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GDS 'Favourite Wrestler Ever' Quarter Finals


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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;206855]I understand that, but they were using the fact that Bret Hart was an overrated wrestler as their reason for voting for Hulk Hogan. If they prefer the Hulkster to Bret Hart, that's fine, I have no problem with it, but it's a little ironic voting for Bret's opponent because he's overrated, when Bret's opponent is Hulk Hogan...[/QUOTE] Plus I stated that I hate him. I always found him to be nothing but boring and he has less charisma then any wrestler alive. Hell there are people in comas with more charisma then Bret. Hated his character, hated his attitude, and hate that people act as if he says something it must be true. Now before I get the old you hate technical wrestling and so on stuff let me just say that is not true. Some times it seems just random whom I will like and hate. I use to mark out for Owen all the time. I loved Dean Malenko, was okay with Benoit, and hated Eddie Guerrero. The same goes with the people with little wrestling ability. I am a huge Kevin Nash fan (underated as a wrestler), I am okay with someone like a Hollywood Hogan(I was a kid for Hulk Higan, so like evrey one else I loved him) , and I hate Goldberg. Goldberg and Bret my 2 most hated wrestlers ever, Sting is close too. There is no logic, I know. When it is all said and done none of that matters because it is just all about whom you like best. Though sometime I feel I am the only person that was happy that Nash ended Goldberg's streak. It was one of my favorite moments ever in WCW.
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[QUOTE=masterded;206884]Plus I stated that I hate him. I always found him to be nothing but boring and he has less charisma then any wrestler alive. Hell there are people in comas with more charisma then Bret. Hated his character, hated his attitude, and hate that people act as if he says something it must be true. [/QUOTE] Fair enough, I must have overlooked that, I only skimmed through the thread. :p
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Triple H vs [B]Sting[/B] vs Randy Savage [I]Who doesn't love the Stinger? That's a hypothetical, don't answer.[/I] Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] [I]Hulk Hogan would have got my vote until he blew out his ACL getting off the damn couch.[/I] The Rock vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] [I]The Rock is very charismatic, but Undertaker has been charismatic longer.[/I] Ric Flair vs [B]Mr Perfect[/B] [I]I will my left testicle (my lucky one) on Hennig to win the entire tournament.[/I]
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Triple H vs Sting vs [B]Randy Savage[/B] (No contest) Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] (Easily) [B]The Rock[/B] vs The Undertaker (Taker rules, but not as much as the most electrifying pro wrestler in Hollywood.) Ric Flair vs [B]Mr Perfect[/B] (I don't understand how I've possibly had to vote against Flair as many times as I have this tournament, but Mr. Perfect ruled.)
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Triple H vs [B]Sting[/B] vs Randy Savage Sting is a legend. What the man didn't achieve in WCW isn't worth achieving. He was the "Catalyst" in my favourite ever wrestling story - Sting v nWo. All time great. Savage is good though, and put on two of my favourite ever matches at W'Mania, one against Steamboat and the Retirement match v Ultimate Warrior. The wedding with Miss Elizabeth at Summer Slam? Was great too. I even enjoyed his matches in WCW v Diamond Dallas Page in particular. Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] The best there is, the best was, the best there ever will be. The Excellence of Execution. Period. The Big Orange M&M (c) (tm) is no match for Bret Hart. The Rock vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] They are both all time greats, but one has great longevity and that's the clincher for me. I was freaked out by him when he first came into the "F", his character is, was and always has been extremely compelling. [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs Mr Perfect I feel for Mr Perfect, fighting the eventual winner, WOOOO!!! Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair. The dirtiest player in the game.
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Guest The Aussie
Triple H vs Sting vs [B]Randy Savage[/B] [I] Savage was pretty awesome[/I] Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] [I] STOP VOTING FOR THAT TWAT HOGAN[/I] The Rock vs[B] The Undertaker[/B] [I]I just feel that Undertaker has given more to the business.[/I] Ric Flair vs [B]Mr Perfect[/B] [I]Love Henning[/I]
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;206779]Hope that HHH WINS THIS THING, lol, Just kidding. I too think that Bret is very overated. [B]He stood up to Vince is all that happened, that's it[/B]. Hogan, to me is the epitomy of Sports Entertainment. To me single handedly brought this thing to the level that it is today.[/QUOTE] I think that's what we call "understating" it.
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Triple H vs Sting vs [B]Randy Savage[/B] Savage had more talent and charisma than Sting and HHH combined. Diggit, ooooooooooooh yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah! :D Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] No contest. The Rock vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] I still say The Rock's promos are second to none, even better than Hogan's in his day, gotta be The Phenom though. :) [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs Mr Perfect Both great wrestlers but Flair is pure entertainment gold. ;)
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[QUOTE=masterded;206740] [b]Hulk Hogan[/b] vs Bret Hart [i]Hate Bret he is the most overrated wrestler ever. Also people give him to much credit for what little he truly did. He was a good wrestler but no where near the best. He is the most boring person alive. Couldn’t do a good promo to save his life.[/i] [/QUOTE] How did he do little mastered? He seemed to have done little, to you probably because youve seen jack **** of whats hes done throughout his career.
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Triple H vs [B]Sting[/B] Gotta go with the Stinger vs Randy Savage Hulk Hogan vs [B]Bret Hart[/B] There's not many I'd take Hogan over. The Rock vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] I love the Rock, but you can't vote against the phenom [B]Ric Flair[/B] 4ever WHOOOOOO! vs Mr Perfect
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[QUOTE=The Gaz;207069]How did he do little mastered? He seemed to have done little, to you probably because youve seen jack **** of whats hes done throughout his career.[/QUOTE] Better question what has he done? How would wrestling be any different if it was not for Bret? People act like he did some great thing that changed the face of wrestling forever. But did he? In my opinion, no. You act like I just started watching wrestling this decade, as a way to disvalue my opinion and make you feel that for some reason your’s is superior to mine. You come along with your opinion and insult me. Oh I said something bad about Bret, get over it. You are what is wrong with wrestling fans today. Someone disagrees with you, you attack them. How about for once you shut your mouth. I am not the person being discussed, I in no way insulted a member of this board, all I did was state an opinion. So stop being a child when ever someone disagrees with you. To the rest I applaud you. Though stated you disagree, in no way was it made into an attack on another. It seems everyone here but the Gaz actually has class.
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