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GDS 'Favourite Wrestler Ever' Quarter Finals


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[b]Triple H[/b] vs Sting vs Randy Savage [i]Anyone but Sting, please[/i] Hulk Hogan vs [b]Bret Hart[/b] [i]hate hogan, like hart. 'Nuff said.[/i] The Rock vs [b]The Undertaker[/b] The Deadman, been around forever. Ric Flair vs [b]Mr Perfect[/b] [i]this one is really a toss-up i like both[/i]
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Triple H vs [B]Sting[/B] vs Randy Savage Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] The Rock vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] [I]Ric Flair vs [B]Mr Perfect[/B][/I] EDIT: oops.....that was meant to be a ric flair vote....i would never purposely choose perfect over flair......hopefully a vote change won't screw over those who voted for perfect. it's up to keefmoon wether to honor a vote change, but even if flair weren't to get my vote, i'd like perfect to be subtracted one...... i do think hogan and savage should have been in a triple threat with someone else, to give a definitive winner between the two......but randomness is just that.....random. thanks for orchastrating this whole thing keefmoon! winner better be flair or taker dammit.....
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;207094]i do think hogan and savage should have been in a triple threat with someone else, to give a definitive winner between the two......but randomness is just that.....random. thanks for orchastrating this whole thing keefmoon! winner better be flair or taker dammit.....[/QUOTE] Not a problem. Thanks for kind the kind words, nice to know I'm appreciated!!! Every point up until now has been 100% random and under the rule that whoever is the round can be drawn into any match. Even if it meant Savage vs Hogan again. It's the only way to keep it totally random. [QUOTE=wooodaddy;207096]but you voted for Perfect!!!![/QUOTE] Yeah...
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[QUOTE=masterded;207083]Better question what has he done? How would wrestling be any different if it was not for Bret? People act like he did some great thing that changed the face of wrestling forever. But did he? In my opinion, no. You act like I just started watching wrestling this decade, as a way to disvalue my opinion and make you feel that for some reason your’s is superior to mine. You come along with your opinion and insult me. Oh I said something bad about Bret, get over it. You are what is wrong with wrestling fans today. Someone disagrees with you, you attack them. How about for once you shut your mouth. I am not the person being discussed, I in no way insulted a member of this board, all I did was state an opinion. So stop being a child when ever someone disagrees with you. To the rest I applaud you. Though stated you disagree, in no way was it made into an attack on another. It seems everyone here but the Gaz actually has class.[/QUOTE] Gidday mate, I thought a bit more about the comment you made about him being the most boring man alive :eek: (PS: I definitely know people who are more boring :D ) , Bret Hart's character was about being the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be. I guess if you look at it from a pure TEW perspective you'd look at his gimmick as a cross between Wholesome and Legitimate. To me, listening to Eddie Guerrero, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Rock etc. who I rate as extremely entertaining it matches their characters. But if you asked the likes of Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Bret Hart and those types of characters to come out with Fruit Booty, Yak, Lie - Cheat - Steal, If you smeeelllll etc it would have diminished their character's legitimacy. Bret Hart to me made you believe what you were watching was a genuine battle. I think that's what his character's gimmick intended, and he did it well. Personally, I could always stomach a Bret Hart promo fairly easily, because it was almost believable and you could get in sink and follow the message he was giving, and he'd be able to follow those words up with his actions in the ring. I also still think he did do some entertaining stuff, notably the Spear-shield with Goldberg, which must go down as one of the cleverest segments in Nitro's history. Nice to debate the issue with your good self :cool:
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[QUOTE=tristram;207362]Gidday mate, I thought a bit more about the comment you made about him being the most boring man alive :eek: (PS: I definitely know people who are more boring :D ) , Bret Hart's character was about being the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be. I guess if you look at it from a pure TEW perspective you'd look at his gimmick as a cross between Wholesome and Legitimate. To me, listening to Eddie Guerrero, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Rock etc. who I rate as extremely entertaining it matches their characters. But if you asked the likes of Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Bret Hart and those types of characters to come out with Fruit Booty, Yak, Lie - Cheat - Steal, If you smeeelllll etc it would have diminished their character's legitimacy. Bret Hart to me made you believe what you were watching was a genuine battle. I think that's what his character's gimmick intended, and he did it well. Personally, I could always stomach a Bret Hart promo fairly easily, because it was almost believable and you could get in sink and follow the message he was giving, and he'd be able to follow those words up with his actions in the ring. I also still think he did do some entertaining stuff, notably the Spear-shield with Goldberg, which must go down as one of the cleverest segments in Nitro's history. Nice to debate the issue with your good self :cool:[/QUOTE] I understand where you are coming from. I also understand why someone would like him. I just don’t. This is what is weird with wrestling you never know who you will like and who you will dislike and why. With Bret he just never did it for me. I respect his work in the ring as a wrestler, not to the extent others do but I do respect it. I also could understand why someone would like his character I guess. I do agree with how some characters would be ruined with routines. Though I must wonder how much of that would be caused by a lack of charisma. In closing Dean Malenko is the man! (Who saw that coming?) On a separate note I apologize to Gaz. I overreacted. I took your statement in spite and should have been more levelheaded. Now I just find the fact that you asked me to name what he did after I said he did little funny. That would be making you argument for you. That wouldn’t be to smart. Now I would also like to apologize to TC for getting off track.
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[QUOTE=masterded;207510]I understand where you are coming from. I also understand why someone would like him. I just don’t. This is what is weird with wrestling you never know who you will like and who you will dislike and why. With Bret he just never did it for me. I respect his work in the ring as a wrestler, not to the extent others do but I do respect it. I also could understand why someone would like his character I guess. I do agree with how some characters would be ruined with routines. Though I must wonder how much of that would be caused by a lack of charisma. In closing Dean Malenko is the man! (Who saw that coming?) On a separate note I apologize to Gaz. I overreacted. I took your statement in spite and should have been more levelheaded. Now I just find the fact that you asked me to name what he did after I said he did little funny. That would be making you argument for you. That wouldn’t be to smart. Now I would also like to apologize to TC for getting off track.[/QUOTE] Wow, someone must have had a good day at work... that's the only time I apologise as much as you just did... and usually to the missus too... Sorry if this seems stupid, but why you apologising to TC for going off track, and who is TC?!
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[QUOTE=masterded;207514]You are, Topic Creator.[/QUOTE] Oh! I gets it now! Now I know what a TC is. Thank you, I appreciate your apology, but I really didn't mind you going off topic. But thanks anyway. :) This will stay open for a few more days, maybe two (?) and then it will close. I've already drawn the next round (as long as there are no draws) so all I will have to do is count them all up which I may start on tonight as I have work to do I want to but am trying to avoid. I would say we have a couple of corkers in the next round, but as its the semi finals of the favourite wrestler in the history of the wrestling industry that goes without saying. So get your votes in if you haven't already.
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;207094]Ric Flair vs [B]Mr Perfect[/B] [/QUOTE] oops................hey keefmoon....that was supposed to be a flair vote....i dunno how i messed that one up.... would you mind switching the tally please. i'm going to go back and edit my original post.....can't believe i did that.
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;207516]oops................hey keefmoon....that was supposed to be a flair vote....i dunno how i messed that one up.... would you mind switching the tally please. i'm going to go back and edit my original post.....can't believe i did that.[/QUOTE] That's cool don't worry. I'm on it.
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