ran at Kane who met him with a stiff right hook, knocking the Fighting Irishman out in one. [SIZE="4"][I][COLOR="Green"]Break It Down![/COLOR][/I][/SIZE] The crowd cheers as Michaels and Triple H come through the curtain, obviously in pain as the hobbled down to the ring, putting their own health at risk to save JR. As soon as they enter the ring they taken out, clearly too injured to be of any assistance. Vince laughs at the destruction, then point to Kane and Undertaker and signals for a Tombstone. The Undertaker grabs JR and turns him upside down as Kane climbs to the top rope. [B]Cole: [/B]Oh good God no. Please tell me we aren’t about to see a Spike Tombstone, you’ll break his damn neck! [I]The glass shatters...[/I] The crowd erupts as Stone Cold storms down to the ring, chair in hand, as The Alliance look at each other dumfounded. Faarooq and Bradshaw run to meet him on the aisle, but are met with chair shots straight to the head. He climbs in the ring as Kane & Undertaker go for him, but they too are removed with the steel chair. Austin looks straight in to the eyes of Vince McMahon, McMahon’s eyes perfectly rounded as he performs the “gulp of doom.” Shane tries to save his dad but is Stunnered out of the way, leaving Steve Austin and Vince McMahon alone in the ring. Austin slowly removes his shirt and walks at Vince, who tries to hightail from the ring, only for Austin to grab him and drag him back. Austin flips McMahon the bird as Finlay suddenly springs to his feet, grabs his shillelagh and runs at Austin before the Rattlesnake can even notice he was conscious. Austin goes down after one shot to the head, but that doesn’t stop the Fighting Irishman as he brutally assaults Stone Cold, focusing largely on his knee and head until blood trickles down his forehead. Vince, who had been backed in the corner watching the beating, grabs Finlay and yanks him away from Austin and covers him, leaving the referee no option but to make the count. [B]Winners: Shane & Vince McMahon in 8:14[/B][/CENTER] Vince McMahon leans back on his knees, gripping his face in pure joy as the bell is rung, as if he has cleanly won the WWF Title. The Alliance groggily make their way back to the ring as Finlay helps Vince to his feet, and the two embrace in a hug. The Acolytes, nursing sore heads, loft Vince onto their shoulders and parade him around the ring as he celebrates his pinfall victory over Stone Cold Steve Austin, while DX, JR, Lawler and Austin all lie unconscious on the mat below him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Kane def Rob Van Dam in a non-title match Mike Quackenbush def Hayashi for his first WWF win Ken Shamrock & Bagwell def Lo Down Edge & Christian def Lance Storm & Al Snow Vince & Shane McMahon def JR & Steve Austin
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Yours is another one where I'm catching up bit-by-bit so I don't overwhelm myself! I remember lurking in the past and never really getting into real-world dynasties but I've been proven waay wrong over the last few weeks with some fine ones. This is already looking great, you have a new reader!
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[QUOTE=Purple Cowboy;469479]Yours is another one where I'm catching up bit-by-bit so I don't overwhelm myself! I remember lurking in the past and never really getting into real-world dynasties but I've been proven waay wrong over the last few weeks with some fine ones. This is already looking great, you have a new reader![/QUOTE] Hey buddy, thanks a lot for reading and thanks for the kind words. I hope you continue to enjoy it as you go through. :)
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Another top notch show mate. The Rock Concert was a good unique feature to have. I enjoyed it. I can't believe Quackenbush won! Friction in The Alliance and now DX? Looking forward to what happens next. Those 'The Future is Coming' pics have intrigued me mate.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][QUOTE]From [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] The World Wrestling Federation has come to terms on the release of “Dr Death” Steve Williams, “Smoking” Bart Gunn, Ahmed Johnson and Sunny. Without any creative plans for the future they have been released so they can follow up other commitments. The World Wrestling Federation would like to thank them for their service and wish them the best for the future.[/QUOTE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[CENTER]From [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WWFEuropean.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]European Title To Return At Capital Carnage![/SIZE][/B] Created in 1997, the European Title brought a unique presence to the WWF when it went to Europe for its shows. Since the WWF will be returning to the United Kingdom for Capital Carnage on October 25th, it has been decided that the European Title, previously held by Shawn Michaels & the British Bulldog, will return to WWF shows. A tournament will be held over the course of the next few weeks, with the final to be held at Capital Carnage, to determine the first European Champion since the title was vacated in late 1997. Whereas the title was previously only defended at European events, the new form of the title can be defended anywhere in the world. The participants in the tournament haven’t been announced, but rumours persist it will include the loser of the Intercontinental Title Match at Judgment Day plus former tag team champions going solo looking for the opportunity to elevate themselves to the next level. More details to come[/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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