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question about "sex sells" angels

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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;205555]So if I "pretend" to commit suicide on live TV, that's ok? Because it's only pretending? If I "pretend" to rape a baby, that's cool. It's only acting?[/QUOTE] Well it would be a good way to get over as a heel. I played a serial killer in my own e-fed . . .
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;204235]Did you, by chance, buy the wrong PPV once or twice? :p A diva segment should never be the highlight of any show that calls itself a wrestling promotion. Not even one with a heavy emphasis on sports entertainment.[/QUOTE] No, and I'm not talking about PPV's at all, just regular match's. There has been a couple of times when the only decent thing that had happened was with the girls, and yes, it was WWE (don't remember which show, but pretty sure Raw). What I mean though, isn't that IT SHOULD, but it happens. Also in alot of case's, that girl going out and singing America the Beautiful, and VERY WELL I might add... Can very well hit the crowd in a way that no match ever will, especially when you know why she is doing it. Although I stated it's no big deal to my playstyle, I do think it is a big deal in reality..... Let's take a couple of example's: WWE is in the Iraq, and they have Lillian Garcia, one of the very beautiful diva's, and the current ring announcer for RAW. She goes out and belts out a version of America the Beautiful, right where people are that need to know that America acknowledge's what they are doing, and is supporting them in every way (not necessarily in aggreement with the government, but just to let them know America care's). She belts it out just as good as anyone you can ever think of... This segment would not only be A*, but would be double if there was a possible score. It will bring a tear to almost half the crowd there, and a good percent to those of us watching it at home. Pride, proud that someone could go out and represent OUR voice's. Might not be for everyone, but you won't here not one "Boo" and she will get the biggest pop of the night. Ok, next scenario. Trish Stratus has decided to make a comeback, but no one know's it yet. Raw has a "Raunchy" Diva type contest for the belt. In it they all wear masks so we don't know who they are, and come out in their sexiest "night ware". Trish win's, but we don't know till she takes off her mask... Then everyone realize's it's really her and the crowd goes wild. That's going to be an A* segment, match or whatever it is. The Diva's doing their thing in ECW.... They are getting better, and last two times was quite entertaining. Not exactly an A* but definately better then half the match's. I liked it, my friends liked it. IT got more pop from the audience then anyone seems (HERE) to believe or acknowledge. It definately raised the show's spirit, especially the crowds (Althought they were already hot, they did get hotter). So I totally dissagree that THE right Diva shooting T-Shirts at the crowd cannot get a better rating then the match after it. That's why they do it anyways, to raise the crowds mood, get them into it, then bring out the worker's into a hot room instead of a cold room. That's my two cents, and it's my belief that I'm right. I heard all the debate's, arguments, and all before in the 2005 forums, so your not going to change my mind just so AJ Styles going against Samoa Joe is going to get a better reaction from the crowd, when I believe that Christy or a couple of their other's coming to the ring and stripping down to their Bra and Pantie's would get a much bigger pop overall. DO I think it's a good thing - NO. DO I believe that's the way things seem to work - YES. The targeted audience is Male's between the age's of 18 and 32, and highlighted towards the College crowd..... Sports Entertainment the "E" way, is not for "Hardcore" wrestling fans that just have to watch all PPV's, ROH shows, Indie wrestling, and the likes. They are for the general population in a much larger scale... It's a circus act with a few soap opera's thrown in, and goes good with stuff such as the "MAN" show etc. If having a beautiful Girl in a bikini didn't work so well, they wouldn't be doing it all the time. Again, for the sake of playing the game, I could care less. Just don't think your going to change my mind because your logical conclusion is wrong (in my opinion), although very logically thought out. I mean, it's wrestling, it should be about wrestling. Honestly though, if that's all I cared about, I wouldn't watch wrestling at all, unless it was amateur school level or the Olympics, simply because I know its all fake. I watch it for the showmanship, the soaps, the bikini clad girls, and yes... every once in a while, the wrestling itself. Actually, I hope to see a good match everytime I watch it, but the bikini clad woman are a good thing, not a bad one.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;206496]No, and I'm not talking about PPV's at all, just regular match's. There has been a couple of times when the only decent thing that had happened was with the girls, and yes, it was WWE (don't remember which show, but pretty sure Raw).[/QUOTE] I think that was ECW, where they did the strip poker deal and advertised it all week more then anything making it a kind of main event for the show that week. It went over like a kick in the nuts and drew a horrible rating
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;206498]I think that was ECW, where they did the strip poker deal and advertised it all week more then anything making it a kind of main event for the show that week. It went over like a kick in the nuts and drew a horrible rating[/QUOTE] Naw, I was actually talking about a match. I didn't like the strip poker thing either, that was a Paul Heyman thing or something, I don't know. It didn't jive well for me, I was one of the people that got sick of seeing them keep cutting into it. HOwever, the dang video on their sight featuring it was number one for weeks (of the video's they had up). For example's, the various skits with Trish and "Psycho" Mickey James. Especially when Trish turned it around on her and dressed up like Mickey James, and bassically did all the same things to her. But that whole storyline, angle's and such were pretty good in my opinion. Also the Lillian thing oversea's was totally awesome. Then there has been a couple of Diva Strip match's, that went over really well... It's not their fault if they got a bigger pop, it's just the "Sex Sells" theory actually working for real. Anytime Victoria comes to the ring. The entrance by Melina. IT doesn't matter how much hate she stirs up, there is a pop everytime she does it well. That should be considered an angle in itself for those of you playing WWE games. Just make the Angle a Sex Sells, and have her do her thing based on looks (make sure the modder has her on decent looks for all purpose's, she is definately an A. If less CHANGE IT in your game (Fact is all the good looking girls on WWE and TNA should have A's in my opinion. Then there is Jillian, blah. The Superstar Quality should be low though.). Just saying a half dressed girl that looks hot as heck, will get the crowd in a great mood just by standing and posing (if she has that talent, which I would include in Looks, but could be in acting as well). That commercial "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" by that group... Definately would get a pop on any of the Sports Entertainment shows. It would bring the mood of the crowd up, unless they just seen the Main Event at Wrestlemania (or equivalent match type). It shouldn't be lowered so that some upper midcard match is going to do better, so you can say "Hey, I did it the hard way". If your going to go for the wrestling, do Pure or Hybrid or something. For SE, Sex Sells is just part of it if you have it checked off. I don't play the WWE, as I liked the WWF. I always make my own promotion the way I think the old WWF was, and try to emulate it (or Georgia Championship Wrestling). So my use of woman are either as wrestler's or manager's kind of like the Cyndi Lauper type. Going to be in the storyline if I use them as a manager. The thing is, that I don't feel that handicapping people trying to emulate the WWE or TNA or any other sports show, should be cripple'd in the process, just because I do it a different way. A Wrestling show SHOULD be about the Wrestling, but more times then not, it has nothing to do with Wrestling and everything to do with the storyline and entertainment other then wrestling going on. Hence, the barbarshop setup going on now, for Wrestlemania. I don't care what match I think or anyone here thinks is the biggest draw for Wrestlemania, the obvious, and only conclusion for the hype of Wrestlemania is the "Battle of the Billionaire's"! Wrestlemania will probably break records this year, because of this hype involving Donald Trump. IT's in all different magazines, not just sports related. It's in the dang Newspaper's, local and national. Why is this important to my point... Because although this is going to be the ONE match everyone is really wanting to know the outcome of, most of the people that are giving this such a big deal, don't even know who Umaga or Bobby Lashley is!! They just know McMahan and Trump at Wrestlemania. So Yes, I believe entertainment type, Sex Sells, and various other types of angle's should, and do get as much hype, pop, and praise from people that the actual wrestling itself does in these type of companies. Like I said, I dissagree with the majority, and I love a good debate, so after all these example's I have given, and believe me I can think of ton's more (don't get me started on the 80's!!). Anyone have a GOOD example where a GREAT Sex sells bit, or Entertainment bit was totally outshined by the Wrestling match?????? Hmm. Anyone?? Don't worry...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'll wait. LOL :-)
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