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Everything posted by Teasenitryn

  1. That definitely paints a picture lol. I likely wouldn’t do a save here like i was thinking possible just because it’s the other side of the line i had in the fed i thought this might be similar to, though i do like how well thought out it is and it certainly looks like you have something for everyone. Just seen Broken Jeff and Brother Matthew further up, i see what you did there lol
  2. I'm here for this, interested to see where it goes.
  3. QAW is where I spent the week with the beta and I am happy to see this going. The state of the women's scene the default data (and then the total disparity in numbers in the free pictures) always makes me dislike staying in the original data for too long, I always wind up with an expanded or an alt or another verse all together through mods, but I am always happy to follow how Hesketh is doing in diaries and I remember lurking in yours for a while last time around.
  4. I just put together a mix of the original data and the women's revolution mod that Historian converted and started off the joshi sans ring circus fed in it with Kit Hatayama as the owner so...yeah this is going to be an instant add for the sisters alone lol
  5. I'm not really into deathmatch feds but I kinda want to be that booker lol.
  6. Definitely going to keep an eye on this. The two nepos I would mostly have in mind have been taken whether by original data (Ms Strong) or a women's expansion pack for the last game (Ms. Keith). The only one I could really think of is a daughter for the figurehead of this verse, Cornell, or maybe make use of the diversity additions, as someone else (I believe Alpha, come to that) said Tommy Jr could easily have been Tammy whether biologically or through transition, with that in mind Tommy Jr could have a twin or younger sibling whether trans or cis female. Other than that, maybe another Quinne or someone taking over the legacy of the original AAA owners? Someone asked in a discord group and I'd probably give the same answer here I did there, the 5SSW magic 3 plus one for Kit Hatoyama (though given I was part of that convo I know there is already something in the works elsewhere for them if that matters).
  7. I like the start to this and will be keeping up with it. Kit is always the obvious one for me to start a new fed, she brings so many people in and usually it's maybe they will get picked up by 5SSW one day. I am doing my road to glory (and if it goes well a local to global) run with a Japanese joshi fed, might be a little different since I am doing it in the alt mod but regardless, very interested to see how this one goes outside of the story you have put together.
  8. Thank you for this and the upcoming old women's revolution characters, this makes the default data so much more playable for a lot of people outside of getting the alt or other world mods. I will likely be playing a lot of mods but bringing Ashley Keith (among others but she is the one that comes to mind) to CWA to feud or team with Lucy Stone-McFly makes that save a lot more appealing to keep in the rotation.
  9. That is something you could potentially get away with in this year's data, not saying it's the only way or the right way for most but I had a look through the roster and you have Pariah as a Star in perception, if you watched Impact in 2019 she would fill the Tessa Blanchard role nicely (without the heat or her deciding she was going to not work when the pandemic hit). I am not doing USPW because I don't want to be the $50,000,000 monolith (i'd prefer to try to get CWA onto Netstream to compete with them), but I know roughly how I would do it. I would have Pariah deal with her problems with the Triumvirate, there's three to six months in that, I'd have Rich Money win the top title in the meantime. When I am ready to make the switch I have Pariah pulled into a men's feud or potentially I go straight into the program that will make the biggest splash when making the switch to intergender, the FBI agent again outnumbered at every turn taking on the corrupt Big Money.
  10. Got it. I didn't play with big feds in the demo so while I am waiting for mods to be polished I am going to give CWA a go. First target for me is to work America to get pop in three areas so I can get onto Netstream, only way you're going to compete with a Reverie backed company and USPW needs bringing down a peg.
  11. A four year jump would have given time for that to have developed some. Charlotte and Becky debuted in 2015 (main roster that is), their triple threat Mania main event was 2019. Mind you that was with a huge crossover star and Becky having caught lightning in a bottle when she broke her nose. I think the frustration is that we are living in a world where the wrestling diversity has come along in leaps and bounds over the last ten years but cverse stays at the least a good five to ten behind it. I get the argument that the development would not have been there in that space of time but just like we didn't go into the pandemic in cverse lore things can be sped up, you would at least have expected SWF and TCW to have the beginnings of a women's division even if it is very basic we found gymnasts and sports stars and gave them rudimentary training while maybe some people who only really had DVDs in indy feds (for a real world example I knew of MsChif and Cheerleader Melissa long before any revolution) and so weren't known in the cverse world popped up. I had not factored in that CWA is among the big three so yeah we have that and USPW other than 5SSW and QAW but there is a very shallow talent pool to work with, though if the world does generate women faste rthan it used to and there are the free pictures for them that could go some small way towards it, Still like I said in the Ollie thread, Adam has given us a bigger sandbox even if he hasn't built more sandcastles in it, I know cverse alt has a conversion and there is another coming, NDVerse is being hyped and the last TEW had a women's revolution mod and such, there is an argument in should we have to rely on modders but the modders will be there and we will have fun with the game as a whole.
  12. I love that the sour sweets made their way into the locker room lol, that Amazon, he's such a cad Outside of that, nice write up overall and I like that we have a real feud heating up with Lone Wolf and Stefan, I'm interested to see where that one goes.
  13. I know this is going to be a hot take and i am in no way minimising people’s points of view, killing off one of the big names in Mexico was a choice, closing down the biggest women’s fed outside Japan in 2020 and giving nothing back then or in the next data set was a choice and if i were only going to play original data I’d be upset. But i also know that people are probably going to do expansions to import into the original data. I know that a crazy extended cverse alt mod has already been converted and is being polished and i know another is on the way. Maybe thunderverse will be converted, maybe it will be expanded on, maybe i have to do some work and convert my 2020 version for private use. NDverse is being hyped, Diablo with all that craziness is being converted, there’s real world stuff, and y’know i think Adam knows this too and he puts more into giving us a bigger sandbox than he puts into building sandcastles in it. There is an argument for should we have to rely on modders or being able to do things ourselves, and there is an argument for why do we have to lose things and get little comparable back in return, but i think there is also an argument for we know the state going in and there is so much fun to be had in what Adam has poured his time into, the game itself even if we need to mod it to our liking first as i will need to with the women’s scene.
  14. I think the problem comes in that if you want to do something about that without mods it's next to impossible. I tried to phoenix AAA in 2020 and I couldn't do it in the original data without raiding QAW at which point I might as well play QAW. I would absolutely agree with there are not many feds specifically for women in real world wrestling but there is an indy scene and there are women to fill it whether they go against each other or fight intergender matches, there is also representation of varying degrees in WWE, AEW and TNA (TNA has even had a female wrestler hold the male world title though they got burned with their choice to put that on). At the same time I also know there will be some fantastic mods out there and while there is a whole other debate on should it be down to modders to fill that gap the game is a huge leap forward on the last one and there is a lot of fun to be had in it.
  15. He is providing a valuable lesson in taking food you didn't see the origin of. The man is a visionary and a giver.
  16. I'll be honest, I get why the change was made, too easy to freestyle angle major success without them getting the better over anybody which really is what wrestling is about, tying it to a storyline is maybe a tad restrictive but again if this person isn't in a story, outside of things like Japanese feds where there's a much higher focus on matches why do I care. I am not criticising, I heavily used and abused freestyle angle myself. As for how I use it, I am still testing but as it stands any time there is a promo battle. If there is an attack and the forces were even, say three on three, success goes to each of the winning combatants over one each of the losing. If it is a three on one assault it goes to whoever the leader of that group is or who the focus of the story is but that I cap at minor because dude it's three on one, grow a set. Three way conflict leading to a three way dance? Someone will stand tall and someone will have takenthe worst of it, you could have someone with a success over one but then someone else has a success over them but unless the size of the success is different it's simpler to cut out the middle person who stays on neutral. If it is a fourway or other even number someone else might get a success over a different competitor. I don't tend to use major success but I am sure I will have a few swing back and forth in a high heat storyline. Essentially the difference is you can't make someone look good or bad in isolation now (though some personal growth moments might warrant it), you have to demonstrably be better than someone it matters to you right now that you are better than.
  17. Just to add another call for i would love to see this and Rockverse on the new game, though if not I’m not exactly getting rid of 20 either. I fell out of keeping tabs on the forum a while back until the new game was announced but this was one of my favourite mods just for what it added to the default data, never got to try out Rockverse but it also looks amazing
  18. I looked up this mod on the 20 section because somehow i missed this all through tew20 and got to say I’m looking forward to getting my hands on and keeping tabs on this one, just the set of characters you added in there last update there’s so many worlds i need to book wrestling in.
  19. I can't even remember how I found EWR it was that far back lol, I was very into efedding at the time and I know at some point my group were looking at booker programs that you could create characters in, some of them even wrote matches though it took more time to edit than to just write it in the first place, somewhere in my lycos/yahoo/whatever else search I will have found EWR. I do remember that I played as ROH and i lost one or both of three sets of tag champions to WWE so I kind of just never bothered booking the belt again so I can sympathise with COTT in this year's data. Since then I’ve had wrestling spirit 3, i must have had tew16 because i had that version’s thunderverse but that laptop went pop very quickly after, didn’t feel like paying for it again or going through licensing so my first real tew played was 20 and obviously I’m planning on getting 9.
  20. I am liking what I have seen so far and am definitely going to keep track of this one. I...might also have bought that autograph, come on, it was Jeff frickin Amazon.
  21. Karrg Cyanide and Trevor Feather Halloween Knight Deathwatch Beetle The Alien Fleet Kalliope Woodchuck Willing Guinea Pig because Booster Boy can add a noun, he still sucks
  22. They're Ronin! You really think they are going to follow something as arbitrary as rules or convention? But yeah I get the overall point, there are some fun ways around it
  23. Yeah the real world mods I struggle with because I get to booking and then it is all but how would he act or she wouldn't do that. Cverse (alts and expanded) and Tverse you don't have to worry about that. Looking down the list, I'd look at All Star Wrestling because I can see the inspiration there, then I am very into the women's wrestling scene so just looking at them I'd be looking at FLOW (possibly alongside Women's Revolution Wrestling to have both the rising stars and the establishment), IndyGirlz and All Joshi Pro initially, I would also have at least a quick look in at Diamond Dolls because that sounds like it's an attitude entertainment type product which I have had fun with in Lavelle's mod with Devil Women. I don't often do the Mexican region but I could also see myself doing Odd for the zaniness of it and Bell, especially with what you said about masked and unmasked being more of a thing.
  24. For me the fictional worlds and the cverse expansions are why I buy a new TEW and I can very much see myself sinking some hours into this one, I can already see some feds I want to get to know. I also adore the comic book style.
  25. Lavelle posted an update with Astil's help that looked into a lot of default data heights and weights which outside of he was looking into it for non original creations was the minimum i considered needed for my own taste to import people, though you would need to change bios of anyone you're using if you import them into original. Giving his QAW a go is also an option but if I am playing alt I tend to look at DW, AAA and IWW as well as the more fleshed out Japan scene, also that would need a different thread as his QAW looks different
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