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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]HOW IT WAS...[/B] [QUOTE][I]USPW was changing. It was growing. No promotion had ever used “past it” wrestlers so effectively before. The Lords of Pain and The Demons of Rage had fit in seamlessly. USPW were the Next Big Thing. And I’ll admit – I was caught by surprise. I was Danny Jillefski’s right hand man for several years. I’d booked shows in has absence. And when he decided to quit booking for a while, it was left down to me. I was proud. I also managed a major coup – when Eisaku Hoshino sensationally quit PGHW, I was there. He got a few shows at USPW, along with other newcomers The Eagle, Joss Thompson, Mainstream Hernandez, Phenomenal E, Frankie Perez, and Tag Team Back in the Day (Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman). There was no blood, and USPW was moving forward, headlined by the Jillefksi signed World Champion Freddie Datsun. It was Jillefski who signed The Lords of War and The Demons of Rage. I had plans for them, and thought that they’d be a good foil for my newcomers to meet up with. I never saw there debut. I was in the parking lot for a USPW PPV, listening to my *generic MP3 player*. That’d by why I didn’t hear the screeching of the tyres, and only felt the impact from behind. I was unconscious by the time my body landed on ground, 20 feet away.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR] [QUOTE][I]It was Giant Redwood’s car. Oh no, it wasn’t him driving. We didn’t dislike one another that much – he had his place at USPW, and it was only slightly below where he thought it should be. It was teenagers, going for a quick ride in the flashiest car in the lot. And it was me who suffered. I spent two months in hospital. It’s amazing what can happen in that time. By the time I was out of hospital, Danny Jillefski had sold USPW to Sam Strong. He never had taken the stress of being owner and booker too well, and decided to concentrate on booking while I was absent. And Sam Strong – what more can you say? Living legend. And the fact that he could influence Bruce the Giant to move to USPW – to be quite frank, no-one else could have achieved that. Unfortunately, there had been some cuts to afford Bruce’s salary. Joss Thompson went straight over to 21CW, and became a Main Eventer, so really didn’t do too badly. Phenomenal E and Frankie Perez were also cut. Meanwhile, USPW were expanding, venturing out to do mini shows in other areas. Danny Jillefski was a true gent, and let me book one of those shows in the Mid Atlantic. I managed to book all my remaining signings, but wasn’t allowed to book Hoshino against Datsun, so he had to face Whistler (in one of his last appearances before his contract expired), while Bruce tagged with Datsun to defeat the Demon of Rage. The show went down well, and I was back in the booking meeting before the next show. Me, Jillefski, Sam Strong and Giant Redwood. Only in wrestling. PPV plans were being made, where Bruce the Giant was already scheduled to face T-Rex. I pushed for Datsun vs Hoshino, but was dismissed. In fact, every time I pushed for one of my signings, I was dismissed. Hoshino did get a match – making T-Rex look good. And he did his job well, but threw a tantrum backstage. I just about managed to stop him attacking anyone of the booking team, but I feel that they got wind of it. The next week he faced Giant Redwood, and was scheduled for a three minute squash. He took that one less well, and no sold Redwood. The match was dreadful. The crowd booed. Hoshino (who was meant to be the face) flipped off a kid and stormed off.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][QUOTE][I]So there I was, rushing over on my crutches once again, trying to stop Hoshino reach anyone of the booking team. I failed. He and Strong were arguing full blown, and for just a minute I thought that the two of them on the mic against one another was ratings. That thought was soon out of my mind when Strong told Hoshino that he’d make saw the Japanese man never worked in any US promotion ever again. That’s when a stupidly stepped in, my crutches clicking all the way. I got as far as calling Hoshino a “Japanese Legend”, when Strong just made me stop with a stare. He called me nothing more than “British Kid”, when Jillefski and Redwood joined in. Redwood was smiling. It’s not a pretty sight. It wasn’t far from the ring, but he’d obviously managed to bend Jillefski’s ear. In the old days that alone could have got someone sacked, but Jillefski didn’t have the power anymore. Unfortunately the man who did had also come to the same conclusion as Redwood. The five of us faced off, like a 2 vs 3 handicap match, with onlookers keeping their distance. Jillefski and Strong somehow managed to communicate with their eyes alone, before Jilleski told Hoshino that he would no longer be booked at USPW. Sam Strong took over, and then said as such he was fired. He then looked at me, and told me that I was also no longer required. Jillefski tried to protest, but Strong ignored him, reminding him who was in charge, and how USPW was in the big leagues now. So there I was, Japanese legend at my side, knackered leg, and no job.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][I]I paid for a USPW PPV. Paid for one! I had [I]never[/I] had to pay for anything to do with USPW before. Bruce the Giant made T-Rex look weak in the Main Event, and none of my recent signings participated. I found out why from Rick Sanders the next day – that had all been given their pink slips, apart from him. Sam Strong tried to convince Rick that he had a future, but he was having none of it, and joined the others in exile. At first I thought that my exiting of USPW had been groundbreaking – then I realised that it was really now just as if I’d never been there at all.[/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER]__________________________________[/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]My termination cheque arrived the next day, and to be honest, it was quite a good deal. I think Jillefski had a lot more to do with that than Strong. Glad he always kept my contract right up to date. But it wasn’t the only cheque that came through that day – so did my health insurance. It turns out that when I starting paying my premiums, it was in the days that I was trying out to wrestle, before I realised that I sucked. My injury meant that I could never wrestle again – I was walking round like Paul Robinson trying to pretend he had a prosthetic leg. So my pay out was rather large. I’m pretty sure that I committed some kind of fraud by accepting the payment, but that wasn’t going to stop me. I met up with Barry Kingman and Rick Sanders for a bear the next week. After that we had a beer. Wierd typo. Two wise heads, I told them of my pay check, sounding them out over whether I really should have kept it. The answers were “Yes” and “Yes”. I was sold. But next, what to do?[/I][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][I][COLOR="Blue"]“You want to open a wrestling promotion?”[/COLOR] This was said by me, not to me. Apparently Rick Sanders was not too happy about his use in the last decade, and wanted to do something about it. And his savings beat even mine. Who would have known that such a man was into breeding thoroughbred horses? [COLOR="blue"]“You want me to go into business with you?”[/COLOR] This was also said by me. By now Sanders was a little frustrated that I kept repeating him. He suggested we pool our money, which I suggested. I didn’t want to run a business. [COLOR="blue"]“You want me to be your booker?”[/COLOR] I think that if a) Sanders didn’t want my money and b) didn’t want me to be his new booker, he’d have hit me there and then. Fortunately his stare told me that all I had to do was say yes, and I obliged. I was happy to Sanders to remain as owner of the new company – he could use my money as an investment. [COLOR="blue"]“You’re going back to USPW?”[/COLOR] I was confused, and felt justified by repeating this comment back to him as a statement. Sanders smiled, stood up and told me to tune into USPW’s live special this week.[/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]Apparently Rick Sanders had grovelled for his job back, and was given the opener against Bruce the Giant, as a warm up for six man tag action for the champion later that night. I shook my head, and thought that Rick’d be lucky to get out of that match alive – I’m sure Bruce had been told to make sure that it hurt. Rick was ever the professional, selling everything, taking bump after bump. He went under the ring, and brought in a trash can. He went for a huge swipe, which Bruce easily caught. I looked away from the TV. I knew what would happen – I had seen Bruce do it before at USPW. He’d place the garbage can over Rick’s head, and pummel him around a bit more. A collective sharp intake from the crowd brought my attention back to the TV. Bruce was on his knees with a strange look on his face, and Rick had the can again. He struck Bruce over the head with it, before slipping under the ring and bringing out a kendo stick. I was perplexed – a kendo stick in USPW? Not in my day. Or Sam’s day. The ref made a miraculous recovery and called for the bell as Rick re-entered the ring and attacked Bruce. The announcer started to declare Bruce the winner, when Rick grabbed the mic off him, and pulled out the best promo he had ever managed. It would have been average was some people, but damned good for him. [COLOR="Red"]“The winner tonight – all the people who have managed to get out of USPW, and joined the future – FWE, Florida Wrestling Extreme!”[/COLOR] Rick was chased out the building, and I just stared at the TV. My cell rang, and I slowly picked it up. [COLOR="red"]“Alan!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Rick…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“What’d’ya think?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“FWE?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Yeah, that’s us – got us on the map, haven’t I?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Uh, yeah. What did you do to Bruce?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Same thing anyone would do when faced with an opponent that size?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Which was?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Kicked him where it hurts the most”[/COLOR] Ouch. Not so family friendly.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[quote]My injury meant that I could never wrestle again – I was walking round like Paul Robinson trying to pretend he had a prosthetic leg.[/quote] Classic, although thats gonna go straight over most people's heads! Nice to see you back writing again, I look forward to the adult version of your 05 diary :D
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[I]Thanks for all the interst so far - I've got a bit more scene setting to go, but I'm getting there.[/I] [QUOTE][I]That was November, and we really needed to put the wheels into motion. Bizarrely, a man who had never made it partially because of his lack of charisma was at the forefront. Rick Sanders made sure that his face was everywhere, especially around the South East. FWE – Florida Wrestling Extreme was our name. Rick wanted to be an active part of the roster, and he signed his USPW partner Barry Kingman. I’d take a backstage role. Not quite enough people yet, especially as the Internet buzz pushed us as the hottest new promotion in wrestling today. We hadn’t even decided how we were being marketed yet. We tried not to mention USPW, but two of their workers weren’t quite so intelligent. At December’s PPV the two giants, Bruce and Redwood (opponents that night), took a shoot a FWE. Or, from my point of view, gave us some free advertising. The next day, I got an unexpected call from my old employer, Danny Jiilleski. [COLOR="Red"]“Alan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Danny.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“This has got to stop.”[/COLOR] I’ve learnt that playing dumb can really irritate Jillefski, but I wasn’t an employee of his anymore, so I was game. [COLOR="blue"]“What has to stop?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Don’t play stupid with me!”[/COLOR] That was to the point. So I thought I’d get to mine. [COLOR="blue"]“No, really, what has to stop? Your wrestlers shooting their mouth off on PPV? What exactly have I done? Do you think that I got Rick to shoot his mouth off on TV? Was I the one dumb enough to rehire someone who had quit just weeks beforehand?”[/COLOR] There was momentary silence, I think that I’d hit home. [COLOR="red"]“You’ll find that I rehired no-one.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Well, pass my compliments onto Sam then.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Look, it’s you and Rick versus me and Sam. That’s a former tag wrestler and an unknown, versus someone with years worth of experience, including in the biggest US promotion, and the most famous wrestler in the world ever!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“It’ll be an interesting war.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“It would be if Sam had his way! Trust me, he’d be happy to put every effort into crushing you – and he would win. But there will be no war. We’re beyond you – we compete with DaVE and TCW. We don’t go to war – we are the true alternative. Without us you will sink – and we’re having nothing to do with you. None of our wrestlers will even mention your name, certainly not dare set foot in your ring. We’re not at war, because FWE means nothing!”[/COLOR] *CLICK* I lowered the phone. I think I may have burned my bridges there, and Danny talked sense. For some reason USPW had spent the last month helping promote FWE, and this would now end. Still, they’d given us a leg up.[/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER]_______________________________[/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]We advertised for a first show in January. I did approach a few USPW workers, but they (quite rightfully) didn’t want to risk their place on the USPW card by appearing for FWE. I could understand that. A few of them were quite dismissive of us, but I think that at kept a few friends in there. I did get far better response from ex-USPW workers. The Eagle, Phenomenal E, Frankie Perez and Mainstream Hernandez all signed PPA contracts. I also thought that I’d need some help backstage, so signed Mean Jean Cattley and Joey Poison, both of whom would sit on the booking team. Crippler Ray Kingman also offered to come down and work for us – always keeping an eye on his son. There was one person who I was very interested in signing, and that was Eisaku Hoshino. I met him with Rick Sanders, and Hoshino was eager to join us – to stick it not just to Sam Strong, but also the Japanese promotions. He asked for a contract full of guarantees, and frankly too much for a promotion like ours. Sanders turned him down. Fortunately my maths not too bad, and I quickly worked out that Hoshino’s fee was less than a third of my investment (so far not officially signed over). My first test of the boss, and I won. I had control over my investment, and Rick gave me free reign to do what I like with it. Hoshino was signed. Him and Kingman were going to cost – I don’t know how long I could keep them. I don’t know who could take credit for the next idea. It came from an off the cuff comment that I made that Sanders ran with. We signed up the two biggest wrestlers we could find – Titan and The Big Problem. We were turned down by several men, not willing to risk their careers carrying out what we were asking of the. The two men were given makeovers (aka a beard and a didgeridoo) and would team together as The Giants – Giant Deadwood and Strewth the Giant. [/I][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B]December 29th 2006[/B] [I]We were set for a January start – but admittedly still had a lot of our roster to sort out (currently just standing at ten active workers). But we did have our first creative meeting, and it was quite busy. Rick Sanders, me, Eisaku Hoshino, Joey Poison and Jean Cattley. Ray Kingman would normally sit on the board, but informed me that he would be spending Christmas in Canada. Our main focus was to determine what we would be branding ourselves as. The general consensus was that we had to be a complete alternative to USPW. I wanted to distance ourselves from DaVE, but was outvoted. With Hoshino being very vocal, it was determined that the Key Factor of our product should be a Hardcore style. I wanted a Mainstream style, and was happy that we put it as a Heavy feature. Mainstream Hardcore? We’ll see. Cult and Modern rounded out our brand, at a medium level. We were also agreed that we would market ourselves as the one promotion where youth was pushed. Rumour had it there were some pretty talented rookies ready to make there mark over the next couple of years. I did tell Rick Sanders that I was slightly concerned about our product featuring so heavily hardcore, but he informed me that as we developed ourselves, we could maybe move slightly away from that. We’ll have to see if he remembers that in a year or two.[/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER]_______________________________[/CENTER] ooc: FWE are a Regional promotion. I was sorely tempted to start from scratch, but there are plenty of other people doing that on the boards at the moment, so I’m going to try life further up the ladder. However, it’s not easy at the moment to fully populate a Regional roster, due to a lack of over free agents. For that reason (and my previous history with him), I’m starting with Hoshino on a written contract. It means that I’ve got a figurehead for my company, who’s over enough, with the skills in and out of the ring (I’ve also got him speaking English) to carry me forward. Until the day his written contract runs out, when I will lose him somewhere. Or until I just can’t afford him. Although Regional, FWE start with a prestige of just 11%. The only other changes to the starting database are relationships: [I]Loyal: Me – Rick Sanders Me – Mainstream Hernandez Me – Phenomenal E[/I] These are all relationships carrying over from my USPW game. This is also why I chose Sanders to be the owner of FWE – he is the only one of those three who I’ve ever seen involved business wise in TEW. [I]Dislike: Me – Sam Strong Me – Giant Redwood Bruce the Giant – Rick Sanders Bruce the Giant – Eisaku Hoshino Danny Jillefski – Eisaku Hoshino Hate: Eisaku Hoshino – Giant Redwood Eisaku Hoshino – Sam Strong Rick Sanders – Sam Strong Rick Sanders – Danny Jillefski Friendship: Rick Sanders – Barry Kingman[/I] (they also have experience tagging together as Back in the Day) And one relationship. FWE and USPW are “Hostile”. Y’know, I might post a show soon.
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[B]2007[/B] – January – Week 1 – [I]Day 1[/I] So there we were – an official promotion. Rick Sanders informed me that tomorrow he would be doing what any true owner should do – give me my limits and my targets. With this in mind, I sent off a huge amount of offers today (that’s 27 worker requests!). And it’d be wrong to back out of them after they were sent, wouldn’t it? [I]Day 2:[/I] Rick called me into his office, and set out my goals: a) [I][COLOR="Blue"]we must not fall in size[/COLOR][/I] Not as easy as it could be, as it’s not going to be easy to keep at the level we are b) [COLOR="blue"][I]Bad publicity harms our image – cannot sign or re-sign anyone with law problems[/I][/COLOR] Rick had been interviewed by the police about his USPW rant, but there were no charges. I don’t think he liked the experience. To be honest, I don’t know anyone who has law problems, but I’m sure he’ll let me know. c) [COLOR="blue"][I]Injuries waste money – can’t sign anyone with resilience less than C-[/I][/COLOR] I agree – we are hardcore after all! So, not a bad set of goals – I think I’d still have been able to make all the offers that I made. Also, surprisingly, a lot of the US were happy to work with me, as we set up a series of working agreements. Richard Eisen did turn me down outright – not too surprisingly, as they are the closest thing to USPW in terms of product. *** At DaVE, New Wave started the New Year by claiming the tag titles off The New Jersey Devils for their fourth reign. *** The world economy stinks, with only Japan reaching an average level. In the US it’s level E and falling, but at least the industry’s B – but also falling. [I]Day 3:[/I] *** Sexual Aggresion win the SWF Tag Team Titles off the Biggz Boyz in a distinctly average SWF Supreme TV show, which didn’t stand up to TCW’s show. [I]Day 4:[/I] *** Already a possible MOTY candidate as Duane Stone defeats Jeremy Stone (A) at NOTBPW. *** Julian Watson will be out a month after Bursting his Appendix in a match with Shingen Miyazaki in CGC. [I]Day 5:[/I] 12 negotiations today! By the end of this my roster could be complete, or I could be looking for several new names. The first job was to sign anybody who would work for peanuts, and in that respect former USPW sound guy [B]Mark Smart[/B], [B]Cal Sanders[/B], [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] and [B]Little Bill Lebowski [/B]were signed. [B]Harry Wilson [/B]was relatively cheap, so joined in. [B]Jez MacArthuer [/B]was quite expensive for a ref, but he’ll be keeping my locker room in order, so he has a role. [B]Jungle Jack [/B]earned the hefty contract – I’m sorry, I like the man! [B]Ultimate Phoenix [/B]I was unsure about, but made the leap. [B]Remmington Remus [/B]got signed for commentary, but hopefully we’ll be able to sign a more senior colleague for him. And finally [B]Kathy Neptune [/B]was signed – the question is will I let her wrestle? Madman Boone I was having difficulty coming to terms with. Kazuma Narato, UK Dragon and Silver Shark were just asking too much, and wouldn’t come in on a limited amount of dates, so were left doing their thing in Japan. All those signings and Rick Sanders still thinks that Strewth the Giant should be Main Eventing. Not good. *** Wanda Fish, Jamie Anderson, Marcos Flores, Shawn Gonzalez, Arson Wells and Burning Exile all do their things, and it’ll be interesting to see how they use their new found booking power. [I]Day 6:[/I] Johnny Martin decided to concentrate on his DaVE career – pity, as his history with Rick Sanders was something I was planning on working with. [B]Jen Neptune[/B] joined her sister, along with [B]Charlize Angelle[/B] and [B]Dharma Gregg[/B]. I have a plan. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] and [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] join my “cheap” brigade, which leave me free to tell K-Squared and Roderick Remus that I don’t actually need them. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] is another big name to sign, while [B]Insane Machine[/B] should mesh well with some of my other signings. [B]Derek Frost[/B] I vowed to only sign if he was cheap – and he was, so was handed a contract. Which once more left [B]Madman Boone[/B]. I decided that I couldn’t really justify the money, but I was short on big names. I compromised, and handed out a 3 month deal. Current roster size – 28 wrestlers. I’m only after one more active wrestler (and a commentator), so Henry Lee and Gareth Wayne have been told that they don’t need to turn up to negotiations. *** Being injured wasn’t a problem for Julian Watson, as he passed his medical and signed full time with BHOTWG. *** In our first bit of USPW news, they make the strong signing of Puerto Rican Power. [I]Day 7:[/I] Well, it turns out that Henry Lee wasn’t going to negotiate with me anyway. Look at these tears running down my eyes. I got the two men that I wanted, [B]Rock Downpour[/B], and a man returning to the US after horrible misuse by USPW – [B]Hell Monkey[/B]! It was time to sit down and take stock of my rosters. I talked to everyone, and Lebowski, Deadwood, Hell Monkey and Harry Wilson wanted to be moved up the card, so I gave them the objective to prove it. We’re going to have to watch out for shows from NOTBPW (Frost), BHOTWG (Hell Monkey), WLW (Hell Monkey and Insane Machine), GCG (Jungle Jack) and MPWF (Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix). Fortunately as I’m regional my workers have indicated that they’d choose me over CZCW, MAW, NYCW and 4C. But as soon as they rise, my terrible prestige will surely count against me. [B]Main Eventer:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix Jungle Jack Madman Boone Rick Sanders Fumihiro Ota Strewth the Giant (The Big Problem) [B]Upper Midcarder:[/B] Hell Monkey Mean Jean Cattley Black Eagle Barry Kingman Eisaku Hoshino Frankie Perez [B]Midcarder:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez Joey Poison Mark Smart Little Bill Lebowski Harry Wilson Dharma Gregg Charlize Angelle Giant Deadwood (Titan) Insane Machine [B]Lower Midcarder:[/B] Derek Frost Jen Neptune Kashmir Singh Kathy Neptune [B]Opener:[/B] Cal Sanders Tempest Appleby Thomas Morgan [B]Enhancement Talent:[/B] Phenomenal E [B]Announcer:[/B] Remmington Remus Rock Downpour [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] AT [I](Me. I suck as a colour commentator, but don’t have one)[/I] [B]Road Agent:[/B] Crippler Ray Kingman Currently five locker room leaders on the roster – Eisaku Hoshino and Crippler Ray Kingman (both of who will probably leave when their contracts expire), Madman Boone (currently at FWE short term), Hell Monkey and Jez McArthuer. That puts me in better line than I’ve ever been backstage. My bookers wanted me to focus on Frankie Perez, Jungle Jack and Mainstream Hernandez, so expect those three to have signed up for some National promotion by the end of the year.
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[B]Week 2[/B] *** Joey Poison added NOTBPW to his commitments. *** Hell Monkey is currently defending his WL StreetFighter Title against all comers *** Henry Lee is comfortable in Japan, taking the WEXXV Blood Brothers Title with former champion Doug Peak *** USPW adds Hell’s Bouncer to their ranks. Quite surprising of USPW to go for size over talent. Press Release: [QUOTE]FWE Presents… The Start. Debut Show! This Sunday! Florida Wrestling Extreme are pleased to announced their first show, featuring the return to the US of Hell Monkey, the crowning of the FWE Extreme Title, and Eisaku Hoshino, Rick Sanders, Jungle Jack, Madman Boone and Fumihiro Ota all in action! Madman Boone vs Derek Frost Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan vs Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby Mainstream Hernandez vs Mean Jean Cattley Black Eagle vs Joey Poison vs Insane Machine vs Harry Wilson for the FWE Extreme Title Hell Monkey vs Fumihiro Ota Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix vs Barry Kingman and P-Dawg Eisaku Hoshino vs Rick Sanders[/QUOTE] *** FWE shows won’t always be this long, but we’re up for a long, showcase debut.
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Great to see you back! [B]Madman Boone[/B] vs Derek Frost [B]Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan[/B] vs Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Black Eagle vs [B]Joey Poison [/B]vs Insane Machine vs Harry Wilson for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota [B]Jungle Jack[/B] and Ultimate Phoenix vs Barry Kingman and P-Dawg Eisaku Hoshino vs [B]Rick Sanders[/B]
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Madman Boone vs [b]Derek Frost[/b] [b]Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan[/b] vs Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby Mainstream Hernandez vs [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] Black Eagle vs [b]Joey Poison[/b] vs Insane Machine vs Harry Wilson for the FWE Extreme Title Hell Monkey vs [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] [b]Jungle Jack[/b] and Ultimate Phoenix vs Barry Kingman and P-Dawg Eisaku Hoshino vs [b]Rick Sanders[/b] keep up the good work man
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[B]Madman Boone[/B] vs Derek Frost [I]Boone, easy. I'd make this one hardcore, really showcase Boone.[/I] [B]Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan[/B] vs Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby [I]I'm a Thomas Morgan mark.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez vs Mean Jean Cattley Black Eagle vs [B]Joey Poison [/B]vs Insane Machine vs Harry Wilson for the FWE Extreme Title [I]Poison rules, give him a run, he's never one to get snatched up by one of the big promotions right away so he'll be with you for a while.[/I] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota [I]Who dosen't mark for Hell Monkey?[/I] Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Barry Kingman and P-Dawg[/B] [I]Frankie and Kingman is a cool pairing.[/I] [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Rick Sanders [I]Duh.[/I] Keep up the good work, great read so far.
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[B]Madman Boone[/B] vs Derek Frost Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan vs [B]Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs Joey Poison vs Insane Machine vs Harry Wilson for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota [B]Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Barry Kingman and P-Dawg Eisaku Hoshino vs [B]Rick Sanders[/B] I never caught up with your USPW diary, but liked what I did get around to reading. This diary is looking good so far as I really like the back story. Looking forward to the first show.
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Sunday – [B]FWE Presents… The Start[/B] Just three days after SWF bring an entertaining PPV to the South East, the area now sees the debut of the newest promotion in the US – Florida Wrestling Extreme. Calling the shots were Rock Downpour, Remmington Remus, and, uh, me. Hopefully the two of them can cover for me. [COLOR="Blue"]Madman Boone beat Derek Frost[/COLOR] in a hardcore match in 3.33 [B](C-)[/B] -Opening the show with the big name, Boone won a very easily, and got the crowd behind him. ***Mainstream Hernandez and Mean Jean Cattley were shown arguing backstage, Cattley none too happy that Hernandez had followed him to FWE. Hernandez told Cattley he was far more extreme than Cattley would ever be, and would prove it later [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Phenomenal E and Trademark Thomas Morgan drew with Cal Sanders and Tempest Appleby[/COLOR] in 5.53 [B](D)[/B] -All out contest between the unknowns, ended with a “Fee, Fi, Fo Fum” from the speakers, which brought out [B]Strewth the Giant[/B] and [B]Giant Redwood [/B]to chokeslam all four men to end the match in a no contest. *** As The Giants destroyed everyone in sight, a diminutive girl introduced herself as Charlize Angelle, and told those watching that her Giants would prove that size matters [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mean Jean Cattley beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] in 10.41 [B](D+)[/B] -Cattley spent the match complaining at the refereeing, which put the crowd firmly against him. When Hernandez went to the top rope Harry Wilson appeared to push him off, leaving Cattley clear to hit the Mood Swing for the win. *** Cattley took a mic as he left the ring, and told Hernandez that once again he was too ****y, not extreme, and was going to have to learn that you needed friend to get along in this business [B](D).[/B] *** Joey Poison was shown going up to Black Eagle, calling him “The Eagle”. Black Eagle correcting Poison, telling him that he was going by his full title, not any censored title for family viewing [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Black Eagle beat Joey Poison, Insane Machine and Harry Wilson[/COLOR] for the [B]FWE Extreme Title [/B]in a ladder match at 12.38 [B](C)[/B] -Great match, with all four men putting in a great effort, and bumping all over the place. Wilson had the first clear attempt at the title, but Hernandez appeared to push his ladder over, taking him out of the match. In the end Black Eagle and Insane Machine were the two at the top of the ladder, when Poison tried to push it over. Machine was distracted, Black Eagle wasn’t, and grabbed the title to become the first FWE Champion. *** Mainstream Hernandez cut in interview backstage saying that Harry Wilson had been conned by Cattley into taking his eye off the title tonight, and should concentrate next time on his match – which will be with him [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 14.34 [B](C)[/B] -Could have done with better colour commentary. At least I got away with the Title match. Hell Monkey’s return to the US was not victorious, as a low blow from Ota was followed up with help from the rope, in questionable refereeing. *** Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix came down to the ring, both rightly claiming to be stars in their own right in other promotions, and determined to set their mark here [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix beat Barry Kingman and P-Dawg[/COLOR] by DQ in 12.50 [B](D+)[/B] -Jack did most of the face work, while surprisingly P-Dawg carried the heel team. Jack was setting up Kingman for the Jungle Jack Jammer when Rick Sanders entered the ring and blasted him with a Singapore Cane, earning the DQ. *** Kathy Neptune also came out with Sanders, and as Kingman, P-Dawg and Sanders forced Jack and Phoenix from the ring she announced that they would be known as “Old School”, and would teach everyone else a thing or two about wrestling [B](E+)[/B] *** That’s when Hoshino came out, also carrying a Singapore Cane, and wondered aloud what exactly Sanders could teach him. Hoshino told Sanders that there was something the American could learn – their match next was a hardcore match, and he was inviting Jack and Phoenix to stay ringside to keep the numbers even. Of course, he did that in fluent Japanese, leaving the fans confused [B](E)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 12.09 [B](C-)[/B] -Multiple interference attempts, repelled by the two faces ringside. Unfortunately these two didn’t click, but Hoshino won with a Godzilla Plunge onto a trash can. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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The show drew 1,895 fans, and went down well with the fans. The only chemistry discovered was the bad chemistry in the Main Event, but I’m used to finding out news that way! Surprisingly the two best matches came midcard, with Hell Monkey’s return, and Black Eagle winning the FWE Extreme Title. Kathy Neptune introduced “Old School”, which would be a heel stable of owner Rick Sanders, Barry Kingman and P-Dawg, three men that she would be managing. Charlize Angelle will be managing The Giants, who wrestled pre show. Where they killed the crowd. Ah well – they’re heels! Cost wise, we lost almost $5,000. Just as well Sanders didn’t give us a financial goal! Mainstream Hernandez turned up late, which we’ll let him off this once. [B]Week 3:[/B] *** Stevie Grayson has signed with NYCW. I thought I’d offered him a contract. Obviously not. *** Freddie Datsun has wisely left USPW, on the same day that Hell’s Bouncer won the National Title off Jim Force. *** Edd Stone just needs the NOTBPW Canadian Title to complete the set, after winning the Tag Titles with Dark Angel. *** Amazingly, out of Insane Machine’s 10 matches so far in WLW, 9 have been title shots. Unfortunately he hasn’t capitalised to win the Streetfighting, Tap Out or Tag Titles once, so when you add in his FWE Extreme Title miss last week, you wonder how many more title shots he’s going to get. *** Corporal Doom also bails on USPW, going to TCW for one last run of national exposure.
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We’re going to go for two events this month, and take the financial hit: [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Crush: Cal Sanders and Trademark Thomas Morgan vs The Giants Mainstream Hernandez vs Harry Wilson Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix vs Back in the Day Jungle Jack vs Derek Frost Black Eagle (c) vs Joey Poison for the FWE Extreme Title Eisaku Hoshino vs P-Dawg[/QUOTE] [B]Week 4:[/B] *** USPW sign up Jack Griffith, who could be a great addition to the roster, or could be using them as a stepping stone. *** Now they’re going for Mainstream Hernandez. Amazing. *** MAW rise to small, on the back of Eddie Howard winning the Rip Chord Invitational. He didn’t have it easy, going through partner D.C. Rayne, The Mean Machine and finally Des Davids. *** ELPF have opened there doors.
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Sunday – [B]FWE Presents… The Crush[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Giants beat Cal Sanders and Trademark Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] (aka The Canadians) in 2.13 [B](D-)[/B] -The crowd made very clear that they didn’t want to see The Giants. Maybe they should go to a USPW show. They won with Giant Chokeslams. *** Mainstream Hernandez came out to the ring, and asked whether Harry Wilson was man enough to come and face him tonight. He did appear in the entrance, but did not come down to the ring. Hernandez asked if Wilson was scared, but was jumped from behind by Cattley, who got in a pre-match beat down [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Harry Wilson [/COLOR]in 4.43 by DQ [B](D+)[/B] -Wilson started well, but Hernandez regained the momentum, and looked to outclass his opposition. Cattley did his best to help Wilson, but his constant interference eventually led to the DQ. *** Hernandez celebrated, but was taken down by Wilson. Cattley brought a chair into the ring, and as Wilson held down Hernandez, Cattley issued a crunching blow over his head [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jungle Jack beat Derek Frost[/COLOR] in 3.44 [B](D)[/B] -Easy win for Jack, with the Jungle Jack Jammer at 3.44. *** The Giants hit the ring after the match, and while egged on by Charlize Angelle club Jungle Jack around the ring [B](E).[/B] *** Out the back Old School are together, with Kathy Neptune telling P-Dawg to stay out the back, and concentrate on the Main Event tonight [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Back in the Day beat Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix [/COLOR]in 13.22 [B](D+)[/B] -Monkey really shone in this match, but Sanders and Kingman showed off their previous tagging experience, and isolated Ultimate Phoenix for the pin. *** We showed a video of the FWE Extreme Title match, which featured on the finish involving Black Eagle, Insane Machine and Joey Poison [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Black Eagle (c) beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in a ladder match in 12.55 [B](D+)[/B] -This match was going along all well and good, until Insane Machine came down to the ringside, and dragged Poison out of the ring. He drove Poison through the ring barriers, allowing Black Eagle to claim the title unhindered. *** Black Eagle jumped down from the ladder, and came face to face with Insane Machine. There was a moment or two of tension, before they started laying into each other, firmly putting them as enemies [B](E+).[/B] *** Hoshino was out for the Main Event, and for all we know he talked about what he had for lunch, as no-one could understand it [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat P-Dawg[/COLOR] in 14.32 [B](C)[/B] -Once again I let down the commentary team, but I was really focussed on the match. When Sanders and Kingman came out the crowd started booing, before a “Let them fight” chant started. Hell Monkey and Ultimate Phoenix came out, but Sanders held up his hands and left of his own free will. P-Dawg tried to lock in the P-Clutch, but Hoshino knew every escape, and in the end won it with the Godzilla Plunge. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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