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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. I LIKE the current booking, for the most part. I am a wrestling fan again, right now. There's a few things I'm not fond of, like Trips deciding to rub his own ego more, but for the most part, very happy to be a wrestling fan.
  2. If Cena can't use the story to further his character and advance his career, then he doesn't deserve to be in the same ring with Rock.
  3. In Miami, Cena's not gonna be the face. Even if he was, a clean job against one of the best of all time, in his home town, at Mania, doesn't hurt.
  4. Ryder will cost Cena the match against Rock in Miami. Just saying. Cena, job cleanly? Nah.
  5. Wade came in running, and immediately hit the Cena wall. A wall he will never recover from. He'll always be the man who, with an army of SEVEN, accomplished nothing. Even when they beat the hell out of John Cena, he gave a thumbs up to the fans to completely screw the whole attack up and make no one give a crap because, hey, John'll be back next week at 100%. Any chance Wade had at ever being _anything_, died with that thumb going up. Everything after just further destroyed any chance at a great career.
  6. The ONLY man on the WWE roster the streak ending would've helped enough to be worth it is Bryan. Wade's NEVER going to be anything amazing. Cena ensured that. Miz doesn't need it. Alberto doesn't need it. Bryan's one of very few who could use it, and a massive over the top celebration, to really become that prick champ you just can't get rid of.
  7. Yeah, but a far over the hill wrestle once a year Undertaker vs. a past his prime wrestle twice a year Triple H in a PG Heck In A Cell match, isn't gonna be what people are envisioning. Brutality is gone. The cell means nothing. Big cage. Big whoop.
  8. Sheamus isn't bad ass though.The most he's accomplished since running away from a bunch of jobbers like a pansy, was winning the rumble. Otherwise, he's been beating up a jobber and was Mark Henry's punching bag to use to get over. How exactly is Sheamus in ANY way, a credible challenger for a world title, at Wrestle Mania? Any other PPV, fine. All the Bryan build up, to Sheamus, at Mania? Stupid.
  9. Since I saw this, I'll throw on my gripes about the situation, because this is the match I was calling for. Daniel Bryan beat The Big Show, Mark Henry, both of them together in a cage match, took out Orton, beat Sheamus by DQ, survived the f'n Elimination Chamber, and the great threat at the end of the road is.... Sheamus, Jinder Mahal's curtain jerking buddy. Who cares? Anyone? Does anyone, anywhere in the world, think Sheamus is more of a challenge than the Elimination Chamber? This is a serious downgrade, and when Bryan does the job it's gonna look really stupid. Taker should've won the rumble, and been in Sheamus' spot post chamber match, without the contact. The very idea that Taker chose Bryan for Mania would have EVERYONE mocking Bryan all the way through to Mania. Taker would need to put in absolutely zero work for this to go over huge. I can't even begin to imagine the celebration from Bryan if he managed to win, but that'd be the last time anyone could ever call him a joke champion. Something he still needs.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The one with the circle around it is obviously the fake, but I have no idea what the original sign says there?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The one with the circle is what was captured during the live MITB PPV.</p><p> </p><p> It's an advertisement for a gaming community.</p><p> </p><p> The other is the exact same moment, on the DVD release. The sign has been edited so that there's no HB visible, and is instead what seems like a black squigle circle box thingy.</p>
  11. <p><a href="http://usera.imagecave.com/CrashMcCloud/HBG%20Censored.png.jpg" rel="external nofollow">One of these things is not like the other...</a></p><p> </p><p> WWE: Editing Signs On DVD Releases:rolleyes:</p><p> </p><p> Note: NOT captured on my PC.</p>
  12. I tried to watch who I want, and his handicapped ass got crammed down my throat despite being way too old to be in the WWE in any serious role.
  13. Most of the young guys on the show have been crapped on their entire careers by the over-booking of John Cena. A squirrel juggling his nuts could outdraw most of them.
  14. Cause there's, yanno. People there I want to see and can't elsewhere. Obviously. Why don't you people stop making the same completely useless point?
  15. Can Pac even wrestle anymore? Pretty sure the Hep ended that career.
  16. Yea. Some old useless bum with a bad leg > the WWE Champion.
  17. The glass is far below half empty. WWE finally has a story where I'm intrigued and don't know what's going to happen, and they manage to screw it up entirely and put the spotlight on a feud we've seen 400 times, while the most talked about guy on the roster gives Trip's buddy some air time. Let's not forget Punk gets to carry Nash, while Cena, the LOSER, gets the run with Alberto.
  18. Yea. Punk's push is still intact. Now he gets to job to Nash. That's main event level, for sure.
  19. /nod. Were a couple of mistakes on his end. Being WAY too slow to get into position, mostly.
  20. There some "You must feel exactly the same way" rule I haven't seen before? Chikara's light hearted and fun for the family, while still providing glimpses of some solid wrestling. Been to the only show they've held close to where I live and loved it. Already got my front row seat for when they come back.
  21. He'll beat Del Rio for it in October, and wrestle jobbers until April. Won't even see Punk and the title at the same time until post-Mania.
  22. I honestly couldn't tell you the IWC's opinions. I quit reading sites aside from here about a year and a half ago. I'm just baffled by booking these days, which extends to TNA and ROH. The only place I follow at all that I can't really complain about is Chikara, and even the start of the BDK breakup makes me sad there, though all good things must come to an end. I just really hoped Punk would see a good legit title run from this. It was a good story. It's a shame his run got cut off at the legs after a month, especially since we know once John gets number 12 he's holding it until at least Mania. I'm emotionally invested in Punk more so than anyone else in the wrestling business.
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