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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. Show me Sting _starting_ one of those run ins or post match attacks. The only time I can recall Sting being involved in something someone else didn't start against him, he was coming to the rescue. They also didn't let Melina in. Had she tried to force her way in like Cena must've to be backstage for those assaults, she would've been arrested. Your point falls flat here. Wrestlers wrestle for a living. It's their job. It's how they pay the bills, and get food. In the land of kayfabe, it's a competitive sport where the better man makes the most monies and pays more bills and has better stuffs. Not two guys beating each other up cause they don't like each other. 90% of Sting's career. He is wrestling to make a living. Some big bad comes to try and end his career and disrupt his ability to make a living. He defends himself and stands up to them, proving that believing in yourself and not giving up can over come any odds. That, is heroic.
  2. Yeah. It's impossible! Except for the fact that the man they want to make Cena into, actually did it, 20 years ago, with relative ease. Guess that one doesn't count? How about Sting pre-96? He never did anything that'd be criminal. Always stood up to the bad guy. Never gave up the fight, no matter how badly he was getting beaten. If he'd had mic skills, he would've been WCW's Hogan. That doesn't count either, eh?
  3. That ogre's not shoved down kid's throats on a weekly basis as a role model. You're not told to be like him. You're not told to be like Batman. You've got Cena running around with the Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, garbage, trying to teach kids values, all the while he's just some common thug pansy with no values himself. Entirely different situation.
  4. When Cena was "fired", he showed up backstage and beat up the Nexus with help from a few other wrestlers. Try and walk backstage at a wrestling show, see how fast you're in a cop car.
  5. Children, don't. The silly little kids with the arm bands and idiotic t-shirts? They see what he does as "right". If I had a kid old enough to be influenced by it, I would've cut my tv off during that whole run.
  6. Punk NEEDS the title to not be just another nobody after tonight. If he can't walk out right the belt, he's got nothing.
  7. He was backstage, where non-staff aren't allowed, and even had help beating up defenseless former co-workers. If I did that, I'd be in prison.
  8. So it's okay to break the law, as long as you do so to keep a promise to someone?
  9. If they used this and managed to turn around and make the bigger villains look solid against him(no five move loses, even if it is after 20 minutes), it'd work a lot better than what they're doing now. Of course, I think Cena as a hero is an idiotic idea from the start. What kind of hero trespasses and assaults former co-workers for weeks? What kind of hero makes 'package' jokes about the villains? As a hero, he's teaching kids it's okay to break the law.
  10. Cena's so strong with the kiddies these days, I don't know if they could drop him down without a heel turn. Some losses wouldn't hurt his image at all. Tapping/losing I quit matches might, but heels cheating to win wouldn't.
  11. I only use merch sales because that seems to be the common point in the "Why Cena is God" topic. It just seems to me like Cena can't possibly get any more over. He can't possibly go up from where he is. He's Hogan. There's no where to go from there. It's time to USE this, and start bringing other guys up just a little bit. Instead, they use those guys to try and push Cena further by attempting to make him look even better. That's not gonna get them anything. Outside of this run with Punk, Cena's booking has been ineffective at best. Like Taker's streak. They've been looking for someone who deserves to end it, to give them that rub. It's time. The streak is not helping Taker any more. The man is a god. He can not go any higher. There's no point in continuing to try and keep it alive now, even if he still had a decade left in his career. It's doing no one any good at all. I guess you could say CM Punk's the man to end Cena's run, but that's yet to really be seen. Getting hopeful, but I've got a bad feeling this is going to wind up looking a lot like what he did to the Nexus(If the ROH invasion winds up true), where seven(five for ROH?) talents get completely buried so one guy gains, nothing.
  12. But these people's shirts would sell, quite a bit better, if not for every one of them endlessly jobbing to Cena. Every time WWE proves these guys aren't worth squat by having Cena destroy them in six moves, they crap on their merch sales in the process. Surely there's a better way to go about this.
  13. I just wanna know when I said Cena sucks. I actually like the guy.
  14. How exactly is it outlandish? I've had the same home phone for close to 16 years. If you take good enough care, and nothing of epic proportion happens to render cell phones useless? Sure, it could happen. Even if one breaks, you can always go buy another to be an instant replacement of the same value. There's no shopping mall for pro wrestlers that can instantly replace John Cena.
  15. I get the idea. I get the "He makes the most monies!" The difference between the iPhone and Cena? The iPhone WILL work tomorrow. Odds are, 20 years from now, an iPhone will still function. John Cena? Will not. In the wrestling business, you can not put all your eggs in one basket. He could have a career ending injury tomorrow, and they've buried everyone short of CM Punk. Who's gonna sell t-shirts next? No one else is even close BECAUSE of the Cena god push. This is where pushing five > pushing one. If ONE goes down, you still have four guys making you a decent profit. Not no one making you nothing.
  16. Pretty much everyone knew he was gonna lose, and even knew the two new members would be the reason for it. And yea, Hogan made it look like he was going to get defeated. That made the bad guys more hated, more feared, and made people want to see Hogan fight back that much more, because how dare that villain destroy Hulkamania and crush the dreams of so many kids. Cena, just...wins, with no danger whatsoever.
  17. Who KNEW beyond any doubt, Hulk Hogan would beat Andre? Who could ever predict the Austin/Rock wars, or any war they had with ANYONE else during that period? Sure, you could kinda see the booking, but there was no THIS is what's gonna happen. Fast forward. Cena is Hogan II. Same basic idea. Far worse heels. Same booking concept. How come EVERY match Cena's been in pre-MITB with the exception of his bout with Sheamus (Sheamus tried his hardest to hit that table, including pulling it down with him when he went to the floor. It wasn't a botch? Why'd he try so hard to break it?) has been glaringly obvious who'd win? Orton bashed his head in with a chair while he was handcuffed to a steel post, and never once during the entire beat down did anyone in the world go "Cena's gonna quit!" It's never gonna happen. Cena doesn't know how to even make it LOOK like it's going to happen. Then he turns around and makes it look like the beat down never happened six seconds later when he needs to do his moves because he doesn't know how to sell an injury AND do his moves at the same time. Cena isn't on their level, he's not even close.
  18. The fact that they killed off a great character just so they could kiss as$ and be politically correct says plenty about how idiotic this entire thing is. I have no problem with a new spidey, but every time I see someone think it's a good idea because it's politically correct and "Gives them something", I wanna shove em in front of a train.
  19. One match, in which both men botched stuff, might I add, doesn't make someone great. It's not the first GOOD match Cena's had. He just can't carry the noboby scrubs they throw him against each month to great. HUGE difference between having someone like CM Punk/Shawn Michaels to work with, and having someone like R Truth. Btw, third man(rumble winner) for BD/Punk at Mania? Evan Bourne.
  20. So they're being paid MILLIONS of dollars a year to _NOT_ be able to do their jobs in a way that put across the story they're trying to tell? Actors would be blacklisted for doing such a horrid job of making something look a certain way.
  21. You're missing the point. Cena DID his job. Sheamus botched his. Way to go completely the wrong way.
  22. Just seemed like after the Miz/Austin showdown, and the fact that the four cups out now are Cena, Rock, Miz, and Austin, they were heading in that direction. Seemed... logical? Miz has been on a downturn since this would've been a thought though, so I could see things being changed to the current major heel. Anything to make Punk look good is fine by me too.
  23. Was figuring Miz/Austin. Wouldn't mind seeing Austin/Punk though.
  24. There was a table set up outside the ring. Perfectly placed where Sheamus would have taken a fall into it had he gone off. Another perfectly placed for Cena(Safely, of course), in the ring. Cena took his bump. Sheamus seemed to botch his while up top. It was either set up to look like that was the finish, and Sheamus did a BRILLIANT act on a slip instead of actually slipping and missing the cue, or he botched it.
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