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Everything posted by Teasenitryn

  1. You can import workers from a mod you have saved into the current savegame, so you could certainly have Tommy Cornell vs John Cena in WWE or SWF. You can also import companies, though I do not know if this imports the staff along with them (you can certainly do that separately if it doesn't, just takes more time). You go to options (the cogs icon third from the bottom on the left) and import data.
  2. That is an interesting take and it is coming across well, I really feel for Oonishi here, she needs a wakeup call along the line but as you say that is the case in so many relationships going wrong. I have the same problem with Otohime in the thunderverse joshi scene. She should be jobbing for the next three years fresh out of the dojos and all but she already has a gimmick with a lot of mystique (fashioned herself after a dragon of the same name) that it would be a shame to lose, she's probably going to end up being a preshow wonder for the first three years of my save while hopefully increasing her psychology and skills in general from it.
  3. Oh damn...Higa, sweetie, this is not how you treat a tag partner. I see Okubu got the 'and this is why you sell the kicks I pull' treatment.
  4. <p><strong>Simony Sentinel</strong> vs local competitor</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez</strong> vs Hana Ajibana / Ochiyo Iijima</p><p> </p><p> Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. <strong>Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder</strong> vs. Miwako Katsukawa / Eri Sato</p><p> </p><p> Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi / Connie Morris / Paige Croft vs. <strong>Otsune Tsumura / Machiko Matsuda / Kaede Sugiyama / Kinuye Mushashibo</strong></p><p> </p><p> Talia Quinzel vs. <strong>Yukiko Matsumara</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shiori Jippensha / Fuyuko Higa / Gemmei Oonishi</strong> vs. Megumi Nakajima / Yu Hashimoto / Maki Yoshifumi</p>
  5. Oooooh the prissy little run to mummy cowbag...someone needs to give her all she can eat on knuckle sarny (sandwich). Ronin vs. Leftenant Jennings Dionne Grimes [New Signing] vs. Svenja Schwartz Blue Ranger vs. Shinobi Carrie Cornwall vs. Countess w/High Executioner Lottie Lace vs. Assassin
  6. Nice scenes there, and yeah sometimes it is this guy hasn't harassed me like the other jerks, so here's hoping for Ted. Erin's dad is really bad at showing her she is about the one person he cares about, I am still waiting for the you got bought in truth bomb to drop, on the one hand he did that for her, on the other I still think that would annoy her more. Simony Sentinel vs. Erin Marcelin Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo vs. MAYA / Machiko Matsuda Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Hana Ajibana / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder Connie Morris vs. Ochiyo Iijima Shiori Jippensha / HEART Saitoh / Kaede Sugiyama / Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Megumi Nakajima / Lady Lotus / Monster Ishimura / Selina Svelte Unstoppable Tai / Toku Kijmuta vs. Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa 5SSW World Title V5 Defence: Yuma Maruya vs. ??? I don't think Erin gets the singles win if she is any other young newbie, it was a struggle because of her circumstances, how the rest of the girls take the truth whenever it comes out will at least partially depend on how humble she keeps herself before that point. I think that she doesn't expect special treatment means she will get treated like any other new gaijin until Alexander alters the deal and they seem hot on Simony. If the next character post is Alexander doing a little strongarming I am changing my pick. Usually I would say that the world title does not change hands on a tour match or against an unnamed opponent...but Yuma is pushing her luck, I can't shake the feeling that this is one too many.
  7. Thanks for the update and take your time, a project this large with the polish that has always come with the thunderverse needs a better mindset than the one recent events will have put many into. We’ll still be here if/when you’re ready to be.
  8. I kind of feel I owe Carrie an apology here, if I’d come here as a kid I would have almost certainly been the one that just got shushed for shouting, overly loud, that she’s just been out and was the leftenant person can’t anybody else see that.
  9. I am doing a run as AJJ to play some tverse in its current form and I will likely do so whenever a new mod drops. I want to see how goes the war between Lotus and Yamanoue-gun, if Twilight are still involved (and who has replaced them if not) and what those crazy Jorui-juku girls are up to.
  10. Goodness, I have seen the glitterbomb video, I would say poor Fuyuko but given she nearly beat up a fan on my own save...eeeeeh not so much with the sympathy.
  11. We are hit with a video montage of past AAA action throughout the promotion’s history, titles won, and lost, victory and defeat. The logo for Pretty Amazing flashes across the screen over the Women’s Network brand and we are LIVE! Jim Lou Freebush: Welcome fans to a live broadcast of Angel Athletic Association, what we have in store for tonight is Pretty Amazing! Grace Harper: He’s been waiting to say that all night. Catherine Quine: Moving right on! We have a lot of action to bring to you tonight so let’s get rig...what’s this? Demelza Wade, Nadia Snow and Cat Jemson waste no time in making their way to the ringside area, all holding microphones. Cat Jemson: Hold up, hold up, hold up, A-Lister bidness going on right here, right now. The AAA’s resident mean girls, the A-Listers, make their way to the announcer desk and look Ms Quine in the eye. Nadia Snow: So we got a flight to...here. Demezla Wade: Got through customs. Nadia Snow: And an over exuberant security guard who will be receiving a letter from my lawyers. Cat Jemson: And we find that not only are we not at the top of the card… Demelza Wade: We’re not ON the card. Catherine Quine stands, casually, to put herself at eye level with the A-Listers. Catherine Quine: I believe I made myself quite clear; we have no room for quote, unquote, prizefighters who only fight once a month, those days are done, ladies. You are all very talented, but you are not worth more than Jillian Jarvis or Eve Grunge or Alexis Lee Littlefeather or Steph Blake. Nadia Snow: That is where you are wrong, we are the A-List, we are the star power that is keeping Angel Athletic Association afloat. We… Catherine Quine: Are not fighting tonight. There is a tense standoff and a general twitching of muscles, but there is not much to be done in the face of Quine’s quiet resolve. Demelza Wade: In which case, we will see you at Strength of a Woman. We will be watching that...that B-List hack’s title match very closely in the meantime. Catherine Quine: Let me make myself clear, if you interfere in the Femme Fatale title match, you will never step foot in an AAA ring again. With that, the A-List stare her down before making their exit. Jim Lou Freebush: That was potentially a very combustible situation. Grace Harper: And for all that they backed down, I don’t think we have heard the end of this. Catherine Quine: We shall see what comes in time. Catherine Quine: That was a very good tagteam match to get us started, ultimately it was a matter of chemistry that saw Tracy Brendon and the Uprising through. Jim Lou Freebush: Next up we have Wendy Anderson and Emma Bitch looking to settle scores they have racked up over the last month. Grace Harper: Wendy is AAA’s Miss Reliable and having worked hard to even get onto the roster she will not be interested in making way for the Bitch. Catherine Quine: Wendy Anderson will feel vindicated here! Emma Bitch has long maintained that she does not belong in the same ring as her and Wendy kept her head in the game to overcome adversity! Grace Harper: Settle down, Quine, we all know she’s your girl. Jim, having been between these two before when they have bickered, wisely brought their attention to the music of Two Sweet. Jim Lou Freebush: People are already claiming that this could be a top contender eliminator, both Dark Times and Two Sweet will be watching the later tag title match closely and the winners could put themselves right at the front of the queue. Catherine Quine: The Queen of Hearts and Charity Sweet have quickly become one of the premier female tagteams in the world and they will be looking to prove that their victories since joining AAA together are sustainable form… Grace Harper: Rather than Flash in the Pan. My money always follows the Daughter of the Devil. After the match we cut to the backstage area where we see the Femme Fatale Champion, Eve Grunge, and Suzanne Brazzle. Suzanne Brazzle: I will watch your back tonight, Eve, god knows we need to keep the A-List away from that title. But I also will not wait forever. I do not have long left for one final run and I damn well intend to call time on my career a two time Femme Fatale Champion. Eve Grunge: I appreciate the backup and you know me, Suzanne, I do not duck anybody. Once I have seen through Jillian Jarvis, so far as I am concerned you deserve the next shot. We come back to the commentary desk. Jim Lou Freebush: It seems very clear that Grunge and Brazzle have a lot of respect for each other and they want this match to happen. Catherine Quine: Brazzle has done enough to be in the conversation but AAA does not just hand out title shots nor does the Champion call her own defences. Still, I am sure that a pathway to what they want may be laid out for them. Grace Harper: Also they can’t forget the A-List, they will not just allow that to happen. Jim Lou Freebush: You could say there is More Than Meets the Eye! There is a moment of silence on the announcer desk while both the colour commentators parse what Jim has just done and decide that they really don’t want to go into it and we are saved from more namedropping AAA monthly events by the music of Christy Higgins. Jim Lou Freebush: Amazing display, Christy should feel no shame coming out on the wrong end of that one! Grace Harper: Even so only one person gets her arm raised and tonight that is the Mistress of the DDT! Catherine Quine: Up next we have the first of three title defences, Luchadora Magnifico will take on the reigning defending SheBeasts! Jim Lou Freebush: And the Shebeasts achieve the second defence of the AA Tagteam Championships! Grace Harper: Up next we have Top Contender title action. Zoe Ammis has her work cut out for her as she faces Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Helene Svensson in triple threat action. Jim Lou Freebush: Helene has had a tumultuous road to get here, Lilly and Rose have been hellbent on proving that this company, in their words, is no place for Barbie dolls! Catherine Quine: Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Helene Svensson won their way into this match through beating Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose respectively. Catherine Quine: No! Svensson had that match dead to rights! Grace Harper: Well you’re the CEO, restart the match if you feel you must… Catherine Quine sighs. Jim Lou Freebush: As we all know there are no rules in a triple threat match but this leaves a bad taste in the mouth and this will be a very tough pill for Helene to swallow. I doubt we have heard the last of this. Grace Harper: All that matters is the record book, the record book says hashtag and still Top Contender’s Champion. Any further comment is cut off by the entrance music of one Jillian Jarvis. She made her way to the ring confident and razor focussed. Throughout the build she had warned Grunge that Grunge did not have the gas tank to face her, that she would take her into deep waters and drown her. Eve Grunge came out singing a track from her third album (her 'entrance music’ as always being not one song but whatever song she felt like promoting her other career with). In response to Jillian’s barbs Grunge told her that she didn’t go twenty plus minutes because no one could live with her past ten. Immediately on the bell the A-List dragged out the near lifeless form of Suzanne Brazzle. Cat Jemson: You said we couldn’t interfere in this poor display, but you said nothing about taking out the no-list trash. The A-List stand over Suzanne Brazzle’s prone form. Eve runs from the ring looking to prevent any further harm but she is exhausted and against three, the end result, a Snow Ball from Nadia Snow, was academic and on that we fade to black.
  12. Double Pink (Mystery Pink/Pinky Perez) vs. local competitors Otsune Tsumura vs. Erin Marcelin Lethal Strike (Thea Davis/Zofia Jankovic) vs. Ochiyo Iijima and Hana Ajibana 5SSW Triangle Title V3 Defense: MAYA © vs. Yukiko Matsumara vs. Lady Lotus 5SSW All-Asian Title V1 Defense: Maki Yoshifumi © vs. Rika Tsujimura 5SSW Tag Team Title V2 Defense: The Uprising (Talia Quinzel/Selina Svelte) © vs. The TermiNation (Unstoppable Tai/Toku Kijmuta) 5SSW World Title V4 Defense; Big Crush Battle Royale: Yuma Maruya © / Aud Valkyrie / Eve Grunge / Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi / Eri Sato / Miwako Katsukawa / Fuyuko Higa / Gemmei Oonishi / Kaede Sugiyama / Kinuye Mushashibo / Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa / HEART Saitoh / Machiko Matsuda / Megumi Nakajima / Monster Ishimura / Paige Croft / Shiori Jippensha / Yu Hashimoto So interesting question for me, the promoter is putting in what if plans in case Erin’s father alters the deal (pray he doesn’t alter it further), it was why I predicted her win whereas tour finale I think she’s still to pay her dues for that. The two things this will impact are the other gaijins, while they consider her one of us in terms of you look after your own might have more questions and maybe more significantly if she finds out, Erin seems the sort who wants to do this properly.
  13. Certainly I feel that. One of my options at dipping my toe into the dynasty water was a Thunderverse joshi fed, essentially their 5SSW with different names and faces but they were very helpful in scheduling what the general number of tour dates would be and I was looking at twelve a month in some cases. Outside of preferring what I went with in any case that struck me as a play it, don't write it project. Ouch those losses...here is hoping that the finances start to come good because there is only so long one can rely on a man's good favour.
  14. I am liking this so far. Honestly while it is somewhat realistic that there is little female representation in Britain (here's hoping a certain soon to be mother has inspired some folk over here along with a raging Scotsman or two) it is probably the thing keeping me away from a save in my own country. Of course there is a longterm challenge there if a player wants to set up a few dojos or a performance centre to begin feeding. And well damn poor Samba, she'll be back though and regrets are the basis of learning. Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing] Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding] Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing] Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings] Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer LoW British Championship Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz I kind of don't see how Svenja gets back into contention if she loses here but the bulk of the story is on the chase and she is the most seasoned in working that.
  15. <p>You can add another big time Pariah fan and a fan of how Strong and the women’s division as a whole is being pushed.</p><p> </p><p> USPW is a weird one for me because honestly I look at the likes of Pariah, Jillian Jarvis and Killer Krass and think I could easily push the button on integrating the rosters but then it kind of loses in the shuffle a lot of the rest or makes being top of the women’s division less of an achievement kind of like impact wrestling right now where Jordynne Grace and Taya Valkyrie are killing it, would kill it anywhere they go, but eh Blanchard is beating Bryan Cage.</p>
  16. Ooh dance dance to the tune of the piper and wait the day he comes to collect. I have been kind of lurking but this has been one of my favourites from the first post. Got to say I admire the work that goes into this, even booking a tour company let alone the write up adds up when you consider it is more than the one show a week model then everything else you do with it.
  17. Yeah I am happy to have a mod that AAA exists in though with the default database I can see where they were squeezed out by USPW among others. I am also digging having AAA with a weekly show, I need to write a few things down but being able to do more between the monthly events, let’s just say I have plans and leave it at that
  18. I believe I got the mod on release of 2020 as a full purchase so yeah likely I am a good way behind in terms of updates made. I could very easily start afresh given I am not far in at all, I was focusing more on where I wanted certain story threads to go. What I will likely do is over time change one or two at a time with a more positive mood being reflected in (hopefully) AAA’s further success and exposure on the Women’s Network. It is certainly something that Quine is working on, getting these ladies working together who have been involved in varying degrees since before the television deal and how the mood is towards what they may see as opportunists coming back or buying in now there is something on the table so unless it proves to be detrimental right now it’s a story point that works. I will certainly be keeping an eye for when this comes out of beta because I will likely put it in a different named folder, have it for any new games and supposing this one still going see how close my own choices were to yours.
  19. Always happy to give feedback and certainly I get your position on mercenary. I don't know if it is a real issue yet, I'm one show in, but AAA is not a very upbeat lockeroom all in all. On a staff size of a little over thirty, fifteen are mercenary, one is a troublemaker (and she wasted zero time letting me know it nearly decking a fan, if she weren't tag champion...), one is a loner and I believe at least two are gloomy including the person in the superhero costume lol. Because I am doing a dynasty on AAA I will likely keep it as is unless it causes too much trouble, a little drama gives me stuff to write about after all, though it is something where throughout the dynasty I might change things where I wouldn't necessarily if I were just playing it for myself. I have to say the modding community is awesome, I am spoiled for choice. cverse default is nice, thunderverse have a ready for 2020 version of their 2016 setup, might look into a second dynasty when they release a new one, not even touched killing the business for real life shenanigans yet. AAA was always a federation I liked though so I've probably spent more time here if not playing then plotting. Oh to add on having read your losing to lower workers etc, I very much get that. I booked a triple threat with Svensson, Ammis and Littlefeather, not written it up on the dynasty yet but I had the champion retaining in part to advance the Svensson storyline with Liilly and Rose, Svennson was very unhappy until I booked keep her strong, Littlefeather was also unhappy but said nothing because Ammis looked like she was about to deck her, and this was losing to a champion, it was...interesting.
  20. <p>This is fab work all around.</p><p> </p><p> One question from an AAA perspective, was it a deliberate design decision that so many of the workers and staff have a mercenary personality? With some I understand it, such as Alexis Lee Littlefeather who was in line for a title run in QAW who have built her up where others might have been caught up on that she was a Babe of Sin City alumni, others it seems they either went to a bigger fed then came home when they were needed to try to push it to something bigger or they have come back to work behind the scenes.</p><p> </p><p> Not a complaint mind you though christ, five incidents, if one of them a wrestler's court, before my very first show...lol.</p>
  21. <p>I've just binge read through these and this is certainly a must follow for me, I have always very much liked the women's wrestling side of things and seeing my favourite feds in this database along with some new ones with a few wrestlers that I am also looking at using in a save or two makes for a good time. I am also all in on an alliance and crossbrand titles in general, I always felt it a shame that there was only the COTT making use of that.</p><p> </p><p> The only drawback for me will be trying not to come too close to copying the QAW stuff in my own game.</p>
  22. <p>This is my first dynasty and my first real run, figured I would share it. I used to efed a long time ago, so it feels like coming home in a way.</p><p> </p><p> So I have some segments to write up and work over the next three nights so if you guys want to do predictions you have until (likely) Sunday.</p><p> </p><p> Things to do!</p><p> </p><p> I will be looking to backwards book in a word doc the next three months or so so I can set up storylines so there may be a gap after this card is written up.</p><p> </p><p> Goodness, in my roster and staff of a little over thirty I have <strong>fifteen</strong> (I counted!) Mercenary personalities, also a couple gloomy and a loner. I have one upbeat lockeroom. I may, over time, change one or two mercenaries at a time to what they are in the default database.</p><p> </p><p> I am thinking of using Catherine Quine as an onscreen commissioner as well as color commentator, that will explain why she might miss a match if there is an injury she needs to deal with.</p><p> </p><p> This is my first run in cverse alt, are there any stars you would like to see signed? Especially tagteams given my last set of incidents. Any storylines you would like to see booked or current stars pushed? I will try to listen slightly more than certain real world federation owners. I am thinking of looking at a couple young joshi workers, no names yet, the one I wanted on cverse default is already with QAW and I don't want the USPW predatory practices reputation. Also I am thinking of importing Pariah and Spider Isako from default and, I am not sure where I stand with this ethically (please weigh in if you have a firmer idea) Otohime from the Thunderverse mod, a joshi that styles herself after a dragon would work quite well in American style sports entertainment and could be a foil for the new girls in Shrieking Harpy.</p>
  23. For years, Angel Athletic Association has been what I can only describe as a protest movement, as somewhere for women who want to do nothing more than show that they belong in this world. In a time where the biggest companies in the world valued women on their looks and their willingness to bare skin it was home and we were family. The fans clamoured for change, the big companies responded, evolved, smaller women's promotions all over the world began to spring up, Japan was still strong, Canada has a company with a well received integrated male and female roster. The reins of AAA fell to me, Catherine Quine. I looked at the wrestling landscape in America and...I had doubts, I had a dark night of the soul. There were so many opportunities available for women and so many more to open up, so many more glass ceilings to shatter and doors to kick open and here we were, the protest movement with nothing left to protest. So what are we? An alternative? We don't have the funds and exposure. A training ground for up and comers? Queens of American Wrestling are all about that and do it better. Angel Athletic Association no longer had a place, no longer had a purpose. We had won our battle and all we were now was a place that women who could do so much more elsewhere were not because of their loyalty. AAA was no longer the driving force for women's wrestling, AAA was getting in the way. It was time to step aside, to get out of the way. I had drafted my speech to the girls and the goodbye address and show to the fans, then the universe sent an intervention. I received a phonecall from the executives of the Women’s Network. They were looking to take advantage of the boom in female wrestling. They wanted a show that would appeal to their viewerbase and perhaps being in some of the men watching with their loved ones and maybe a few of their own accord and who better than the company that has been flying the flag for years. They bought in, my role went from sole owner to CEO. But they were clear in that they were taking a risk, they want something that will become big, that will draw the views, but they won’t pour money into something for nothing forever. We have seven years, to grow, to reach new people. To ensure that the women's revolution would not be a flash in the pan. This was too important to turn my back on. But can we do it? Can we be seen as a viable longterm product? Can we evolve from protest movement to alternative to leading name in the brand? It keeps me awake at night, with excitement, with doubt. The former is welcome, the former I need to be infectious, to take the locker room. The latter, the doubts, the worries, they are my burden alone to bear. And for two years I have borne it, the future is no more certain than it was then. We have five years. The revolution will be televised. --- Incidents galore! As I walked into the building there was an atmosphere. I sighed and looked towards Sherrie, “Give me the rundown.” Sherrie nodded, “Most of it is small fry. Jessie forgot to turn up to a meeting but she’s not even set to debut tonight, this was stuff for the Strength of a Woman. Pinky and Grace are pissing people off a bit with their attitude...we’re women, women bitch, especially when there is resentment over how some went to greener pastures then came back…” “Jesus Christ still this?” “I know, right? Tash was more interested in her phone than a lockeroom meeting, already dealt with that one, the beers are on her.” I smirked, the tradition of Wrestler’s Court still dealing with misdemeanours before I have to. “Then there was Fuyoko…” Oh Christ, I could tell that this one was going to be a headache, “Just tell me.” “A fan heckled her as she and Shiori came in and she ****ing got into it with them, I just about grappled her around the waist before they started throwing hands.” I couldn’t help but hold my head in my hands, this was all we needed. “It...was bad and could have been a lot worse.” Count to five, don’t overreact. “Ok, thank you, I’ll deal with it. When I am finished with Jessie do you want to take she, Harpy and Banshee to one side and go over their part in Strength of a Woman with them?” Sherrie nodded, “Sure thing.” I counted to five again for good measure then walked over to the group of girls as they were setting the ring up. Given that I did not go into the lockeroom any longer, this was as formal as I wanted it for most of what I had to do. “Gather around ladies.” I waited until I had their attention. “I don’t need to tell you that we have a lot more eyes on us than we used to. That is before we take social media into account. So I am hoping I do not need to say any of this again, we need to sharpen up.” I held a hand up to forestall any backchat, “After tonight I don’t want to hear about who went to SWF or USPW and came back, with the full blessing of management every step of the way I will point out, I don’t want to hear who came from QAW when we got a television deal. We are one roster fighting for one company and we need to start acting like it.” I looked towards Grace and Pinky especially, letting them know that at least a chunk of this was about them, with a look, that was all this needed. I walked away from the group angling towards Jessie as I did so I could quietly talk to her, “A word?” She followed me, pensive, I leaned against the wall in the corner of the room, “Sherrie got here early today for your benefit. Now I know Jessica and I know any student of hers would learn what we expect, she has the same values I do. An explanation please?” She sighed, outside of her costume she looked every bit the teenager she was, “My phone ran out of battery when i was asleep, I was relying on that to wake up.” I tapped her on the shoulder lightly, “I have an alarm clock if you need the spare, and a phone charger, you can come to me, or any one of us older folk, if you need anything, got that?” She nodded, “Now go have that meeting you missed.” She raised a ghost of a smile and went over to where the others were waiting for her. She, Banshee and Harpy were brand new from the dojos, Harpy and Banshee (neither of which gave me their real names...I suspect they ran away to the carny folk together, possibly to be together given their relationship, as much as they are damn good at it) from Cat’s Lair and Jessie, or Crimson Clare as she would go by on camera, from Jessica Bunny’s dojo the *sigh* Bunny Mansion. That was the easy one, and one I did not want to be pissed off for. “Fuyoko! My office, now.” I turned and walked to the small room, my posture showing that I expected compliance. I did not need to turn around to hear her following me. I let the door shut, I sat down. I glared at her as she did likewise, “What the hell do you think you were doing?” “She called me things you should not call a Japanese person, or a woman.” “Then you consider yourself doing your job as a heel and if they do more than that you let security deal with it.” “This would not happen in…” “No, this wouldn’t happen in Japan. The crowd here is different, they heckle, that’s what fans here do. Especially when someone they don’t like has a title. If you can say something back without losing your cool that’s also doing your job as a heel. You. Do. NOT lay hands on a fan or attempt to, do i make myself clear?” Fuyoko looked like she was downright smouldering and gave one sharp nod. “Your pay this month? Don’t expect it, we will be giving it to the fan and hoping they consider this settled. Get out.” As she opened the door I added, “You are on very thin ice. I have never had to blacklist someone but there is no suspension when our deal is on a handshake, there is not being used and there is being asked to not come back.” I let her show herself out. I was tempted to have the SheBeasts drop the titles tonight against my previous booking, hell I was tempted to throw her out now and vacate the titles, if it wasn’t the tag title, involving someone else, and if we didn’t treat our titles with more respect than thirty day reigns… Well this wasn’t getting things done. I walked out of the office, calling out as I did, “Showtime in ninety minutes girls, I need to go host the preshow.” --- The AAA logo flashes on the screen over that of the Women’s Network and we are live with the preshow for Pretty Amazing. The scene opens on Catherine Quine sat in a cozy studio room with Alicia Peters and Daisy Hawkins. Alicia Peters: Welcome wrestling fans to Angel Athletic Association’s live broadcast of Pretty Amazing. Daisy Hawkins: We have a new year and the ladies of AAA will be keen to start the year as they mean to go on. We are here with CEO Catherine Quine. Catherine Quine: Thank you ladies, and welcome AAA fans on the Women’s Network. Angel Athletic Association has proudly been bringing women’s wrestling since long before it was cool.” Catherine winks briefly at the camera, all frustrations from earlier in the evening not showing. Alicia Peters: Do you think you could run us through what to expect for tonight? Catherine Quine: Sure thing Alicia. Lora Washington, Simony Sentinel and Katherine Goodlooks will be taking on the team of Tracy Brenden and the Uprising, Talia Quinzel and Seline Svelte. Daisy Hawkins: Speaking of Lora, how is Miss Liberty? Catherine Quine: She is doing well and feeling well in herself. She had a scan last week and the baby looks to be developing normally. More than that I don’t feel at liberty, excuse the pun, to say. Wendy Anderson and Emma Bitch have had more than one confrontation as of late and they will settle things in the ring tonight Daisy Hawkins: That should be interesting, Emma has a no nonsense attitude, how will she handle the quickness of Wendy Anderson? Catherine Quine: We’ll soon find out! Devil’s Daughter and Darkness Cat, Dark Times, will be taking on Two Sweet Danielle Sweetheart and Chastity Sweet. Alicia Peters: That could well be a match to watch out for in regards to the next challengers for the tagteam titles. Catherine Quine: Indeed it could, speaking of possibilities for title shots in the future, Christy Higgins will be challenging the Mistress of the DDT Steph Blake. Daisy Hawkins: Christy wants to be careful there, Steph can spike a woman’s head into the mat in so many different ways. Catherine Quine: That she can. In title action the SheBeasts, Fuyuko Higa and Shiro Jippensha, will be defending against the always exciting Luchadora Magnifico, Pinky Perez and Estrella Bianca. Alicia Peters: Rumours have been filtering in that as the SheBeasts entered the arena there was an altercation… Catherine Quine: That is being dealt with internally and I could not possibly comment upon that here. Alexis Lee Littlefeather will be looking to capitalise on a hot streak of form as she and Helene Svensson challenge Zoe Ammis for the Top Contender’s Championship. Daisy Hawkins: Helene has done well to get to where she is with Lilly and Rose making it a mission to make her life hell. Catherine Quine: And your main event will see Eve Grunge against Jillian Jarvis. Alicia Peters: Can you tell us why Jillian Javis has the shot insead of, say, one of the A-List or Suzanne Brazzle? Catherine Quine: it is simple, Jillian has been winning matches and putting herself out there. Anyone who thinks they should be in that spot, I have one thing to say. Impress me, give me no choice but to put you there, that is how this has always been done. With that being said, we should be nearly ready for the first match, I need to head to ringside.
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