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some what of a new idea for a dynasty

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Ok so here is the idea.... I'm going to make a new database with only people from the board that sign up and a few of my friends.... there will be four feds in the game world everyone will work for three of them. each fed will start with their own show and each will be shown on a different night of the week. my goal is to start with 40-50 workers in the game world. with some random ones added in later. I WILL update EVERYDAY. I work at home so this is not a problem. If someone can do me one favor and add a form for people to fill out. I will add profiles for the feds later today or tomorrow.
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Once I get back from taking my girlfriend out for breakfast I will post a form to fill out. I have added 12 of my friends already. I was thinking about adding a 5th fed run by me or waiting for a year into the game and starting my own fed this way people can challenge others to a match.
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depends how many people I can get to join.... i would like for there to be plenty of people in the game so the feds can grow over time. so maybe cult to start then when I start mine it will be small so I can try to catch up with the other feds.
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Name: Short Name: Gender: Birth Month: Year: Nationality: Available: Personality: Attitude: Bio: Would you like a manager*? Gimmick: Heel or face Size: Finishers and Type Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)-
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post here so others can see what your wrestler will be like....if you want you can have more than one guy this will help fill out the game world....the first two guys you add will start in the game more than that will be "new workers" that will be added as the game moves on.
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Name:Thomas Salerno Short Name:Salerno Gender:Male Birth Month:April Year:the youngest it can be cant remewmber right now Nationality:british Available:anywhere Personality: Attitude: Bio:make anything up Would you like a manager*?no Gimmick:no gimmick needed Heel or face: heel Size:middleweight Finishers and Type: salerno sleeper (subbmission), salerno-plex(pin) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)-heel 100 face 0 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)-not bothered Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)-submissions, basics,and you choose the others Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)-mat wrestling, chain wrestling soz i left so much to you but im in a rush.
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Name:Maxx Hero Short Name:Maxx Hero Gender:Male Birth Month:June Year:1987 Nationality:American Available:All Personality:Driven/Profesional Attitude:Driven/Profesional Bio:A young worker with some skills. Trained to become wrestlings hero, turning it from the crap it was becoming. Would you like a manager-no Gimmick:egomaniac/fan Favorite Heel or face-Heel Size:Heavyweight Finishers and Type-To The Maxx (Pin) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)-50-50 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)-****y, wholesome Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)-chain, submissions, stamina, consisancy Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)-Psycology, basics
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Name: charles zulas Short Name: star maker Gender: male Birth Month: august Year: 1984 Nationality: american Available: worldwide Personality: driven Attitude: egomaniac Bio: In high school and college all knew to step aside when Charles Zulas came walking through the halls. All knew that they were in the presence of greatness. All wanted to be with him because they knew he would make them a star. Would you like a manager*? NO Gimmick: ****y youth Heel or face: Heel Size: middle weight Finishers and Type: shooting star press (pinfall) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- 80 heel, 20 face Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- ****y & cool Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- aerial, flashiness, , microphone,Looks Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- superstar quality,charisma
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Name: Dante "Blade" Orrison Short Name: Blade Gender: Male Birth Month: May Year: 1985 Nationality: American Available: North America Personality: Joker Attitude: Professional Bio: A young high flier, Dante shows a lot of promise off the top ropes. Would you like a manager? Nope, don't need one. Gimmick: Inspirational Leader Face Size: Middleweight Finishers and Type Darkbomb (pinfall) (a top rope powerbomb) Bed of Blades (submission) (bow & arrow lock) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Face: 80, Heel: 20 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Cool, Wholesome Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)-Psychology, Superstar Quality, Charisma, Basics Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Aerial, Flashiness[/QUOTE]
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Name: Rhys Michaels Short: Name: Rhys Gender: Male Birth Month: September Year: 1984 Nationality: English Available: Worldwide Personality: Driven Attitude: Professional Bio: Born in England and grew up watching a more brawling and technical stlye of wrestling in which he found no interest, until a holiday to the far east where he was totally blown away by the flashy high flying style of the japanese workers of whom he is trying to emulate. Would you like a manager? Negative Gimmick: Underdog Heel or face: face Size: Lightweight Finishers and Type: Corckscrew Moonsault - Pin Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- 20/80 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- wholesome/legitimate Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Flashiness, Stamina, Consistency, Charisma Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Aerial, Athleticism
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Name: Payne Short Name: Payne Gender: Male Birth Month: July Year: 1986 Nationality: Canadian Available: USA, Canada, Japan Personality: Free Spirit Attitude: Professional Bio: A lifelong wrestling fan, Payne has taken the hard roads, the roads barely taken, working small indy shows. A lot of talent and charisma, just not enough luck to make it big, yet. Would you like a manager*? No, thanks. Gimmick: Evil Incarnate, Biker, Monster Heel or face HEEL! Size: Large Heavyweight Finishers and Type: Hurt Powerbomb: Pinfall, Jaws of Death: Submission Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)-Face-35, Heel-65 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)-Brute, Cool Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)-Submission, Toughness, Basics, Brawling Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Hardcore, Psychology Meh, I wish I could have Grappling and/or Charisma, but, oh well.
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Name: Victor Xavier Pennington Short Name: Victor X or VX Gender: Male Birth Month: October Year: 1982 Nationality: American Available: US/CAN/UK/EUR Personality: Driven Attitude: Politician Bio: Victor Xavier Pennington was the first NCAA champion in wrestling from an Ivy League school (Dartmouth). The son of a powerful Washington lobbyist, Victor never wanted for anything; however, despite his silver spoon upbringing, he is a remarkably down-to-earth person in real life. He has made a name for himself in his early wrestling career as a dependable, solid worker and many are watching him intently, sensing a potential star in the making. Would you like a manager*? No Gimmick: Blue Chipper (Face) / High Society (Heel) Heel or face: Face Size: Middleweight Finishers and Type X-Plex (Fisherman's Suplex), XTF (Modified STF) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel: 35 Face: 65 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Wholesome, ****y Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Chain, Submission, Mic Skills, Superstar Quality Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Stamina, Basics --------------------------------------------------- Name: "Wallbanger" William Borovsky Short Name: Wallbanger Gender: Male Birth Month: March Year: 1979 Nationality: American Available: US/CAN/UK/EUR Personality: Very Nice Attitude: Professional Bio: Wallbanger picked up his nickname not because of a love of Galliano, but rather his propensity to bang people against walls. Standing 6'10" and close to 425 pounds, he is simply a monster in the ring. Would you like a manager*? Yes Gimmick: Giant (Face/Heel) Heel or face: Heel Size: Giant Finishers and Type: Bang Your Head (Giant Choke Slam), And The Walls Come Tumbling Down (Samoan Drop) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel: 80 Face: 20 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Crazy, Brute Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Basics, Charisma, Intensity, Brawling Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Power, Menace
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Name: Clayton "Pretty Boy" Adams Short Name:The Pretty Boy Gender: Male Birth Month: October Year: 1985 Nationality: USA Available: USA, Canada, Mexico Personality: Driven Attitude: Professional Bio: Would you like a manager*? yes (I will make them right after this thread.) Stephanie Cantrell Gimmick: Boy Band Heel or face: Heel Size: Heavyweight Finishers and Type: Prettyplex (pin) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel- 80 Face- 20 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- C0cky, Cool Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Basic, Superstar Qaulity, Chain, Submission Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Mat, Looks
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Name: Stephanie Cantrell Short Name: Stephanie Cantrell Gender: Female Birth Month: April Year: 1986 Nationality: American Available: USA, Canada, Mexico Personality: Free Spirit Attitude: Politician Bio: Would you like a manager*? no Gimmick: Slut Heel or face: Heel Size: Small Finishers and Type: Kiss of Death (Pin) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel- 70 Face: 30 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- C0cky, wholesome Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- acting, charisma, basics, psychology Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Looks, Mic
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Name: Pox Short Name: Pox Birth Month: May Year: 1978 Nationality: American Available: USA, Mexico Personality: Very Nice Attitude: Normal Bio: Pox is consumed with the idea that he is covered in hideous boils, but he isn't - never was. So he covers every inch of his skin with black bandages, which trail along behind him as he shuffles around, muttering to himself, looking for vaseline, scratching himself, shying away from children. But his sense of disfigurement causes him to identify profoundly with those he perceives to be disenfranchised, so he frequently acts as the angel of vengeance for the unfortunate but can also be manipulated by... well... the manipulative. He's also capable of flying into psychotic rages of violence and self-scratching, though, so he's equally capable of playing a crazed, misguided heel. Would you like a manager*? yes - they're below. Gimmick: Underdog Heel or face: Face, because you're short on them. Size: Medium Finishers and Type: Fistful of Destiny (pinfall) Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel- 50 Face: 50 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Weird, Comedy Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Brawling, Basics, Athleticism, Star Quality Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Psychology, Aerial Name: Mustachio "El Pistachio" Jackson Short Name: Mustachio Birth Month: February Year: 1964 Nationality: Uruguyan Available: USA, Mexico Personality: Joker Attitude: Normal Bio: Mustachio met Pox at a bus station - Pox was sleeping there, playing a harmonica with a sign that said "will work for boil cream". Mustachio was a witness to an attempted robbery - somebody stole an old lady's purse, and was making a run for it when Pox plancha'd off of the counter, took the guy down, and pistol-whipped him into unconsciousness with the harmonica. Mustachio, who had some connections to small town wrestling, talked Pox into working as a wrestler, and keeps him in line by making up stories about the other wrestlers to enrage Pox and inflame his sense of justice. Would you like a manager*? I am the manager, *****! Gimmick: Criminal Heel or face: Heel Size: Chubby Finishers and Type: None. Generally doesn't wrestle. Heel and Face Performance (Must add to 100)- Heel- 100 Other Performances (Name two others to have raised)- Comedy, Cool Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grade)- Brawling, Acting, Psychology, Business Excellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Microphone, Charisma
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Name: "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Short Name: Wildcat Picture: British Samarai Gender: Male Birth Month: March Year: 1986 Nationality: American Available: US and Canada Personality: Very Nice Attitude: Professional Bio:Nick is a former College Football player from the University of Nebraska, who turned to wrestling after being cut from the team after a frat party got a little out of hand. After spending the last three years training at the legendary Killer Kowalski Wrestling School in Malden, Massachusetts "Wildcat" is now ready to take the wrestling industry by storm. Would you like a manager No Gimmick: American Badass Alignment: Face Style: Brawler With Depth (if needed) Size: Heavyweight Finishers and Type: G-Force (elevated powerbomb) G-Spot (elevated camel) Heel and Face Proformance (Must add to 100)- 80 Face, 20 Heel Other Proformances (Name two others to have raised)- Legitimate, Cool Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 2 grades)- Basics, Acting, Brawling, Mic Execellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 3 grades, Not same as good skills)- Psychology, Charisma
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Almost everyone has been added, I will keep adding as they come in. I should start testing in the next day or so. There will be a few made up profiles to fill out the rosters but I will post the profiles so you all know who the are when I talk about them.
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