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SOTBPW...Wrestling with a twist

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[B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS TEMPEST APPLEBY [I]Appleby wont win the title on his first attempt[/I] DARK MAGIK VS MAGIK VS [B]THE MACHINE[/B] [I]The Machine cannot be stopped, and he destroys both Magik and Dark Magik....the rivals will now have to contemplate working together, to the stop The Machine.[/I] [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO [I]Axxis Jr is one of your best workers, and is someone you can put in the mix for the World Title, once the Lover-Heroic feud meets it's conclusion.[/I] [B]PABLO RODRIQUEZ[/B] VS TIJUANA VAMPIRE [I]Something tells me Pablo wont be ending up in the casket [/I] CHAMPAGNE LOVER VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] [I]Lover made this match, thinking he has the cards stacked in his favour, but I reckon it will back-fire and Heroic will come out victorious.[/I] Thanks for the free-tickets by the way :) I'm really hyped up for seeing the ladder match between Champagne Lover and Mario Heroic.
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BLOOD RAVEN VS [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] And for once tiger predicted before me, I agree with him here DARK MAGIK VS MAGIK VS [B]THE MACHINE[/B] and here [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO and here [B]PABLO RODRIQUEZ[/B] VS TIJUANA VAMPIRE and here CHAMPAGNE LOVER VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] and not to mention here
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[CENTER][B] SUNDAY Week 4 February 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Revenge[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio De Estado (South Eastern Mexico) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) [QUOTE]The show opens with Pirrato and a group of mean standing around the merchandise booth with pick axes and shovels. Jorge Ibanez walks up and gives them a stern look. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“What the hell is going on here?”[/COLOR] Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Argh there’s treasure here there is. And me and the boys are going to find it.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Not with those you’re not! I can’t have you digging up my arena you’ll scare the fans.”[/COLOR] Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Fear not lad with the treasure we find here you can build a bigger arena.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Let me make this clear to you. If I catch you, or anyone else digging up my arena you’ll be fired! Now get out of here before I call security.”[/COLOR] Pirrato leaves with his head hanging low.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D Looks like Pirrato continues to run into a brick wall when it comes to getting his gold.[/COLOR] Campeón de Menor SOTBPW Title Match: Blood Raven Vs. Tempest Appleby [QUOTE]Tempest came to the ring first dancing like a stripper on crack. The fans seem to love his goofy personality. And make no mistake about it there’s nothing goofy about him in the ring. Blood Raven was introduced next and as flames spewed up from the floor he looked more intense than ever. He climbed the second step up to the ring then turned to the crowd and spit blood across the arena to the delight of many in attendance. The match itself was one that had been anticipated for a while now. Blood Raven came out looking strong and dominated Tempest on many fronts. Tempest wasn’t going to be denied though, not on this night. He executed a near perfect 450 splash on his opponent, but Blood Raven somehow managed to kick out. Undaunted Tempest soldiered on looking to impress the fans with his strength he went for a belly to belly suplex on the champ, but Raven spit that blood in the eyes of Tempest. The ref didn’t see it! The roll up the feet on the ropes for leverage….it’s over![/QUOTE] Blood Raven defeated Tempest Appleby in 12:58 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Blood Raven makes defence number 4 of his Campeón de Menor SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Not the title match I was hoping for, but these two continue to improve. And something tells me Tempest isn’t going to be satisfied with the lose.[/COLOR] Dark Magik Vs. Magik Vs. The Machine [QUOTE]Dark Magik was introduced first in this one and generated a good bit of heat. But the reception The Machine got made Dark Magik look weak in comparison. The fans have really started to hate The Machine in recent weeks mainly because he attacks anyone and everyone with no regard but himself. The match started with all three men attacking one another and no one person really having the advantage. Dark Magik learned quickly however that trying to punch the Machine is probably only going to break his hand and he stopped that immediately. The match went to the outside where The Machine completely disregarded the rules and used everything near by as a weapon. Him and Magik then seemed to coexist momentarily working to beat Dark Magik to hell. That was short lived however when The Machine turned and nearly kicked Magik’s head clean off his shoulders. With both men down The Machine climbed the top rope and landed a nasty head but that again looked to break Magik’s nose as blood shot everywhere. [/QUOTE] The Machine defeated Magik and Dark Magik in 9:43 when The Machine defeated Magik by pinfall with a diving headbutt. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- An impressive win for The Machine leaving both of his opponents broken in the ring.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Dark Magik made his way to his feet. The Machine walks over to him looking to knock him unconscious again. But instead Dark Magik pleads for his life. He then says something to low for our audio to pick up. The MAchine starts to lower his arm and Dark Magik gets a c0cky grin on his face. The MAchine lays him out![/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ Well for a second there it looked like whatever it was that Dark MAgik said had an effect on The MAchine, but just for a second.[/COLOR] Axxis Jr. Vs. Enrique Merino [QUOTE]These two have recently grown to hate each other in the past month. Axxis is looking to avenge the recent string of attacks that Enrique has sprung on him. And Enrique is just looking to destroy his opponent. Both men looked really strong out of the gate, but it was soon clear who the dominate competitor was when Axxis hit a spinning kick followed by a second rope Moonsault that only got him a 2 count. Axxis continued his assault on his opponent until a quick thumb in the eyes gave Enrique the advantage. These two continued their battle back and fourth until Axxis had enough and ended it with a Gravity Axxisault.[/QUOTE] Axxis Jr. defeated Enrique Merino in 15:41 by pinfall with a Gravity Axxisault. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D And to keep the streak alive these two didn’t click in the ring.[/COLOR] Tijuana Vampire Vs Pablo Rodriquez [QUOTE]Pablo made his way to the ring first and did his whole routine with the kissing of the cross and saying a quick prayer, he may need that tonight. Tijuana came out next as a group of droids pushed a casket towards the ring. When it was clear The Preacher wasn’t going to open the casket the droids did for him, but The Vampire wasn’t in there. Confused Pablo came to the edge f the ring and peered in. When suddenly The Vampire appeared from behind him and began his sneak attack on the Preacher. With momentum in his favor The Vampire pulled out his entire arsenal hitting The Preacher with everything he had. He then went to stuff him in the casket. The fans were shocked with how quickly this one was over as The Vampire went to shut the lid. But at the last second Pablo shot his hand up and stopped the lid from closing down on him. Then Pablo began his comeback. He smacked The Vampire’s head off the lid of the casket and grabbed a near by chair and bent it over the head of his challenger. He then went up top and landed a frog splash that looked to completely incapacitate the Vampire. He picks up now he’s calling for it Sinner’s Salvation…but the Vampire has latched onto his neck! He’s draining the life of the Preacher. Pablo is on his knees, he’s fading out, Low blow! The Preacher hit’s a low blow and the Vampire releases the clamp on his neck. Pablo struggles to his feet, there’s blood everywhere. Sinner’s Salvation! He hit it. Pablo now dragging the Vampire to the casket, he’s in. The lid is coming down…..IT’S OVER![/QUOTE] Pablo Rodriguez defeated Tijuana Vampire in 17:22 after stuffing him in a casket. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ WOW I can’t win. This was really suppose to be a great match.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match the casket is wheeled up the ramp. Suddenly is burts into flames! The Vampire is still inside. Officals rush to put out the flames when suddely the casket explodes and...A bat flies out of it? [/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Well that was bizarre The Vampire disappeared from the casket and was replaced by a bat... or maybe he was the bat?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Backstage now Mario Heroic is getting ready for his title match. Jennifer: [COLOR="Green"]“I want to be out their with you baby, but I can’t. Ladders just give me the creeps.[/COLOR] Mario: [COLOR="Red"]“Tonight I’m going to win what’s rightfully mine, and I can’t even get my girlfriend to come out to support me. What a load of crap.”[/COLOR] Mario storms off and Jennifer is on the verge of tears. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- Alright this match is for all the marbles.[/COLOR] Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs. Mario Heroic [QUOTE]Mario came out first without Jennifer Heat by his side but he didn’t look to depressed at all. We still got the ten minute dance to the ring where he once again tried to steal the kiss of a young girl, and he once again got slapped in the face for it. Champagne got a completely different reception. As the ladies cheered and were fighting over who would receive the rose given by him. Eventually it was a cute little blonde girl who got the rose and her friends looked even more envious than Mario. The match started with no love lose at all at these two traded blows. Champagne got the advantage as he tossed Mario off the ropes and landed a standing dropkick. Mario battled back though and the match was quickly taken to the outside. Mario was the first to try a high risk stunt as he slammed Champagne against the steal steps he then set up the ladder and performed a frog splash from the top of it. Both men were hurt after that stunt but that didn’t stop either of them from putting on the show of their lives. Eventually the match, and the ladder, were taken into the ring and Mario looked to whip the champ into the corner where the ladder was waiting, but Champagne reversed it and sent Mario crashing into the ladder. With Mario stunned Champagne then went for a frog splash and Mario’s head bounced hard of the steel. Champagne saw this as his chance to win and set the ladder up in the middle of the ring and began his accent. Mario seeing his opportunity slipping by climbing to the top turnbuckle and drop kicked the champ off the ladder. This began another series of back and fourth fighting and both men really gave it their all. They both started to climb opposite sides of the ladder, something has to give. They reach the top right hand by Mario, then by Champagne. They are trading blows from the top of the ladder now who’s going to give…Mario falls! Champagne is going to retain. He reaches the top of the ladder and is reaching for the belt. Here comes Jennifer Heat! Jennifer Heat has decided to face her fears she’s in the ring and shaking the ladder. Mario is slowly getting to his feet. Champagne can’t keep his balance, he falls…and so does the ladder right on Jennifer’s head! She looks to be badly injured. Mario now is on his feet and setting up the ladder. Champagne is on his feet. His eyes immediately lock on Jennifer Heat and he rushes to her aid! Mario Heroic is at the top of the ladder, he’s got the belt WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! The bell rings and Champagne Lover doesn’t even seem to notice. Medical personal are rushing over to check on Jennifer Heat.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ Probably the best match to date for me, but still incredibly disappointing.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Jennifer Heat is being taken to the back now on a stretcher and Mario Heroic is in the ring celebrating his victory, does he even care about his girlfriend? Champagne Lover is at the side of Jennifer Heat and holding her hand. He looks back at the celebrating Mario Heroic in disbelief as the camera’s fade off.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Looks like all that matters to Mario is the title, what will Champagne Lover do next to try and exact his revenge?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C Well my Main Event is right where I want it, if I can just get a decent under card I’ll be all set.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 Buy Rate: N/A Grade: C [/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Again..tremendous stuff going on here. I sincerely hope the ratings turn around for you.[/QUOTE] Thanks man I'm glad your enjoying it. I to hope that the ratings get turned around, otherwise I may not have this job for much longer. SO it seems that the outcome of my matches are pretty predictable these days. I'm ok with that as long as the way they win their matches is a bit of a surprise that's what really matters to me. So how bout it did anyone expect the Mario Heroic match to go down the way it did? Anyways hope you all enjoyed.
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[QUOTE]SO it seems that the outcome of my matches are pretty predictable these days. I'm ok with that as long as the way they win their matches is a bit of a surprise that's what really matters to me. So how bout it did anyone expect the Mario Heroic match to go down the way it did? Anyways hope you all enjoyed.[/QUOTE] I sort of thought Heroic would win; it's the best way to keep the feud alive. But I definitely appreciate the twist of Jennifer Heat's "injury" and what it could mean for her "relationship" with Heroic. Amd Champagne. Love triangles are very Spanish soap opera ("novellas" is the actual term) and I could see something like that play out here; maybe even have some brawls on set or soap opera style vingettes. PS I'd LOATHE it if Axxis were having that kind of problem. PPS PM ...I have something that might give you some inspiration for Tricolor Jr.
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[CENTER][B]MONDAY 1 MARCH 2007[/B][/CENTER] I walked in to the office this morning with an unusual skip in my step. What was the cause of my happiness you ask. Well I just ordered a complete breakfast for myself in Spanish. That's right I've been living in Mexico now for two months and have been living off of Frosted Flakes until now. But not today, today I had Huevos revueltos, biskit con salsa, tocino y un cristal de leche (Scrambled eggs, biskit with gravy, bacon and a glass of milk.) Yes it was a good day indeed pretty soon maybe I could even go to the club and try to find me a date. I picked up my check from the front desk then heaed to the creative meeting with the rest of the crew. As I walked in I notcied everyone was there, including Jorge, and I made a mental note to set my alarm a few minutes faster next month. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Um sorry I'm late, traffic it sucks."[/COLOR] Gatekeeper: [COLOR="Red"]"You don't have a car."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"No I don't, and it's a good thing to other wise man I'd really be late."[/COLOR] Not even a smile, man what a tough crowd. I settled into my chair and tried to focus on the issues at hand. Saving SOTBPW from losing fans. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]"Now that we are all here we can begin. Financially this was a very good month for us as a company. We brought in $26,909 this month. The main cause for the inflation was ticket sales which we made over $130,000 off of."[/COLOR] There was some grumbling around the office. This was the last thing we expected here we were thinking our show was getting worse, but we were making more money at the gate than before. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]"Keep in mind we didn't venture out to other parts of Mexico this month. For the most part we stayed within the confides of our home base. There is still a serious issue with our product getting stale that we need to address."[/COLOR] It was now or never for me. I'd been here two months now it was time I spoke up and really became part of the team. Me: [COLOR="blue"]"The problem isn't the product getting stale. The problem is our performers not performing."[/COLOR] And there it was the awkward silence that I was expecting. I just alienated everyone in this room and they all probably wanted my head on a platter. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"It's not that they are bad, it's just they are all so young and still have a ways to go before being truely gifted in the ring. Don't get me wrong we stil have people like Pablo and Torque and our other vets to turn to, but eventually that wells going to become dry then what?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Purple"]"Why don't you tell us you seem to have all the answers."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Look my point is there is no one in the middle. We have a group of wrestlers over 35 who are great, and a group under 25 who..well aren't. We need..."[/COLOR] I was cut off. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]"No. I'm tired of bringing in new talent on a whim just because you don't like what you see. Now I agree with you there is a serious talent gap, but we need to fix it by other means than just bringing in a completly new roster. We have a recently signed agreement with CZCW that gives us some frsh faces to work with, but I will not throw everyone to the curb who got us where we are today. We have a thing in Mexico called loyalty Clayton and I think it's something you and the rest of America need to develope."[/COLOR] And that was it. I had other ideas, I had a few new storylines to pitch. But everyone just left the room and made me feeling like a complete jackass. Maybe they were right, maybe I was just looking for a cop out and I didn't know what loyalty was. But I also knew I was right, before our company was going to be taken seriously our wrestlers had to get alot better. [CENTER][B]Other news around the world: Bulldozer Brandon Smith enters wrestling world. TCW’s PPV main event saw Tommy Cornell defend his title against Genghis Rahn WLW begin their tour this month, as does BHOTWG SWF’s PPV Main Event was Runaway Train defending against Remo In NOTBPW Sean McFly and Jeremy Stone continued their feud and scored another A grade[/B][/CENTER]
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EL DEMONICO VS PABLO RODRIQUEZ VS [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] This match confuses me although maybe El Demonico has sided with TIjuana and Enrique but certainly he can't win both Axxis and Pablo would take a huge momentum hit. Of the toher two only Accis isn't fully embroiled in a big enough fued and can shoot for the title. MEXICAN BEAST VS [B]HUGO GARRIDO[/B] The beast isn't that great and you caan start building Hugo's momentum by taking a win here [B]MAGIK[/B] VS BLOOD RAVEN Magik wins by DQ when The Machine attacks him ENRIQUE MERINO, REAPER CICERO, AND REAPER DANTE VS [B]CYCLONE, JUNIOR YOUTH, AND MASKED REBEL[/B] Enrique sided with the wrong guys [B]THE MACHINE[/B] VS EL DIAMANTE The Machine domiantes this whole match [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] VS TRICOLOR JR. A win with a nice handshake leading to an alliance nad possibly a run as a tag team.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;220894][COLOR="Green"]"We have a thing in Mexico called loyalty Clayton and I think it's something you and the rest of America need to develope."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What complete and utter tripe! Loyalty is EARNED, not freely given for no reason. Jeez, especially in business. But on the other hand, I'd have to agree with Jorge and Pablo. Part of your job as booker is to CREATE those new stars. So, get a can of Pledge and put a shine on one of those piles of poop you have lying around. :p Very enjoyable diary so far. :)
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El Demonico Vs Pablo Rodriquez Vs [b]axxis Jr[/b]. Mexican Beast Vs [b]hugo Garrido[/b] Magik Vs [b]blood Raven[/b] Enrique Merino, Reaper Cicero, And Reaper Dante Vs [b]cyclone, Junior Youth, And Masked Rebel[/b] [b]the Machine[/b] Vs El Diamante [b]tempest Appleby [/b]vs Tricolor Jr.
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El Demonico Vs Pablo Rodriquez Vs [b]axxis Jr.[/b] [b]mexican Beast[/b] Vs Hugo Garrido Magik Vs [b]blood Raven[/b] Enrique Merino, Reaper Cicero, And Reaper Dante Vs [b]cyclone, Junior Youth, And Masked Rebel[/b] [b]the Machine[/b] Vs El Diamante [b]tempest Appleby[/b] Vs Tricolor Jr.
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[CENTER][B]FRIDAY WEEK 1 MARCH 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libra[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Auditorio Del Estado (South Eastern Mexico) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) [QUOTE]The show opens with Lucia sitting in Jorge’s office talking about the future of SOTBPW. Suddenly Pirrato bursts in and grabs her. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“What is the meaning of this?”[/COLOR] Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Argh I want me treasure.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“This is ridiculous I’m calling security.”[/COLOR] Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Do that and your pretty little friend here walks the plank Argh.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“What…what plank, what are you talking about?”[/COLOR] Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Let me dig for me treasure and nothing will happen to this winch.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Fine, but when you don’t find anything you better return her in one piece.”[/COLOR] Pirrato puts a sadistic smile of his face then licks Lucia’s cheek as he walks out.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ Well it looks like Pirrato will finally get his buried treasure, I wonder what he’ll find.[/COLOR] El Diamante Azul Vs The Machine [QUOTE]The Machine is coming off of a dominate win at Revenge at something tells me Azul isn’t going to be able to slow him down. The match starts and so does The Machine pounding away at the much smaller Azul. The fans try to get behind their blue friend and guide him to victory but I don’t think he ever really had a chance. Finally after The Machine is done toying with his opponent he ends it with a top rope headbutt that leaves Azul a bloody mess.[/QUOTE] The Machine defeated El Diamante Azul in 10:16 by pinfall with a Top Rope Headbutt [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ While The Machine continues to gain popularity he’s also doing a great job of teaching some these other guys a thing or two about techniques in the ring. Maybe he’s my savior?[/COLOR] Tempest Appleby Vs Tricolor Jr. [QUOTE]Tempest makes his way to the ring looking to avenge his controversial lose at Revenge. Tricolor comes out just looking to score a victory. These two men show great athletic ability and leave no one feeling like they could’ve put more into the match. Tricolor showed some signs that may have got him noticed by a few people in the back. But in the end Tempest hit a top rope Moonsault that sealed the deal.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Tricolor Jr. in 9:49 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E And yes you guessed it folks the streak continues, these two have no chemistry.[/COLOR] After the match Tempest picked up the mic. [QUOTE]Tempest: [COLOR="Blue"]“Jorge…Jorge get out here we need to talk.”[/COLOR] After a minute or two the owner of SOTBPW Jorge Ibanez comes through the curtain. Tempest: [COLOR="blue"]“Jorge you saw what happened at Revenge I was cheated. It’s obvious to everyone who’s watching that I am far superior to Blood Raven. Therefore I think it’s only fair that you grant me a rematch.”[/COLOR] Jorge thinks about this as the crowd cheers. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“As much as I would love t do that for you son, I can’t”[/COLOR] Tempest looks outraged. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“See you had your chance and you didn’t cash in on it, and now well there’s other people ahead of you in line,”[/COLOR] Tempest: [COLOR="Red"]“You have to give me another chance Jorge, I know I can take this guy.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Alright I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you the chance to win back the number 1 contendership. If you can defeat everyone ahead of you then I guess by default you would become the number one contender.”[/COLOR] The fans cheer and Tempest does a little dance that only he knows. Tempest:[COLOR="Red"] “That’s easy who’s first?”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Oh there’s nothing easy about it at all. Next week you’ll be facing Los Fury and I don’t think I have to tell you how great of a competitor he is.”[/COLOR] Tempest stops his little dance and looks a little nervous. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Good luck son, you’re gonna need it."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D Well it looks like Tempest may be getting another title shot soon, but his match nest week isn’t going to be a walk in the park.[/COLOR] Enrique Merino and The Circus of Death Vs Cyclone and Los Heartbreakers. [QUOTE]Well this ended up being a nontitle match, mainly because I’m retarded and forgot to click the box. Enrique and The Circus of Death had a very dark entrance that included some type of voodoo ritual. The fans were on their feet when Los Heartbreakers were introduced though and the arena was electric. The match was as expected. Reaper Dante got booed out of the ring, but it’s always by less and less people every show. Masked Rebel stood out as being amazing though. He showed a quickness that was second to none. He amazed the crowd with his top rope antics ad by the end of the match was really the star of the show.[/QUOTE] Cyclone and Los Heartbreakers defeated Enrique Merino and Circus Of Death in 11:36 when Masked Rebel defeated Reaper Dante by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ So between half my roster not clicking at the other half not being over, I can’t say I’m really surprised by my ratings.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]We go now to a prerecorded segment where Jennifer Heat is laying in her hospital bed when Mario Heroic walks in. Jennifer: [COLOR="Green"]“Hey champ, I’m glad you’re coming to see me it gets lonely in this room all by myself.[/COLOR] Mario: [COLOR="Red"]“I can’t believe you! I thought you of all people would’ve understood what Sunday meant to me.”[/COLOR] Jennifer:[COLOR="Green"] “What are you talking about baby I do understand.”[/COLOR] Mario: [COLOR="Red"]“Sunday was suppose to be about me. It was suppose to be about me finally proving to the world that I’m better than that chump Champagne Lover. I was suppose to be all that was talked about. And what happens, you get jealous of my stardom and pull this stunt to put the spot light on yourself instead of me.”[/COLOR] Jennifer: [COLOR="Green"]“I did this for you. I risked my life so you could win that stupid title.”[/COLOR] Mario: [COLOR="Red"]“Oh save it. You just couldn’t handle not being in the spotlight could you? Well nice job Jen you’re in it now.”[/COLOR] Mario storms out of the room and Jennifer Heat bursts into tears.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Looks like as the weeks go on Mario Heroic finds more and more way to convince himself that the world revolves around him.[/COLOR] Mexican Beast Vs Hugo Garrido [QUOTE]This was a match of brut strength as both men rely heavily on their power and not as much on their speed and quickness. One advantage that Mexican Beast has over his opponents is it looks like he’s wrestled a bear or two in his day. The match itself was as expected slow and full of two guys just beating the hell out of one another. Mexican Beast looked to end it with a Piledriver, but Hugo reversed it into a back drop and took the lead. As these two slugged it out Hugo was the one that prevailed after a devastating Power Bomb.[/QUOTE] Hugo Garrido defeated Mexican Beast in 7:38 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not the best of grades, but not the worst either. This could actually be a decent card if my last two matches go as planned.[/COLOR] Magik Vs Blood Raven [QUOTE]These two men show a lot of promise to me. They both have good aerial skills which as we know is a must in Lucha wrestling, but they also have decent technical skills that only seem to be getting better as the weeks go on. So needless to say I thought this was going to be a great matchup, of course if you’ve been reading this you would know that I’m wrong just about every time when I think something is going to be a great match, and this was no exception. These two went back and fourth with no real person ever having a clear advantage Magik performed some decent top rope moves, and Blood Raven continued to show why he was a champion, kicking out of everything Magik had to offer. Magik looked to end it one last time with Blood Raven on the mat but as he hit the top turnbuckle The Machine hit the ring and attacked everyone, Magik, Blood Raven, even the ref was laid to waste by this monster. As he continued his assault something caught my eye on the entrance ramp…it was Dark Magik! He was looking on with a smile on his face, that made you wonder if he some how coordinated this, and did he come out here with The Machine?[/QUOTE] Magik drew with Blood Raven in 13:07 following a double disqualification. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- So much for this segment going as I planned. But with it does come a lot of questions they need to be answered.[/COLOR] El Demonico Vs Pablo Rodriquez Vs Axxis Jr. [QUOTE]The match to decide who was next in line for a shot at the championship belt. Axxis and Pablo are both coming off of huge wins and Demonico is a force that is always tough to beat. This match ended up being a classic one with Pablo and Axxis teaming up early on to take care of El Demonico. Of course the problem was who was going to get the chance to pin him which is what eventually lead to the brawl between Pablo and Axxis. These two put on an incredible display leaping off the top rope half way across the ring to connect a dropkick on his opponent. Pablo took Axxis up top and looked to showcase his strength with a top ropes suplex but Axxis managed to block it and push the Preacher off the ropes. He then landed a Gravity Axxisault that looked to end it. But El Demonico decided this would be a great time to make his presence felt and broke the count up as he began to assault Axxis. These three men battled back and fourth forever and looked like they could continue it well into the night. Late in the match El Demonico locked the Eternal Agony in on Axxis and it looked like he was going to get the submission, but the Preacher made the save and set his opponent up for The Sinner’s Salvation. As he went for the cover however a bat flew in from out of attacked Pablo as he was swatting trying to get it away Axxis crept up from behind and scored the victory with a school boy roll up.[/QUOTE] Axxis Jr. defeated El Demonico and Pablo Rodriguez in 23:44 when Axxis Jr. defeated Pablo Rodriquez by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Well this match delivered and Axxis pulled the upset victory off when Pablo was attacked by a bat?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] Final Notes: D+ Well at least the majority of the wrestlers improved in one way or another.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings: .47 Grade: D+[/B][/CENTER] O.O.C. Look like I should make these less predictable so I can continue giving out all the glorious prizes to the winners huh =) Thanks to all who read, and especially those of you who leave feedback it gives me a feel (even if it isnt a good one) on where I should be taking this company.
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[B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] VS AXXIS JR. Heroic isn't done with Lover yet but this should be a good match EL DEMONICO VS [B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] Lover needs some momentum before going into the next big PPV sized event [B]ENRIQUE MERINO[/B] VS CYCLONE He should be warring with Axxis Jr. and Pablo and to do that he needs some wins [B]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/B] VS CHARRON AND MIGUEL MARQUEZ I just love these guys to death plus anywhere Charron goes he should lose [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] VS LOS FURY Tempest begins his climb to his first title MASKED REBEL VS [B]THE MACHINE[/B] The Machine continues his streak before he will finally be taken down by either Magik or Dark Magik or both will have to team up.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 2 March 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South East Mexico) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) [QUOTE]The show opens with Pirrato with a group of other men all digging around the merchandise stand with shovels and pick axes. One man is off sitting in the corner with Lucia as she protests the whole time.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ It should just be a matter of time now until Pirrato finally finds his treasure[/COLOR] The Machine Vs. Masked Rebel [QUOTE]The Machine comes to the ring to a chorus of boos as Pyrotechnics and the sound of metal on metal blares over the PA. He looks completely oblivious to the boos and as he makes his way to the ring. Masked Rebel is looking to show the nation that he’s more than just a triple tag team wrestler and is looking to further his singles career. These two really put on a great show. The Machine is slowly becoming more popular around Mexico and him and Masked Rebel put on a nice display of flips and top rope moves to really get noticed. The Machine is just to power an opponent for any one man though and he ended it with a Powerbomb off the top rope followed by that devastating diving headbutt right to the face of the Rebel.[/QUOTE] The Machine defeated Masked Rebel in 14:53 by pinfall with an Metallic Headbutt. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D That’s actually a great grade for an opening match. And here’s a change of pace these two have great chemistry in the ring. Could my fortune be turning around?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Dark Magik ran down to the ring and began to assault Masked Rebel. The Machine looked on at first rather confused. Then Dark Magik could him to get a chair. After a second of thinking about it The Machine began assaulting Dark Magik. As he set up for The Metallic Headbutt however Magik rushed down to the ring and helped his nemesis as the two began attacking The Machine. After the assault was over the two had a long stare down then simply went their separate ways.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Could a friendship be brewing amongst Magik and Dark Magik?[/COLOR] Tempest Appleby Vs. Los Fury [QUOTE]Tempest came down to the ring with a brand new dance routine, of course no one else in the world had a clue what type of dance it was, but they all loved Tempest for trying. Then the sirens went off and smoke filled the entrance as Los Fury made his way to the ring. A lot was on the line in this match up as Tempest looked to gain a spot for a rematch against Blood Raven. Tempest looked really good out their two dodging the attacks Los Fury had to offer and hitting him with slingshots into the turnbuckle and flips off the top rope. The end of the match came with Fury tried to spray Tempest with that strange gas, but Tempest saw it coming and ducked out of the way then rolled his opponent up for the victory.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Los Fury in 9:51 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Well not a bad match and with it Tempest finds himself one step closer to Blood Raven, but who will his next opponent be?[/COLOR] Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW Title Match: Ataque De Noche (Mexican Ghoul and Del Muerto) Vs Charron and Miguel Marquez. [QUOTE]Charron comes out to a chorus of…nothing. No one likes him, no one hates him he’s just kind of there. Ataque De Noche on the other hand came out to some old music from the movie Halloween and everyone in attendance strained to see the mask of Mexican Ghoul. This was one of those matches were you really wanted to get into it because you like a couple of the wrestlers but you also like food so you pick that instead. This was defiantly the part of the show where people decided to go to the bathroom and get refreshments after seeing Mexican Ghouls mask. Which is sad since it involves my tag team champions, I really need to work on giving them a personality.[/QUOTE] Ataque De Noche defeated Charron and Miguel Marquez in 12:11 when Del Muerto defeated Charron by pinfall. Ataque De Noche make defence number 3 of their Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E I don’t have much to say about this match…so I won’t[/COLOR] Cyclone Vs Enrique Merino [QUOTE]Cyclone hit the ring with a high degree of intensity as he came out slapping hands with the fans and then flipping into the ring. Enrique was completely different he was slow and methodical when coming to the ring The match was a decent one with each competitor trying to one up the other one. Enrique took Cyclone to the outside and began a brutal assault throwing him against the guard rail and into the steel steps. Cyclone is a warrior however and he battled back moving at the last second as Enrique threw him into the corner then climbing on top of his foe and delivering ten powerful shots to the head. He then went to the top to perform a 450 splash, but Enrique saw it coming and moved out of the way. He then set Cyclone up for the Virus Infection and scored the pinfall.[/QUOTE] Enrique Merino defeated Cyclone in 14:58 by pinfall with a Virus Infection. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Enrique scores the victory and heads back to the locker room looking as if nothing ever happened.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match the lights went off and a puff of red smoke emerged from the middle of the ring. As the lights came back on a man dressed in a black ninja suit stood in the middle of the ring. Man: [COLOR="red"]“I am called Plague by my people, and I have been sent here to issue a warning. Pablo Rodriguez, you have upset those who dwell in the night. The forces that be want to see you suffer for what you did to one of us. And at Domainacion I will teach you that lesson and will right all the is wrong in the universe.”[/COLOR] A cloud of red smoke emerges again and Plague is gone.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- Well I’m not sure what that was about but it looks like our first match of Domainacion has just been announced.[/COLOR] Champagne Lover Vs. El Demonico [QUOTE]Champagne Lover comes to the ring to a chorus of cheers and he looks like a man on a mission he hands a rose to a young girl in the front then jumps in the ring and picks up a mic. Champagne: [COLOR="Blue"]“Mario, at Revenge you did something that was low even for your standards. Now as your girlfriend lays helpless in the hospital you parade around as if you accomplished something. The only reason you won that title Mario is because I allowed it to happen. At Domainacion I’m told you’re going to fight the new number one contender Axxis Jr. Well why don’t we up the ante a little shall we? Seeing as I allowed you to take my title way don’t we have a little three way dance at Domainacion to decided who the real champion is?”[/COLOR] Champagne is then cut off by the entrance of El Demonico who walks through a passage of fire on the way to the ring. This was a match full of intensity as Champagne looked to send a message to Mario, and The Demon looked to steal a win after last weeks lose. Champagne dazzled the fans with his wrestling moves all the while keeping perfect hair…amazing. El Demonico used underhanded tactics to get the advantage choking Champagne on the ropes. Champagne tried to battle back but The Demon scored a low blow and kept the momentum in his favor. Champagne eventually did get the upper hand however after reversing an irish whip and landing a spring board elbow smash. With the fans behind him Champagne continued his dominances of the match and eventually sealed the deal with a Lover Stunner.[/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated El Demonico in 14:51 by pinfall with a Lover Stunner. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C Champagne Lover is a man on a mission and I don’t know if anyone can stop him right now.[/COLOR] Mario Heroic Vs. Axxis Jr. [QUOTE]Axxis came out to a standing ovation and worked the fans over for a minute before “The Champion” made his way to the ring. I think Axxis may have fallen asleep inside the ring waiting for his opponent to make it to ringside but he eventually did and we actually got a match out of it. Mario requested this non title match as a “warm up” for later this month. And Axxis delivered making everyone think Mario had bitten off far more than he could chew. A thumb to the eyes however and Mario was back in the drivers chair. He demonstrated to everyone watching why he was the champion capitalizing on the mistakes of Axxis and turning them into high points for himself. And the times Axxis didn’t make a mistake he would simply cheat and take advantage of that as well. Axxis looked to gain some momentum though after a crazy back flip off the top rope to the outside. With Mario down Axxis began hammering away until it looked like they would both be counted out. Axxis then threw his opponent back into the ring where Mario again capitalized this time with a low blow. All of the underhanded tactics were to much for Axxis to overcome and Mario ended it a Moonsault and his feet on the ropes.[/QUOTE] Mario Heroic defeated Axxis Jr. in 17:34 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- What a great match and more importantly a great way to end the show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C- Well I was hoping for a solid C but maybe this was a high C- and not that bad?[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2, 000 TV Ratings: .47 Grade: C- [/B][/CENTER] Well Apupunchau looks like you win by default this week..your reward...a year long supply on nachos and cheese...enjoy ;)
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[B]PABLO RODRIQUEZ[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO DQ Enrique and Tijuana attack Rodriguez and Axxis Jr. comes in for the save [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS CYCLONE Axxis coninues to build his momentum [B]MEXICAN BEAST, LOS FURY, AND TORQUE[/B] VS HUGO GARRIDO, MIGUEL MARQUEZ, AND CHARRON Again any team with Charron should lose [B]THE MACHINE[/B] VS DARK MAGIK, AND MAGIK The Machine continues to dominate JUNIOR YOUTH VS [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] Continues on his way to Blood Raven [B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS EL DIAMANTE AZUL Blood Raven holds his title for Tempest
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[I]Easter weekend family stuff, prevented me from having enough time to make predictions for the last show, but I'm now free of such obligations and able to turn my focus to more important matters.......[/I] QUICK PICKS: [B]PABLO RODRIQUEZ[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO [I]He's better than feuding with the Vampiric mid-carders and I think this feud is starting to run it's course. Pablo should get the win and then move onto focusing his efforts to getting back in with the title picture[/I] [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS CYCLONE [I]I don't think it needs to be said that Axxis Jr is one of SOTBPW's best workers. [/I] [B]MEXICAN BEAST, LOS FURY, AND TORQUE[/B] VS HUGO GARRIDO, MIGUEL MARQUEZ, AND CHARRON [I]My friend at work often uses the word whack to desribe something that is not very good, the team I tip to lose are a bucket full of whack. [/I] THE MACHINE VS DARK MAGIK, AND [B]MAGIK[/B] [I]Hard one to call but I think that Magik and Dark Magik will team up, to defeat The MACHINE...however this feud will be far from over and there will still be tension between the two long time rivals. This feud is beginning to look like a goofier version of the Styles- Daniels-Joe X-Division feud in TNA during the back end of 2005/Early 2006. [/I] JUNIOR YOUTH VS [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] [I]A hard fought match but Tempest will win out, as he prepares himself for another shot at Blood Raven's Campeon de Mexico title. [/I] [B]BLOOD RAVEN [/B]VS EL DIAMANTE AZUL [I]An easier test for the champion, in what will be a glorified squash. [/I]
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[B]PABLO RODRIQUEZ[/B] VS ENRIQUE MERINO He needs this to boost his momentum, hope to see him break into the title sceen soon. [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS CYCLONE Axxis jus totally reeks of awesomeness [B]MEXICAN BEAST, LOS FURY, AND TORQUE[/B] VS HUGO GARRIDO, MIGUEL MARQUEZ, AND CHARRON I've yet to hear you say anything good about the second team, so I doubt they'll win [B]THE MACHINE[/B] VS DARK MAGIK, AND MAGIK No better way to put someone over than by having them win a handicap match. JUNIOR YOUTH VS [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] Huzzah for the Mover from Vancouver! Good to see that he's working for you, he's such a great worker [B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS EL DIAMANTE AZUL gain momentum to make him look legit in his title defense
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[CENTER][B]Thursday Week 3 March 2007[/B][/CENTER] Sitting in my office I decided to go over the scheduled matches for tomorrow. Being the lowest on the todum pole I haven't really been included much on who wrestlers when so half the time the general public knows about a scheduled match before i do. Looking over the card I notcied one glaring flaw and I ran to Pablo's office to check it out. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I thought we were going to have Champagne Lover working tomorrow to help build up to next Sunday?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"We were there's been a change of plans."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"A change of plans? When I was going to hear about this?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"I didn't realize we needed you're approval to change the card."[/COLOR] Things were starting to get hostile and I can feel myself losing control, I tried to stay cool, but it wasn't working much. Me: "[COLOR="blue"]Look I realize you don't like me, and I realize you proably think I know nothing about this business, or this company. But I'm a part of the creative team too and believe it or not I really do care about how this company turns out."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"I choose not. Look Champagne had other arrangements that he cleared with me first."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"What kind of other arrangements?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"Champagne was asked to tour with BHOTWG this month, and he accepted."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"I don't understand why would you approve that? What if he gets injured? He's involved in one of the biggest feuds in the country, why would you risk that?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"Because he would've gone rather I cleared it or not, and had I not he may have gotten mad and left the company all together."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Ok fine, but let's talk about Blood Raven."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"Let's talk about Blood Raven!"[/COLOR] He was beginning to get defensive and I felt the blood in my vains start to boil. The last thing I needed was toget in a fight with the head booker, especially after the creative meeting earlier in the month. Me: [COLOR="blue"]"Look Blood Raven is one of the better talents on ur roster, but I get the feeling he doesn't give it his all. And I think it's because he works for WLW a few days before our show."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"So what you want me to tell him not to wrestle in Japan anymore?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="blue"]"No I want all of us to sit down with him and tell him how valuable he is to the company,then see if he'll work stickly for us for a slight pay increase."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"Why do you care?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I told you I want this company to succeed just as much as you do, and I think a good start would be to make sure our stars aren't fatigued before our shows."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"Fine... I'll talk to Jorge about the pay increase, but if he ok's it, you're the one leading the conversation."[/COLOR] I nodded then walked out of the office before my intensions could be questioned anymore. One thing was sure I had to convence Pablo and everyone else in SOTBPW that I wasn't just some American who came here to push our influences onto them. I was a fan of the company and didn't want to see them go under.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;222500]I'm with X I didn't like Piratto before hand but now I want to see him succeed and find his buried treasure.I still say you give him a first mate and a bowsen so he can go for the Trio's title.[/QUOTE] Also I may have missed it... but Pirrato seems to be lacking something essential... a parrot. Perhaps a talking parrot to really firm up his gimmick and assist during interviews.
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