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In '05 I had a long running game with SWF and I really enjoyed using a lot of the wrestlers on their roster. When I got '07 I saw some of the changes to TCW and always having wanted to use Tommy Cornell, I figured I would start a game with them. I have to say, other than Tommy, The Machines, Tornado and Wolf Hawkins I really don't like TCW's roster at all. The main event guys are very good but the dropoff in quality is HUGE once you get past the top few matches. Strange, because the more entertainment oriented SWF seems to have the better overall workers. Anyone a devout TCW fan that can teach me the error of my ways and make me see the light with this proud organization?
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;200570]Think you've just about summed TCW up. Those 5 wrestlers, plus possibly RDJ and Rick Law are about it as far as talent goes, apart from the very raw Aaron Andrews.[/QUOTE] Pretty much, but that's the fun of TCW. Taking a pretty loopsided roster and getting those talented indy guys to turn the fed into something really special.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;200582]I will say, I find Freddy Huggins fun to work with. Something about the ****y opener always amuses me...I felt the same way with Andre Jones. I always used him as someone who thought WAY too highly of himself and it always ended up biting him in the behind.[/QUOTE] I am actually getting some mileage out of Andre Jones now, especially as he has pretty good chemistry with Mean Jean in my dynasty game.
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You can generally get Aaron Andrews over fairly quickly, BLZ Bubb and Liberty have Great chemistry in my game so they put on good matches. I usually grab some of the DAVE guys when their contracts are up, so far ive got The New Wave (Guide & Scout) and Joey Minesota. Being at War with SWF sucks since thier guys wont even negotiate with me even after ive kicked thier butts to D+ overness and they have dropped to Cult size. ( i did however get thier A grade Anouncer after he got fired from cutbacks ) :p
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As already said try to get McFly to work a couple main events with Cornell for a MOTY canidate. Also build up Andrews, and try to pick up a solid tag team or two. Try and get your promotion over in Canada and then run NOTBPW out of business before targeting SWF. That is the challenge to somehow get above NOTBPW so you can take them over. I say this because it will make it more fun if SWF is somehow still around. Then finally get rid of SWF. After you have done that try and help a USPW, NYCW, or MAW to get up to your level.
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Cornell put blocks on wrestlers with less than a B- in Athleticism and Basics so that put the brakes on some of the guys I wanted to get. I did pick up Ultimate Phoenix, Freddie Datsun, American Elemental and Jack Griffiths to shore up the undercard. That edict means I'll be losing all but those top guys mentioned once their contracts end. When you say you "target" someone to put them out of business...what do you do? I've only really played with smaller companies before so this foray into the "bigs" is new for me ;)
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