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Posts posted by Arrows

  1. Got a good Hooters in your area that's not off the route to the interstate from the arena? If so, be out of the parking lot FAST and head straight there. If you beat the wrestlers there, there's a chance they'll let you in. Just don't make it terribly obvious what you're doing there.


    I know here in Greensboro, NC, they generally stop at the one on High Point Road. Is in the direct line back to the interstate, and the management will shut it down to the public so they're not bothered. If that happens to be the case there, get in good with management before they come back again, and maybe you can get in good enough to be welcomed in.

  2. Is Garrett Bischoff THAT bad? I don't know I've never seen the guy work the mic or wrestle but he can't be much worse than some of the other guys.


    I might be off base here but I think people don't like GB as they see it as another indy guy not getting a spot because GB is there. GB can't be any worse than Rob Terry I can't imagine.


    I used to be a big time Bischoff guy I thought the way he constructed things during the Nitro days giving away results, making sure he was on air when they were on commercial, he invented the over run, all brilliant things but these days I think he's mostly valuable as far as big business goes. He's got experiance running production and things of that nature.


    I've had no problems with Garrett so far. I get the annoyance in his push because of why he got it, but he's not the worst guy I've ever seen get pushed.

  3. WWE.com ranks WCW's 50 Greatest Superstars




    1. Sting

    2. Ric Flair

    3. "Hollywood" Hogan

    4. Goldberg

    5. Kevin Nash

    6. Diamond Dallas Page

    7. Lex Luger

    8. Booker T

    9. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    10. Scott Steiner

    11. Big Van Vader

    12. Scott Hall

    13. Dean Malenko

    14. "Psycho" Sid Vicious

    15. "Stunning" Steve Austin

    16. Ron Simmons

    17. Arn Anderson

    18. Eddie Guerrero

    19. The Giant

    20. Brian Pillman

    21. Rick Steiner

    22. Rey Mysterio

    23. Barry Windham

    24. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

    25. Eric Bischoff

    26. Rick Rude

    27. Chris Jericho

    28. Buff Bagwell

    29. Billy Kidman

    30. Raven

    31. The Great Muta

    32. Lance Storm

    33. Terry Funk

    34. Konnan

    35. Lord Steven Regal

    36. Ultimo Dragon

    37. Cactus Jack

    38. Michael "P.S." Hayes

    39. Curt Hennig

    40. Kevin Sullivan

    41. Bret "Hit Man" Hart

    42. Dustin Rhodes

    43. Saturn

    44. Bobby Eaton

    45. Kanyon

    46. Larry Zbyszko

    47. Meng

    48. Dennis Rodman

    49. Juventud Guerrera

    50. Jeff Jarrett


    Actually a really strong list. I'd balk more at Sid being as high as he is more than Austin's spot, especially when Bret Hart is all the way at 41, and is similarly better known for his WWE accomplishments. Yes, Sid had three runs in WCW, but one of them is mostly only notable for scissor-stabbing. The other is best known for a gruesome leg injury.


    I kind of wish they had Mongo McMichael on there with an asterisk- who could forget Mongo's epic feud with the Taskmaster or his matches with Bret Hart?


    A really strong list?:eek:


    Vader, at 11?

    Malenko at 13?

    Sid, Austin, and Bischoff shouldn't even be on the list to begin with, yet take 3 of the top 25.


    20. Brian Pillman

    21. Rick Steiner

    22. Rey Mysterio


    I won't even get into how stupid those 3 being in that order looks.

  4. It seems like a lot of companies have had problems running iPPV's. I have been to three Dragon Gate USA iPPV's and I have read online that every single one that I have gone to has had some sort of problems. Granted it was not to the extent of ROH's problems but they still did have problems. Maybe it is a combination of the people running it and the medium itself.





    I agree with you, that is a concept that I do not get. What they should do on the night of a PPV is either run a recap show, highlighting all the matches on the PPV or just show old matches from a couple of years ago. That way people do not miss what you are showing on TV. Really though they never show much on those shows that have a huge impact on the PPV.


    WWE.com has aired WWE PPVs for quite some time, haven't they? I've yet to hear about any colossal screw ups on their end. Can't be the internet if one company can do it right. The rest just aren't doing a good job.

  5. They still have talent. Maybe not as much as they did when Danielson, Punk, Joe etc. were all there at the same time, but they've still got plenty of talented guys capable of putting on great matches. The Richards/Elgin match is proof enough.


    Their awful production and frequent technical snafus make the company itself look hopelessly amateurish, though. They were obviously woefully unprepared for their first in-house iPPV, and I don't see how anyone can have any confidence in them right now. It's going to take at least two or three flawlessly-run iPPVs before I consider ordering another.


    Running the iPPV at a time when the TV show is not airing in any of their markets would be pretty hard to do, though. With as many different stations as they have, all airing the show at different times throughout the weekend, the iPPV is bound to conflict with at least some of them.


    Yeah. All the awesome talent anyone could want in the ring.


    Except, they get boring. Oh look! New flippy divey thingy!


    90% of the roster can go in the ring. FIVE people know how to make you care. Two might get lucky. Everyone not in those seven, might as well not even be there.


    The 7: Elgin(Has completely outshone Strong), Generico, Steen, Bennett, Rhino, Haas(The new attitude helps set him apart, tons), OReilly(the heel turn at Young Wolves lets him have a chance at grabbing a story)


    Everyone else is a talented, run of the mill, absolutely nothing special about their character, indy wrestler.

  6. wanted to watch Border Wars and I can't even pull up the ROH site...who did ROH piss off to get all this bad luck as of late?


    ROH is just a joke when it comes to 90% of it's operations. For all the greatness the companies managed to give the internet, no one in the office knows how to work the internet well enough to pull off an iPPV without a major flaw happening.


    Add on the fact that they were dumb enough to run an episode of the TV show at the same time the iPPV was on.


    If fan boys weren't fan boys from when ROH had talent, ROH would be nothing more than a laughing stock today.

  7. Very much so. I wish I could press a button and become a mark again myself. So much more enjoyable, by far.


    And now to something different: does anyone here actually think Booker T is a good color commentator? It baffles me how poor the guy is at it. Maybe it would help if he tried speaking words clearly for a change.


    He's better than Stevie Ray.


    That's about the only positive I have for him.

  8. See, to me, the only way to judge a good promo is look at the drawing power of a wrestler. Of course there are alot of factors that work into drawing power, I just see no other way to gauge good promo work beyond personal opinion other than to look at the money.


    Randy Orton, love him or hate him, is a major draw for the WWE and has been over the years. He's dropped to upper mid card but he's a guy who can be back in the main event picture at any moment. He's headlined wrestlemanias. Sold PPVs. Put butts in seats.


    With all due respect to Dean Ambrose, of whom I happen to be a big fan, he's just not at Orton's level yet. I see a ton of potential tho, Jaysin and I'm sure we agree he could be a big big part of the company in the future.


    But until he sells out big shows like Randy has, I'm giving Orton the nod for promo work. He simply has drawn more money with his promo work than Ambrose.


    Not hard to out draw someone with millions dumped behind you and 20 bucks in his corner.

  9. Who's not letting you have an opinion. I respect Arrows quiet a bit and anyone else who shares his opinion. Just disagree with it.




    Undertaker says 'sup


    I guess taking old WWE Brock into account I can see where you're coming from but I'm viewing this as a whole new character.


    haven't seen this discussed yet, but I loved the Zack Ryder inclusion in the Kane - Orton brawl. Nice touch.


    A character who can only take one shot in a match before he's completely screwed.

  10. I'm sorry I just don't see how it made him look weak. Cena had to smash him in the head with a steel chain before he could beat him, all other moves excluded. Lesar was demolishing Cena with his own hands, not weapons, and after those first elbow shots real or not I was genuinely afraid that Lesnar was gonna seriously hurt Cena on purpose.


    In my opinion they did book him to be an absolute beast, because it took Cena using a steel chain to the jaw and and AA to the steel steps to beat him, while Lesnar needed only his bare hands, because technically Lesnar had him beat with that F5 he hit while the ref was out.


    If you look at it strictly based on who won and who lost then you will obviously be upset, and more power to you if thats how you feel, and thats all you want to look at, but to me there is at least a little bit more to it that just winning and losing. Again I agree that the best option they could have used would have seen Brock winning, but the way they booked Cena to win is not, I repeat not the absolute worst way they could have done it, and making it out like it is just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.


    I have no problem with Cena winning the match. I just have a problem with Lesnar being completely destroyed by one punch with a chain. I've seen the man take FAR worse and not even be phased. I've seen a LOT of people take far worse and manage to kick out.


    Yet the baddest man the promotion's ever seen, can't take a shot.

  11. I think people are forgetting that UFC Brock Lesnar and WWE Brock Lesnar are not the same thing, Even if Brock does forget it himself sometimes judging by those elbows he was throwing at the begining of the Cena vs Lesnar match.


    It really makes no difference how badass Brock is in real life because in WWE he is just a character. I'd say he isn't acting much different than he does for real, but he is still more or less just playing a character. I would be willing to bet that if Brock hadn't been as successful in the UFC as he was there would be absolutely no mention of it by the WWE. The only reason they are even mentioning it now is because they want to make him seem more intimidating and menacing. While I agree it is useless to do that if they are just gonna have him lose in his first match back, I also see no real reason to flip out because of it either. It just seems people are so set on comparing Real life Brock Lesnar to WWE Character Brock Lesnar that they forget that in pro wrestling anybody can lose.


    They have the chance to book him to be an absolute beast. That's the way they were making him out to be. He could be unrealisticly beastly, like Cena is super human, if they wanted.




    The man they push as the baddest man in the promotion, can't take a shot. WHY? Of ALL the ways to book it. WHY make him look weak? What good comes out of ruining a month's build to being the legit threat?


    Why should anyone care about Brock now? He's just some jacked up wimp.

  12. Except not even close. Brock just has a glass jaw.


    I just, don't get it.


    You have the ability to make him look ANY way you want. So you job him in 3 moves? Why not actually make him look good? I thought we were finally over the "Cena beats everyone with the lamest moves ever and makes them all look like complete dog crap" booking WWE had going for so long.


    Right back to it now, and it ruined what was a solid PPV. 2 more minutes with Cena getting some kind of actual offense would've made all the difference in the world and not hurt anything.

  13. You would be crying like a baby after any ONE of these 3 things.


    And he didn't just lose to those 3 moves. He lost to those 3 moves AFTER exhausting himself for 15 minutes.


    The drop on his back was meh at best. You slug me in the face with a chain and yea, I'm going down.


    I'm NOT Brock Lesnar.


    The man can wrestle an EPIC match with Kurt, damn near kill himself, get back up and win the world title, but a chain shot, the weakest back bump ever, and a firemans takedown on some steps was enough to take him down after 15 minutes of him just utterly destroying someone?


    He's taken far worse and just smiled.

  14. As much as I hate agreeing with bigplaystew, I too think Rock vs. Cena was a great match due to storytelling and prestige. Not quite as good as CM Punk vs. Cena at MiTB last year, but still really good. Good wrestling to me is more than just athleticism and impressive moves, it's about storytelling.


    For being the "MOST IMPORTANT MATCH EVARS~!, Brock/Cena's already over shadowed it entirely. Rock/Cena was nothing amazing. It didn't even come close to Rock/Hogan in the ring, and that's laughable. Toss on an entire year of utter crap build up, and 'eh.

  15. I had no expectation that he would win. I was honestly fine with him losing, and shocked he'd even held onto the belt as long as he had. It's just the way it went down that upsets me.


    He'll probably fall out of the main event (though I imagine he'll have a rematch with Sheamus first), but I don't think they're going to bury him, no. It's easy to see where they can go with this: he blames AJ for everything, making him into an even bigger jerk. I think he'll be just fine in the long run.

    It's really just about having watched this guy for years, seeing him finally make it to the big stage, looking forward to seeing him wrestle on the biggest show of the year...only to be left feeling jipped two years straight.




    As a Daniel Bryan fan, I am absolutely sickened by the fact that yet again I got screwed out of watching him wrestle at Mania. He was a large portion of the reason WWE got a little of my money, and what'd I get in return?


    That bullshit.

  16. This reminds me of when Brock Lesnar quit WWE and people cried the blues. There was a ton of negativity, ranging from quiet resentment to raging fury, aimed at Brock for daring to walk out on wrestling. Wrestling fans have a horrible tendency to be all about what you've done for them lately and as soon as they're bored no longer giving a damn.


    Brock went about it horribly though. See: Goldberg vs. Brock.

  17. He's hardly the first to try. Off the top of my head, Hogan and Piper both tried to do the same thing. Rock just happened to succeed, while they didn't.


    Thank you!


    All this whining and complaining from Cena because Rocky went to hollywood, and all it's done is make Cena look like a joke. I honestly hope to god Rock comes out and makes it plain and simple. The ONLY reason John Cena is at RAW every monday night, is because his attempts to make a switch to movies, bombed.


    He's a god awful actor, and pretending to beat up half a dozen people while failing to make any of them look good in the process is all he can do.


    The Rock didn't sell out. The Rock got smart. Why kill himself in the ring? With the horrible things that have happened to so many wrestlers, why should Rock wrestle every week? Because Cena does? Because the fans want to see him?


    I wanna see the most entertaining man in the business, talking, and doing his thing, be it in the ring or in movies. Not laying in some box because he got hooked on some stuff that ended his life way too early.

  18. The way I see it, Rock winning clean is the ideal result. Cena trying to bounce back from (cleanly) losing the biggest match of his career would be the most interesting thing they've done with him in years. Of course, this would be dependent on WWE having at least a verbal commitment from Rock to do a rematch sometime down the road, because the story only works if Cena gets a chance to avenge his defeat.


    Rock's signed for next Mania. It's confirmed. Wether it'll be Cena or not, is anyone's guess, but they'll get another match out of him.

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