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Men Of Steel Combat: Hardcore Chronicles (A CornellVerse Diary)

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[B][CENTER]Life Isn’t Fair...[/CENTER][/B] It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I was supposed to be a great wrestler. “The All American Boy,”…or so I’ve been told over and over again. And then reality hits you like a ton of bricks. My name is Jack Avatar, and I am a professional wrestler. Or at least I was, until the accident. I never saw it coming. I close my eyes, and remember back to barely a week ago, when the accident happened. I had just graduated PileDriver Wrestling School in October. My teacher and mentor told me I was destined for great things. But I don’t think he could have anticipated my career coming to a screeching halt. After graduation, I wrestled at independent wrestling shows all over the world. Thank God I have a lot of money saved up; earning $20 a night can’t cover travel expenses. Still, I had no problems paying my dues, getting more in-ring experience, trying to get noticed on someone’s radar… And it was all working; Totalextremewrestling.com even wrote a piece on me, saying I was a ‘rising star’. Then again, they wrote a similar article on Lead Belly of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, so what do they know? At the latest British independent wrestling show, I ended up wrestling a guy named Bad News Bruno. I never did learn his real name; then again, how could I? He couldn’t speak any English; only German. He served in the military for years, and got into wrestling late. Great look; 6’10”, 340 lbs and legitimately tough, but he couldn’t wrestle his way out of a cardboard box. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BadNewsBruno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][I][CENTER]Jack Avatar vs. Bad News Bruno[/CENTER][/I][/SIZE][/FONT] I was booked to win the match, and that was it. The road agent couldn’t speak German, so we were left to call it in ring. I thought it’d be OK. After all, I wrestled in Japan without speaking a word of Japanese, so I could make it work. Somehow, I was dragging a pretty good match out of Bruno, when he decided to take over. He was beginning to make a comeback; I gave him a few chops and fired him off the ropes. He reversed and I ended up running into the stiffest mule kick of my entire life. At that point, I don’t remember anything that happened after that. From what I’ve been told, he picked me up, fired me off the ropes, and gave me a second mule kick, and followed that up with mounted blows to my skull. He then got up and played to the crowd, while I rolled out of the ring, and lay on the floor, barely conscious, and helpless. Bruno won the match by count out. From that point on, I was rushed to the hospital, to the here and now, where doctors have kindly informed me that I’ve suffered a severe concussion and that my wrestling career was over. They were wrong. It was just beginning…
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[B][CENTER]Enter The Highland Warrior[/CENTER][/B] As I had just finished signing release forms to leave the hospital and return to America, a voice tinged with a Scottish accent boomed behind me “Are you Jack Avatar?” I turned around to find myself face to face with a hugely muscled, intimidating figure, wearing a wet rain coat. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “Yes.” The giant man extended his hand in greeting. “My name is Greg McPeterson; you may know me as “The Highland Warrior”, I’m the owner of Men Of Steel Combat, a hardcore wrestling promotion based in Scotland.” “I’ve heard of you and MOSC, though I’m somewhat confused as to why you’re here.” “Simple; I’ve seen a few of your matches at the independent shows, and I was very impressed with your skill and potential, especially at such a young age. I came here to offer you a job.” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Uh, you know that my wrestling career is over, right?” “I read the latest dirt sheets reporting that. A shame what Bruno did to you, and I’m sorry. But on the contrary, I don’t want to hire you as a wrestler.” “So what type of job is this?” I asked. “I want you to be the new head booker of MOSC.” “Excuse me?” I asked, unbelievably. “I said, I want you to be the new head booker of MOSC.” “Uh, not that I don’t appreciate the opportunity, but I have to ask: why me, Mr. McPeterson?” Warrior sighed a bit. “Please walk with me, Mr. Avatar, and call me Greg.” We proceeded to head towards the elevator. “Partly because I think you’re the man for the job. Chances are if you’re as good a wrestler as I think you are, you’ll make a good head booker. But also, I’m tired; Jeff Nova stealing my best talent for his 21st Century Wrestling promotion left MOSC and myself in a position I’m unaccustomed to.” The elevator beeped, opening its doors for us. We walked inside, joining a few doctors, nurses and patients. Warrior continued: “For over twenty years, MOSC has been the number one promotion in on the UK wrestling scene. Suddenly, almost overnight, we went from number one to a very distant second. It was…” Warrior trailed off; anger, frustration and sadness were all in his face and voice. “I just need help; a partner, an ally, something…” It suddenly dawned on me that despite our different circumstances, he must feel just like I do, with my in-ring career dead in the water. “I’ll do it.” Warrior looked at me. “You will?” I looked at Warrior and grinned, “I suppose my career in wrestling isn’t as dead as I thought. And neither is your promotion Mr. McPeterson…Greg…I’ll do everything in my power to help you get MOSC back on top. Besides, it pays well right?” Warrior laughed heartily. “I think you’ll be fine with the pay. I have to warn you, I can be a difficult boss. I expect nothing short of excellence from all those who work for me.” We looked at each other for a few seconds, and proceeded to burst out into boisterous laughter. Our fellow elevator inhabitants all looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was so funny. The elevator doors opened to reveal the hospital lobby, the exit to the world beyond us beckoning. “I think I can handle it.” I said, extending my hand to shake on our agreement. “Very well, Mr. Avatar; welcome to the world of Men Of Steel Combat.” Warrior replied, grasping my hand strongly. Outside, the rain continued to pour.
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[B][CENTER]The David Flair Challenge[/CENTER][/B] OOC (Out Of Character, for those that honestly don’t know) FYI: [LIST] [*] There are TEW players who may have not heard about the Heidenreich challenge, created by TEW forum legend D-Lyrium, and re-introduced by TEW forum render master (& man of a thousand diaries) Clarity. For the curious, details can be found here: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19470[/url] [*] The David Flair Challenge (which was never issued) is my version of the same thing, except the David Flair avatar is worse off than the Heidy one: zeros in all performance skills, as well as entertainments skills. At least Heidy was a great entertainer. [*] A character appropriately named ‘Mentor’ appeared in Wrestling Spirit 1 as the trainer of your user character. (If you haven't played Wrestling Spirit 1 or 2, and love TEW, give the 'thinking man's fighting games' a shot). He’s not an actual in-game, CornellVerse figure, but I decided to put him in this diary for sh#@$ and giggles, and flesh him out just a little bit. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming. [/LIST] [B][CENTER]PileDriver Wrestling School[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/PDW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B]Mentor[/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/Mentor01.jpg[/IMG] “Dammit, Chord, I told you to spin out into an armbar, not a hammerlock!” Daniel Chord stood still, his fellow wrestler in the hammerlock position, with a seemingly lost look on his face. Mentor, one of the head trainers at PileDriver Wrestling School, took a deep sigh. Remember, getting angry and yelling at this guy gets you no where. Mentor thought. He then saw a familiar sight enter the school. “Everyone, take ten.” Mentor grabbed his coffee cup and walked towards the lone figure who had just entered the building. “Jack! How’ve you been?” “Good, Mentor, good! I see the future generation of pro wrestling is in good hands.” Jack said, gesturing at the many wrestlers chatting around the ring. “Hah! They’re coming along, slowly but surely. Hey, man, I’m sorry about the concussion thing. I know you know this, but if you need to talk to someone experienced in premature career endings… “Thanks Mentor. I’ll probably call you from Scotland to talk some more.” “That’s right! I heard you’re the new head booker for MOSC. I guess congratulations are in order! So, when are you leaving?” “In a few days.” “So what brings you here? I have a feeling you’re here for other reasons besides catching up.” I smiled. “Any guys graduating, willing to work in Scotland?” Mentor shook his head, his prominent 24” neck making it a wonder he can shake his head at all. “Nope…sorry, Jack. No one’s graduating anytime soon. But, I have another idea. Hold on, let me get something from my office.” “OK, but hey, before you go, who’s that guy? He looks familiar…” Jack asked, pointing at the muscular figure standing in the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mentor looked at who Jack was pointing at. “Daniel Chord.” “Any relation to Rip?” “He’s Rip’s son.” “I thought Jay was Rip’s son.” Mentor chuckled. “He is. Daniel is Jay’s twin brother.” “I didn’t know Jay had a twin.” “No one does; Rip doesn’t talk about Daniel much.” “Why is that?” “Well…let’s just say Daniel doesn’t have ‘it’. Hey, I’ll be back in a few minutes. Stay tight.” Mentor began walking towards his office. Jack took a look at Daniel Chord and entered the ring to meet him. “You’re Daniel, right?” “Yeah.” Jack extended his hand in greeting. “Jack Avatar, head booker of MOSC.” “Oh yeah, I heard about you. Sorry about the concussion.” “Yeah, hey do you have a few minutes?” “Yeah, why?” “Let’s wrestle. I want to see what you can do.” “Uh…are you sure? What about your concussion?” Jack smiled. “Don’t worry about me. This isn’t an official match. Let’s go.” “Alright!” For the next few minutes, we had an impromptu match. I wanted to see how talented and skilled he was. Truth be told, I was disappointed to find out that he was actually a worse wrestler than Bad News Bruno! It seemed inconceivable that this kid could be Rip Chord’s son. I guess the wrestling gene passed on to Jay, and skipped over Daniel. Anyways, our impromptu match ended with no incident. Well, almost. “OK, let’s stop, Daniel.” “OK.” I turned around, only to get a really stiff knee lift to my gut, taking all my breath away. I gasped for air, as Mentor stood glaring over me. “What the hell are you doing? You’re not supposed to be wrestling, and you know it!” I gasped for air. “I…was…just…seeing…what Daniel…can do…” Mentor still looked quite mad. “Next time, ASK? Got it!?” I nodded, recovering slowly. Despite the pain, it was nice to see someone care. I stood up and looked at Daniel. “Hey, Daniel,” I huffed. “Mind if I ask you a question?” “Shoot.” “Why do you want to become a wrestler?” Daniel turned away, a familiar look on his face. “I guess I have the same dream you and Mentor had; to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Like my dad; like my brother Jay. And if I accomplish that goal, then my dad and brother will have to acknowledge me.” “Acknowledge you?” Daniel’s voice began to rise and break. “Do you know what it’s like to have a father who happens to be a wrestling legend, Mr. Avatar? A wrestling god father who’s always disappointed in his own son? Or a brother who inherited all his father’s greatness, while the other inherited none of it?” Daniel began to tear up, not out of sadness, but out of anger. “It hurts; a lot! Too much, in fact!” Mentor and I looked at each other, then back at Daniel who was wiping away his tears. The other students simply stared at the three of us. Daniel, despite his tears, gave a tiny smile. “I’m going to become a great wrestler, even if it kills me. And then I’m going to surpass my dad and brother. Maybe then, they’ll acknowledge me, be proud of me, and treat me like I actually exist.” Mentor and I looked at each other once more. Mentor nodded; I walked up to Daniel and asked: “So, how would you like to live in Scotland?” [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] “Are you sure about this?” Mentor asked. “No.” I replied, with a slight grin. “But, I have a good feeling about this. Besides, this will sound cheesy, but…” I paused for a second. “I believe in him.” “Like a teacher having faith in a student?” Mentor asked, grinning back. “Yeah.” “OK, here take this.” Mentor said, shoving a folded piece of paper towards me. “What’s this?” “Brent Hill’s contact information.” “Brent Hill? TCW’s Brent Hill?!” “Yeah; give him a call. Ask him if he’s got any students ready to wrestle, and willing to work for your promotion.” “Brent has students?” “A few; he mentors some kids as a part time job. It’s a lot more expensive then training here, but some guys just want to train with him.” Mentor grinned once more. “I guess they don’t realize the best trainer is here at PDW.” I gave Mentor a strong handshake. “Thanks for everything. Keep an eye out for MOSC, and wish us luck.” “I will.”
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[QUOTE]There are TEW players who may have not heard about the Heidenreich challenge, created by TEW forum legend D-Lyrium, [B]and re-introduced by TEW forum render master (& man of a thousand diaries) Clarity.[/B] For the curious, details can be found here: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=19470[/url][/QUOTE] Hey!!! Thats not true. Theres only been ROF-PWA, PWA V2.0, PWA 07, Dave, BAW, Re-Imagined & my current MAW Diary.. Oh wait.. I see your point :)
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[QUOTE=Clarity;207264]Hey!!! Thats not true. Theres only been ROF-PWA, PWA V2.0, PWA 07, Dave, BAW, Re-Imagined & my current MAW Diary.. Oh wait.. I see your point :)[/QUOTE] Well, perhaps I exaggerated a tad ;) ;) Though to be perfectly honest, it was the other render master, Taker, who dubbed thee "The Man of a Thousand Diaries", not I. I'll just call continue to call you "Render Master" and "The Man of a Dozen Diaries." ;) ;)
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[B][CENTER]The First And Last Productive Meeting Part One[/CENTER][/B] [I]OOC FYI: [LIST] [*]This will be broken up into several parts, as I want to take the time to introduce the entire roster to the readers (and it’ll be a good exercise for myself, to review my roster). [*]For the cards that appear below, the grades are calculated using a weighted average. [*]I apologize for the change in narrative style during the roster evaluation, and hope none find it confusing. During my regular writings, I embellish, add details, try to breathe some life into the story through minute details, etc. But as I was writing this up, I found that it was far too time consuming to write in my regular style for every single person on the roster, so I changed it from first to third person. It's temporary, but will be around for "The First And Last Productive Meeting" We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.[/I] [/LIST] The rain continued to pour outside as I headed towards the MOSC conference room to meet with Warrior. I was looking over the roster quickly one more time, growing more depressed. The truth is that the losses we sustained from Jeff Nova’s 21st Century Wrestling talent raids were very significant. DJ Reason? A diamond in the rough. Igor and Ivan, the Ivanoff Brothers were growing as a solid tag team and at only 20 and 21 years old respectively, had plenty of time to improve. And Joss Thompson would b a rising star in any promotion. At least Nightmare wasn’t honestly that big a loss, but at 20 years old, he could have been huge. And The Steamroller is retired, though despite his limited roles, I could see him as a strong color commentator or authority figure. I finished my coffee, before entering the conference room, where Warrior was already sitting, scribbling something on his notepad. I took a seat next to him and slapped my materials on the table. “We have a lot to go over today, so let’s get started. I figure we could go over the roster first.” I said. “Sounds good to me,” Warrior replied. “OK; here you go.” I pulled out two decks of cards and handed one of them to Warrior. “What are these?” he asked, looking over them “I had these made just to help me organize our roster. Now, here are the people on the main event scene:” [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheHighlandWarriorCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Highland Warrior [LIST] [*] Current MOSC UK Champion (7 time champion), locker room leader, charismatic with strong look, Limited in-ring skill [*] Greatest Strengths: very tough, strong star qualities, slightly above average entertainment skills, performance skills range from average to slightly above, our most popular in-ring performer [*] Greatest Weaknesses: weak to below average rumble skills, embarrassing stamina for a main eventer , 44 years old [/LIST] Warrior: Limited in-ring skill? Embarrassing stamina?! Jack: Hey, I tried to get you to do wind sprints with me this morning, but you refused. Warrior: I hate cardio; you know that. Jack: You’ll never... Warrior: I’ve been in the game for decades now, and have never needed to develop my wind. If you think you’re going to get me to blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda…why, back when I was your age blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda… [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [I](roughly 30 minutes later, give or take an hour)[/I] Warrior: So as I was saying, after my final match with Steamroller… Jack: Hey, Greg? Warrior: Yeah? Jack: Let’s move on. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/DannyPattersonCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Danny Patterson [LIST] [*] Bigger than The Highland Warrior, Good Brawler with a decent look [*] Greatest Strengths: Legitimately tough, Amazingly strong, truly menacing, above average brawling and hardcore skills, our second most popular in-ring performer [*] Greatest Weaknesses: below average Performance Skills, with selling being quite weak. Could also hit the treadmill more often. Manipulative personality [/LIST] Warrior: You see, I’m not the only one who needs to hit the treadmill! Jack: Touche. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/ThugCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Thug [LIST] [*] One half of the UK Wrecking Crew tag team combination, veteran brawler, intended for opening match act, but depleted roster, experience, and loyal contributions to MOSC pushes way him up the card. [*] Greatest Strengths: Strong threshold for pain and injury, among our most popular in-ring performers [*] Greatest Weaknesses: below average to weak in everything else, 41 years old [/LIST] Jack: Thug is quite limited; his in-ring skills need work. His entertainment skills need work, how the heck did you get this guy over? Warrior: Well, THAT’S a good story. You see… Jack: Let’s move on. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JDMorganCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JD Morgan [LIST] [*] UK veteran who found success in the States as a DAVE regular, excels at mat and submission wrestling [*] Greatest Strengths: locker room leader, strong to amazing performance skills, strong stamina, mat wrestling, and submission wrestling [*] Greatest Weaknesses: weak entertainment skills, weak rumble skills [/LIST] Warrior: Are you sure this DAVE guy you hired can do us any good? His hardcore skills aren’t exactly his strong suite. Jack: He’s great at everything else; JD brings a lot more pros than cons to the table. Right now, with all the people that left MOSC for 21CW, we need as many good in-ring competitors as we can get right now. Besides, he's successful in DAVE, and that's a hardcore promotion. Warrior: But not as hardcore as MOSC. Jack: Well, of course. “So,” Jack said, “let’s move on to the upper midcarders now.” [I]To be continued...[/I]
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Will be reading this with interest. Seems a bit strange that Warrior is referring to JD as 'this DAVE guy you hired'! Remember JD Morgan is a former 4-time MOSC champion back in the early 90s and he won the belt twice from The Highland Warrior. So it's likely Warrior and he have a fair bit of history that you could make something out of!
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;207655]Will be reading this with interest. Seems a bit strange that Warrior is referring to JD as 'this DAVE guy you hired'! Remember JD Morgan is a former 4-time MOSC champion back in the early 90s and he won the belt twice from The Highland Warrior. So it's likely Warrior and he have a fair bit of history that you could make something out of![/QUOTE] nEVER REALIZED HE EVER WAS WITH mosc... Oops, caps.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;207644]Yeah, you really can't go wrong with JDM. He's not awful for DaVE and he's relatively over in UK, right?[/QUOTE] JD is awesome, IMO, and he's actually among the most popular guys on the roster. As Marcel points out to me in a later post, before DAVE, bevore the East Coast Wars, JD worked w/ MOSC...talk about a hardcore blunder! LOL! :D
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;207655]Will be reading this with interest. Seems a bit strange that Warrior is referring to JD as 'this DAVE guy you hired'! Remember JD Morgan is a former 4-time MOSC champion back in the early 90s and he won the belt twice from The Highland Warrior. So it's likely Warrior and he have a fair bit of history that you could make something out of![/QUOTE] It's not strange...OK, it is, and an honest blunder on my part...D'OH! :o (quickly thinks of quickfixes...) Quickfix scenario #1 Jack enter the MOSC conference room. "So, how's the alzheimer's today, Greg?" Jack asked Warrior. "It's fine today. Doctor gave me new meds to try. Though, for the life of me, I still can't remember anything in my early career. Well, shall we get to it?" Quickfix scenario #2 Jack enters the MOSC conference room. "So, how's the amnesia today, Greg?" Jack asked Warrior. "It's fine today. Doctors reckon I'll never get my memories of my early career back...well, shall we get to it?" Or, I'll just edit the post one of these days and change the dialogue so that it all makes sense. :D Thanks for the heads up! D'OH!
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;207661]The playing card format is a nice touch, though I must confess, my first reaction was: "I sacrifice my opener and lower midcarder and summon The Highland Warrior in Attack mode! I then lay two cards face down and end my turn."[/QUOTE] Uh-oh, the Yugioh gang is here! ;) Seriously though, the thought of a TEW CCG crossed my mind about a month ago, but though I still contend it's not a bad idea (though not necessarily a good one), it's way too much work, and I doubt interest would be there. Also, the software I use is somewhat limited, and there's not a lot of software choices out there. Still Jack & Warrior play MOSC: CCG all the time. ;) Warrior always, wins, as the ultra rare Highland Warrior card can't be beat. Availablle now at MOSCshop.com!
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[B][CENTER]The First And Last Productive Meeting Part Deux[/CENTER][/B] [I]OOC Comments: The mysterious student of Brent Hill appears below. Statistically, he resembles one of my Wrestling Spirit 2 characters. As far as his appearance, I’m curious if anyone will recognize him. There’s a decent chance if you’ve ever owned a Sega Dreamcast, you’ll know who it is. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.[/I] “In fact,” Jack said, “let go over the rest of the in-ring workers in one fell swoop.” Warrior chuckled, “Heh, now THAT’S the spirit I’m looking for. Onwards…” [B][I]The Upper Midcarders[/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/GeordieJimmyMorrisCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Geordie Jimmy Morris [LIST] [*] Founder and former owner of Ring OF Fire promotion, left to wrestle in Japan (where interest in his services was humiliatingly low), returned and chose to come to MOSC to resurrect his career [*] Greatest Strengths: Mostly strong performance skills, especially the basic skills and very safe to work with, slightly below average hardcore skills, average toughness [*] Greatest Weaknesses: mostly everything else, could hit the treadmill more often, 39 years old [/LIST] Jack: Hmm, strange. Warrior: What? Jack: There’s a typo on Geordie’s card; his performance skills average at about a ‘B’, not a ‘B+’ Warrior: Hah, another guy who needs more to hit the treadmill more often. You see? I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE! Jack: I never said you were! Warrior: You said I was out of shape! Jack: I said…forget what I said. Let’s move on. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BruiserCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bruiser [LIST] [*] One half of The UK Wrecking Crew tag team. Average brawler that specializes in bloody weapons-based brawling [*] Greatest Strengths: decently strong resilience, above average hardcore skills, average toughness and stiffness, among our most popular in-ring performers [*] Greatest Weaknesses: Below average performance skills, below average to poor in everything else [/LIST] Jack: Just like Thug. It’s a miracle you got this guy over. Warrior: No miracles; just great booking by yours truly. Jack: Modest much? Anyways, Bruiser, and this applies to Thug as well, needs to improve his in-ring performance skills. Together, they’ve done a pretty good job, but if Thug is going to stay at main event status and Bruiser at the upper midcard, then they both need to improve if they’re going to thrive as singles competitors. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/ShaneHannigansCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shane Hannigans [LIST] [*] One half of the current MOSC UK Tag Team champions Monkey Business, good brawler [*] Greatest Strengths: Very strong resilience, above average stiffness, average hardcore skills, slightly below average brawling skills, average to slightly below average performance skills [*] Greatest Weaknesses: below average in mostly everything else [/LIST] Jack: How did this guy become a tag champion? Warrior: When the Ivanoffs got taken from us, it’s not like I had a lot of choices. Jack: We need more tag teams… Warrior: Agreed. Jack: Shane is, in my opinion, a below average brawler. He needs to improve in every area, end of story. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheJuicerCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Juicer [LIST] [*] very good athlete, specializes in bloody brawls, decent worker [*] Greatest strengths: Incredible resilience, strong athleticism, above average toughness, stamina, intensity and hardcore skills [*] Greatest Weaknesses: weak entertainment skills, weak look, doesn’t have ‘it’ factor [/LIST] Jack: Juicer’s one of the better workers for MOSC, but his ceiling isn’t that high, since he’s not a star. I think it’d be good to have Mark Moore manage him. What do you think? Warrior: Huh? Jack: Aren’t you paying attention?! Warrior: Sorry, Jack; I just thought of something. (Warrior scribbles something down on his notepad) Warrior: You were saying? Jack: Juicer. Manager. Mark Moore. What do you think? Warrior: I like it. Jack: OK, next. [I][B]The Midcarders[/B][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JefferyMcPetersonCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jeffery McPeterson [LIST] [*] Son of The Highland Warrior, current holder of the MOSC Blood & Beer title, [*] Greatest Strengths: Incredibly stiff, strong resilience, above average to good entertainment skills, a pretty intense guy [*] Greatest weaknesses: below average to weak in most other skills, a total jackass in the locker room, very political [/LIST] Warrior: I think we should skip over Jeffery. Jack: Why? Warrior: I know what you’re going to say. Jack: How do you know what I’m going to say? Warrior: Everyone says it; ‘He’s a total jackass!’ Right? Jack: … Warrior: Well? Jack: He brings good intensity to his character and his matches. But he really needs to start improving his in-ring skills. He considers himself a high flier, and he’s not even that good at it. Warrior: Oh…I thought you were going to say… Jack: AND, he’s a total jackass backstage. Warrior: Let’s move on. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TomFooleryCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tom Foolery [LIST] [*] One half of the current MOSC UK Tag Team champions Monkey Business, decent brawler [*] Greatest strengths: above average resilience and menace quality, average entertainment skills [*] Greatest weaknesses: below average to weak in everything else. [/LIST] Jack: I like Tom as a person, but he’s worse than Shane. Warrior: This is why he’s lower on the card. Jack: There’s not too much to say…most of what I said about Shane applies to Tom, except times five. Warrior: OK, who’s next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BuffMartinezCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Buff Martinez [LIST] [*] An average brawler at best [*] Greatest strengths: Incredible resilience, average hardcore skills, a potential star in the making [*] Greatest weaknesses: average to below average performance skills, below average entertainment skills, not the greatest athlete, can his the treadmill more often [/LIST] Jack: He needs a lot of work in several areas, like his stamina, in-ring sk… Warrior: There you go again about the stamina. You know, back when I was your age… Jack: Greg! Warrior: Yeah? Jack: Buff is a potential star in the making; he just needs more time to develop all his skills. Mark Moore should manage Buff also. Warrior: OK. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheDublinDestroyerCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Dublin Destroyer [LIST] [*] weak brawler who hasn’t achieved much of note in his 9 year career [*] Greatest strengths: incredibly resilience and consistency [*] Below average to very weak in everything else, in dire need of aerobic conditioning [/LIST] Jack: Why did you hire this guy again? Warrior: He’s tough! He can take a licking and keep on ticking, and he’s consistent. Jack: But it’s easy to be consistent when you’re very limited in what you can do. And he REALLY needs to hit the treadmill… Warrior: You just love stamina don’t you? Jack: I’d like my roster of professional wrestlers to be in shape, is that to much to ask? Warrior: When it’s not necessary, yes. Back in the day… Jack: NEXT! [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/Mr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mr. Wright [LIST] [*] 20-year old rookie brawler, comedic gimmick of being “The Epitome Of Manliness” despite having a poor physique and being fugly [*] Greatest strengths: Incredible resilience [*] Greatest weaknesses: below average to weak in very thing else [/LIST] Jack: OK, I understand his gimmick is a joke of being “The Epitome Of Manliness”, but can we please get him a singlet? Warrior: Why? Jack: No audience on earth, hardcore, cult, or otherwise, wants to see those man boobs. Warrior: Point taken. [B][I]The Lower Midcarders[/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayBCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jay B [LIST] [*] average all-rounder, fearless wrestling style, willing to throw himself into crazy dives and planchas [*] Greatest Strengths: Incredible resilience, very intense individual, pretty flashy entertainer [*] Greatest Weaknesses: Below average to weak in everything else [/LIST] Jack: Gregory could learn a thing or two from Jay B; at least when Jay B does a plancha, it looks great. Warrior: I thought we were talking about Jay B, not my son? Jack: Sorry; anyways, Jay B is another young guy who I think could be so much more. He needs to improve in several areas…let’s have Emma manage him. She’s not THAT much better, but he could learn a thing or two from her in the art of cutting a promo. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/AxlGreaseCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Axl Grease [LIST] [*] Man of many identities, Scottish by birth but raised in Florida, rock star wannabe gimmick [*] Greatest Strengths: Incredible resilience [*] Greatest Weaknesses: Below average to very weak in everything else [/LIST] Jack:… Warrior: What? Jack: Why did you hire this guy? Warrior: He’s tough. Axl can take a couple dozen chair shots a night, and be perfectly fine the next day. Jack: And? Warrior: That’s it. Jack: And it shows. Warrior: Let’s move on, for both our sakes. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UltraViolenceCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ultra Violence [LIST] [*] 18-year old rookie hardcore brawler, insane willingness to do crazy stunts, a free spirit personality [*] Greatest strengths: Amazingly stiff, good resilience and intensity, above average toughness and charisma, professional attitude [*] Greatest weaknesses: below average to very weak in everything else [/LIST] Jack: Well, he’s young, and already is strong in a few areas, but his in-ring work needs…well, work. Among other things, but I love his attitude backstage. Warrior: Unlike Gregory, right? Jack: Huh? Warrior: It’s not my fault! It’s his mother’s fault for spoiling him! Jack: Next… [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/DanielChordCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Daniel Chord [LIST] [*] son of Rip Chord, twin brother of Jay Chord [*] Greatest strengths: Amazing stamina, resilience, and athleticism, strong look, tough, good intensity, a diamond in the rough (hopefully), driven, only 16 years old [*] Greatest weaknesses: Absolutely no proficiency in rumble, flying, technical, entertainment, and performance skills, in-ring or otherwise. [/LIST] Jack: OK, why do you think Daniel should be in the lower midcard? Warrior: He’s a Chord! He’s destined for greatness. Jack: Daniel MAY accomplish great things one day, but right now, he’s enhancement talent. Warrior: Well, I still think he should be in the lower midcard. Jack: He’s enhancement talent! The kid can’t wrestle! Not yet! Warrior: Lower midcarder. Jack: … Warrior: Lower midcarder. Jack: Fine, but he’s only going to wrestle dark matches. Warrior: We'll debate that later, and he’s still a lower midcarder. Jack: … [B][I]Opener[/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/HristoferosFangCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hristoferos Fang [LIST] [*] Newcomer Hristoferos got into wrestling late, and has spent the past year being trained privately by Brent Hill. Is half-Greek, half-Chinese, but was also born in Canada, and raised in the United States, making him a Greek Chinese Canadian American. [*] Greatest Strengths: amazing resilience, above average athleticism, stamina, and high flying skills, very nice, professional, a Jack-of-all-trades [*] Greatest Weaknesses: Slightly below average in all other skills, close to 29 years old [/LIST] Warrior: Brent Hill’s student, eh? Jack: Yeah, and true to form, he’s incredibly well-balanced, but could still improve in several areas. Still, he should be in the midcard. Warrior: What’s wrong with his name? Jack: There’s nothing wrong with his name. Warrior: Her-Hr-Hri-sto-feros…what type of name is that? Jack: Greek. Warrior: So he’s Greek. Jack: Actually, he’s a Greek Chinese Canadian American. Warrior: Come again? Jack: I said he’s a Greek Chinese Canadian American. Warrior: How do you get that? Jack: His dad is Greek, his mom is Chinese; he was born in Canada, but was raised in the States. Simple, huh? Warrior:… [I]To be continued. Same MOSC time, Same MOSC channel.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]The First And Last Productive Meeting III[/CENTER][/B] Jack sighed; this roster evaluation was taking much longer than he would have liked. And Warrior’s gratuitous stories of past in-ring accomplishments needlessly added to the meeting time. “We’re almost done with the roster.” Jack said. “All we need to do now is go over the pit orchestra.” “The who? What?” Warrior asked quizzically. “The pit orchestra.” Jack said. “Sorry; I personally call them that. The underappreciated staff that never get any mention or glory, but work hard, contribute, and do their job.” “Oh, the other staff. Why didn’t you just say so.” Warrior laughed. “Here we go.” [B][I]Other Staff (aka the Pit Orchestra)[/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/EmmaEvansCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Emma Evans [LIST] [*] Manager, A curvy hot chick popular with our fans [*] Greatest Strengths: Surprisingly amazing resilience, beautiful, a diamond in the rough among managers [*] Greatest weaknesses: Entertainment skills range from slightly below to below average [/LIST] Jack: Oh, great, another misprint. Warrior: On what? Jack: Emma’s card; her looks should be rated a ‘B’, not a ‘B+’ Warrior: As far as I’m concerned, her looks should be rated an ‘A*’ Jack: But looks aren’t rated just on how good looking you are. Warrior: They aren’t? Jack: No; it’s how good the worker looks, so it’s not about physical beauty. People with impressive physiques would get a high rating too. Warrior: So you’re saying Emma’s not beautiful? Jack: Emma IS beautiful. She’s hot, and she could be a star in the making if she improves her ability to cut a promo. Warrior: If you say so… Jack: Onward. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MarkMooreCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mark Moore [LIST] [*] Fairly new heel manager for MOSC [*] Greatest Strengths: Surprisingly amazing resilience [*] Greatest Weaknesses: average entertainment skills with room for improvement, below average look [/LIST] Jack: A better manager than Emma, though not by much… Warrior: So you’re saying Mark is better looking than Emma? Jack: What?! No! He’s better at cutting a promo. Warrior: You said he’s a better manager than Emma. Jack: And he is, but he’s not a good looking guy. Emma’s beautiful, but like I said, she needs to…you know what, let’s just move on. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BernieEvansCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bernie Evans [LIST] [*] Play-by-play man and the voice of MOSC [*] Average announcing skills [*] Greatest Strength: Surprisingly amazing resilience [/LIST] Jack: I wish we had 21CW’s announcer, Steve Smith; he’s really good. Warrior: … Jack: Sorry, but Bernie can be better. Warrior: … Jack: And he will be…soon…I think…I hope… Warrior: … [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/ScottGregoryCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Scott Gregory [LIST] [*] head (and only) referee of MOSC [*] Greatest Strengths: Surprisingly amazing resilience [*] Greatest Weaknesses: Below average refereeing skills; room for improvement [/LIST] Jack: I wish we had… Warrior: Oh bloody hell! Scott is fine as referee, and he’ll only get better. Jack: I was going to say I wish we had a coffee maker in the conference room; I could use a cup. Warrior: Oh… [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UppercutBaileyCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Uppercut Bailey [LIST] [*] Road agent, many connections in USA and Japan, former boxer [*] Greatest Strengths: Surprisingly amazing resilience [*] Greatest weaknesses: below average in-ring psychology, poor entertainment skills, manipulative personality [/LIST] Jack: Uppercut is a decent road agent, but I think we could do better. Warrior: Uppercut Bailey has been with us for years; if you think we’re going to let him go… Jack: I wouldn’t do that! All I was going to say is that he could be doing his job better, that’s all. Warrior: Fair enough. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/LawrenceYoungCard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lawrence Young [LIST] [*] Charismatic color commentator for MOSC, becoming a favorite [*] Greatest strengths: Surprisingly amazing resilience, average to above average entertainment skills [*] Greatest Weaknesses: weak looks [/LIST] Jack: Lawrence does a good job. Warrior: Yeah. [I]To be concluded...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]The First And Last Productive Meeting Part 44 ¼ The Final Chapter[/CENTER][/B] [I]OOC FYI: Back to writing first person Jack. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.[/I] “Whew, that was more exhausting than I thought it’d be.” I said. “Hey,” Warrior noticed, “we never talked about you. Where’s YOUR card?” “I don’t have a card.” I replied. “And why the hell not? Or are you too good for your own card?” Warrior asked. I sighed. “We still need to discuss my role on the roster, beyond being ‘head booker’.” I answered, matter-of-factly. “Oh…right.” “But we have that on the agenda for this afternoon. Let’s finish what we’re supposed to this morning, continuing with production and merchandising.” “I still don’t know about this ‘youboob internet broadcast’ thing.” “Youtube.” I corrected. “And it’s not without risk, but I think the long-term positives of getting our product out there is worth it. Besides, it’s not like our MOSC DVD’s were selling out. We’ve got a few rooms filled with the stuff.” “Good stuff, eh?” Warrior reminisced. “I watched a few; they were…interesting.” I exaggerated. “As far as merchandising goes, it’ll take a few months of production to figure out what works best in terms of numbers and quality to maximize profits. Right now, we have no reference point to figure out anything” “Good, good, good.” Warrior mumbled. I could tell the everyday business aspect of running a promotion hardly excited him. Not that it was terribly exciting for me, but it had to be done, and it’s not that tedious. “Onto our schedule…” “Right, your ‘simulated touring schedule’…run that idea by me again.” Warrior demanded. “OK, it’s crazy, and in the short-term, won’t benefit us that much. But in terms of long-term growth, I think it’ll help us out. We’re basically a full-time promotion, but over the next month or two, we run as many shows as we can, basically simulating a touring schedule.” “Why would we want to do this, again?” Warrior asked. “Well, we’d be spending money to make money, hopefully. I’m looking at the economics of this. When I look at our roster, the least amount of money we’d have to pay everyone is right here, right now. In the coming months, contracts will come up, we’d have to re-negotiate, and everyone will be demanding more money; that’s guaranteed. So why don’t we take advantage of that fact as much as possible, by holding as many shows as we can now, while our workers are at their cheapest.” Warrior looked at me, down at his notepad, up at the ceiling, then back at me again. “It sounds crazy.” “And I agree, but think of this; it isn’t something we’d do forever. Hell, we may only run four or five shows this month, before we decide to switch back to a more traditional, monthly schedule. It’s an idea at least. One limiting factor is that we’re a demanding, hardcore promotion, where injuries are more frequent then in let’s say SWF’s ‘sports entertainment’ product…” “Powder puff entertainment,” Warrior interrupted. “Right; the point is that we may end up running a weekly show, because we don’t want ot risk our performers getting fatigued and injured. Also, along with that idea, I’d like to get everyone involved in every show as much as possible. Hopefully, our roster will develop their skills more quickly if they’re regularly involved.” Warrior nodded in approval. I stood up, and started organizing my items. “So, I think we’ve covered just about everything on the agenda for this morning.” “One last item.” Warrior said. He ripped off the first page of his notepad and handed it to me. “What’s this?” I asked. “Your new owner goals!” he proudly exclaimed. “Oh, right. The other head bookers told me about these.” “Other head bookers?” “When I got this job, I got in touch with as many head bookers as I could for advice. Every single one that called back, like Sam Keith and Victoria Stone, war-…uhm, told me about these stu-….ahem, brilliant owner goals that they seem to get to make our lives more diff-…uuuhhh, exciting.” I stopped blabbering like a fool and looked over the piece of paper Warrior had handed me. I’ll say this much; his handwriting is neat. [CENTER][FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"][B][I]Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007 New Goals You have been assigned new goals to achieve by The Highland Warrior[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"][B][I]Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must be more popular in its home area when the time expires than it was when the goal was set [INDENT]Days Left To Achieve: 23 months, 3 weeks[/INDENT] Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion must not fall in size before the time expires. [INDENT]Days Left To Achieve: 11 months, 3 weeks[/INDENT] Goal #3: BLOCK: Bad publicity can harm our image. You cannot sign or re-sign anybody who is a known heavy drinker. [INDENT]Days Left To Achieve: 23 months, 3 weeks[/INDENT] Goal #4: BLOCK: Steroid-usage in this industry needs to be stamped out. You cannot sign or re-sign anybody who is known to use them [INDENT]Day Left To Achieve: 23 months, 3 weeks[/INDENT][/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] “Uh, thanks for these wonderful owner goals, Greg.” I said, unsure if I had gotten the annoyance out of my voice. Warrior beamed with pride. “I thought they were wonderful. It’s good to have goals, don’t you think?” “Yeah.” Outside, the rain continued to pour…
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[I]OOC FYI: Yes, I TOTALLY stole this idea from shipshirt. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (or something like that). :p [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MOSCEventPoster001.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]MOSC Civil War 001 Sunday, Week 1, January 2007 Phoenix Nights, North Region (UK)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MOSC.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LIST] OOC FYI: [*]I won’t write up pre-show segments, unless there’s a specific request for them. If there is, I probably won’t do anything in depth, sorry. Writing the regular show takes long enough, as it is, LOL. [*]JD Morgan’s submission finisher may be somewhat questionable; I looked up WreSpr2, and discovered that his move set was VERY unspecific. The only submission finisher I could find was the Texas Deathlock / Cloverleaf. So I’m making the fairly logical assumption that the Texas Deathlock is Morgan’s ‘Cross Atlantic Stretch’. Why am I telling you this? We now return to our regularly scheduled programming. [/LIST] [I]My first show as head booker. My first show with MOSC. Hristoferos Fang’s first every match. So many firsts tonight. Perhaps the first that worries me the most is Daniel Chord’s debut; Greg insisted that he be on the regular card, so he’s set to debut against Greg’s son Jeffery of all people! I was nervous for Daniel, as he’s clearly not ready. I can only hope for the best, and wish him, wish everyone luck for tonight. Especially for Daniel, and especially for myself…[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BernieEvans.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/LawrenceYoung.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Impact"][I][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Bernie Evans and Lawrence Young[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Bernie Evans: Welcome, MOSC fans, to Civil War Double-0 One! Three hundred strong are with us, a sell-out crowd, in what will be a great night of MOSC action! I’m Bernie Evans, and joining me as always, my broadcast colleague, and self-proclaimed investigative journalist, Lawrence Young![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Lawrence Young: It’s great to be here tonight Bernie. Tonight, for the first time, ever, we are broadcasting LIVE over the internet on [url]www.mosc.com[/url]. Now our hardcore fans in the rest of the UK, and around the world can watch us in the comfort of their own homes on the computer.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: That’s right, Lawrence! And, just in case you missed it, all titles are on the line tonight. The Blood & Beer title is on the line, as Jeffery McPeterson faces Emma Evans newest client. Monkey Business defends their MOST UK Tag titles against the newly formed Bloody Prima Donnas: Buff Martinez and The Juicer. And for the main event, The Highland Warrior defends the MOSC UK Championship against Danny Patterson![/COLOR] [I]My music hits…it’s go time![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Jack Avatar[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And who is that heading towards the ring?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I don’t know, but I must say, he’s a distinguished looking fellow. I bet he has no problems scoring with the ladies.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Can’t argue with you there. And it looks like he’s getting ready to say some words to the MOSC audience.[/COLOR] [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Jack Avatar, but you can call me ‘Mr. Avatar’, and I thought I’d come out here to introduce myself, because as of last Monday, I AM the new owner and president of Men Of Steel Combat! [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Owner and president! That’s…unbelievable![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Quiet Bernie. Can’t you see the president is speaking?![/COLOR] [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] And as the new president of MOSC, I look at our competition, and I see 21st Century Wrestling. [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: He’s talking about Jeff Nova’s promotion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Quiet Bernie. It’s the president for God’s sake![/COLOR] [B]Jack Avatar: [/B]And in 21CW, I see the future of UK wrestling; a promotion on the rise. Here, in MOSC, I see…hardcore. No one wants to see hardcore anymore! No one gives a damn about hardcore anymore! Which is why I’m going to make some changes around here. [I](Fans boo like crazy)[/I] [B]Jack Avatar: [/B]And the first change I’m going to make is… [I](Music hits, interrupting president Avatar)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]The Highland Warrior[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: The drone! The bagpipes. You know what that means.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Unfortunately, I do, yes.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And there he is, making his way towards the ring. The MOSC UK Champion, Greg McPeterson, The Highland Warrior! Listen to this place explode![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: How dare he interrupt the president?! Who in bloody hell does he think he is?![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: The champion, of course.[/COLOR] [B]The Highland Warrior:[/B] Mr. Avatar…my apologies, I mean “president” Avatar. My name is the Highland Warrior. I have been with MOSC since the beginning, and there’s something you really need to know: MOSC…IS…HARDCORE!!! [I](Fans cheer like crazy)[/I] [B]The Highland Warrior: [/B]So, without further ado, please allow me, to give you a proper MOSC welcome! [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Warrior just hit Avatar with the microphone.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: He can’t do that to our new president.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: He just did! And, he’s picking him off the floor, and setting him up for The Highland Fling! He just sent Avatar all the way across the ring, over the top rope! Did you see that?![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Of course I saw that, you twit! How dare the Warrior attack our president like that. Who does he think he is?![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: The MOSC UK Champion! That’s who he thinks he is![/COLOR] [I](Warriors music hits, and he plays to the fans. Avatar crawls to the back, clutching his kidney area in pain)[/I] [SIZE="4"][U][B]Rating: C-[/B][/U][/SIZE] [I]Selling the back injury wasn’t too hard. Greg’s Belly-to-Belly ‘Highland Fling’ is insane! He sent me all across the ring, over the ropes, to the floor!!! No wonder he feels like he doesn’t need to do any cardio training. A good way to start of the show, all things considered. Heh, I can imagine the dozens of cell phone messages I'm going to get from Mentor telling me how stupid I am to take that bump...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/EmmaEvans.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayB.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UltraViolence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/HristoferosFang-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][FONT="Impact"][I][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Emma Evans with Jay B, Ultra Violence, and ???[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Emma Evans has just come to the ring with Jay B, Ultra Violence, and…who is that?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Clearly, it’s not the president.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: No, I don’t think so.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: He looks like he came out of a video game...ah, who cares who it is! The only thing that matters…[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Yes?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Is those double D’s![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Will you be serious![/COLOR] [B]Emma Evans: [/B]Ladies and gentleman, as you know, I have been the hottest manager to the best up-and-comers MOSC has to offer. You all know Jay B and Ultra Violence, and now, I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of the Evans family, MOSC’s newest hardcore star, ‘The Master of Shinanju’, Hristoferos Fang! [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And there we go, that gentleman is ‘The Master of Shinanju’, Hrisotferos Fang.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Fang?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: No, it’s pronounced “Fahng”, like the word “long”.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Fang?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Will you grow up! And here comes those three opponents for tonight, Axl Grease, Mr. Wright, and The Dublin Destroyer[/COLOR]. [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: E+[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/EmmaEvans.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayB.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UltraViolence.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/HristoferosFang-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/AxlGrease.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MrWright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheDublinDestroyer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][I][FONT="Impact"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Emma Evans managing Jay B, Ultra Violence, Hristoferos Fang vs. Axl Grease, Mr. Wright, The Dublin Destroyer[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And the match is underway…[/COLOR] [I]And this is where my blood pressure began to rise, after the strong start to the evening. First of all, the audience truly hates Ultra Violence, Axl Grease, Mr. Wright, and the Dublin Destroyer; they made that point very clear. This 3-on-3 match was a complete mess from start to finish. The only guys that could work were Fang and Jay. Everyone else’s offence looked horrible, and it didn’t help that they weren’t selling it at all. At least the match was short…[/I] [COLOR="darkred"]BE: And all hell has broken loose! All six competitors are in the ring…wait, Axl Grease is going outside to get a steel chair! Perfectly legal in MOSC. He’s coming back…swings at Fang…and Fang ducks, and Grease just clocked The Dublin Destroyer with the chair, staggering him![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: But he’s still standing.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Fang gives Grease a dropkick, sending him out of the ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Who are the legal men?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Fang and the Destroyer! Destroyer manages to swing a right at Fang. Fang dodges, and applies an inverted sleeper…and Destroyer taps. Destroyer submits! The match is over![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Thank god![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: What a great debut for the newest member of the Evans family, “The Master of Shinanju,” Hristoferos Fang[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: What type of name is Hristoferos anyways?[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Rating: F+[/U][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Emma’s still out here, microphone in hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I can give her something else to put in her hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Will you stop![/COLOR] [B]Emma Evans:[/B] So if you thought that was exciting, Hristoferos is not my only new client. I have double the trouble, and double the excitement for you tonight. Allow me to introduce my 2nd addition to the Evans family, and the challenger for the MOSC Blood & Beer title, Daniel Chord! [COLOR="darkred"]BE: Daniel Chord! The son of American wrestling legend Rip Chord! And he’s here, with MOSC.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Who cares about Daniel Chord?! The only thing that matters is those double D’s![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: …[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: E[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/EmmaEvans.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayChord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MOSCBloodBeer.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Emma Evans managing Daniel Chord vs. Jeffery McPeterson for the MOSC Blood & Beer Title[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [I]Jeffery came out for their hardcore match. A freaking hardcore match! My blood pressure went into overdrive watching this "match" unfold. I can only pray that Daniel can last for six minutes. I was surprised to see that Jeffery and Daniel seem to have great chemistry together, but chemistry is like icing on a cake. And right now, the foundation of that cake is more brittle than the purest of crap. I hope the internet fans didn’t watch the last match, or this embarrassing match for that matter…[/I] [COLOR="darkred"]BE: Chord is down after that vicious super kick to the head. Jeffery just brought a ladder back into the ring![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: This isn’t a ladder match![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: But all perfectly legal. And he sets it up, in the middle of the ring, climbs to the top. A frog splash from the ladder onto the helpless Daniel Chord. 1-2-3! Jeffery McPeterson has retained the MOSC Blood & Beer title! Unbelievable![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: You’re telling me. Looks like one of Emma’s signees isn’t so hot, but look at her, cradling that…that…Chord like a child against her…perfect double D’s![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: I think you’re jealous.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Damn right![/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: F+[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Here come the MOSC UK tag team champs, Shane Hannigans and Tom Foolery, Monkey Business.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: But not for long, Bernie! When I heard Mark Moore had assembled the Bloody Prima Donnas, Buff Martinez and The Juicer, I predicted that the reign of Monkey Business would come to an end.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: That remains to be seen. The tag champs have much more experience as a team, and that’s quite an advantage.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I’ll admit, Monkey Business does have the edge in experience, but the Bloody Prima Donnas have the edge in everything else.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And here comes the sports agent, Mark Moore, with his clients, the Bloody Prima Donnas. We’re just about ready to get this match started. And The Juicer has a beer can in his head…and he just BUSTED HIS OWN HEAD OPEN WITH THE BEER CAN. What is he thinking?![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: That’s how he psyches himself up for a match! He’s psychotic! That’s what makes them the Bloody Prima Donnas. And this psychotic edge is why they will become the new tag team champs![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MarkMoore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/BuffMartinez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheJuicer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/ShaneHannigans.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TomFoolery.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MOSCUKTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Mark Moore managing The Bloody Prima Donnas vs. Monkey Business for the MOSC UK Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [I]Mark Moore is definitely a better manager then Emma. He even helped out with some ‘heel manager tactics’ during the match. The crowd reactions were mixed, as they clearly hate babyface Tom Foolery, and let him know it…[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And Monkey Business is in trouble. They had the advantage early, but Tom Foolery bit off more than he can chew.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I told you! I told you![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Juicer and Shane are brawling on the outside. And Mark Moore just entered the ring! He gives Tom Foolery a low blow! Buff Martinez now applies a sleeper. And he taps! We have new tag team champions![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I told you! I told you![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And Juicer enters the ring, after whipping Shane into the steel steps. What is he doing…God, he’s a bloody mess. He picks up Tom into a bear hug…Buff Martinez off the ropes, and a HIGH ANGLED FLYING FOREARM! What the hell! The match is over. They already won the titles.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: They’re sending the former champs a message, and a very bloody one at that, with their patented ‘Bloody Hell.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: What?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Bloody Hell…that’s the last move you just saw. The Bloody Prima Donnas tag team finisher, though it looks like they used it to put Monkey Business out of business.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: How do you know all this?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Well, I am a respected investigative journalist.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Respected?![/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: E[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And now Mark Moore has a microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Mark Moore: [/B]Does Emma Evans think she’s the only one that can sign new talent around here? By my count, she’s 1-1 tonight. I predict Moore Enterprises will go undefeated tonight! Emma may have the million dollar body, but I’m the one with the million dollar brain! I assembled a tag team that just brought gold to Moore Enterprises. And for the next match, the UK Wrecking Crew will succumb to the Moore Enterprise team of Old School, my long-time client Geordie Jimmy Morris, and my newest, latest, and greatest acquisition, a man who loves to fight! His name is Morgan! JD Morgan! [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: E[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MarkMoore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/Thug.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/Bruiser.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]Mark Moore managing Old School vs. The UK Wrecking Crew[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [I]Old School came to the ring, followed by Thug and Bruiser, the UK Wrecking Crew. All heels, but MOSC isn’t strict on dividing faces and heels, which gives me carte blanche to have as many face vs. face or heel vs. heel match-ups I want. I was disappointed to see that our audience hates Thug! He’s a main eventer.. Oh well, at least the matches are slowly, but surely getting better, after the first two matches stank to high hell. And JD Morgan is awesome! No wonder he's had such a successful career in DAVE. I can only hope things continue to get better…[/I] [COLOR="darkred"]BE: I don’t believe JD Morgan is back in MOSC, after a stellar career in the American hardcore promotion DAVE. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: And he looks magnificent.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And all four men just got weapons from around the ring! They’re swinging away at one another like..like some historical battle! JD and Thug are swinging their chairs in the ring,…oh, they disarmed one another, and now they’re pounding against each other. JD gets the upper hand, and gives Thug a swift DDT![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: And Thug looks like he’s in no man's land with that move![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: JD applies his legendary submission maneuver. It’s been almost two decades since we’ve seen it, but it looks as effective as ever. It’s been called a Texas Deathlock, but now I believe he calls it the Cross Atlantic Stretch…and Thug taps. This one is over![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: And like the man said, Moore Enterprises is 2-0 tonight![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Wait, what is Mark Moore doing…he just grabbed a microphone, and told the cameraman to follow him. Where is he going???[/COLOR] [U][B][SIZE="4"]Rating: E+[/SIZE][/B][/U] [I](backstage)[/I] [B]Mark Moore: [/B]Geordie, JD, get our stuff ready. I have some unfinished business to take care of. [I](Mark Moore heads to the Highland Warrior’s locker room, and barges right in, walking straight into the Warrior!)[/I] [B][/B]There you are, you Scottish brute! I came here because Moore Enterprises is taking over MOSC! On behalf of my client, a man named JD Morgan, a man who loves to fight, I challenge you for the MOSC UK Championship! [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: The Highland Warrior just punched Mark Moore! And he gives him a Highland Fling, across his dressing room.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Who the hell does he think he is? First he attacks our president, and now he attacks a helpless manager?! I just lost a lot of respect for The Highland Warrior.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Warrior is making his way to the ring. The MOSC UK Championship match is next![/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: D[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]A video showing Warrior and Patterson being dominant played for the audience [/I][B][U](Rating: D). [/U][/B][I]The matches have picked up nicely throughout the night, but the fact that our audience hates more than a third of our roster, as well as the current talent levels of our roster, really concerns me. Oh well, one more match to go…[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/DannyPatterson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/MOSCUKChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [I][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]The Highland Warrior vs. Danny Patterson for the MOSC UK Championship[/FONT][/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Don’t you love bagpipe music, Young?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: No…I hate it! And I hate that man, in the ring, right now! Attacking Jack Avatar; attacking Mark Moore. It’s a travesty, a bloody travesty![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: The Warrior in the ring, waving the flag of Scotland, championship belt around his waist…And the sounds of Big Ben can only mean one thing. Danny Patterson, “The Tower of London” is making his way down to the ring…and the two stare off, face to face.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: And I do believe Patterson to be the bigger of the two.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: I think you’re right.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: For all the despicable acts Warrior has done tonight, this match-up is exciting. We’ve got power versus power here.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: And they tie up, in the center of the ring, neither man gaining the advantage…and Patterson shoves Warrior to the mat![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I think Patterson has him in size and power! [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Maybe…they tie up again, and Patterson shoves Warrior done again![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I think Patterson has him in power![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: I think you’re right. And they tie up one more time, and Warrior takes him down with a four move combination. And now he’s pounding away at Patterson with sledge hammers.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Look at him go![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Numerous shots to the lower back of Patterson, and now he switches to a front facelock[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: This will take the starch out of you in a hurry![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BE: Yes, indeed…looks like Warrior has the edge in speed and experience. But look at the power of Patterson. He’s standing up, with Warrior still applying the front facelock. He’s still standing! Patterson is heaving him up over his head! Unbelievable power! And he falls back, suplexing him to the mat! A modified suplex! Both men are down now…[/COLOR] [I]The main event went on for a few more minutes, both men getting their shots in. Finish came when Patterson grabbed a steel chair and powerbombed Warrior onto the chair. Warrior kicked out; Patterson was ready to give him a second powerbomb onto the chair, when Warrior managed to stand and flip Patterson onto the chair. Warrior repositioned the chair, and gave Patterson a Highland Fling onto it. A three count later, and Warrior make his first successful title defence in what is easily the match of the night!. [/I] [B][U][SIZE="4"] Rating: D[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: I don’t believe he did it. He successfully defended the title.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BH: Yes, he did, and Warrior, standing at the entrance ramp, waves to the fans, and…LOOK OUT! Warrior just got attacked by JD Morgan, with a chair to the back of his skull. And JD Morgan, pounding away with the chair.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: And he’s getting what’s coming to him![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]BH: No one deserves this! And JD Morgan, setting him up…NO! NO, DON’T DO THIS! AND HE DID! JD MORGAN JUST POWERBOMBED THE HIGHLAND WARRIOR THROUGH THE STEEL STAGE! And…and look at the sick smile on Morgan’s face.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]LY: Like Mark Moore said, Morgan loves to fight![/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Rating: D[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: D-[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]What a crazy opening show! Warrior was fine, of course. Considering how it started out, I couldn’t believe that we managed to claw our way out to a respectable show. We probably gained some popularity tonight. However, I think I’m going to have to make some changes for the next show. I hope Warrior agrees with me that Daniel should be enhancement talent…at most, an opener, but that’s it. God, I need some sleep…[/I]
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I'm just commenting so that I remember what diaries I'm reading. Nice to see someone trying their hand at some UK hardcore even if it does seem a bit extravagant of MOSC to have a stage of any kind, let alone one made of something like steel :) Daniel Black Francis... thats the man you want. And Arthur T. Turtle. Those boys are future legends and you knows it :D
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[QUOTE=derek_b;208433]I'm just commenting so that I remember what diaries I'm reading. Nice to see someone trying their hand at some UK hardcore even if it does seem a bit extravagant of MOSC to have a stage of any kind, let alone one made of something like steel :) Daniel Black Francis... thats the man you want. And Arthur T. Turtle. Those boys are future legends and you knows it :D[/QUOTE] Oh..poop! Now that I think about it, you're probably right about the stage / steel stage LOL! :o [I](Quickly thinks of quick fix solution...)[/I] [B]Quickfix Scenario #1:[/B] Jack exited the MOSC conference room, having finished his morning meeting with Warrior. He immediately took out his cell phone and dialed. "Mentor? Yeah, it's Jack. Sorry to interrupt...I was just wondering if you still had that steel stage you sometimes use at the school...yeah, the tiny, tiny one...great! Hey, mind if I borrow it...Thanks, that's awesome...don't worry about how it gets here, I'l handle it...no, I'm not going through it, The Highland Warrior is...Yeah, I think that's awesome too...OK, thanks. Bye!" Or, I could edit it. :D Though, I'm beginning to think that leaving in my errors / mistakes adds character to the whole thing... Daniel Black Francis, is on my radar, but not in the immediate future. Same w/ Arthur Turtle...though plans CAN change, and often do. ;) ;) Personally, though, I think Francis' 'future legend' status is more secure than Turtle's. Thanks for reading! Hope you continue to enjoy!
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[B][CENTER]The Day After… (AKA Delusional Jackasses, Happy Owners, Horny Teens)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]MOSC Headquarters[/CENTER] The day following my first ever live event as MOSC head booker was business as usual, for the most part anyways. The MOSC offices were filled with a positive buzz and excitement; apparently, it was the best show they’ve had in awhile, and future prospects were looking up. That little nugget of information didn’t exactly make me happy, as I thought last night’s show wasn’t that great. Then again, perhaps my expectations are too high and unrealistic; it’s not like we’ll be having match of the year candidates anytime soon; speaking of which, I ended up having several impromptu meetings throughout the day, one of them discussing match of the year candidates. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JefferyMcPeterson.jpg[/IMG] Jeffery McPeterson[/CENTER] “So, what do you think boss? Match of the year candidate?” Jeffery asked, referring to his match last night with Daniel Chord. “Uh…if you want to believe that, go ahead.” I diplomatically responded. Jeffery chuckled, sitting down on my desk like he owned the place, “Yeah, I made Daniel look like a million bucks! Did you see my frog splash at the end? No one can stop this bad boy.” “Uh-huh…” I couldn’t believe this punk was Greg’s son. “So, about my direction…” “Yeah?” “I think I should be in the main event scene, challenging for the UK Championship. I should AT LEAST be an upper midcarder, getting ready to break in, considering I’m the most talented MOSC star of all time.” Jeffery exclaimed happily. “Actually,…” I began, my mind racing as I held back the urge to pummel this kid to a bloody pulp. “Actually, what?” “I think you need to get into several feuds over the Blook & Beer title.” “Really?” “Yeah; picture this. I could bring in guys on short term contracts; as you defeat all comers, you can go on to be the greatest Blood & Beer champion in MOSC history. Not bad, eh?” “Well…it’s not bad, but I still think I belong…” “Then it’s settled!” I exclaimed boldly. Coincidentally, someone thunderously knocked at my door right then and there. “Come.” I said. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/TheHighlandWarrior.jpg[/IMG] The Highland Warrior[/CENTER] Greg McPeterson, The Highland Warrior, entered my office, a sh#%-eating grin on his face. “Sorry to interrupt, but I really need to talk to my head booker.” “I was just about to leave anyways.” Jeffery said, getting up off my desk and shuffling off like he owned the place. As Jeffery closed the door to my office, Warrior reached into his pocket and gave me a small box. “What are these?” I asked. “Ear plugs; you’ll find them to be very valuable when Jeff’s around. Just put them on, sit back, and nod whenever he says anything.” Greg said. “Oh,…uh, thanks.” I wondered if Greg’s parenting style involved ear plugs. “So, how are you doing?” Greg rubbed his giant back a bit. “I just need a couple of days off to fully recover. That last powerbomb did a number on me, but no serious injury. Just a bit fatigued.” “Good to hear it. Now, about Daniel Chord…” “You were right, you were right. Let’s reposition him as an opener.” “Not enhancement talent?” “If you’re dying to, that’s fine, but do you really think our roster is large enough to have enhancement talent?” “I’ll keep your point under consideration; as long as we keep Daniel off the main card for now.” “That’s fine…Now, about the rest of last night’s show…” “Yes?” “It was f*#$ing brilliant! The best show MOSC has had in a long time! What do you think?” “Well…remember when I said I wanted to get everyone involved as much as possible.” “No, but I’ll take your word for it.” “Looking at the finances, I think we need to flush that idea down the toilet. It’s what I’d LIKE to do, but it’s not in the cards we’ve been dealt.” “So, we’re axing the ‘simulated touring schedule?” “No, we’ll keep that going, at least for January, but we can’t have the entire roster involved. It’s just too damn expensive.” “OK, sounds good; as long as the shows are as good as last night. Also, your youboob… “Youtube.” I corrected. “Right, youtube, it’s f*#$ing brilliant! I went on the MOSC message boards this morning, and we got messages from all over the world! Not all say good things, but we’re beginning to get the word out. Hey, thanks for teaching me how to do all that internet stuff.” “No problem.” I said. There was another knock at my door, more gentle this time. “Come” we both said simultaneously. [I]Déjà vu,[/I] I thought. In came a surprising, but welcome face. [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/EmmaEvans_alt.jpg[/IMG] Emma Evans[/CENTER] “Oh, I’m sorry!” Emma said, blushing in embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later.” “No problem.” Greg said. “I was just leaving anyways. Jack, we’ll meet tomorrow to talk about the next show.” “Sounds good.” I said. Warrior got up, and left the office. “So, Emma, what can I do for you?” I asked. “Well…first, I wanted to thank you for last night. I feel like my character actually has direction for once. I never got a chance to do one promo, let alone two, before, and I just want to thank you for giving me a chance.” “Well,” I said, “You did a pretty good job, but keep practicing, because, and please don’t take this personally, but there’s room for improvement.” “Oh, absolutely.” Emma said, smiling. “OK…uh, was there something else?” I asked. Emma’s smiled disappeared. Embarrassment clouded her face. “Well, there is something else…” “Yes?” “It’s about Daniel.” “Daniel! What’s wrong with Daniel?” “Well,…this is embarrassing, but…” “Yes…” I probed. “I think he has a bit of a crush on me…and it’s uncomfortable. I mean, he’s sixteen years old! I’m almost twice as old as him!” “Ooohhh…heh heh.” “You think this is funny?” “Huh? No, no, it’s just…I should have anticipated this. You’re right, he IS sixteen years old, so his hormones are probably in overdrive around…you…you know what I mean…tell you what, I’ll speak to Daniel for you.” “You will? Oh, thank you Jack. I mean, I’m flattered and all, but it’s all very weird. And I don’t want to hurt his feelings…” “Say no more; I’ll handle this.” As soon as Emma closed the door, my head fell to my desk. What exactly was I going to do about Daniel? [CENTER]* * * [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/JayChord.jpg[/IMG] Daniel Chord[/CENTER] “You want me to go back to school?!” Daniel asked unbelievably. “Yeah, I do.” I firmly replied. “Look, we hold our events at night, so the way I see it, there’s no reason for you not to go to school during the daytime.” “But I don’t want to go back to school.” Daniel moaned. “Look, you won’t be wrestling forever, so it’d be good to get an education to fall back on.” “But I don’t want to go back to school. I mean, when I finish my in-ring career, I can be a head booker or start my own promotion. Besides, what about my training?” “We can train earlier, let’s say 4 or 5 in the morning.” I answered. “I don’t want to train that early.” Daniel moaned. “Hey, I trained that early for years. And if you want to be a great wrester, you need to start making sacrifices and paying your dues. Or, don’t you want to be a great wrestler?” Daniel suddenly straightened up, the look on his face changing a bit. “Hey, I’ll train anywhere, anytime. But I still don’t know about school. Like I said, when I finish wrestling, I can start and book my own promotion, so what do I need school for?” [I]Damn, [/I]I thought. [I]This is tougher than I thought it’d be. Going to have to think of another angle…[/I] “You know,” I began, an idea popping into my head. “I think the reason your promo skills are so poor…” “Yeah?” “Well, they’re so poor because you have no social skills. If you go to school, you can meet people your own age; you can make new friends, develop your social skills, and your promo skills will improve DRASTICALLY.” “My promo skills will improve…drastically.” “You got it. Before you know it, you’ll be cutting better promos then Rip Chord ever did.” Daniel’s attitude to school changed instantly. “When can I begin?! I need to start immediately!” “I’ll let you know ASAP. Now, get out of here.” As soon as Daniel closed the door to my office, I let out a sigh of relief. For the first time, I noticed the wind and rain rattling my office window. I pushed the power button to my computer, the fans spinning to life. Time to plan our next show… [I]Coming up next: Weekly news around the CornellVerse![/I]
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Jack Avatar, Head Booker and Social Director of MOSC. :D On the bright side, at least EE knows better than to string poor young Daniel along! No clue what the statutory rape laws are like in Britain, but the boy is still 16... I'm liking this more and more. Keep it up!
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