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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]SPONSERED BY…[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]NEW LABOUR[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Don’t worry; we don’t know our policies either[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="4"]Monday 28th September 1998 Live from Chicago, Illinois[/SIZE] [/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]World Wrestling Federation European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero w/ Chavito’s Vato Loco’s vs The Godfather w/ The Ho’s[/SIZE][/B] Despite his out of the ring shenanigans, Godfather is a decent in ring general and can brawl with the best of them. Chavo is an incredible young talent, who was much assisted in this match by his young Mexicano companions. Chavo seemed to have the match won after a chair shot from Reyes Rios Rodrigues, but rather than going for the pin, Essa Aguila handed him an exact replica of Psicosis’ old mask. Chavito donned it and began prancing around the ring, bouncing up and down on the ropes and whatnot. This gave Godfather the chance to charge, nail the Ho Train, lift him up and bang! Pimp Drop, babay! [B]Winner: The Godfather in 7:41 by pinfall[/B][/CENTER] After the bell the Godfather slides out of the ring to the ho’s, where he begins an almighty celebratory dance with them whilst Chavo loses control after having let his obsession with Psicosis get the better of him once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon made his way out to he ring and grabbed a microphone. [B]Shane: [/B]Last night was an admittedly a very bad night for The Alliance. While we are delighted that the WWF Championship is still in Alliance hands, I have felt the need to address two factors. One; The Alliance is NOT falling apart. Owen did what he felt was right and Kane & The Undertaker respect that and are looking forward to the London Dungeon match, not backwards to Judgment Day. The Alliance is stronger than ever, and the WWF under The Alliance’s control will continue to prosper. The Dungeon may have been forced upon us, but rest assure The Alliance is still in control. The Rock? Jeff Jarrett? They’d make good number one contenders. They won’t win the title, but I’m fine with them being there. But Mankind? Oh no, no, no. Tonight he has to go through one of the hottest young talents in the WWF before he even goes. And if that fat sack of crap has the stamina to beat D’Lo and still make it to the fiveway later, he’s gonna get squashed. Ken Shamrock? Kenny boy, I assure you that even if you make it to the Dungeon, you will not get out of defending the Intercontinental Title. At Capital Carnage you will have to both defend the IC belt and be in the Dungeon, and then we’ll see if you can topple The Alliance. And finally… Stone Cold Steve Austin. [I]The crowd pops[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] After what that son of a bitch did, I won’t force him in to extra matches or anything. I will deal with him… myself. I can guarantee, to quote my father, that there is “no chance in hell” of Austin even entering the Dungeon, let alone winning the title. [I]The crowd boo[/I] [B]Shane:[/B]Which leads me quite easily on to my father. My brave, strong, heroic father, He went out there and he faced one of the very best wrestlers of all time and he didn’t hide away form the confrontation, he went full on and nearly won the match, and I for one am proud of him. Lets give him a round of applause, folks. The crowd boo [B]Shane[/B]: As for his condition, he’s in pretty bad shape. What Stone Cold Steve Austin did to him was wrong, it was unlawful and it was classic signs of… *GLASS SHATTERING* The crowd erupts as Stone Cold walks down to the ring, a bandage around his head after the laceration last night, and grabs a microphone. [B]Shane: [/B]What in the hell do… [B]Austin:[/B] Shut your damn cake hole, Shane, before I shut it for you. Last night Stone Cold Steve Austin went to Judgment Day and promised he would open the biggest can of whoop ass ever seen in the World Wrestling Federation. Even though Bradshaw got involved, even though Faarooq got involved, even though Shane McMahon got involved, I still kept my promise. I took that mealy mouth son of a bitch, I grabbed him by the grapefruits, I opened my palm and I slapped him all the way into next week. The crowd cheer. [B]Austin:[/B] But aside from the beer swiggin’, ass kickin’, foul mouthed SOB that I am, I’m also a compassionate, caring human being. I understand that Vince McMahon has a family, so I’m here to give my honest opinion on the end of the match when I threw him 20 feet from the top of the cage through a table. Just allow me to clear my throat so I can do this justice… A-HA… HA… okay… Shane, Linda, Steph, any other illegitimate children he may have scattered across the country… that was the greatest damn honour of my life getting to throw that son of a bitch all the way straight to hell! The crowd pops again [B]Shane:[/B] Now you listen here Steve. You may have bullied my father, you may have gotten away with swearing, and drinking, and all of that before, but I won’t stand for it. You want to hurt my dad, you want to speak ill of my pop, then you’ve got me to answer to. [B]Austin:[/B] If you’re telling old Stone Cold that you are challenging him, then I’ll say bye, bye jackass, I accept your damn challenge, and I’ll be more than happy to kick your ass every day of the week and twice on Sunday’s, and throw your sorry ass to hell with your dads! [B]Shane[/B]: You see, that’s the problem, Steve. We’re gonna do things my way from now on… Suddenly, the Brothers Of Destruction & Finlay emerge from under the ring and start to attack Austin, punching him over and over again and finishing up with a Double Chokeslam from Kane & Undertaker. [B]Shane:[/B] I hope you enjoyed that, Steve, because this is your future. I’m going to make your life a living hell! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’? The Rock bursts through the curtain, no eyebrow raising, no snorting or spitting, just walked straight to the ring and grabbed a microphone. [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock is not here to sprout catchphrases. The Rock is not here for a sing-along with The Rock. The Rock is here to say that if Mankind actually thinks he beat The Great One last night than he is even more retarded than The Rock gave him credit for. You see, Mankind, The Rock did not, has not, is not and will not ever, and The Rock means ever, submit to a piece of trailer park trash like yourself. Tonight The Great One will whoop your monkey ass a long with 4 other jabroni’s and walk in to the London Dungeon to become the best damn WWF Champion there ever was… but before then… Mankind … The Rock wants a rematch, and he wants it NOW! After a few moments Mankind’s music hits and the maskedman walks out to the top of the stage. [B]Mankind:[/B] You want a rematch, huh, Rocky? [B]Rock:[/B] You’re damn right he does, Jabroni. [B]Mankind: [/B]Oh right… I guess…. Erm… Naaaah. [B]Rock:[/B] What do you mean “naaah”? [B]Mankind: [/B]I meant… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter what you meant! All that matters is The Rock will do whatever it takes to face you once more, one on one, and prove that he truly is The Great One. [B]Mankind:[/B] I would, Rocky, I really would, but you see… I don’t have to. I've got no reason to fight you. I already beat you once, I made you tap out, I made you cry like a little girl, so I have no reason to step in the ring with you again. Sorry. Have a nice day! [B]Rock:[/B] Be careful, Jabroni. You don’t want The Rock to give you a reason, let The Rock assure you. You do not want The Rock to give you a reason. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs Lance Storm w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] Two ECW alumni battled out in the opening match of the European Title tournament here. Despite all of Sabu’s best efforts, Storm looked outstanding as he took Sabu to town in a wrestling showcase, finally putting the Arabian Superstar away with a Rolling Cradle. [B]Winner: Lance Storm in 8:11 by pinfall[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is in his locker room, stretching by doing the splits as his legs rest on two steel chairs in an incredible sign of suppleness as Shawn Michaels walks in. [B]Michaels:[/B] Holy sh*t, Rob, I once had to pay to see a chick do that. [B]RVD: [/B]What’s up, dude? [B]Michaels:[/B] Nothing… erm… bro… I just wanted to let you know that I heard what JR said about you being the new Heartbreak Kid. [B]RVD:[/B] Look, dude, I didn’t ask him to say that. [B]Michaels:[/B] No, actually I came to say it’s cool. You show a lot of promise kid, and that sh*t you pulled last night was incredible. You’ve got a long future in the biz, let me tell you. You ever want any advice or anything, you know where to find me, okay? [B]RVD:[/B] Yeah. Thanks. [B]Michaels: [/B]So… does that stretching thing work as well with the ladies as it should? [B]RVD: [/B]It damn sure does, Shawn, it damn sure does. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock made his way down to ringside, sits behind the announcing table and grabs a headset. [B]JR: [/B]Well, it looks like we’re gonna be joined by The Rock for this upcoming match. [B]Rock: [/B]Damn skippy, Jabroni, The Rock is out here to layeth the smacketh down to the millions… and millions of The Rock’s fans listening at home to let them know exactly why The Great One thinks Mankind is the biggest steaming piece of monkey crap The Rock has ever seen! [B]Heenan:[/B] Rocky, I don’t usually gush, but can I just say I’m your biggest fan. [B]JR: [/B]Oh God… [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Real Deal” D’Lo Brown vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] D’Lo looked super-psyched to be getting an opportunity against one of the big names in the WWF, and went on the offensive from the off. He looked stiffer than ever, not afraid to put the hurting on the masked-man, but Mankind is one hell of a competitor and wasn’t willing to be the victim of an upset, especially with The Rock at ringside. Mankind seemed to be in third gear all the way through, clearly with one eye on the Dungeon later tonight, which perhaps gave D’Lo more of a chance than he deserved. Rock made several quips about how Mankind is getting exactly what he deserves by having to do double duty tonight, and how it effectively is one less person for The Rock to beat later tonight. That said, for all D’Los efforts he still found himself a victim of the Socko claw. [B]Winner: Mankind in 9:31[/B][/CENTER] The bell rang and Mankind got to his feet celebrating another win on the chalkboard. He waved at Rocky, but The Rock seemed undeterred. He rose from the announce table, walked towards the ring and simply said “just wait, Jabroni, just wait”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al Snow walks down to the ring, ready for his opportunity at the Hardcore Title. He gets in the ring and Tommy Dreamer begins his entrance, clearly delighted at being the champion. He carries on down the rampway when he’s suddenly attacked from behind by Taz! The machine from the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York starts decimating the hardcore champion, beating him quite viciously as he throws him into the barrier. Al Snow runs down to help, but he is met with a succession of stiff punches, before being thrown into the steel steps. He is whipped into the ring where Tazz proceeds in nailing him with a T-Bone Suplex, followed by a Belly To Belly, before locking in the Tazzmission until Al Snow passes out. Tazz is back! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DX are backstage in their locker room. [B]Michaels:[/B] Sorry I’m late, man, I was talking with a friend. [B]Triple H: [/B]Friend? But I’m all your friends. Well, at least, the only one who isn’t making a career out of getting Hogan his coffee. [B]Michaels:[/B] Too true, brother… That was bad luck last night though, huh? That nugget Owen just had to sneak the pin off of my move, didn’t he? He knows I have him beat in one on one competition, [B]Triple H: [/B]You saying it’s my fault? Michaels: Of course not. Oh, by the way, sorry about the fighting yesterday. Got pretty intense, huh? [B]Triple H: [/B]Sure did. I’m sorry too, but as we said, it’s all about the title. Both of us did whatever it took to win the title and we fell short. [B]Michaels:[/B] But it won’t happen again at Carnage. [B]Triple H: [/B]Yeah. Maybe then you won’t lose me the match by kicking me in the face. [B]Michaels: [/B]What? [B]Triple H:[/B] Nah, bro, it was just a joke. Although… I’m still not sure why you were in that match in the first place. I mean, I did pin Kane, so I should have been the number one contender. You were out cold at the time. [B]Michaels:[/B] True… but you did get pinned in the title match, costing me the title. So I’d say we’re about even. [B]Triple H:[/B] Perhaps… or perhaps after I won a match at Summerslam to be the number one contender, then won the match against Kane & Undertaker, I should have been alone in the title match, rather than having you be there because you… lost your title match. [B]Michaels:[/B] I was there because I was the champion. But I suppose you wouldn’t know what that’s like, would you? [B]Triple H:[/B] Just wait, Shawn. At Capital Carnage I will go through all 5 men- you included- and win the WWF Championship. It’s my destiny. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Acolytes w/Shane McMahon & Paul Bearer vs D-Generation X[/SIZE][/B] DX were clearly still tired from the two matches the night before, which wasn’t helped by the hostility in the locker room before the match. Despite this and the Acolytes dominating large parts of the match, DX got the win when Triple H ducked a Clothesline From Hell and nailed Bradshaw with a Pedigree [B]Winners: Triple H & Shawn Michaels in 9:36[/B][/CENTER] The bell is rung as the referee raises Michaels & Triple H’s arms in victory, the team seemingly united as the crowd cheer their victory. But suddenly, Triple H puts his arm down, looks Michaels square in the eye and says; [B]Triple H:[/B] That was all me, baby, I got the pin again. Next WWF Champion… next WWF Champion… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]Wembley Icons Number Five[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Billie the White Horse[/SIZE][/B] The magnificent Wembley Stadium was built just four days before the 1923 FA Cup Final scheduled to take place between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United. The Football Association hadn’t considered selling tickets, so more people turned up than had been anticipated. The stadium was built with a 127,000 capacity, but it has been estimated between 240,000 and 350,0000 actually turned up. The match was about to be postponed when Constable George Scorey rode his beautiful white horse Billie onto the pitch. Together they pushed the crowd to the outside of the pitch, resulting in just a 45 minute delay.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bagwell’s music plays and he comes through the curtain, his leg heavily strapped in a cast, his body weight supported on two crutches. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Look at me. Look at the God damn state of me. My once beautiful face, my exquisite body, my perfectly chiselled abs, my finely razored goatee, all ruined by Ken Shamrock! Who does he think he is? Is he the stuff? I don’t think so. I’M THE STUFF, DAMN IT, ME! I’m in such a bad shape that I’ve got to get someone to fill in for me for next weeks European Title quarter final. I may never walk again without a limp. And it’s all Ken Shamrock’s fault. So I’m out here with a petition, telling anyone who wants to sign, that I want Ken Shamrock’s Anklelock manoeuvre outlawed! I want that damn move made illegal. It injures, it rips tendons, tears muscles… As Bagwell is talking Ken Shamrock walks through the crowd, over the ramp and into the ring behind Bagwell, who is content at knowing he is there. However, he turns around straight in to a Belly To Back Suplex, which is inevitably followed by Shamrock’s roar. Shamrock starts kicking and ripping at Bagwell’s cast until he can gets enough purchase on it to lock in the Anklelock again! The referees and officals flood the ring to pull him away as Bagwell, yet again, is left screaming on the mat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefjeff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Zukaya (Tajiri, Togo & Funaki) w/Hayashi & Yamaguchi-San) vs Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] A great match to demonstrate what the WWF’s becoming all about. This was all about six young bucks putting it all on the line in their exciting, fast paced, high-flying styles which brought the fans to their feet. Funaki and Togo kept the Tag Champions occupied on the outside of the ring as Tajiri got Quack Attack alone and nailed him with a Snap Super Kick. [B]Winners: Zukaya in 8:41[/B][/CENTER] The Brood stormed the ring straight after the final bell, taking out the Hardyz get severely on the rampway, leaving Zukaya all alone with Quackenbush in the ring. As usual, they dominate the poor youngster, beating him from pillar to post in the stiffest of attacks until Psicosis storms the ring, causing them to vacate the ring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is in his locker room, whistling “O’ Canada” when Kane & The Undertaker burst in and Kane pins him up against the wall. [B]Owen:[/B] Guys, what the hell?! [B]Undertaker:[/B] The Alliance is about more than you, Owen. Last night, when you counted for those jesters, you overstepped the line. Myself and my brother are willing to remain united with you for the good of The Alliance, but I assure you, as soon as the bell rings at Capital Carnage, we will not only take your dignity, we will not only take your soul… we will take your title. Beware, Owen, your days as champion are numbered. The Undertaker leaves the room, but Kane stays, and gets right in to Owen’s face. You can see the fear as Kane stares intently, millimetres away from the champions face. He eventually backs away and lets go of Owen Hart’s shirt and follows his brother out of the room. Owen looks shook up form the situation, until gradually his fear turns in to a sly smile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusty Rhodes and Jeff Jarrett are backstage, Jarrett is jumping about trying to get ready for the match. [B]Dusty: [/B]Whoa, babah, dis is huge. Woo, I feel alive, babah, Jay-ee-eee-eff Jay-aye-ar-ar-ee-tee-tee, next WWF Champion babah. [B]Jeff: [/B]Dusty, I have to ask, before I go out there… who has all the stroke? [B]Dusty:[/B] You babah, you da man with all da stroke! [B]Jeff: [/B]And what are the other guys in the match? [B]Dusty:[/B] Babah, dey nothing but slapnuts! [B]Jeff:[/B] I knew it! God dammit, I knew it! I’ve got aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll the stroke! [B]Dusty:[/B] Dis is a huge opportunity, babah, don’t leddit face you by. It don’t matter what you do, how you do it, babah, all dat matters is you da man who makes da final pin. [B]Jeff: [/B]I ‘aint no slapnut, Dee, I gots aaaaaallll the stroke and I’m gonna show those slapnuts that Double J is gonna be the next WWF Champion! [B]JR: [/B]I think I understood about 20% of that. [B]Heenan:[/B] All you need to know is Double J has all the stroke and the rest are slapnuts. [B]JR:[/B] Yeah… I got that much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Qualifying Match to enter the London Dungeon Match at Capital Carnage[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs “The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett vs Mankind vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” the Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The odd number of participants made for a unique match in terms of balance, with Jarrett & The Rock teaming up for much of it to take out Mankind, while Shamrock and Austin went hell for leather against each other. However, the alliance between the two heels wasn’t a permanent one and eventually The Rock nailed him with a Rock Bottom, followed by him receiving a Socko Claw, Anklelock and Stone Cold Stunner, effectively ruling Jarrett of the match. Rock and Mankind then set their sights on each other, beating the holy hell out of each other just 24 hours after their match at Judgment Day. Mankind eventually hit Rocky with a Doubled Arm DDT, despite having already gone nearly ten minutes with D’Lo Brown earlier tonight, but was met with a Belly To Back Suplex from Shamrock for his trouble. The Intercontinental Champion screamed himself into the zone but was met with a kick to the gut and was Stunnered into next week! Shamrock collapsed to the mat as Austin went to go for the cover, only for Shane McMahon to hit the ring and break up the three count! Realising the McMahon’s were again trying to screw him, Austin set off on a chase for the Boy Wonder, meeting him halfway up the aisle and proceeded in beating the crap out of the young McMahon. Meanwhile, in the ring, Jeff Jarrett gradually regained consciousness, dragged himself slowly across the ring to where Shamrock laid and draped an arm over him… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett 18:31 by pinfall[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Oh for the love of God, tell me Jeff Jarrett didn’t just sneak the win?! [B]Heenan:[/B] What an incredible piece of athletic ability! And he did it all on his own! [B]JR: [/B]Austin got screwed and somehow Jarrett has earned a shot at the WWF Championship at Capital Carnage! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Godfather def Chavo Guerrero Jr to progress in the European Title Tournament Lance Storm def Sabu to progress in the European Title Tournament Zukaya def Hardy Boyz & Mike Quackenbush D-Generation X def Acolytes Mankind def D’Lo Brown Jeff Jarrett def The Rock, Mankind, Ken Shamrock & Steve Austin to qualify the London Dungeon Match
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Great show... you write for Austin so well... and Jarrett too. Loved the Autin assault, loved the The Taz come back (which was awesome, by the way). Even the Mankind/Rock segment (and, yes, I'm not a Rock mark... so, shoot me :rolleyes:) was brilliant and quite funny in places as well. The only bad thing I have to say: [SIZE="4"][B]Boo![/B][/SIZE] The Whole F**kin' Show is my turf... mine! :D Nah, seriously, I'm interested to see where this new "friendship" goes... which reminds me, great nWo potshot by Trips ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Wink;477308]Nice show man...The win by Jarrett was a real shock to me:eek: I really hoped that The Rock would come trough, but hey what can you do?:p[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback man. I wanted to keep this fresh and unpredictable, it is the Attitude era after all, and I thought most people ouldn't see Jarrett winning, so yeah. And don't worry about The Rock, his time will come. It's a matter of when, not if. :) [QUOTE=Nevermore;477314]Great show... you write for Austin so well... and Jarrett too. Loved the Autin assault, loved the The Taz come back (which was awesome, by the way). Even the Mankind/Rock segment (and, yes, I'm not a Rock mark... so, shoot me :rolleyes:) was brilliant and quite funny in places as well. The only bad thing I have to say: [SIZE="4"][B]Boo![/B][/SIZE] The Whole F**kin' Show is my turf... mine! :D Nah, seriously, I'm interested to see where this new "friendship" goes... which reminds me, great nWo potshot by Trips ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Hey... I asked you for permission to use RVD and Michaels and you said you were cool with it.... :rolleyes: And that was legally binding, so something might happen between these two. Not in a gay way, of course. [I]Or will it...[/I] One of my many issues with the WWF around this time was their use of Tazz. He went from a bad ass breaking Angle's undefeated streak to getting beaten up by Bossman to entering the Hardcore Division to being a jobber. Terrible. Tazz's strength was that he was such a bad ass, no matter how tall he was he looked legitimately bad to the bone, so he won't be getting beaten up by Albert in this one. Obviously it won't be smooth sailing for him, but I think he can be a good upper midcarder for the WWF at least. I'm glad that you liked the characterisations and the Mankind - Rocky bit (at last!) but most of all I'm just glad you're reading. Love the feedback as always and I hope you keep reading! [QUOTE=Nevermore;477316]...oh, and I love your little party-political messages recently; top notch. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Oh good, I'm glad they weren't going over peoples heads. Don't know how long they'll last to be honest, but I'll keep throwing them out there while I can think them up.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TOP TEN[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) OWEN HART[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] He’s held on to his top spot… but only just. The obvious highlights of his month was retaining the WWF Title firstly against Lance Storm and then in a gruelling match against Triple H and Shawn Michaels, but the dubious nature of both wins mean his stranglehold on Number One in our Top Ten may soon be coming to a close. [B]2) D-GENERATION X[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] Forget the fact that they lost in the main event at Judgment Day- it has been a terrific month for DX. Firstly they helped cost The Alliance the Tag Team Titles, dodged every bullet The Alliance shot at them and defeated Kane & The Undertaker to become the number one contenders to the WWF Title. It could also be argued that had they not had to have 2 matches in one night one of them may well have walked away with the WWF Title, but you get this was not their last chance yet. [B]3) JEFF JARRETT[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] Double Jay really turned the heat on in September. Godfather is not an easy man to beat but Jarrett did it comprehensively at Judgment Day, and just the next night on Raw he had the biggest win of his career over Stone Cold, Mankind, The Rock and Ken Shamrock. But if he gets his own way at Capital Carnage, third might be as low as he’ll go on our list. [B]4) MANKIND[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] He may be the most mentally unstable man to ever grace a WWF ring, but Mankind sure knows how to manipulate people and gain results. Mankind had a good month, the best result beating The Undertaker, a feat not many can claim to have done. [B]5) KEN SHAMROCK[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KenShamrock-1.jpg[/IMG] It seemingly doesn’t matter what people throw at the Intercontinental Champion, he is still damn near invincible. Bagwell tried to play mind games with Shamrock and found himself in a cast. A climb of two places from 7th, the Worlds Most Dangerous Man may continue to climb yet. [B]6) PSICOSIS[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] Static at six is the high-flying, indestructible Psicosis. Still the Light-Heavyweight Champion despite Chavo stealing his belt, hiring some “friends” to help and making their match at Judgment Day the one match Psicosis couldn’t specialise in, the luchadore is still the champion and still undefeated against Chavo Guerrero Jr. [B]7) HARDY BOYZ[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefMatt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefjeff.jpg[/IMG] The brothers from Cameron, North Carolina achieved their life long dream by becoming Tag Team Champions, against Kane & The Undertaker, no less, and then successfully retained it against Edge & Christian at Judgment Day. This could just be the start of their ascent to the top. [B]8) STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] It doesn’t matter what the McMahon’s throw at him, Stone Cold will not be denied his chance to win back the WWF Title. Although he did lose twice this month, both were severely compromised by The Alliance and his dominant win over Vince McMahon at Judgment Day and subsequent hell raising means Austin finds himself on the fast track up our list. [B]9) TOMMY DREAMER[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG] Dreamer must have felt hard done by when it was proclaimed an upset when he bested RVD to win his first ever Hardcore Title. The New York native has been the simple definition of hardcore since he joined the WWF and it is entirely possible beating the fastest rising star in WWF was just the start for the Innovator Of Violence. [B]10) MIKE QUACKENBUSH[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] Okay, so he may have lost at Judgment Day and this week on Raw, but The Quack Attack still had a great month. He picked up his first ever victory over Hayashi and a disqualification win over Togo, and took Hayashi all the way in his PPV debut. If he carries on this momentum this could be the beginning of big things for the “Nameless Jobber”. [I]Look out next month for…[/I] [B]Taz[/B] Taz made his return to a WWF ring this week on Raw and looked more dangerous than ever [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] He beat his old partner and took Mankind to the limit. Will he continue to prove he is the “Real Deal”? [B]Zukaya[/B] Having disposed of Quackenbush and Michinoku, how much further can the Japanese thugs go in just their second month in the company? [I]It was a bad month for…[/I] [B]The Rock[/B] Once again Rocky has found himself in the list no-one wants to see themselves in. Despite making all the right noises this month, this time against Mankind, he still couldn’t get the job done and found himself on the back of another PPV loss. That said, don’t be surprised if he’s on the other list this time next month. [B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] From number two to the bad month list, September was a catastrophic month for the Brothers Of Destruction. Firstly they lost their Tag Team Titles to the much younger, smaller and inexperienced team of the Hardy Boyz, and were then beaten by D-Generation X at Judgment Day. These evil siblings will have to make quite the showing in the London Dungeon to re-emerge in the top ten. [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] It just gets worse and worse for Chavito Heat. His obsession in beating Psicosis is clearly his main downfall at the moment but it’s one he cannot break away from. With Psicosis picking up the wins in all their meetings, you have to wonder if Chavo will ever make an appearance in the Top Ten.[/CENTER][/FONT]
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My first post in this diary and I must say its been a good read. Your last show was very well put together. Im VERY surprised at Double J picking up the victory. Will be interesting to see what your plans are. And I am SO glad that Tazz is back. Im predicting it now: Tazz, WWF Champion... hey, I can dream can't I? Anyway, keep it up mate.:)
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[QUOTE=Prophet;477749]Yes! Honest to goodness, under the towel, pissed off, bad ass Taz is back! I think if Taz works his way up the card, to a Sharpshooter vs. Tazmission match, I may just lose my mind. lol Another classic, man. :D[/QUOTE] Glad you're pleased about Tazz coming back. The guy had an awful lot to offer and I plan on getting the most of him. And of course, it makes sense him to to be pissed of when he returns- he got suspended after Piledriving someone on concrete after losing to Goldust. Who wouldn't be pissed off?! Thanks for the compliment and feedback. As for Sharpshooter vs Tazmission... one day, maybe... maybe... :p [QUOTE=jw_forever;477847]My first post in this diary and I must say its been a good read. Your last show was very well put together. Im VERY surprised at Double J picking up the victory. Will be interesting to see what your plans are. And I am SO glad that Tazz is back. Im predicting it now: Tazz, WWF Champion... hey, I can dream can't I? Anyway, keep it up mate.:)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback, it's always nice to see who is reading. To be honest, what with al lthe Jarrett hate around and everything, if you wanna surprise people you put him in the main event, and you do it over the likes of Rock, Mankind and Austin too! I don't hate him like everyone else, so I think he is an incredibly useful person to have on the roster, and I have to admit one of my character flaws is I just really, really enjoy writing for him and Dutah Babah. Thanks again for the feedback, I'm glad you are enjoying it and I hope you continue in the future. Anyhoo... [FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Matches Announced for 5th October edition of…[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]The Undertaker vs Triple H Edge vs Rob Van Dam [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship[/B] Hayashi vs Psicosis © [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] Bradshaw vs Mabel [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] D’Lo Brown vs Al Snow Taz vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Plus…[/B] We will hear from Jeff Jarrett, Shane McMahon, WWF Champion Owen Hart and get an update on the condition of Vince McMahon from the man himself and much, much more! [I]So remember- if you want more… you need Raw[/SIZE]![/I][/CENTER][/FONT]
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Loved the show, mate. Another good segment between Mankind and The Rock and fantastic to see Taz back. I didn't expect to see Jarrett win that, but it just goes to show that anything can happen. The Undertaker vs [B]Triple H[/B] [I]Triple H's push starts here.[/I] Edge vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]Like Shawn said, RVD has big things ahead.[/I] WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Hayashi vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] [I]Psicosis is looking like a strong champion at the moment.[/I] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final Bradshaw vs [B]Mabel[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Al Snow [I]I'm going to say that D'Lo and Mabel carry on their feud in the Semi's.[/I] [B]Taz[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer [I]I should be riding a good wave of momentum after his return.[/I]
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;477968]Glad you're pleased about Tazz coming back. The guy had an awful lot to offer and I plan on getting the most of him. And of course, it makes sense him to to be pissed of when he returns- he got suspended after Piledriving someone on concrete after losing to Goldust. Who wouldn't be pissed off?! Thanks for the compliment and feedback. As for Sharpshooter vs Tazmission... one day, maybe... maybe... :p[/QUOTE] Yeah, but in Taz's defense, Goldust had it coming. :p I also have to admit, because of your diary, when Double J won, I could hear Dusty jumping up and down, yelling "You da man, babeh, Dusteh tol'ja yous da man!" But I'm not right in the head. lol [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Triple H [I]One misstep and "The Game" falls to inadvertant interference from "The Showstopper"[/I] Edge vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]Whole F'n Show, Whole F'n Show![/I] [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship[/B] Hayashi vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] [I]The Zukaya members puts up a good fight, but Psicosis holds the title long enough for Tajiri to emerge and snag the gold.[/I] [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] [B]Bradshaw[/B] vs Mabel [I]Mabel falls victim to the numbers game.[/I] [B]WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/B] [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Al Snow [I]I'm tempted to pick Al Snow here, but I'm thinking that D'Lo will capitalize on the impressive showing with Mankind and use that momentum to take another step upward.[/I] [B]Taz[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer [I]Can't have Taz falling upon his return match.[/I]
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[B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Triple H Edge vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Hayashi vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]Bradshaw[/B] vs Mabel WWF European Title Tournament Quarter Final [B]D’Lo Brown[/B] vs Al Snow [B]Taz[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Monday 5th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B]Sponsored by…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PARTY[/SIZE][/B] [I]Without a vote in 35 years[/I] [/CENTER] Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes are in the centre of the ring. [B]Jarrett: [/B]Opportunity is a funny thing. Just last month I was stuck trying to beat a pimp, and this month I am faced with the chance of winning the WWF Championship. All the young slapnuts in the back, Hardys, Edge & Christian, Lance Storm etc, I am a great example to each and every one of you. I’ve slugged away at getting my opportunity to shine, and I have got where I deserve to be. I truly do have all the stroke around here, and I am living proof that if you work hard enough you can accomplish anything. I have the money, I have the house, I have the car, I have the honies, I have the stroke, everything. [B]Dusty:[/B] Absol-tibbly, babah, but you know what you are… you are da living proof of da American Dweam! You’ve worked hard, and now you’re weaping the wewards, babah! [B]Jarrett:[/B] How true. [B]Dusty:[/B] And as such, ahead of yo title match, I wantsta give you a gift. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Me? [B]Dusty:[/B] Oh yeah, babah, holla. I am giving you da “American Dweam” name. You are now, “The New American Dweam” Jeffewy Jawwett! Jarrett wipes a tear away from his eye and leans in to Dusty, the two of them embracing in a very manly hug. [B]JR: [/B]Oh for the love of all that’s holy. If this is the start to the show what… [B]Heenan: [/B]Ssshh Ross, you’re ruining the moment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Bradshaw w/Faarooq vs Mabel[/SIZE][/B] Mabel is a sight to behold, he’s just plain huge, but that didn’t bother Bradshaw who’s been brawling like a man possessed lately. Mabel controlled much of the match but Bradshaw was always an influence. However, as Bradshaw tried to lift him for a Powerbomb his back gave way, allowing Mabel the chance to rolling kick him to the ground and squash him with a Big Splash [B]Winner: Mabel in 4:59[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR: [/B]Good God! Who’s going to be able to stop Mabel?! He’s about double the size of everyone else and is vicious to boot! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz come down to the ring with their Tag Titles over their shoulders and worryingly grab microphones. [B]Jeff: [/B]We’re out here to tell Edge, Christian and Gangrel that we’re sick of all their little games. You want some of us; you know where to find us! [B]Matt:[/B] Anytime, anywhere guys, you want a shot at these belts, you’ve got it. Just cut all the sneaky, cheap shot BS. Almost predictably, Edge & Christian attack form behind and start beating down on the brothers. Gangrel gradually makes his way down to the ring, but instead of getting in he grabs a ladder from under the ring, then slides in. Edge & Christian use the ladder to beat the champions down, before finally stopping for Gangrel to talk. [B]Gangrel: [/B]The end of your Tag Team Title reign is nigh. We accept your challenge, and we will face you at Capital Carnage… in a Ladder Match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with D’Lo Brown, who is oddly wearing a chequered golf jumper with a polo shirt, beige trousers and a top hat. [B]Cole:[/B] I’m here with D’Lo Brown who is about to have his first match in the European Title Tournament. D’Lo, what on Earth are you wearing? [B]Brown: [/B](in a fake English accent) D’Lo Brown? Good Heavens, who is that? He sounds like a jolly nice fellow. Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington the third Esquire. I have come all the way from chilly old England to participate in the most magnificent European Title tournament since us Englishman gave the French a ruddy good hiding in the Battle O’ Hastings. Being British, it’s not the winning that matters, it’s the taking part, but I’m sure to go out there and give my all for all the people of England, and most importantly, my ruddy good friend, Prince Charles. God Save The Queen! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title Tournament Quarter Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Al Snow w/Head[/SIZE][/B] The crowd don’t really know what to make of D’Lo’s new persona as he participates in the European Title tournament. While in the ring seemingly nothing has changed, the intensity from before is there, as are the hard hitting moves, but of course, Al Snow is one hell of a tough competitor and wasn’t willing to just lie down. Al Snow grabs Head and takes a swing at D’Lo, but he ducks, grabs a Golf Club, swings and knocks Head out of Snow’s hands. Snow looks shocked, then angered, and runs at D’Lo but gets caught by Brown who nails a Sky-Hgih for the win [B]Winner: Sir Desmond Brown in 8:42[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]Wembley Icons Number 4[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Fanny Blankers Koen[/SIZE][/B] Female Dutch athlete and housewife who at 30, was told she was too old to seriously challenge for honours at the 1948 Olympics held at Wembley. She decided to compete in 4 races, 100m, 200m (in which she holds the record for biggest difference between first and second finishing times), 80m hurdles and 4x100. She won all 4, 1st female athlete to win 4 gold medals and still the only woman to win 4 gold medals at one event.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock comes to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock is out here for one reason and for reason only. Last night The Rock was in a king size bed with many, many beautiful women, and he had an epiphany. It all came to The Rock at once. The Rock realised what he had to do to right the wrongs with Mankind in the last few months. The Rock has to do what he does better than anyone… and The Rock means anyone… and that is breaking records and changing history. No man has ever made that fat sack of crap Mankind quit before. So at Capital Carnage, Mankind, The Rock will give you the chance to go ONE… ON ONE… WITH THE GREAT ONE…in an “I Quit” Match. Mankind comes out with a microphone in hand. [B]Mankind:[/B] Rocky, it’s not that I’m afraid or anything, I just don’t need to face you. I’ve already proven to the dozens… AND DOZENS… of Mankind’s fans that between me and you, I am the better man. So that would be a “no” from me. [B]Rock:[/B] Listen here, Jabroni, The Rock warned you not to push him. If this is your final answer, The Great One will be left with no option but to force your hand in the matter. The Rock guaran-damn-tees he will get his match one way or another. This is your last chance. [B]Mankind: [/B]Erm… I’m gonna stick with no. Have a nice day! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Edge w/Christian & Gangrel vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] Two o the finest young bucks in the business right here, yet again proving why the WWF is so highly regarded right now. The Brood were constantly involved but RVD is rising quicker than anyone at the moment and took his chance when it came by nailing a Five Star Frog Splash Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:59[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to show DX watching RVD’s match. [B]Michaels: [/B]What did I tell you? [B]Triple H: [/B]Okay, you were right. That Van Dam fella is pretty impressive. [B]Michaels:[/B] Pretty impressive? You should have seen this splits thing he was doing the other day. [B]Triple H: [/B]No, fair play, that guy is pretty special. You might even say he is a young Shawn Michaels… [B]Michaels: [/B]Oh, not cool man, not cool. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Shane:[/B] Mr Austin, would you please join me in the ring… After seemingly an age, the glass shatters and Stone Cold makes his way down to the ring. [B]Shane:[/B] Now, Mr Austin, last week was unpleasant. I don’t take pleasure in costing people matches, and as you can see you’ve left me with an almighty black eye. So I’m out here to offer you one last chance. You saw what I can do last week- don’t make me do it again. I will give you this chance to play by the rules. Apologise for what you did to my father and we can draw a line under what has gone before. [B]Austin: [/B]You want ol’ Stone Cold to apologise? [B]Shane:[/B] I would, yes. [B]Austin:[/B] If you want a damn apology then I’ll happily give you one- I’m sorry, Shane. [B]Shane:[/B] Thank you. Apology accepted. [B]Austin: [/B]I’m sorry that I didn’t do a hell of a lot sooner! [B]Shane:[/B] Damn you, Stone Cold, damn you! If you want to play the role of a jackass, if you want to throw your career on the line by playing dice with the McMahon’s then I’ll ruin you, you little son of a bitch, I will ruin you before you can say “second broken neck”. [B]Austin:[/B] Then come get some, Shane-O, I’m right here, you and me right now. Shane throws off his jacket, ready for a fight, when suddenly The Acolytes attack form behind. They start beating the Rattlesnake down, but he manages to power out of it, hitting them both with Stunners. He then grabs Shane by the hair, gets in his face and starts swearing, when out of nowhere Finlay hits the ring and hits Austin in the knee with his Shillelagh. [B]Shane:[/B] How do you like that, Austin? How do you like that? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. And this is only the start, Austin, cos you’re in a match tonight against my man, Finlay! But that’s not all, jackass, if you want a piece of me, then you’ll get it. It will be you… versus me… at Capital Carnage! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefpsy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Hayashi w/Funaki, Togo, Tajiri & Yamaguchi-San vs Psicosis ©[/SIZE][/B] From the start of the match Hayashi looks like a man possessed, desperate to become a champion in the WWF just a month in to debuting. Zukaya constantly poked their nose in, and when Psicosis was thrown from the ring they acted like a pack of wild dogs ripping and tearing away at the luchadors flesh. Psicosis demonstrated why he is so highly regarded in the WWF, spending no time on the mat as he dazzled the crowd with his high flying offence. After almost ten minutes of action, Psicosis dived to the outside of the ring in a suicide plancha, taking out the whole of Zukaya. He then climbed into the ring, swept the legs of Hayashi, climbed the top rope and… Chavo Guerrero hit him with the title belt! The referee was distracted with Zukaya, which allowed Chavo to nail him with the Light-Heavyweight Title! Hayashi stumbled over to Psicosis, now a heap on the mat, lifted him up and put him away with a Final Cut. [B]Winner; and the NEW Light-Heavyweight Champion: Hayashi in 9:31[/B][/CENTER] Zukaya all groggily entered the ring and hugged Hayashi as he hoisted his belt in to the air. Chavo Guerrero Jr and his Vato Loco’s joined them in the ring as the two groups celebrated downing Psicosis. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is in his office when Ken Shamrock walks in. [B]Shamrock:[/B] You wanted to see me? [B]Shane:[/B] Yes, Kenny, thanks. I’ve brought you in here as I have received the petition started by Bagwell regarding you getting fired for your latest actions. Unfortunately, I’m not in a place to be firing anyone yet, so you still have your job. That said, I can outlaw moves, as suggested by Bagwell, which means you are on Strike Two for the Anklelock manoeuvre. What that means is two people have complained about the danger involved in that move. [B]Shamrock:[/B] Who? [B]Shane: [/B]That isn’t important. So I'm warning you, Shane. You try to rip someone’s ankle off again and that move is outlawed. And to prove I am serious in punishing you for your recent actions, I am booking you to defend that Intercontinental Championship at Capital Carnage. You will face the ugliest, nastiest, meanest, dirtiest man in WWF history. You will go one on one with the undefeated Finlay! [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God. That’s not going to be for the feint of heart, that’s for sure! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] Dreamer is a veteran in the ring and can most certainly go when he is between the ropes, but unfortunately he was no match for the Human Wrecking Machine when he’s in this sort of mood, this being his first match back after his suspension. Tazz finally ended the brutality with a Tazzmission. [B]Winner: Tazz in 6:45[/B] [/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker is backstage with Kevin Kelly [B]Kelly:[/B] Undertaker, tonight you will face D-Generation X member and fellow participant in the London Dungeon; Triple H. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Life is littered with sinful, evil people who tarnish the good name of the dark lord. People like Triple H infuriate Satan, and he infuriates me. Triple H doesn’t understand what he is getting himself into when he crosses my path. But I promise you this, Kevin Kelly, the mortal soul of Triple H will tonight be crushed by me, the Lord Of Darkness, and I will make him rest… in… peace… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The legendary Terry Funk is backstage, chatting with some backstage workers when suddenly The Rock comes from nowhere swinging a steel chair. The chair crashes against the skull of the Funker, knocking him off his feet, and The Rock continues to smash the chair down on the legend, over and over again, until he has stopped moving. The Rock then picks up his limp body, drags him a few yards, slaps him into consciousness then throws him through a glass window! [B]Rock: [/B]Tell your buddy Mankind The Rock said hello. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay w/Paul Bearer vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Finlay wasted no time turning this into a wild brawl, not even allowing Austin to take his waistcoat off. The match immediately spilled to the outside where both men seemed to love the physicality, neither offering an inch in their quest for supremacy. Both men being veterans, neither showed any signs of weakness and the match was even throughout, right until Paul Bearer nailed Austin with the Shillelagh. Austin powered out of the pinning predicament, but the battle carried on in a one sided manner, until Austin rolled out of a Celtic Cross attempt and hit the Fighting Irishman with a Stunner. No sooner had the hit the mat the ring filled with Alliance personnel. Owen Hart took out the referee while Acolytes, Shane and the Brothers Of Destruction had their way with the Texas Rattlesnake. With Austin once again a battered heap on the floor, Shane adorned a referee shirt as Finlay lifted him up and slammed him to the mat with a Celtic Cross for the biggest victory of his career. [B]Winner: Finlay in 14:27[/B][/CENTER] The Alliance all celebrated around Finlay, once again having gotten the better of Stone Cold. They lifted Finlay onto their shoulders, until Ken Shamrock came through the curtain. He went to enter the ring, but instead stepped back and looked towards the Titantron… [I][COLOR="DarkGreen"]BREAK IT DOWN![/COLOR][/I] DX rushed through the curtain and they and Shamrock slid in to the ring to battle The Alliance. The mass brawl in the ring quickly degenerated into a mess that the fans couldn’t keep up with, until the pure numbers game caught up in this 7 on 4 confrontation, as The Alliance gained the upper hand. Shane McMahon celebrated with the rest of his group while the super-faces lay prone on the mat --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is played on the Titantron showing the much publicised ending to the Steve Austin – Vince McMahon match at Judgment Day… [QUOTE][B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd, this can not end well! Heenan: No, McMahon, don’t fall! [B]JR:[/B] One of these men are going to see their life flash before their eyes… Austin keeps punching over and over again, until he grabs McMahon by the shirt, turns towards the ring and throws him 15 foot through the table! [B]JR: [/B]Good God! As God as my witness, Stone Cold just killed Vince McMahon! He just threw him 15 feet from the top of the cage through a damn table! Vince McMahon has to be dead![/QUOTE] The screen then changes to Vince McMahon lying in a hospital bed. [B]Vince:[/B] You see what you’ve done, Austin? You see what you have done to me? Some will say I deserved this, some will say I had this coming, but I assure you, Austin, things are gonna change. My son Shane has sworn vengeance and as soon as I am healthy enough to get out of this bed I will hunt you down and make you pay for what you have done in the same way you did to me. This is not over, Austin… it has only just begun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with Owen Hart [B]Cole: [/B]Owen, you’re still the WWF Champion, but it’s unsure for how much longer now Kane & The Undertaker seem to be gunning for you too now. [B]Owen:[/B] Oh get a grip, Mitchell. Do you think ‘Taker and Kane were doing anything other than gunning for me? Did you actually think we were friends? Of course not. I’ve not even heard Kane friggin’ talk. We work together out of respect and because it suits our needs, but they will stab me in the back just as quick as I will to them. All that matters is I have the World Wrestling Federation Championship, and I will screw anyone to make sure I keep it. Even Kane & The Undertaker, and yes… even Vince McMahon… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The Undertaker w/Kane vs Triple H w/Shawn Michaels[/B][/SIZE] Two of the very best in wrestling today squared off in a blockbuster main event. The camera often cut backstage to see Owen Hart closely analysing this match, even making notes at some points. Triple H had the full support of the crowd in this one, but it’s not like The Undertaker ever cared about that anyway. Kane & HBK stayed out of the match for the majority of it but once Kane took a cheap shot on the outside of the ring all hell was let loose. As Michaels and Kane fought on the outside, Triple H attempted a Pedigree but Undertaker battled out, flipped him upside down and nailed him with a Tombstone. [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 14:23[/B][/CENTER] As ‘Taker looked up from his pinning position, Kane knocked Michaels to the mat and joined him in the ring. They both did their finger across the throat thing, and each grabbed Triple H by the throat. They lifted him up, only for Michaels to low blow them at the last second. Michaels punched away at ‘Taker when Jeff Jarrett came steaming down the aisleway and took Michaels out with his guitar as shreds of wood splintered everywhere. He signalled for a Figure Four Leg Lock, but instead was nailed with a Pedigree by Triple H! Triple H then grabbed Kane but he in turn was attacked by an on-rushing Owen Hart, who hit him with a title shot to the head. Owen looked on as Undertaker and Kane made to their feet, chair held back, ready to swing at them, but rather than actually taking a pop stood still, letting them know he could take a pop anytime, anywhere as all three Alliance members looked at each other… [B]JR:[/B] What’s going on? Are The Alliance on the same page? [B]Heenan:[/B] Of course they are, Ross! [B]JR:[/B] I wouldn’t be so sure, Brain, you just don’t know what the hell Owen Hart is going to do next to keep his title! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Mabel def Bradshaw to progress in the European Title Tournament Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq def Al Snow to progress in the European Title Tournament Rob Van Dam def Edge Hayashi def Psicosis to become the new WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Tazz def Tommy Dreamer Finlay def Stone Cold Steve Austin The Undertaker def Triple H
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Jarrett is really starting to grow on me and a part of that is having Dusty Rhodes as his manager. They are a fantastic pairing and you do a super job with them everytime. D'Lo could be pretty good with his new persona especially with the golf club as his signature weapon. Are we looking at RVD as a new member of DX? That would be great! Capital Carnage is looking awesome. I'm expecting some sort of stipulation for the Shane/Austin match. I'm really looking forward to the tag team ladder match.
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Great ending! I love the mass brawl chaos endings to TV shows (as you've probably guessed by now reading Worldwide :p). I'm liking what you're doing with Austin, essentially turning him into The Alliance's punching bag; it'll make for a great amount of heat in the build up to the innevitable victory. I'm not convinced by Sir Desmond. It's one of those marmite things... I'm either gonna love it or hate it. So, don't make me hate it ;). Or, rather, do, since he'll be playing the heel... you know what I mean. Two squashes from what I can tell; I'm surprised about Mabel, the big tub of useless goo that he is. Taz, on the other hand, I'm damn pleased about. You're bang on the money with him not being used well enough and, for me, he could easily be as believable contender in your WWF. The man is the dictionary definition of tough! Glad RVD got the win and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this Michaels/Van Dam angle. All in all, a very solid show. Exactly what you want from TV: at no point was my mind blown but I was kept entertained whilst you built your stories. So, you can blow my mind at Capital Carnage. Looking forward to the Dungeon! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Thanks for the feedback, I always really appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. I'm glad you are starting to like Jarrett. I loved the idea of a Dusty - Jarrett odd couple pairing all along, I could sort of see them in the Agent/Barry From Eastenders role in Extras. As for DX/RVD and Austin/Shane I can't really say too much at risk of giving anything away, but I'll say that you're sort of on the right track... And of course, the E&C/Hardyz ladder match sort of "made" them, so I had to throw it in somehow. [QUOTE=Scotland;479243]I'm really lovin' this diary man. I am especially looking forward to seeing how the new D-lo Brown character plays out.[/QUOTE] Glad to see you're enjoying it. As I've said before I find the Attitude era realyl challenging to write in as it sort of goes against my preference for long build and PPV-centric booking, besides the fact that everybody gets so naustalgic about the late ninties, so I'm glad you are enjoying it. [QUOTE=Nevermore;479354]Great ending! I love the mass brawl chaos endings to TV shows (as you've probably guessed by now reading Worldwide :p). I'm liking what you're doing with Austin, essentially turning him into The Alliance's punching bag; it'll make for a great amount of heat in the build up to the innevitable victory. I'm not convinced by Sir Desmond. It's one of those marmite things... I'm either gonna love it or hate it. So, don't make me hate it ;). Or, rather, do, since he'll be playing the heel... you know what I mean. Two squashes from what I can tell; I'm surprised about Mabel, the big tub of useless goo that he is. Taz, on the other hand, I'm damn pleased about. You're bang on the money with him not being used well enough and, for me, he could easily be as believable contender in your WWF. The man is the dictionary definition of tough! Glad RVD got the win and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this Michaels/Van Dam angle. All in all, a very solid show. Exactly what you want from TV: at no point was my mind blown but I was kept entertained whilst you built your stories. So, you can blow my mind at Capital Carnage. Looking forward to the Dungeon! Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I always love your feedback man! Thanks! Yeah, the clusterf*ck ending is always nice. Especially as I'm building up to the Dungeon which is the resolution to the chaotic title picture. Normally the end of my feuds result in a new one, but it'll be quite nice having one that just sort of ends everything. Well, sort of... Okay, the "squashes". Numero uno- Mabel. I've never been a fan of diaries that job out the people they don't like and bring in super workers from the start. I was determined to milk him for all he's worth (now that is a scary image :eek:) and his partnership with D'Lo sort of did that. But now I think he's coming to the end of his usefulness. Never mind though, because I have another useless person lined up to take his place! Numero dos- Tazz. I loved the guy. He was sh*t hot when he debuted in the Fed and then got left behind. He was small, sure, but he had the look and style that meant that didn't matter. He looked like he could seriously kick butt, scripted or not, and that means more than size. It's why people don't like Khali. He's big, but not particularly believable as a monster or anything. Tazz is a more believable bad ass monster than Khali in my book. And I know which one I wouldn't want to see down a dark alley. I'm glad you "got" this show. It wasn't meant to be mind blowing or anything, it was there to keep things ticking over, the calm before the storm if you like. I like the look of Capital Carnage 'cos there are some huge blow off matches, and I don't want to kill them by having the TV shows meaning more. Okay... D'Lo. I wanted to explain this sooner, but didn't want to give it away. When I started his whole "being held down before but now the Real Deal" thing, it didn't have any merit. He had no reason to be fed up- he was partnered with a guy who was billed as a monster and they held the tag titles for a while. What he needed was a gimmick that, whilst is fun and hopefully will get a good use out of him for a while (plus he'll stand out, not just another guy without a gimmick who's quite good in the ring) and then one day in the future he can finally turn into the Real Deal who's fed up with being held down. But not for a while... Thanks all for the feedback. Again, as it's weekend and Southend are away at Millwall I'll be in a drink induced coma for the next few days, so I'll post on Monday. UTB
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Nice show. I can't wait for Capital Carnage it should be amazing. I was shocked when Jeff Jarrett won the right to go into the Dungeon. D'Lo's gimmick should be cool although he has a reallly long ass name. I'm interested in the alliance bertween RVD and HBK. The only thing that I didn't like was Mabel winning. He sucks. Just Kidding. But Mabel does suck in a straight way of course.
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From wwf.com... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://www.mikemooneyham.com/pages/binarydata/ross-jim01.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="6"]Ross Report[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Right folks, the ribs are slowly cookin’ and the sauce is on the counter; that leaves just enough time for this weeks helping of the Ross Report![/SIZE] [LIST] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Don’t get me wrong, I understand that you have to do whatever it takes to win, but I wish Owen Hart would retain the title in a dignified manner just the once. Lord knows he has the talent to not rely on scheming to hold on to the belt.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I don’t like to see anyone get hurt, even in this game where you accept it as part of the job. But part of me had to smile when Vince McMahon went crashing through that table at Judgment Day. I know he signs my paychecks and I know he’s not a wrestler, but the saying “what goes around, comes around” springs to mind.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]To continue the trend of awesome wrestlers coming form the Great White North, Lance Storm is looking pretty darned good these days. Now he has the managerial support of the smoking hot Sable, I think we could be about to see the youngster take the step to the next level. I for one hope so, because his in ring abilities deserve the recognition.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I can’t tell you how excited I am about going to the United Kingdom in a couple of weeks. The fans in the UK are always first rate and I know a lot of the boys in the back love to see how the WWF is revered in other countries. I don’t know if I’m more excited about the first non-North America PPV in 6 years or the first non-North America Raw Is War ever! One thing’s for sure, it’s gonna be one hell of a good week.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]What the hell happened to D’Lo Brown? One second he’s proclaiming he is the “real deal” and next thing we know he’s got a bad British accent and wearing golfing attire. It’s those sorts of actions that would get a guy beaten up in a bar in Oklahoma, let alone the WWF.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is one of the very best managers of all time, if not the best. I have nothing but absolute respect for everything he’s done in this business and he is one of the best all time talkers in the game. I just wish he would know when to stop talking, if you know what I mean.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]So Taz is back, huh? That guy is incredible in more ways than one. He’s as tough as a two dollar steak and if he can focus his aggression and pure brutality to the ring he may as close to unstoppable as we will ever see. I just hope we don’t see a repeat of what he did to Goldust the other week.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Speaking of whom, I hear the Bizarre One is doing well on his road to recovery following that disgusting Piledriver to the concrete floor from Taz. He may be as crazy as a pet racoon, but he is also a fantastic athlete and I look forward to the day we get another showing of Shattered Dreams Productions.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Finally I’d like to say how proud I am of the Hardy Boyz. The Cameron, North Carolina natives are a joy to watch each time they step in the ring and the support they have after just a few months in the job is amazing. I worry that one day their high risk ring style will come up to catch them in the form of injuries, but for the time being I’m going to sit back and enjoy what are perhaps the most exciting team to come along since the Rockers.[/FONT] [/LIST] That’s all for this week. Don’t forget to say your prayers and count your blessings, and I’ll see you all this Monday for Raw Is War! All the best [B][I][SIZE="7"]JR[/SIZE][/I][/B] (Boomer Sooner!)[/FONT] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Scotland;481529]D-Lo Brown's new character kinda reminds me of when Chavo Guerrero became Kerwin White. Do you remember that?[/QUOTE] Yeah I remember, he had it until Eddie died. I can see the link, especially the golfing bit (wasn't Nicky from the Spirit Squad his caddie?) but of course the difference here was that gimmick had quasi-racist undertones, where this one is a blatant Brit gimmick. The influence on this was actually Al Snows European Champion gimmick, where he came out as a different nationality for each title defence. His Greece/Grease one was classic. Like I say, I wanted to give D'Lo a bit of character for a while, give the European Title scene a bit of character (not that he will necessarily win the strap) and include my own little bit of WrestleCrap, which I always love in moderation (although of course it is very hit and miss most of the time). And frankly, I don't think this diary has enough of it given it is set in the era of wrestlers as porn stars and pimps and storylines involving pregnancies and giving birth to hands. Whether you like those or not (and I don't like the ones I just mentioned) there still needs to be bits of it in there, and my only "WrestleCrap" is really Kane, Godfather, Gangrel/Edge/Christian and Goldust.
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 12th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]Two of the participants in the Dungeon lock up tonight with the target of gaining momentum in the first of our three main events. Jarrett is on quite roll but Michaels has been to the top before; who will come out with the win?[/I] [B]3 on 4 Handicap Match[/B] [B]Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin[/B] [I]Covering 3 Capital Carnage matches, the second main event of the night promises to be a full on, drag out brawl. None of these men will want to give an inch ahead of the London event, so watch the bodies hit the floor![/I] [B]No Disqualification Match The Rock vs Terry Funk[/B] [I]Last week The Rock promised to get Mankind into a match and he might just do that after targeting his friend Terry Funk. The Funker isn’t a legend for nothing, though, so in a no disqualification environment things are bound to get ugly.[/I] [B]WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Mabel[/B] [I]With a place in the final on the line these two former Tag Team Champion and best friends will once again so one on one. D’Lo won the last encounter, but can the monster undo that loss after such an impressive display last week?[/I] [B]WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final Lance Storm vs Godfather[/B] [I]Lance Storm has picked up his game since being managed by Sable and is proving why he is so well respected in the industry. The Godfather is a veteran and can certainly still go in the ring, who will be heading to the final in London?[/I] [B]Taz vs Al Snow[/B] [I]Upon his return Taz took out Tommy Dreamer and Al Snow. After besting the Hardcore Champion last week he gets a chance against Snow one on one tonight. A win for Taz would prove he is one of the next big things in wrestling, but a win for Snow could be the jumpstart he needs if he wants the Hardcore Title.[/I] Plus we’ll find out more on the upcoming Capital Carnage event, we’ll hear from Zukaya after Hayashi won the Light-Heavyweight Title last week and of course, number three in the list of Wembley! But maybe most importantly, he will hear from Vince McMahon himself during a sit down interview with Michael Cole in which he promises to discuss his condition and his feelings towards Stone Cold Steve Austin. Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War! [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] [B]Single Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels [B]3 on 4 Handicap Match[/B] Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin [B]No Disqualification Match[/B] The Rock vs Terry Funk [B]WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final[/B] Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. vs Mabel [B]WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [/B] Lance Storm vs Godfather [B]Single Match[/B] Taz vs Al Snow[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Single Match Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] 3 on 4 Handicap Match [B]Finlay, The Acolytes & Owen Hart[/B] vs Ken Shamrock, Triple H & Steve Austin No Disqualification Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Terry Funk WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B]. vs Mabel WWF European Title Tournament Semi-Final [B]Lance Storm[/B] vs Godfather Single Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Al Snow
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