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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. It would take something substantial to kill Punk for me. I won't go into my reasons because I look nuts enough without doing so. Wouldn't be surprised to see Punk/Austin. Just not counting on anything for certain with Austin yet. As was said, WWE needs Austin more than Austin needs WWE, so Punk's probably more likely than Miz at this point.
  2. It happened ON Raw, while Miz was champion. He was going to "give Austin one more match." And...okay, on the second. Missed that one.
  3. That was a solid match. Glad to see Wade not jobbing too. Odd to see Bryan losing. Seems like they need to start some build up for him, unless he's going to come into Mania a complete joke and pull some huge upset.
  4. Yea, but Punk can't complain. He's DONE THAT before. You can't complain when you get beat the way you won the belt the first time yourself.
  5. Punk had no idea Cena got screwed. His back was to the ropes. Never saw the foot.
  6. Punk lost. 1-2-3. Cena got screwed by Trips. Not even the same ocean.
  7. Come RAW tomorrow, who's got a claim to being screwed? Cena.
  8. No. He gets to job to Cena, who he can't beat. Then Cena gets to get his title back for the 12th!!!!!!! time.
  9. This was my first thought when I saw Del Rio. Hoping it goes this way so he's at least accomplished something he set out to do instead of just getting lucky.
  10. Who said anything at all about the NWA? Let's not forget Flair cheated a LOT to win. He rarely won clean. That whole point is entirely null and void. It just makes no sense for someone as talented as Punk to not be able to win a match cleanly, just because he's the "bad guy" but when he's the "good guy" his talent level multiplies to the point where he can win cleanly. That's not logical.
  11. I actually rarely watch RAW. I catch up on what I can, but I'm never home on monday night.
  12. Never said anything about the ROH formula. I just think it's stupid that the face always has to be better than the heel in the ring. No heel can ever be as talented as a face?
  13. 1. Why? So the face can always look better? That rule's idiotic. I know it's the rule, but it's a stupid rule. Punk can't beat Cena? Then why should anyone care? 2. It's not even that. You fire SEVERAL people, so you can use NASH? Pac and Hall gonna show up too? Usable talent down, so old guys with no use to the promotion at all can get a bigger paycheck. YAY! 3. Alberto Del Rio shouldn't be anywhere near the RAW main event. The guy's good in the ring, and I'll give him all the credit in the world for being entertaining, but whoopie. Rey vs. Alberto in the feud NOBODY gives a crap about. The FIRST time, it was decent. It got old. 4. YAY! So we get the same f'n feuds, again. Except now, Punk has no bargaining chip at all, Cena has a huge claim to everything, the title's being held by someone close to tied with Wade Barrett for most times claiming something and then failing epicly at it, and Rey's gonna job endlessly?
  14. When did I miss the explanation for why he was brought back? Kinda figured it was because he was the champ and it made them look stupid to let him walk with it.
  15. I never even said it buried him. Punk WALKED OUT with the belt. So that's just magically forgiven? It's ignored, completely, and they're not gonna tell him to take a long walk off a short pier for it? Why not? It makes NO sense to let him keep his job after that stunt.
  16. How so? That's proven: Punk can't win a match without help. They're more interested in investing in Kevin Nash, who will make it three weeks before sustaining a career ending knee injury. And the world title means absolutely nothing. That's four champions in two weeks, two of which are complete jokes on this roster and don't belong anywhere near that belt. Now we get Rey/Del Rio 4871659 which one person might care about outside of San Diego, and if Punk's not fired for his crap now that he's not champ the entire story looks stupid.
  17. And that's the single worst booking I've ever seen. Way to ruin it WWE.
  18. And Christian is officially the guy who can not get the job done. Never again will he be taken serious as a contender.
  19. Alright. Bids opening now for how many times it takes to break the Spanish Announce Table tonight.
  20. Made sense. Now it's not Beth/Nattie > Everyone Else match wise. They needed to put Kelly Kelly on somewhat even ground.
  21. Solid Diva's match. Had the ending figured, glad they went that way.
  22. If it was something in ANY way relevant to the event? Fine. Event theme song, wrestler's theme song, national anthem. Those don't bug me, but random songs that have NOTHING to do with anything?...Groan.
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