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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. I look forward to release. Just remember, the first release is the easiest, it's all a pain in the behind after that - especially with keeping those numbers up to date every month so you can keep it the most accurate and depth filled data.
  2. The most obvious solution... and yet I didn't think of it Thanks, I shall do that. In other news, looks like I am going to have to redo WWC belts. There are 20 or so reigns not accounted for in the database for the Junior title. This will mean restarting the lineage again - adding an hour or 2 to the work I originally thought was needed. I haven't checked the other belts yet but hoping this is a one off error... otherwise... God help me because I hate doing title lineages! Whilst doing the lineages, it occurred to me that in 1992 the WWC was actually running under the Capitol Sports name still. I have changed the name of the company to Capitol Sports Promotions, with the World Wrestling Council name change coming into effect in May 1995 through the narratives. The World Wrestling Council is still an alliance for CSP & W*ING at the start.
  3. I made a decision on AAA. After going over it multiple times I've decided not to have the promotion open at the start, and they will open in May 1992. Several reasons for the decision but ultimately that was the outcome. I've been adding a few more people in and so far I've completed 90% of the rosters to a point I am happy with. I'm currently trying to work out what was on TV around that time - I think Superstars was the main show for WWF(E) and was about an hour or so long. I was a bit annoyed with myself as I moved all my images into the nGo pack and couldn't undo it so that has made me very angry as I cannot remember who I got to. I'm enjoying researching this time frame as this was 2 years after I started watching so only ever saw it from the Kayfabe WWF side.
  4. It's not my mod - I was merely giving my feedback on the promotion set up. I will say though, some times you're working on the big problems that some of the smaller updates slip through the net. I think landxx does these on their own so it is alot to keep updated for 1 person - we struggled on RWC when a few of us started keeping it up to date so it is very, very difficult to get everything in we wanted, and some silly things did slip through because we may have knocked it off the to do list by mistake. No drama from me, I personally have no vested interest in any current day real world mods.
  5. WWE is PG Rated Sports Entertainment. The editor says; "This is the traditional Western Sports Entertainment but done with an eye toward a younger audience. It's dumbed down and sanitised, but as a result has a fairly wide appeal and is very sponsor-friendly." Which would be WWE. Episodic Entertainment is; "Designed to be attractive for binge-watching TV viewers, strong characters and storylines are just as important as the matches. The whole thing has a sports entertainment vibe to it." (ie Lucha Underground would be Episodic Lucha Libre, HUSTLE would be Episodic Entertainment). That is just my thoughts on it.
  6. I used Topaz labs Gigapixel AI, DeNoise AI & Sharpen AI. Just zooming in gave a horrible blurry image. Using those 3 programs I was able to get a semi-decent close up.
  7. Jokey held both titles this year. She was the Insane Championship Wrestling Women's champion until March 2020 (under the name Aivil) before vacating the title. I'm almost certain she hasn't held the Italian Championship Wrestling Women's title since vacating that belt in January 2020 so should not hold either belt.
  8. Unsure if you found a Sick Boy with Blonde hair, but here is one I cleaned up myself from an image I found if it is any good. It was the best I could get it given the size and quality I found. Original Image
  9. I use the programs from Topaz Labs (Mainly Gigapixel and a couple of others). You can fix most pictures unless they are too far degraded. Some people are near impossible to find any pictures of, you make do with what you have a lot of the time. Even with the price it cost me in software, there are still pictures that just cannot be improved, or can be but still don't look much better than the original source images.
  10. Here is what I am doing with the pictures - it is going to be near impossible to get through the entire nGo pack (I have roughly 21,000 pictures or more which will take me I'd say 6 months to a year to tidy them all up in this way). Instead I will tidy up those I am using, remove any pictures from the pack I am not, and release the pack standalone that way. Example: nGo version My "Clean Up"
  11. Another quick update - I will be releasing a more streamlined picture pack for this at next release. It will use the same nGo/MSP/SAMPP format of being generic, with a 4x4 black border around the picture but I have found whilst doing the 1992 mod that I am adding or updating to better quality for about 90% of the workers. What that means is this, it will still work with the nGo/SAMPP combination, however, you will miss pictures for any new/updated workers - BUT I will include a separate picture pack for those who prefer using the nGo pack with just the improved/new pictures to add to your own packs. I am going to try and redo all the pictures Joe Murphy had done that I put in this pack so the mod doesn't "profit" from the work Joe put into those (I honestly can't remember all the pictures I put into my folder). Also; * Added Pantera Surena (CMLL) * Added El Hijo Del Solitario (CMLL) * Added Vicky Carranza (CMLL) * Added Sultan Gargola (CMLL) * Added Medico Asesino Jr. (CMLL) * Added El Supremo II (CMLL) * Added Los Supremos Tag Team (CMLL) * Added Acute Sae (Yet to Debut) * Added Ace Austin (Yet to Debut) * Added Ace Romero (Yet to Debut) * Added Adam Jacobs (Yet to Debut) * Updated the CMLL Women's division * Realised I had Volador & Super Parka as duplicates. Deleted Super Parka and added to the original Voladors alter egos (only in use after he reaches 40). * Added Trios team Los Intocables (CMLL) - Masakre, Pierroth Jr. & Jaque Mate * Renamed Konnan to Konnan El Barbaro in CMLL as that was the name he was using at this point. * Using my own Locations/Venues file * Removed Flying Dragon (Duplicate of Ali Aslan)
  12. Sorry. Previous response was in the wrong thread! I believe someone was working on a 2016 mod but unsure if it ever released. I was tempted myself to do one.
  13. Looking forward to the next release. Looks like a ton of work has gone into it.
  14. If the mandatory owner is employed elsewhere, the company won't open. The only way the company can open is if that person is unemployed on the date it is supposed to open. Hope that helps.
  15. <p>A few things I have fixed so far this morning for the next release of the 1992 mod - not a big list, but a couple of hours put in...</p><p> </p><p> * Reworked AJW rosters (Stamina & Experience the main focus)</p><p> * Fixed an issue where some yet to debut workers were starting retired (oversight from the import process)</p><p> * Jimmy Snuka removed from ECW (He didn't appear there until April 1992).</p><p> * Removed Gordon Scozzari's AWF. Gordon himself said by 1992 he'd lost interest due to a personal tragedy. I have kept the Puerto Rican version in.</p><p> * Added Bobby Jay to the data (WFWA) - <span style="color:#FF0000;">*New Picture</span></p><p> * Added India Sioux 0</p><p> * Added Monsther II - <span style="color:#FF0000;">* New Picture</span></p><p> * Added Ulises Jr. - <span style="color:#FF0000;">*New Picture</span></p><p> * Added Desastre Total Ultraviolento (DTU) to open in 2007</p><p> * Added Dantes Lucha Factory to open in 2009 - <span style="color:#FF0000;">*New Logo Picture</span></p><p> * The Monsther default name changed to Hombre Bala (Monsther didn't exist until 2001)</p><p> * Added Blood Relationships (Hombre Bala Dinastia)</p><p> * Added Blood Relationships (India Sioux 0 Dinastia)</p><p> * Added Married Relationship (Hombre Bala & India Sioux 0)</p><p> * Set Rey Bucanero Mask to Weak (He didn't lose the mask until 1999 so should be masked) - <span style="color:#FF0000;">*Updated and improved the masked picture in the pack</span></p><p> * Flying Kid Ichihara renamed Akihito Ichihara in his FMW contract. Removed from CMLL (as he did not appear there until March 1993 in a one off as Ultrataro)</p><p> * Tony Salazar set to Occasional Wrestler. He was not retired in 1992 and was using the name Ulises in CMLL. He fully retired around 1993. - <span style="color:#FF0000;">*New Picture of Ulises gimmick</span></p><p> * Added Blood Relationships between Salazar and the Alvarado families.</p>
  16. Thank you for these. I will add them on to my to do list. I must admit, I've only briefly looked over Japan with not much depth so that is extremely helpful to me.
  17. Chronicles 1992: Very Rough Draft Release Built from justtxyank's Eye of the Storm 1992 mod, which (with the exception of WCW Lives), was the mod I played most on TEW 2016. Now, I have built this a lot towards how I like to play so there will be a couple of differences that I've highlighted in the data editor notepad but nothing that would really take you out of the game. I cannot stress enough that this is not complete and I have a lot more I intend to do (especially in Mexico, Japan & UK) but I thought (seeing as it is playable) people may be able to let me know how it plays and where I could improve certain parts. You will need both the nGo and SAMPP picture packs for this because I had no intention of releasing it so used what I wanted and honestly, reassigning 4000+ pictures just isn't happening! I have also included a small update pack for nGo (few missing pics and a few improved pics). Data - Download Here Small Picture Update - Download Here
  18. <p>Seeing as the general consensus is that organic bio's are preferred, I've stopped doing custom one's. This should cut the work down a lot. I'm going to finish employment histories for WWF workers before releasing a first draft of the mod.</p><p> </p><p> I have however made a bit of a balls up in that I've used an updated nGo pack that I've been adding to and fixing really bad pictures in (obviously I hadn't intended on releasing this back on TEW 2016 when I started updating it for my own use).</p><p> </p><p> Because of this, you will need both the nGo and SAMPP picture packs for this mod, as well as a small update pack that I will release with the mod.</p>
  19. I'm hoping to release the mod by the end of July. Completing the bios are just so boring and ridiculously time consuming that I will set the one's not yet done with organic bios and update over time. My priority now is getting this up together for a first release.
  20. He is in the pack (2 pics) YO-HEY and also YO-HEY_alt Here they are though for ease.
  21. Since leaving CHIKARA, Razerhawk & Danjerhawk are now going by the names Neowyng and Mach 10 (The.Air.Show). Unsure on their new looks at present though.
  22. I suggest downloading it and trying it yourself. I've been able to get a lot higher than 50's using TheWho's mods so couldn't really say. Balance was always key for RWC but it was never meant to be easy - however, most can get 80+ events with WWE if they are longtime players.
  23. Ophidian has stepped away from wrestling completely. He is probably done now due to mental health and injuries so might be worth setting him as out of the business.
  24. There is a Sleaze and Scumbag options under attributes (personality) I'd add one of those to Joey Ryan, Jack Gallagher, and David Starr for sure. Most need to have negative personalities to be honest that have been involved in these allegations (as well as the sleaze option). I'm unsure who else have been accused of things because once the lies started popping up, I stopped taking notice. I'd make Ospreay a bit of a jerk because that seems to be the general feeling about him (using his influence to not get people booked and then lie). Mike Quackenbush should also be made to be a Bully if not already done as people have backed claims he was a tool. I think one worker said he was a jerk, but not a predator so I'm likely to believe those who worked with the guy over "woke" fans spinning their own agenda. Sammy Guevara's comment was stupid and disgusting, but it was 4 years ago and he doesn't appear to have said anything as brainless since. In fact from all accounts he has been a decent human being for the most part. I'm not like the vast majority of Twittards that think 1 stupid comment defines a person. In the UK 16 is the legal age of consent so other than being creepy, anyone involved in that within the UK should not have law problems, again though, Sleazy (so Travis Banks, Marty Scurll etc...) Jimmy Havoc is just a complete and utter mess. Along with his drug usage, he should probably have a volatile type of personality (Troublemaker maybe). Sounds more like he's a violent A-hole with mental issues than a sexual predator. Tessa Blanchard should be given the Selfish attribute if it isn't already selected. I'm unsure what Velveteen Dream has been accused of, but from what I had gathered, he claims someone hacked his Social Media(?) Unsure if that is true or not so I'd wait until more information comes out on that one. I'd put a fair few of those who have been accused on hiatus for sure. I can't see Joey Ryan or David Starr getting booked any time soon. Not sure what scandal you would use as none of them really fit. Unfortunately, Twitter has a "Scorch the Earth" mentality when it comes to anything controversial and screw the consequences so it is hard to believe who did what to who on a lot of this. Too many people with an opinion shouting loudly rather than getting the facts straight first. Those are just my opinions on how I would handle personalities. At the end of the day, do what you think is right based on the info you gather. Jay Lethal is not going to get much better in real life so why would his potential be Random? The guy is 35 years old already with good stats, he is unlikely to improve so Very Low seems appropriate. If you can't play the game because of realism, I'd maybe find a new mod to play with.
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