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Everything posted by Arrows

  1. Why do they constantly book crappy entertainers who fail EVERY single time?
  2. The Tough Enough introduction? Where Miz got in Austin's face and challenged him to a match and the tough enough noobs left the ring before Austin got 2 on 1d?
  3. So he puts over the corniest, least interesting person on RAW?
  4. Thus, why I didn't mention Swagger, and went with Miz, who's jobbing to Riley. Which, baffles me.
  5. Because you left him off, I'm gonna go with it. The Miz: Worked as hard as he possibly could. Got 100% better on the stick. Decent in ring worker. Solid by WWE standards. Fans were eating out of the palm of his hand. the AWFUL~! chant proved that. Got his push. YAY! CHAMPION! Insert John Cena. Where's Miz now? Oh. Losing to midcarders.
  6. The difference between everyone else's five moves and Cena's five moves: Everyone else: Uses the five moves to END the match. Cena: (Until recently) ONLY uses five moves the ENTIRE match.
  7. And that's why I take Tyson serious, and never did Lashley. Tyson was, yanno. Real.
  8. Every time Cena gets in the ring and beats someone in five moves, he does that to the other person. He knows 90% of the people he's wrestling are never going to be taken serious afterwards. The burial still happens. What's he gonna do, NOT bury Punk and get management pissed at him? Cena also doesn't have Kayfabe injuries. He instantly heals the second he hits a shoulder block. He even no sold a REAL f'n injury to show up months early and win the Royal Rumble.
  9. Agreed, all around. Now, let's stick em in a parking lot in their primes. Lashley'll be on the ground.
  10. You DO realize, Miz/Austin have the start to a feud set up, yea? The plan was for Miz vs. Austin, not Punk vs. Austin. Who says it's gonna be Punk's spot?
  11. Cena's doing a GREAT job with this feud. The promos these two have had with each other have been brilliant. I believed what I believe before Cena said it, but Cena's right.
  12. 6-1? Better than I figured he'd do. Thought he got off to a rockier start than that.
  13. If Tyson was a wrestler, I'd feel the same way I do about Lashley. Tyson beat people up. Tyson WAS the baddest man on the planet. Lashley beat...Umaga...in a wrestling match. Lashley also was NEVER going to win the WWE title. He might've won the World Title, but he was never going to win the WWE title, because, like you brought up, he's not white.
  14. Agreed. Entirely. Yeah, cause not doing anything for Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb. That's not slipping down the card. Cause after ALL that time doing nothing, you get to wrestle a guy who's not done anything in....how long? Oh boy! Let's not forget that's nowhere near a confirmed match by any means. It's okay though, cause that one match makes up for having your entire character wrecked again and then going back to doing nothing at all after that match.
  15. In the world of professional wrestling, with guys like Show, Taker, Kane, Cena, Batista, and an endless list more? Average. He also never completely dominated everything the way Tyson did. He won, what? The ECW title?
  16. Okay. Now, explain why they let Cena beat up the Nexus(And risk losing workers because of someone NOT under contract) weekly without breaking kayfabe.
  17. You can't help but take Tyson serious. Tyson could've LOOKED like a 10 year old girl, as long as he was still that powerful, you'd HAVE to take him serious. He was that dominant. Lashley was a fairly average guy. The pushes they gave the other main WWE guys also didn't completely devalue the ENTIRE roster. No one on RAW can be taken serious as a title contender except for Punk right now. They've booked them all to be miles beneath Cena.
  18. 1. I'm actually pretty satisfied with the current WWE product, minus the Tag division, and the fact that R-Truth and Kofi Kingston will NEVER hold the main title of the show they're on because of their race. Kills 2 of the uppercard guys before they even get started. 2. That quote, was my point. Cena'd JUST been "fired". Yet he was backstage. If they didn't LET him in, he broke the law. If ANYONE tried to be backstage without being welcomed, they'd be arrested, cause it's, illegal.
  19. To be fair, I mentioned pre-96 Sting. After the nWo, the rules changed entirely for Sting, and his hero character went the way of Batman. That said, the only memorable thing Sting did at the end was the Vampiro feud. Really thought Vampiro was on his way up during all of that. Wasn't that point where Hogan went face, and Sting was "Driving the hummer" or whatever idiocy they were thinking up? It's a bad time for me in wrestling history, to the point where I'd rather watch current Cena than WCW in 2000, so I try to fuzz it all out of my memory.
  20. Because they need to solidify Cena as the ONLY champ again, and that means Punk/Cena 2? I don't want Punk to get a god push. I don't like god pushes. I wouldn't even mind if Rey somehow got himself an upset win on RAW, or if Alberto showed up to take it tonight. You can't have Punk lose clean to Cena right now though. If he does, he has no claim to anything at all, and he vanishes into the mid card. and Mike Tyson WAS the baddest man on the planet. He would knock you out. Lashley, not so much.
  21. You completely overlook the part where all of that was brought on BY the Horsemen, BY Vader, BY every other heel he battled. Every time it was personal, it was because THEY decided to make it personal. Sting just fought through it to preserve himself and his way of making a living. Never saw Sting randomly beat up JJ either. That'd be a strike against my point, and I can't remember every single wrestling show ever, so I'll give ya that one. And Melina? WASN'T allowed backstage. Morrison was also jobbed out cleanly to a complete joke character they have no intentions of pushing because she showed up. Yea. She was welcome.
  22. To be fair, always saw Lashley as a joke. Ever since he spoke and his voice made him the least threatening man in the world, couldn't take him serious. That said, Lashley went on to do some stuff. Wasn't really the point I was making. It's like Cena said on RAW, if Punk loses, he failed. Everything he did all of this for? For nothing. All gone, if he can't prove himself tonight. Punk NEEDS this win to solidify himself and his cause as something more than "Villain of the month" material. If he loses, the push dies. The danger's gone. Cena's still god, and nothing can touch him. Cena only lost because of Vince, Punk's second rate, and why should he even be allowed to show up once he's not holding the belt hostage? That's his bargaining chip. It's what makes this whole dream reality of a storyline we're living through possible. If he loses, he's got nothing to bank on.
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