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Posts posted by Taylor2020

  1. Another update - in terms of what I'm adjusting for 1.3, it's mainly the following:

    Adding more lineage/histories to titles + assigning starting-date champions for them as well (the lineage stuff resulted in debut/birth dates of some characters being changed as a result)
    Readjusting some names of workers (namely those from the Bleach promotion since there's a bunch whose official name spellings differ from what the 9000verse data gave them)
    Continuation of added relationships, tag teams and chemistry (Chikbot did point out a couple of missing things in there that otherwise shouldn't have been missing in terms of tag teams)
    Added more 'free pictures' for generated workers, adding more of the unassigned pictures in the folder to the database + a few I made myself from pictures I generated using NovelAI (if you downloaded the 1.2 version of the Pictures data, you'll probably already have noticed them)
    Redid the imported locations from D12345's Locations Extended data (the "City, State/Country" naming felt off when looking at the mid-save Game World, so I just reimported it and left the naming as is)
    Contract adjustments such as 'contract began' dates, etc., + a few more characters added onto MHSX's roster due to its Estimated Roster still being less than optimal
    Used the "Apply Valid Agers" in case there were agers that would've been skipped over from me moving the starting date ahead

    And plenty more! No new workers or companies yet, I'll save that for the next major update which may be a while off from now.
    V1.3 is coming within a few days, or whenever I feel like I've patched up enough for now.

    • Like 2
  2. v1.3 might not be a very major update, mostly just fiddling with more of the workers to implement newer features, and a couple other things like implementing relationships/tag teams/chemistry that were oddly not there.

    Updating a mod isn't exactly simple in this game since there's so much, especially when it's based on a mod converted over from a couple games back.

    Whenever I manage to have a major update, that update might be the moment where I jump to "v2" with the numbering. Don't know how long the 'beta' labeling might stick around though.

  3. 2 hours ago, TOTKingNothing said:

    I have also been privately working on lots of updates to the Over9000verse since 2010, and like you I updated to January 2010 as the start date.

    Most majorly, I split Marvel and DC into two separate companies, built Final Fantasy 7 as it's own independent show in canada, updated many DBZ and DBSuper characters, and build the entire World of Warcraft franchise in as a major top 5 in the world company. As well as many odds and ends characters I added along with pictures for them. I don't know if you're interested in any of that for this but I'd be willing to offer it in.

    I'm likely to take things with my version a step at a time, but I'm open to take a look at your version, see what of your additions tickles my fancy enough for me to do something similar.

  4. An update after two months of nothing: in terms of 1.3, there were a couple of changes thus far, mainly continuing to add teams, chemistry and relationships, as well as the addition of new Free Pictures. However, I kinda took a bit of a break from working on it not long after the release of the 1.2 update.

    In terms of the project as a whole, I'm split between continuing to gradually update with the 9000verse world as is, or going towards making the scenario into something with more of its own identity, implementing a lot of promotion changes as well as more modern stuff outright. I'm kinda leaning towards just continuing on the course I've been on for the past few months of doing this, since trying to turn it into something more of an alternate-universe scenario would probably require a lot more thought put into it than I would be able to prepare for.

    Again, I'm very much open to help from others - I might even consider shopping around the WIP files for the database so that others can add more onto it themselves (so long as it doesn't mess up the balance, that is).

    Then again, I dunno. Let's see how 2023 turns out for all of us.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, WillowHardy said:

    Are you gonna add the League of Legends company in the future?

    Honestly I don't know much about LoL and haven't really ever been interested in it, so a full-on company is probably very unlikely. At best, I'll probably include a few of the popular characters that I do recognize from it, like Jinx and Ahri, but that would probably be it unless things change.

    • Like 1
  6. Quote

    It's been been fun checking out what had been added in this database but why is Paul Heyman's mic skills so low in this? as i was expecting him to have atleast 80 in microphone or charisma.

    NGL I didn't realize that when I was adding him into the database - I'll admit, some of the added real-world characters' data sets were based off of janS's War of the Immortals, so it might've been because of that.


    Also any chances of characters from Timesplitters or Rumble Roses getting into the database at some point?

    Rumble Roses, most definitely, at some point. Timesplitters... I'm not as knowledgeable about that franchise as I am for Rumble Roses, but maybe a few characters in there like how the database has a few select characters from games like Uncharted, Metal Slug, Gears of War, etc.

  7. 25 minutes ago, clppy605 said:

    Started up a new game and noticed that Angela Thompson was missing any announcer skills. Did a bit more digging and discovered quite a few people are missing the skill despite being assigned the role.


    And since I was curious I did the same with Referees who were missing their stat. Thankfully it was only two.

    Last thing I looked at was the experience skill since it was looking a bit all over the place. The main thing I looked for was Road Agents missing any experience (when they probably should) or people had been active for at least a few years.

    I have no idea if it was like that in the old version of the database or a result of the conversions over to 2020, but I figured I should pass these along. Also made a few stable logos for the expanded CFC list since I like to have those filled out. Nothing for the NintenDOOM faction for now – the idea I had for it wasn't working out as I liked.

    The Experience stuff was most definitely a conversion thing since TEW2020 introduced it IIRC. As for the announcer/referee stuff, that was a mixture of me messing up a little bit with newer workers and simply not noticing some of what wasn't fixed in the original version.

    Thanks for the stable logos too, btw~

    • Like 1
  8. First things first, thanks to y'all for finding the time to check this mod out (mainly Chikbot since they noticed a couple things that I failed to notice on the initial release).

    As for other things - there will be a new update available within the next couple weeks (either at the end of October or beginning of November); ngl, most of my struggles with the next update came from what was going on with one of the dev companies in the game (see this post), but there's further updates in a whole lot of other places (the patch notes of which will be available on the 'whiteboard' of the main editor), including new workers and, in turn, new pictures in some of the picture folders so there'll also be an updated file for the pictures as well.

    Another new thing of note - I actually made custom loading screens! Here's one I did:


    Mainly the screens use artwork from games, anime, comics, etc., but there will be a couple more loading screens that look similar to the above and some other kinds of screens, too. Big ups to VBigB for the custom loading screen template I used.

    See you some time soon!

    • Like 4
  9. 16 hours ago, TigerClawTV said:

    Is that what that is? I have seen that available for download before. I'll have to check it out.

    I've been working on an updated version of it - admittedly I haven't really touched much of the stuff in it relating to the GDS community since I'm not really well-versed in the stuff that went on around here a decade before.

    • Like 1
  10. On 9/22/2022 at 7:17 PM, The Swanton825 said:

    IIRC there was a fantasy mod back in the day (I feel like it was an old version of DiabloX or the 9000-verse) that had the Grey Dog Syndicate and its hardcore rival promotion GDS SUX and both were filled top to bottom with forum members and in jokes.

    It was 9000verse.

  11. Can someone help me figure out how to get an AI-controlled company to not go nuts on hiring people? I've been working on updating a mod, and in every watcher-test I do of it, there's this one developmental company that, after about a month, just goes insane and hires like 30 people a month and doesn't stop, to the point where after over half a year simmed, they'd have hired over 200 workers (and then eventually released about half of them)

    I've tried planting some hiring rules on them in the mod in order to forcibly decrease the amount of potential workers (unemployed only, no foreign workers, etc.), and putting the owner's 'Roster Size' preference to 'Very Small' but in later watcher-sim tests, it seems like nothing changes.

    Again, note, this is not the main company of the developmental hiring these people, the dev company is doing this on their own, filling their roster with much more workers than what they're losing to recalls.

    Does anybody with more mod-making experience know what else could be done to solve this problem?

  12. I've been editing the data this past weekend since I have a few days off work, and NGL I'm thinking of eventually just shutting down the developmental companies that the Naruto and Bleach feds have - especially because for some reason the Naruto dev company has a real big problem with going on a hiring spree. On a watcher test-sim, after simming all the way to September, that company hired well over 200 workers, which is probably like multiple times the amount of the main UNS fed even after its few extra signees, and then latter had to fire about half that roster.

    Like, look at this.



    I don't really know a lot about Naruto so I dunno what Danzou Shimura is about aside from him clearly having a talent-hoarding problem.

    As a bonus, in other Naruto-related news within the same watcher save:

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Chikbot said:

    Just a thought, but if kept, the Kyoto Animation promotion definitely needs an update to reference the modern popular properties that have come out of the studio since the last time any major update to the 9000kverse like K-On!, Dragon Maid, Chuu2, Nichijou, Violet Evergarden and Free

    Yeah I've been thinking about that. I'm not super big on anime but I know I'll have to eventually incorporate more modern stuff.

    No new additions in terms of workers, companies, pictures and the like - this was focused on just making slight adjustments and fixes that were overlooked on the first release.

    Outdated version - refer to first post for an updated version

    Mike Haggar now an active wrestler again + more pop in America and Europe
    Officer Jessup had no active roles for some reason, now fixed
    Fixed a bit more of the stuff going on with the "MMA Fighter" attribute (such as it being on retired/very old workers)
    Some workers who 'never wrestle' were oddly set as Active Wrestlers, that's been fixed.
    Some 'Active Wrestlers' were given a proper in-ring role that they didn't initially have.
    Boosted experience on some of the older workers whose experience was oddly low for their age.
    Reduced the amount of workers labeled with "of ____"
    More modifications on popularity/regions for some workers (mostly in the European scene)
    More attributes
    Some of Ryu Ga Gotoku Puro's bigger talents got a slight pop boost (as one test-run showed no Major Stars on its roster)
    Pushed up the debut dates of some characters just for the hell of it
    Choi Bounge inexplicably wasn't a freelancer, unlike his partner Chang Koehan; this was fixed (thanks Chikbot)
    Some chemistry/relationships were connected to the wrong Vice (again thanks Chikbot)
    Similarly so with relationships and chemistry being connected to the wrong Raven (as you can tell, bit of a dilemma when it comes to different workers that share the same name)
    More tag teams added
    De-bloated the PlayStation and Xbox/PC stables in CFC and added a couple more that are themed on specific franchises (based on a screenshot Chikbot posted of their save where they did the same)

    More 'roster size' balancing
    More utilization of 'Hiring Rules'
    Moved Black Lagoon to Southern Mediterranean to not only give another region of Europe a company to hold onto, but also ensure Iberia is where the 'arcade fighters' mainly reside (real difficult to really determine a solid area due there being no European/Asian area in TEW2020 that accomodates Thailand)
    Tenshinhan (aka Tien) is no longer a potential 'Preferred' founder of United Front Grappling, I dunno if him being on an exclusive written deal with DBZ would cause problems with UFG's opening (which is set to a random date like all the other 'yet to open' companies). Also why was he listed there to begin with, I'm pretty sure I didn't do that myself.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Chikbot said:

    I very much like the sound of and support this idea.
    Also good to know about that, I'll troll through and see if there's anything else that's weird like that and report back to you. I love the 9000K verse and was saddened by it's abandonment, I'm not a modmaker by any means but I'm definitely willing to put my QA background to work and find little funny things like that if I see them.
    In the meantime for my CFC game, I just decided to destroy all of the big stables(only keeping the Nintendo Face and Heel stables,BATB Unit and RED/BLU because I felt they made more sense than any others) and made a few smaller groups. Ignore the last stable obviously as the RE characters aren't in CFC at the start


    Edit: Also on the subject of the SNK characters that have been added, Vice and Mature have no tag experience and neither does anyone within Team CYS, you'd figure these would be two /three/four teams already set already.  Also speaking of Vice, her relationships are set to the wrong Vice, since there's two Vices in the data, all of her relationships are set for the other Vice and not her.

    Yeah them's the breaks when you import over relationships for characters that share a name with another. Other SNK characters like Raiden and Angel wound up with similar issues that I fixed, but somehow I overlooked Vice.

    EDIT: Also worth noting that I took inspiration in what you were doing with the CFC stables in your save and made the AVALANCHE/Ninja Gaiden stables separate in the next update, but I kept the Sony and Microsoft teams for now (albeit much smaller due to separating the FF/NG characters into their own teams); again, credits to you in the update notes I put on the editor whiteboard.

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