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SOTBPW...Wrestling with a twist

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[B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS TIJUANA VAMPIRE Lover has to be pissed and as much as I like Vampy he can't beat Lover. PABLO RODRIGUEZ VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] Rodriguez is a better worker but with Heroic heading into a big fued with Lover he needs this win. BLOOD RAVEN VS [B]MASKED REBEL[/B] Masked rebel is a future star and one of your top youngsters LEON JOVEN VS [B]MEXICAN GHOUL[/B] He's Mexican Ghoul his mask alone wins matches PIRRATO VS [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] Pirrato is a jobber and Tricolor is a good prospect [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] VS REAPER DANTE I know he's a Canadian but he needs to take this win
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 3 January 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South East Mexico) Attendance: 1,956 Reaper Dante Vs Tempest Appleby [QUOTE]As the lights went out and Dante made his way to the ring he received a lot of heaT. Unfortunately it wasn’t the heat you want as a wrestler, not even a heel. The good news in this however is it wasn’t the entire crowd that was throwing their dinner at him, only a couple of the sections. Reaper Dante took it like a real pro though and him and Tempest went on to have…well a very awkward match. It seems these two don’t click in the ring so the hatred towards Dante was intensified when he blew several spots. This is the part of the program when you leave to go get popcorn and soda And this is the part where you take a bath room break. A couple more blown stunts. Finally Appleby lands a top rope DDT and turns it into a cradle.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Reaper Dante in 7:35 by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E+ All things considered this wasn’t horrible. For the time being I think the best thing to do is just keep shoving Reaper Dante down the crowds throat until they learn to like him, of course maybe that’s why I’m in the back and not involved in the show.[/COLOR] Pirrato Vs Tricolor Jr. [QUOTE]Pirrato came out to a chorus of boos and played off it very well. He even went as far as to steal a kids soda in the front row and throw it to the floor. There is a real hate for his character that if he can tap in to will get him far. Spinning DDT by Tricolor and the fans are on their feet. Outside now and Pirrato has taken off his bandana and is using it to choke the life out of Tricolor Jr. I think I see a kid crying in the front row. The two lock up on the top rope…Suplex by Tricolor![/QUOTE] Tricolor Jr. defeats Pirrato. in 9:42 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Tricolr Jr picks up the win and the fans seem to be behind him, he really has potential if I can get him in the ring with a star.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]As Pirrato heads back to the locker room he sees a small piece of paper lodge at the entrance of the ramp. He bends to pick it up smiles, then hurries back to the locker room.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- I don’t know what was on that note but it really seemed to make his night.[/COLOR] Leon Joven Vs. Mexican Ghoul [QUOTE]The highlight of this match was Mexican Ghoul’s mask, it really is a cool looking mask. Joven tried to suplex Ghoul but he wasn’t powerful enough and it was reversed. Joven up top now going for a 450 splash, but Mexican Ghoul moves. Quick cover by Mexican Ghoul 1...2...3![/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Leon Joven dominated for most of the match, but in the end it was his aggressiveness that cost him the match.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The camera cuts now to a basement of some sorts with a caldron in the center of the room. The caldron has steam rising from it and Dark Magik is standing next to it with his staff in hand. Dark Magik: “Oh great spirits I command you, lend me your powers, show me your might.” Dark Magik then starts to chant in an unrecognizable tongue and both staffs begin to glow and the caldron over flows.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D I have no clue what’s going on down there, but it doesn’t look good at all.[/COLOR] Campeón de Menor SOTBPW Title Match: Blood Raven Vs. Masked Rebel [QUOTE]Blood Raven makes his entrance to the ring and stops about half way there. He looks at the crowd then back at Masked Rebel and spits what looks like blood from his mouth. The two show case each others aerial skills fairly well, taking many high risk chances. Blood Raven counters a pile driver attempt and turns it into a near pin fall. A second rope Moonsault lands for Masked Rebel but Blood Raven rolls through it! 1...2....3!!![/QUOTE] Blood Raven defeated Masked Rebel in 13:09 by pinfall. Blood Raven makes defence number 2 of his Campeón de Menor SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Not the rating I was hoping for, but at least it’s out of the E’s[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Mario Heroic makes his way to the ring next accompanied by Jennifer Heat. Of course this doesn’t stop him from still trying to steal a kiss from all the girls in the front row, and again being slapped by all of them. In fact Jennifer seems to like it and laughs playfully as this goes on…and on… and on… and on. Lucky for us he kept this entrance in the single digits…only 9 minutes.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C With rating like this perhaps everyone should take 10 minutes to get to the ring.[/COLOR] Mario Heroic Vs Pablo Rodriguez. [QUOTE]Pablo didn’t take half as much time to get to the ring. When he reached his corner he simply slipped off his rope held his bible to his chest as he said a small prayer, kissed his cross and the match was under way. And it was a great match that had not only aerial, but also a nice display of technical wrestling. Pablo however was involved in a handicap match all night as Jennifer Heat kept trying to distract him and the ref. Or perhaps it wasn’t a handicap match at all, I mean he had God on his side right? Huge clothesline by Pablo and Mario Heroic is hurting Pablo climbs the top rope now… Mario is on his feet…Flying body press…but Mario caught him! Mario tosses him backwards like a rag doll and while the referee makes sure Mario doesn’t attack him, he fails to see Jennifer Heat digging her nails into the preacher. Pablo Rodriguez fights back with a strong left hand Then another…Mario Heroic is teetering will we see the Sinners Salvation? Jennifer Heat is back up on the apron OH MY GOD! She just flashed the preacher and he is stunned! Do you think he’s ever seen a pair like that before? Mario Heroic has recovered…The roll up…feet on the ropes….it’s over![/QUOTE] Mario Heroic defeated Pablo Rodriguez in 16:33 by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Mario Heroic has stolen titles, women, and now a victory over a man of God.[/COLOR] After the match Mario Heroic picks up the mic. [QUOTE]Mario: [COLOR="red"]“Alright Champagne listen up. All these people want to know why. Why did I steal your precious title? Why did I steal your girl? Why is Mario Heroic so damn good looking? Well you want to know…it’s payback! That’s right I had the spot on Cunado Seas Mia. My agent contacted me after the audition and said I nailed it. He said there was no way anyone could possibly beat out my academy award winning performance. Then you came along, who did you have to sleep with anyway? Don’t you get it? I’m just exacting my revenge. And at Batalla De Las Mascaras I will be crowned the new heavyweight champion, and every soap opera in the world will be dying to have Mario Heroic make an appearance on their show.”[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Mario drops the mic and heads to the locker room. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- And just like that it all makes sense…well to the locals anyways[/COLOR] Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs Tijuana Vampire [QUOTE]As Champagne Lover hit the ring he looked all business. He didn’t even bother with giving a woman in the front row a rose, instead he just kind of tossed it into the crowd. The funny thing about this match is that it’s a title match, but neither one of these two actually possess the title at this time. Well the Main Event for Batalla De Las Mascaras has been confirmed as Mario Heroic and Champagne Lover will square off for the heavyweight title. But there is a match going on maybe I should pay attention to it. Snap Suplex by Champagne Lover, he really looks like a man possessed today. Champagne goes to the top rope….nobody home! The Vampire now bounces Champagne off the ropes and lands a hard dropkick to the knee of his opponent. DDT by the Vampire and he’s calling for the end this could be it…He goes for the Vampire Bite… but Champagne counters with a kick to the mid section. And that sets up…The Lover Stunner![/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated Tijuana Vampire in 20:16 by pinfall with a Lover Stunner. Champagne Lover makes defence number 2 of his Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Champagne Lover retains but heads to the back forgetting about his usual ritual with the fans.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C- Another solid show, hopefully we reduced the lose of money. With only one more show left before the big one stay tuned for more confirmed matches.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 1,956 TV Ratings: .36 Grade: C- [/B][/CENTER] O.O.C. As predicted by just about everyone on here there wasn't very many upset victories. Since so many people tied on the Pick'em I have been informed that I'm not allowed to give out a prize this week. I mean after all if all of you recieved free tickets who in the world would watch my show :p Thanks for reading everyone, and for the feedback it helps more than you may know.
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[CENTER][B]Saturday Week 3 January 2007.[/B][/CENTER] After getting through my Spanish for dummies book I think it's safe to say they should make a simply book called "Spanish for complete morons" I think I may now be able to hold a conversation with a 3 year old, but even then it may pose a threat. Lucky for me most of the guys in the company speak English, not that it matters since the only ones I talk to is Pablo and Jorge (plus Gatekeeper if you include "Hey get me some coffee" as conversation. I don't even know the guy's real name and we share an office. And by share I mean I sit in the smallest darkest corner of the office.) My weekends in Mexico are pretty boring. I mean it makes it hard to go out and enjoy the festivites when you can't speak to any of the locals. With nothing to do I decided to log back into the forum Jorge told me about in hopes that their were at least a few comments. [QUOTE] From [email]Remianen@greydog.com[/email] What the hell is SOTBPW thinking? I mean bringing in Tempest Appleby was a stroke of genius but Garrido and Marquez, ehhh [/QUOTE] Well at least someone was watching the shows. Tempest Appleby is a must have for this company and I expect him to go far if I can convice the rest of the team to give him the push that I need, however you shouldn't underestimate Garrido and MArquez. While it's true neither of them have a great deal of skill they are decent brawlers, and if you look over our roster there are a few guys with good brawling skills but no flying. The problem with that was all of those guys were Heels and none of our faces were good at brawling...at all. Bringing in these two as faces should help put the other ones in decent segments...of course I'm only a junior writer so what do I know ;) [QUOTE] From [email]Tigerkinney@Japanwrestlefan.com[/email] Pirrato's gimmick rules he should get a great push just for that. [/QUOTE] Now this was a guy I liked! I couldn't agree more about Pirrato's gimmick. I've actually had this conversation with Pablo but he feels like Pirate gimmicks could never work. He did however say that if I was able to come up with a half way decent angle for Pirrato then he would consider giving him the necasarry push to get over with the fans. Hmm think Clayton think. [QUOTE] From [email]MrOnu@Onu4president.com[/email] I guess this Magik vs Dark Magik thing is a mexican thing we'll never understand [/QUOTE] Are you getting that idea to? I'm not sure if I'm suppose to fear Dark Magik will actually take over the world, or laugh at how rediculous this whole "staff" thing is. Guess we'll both just have to stick around and find out where it takes us, but one thing is for sure they play off each other really well.
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[B]PABLO RODRIGUEZ[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO CYCLONE VS [B]EL DEMONICO[/B] Pablo is one of your top guys and he needs a win after his loss to Heroic. As a preacher I see a great long running fued with El Demonico seeng as he's demonic so El Demonico for the win over Cyclone. [B]DARK MAGIK[/B] VS JUNIOR YOUTH I like Junior Youth but he is gonna lose to Dark Magik. Don't give Junior to many losses you can have a good Los Heartbreakers Fued against ATAQUE DE NOCHE [B]MIGUEL MARQUEZ[/B] VS LOS FURY As a new hire I see a win for Miguel I like Los Fury but he's one of those guys that always gets lost in the shuffle [B]MEXICAN GHOUL[/B] VS EL DIAMANTE AZUL Mexican Ghoul for the win and I suggest teaming Azul up with Joven Leon for a nice face team to get beat on by ATAQUE DE NOCHE while you are using Circus of Death to get beat on by Los Heartbreakers during the Attaque De Noche/Los Heartbreakes fued. REAPER CICERO VS [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] I want to see temepst up to the midcard or higher as soon as possible.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 January 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Oaxaca High School (West Central Region) Attendance: 730 Reaper Cicero Vs Tempest Appleby [QUOTE]Reaper Cicero came to the ring looking to avenge the loss of his brother last week. Appleby came to the ring looking for a fight. Cicero showed a good display of athletic ability when he was whipped into the corner but back flipped off the turnbuckle and hammered away at his opponent. Appleby battled back draining the life out of his opponent with a body scissors. Cicero made one last attempt to make a come back when he attempted a second rope Moonsault on his opponent, but missed.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Reaper Cicero in 10:03 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Appleby is having an impressive run since joining the company, and in the process is making me look good.[/COLOR] Mexican Ghoul Vs. El Diamante Azul [QUOTEEveryone was on their feet as Mexican Ghoul walked down the ramp, everyone wanted to see the most bizarre mask in the country. The desire to see Azul wasn’t shared by the same amount of fans, but he still got a small pop. The entrances were the best part of this match sadly as both men tried to one up each other, but failed miserably. Mexican Ghoul scored a near fall sunset flip and that was really the highlight of the match.[/QUOTE] Mexican Ghoul defeated El Diamante Azul in 11:19 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- Well at least we got to see the crazy mask right?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Backstage now Pirrato is walking around still clutching that paper he found last week. He seems to be concentrating on it and not where he’s walking and accidentally bumps into Hugo Garrido. The two stand face to face in a stare down and Pirrato begins an all out assault that leave Garrido sprawled out on the floor. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Pirrato seems to be really engrossed in that piece of paper, but more importantly I think we just saw the meanest side of him to date[/COLOR].[/QUOTE] Miguel Marquez Vs. Los Fury [QUOTE]This is a slow paced brawl that the fans really have no interest in. The two roll each other around the match a little, and you could probably hear them giving each other signals the crowd was so dead. Marquez went for the win as brought Fury up to be power bombed. But Los Fury spit something in the face of Marquez that made him drop his opponent and start to choke. Fury quickly rolled him up for the win.[/QUOTE] Los Fury defeated Miguel Marquez in 10:48 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- I don’t know what that was that Fury spit but Miguel literally looked to be choking.[/COLOR] Dark Magik Vs. Junior Youth [QUOTE]Dark Magik made his way to the ring looking more powerful than ever He didn’t have the staffs with him, but by the looks of things I’d say he got whatever power he was looking for from them. Junior Youth started the match looking explosive landing right hand after right hand on Dark Magik but he took every punch with a grin. After he had finished playing with Youth Dark Magik began a brutal assault that left Junior staggering. Then displaying tremendous strength for a man his side he landed a huge vertical suplex on Junior then got to his feet and bowed to the crowd. Junior Youth showed tremendous heart just getting up from such a devastating move but he was sent crashing to the mat again this time by a top rope power bomb![/QUOTE] Dark Magik defeated Junior Youth in 12:58 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Well this wasn’t really so much a match as it was an exhibition of power by Dark Magik. If he goes into Sunday looking like this Magik is going to be in for a long night.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Magik hit the ring to try and neutralize his nemesis. But much like Junior Youth nothing he did seemed to phase Dark Magik and soon he to was the victim of a top rope power bomb.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ This doesn’t look good for Magik. He doesn’t seem to have an answer for the awesome power Dark Magik now possesses.[/COLOR] Cyclone Vs El Demonico [QUOTE]El Demonico made his way to the ring as flames burned from the ground. He stopped just outside the ring to watch his opponent jumping around the ring like a teenager on crack. As soon as Demonico hit the ring it was all business for both competitors This was a very back and fourth match and the crowd was on the edge of their seat the whole contest. Cyclone landed a Frankensteiner that sent his opponent flying to the other side of the ring. Demonico landed a devastating DDT where he ran up the turnbuckle then jump backward sending his opponent crashing down on his head. The crowd started to get behind Cyclone chanting his name. Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone battles back landing a series of roundhouse kicks and strong right hands. El Demonico is staggering Cyclone jumps to the top rope this could be it. Cyclone leaps from the top rope, but Demonico catches him in midair! Demonico tosses his opponent in the air and catches him in a kind of power slam DDT. He wraps his legs around his opponents neck he’s got the Eternal Agony locked in and is looking to separate his head from his shoulders. Cyclone isn’t taping, can he hang on….He’s out that’s it! Cyclone in unconscious!!![/QUOTE] El Demonico defeated Cyclone in 14:36 by submission with an Eternal Agony. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C- That was unbelievable Cyclone may have been seriously injured, he had to much pride to tap.[/COLOR] Pablo Rodriguez Vs Enrique Merino [QUOTE]The Preacher Pablo Rodriguez comes out to a huge pop, I can barely hear myself think. When he reached the ring he quickly dropped his robe and picked up the cross around his neck and said a quick prayer. Enrique looked on with a smirk on his face, and when Rodriguez knelt to say his prayer, that’s when Merino attacked. The fans were furious…attacking a preacher as he’s praying the nerve Enrique looked to be flawless however hitting a nasty reverse roundhouse after springing from the second rope. With the match in hand Merino walked over to Pablo’s bible and began to rip pages from it. (Yep he’s going to Hell) As if some how connected Pablo quickly jumped to his feet and began a nasty assault on Merino pummeling him with right hands. The referee attempted to pull Rodriguez off his prey but he continued to pummel Merino until blood covered his hand. As if trying to exact his revenge for God himself Pablo tossed his opponent outside and set him up on the spani….American announce table. Pablo then climbed back to the top turnbuckle. After closing his eyes and saying a short prayer he lept in the air doing a complete flip before crashing down on his opponent’s face. Merino looked to be out, but Pablo drug him back into the ring he signaled for the end…Sinner's Salvation![/QUOTE] Pablo Rodriguez defeated Enrique Merino in 18:25 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Merino looked like he may have won the match until he decided to mess with “The Good Book”[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Pablo walked over to his corner and grabbed his bible. He then knelt behind the head of Merino and pressed his cross to his enemy’s forehead. Pablo: [COLOR="Blue"]“You have committed a most deadly sin my son, and now you must be punished. With the lord as my witness I purge your soul of sin. And condemn you to a life of misery”[/COLOR] Merino started to shake violently and soon quick moving all together. Pablo slowly rose to his feet, grabbed his bible and left the ring.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C I don’t know what to say about this. Rodriguez seems to actually be at one with God, maybe I should apologize for not taking his advice.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D+ Overall not to bad. The lower card really hurt us the most. We need to find a way to pull good rating with our lower and mid card workers. Batalla De Las Mascaras is just two days away and it should be great.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 730 TV Ratings: .34 Grade: D+ [/B][/CENTER] Congratulations to Tigerkinney for guessing the most right on the pick em. As a reward you get a free SOTBPW t-shirt...um the only sizes we have are XXX Small hope that isn't a problem :D
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Batalla De Las Mascaras[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Live Sunday Week 4 January 2007 Campeon De Mundo Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs. Mario Heroic Tijuana Vampire vs. Pablo Rodriguez Dark Magik vs. Magik Charron vs. Axxis Jr. Miguel Marquez vs. Torque Campeon De Menor Title Match: Blood Raven Vs Junior Youth Card subject to change… Tickets are going fast order them off the internet at [url]WWW.SOTBPW.COM[/url] or at your local ticket master outlet.[/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Champagne Lover Vs. Mario Heroic Tijuana Vampire vs. Pablo Rodriguez Dark Magik vs. Magik Charron vs. Axxis Jr. Miguel Marquez vs. Torque Blood Raven Vs Junior Youth
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Champagne Lover Vs. [B]Mario Heroic[/B] This feud is just starting so Lover can't win right away in Lucha the bad guys always get the upperhand first. Tijuana Vampire vs. [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] This was a tough one but Rodriquez is really strong coming into this match, I didn't really see the build up to this match but the Preacher is always a good bet. [B]Dark Magik[/B] vs. Magik With his nigh indestrucable supernatural powers it will take a mircale or powers of his own for Magik to defeat him Charron vs. [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] Axxis Jr. is by far one o f the best workers you hace on the roster. Miguel Marquez vs. [B]Torque[/B] Torque is the man, I know he's a brawler but his skull mask is cool and he's got the intensity that the crowd is looknig for. [B]Blood Raven[/B] Vs Junior Youth Blood Raven is overall bigger world wide than Youth and so I think he'l take this win as he could be a world wide phenomena for you.
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This Champagne Lover Vs. [B]Mario Heroic[/B] Tijuana Vampire vs. [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] [B]Dark Magik[/B] vs. Magik Charron vs. [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] Miguel Marquez vs. [B]Torque[/B] [B]Blood Raven[/B] Vs Junior Youth [I]This may look like lazy picking, but I find it very difficult to disagree with Apu's picks and the reasons he gives for them.[/I]
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Thanks Tiger Just let me say I like this diary, it's really easy to read it's not cluttered with alot of stuff like mine tend to be and mad5226 you have a very tongue in cheek thing going on that I like. Most of all you are going at a slow pace not posting 20 shows in one day. A lot of times I lose a diary if I miss a day and there's to much to read so this goes exactly at a pace I like.
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[b]Champagne Lover[/b] Vs. Mario Heroic [b]Tijuana Vampire[/b] vs. Pablo Rodriguez Dark Magik vs. [b]Magik[/b] Charron vs. [b]Axxis Jr.[/b] Miguel Marquez vs. [b]Torque[/b] [b]Blood Raven[/b] Vs Junior Youth I think it's time for Magik to pull one back already otherwise things may end up being too unbalanced and you won't be able to drag a very even feud out for as long as they probably have so far. :) I'm also enjoying the vampire and think he could have a huge feud with Pablo, so he's get the win there. Just reading this diary has sparked a lot of ideas in my head for how to use lucha guys in future so this is great. And I disagree with the others, I think Champagne Lover may have to get something here but not anything conclusive. Perhaps a DQ win or something equally unclean. Keep up the good work. Derek B
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I tried a little side game with SOTBPW but have only had one show. I'm looking forward to reading this and seeing an actual dynasty on it to see what someone can do with this great company. On a side note, The Luna Twins are a good pickup for this company for a lowercard face tag team. [B] Champagne Lover[/B] Vs. Mario Heroic I agree with Derek...A win, but definitely not a conclusive one. Tijuana Vampire vs. [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] The Preacher wins but pays an unholy price after the match Dark Magik vs. [B]Magik[/B] Give the babyface a win here Charron vs. [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] Axxis is one of my favorite workers. Miguel Marquez vs. [B]Torque[/B] The newbie puts over the established vet. [B]Blood Raven[/B] Vs Junior Youth Blood Raven has a lot of singles potential and Youth is more of a tag wrestler so he can absorb the loss.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Batalla De Las Mascaras[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South Eastern Region) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) Torque Vs. Miguel Marquez [QUOTE]A slow paced good old brawl is how this one turned out. Miguel still looking to get his first victory in SOTBPW started things off with solid right hands to the head of Torque. Arm drag take down by Miguel and he’s in complete control now. Torque battles back and connects with a fireman’s carry. He’s going up top…this is very unusual for him… He connects with a flying head butt…the cover…1...2.…kick out! A couple hard chops now across the chest of Marquez, but he battles back with some rights of his own. The two are toe to toe now trading blow for blow who’s going to give. Right hand by Miguel, and another, and ano… blocked by Torque he’s setting him up this could be it…Sheer Force! And Miguel is planted into the mat. The ****y cover by Torque…1...2...3![/QUOTE] Torque defeated Miguel Marquez in 10:07 by pinfall with a Sheer Force. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D Not a bad match to start things off. Miguel is still looking for that first victory, but it can’t be to far off.[/COLOR] Campeón de Menor SOTBPW Title Match: Blood Raven Vs. Junior Youth [QUOTE]Blood Raven makes his entrance to the ring and stops about half way there. He looks at the crowd then back at Junior Youth and spits what looks like blood from his mouth. Youth looks pretty shaken up by this and backs into his corner as far away from Raven as he can as Raven enters the ring. Blood Raven was the clear athlete in this match. He started off strong and never really looked back. Early on he hit an impressive Flying Headscissors then went back up top and executed a Frog Splash but that was only enough for a two count. Meanwhile Junior Youth looked really lost with out his teammate Masked Rebel who lost to Blood Raven earlier in the week. About 10 minutes into the match, or beating however you want to look at it, Blood Raven ended it with a Tornado DDT[/QUOTE] Blood Raven defeated Junior Youth in 10:52 by pinfall. Blood Raven makes defence number 3 of his Campeón de Menor SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Not the match I was looking for, defiantly not worthy of a big show matchup.[/COLOR] Charron Vs. Axxis Jr. [QUOTE]Not a person was left sitting in the arena when Axxis Jr.’s music hit. He hit the ring full of energy and that seemed to transfer to the crowd. The match started with Charron on top applying a headlock to Axxis followed by a bulldog that Axxis sold to perfection. This seems like a good time to mention that shirts have now gone on sale at all concession stands through out the arena with the SOTBPW Batalla De Las logo on it, be one of the first to own it. Back to the action now… Axxis Jr. has taken control and landed a sunset flip that only managed a 2 count. Axxis is back up top again, but Charron rushed over and tosses him to the outside from the top rope. The two are outside battling now, and Charron goes to Irish whip Axxis into the steal guardrail, but Axxis reverses it and Charron is in pain. Back inside now Axxis attacks with a series of right hands that leaves Charron stunned. He then leaps to the top rope like a cat and… Gravity Axxisault![/QUOTE] Axxis Jr. defeated Charron in 12:58 by pinfall with a Gravity Axxisault. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- This could’ve been better but afterwards it was discovered that these two just don’t have an real ring chemistry together at all.[/COLOR] Magik Vs. Dark Magik [QUOTE]Magik comes to the ring first and looks to be a little slower than normal. He looks a lot thinner and a lot more pale than before as well. Next Dark Magik enters and he looks larger than life. He walks out of the backstage area full of life and a little to anxious to get into the with Magik. The match starts and Dark Magik turns his back on Magik. Confused Magik unleashes a full scale attack that does little in the way of harming Dark Magik. Laughing at his opponent Dark Magik hammers away sending Magik stumbling into the ropes. Dark Magik shows amazing strength and picks Magik up over his head briefly before slamming him to the ground. This little game of cat and mouse went on for several minutes until Dark Magik had enough. He corned Magik against the turnbuckle and then….Magik picked up one of the staffs and broke it over Dark Magik’s head! Dark Magik is out cold and the ref has called for the bell. [/QUOTE] Dark Magik defeats Magik in 13:11 by disqualification [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ For a feud that has been going in since the beginning of SOTBPW these two don’t get great ratings.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A strange green mist begins to fill the ring and Magik collapses. Soon the ring is filled with this strange mist that seems to be shooting out of the broken staff when finally someone stands up…but wait a minute, who is it? The strange person looks at all the carnage in the ring then flees before anyone has a clue what just happened.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Who in the world was that and with the staff broken what happens now?[/COLOR] Pablo Rodriquez Vs Tijuana Vampire. [QUOTE]Pablo Rodriguez comes out to a huge pop. When he reached the ring he quickly dropped his robe and picked up the cross around his neck and said a quick prayer. Suddenly the lights went out and a coffin was pushed to ringside by a group of minions. After several minutes it was clear Pablo was going to go nowhere near the coffin and a disappointed looking Tijuana Vampire emerged from the box. Rodriquez kissed his cross one last time and the two locked up. Vampire off the ropes, Pablo jumps over him then hits him on the return with a solid dropkick. Vampire looking to come back now is on the top rope but Pablo pushes him to the outside. Pablo up top now waiting for the Vampire to stand…Flying Clothesline Back inside the ring now the Vampire hit’s a nice DDT followed by a running knee drop to the throat of Pablo. This time the vampire heads up top Flying Cross Body 1...2...kickout! The Vampire voices his dissatisfaction to the ref and Pablo makes his come back. Suplex by the preacher followed by a hard Piledriver. This could be it he’s calling for it… Sinner's Salvation. The Vampire is out of it. The cover the count….the victory for the preacher.[/QUOTE] Pablo Rodriguez defeated Tijuana Vampire in 15:54 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- These two are a couple of my better performers with a great gimmick. They have a bright future.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Pablo Rodriguez grabbed his book and knelt by the head of the vampire. Pablo: [COLOR="Blue"]“Father please bless this cursed soul and show him the path to righteousness. Purge his body of the demons so that you’re light can be…”[/COLOR] Tijuana Vampire just sat up and bit into the Preachers neck! He’s not letting go… there’s blood everywhere! Pablo has passed out and still the Vampire is clinched onto his neck! Finally officials came out and drug him off The Preacher so that medical personal could attend to him, but this doesn’t look good at all for Pablo Rodriquez. The Vampire has a sick smile on his face.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B- That was one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen. Pablo was taken to the back on a stretcher.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Mario Heroic is introduced first and he dances down to the ring with Jennifer Heat who seems to be wearing less and less as the weeks go by. Mario stops probably every 10 feet to pose for cameras that only him and Jennifer seem to see. He steals a kiss from an unexpecting girl in the front row, and is smacked hard for it. 12 minutes later he’s in the ring and waiting for the champion.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ This guy is really full of himself, and I’m really unsure on why exactly that is.[/COLOR] Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs Mario Heroic [QUOTE]Champagne Lover is introduced next to a huge pop. The ladies really do love him and show him their affection by tossing panties and bras at him as he walks down the ramp. As usual when he reaches the ring he leans over the safety rail and hands a girl (the one that smacked Mario) a single rose before staring Jennifer down then getting into the ring. The match starts and these two stand tow to toe staring each other down for a full minute. Then Mario slaps Champagne hard across the faces. Champagne answers with a hard right hand that sends Mario to the mat and the fans roar. This match goes aerial very quickly with Champagne Lover looking to land a Flying Elbow but Mario roles out of the ring and gets babied by Jennifer Heat as he tries to regain his composure. Champagne Lover catapults himself over the top rope and lands on both Jennifer Heat and Mario then begins to land solid right hands on the head of Mario Heroic. Back inside now Mario sends Champagne off the ropes and Jennifer Heat grabs his ankle as he goes for the rebound. Furious Champagne turns his attention to Jennifer and is dropkicked out of the ring by Mario from behind. As the ref tries to stop Heroic from going outside Jennifer begins laying the boots to champagne before tossing him back into the ring. Mario now up top gets ****y and poses for the crowd before attempting a frog splash, but Champagne Moves and Mario is in serious pain. Champagne Lover now up top looking to end it…but Jennifer Heat is on the apron… low blow to Champagne Lover…and the referee calls for the bell…this one is over.[/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated Mario Heroic in 20:25 by disqualification. Champagne Lover makes defence number 3 of his Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ A great match spoiled by a not so great finish, but I suspect things are just heating up with these two.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Mario furious about the DQ levels the ref then tells Jennifer to grab a chair. Mario begins to assault the champion with the chair while screaming all kinds of insults at him. He picks Champagne Lover up now and has Jennifer hold him from behind. Mario bounces off the ropes…and nails Champagne in the face with his own title! The two finally leave the ring with Champagne Lover barely moving… and this feud far from over.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ You can bet this isn’t going to sit well with Champagne Lover, which is probably why Mario Heroic did it to begin with.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C I can’t complain to much, my first PPV with the company went about as expected I think. There are still tons of unsolved mysteries however which should make Lucha Libre on Friday that much more interesting.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 Buy Rate: N/A Grade: C[/B][/CENTER] Thanks to everyone who placed their picks. Because this was such a huge event for us you will all recieve free Mario Heroic action figures enjoy! :) [B]Shipshirt [/B]thanks for the suggestion on the Luna Twins...sadly I have no idea who they are :o can you give me a first name or something please =) [B]Apupunchau[/B], Thanks for the kind words. I remember the first diary I wrote I got a bit carried away and ended up posting like 4 shows a day or something crazy. Then I was surprised to see no one was leaving me comments, it's a growing experiance. Thanks to everyone else who read/commented it helps tremendously with the development of the diary.
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[CENTER][B]Monday Week 1 February 2007[/B][/CENTER] So I have survived a whole month at my new promotion, and when I walked into the office today received my first check of roughly $400.00 I didn’t have long to fantasize about how I was going to spend my first pay check because I was informed that their was a creative meeting to attend in 15 minutes. I hadn’t even seen anyone on the team since entering the office and wondered why I was told about this sooner. Oh well, I made my way to the office: Jorge:[COLOR="Green"] “Thank you everyone for coming on such short notice. As most of you know we usually have one of these meeting at the beginning of each month to discuss future storylines as well as the finical situation for the month. We’ll start with that. As you already know midway through the month we had already lost $17,000 in revenue. Since then however we have hired a few more less expensive stars as well as cut back other costs, I’ve happy to announce that he were in the black last month making $3,277. Now this still isn’t a lot and I expect that number to increase as the months continue. Moving on, the next order of business is to discuss the current situation of SOTBPW as you already know we usually only have big shows once every 3-5 months, this year I’d like to change that. The show last night was fairly successful and I think we have enough qualified people on our roster and on our staff to put together a show of that caliber on a monthly basis. There for we will be holding a big show every 4th Sunday of the month. This months show will be called and will be centered around the feud with Champagne Lover and Mario Heroic, along with Pablo Rodriguez and Tijuana Vampire. Now what are your questions of me?”[/COLOR] Nobody said anything which was fine by me I was learning to hate these meetings. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Good a few side tasks then. Gatekeeper I need you to look into possibly securing us a PPV deal with a small nationally based company. While I don’t think they will actually bite yet, it’s a good idea to get them to at least realize our company is out there for future reference.”[/COLOR] Gatekeeper nodded then left the room. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]Good let’s see…one last things, Clayton I need you to pack your bags.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“What! You’re firing me after only one month, but why I thought…”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Calm down you fool you’re not being fired, but you are taking a small vacation. I need you to travel to the US and talk to the owner of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. It’s a man named Cliff Anderson. I would go myself but I don’t particularly care for the guy. However he was a roster that could very much improve ours and therefore I would like to strike up a working agreement with him so that we can possibly bring each others workers to our respective programming. Your friend Shawn Gonzalez is the head booker there use that to your advantage. You are to contact me on a daily basis and the minute a deal is struck you let me know. Are there any questions?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Um no sir, thank you for this opportunity. I wont disappoint you.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]Don’t thank me son, I didn’t want to send you. To be honest your much to green for an assignment like this. It was Pablo’s idea to send you thank him.”[/COLOR] Confused I looked Pablo’s way and he just nodded. Maybe he didn’t hate me as much as I thought after all, or he was trying to get me out of the office for a few days. Either way I was happy for the opportunity and left the office to pack my bags. [B][CENTER]Other news around the world:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]The Rip Chord invitational was this month and The Mean Machine defeated Des Davis in the finals to be crowned the winner. The Main Event for SWF When Hell Freezes Over saw Runaway Train defend his title successfully against Remo Dave Back in black had Eddie Peak defend his title against Chris Caulfield NOTBPW Big City Brawl’s main event drew an A as Sean McFly defended his title successfully against Jeremy Stone. Networks are scheduling this month Cameron Vessey and Carlos Gonzalez enter the wrestling world.[/B][/CENTER]
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[b][u]QUICK PICKS[/b][/u] [b]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/b] VS TORQUE CHARRON VS [b]MARIO HEROIC[/b] BLOOD RAVEN VS [b]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/b] [b]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/b] VS DIAMANTE AZUL AND LEON JOVEN [b]PIRRATO[/b] VS HUGO GARRIDO [b]TRICOLOR JR.[/b] VS REAPER DANTE Have you tried looking for the names.... Luna Ligera and Luna whatevertheotheroneis? That's the boys you're looking for. :)
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The other Luna twin is Luna Oscura...their names translate into English as Light Moon (Luna Ligera) and Dark Moon (Luna Oscura) [B]QUICK PICKS[/B] [B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS TORQUE CHARRON VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] [B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS TEMPEST APPLEBY [B]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/B] VS DIAMANTE AZUL AND LEON JOVEN [B]PIRRATO*[/B] VS HUGO GARRIDO [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] VS REAPER DANTE * That's more of a hope than anything, Pirrato needs some Gold and I don't just mean some coins buried in a treasure chest on a desert Island
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[B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS TORQUE CHARRON VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] [B] BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS TEMPEST APPLEBY [B]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/B] VS DIAMANTE AZUL AND LEON JOVEN PIRRATO VS [B]HUGO GARRIDO[/B] [B] TRICOLOR JR.[/B] VS REAPER DANTE The two wrestlers are Luna Ligera and Luna Oscura. They start the game off as unemployed and they're a nice lowercard tag team that you can get some decent matches out of. They also work well in 6 man matches (and where are those?!?!?)
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I'm with Shipshirt 3 on 3 matches are a main stay of Lucha, I get some of the Spanish channels here in New York and I've been watching a bit of AAA and CMLL and I've seen shows were it's all 3 vs 3 matches and there is generally at least one per show. As for the Luna twins I will have to agree they are a great low level face tag team and they have an A* experience as a team so can put on great matches for you. Now for the predicitions [B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS TORQUE Torque is a great heel coming toward the end of his Career personally I'd like to see him get a title run but he can't win here witht he focus on the Lover/Heroic and the Rodriguez/Vampire fueds. CHARRON VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] Charon is a low skilled egomaniac who shouldn't be anywhere near the main event scene. [B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS TEMPEST APPLEBY Blood Raven is qute over in Mexico and Japan and as much as I like Tempest I don't think he can take this particular win, he'll need to come over more lower level guys before he can beat Blood Raven [B]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/B] VS DIAMANTE AZUL AND LEON JOVEN I see you took my Idea of teaming up Leon and Azul they should take any wins over big guys like Ataque De Noche but give them wins over Circus of death to keep them credible. Also add Mexican Beast to the mix of Mexican Ghoul and Del Muerte and have a nice death based three man team. [B]PIRRATO[/B] VS HUGO GARRIDO You seem to have a thing for Pirrato so I'm gonna pick him if you push him right he may get some where. My suggestion hire two other no name low level workers and give him a pirate crew this can seriously help you with your three way problem. [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] VS REAPER DANTE The Circus of Death untill the fans stop crapping on them are a jobber team and you're going to have to live with that. Tricolor Jr. on the other hand can move up the ranks quite well.
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It seems I've been had =) I actually really do like triple tag matches, the problem is they are expensive when everyone is pay per apperance. YOu may have noticed that Tag matches have been few and far between as well. But I've been called out so I'll se what I can do to implament them in the coming shows...A pirate crew hmm =)
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Yeah the 6 man tag is a Lucha staple! That is a big problem with SOTBPW (and TCW for that matter)...you have to fill a 2 hour tv show and a lot of the guys don't have great stamina...thus, you have to book a lot of matches! Great diary thus far...so very different from anything else out there!
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I'm actually a huge fan of lucha libre and I LOVE this diary. Intentionally or not, you've captured the campiness of AAA (one of their biggest stars is a guy dressed as a giant pink mothra who's accomapnied to the ring by a midget dressed as a pink mothra) and added some real ring talent. I'd push Axxis a bit more. Tremendous talent. Find someone he has good chemistry with and let them go. I actually disagree with the 3 vs 3 tag thing. There are several significant differences between CVerse lucha and real life lucha. One of the bigest being that the Mexican companies use those tag matches sparingly, IIRC the default setting is 15%. Real life it would be more 75%. So don't bend over backwards to try to make your company match companies like CMLL or AAA. Also, I'm working on the 75 mod for Mexico. I created this thread to add some backstory for that. Not that you have to use it, but I incorporated the real traditions behind lucha libre and it might help out. Even with just the terminology. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21723[/url]
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