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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. Got a good Hooters in your area that's not off the route to the interstate from the arena? If so, be out of the parking lot FAST and head straight there. If you beat the wrestlers there, there's a chance they'll let you in. Just don't make it terribly obvious what you're doing there. I know here in Greensboro, NC, they generally stop at the one on High Point Road. Is in the direct line back to the interstate, and the management will shut it down to the public so they're not bothered. If that happens to be the case there, get in good with management before they come back again, and maybe you can get in good enough to be welcomed in.
  2. I've had no problems with Garrett so far. I get the annoyance in his push because of why he got it, but he's not the worst guy I've ever seen get pushed.
  3. A really strong list? Vader, at 11? Malenko at 13? Sid, Austin, and Bischoff shouldn't even be on the list to begin with, yet take 3 of the top 25. 20. Brian Pillman 21. Rick Steiner 22. Rey Mysterio I won't even get into how stupid those 3 being in that order looks.
  4. WWE.com has aired WWE PPVs for quite some time, haven't they? I've yet to hear about any colossal screw ups on their end. Can't be the internet if one company can do it right. The rest just aren't doing a good job.
  5. Yeah. All the awesome talent anyone could want in the ring. Except, they get boring. Oh look! New flippy divey thingy! 90% of the roster can go in the ring. FIVE people know how to make you care. Two might get lucky. Everyone not in those seven, might as well not even be there. The 7: Elgin(Has completely outshone Strong), Generico, Steen, Bennett, Rhino, Haas(The new attitude helps set him apart, tons), OReilly(the heel turn at Young Wolves lets him have a chance at grabbing a story) Everyone else is a talented, run of the mill, absolutely nothing special about their character, indy wrestler.
  6. ROH is just a joke when it comes to 90% of it's operations. For all the greatness the companies managed to give the internet, no one in the office knows how to work the internet well enough to pull off an iPPV without a major flaw happening. Add on the fact that they were dumb enough to run an episode of the TV show at the same time the iPPV was on. If fan boys weren't fan boys from when ROH had talent, ROH would be nothing more than a laughing stock today.
  7. He's better than Stevie Ray. That's about the only positive I have for him.
  8. Not hard to out draw someone with millions dumped behind you and 20 bucks in his corner.
  9. ANYONE who can't land one lucky shot, is a complete joke. No one can have ANY actual offense against Brock, or he has to be dead from the first 1-2 shots. So no good matches, at all? Yeah, great gimmick.
  10. A character who can only take one shot in a match before he's completely screwed.
  11. I have no problem with Cena winning the match. I just have a problem with Lesnar being completely destroyed by one punch with a chain. I've seen the man take FAR worse and not even be phased. I've seen a LOT of people take far worse and manage to kick out. Yet the baddest man the promotion's ever seen, can't take a shot.
  12. They have the chance to book him to be an absolute beast. That's the way they were making him out to be. He could be unrealisticly beastly, like Cena is super human, if they wanted. NOPE. The man they push as the baddest man in the promotion, can't take a shot. WHY? Of ALL the ways to book it. WHY make him look weak? What good comes out of ruining a month's build to being the legit threat? Why should anyone care about Brock now? He's just some jacked up wimp.
  13. I just, don't get it. You have the ability to make him look ANY way you want. So you job him in 3 moves? Why not actually make him look good? I thought we were finally over the "Cena beats everyone with the lamest moves ever and makes them all look like complete dog crap" booking WWE had going for so long. Right back to it now, and it ruined what was a solid PPV. 2 more minutes with Cena getting some kind of actual offense would've made all the difference in the world and not hurt anything.
  14. Still. Miz took more of a beating than Brock, and beat Cena. Miz is more of a bad ass than Brock. Need I say more?
  15. The drop on his back was meh at best. You slug me in the face with a chain and yea, I'm going down. I'm NOT Brock Lesnar. The man can wrestle an EPIC match with Kurt, damn near kill himself, get back up and win the world title, but a chain shot, the weakest back bump ever, and a firemans takedown on some steps was enough to take him down after 15 minutes of him just utterly destroying someone? He's taken far worse and just smiled.
  16. Brock lost to one chain shot, being dropped on his back during the arm bar on the steps, and a firemans takeover on the steps. A champ in his prime? A joke.
  17. For being the "MOST IMPORTANT MATCH EVARS~!, Brock/Cena's already over shadowed it entirely. Rock/Cena was nothing amazing. It didn't even come close to Rock/Hogan in the ring, and that's laughable. Toss on an entire year of utter crap build up, and 'eh.
  18. A YES! YES! YES! chant broke out during a Miami heat game. The same happened a while back at an ROH iPPV. WWE's travel schedule leads them to VA/Greensboro (FINALLY), indy crowd here in Greensboro who haven't had RAW in forever? Could be loud.
  19. THIS. As a Daniel Bryan fan, I am absolutely sickened by the fact that yet again I got screwed out of watching him wrestle at Mania. He was a large portion of the reason WWE got a little of my money, and what'd I get in return? That bullshit.
  20. Brock went about it horribly though. See: Goldberg vs. Brock.
  21. You can't blame the man for choosing his life and physical well being over performing for a bunch of people who'd turn on him in an instant. WWE's still home to the man. It's what made him. It's a huge part of who he is, and likely always will be a huge part of him. Doesn't mean he should be gone from his family most of the year and do serious damage to his body.
  22. Thank you! All this whining and complaining from Cena because Rocky went to hollywood, and all it's done is make Cena look like a joke. I honestly hope to god Rock comes out and makes it plain and simple. The ONLY reason John Cena is at RAW every monday night, is because his attempts to make a switch to movies, bombed. He's a god awful actor, and pretending to beat up half a dozen people while failing to make any of them look good in the process is all he can do. The Rock didn't sell out. The Rock got smart. Why kill himself in the ring? With the horrible things that have happened to so many wrestlers, why should Rock wrestle every week? Because Cena does? Because the fans want to see him? I wanna see the most entertaining man in the business, talking, and doing his thing, be it in the ring or in movies. Not laying in some box because he got hooked on some stuff that ended his life way too early.
  23. Rock's signed for next Mania. It's confirmed. Wether it'll be Cena or not, is anyone's guess, but they'll get another match out of him.
  24. If Rock's gonna hang around for a bit before vanishing until next Mania, having Ryder attack Cena, and someone else attack Rock, forcing the no contest, wouldn't be a terrible way to keep either from losing.
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