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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. With a table set up in perfect position and Sheamus seeming to slip, it's kinda suggested he was supposed to fall and blew the spot. Cena fell, it was too late for Sheamus to do so.
  2. Sheamus was supposedly set to fall through a table outside the ring as well, ending in another crappy ending.
  3. Only if you don't count the fact that that wasn't the intended ending.
  4. I've looked at Cena as burying people all around ever since the first Nexus attack. Guy gets taken OUT. Before he even makes it away from fan vision? Thumbs up. Way to blow the whole thing by having to be Super Cena still.
  5. Same goes for Punk at MITB. If he's ready to be part of the solution, my problems with Cena may be gone. If he goes back to being part of the problem though, WWE's going to fall right back into the same rut.
  6. This. It's like, sure, you hit me with every single move in your arsenal. I hit you with five dumb ones and you lose! Their ENTIRE move set and beating him down < 5 dumb moves. Makes everyone he wrestles look like complete jokes. Hogan pulled the exact same thing, but he pulled it against ESTABLISHED heels we WANTED to see Hogan finally take down, not jobbers thrown at him randomly because that's all there is.
  7. Cena makes EVERYONE he wrestles look bad. They can't withstand a punch, 3 shoulder blocks, and being gingerly laid on their back a time or two, but Cena can come back from 7 vs. 1 odds.
  8. John Cena is also making his reigns and holding the top spot during an era where there is ONE, top dog. The only other people you can fairly compare are Ric Flair, and Hulk Hogan. Didn't think Barrett main evented that many. Was thinking most weren't the top slot on the show, for some reason. Maybe because of the idiocy surrounding the entire thing. Cena being "forced to join the Nexus" made the entire Nexus look pathetic. The entire thing was booked to make Cena look like jesus and make sure every fan understood no one else is to be cared about. Same goes for his "Fired" period, where every 10 year old's role model repeatedly BROKE THE LAW. What a hero. Barrett never won anything for himself. He needed help at every turn and even that only worked 1 time in matches of any actual significance. Every other time he was on the losing end for no reason what so ever. Big, boring, roid monkey looks better as a heel than a face. Surprising.
  9. I don't get why people liked Batista/Cena. Batista whined and cried and complained week in and week out because he couldn't beat some pathetic chump. It made Batista look like a complete loser, and ruined any credibility he had.
  10. Barrett had Jericho. One of the greatest world champions? No. Main Eventing PPVs? No. He even got robbed of his title shot. Looking better than Cena? Never happened.
  11. Batista didn't need Cena to get over, especially not after his Smackdown wars with Taker. Sheamus won one worthwhile match against Cena which most call a fluke and still believe Sheamus was supposed to fall through a table outside the ring and a different ending was to happen. Wade and the entire Nexus were completely buried by Cena after coming in with some serious heat. They proceeded to NEVER accomplish anything except for putting over John Cena. The Miz was never put over by anyone. Everyone made him look like trash in the ring week in and week out despite him being their best hope for a huge heel at the time. His shining moment was winning _because_ of The Rock. Whoopie. Cena did, what, again?
  12. Christy Hemme is the most useless woman, ever. Someone should tape her mouth shut and get her off my tv.
  13. http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg739/scaled.php?tn=0&server=739&filename=w4yph.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640 When Cena took down the tool. Colt's face tells it all.
  14. Really don't think I should be in the scum catcher noms at all. My best two, DOTT I wasn't actually much good(I was right, however), but Wall had a lot to do with that. In Star Wars, right at everything that came from me in that thread, came from Outlaw through AIM at some point in time unless it was idiotic nonsense. Then it was likely mine.
  15. You had no chance of surviving that.
  16. Good. Gonna want my MVP spot after this.
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