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Posts posted by Arrows

  1. I'm happy that TNA was willing to really focus on the X-Division in this PPV. A year or two ago I don't think they would have been willing to book it like this, but I'm glad they were willing to risk it. The only people without ties to the X-Division on the card were Angle and Roode, and in both cases they lost to their (former) X-Division Opponent. I think it did a good job of putting over the importance of the X-Division and showing that the division is still meaningful.


    Not every match on the card was great by any means, but I like the message TNA is sending in being confident enough in their X-Division to run a PPV focused on them.




    Not to mention, the X-Division guys have proven it CAN work, which is huge. After all these years of "Old guy this, old guy that. Old guy wins this belt, old guy holds four belts." Bla bla bla.


    Not ONE old guy, except for Angle, was on this show, and Angle was what, midcard? This PPV is exactly what TNA needed to have happen, because now it's entirely possible to keep the focus on guys like these, which is where it should be.


    Oh. Latest I've heard says TNA is going to three hours. Guessing this'll mean we see more of these indy guys becoming a regular thing, with the X-Division getting an hour or so of the time throughout Impacts.


    Aries loses, none of this matters at all because the X-Division is put beneath everything again. Kinda feel like after last night, Destination X might be the third most important TNA PPV, behind BFG/Slammihoweveryoufnspellit.

  2. Type of man that grabs a better deal when he is free to do so? Ah well I don't see this what he did as big as a deal as people make it out to be and us only having heard ROH's side of the story. Thing is with guys like Williams there is so much talent and storylines going on atm where do you fit him in? Personally I would have both him and Kash return to tag scene and have them be occasional X wrestlers.


    And wait wasn't he free to negotiate with other companies? So technically if he signed the deal before the show didn't that cancel out his word agreement making a tv appearance ok? Ah well think its being way overblown.


    Before that expiration, an agreement was reached between Kenny and ROH management for an extension of that contract, with a provision to allow him to negotiate with any other promotions so that he could evaluate his options and any potential interest in him elsewhere. When that short extension concluded he would then be free to accept an offer elsewhere, or sign another long term contract with ROH.



    He was locked in, likely for a month, to give ROH time to have them drop the belts.

  3. I really want to see Dutt win this thing.


    My money's on King, given everything we now know. That'd be kinda disappointing though. Part of me really hopes he gets dropped to the bottom of the X-Division and jobs to everyone during his time in TNA, if this is the type of man he is.


    Ion's reckless, and has proven such. The push he got after what happened was absurd. The man does not deserve to be champion. That simple.


    Dutt's always been an incredible talent, and while I don't see him having a long run with the strap, he helped put over a lot of these X-Division guys, and he deserves a run of some sort.

  4. I don't fault Kenny for jumping to TNA, but if ROH's statement is truthful, I don't like the way he did so. But I have to ask: why on Earth would they put the titles on ANX if Kenny wasn't under an actual, written contract? Wasn't that the whole point of why they stopped pushing Generico...because he didn't want to sign a contract?


    When you combine this fiasco with the cancelled shows in the Carolinas and the fact that they stopped booking the Young Bucks and TJP presumably to save money, ROH's future is starting to look pretty murky to me.


    Hadn't heard about the Carolina shows being cancelled. Fascinating, given I live in NC, and was planning to attend the show. I can't grasp why they put the titles on ANX either, I guess they were trying to get him to sign by doing so, but that's never a good play. Never put the power in the wrestlers hands by giving them a title without a contract. ALWAYS ends badly.


    I find this interesting, given the discussion up the page. Gonna miss ROH if it passes on to the land of dead feds. There's nothing that'll take it's place. Maybe some rich guy'll decide to put Chikara on as a Saturday morning cartoon or some such nonsense and save us all from the death of good wrestling programming.

  5. ROH-Kenny King Update


    The appearance of ROH wrestler Kenny King on another television wrestling program tonight has raised speculation on his future as well as how this appearance could occur.


    The contract Kenny King signed in June 2011 expired 11 days ago. Before that expiration, an agreement was reached between Kenny and ROH management for an extension of that contract, with a provision to allow him to negotiate with any other promotions so that he could evaluate his options and any potential interest in him elsewhere. When that short extension concluded he would then be free to accept an offer elsewhere, or sign another long term contract with ROH. Under this agreement, Kenny was free to negotiate but not to wrestle for another organization without ROH's permission.


    When Kenny was presented with the written extension reflecting this verbal and handshake agreement, he informed ROH he was unsure if other promotions would accept the negotiation clause. He was told he could take the document to be examined by his attorney or other interested parties before executing it to be reassured any other offers would not be viewed as contract tampering. He also informed ROH that he would keep us apprised of any developments.


    He contacted ROH on Tuesday July 3 to inform us that he had a meeting in Orlando on Thursday, July 5, which was within the scope of the agreement he had made. Then, early morning on July 5, he contacted an ROH official to say he would be wrestling on the Orlando event that night. He was told he did not have permission to appear live on television as it violated the agreement that had been made. His response was that the deal he had shaken hands on and agreed to in principle "seemed fair at the time", but "others" had told him it was not, so he did not intend to honor it.


    Ring of Honor is disappointed that Kenny has chosen to make this decision, after the company had agreed to and followed through on everything he had asked for at the time of our negotiation. However, we consider this breach of his verbal agreement unacceptable, and regardless of his future employment status with any other wrestling company, ROH will not be doing business with Kenny King going forward.


    A statement from ROH will be forthcoming regarding the future of the ROH World Tag Team Championship. Co-holder Rhett Titus remains on the active ROH roster.










    Needless to say, not looking very good for ANX. Thoughts?:(

  6. I'm going to agree with Arrows about the MITB match. The whole appeal to it was that there could be someone cashing it in to win, that never has before. I mean, sure other's have been in there that has had the championship before, but making it a stipulation takes away from the whole match. Just not a fan of that decision.


    However, if next year they reverse it, and have only those that never have had a Main Event title able to get into it, that might lead to something.


    I can even see the value in one of each.


    But Smackdown can't be the lesser one, every time. People already don't care about the world title. It's MITB being devalued helps, none.

  7. Been saying that since he first popped up and most people laughed at me. The fact they throw him in the ring with the likes of Vader and Sid just goes to show that they recognize his ability to make others look good.


    Always hoped he'd get Matt's spot, since he came in about the time Matt was on his way out to go be an absolute joke in TNA. Slater's never gonna be a huge draw, but the man's gold when it comes to annoying fans, and I've yet to see someone in the ring with him that didn't come out looking strong.


    If the RAW MITB match wasn't for champions only (Worst idea, ever), Slater would've been one of the guys I'd have in there. Right now there's no one in that match to be weak and give everyone else some strong offense. Slater would've been the perfect guy to get tossed around by Cena, Show, and Kane. It hurts him none, and I think he'd be the type to take some solid bumps for the sake of the match.


    Of course, I'm also the guy that would've booked Ryder to win the MITB match this year, cash in after a Punk defense because the fans won't stop chanting Woo Woo Woo, with him being nervous about it still, and managing to be the first to lose. Could flip out, blame the fans for him losing his shot, and go on to be a decent heel. How many decent heels does WWE have? Bryan, and Show? Is Kane even a heel anymore? Ziggles is floundering. Del Rio's a bore. Need to spice things up some.

  8. Definitely digging AJ right now. It's actually been built over a long time slowly and is one of the few successful long-term angles in awhile. Is it "Summer of Punk" and the NXT angle? No. But it's led to Bryan and Punk working together on TV and PPVs ALL THE TIME which is friggin amazing for me personally.




    Heath Slater is making me giggle with his silliness.


    More angles with Alecia Fox in bikinis and Eve getting doused with fluids while wearing sheer white outfits please? Yes?


    Pretty much agree with all of this, and the AJ element of Bryan/Punk is pretty much the only reason the feud hasn't bombed. Both are amazing in the ring, but knowing the McMahon system of booking, this would've been god awful without her in there to spice things up a bit and keep people guessing.


    Slater's great. The guy'll never be more than a mid card act, but more mid card acts are sorely needed, especially if we ever want some of the current mid carders to be able to move on.


    Ryder needs to acknowledge his twitter following on the show, and interact with them. That'd increase his following as people try and get mentioned on actual RAW and Smackdown, instead of just on his stupid little internet show. Right now, he does nothing at all on the actual shows, because he has nothing to do.

  9. I think MITB is the first PPV I've looked forward to since Extreme Rules. It will definitely be worth watching.


    WWE Champ MITB - I actually want Cena to win this so that we can either revisit Punk/Cena or start Bryan/Cena. I just had a scenario in my head where:


    Cena wins MITB.

    Bryan defeats Punk.

    Cena cashes in right after Bryan wins.

    Bryan runs away and gets counted out.

    Bryan retains and Cena just wasted his MITB.

    Start Bryan/Cena feud into SS. Unfortunately, Cena probably wins at SS, but at least Bryan gets a shot at having a big feud.


    To me it would be a good way for the victim to counter the typical MITB cash-ins that occur at the most inconvenient times.


    I have no idea how the World Heavy MITB should turn out. I like that 5/6 of them are non-WHw champions. Most likely, it will be Rhodes winning, which I'm okay with.


    I don't know what other matches there are, but these three are enough to satisfy me. We'll probably get a solid tag match, and a filler diva segment.


    I don't like the RAW MITB, because none of the guys involved need the MITB to get a title shot. I get Show stepping into it, and I get Cena stepping into it, but making it ONLY for former champions kinda defeats the whole purpose of the entire thing. I agree on Cena winning, though I'd rather Miz, assuming he comes back and takes his place here. RAW MITB needs more talent. Miz and Mysterio could both help substantially.


    I like the plan for Bryan to win and run, but it won't happen. Pretty sure the idea right now is for Punk to hold the belt until at least after the new belt is debuted. He REALLY wants to be the one to do so. Of course, I guess that could happen at some point along the way through that plan, but I don't see him losing it immediately after debuting the new one.


    On the smackdown end, I'm gonna go with Rhodes winning, and holding onto it until the night he wins the IC title back from Christian, then cashing in to be be both IC and World champion.

  10. Yeah I hope they keep the tag belts for a bit because ROH has changed their tag team champions a little too much for my liking. I like longer title reigns but it seems like the tag belts have changed every other week (I know that is not the case.).


    Kings drop the belts to WGTT - April 1, 2011


    WGTT to Briscoes - December 23, 2011


    Briscoes to WGTT - May 12, 2012


    WGTT to ANX - June 24, 2012


    Might seem like more than it really has been because of the final two being a month apart, but even before these, the Kings held the belts just shy of a year.

  11. I think Moe the thing you have to look at is this company is MUCH different now than it was. Pro wrestling is different because the WWE changed it.


    We have all mentioned the countless start and stop pushes they have done over the years. Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, Ted, The Miz, Kane, Big Show, Sheamous, Henry, Umaga, CM Punk at one time (and maybe again some day), Jack Swagger, the list goes on of guys that have been pushed to the main event of the company or to the bring of it. Sheamous beat John Cena clean to win the WWE Championship. Months later he was mid card fodder.


    its clear that the company wants the COMPANY to be the brand not the workers. As far as they're concerned its WWE worker 1 and WWE worker 2. In fact I'm sure they would prefer that. "Irish WWE worker" "straight edge WWE worker" "Hispanic WWE worker" "gothic WWE worker", etc.


    Is CM Punk really going to get pushed to the top of the company. To John Cena levels of the company when he admitted on National television and elsewhere that he was more than happy to walk out on the company because he wasn't happy with the product. Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Batista, so many names they have pushed heavily and gotten over at a large expense to them and then they wake up one day and say "I'm gone".


    So why is John Cena on top? Because he's the greatest company man they have ever had. He does EXACTLY what he's told to he does whatever storyline is asked of him and oh by the way he's the exact look and style they want from their franchise company man. John Cena is the perfect WWE wrestler. He doesn't question, he doesn't speak up, the biggest controversy he's ever been involved in is a divorce in the seven years he's been on top. And oh by the way he's still young enough to get another ten years on top.


    THATS why John is pushed above all rest. Outside of Triple H if that entire locker room quit tommorow you know John Cena is showing up to work. The guy is as loyal to that comany as you can get without being related to Vince. So that above all else is why he's given the place he's given.


    CM Punk is not John Cena if things are crap he's going to speak up about it. He might be right but I'm not going to put a guy at the very top of my company who I know for a fact will walk out on me in a heart beat if things go badly for him. Who will speak his mind to the public about being unhappy. No the guy I want at the top of my company is a guy that does whatever I ask, whenever I ask it, he does it as well if not better than anyone and he never ever speaks out to anyone about it.


    Thats why John's on top. Call it whatever you want but its a business, its a company and its actually a smart way of running a company. There have been too many Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley's just up and leave after crazy money has been spent on promotion.


    I could go into the argument of "well then why not just have John as the champion forever" but I think its obvious the belt is just a prop at this point and John has transcended his need for the championship and just like every other championship they have they can use it to make someone else that needs it.


    Now, if he'd put in a little effort to have a character that's not complete garbage, he'd be amazing.

  12. I'll have to find pictures somewhere was it THAT obvious it was them? Maybe there were leaks before the show that it was going to be the. Kind of a strange idea really with ALL the tag teams out there indy and other wise they seem pretty far down on the scale of interest.


    Leaning towards it leaking/someone seeing them there pre-show and it getting around. It took no time at all for the fans to start on them.

  13. Did people during the show know it was the Headbangers or did news come out after the match? I can't see them lasting the chants will kill them I would imagine.


    The fans were chanting MOSH AND THRASHER during the opening part of the match, pre FIX THE ROPES chants. Best fans in the world there. They knew instantly.

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