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Posts posted by shamelessposer

  1. -- Inaugural and reigning Wrestlicious Champion Glory (a/k/a Christie Ricci) posted the following message on her Facebook account after watching prospective WWE Diva AJ's match on Tuesday's episode of NXT: "I just saw a match on NXT. Obviously these girls are not trained! This girl, "AJ" went from a total dead sell to getting up, flipping her hair and beating the crap out of a dude! BRILLIANT! I have a good idea, WWE! Why don't you get Orton to sh*t in a bag, then through it in the ring... at least that would be interesting and more realistic. And just think.. next year this girl will be PWI's top wrestler!!!"





    It's funny because it's accurate. Except for that part about Orton's crap in a bag. I feel that it relies too much on rest holds.

  2. That being said you're right. All these people that say Orton's a huge richard or that Batista is a donkey or that Cena goes behind closed doors to hold people down. Two guys that have no love loss for a lot of people in the WWE come right out and say these guys are cool.


    It's weird you'd say that about Cena, because in my corner of the internet it's never even been up for discussion whether or not he's holding people down. In fact, it's been suggested that he's the reason the WWE is so high on Danielson right now.

  3. Agreed on that, but that really doesn't excuse kendrick or put the blame on the WWE.


    When your boss tells you, multiple times, to stop smoking pot or your going to be fired, you need to stop smoking pot or your going to get fired.


    Or at the very least, put some effort in for pete's sake. I know plenty of people who get baked all the time and pass their random piss tests. There's plenty of things on the net to help you with that, it's really not that hard.


    in fact, given what is known about the smoking habits of the E's stars and how little they fail the tests, I'd say Brain should have just asked around.


    Bottom line, Kendrick tossed up a giant middle finger to management, really no shock he got fired.


    Doesn't that seem just a little bit insane to you? Accepting that everyone does it and then firing whoever doesn't know the urine test secret handshake is an awful way to prevent any sort of substance abuse in a locker room.

  4. Meh, they never got any mic time when they were tag champs. It must have one of the most overlooked(By that I mean management basically ignored them) and useless titles reigns ever. Their reign consisted of throwaway matches. If they had the mic time and maybe some singles pushes along with it(think DX, the way they kinda took break to focus on singles work, obviously not ME level for them though) it could have been big then.


    Well, yeah, it wouldn't have been a big deal with the buildup they got. But we know the two are pretty great on the mic, are fantastic workers, and had the looks to draw in a female audience. It seems to me that it wouldn't have taken too much work to turn Kendrick and London into stars.

  5. The Brits haven't been bullies in just under two hundred years that I'm aware of.


    India and some gigantic chunks of Africa would disagree. British colonialism wasn't really brought to an end until... 1965? -ish? At the earliest.

  6. The union can be voted to be instantly created, but once created can not be destroyed. Not even by the very union it's self. Absolute power corrupts Absolutely. Like someone else said, they've long since outlived their usefulness and are a burden on industry.



  7. I agree with you, and with the people you quoted but...people who overrated Obama when he was elected (some still do) also grinds my gears.


    As one of those people who overrated him at the time, I agree with you. Like any politician, Obama wasn't quite the guy he seemed to be in the lead up to Election Day, but going off of his first year in office I'd probably rate him a solid six out of ten. Not quite the eight and a half I was hoping for, but he's done pretty well so far with the hand he's been dealt and, this far in, the country has not yet caught fire.

  8. Tea Partiers. Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh. Sarah Palin. All those people who are riding the "oh no we have a socialist/black/democrat president this is the end of america" hysteria wave and say the stupidest and most outrageous things. And then people believe them.


    I like you. Let's be friends.

  9. Then again, government schools teach subservience to the government. That's by design. There's a lot of literature on that too. We'll agree to disagree on unions for sure.


    To continue the "What grinds my gears" list:

    People using the word "public" when it should be "government."


    (i.e. such as with schools)


    This is a lack of understanding of vocabulary. "Private" means "owned by that guy over there." "Public" means "we all paid into it, so we all own a piece of it." "Government school" is a term used by bad, bad men who want to scare you.

  10. Unions are also the reasons a lot of states are going bankrupt. I think for the most part they have outlived their usefulness. Especially if you are required to join a union in order to work in a certain industry. They make EVERYTHING more expensive. You could have a booth at a trade show for $X, but if only unions are allowed to perform that work, it's exponentially higher.


    I won't spend much time on this, given the outcome of our last discussion post-election, but the fact of the matter is that as union membership shrinks, so does the middle class. As union membership shrinks, worker's rights violations become more common. Like many other topics, this is more complicated than you're making it out to be, and I'd encourage anyone reading the thread to research the topic themselves using unbiased sources.

  11. Um, guys? I'm, like, an anti-fan of South Park, but the censoring of Muhammad is the joke. They didn't start doing it until that whole Danish cartoon controversy. Having your gears ground over a censored Muhammad is sort of like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon and shouting "Daffy Duck isn't wearing pants! Why isn't he wearing pants?"
  12. This is my one politically-minded post to this thread.


    It's them schmucks that we have dreaded things like unions bleeh. Parasites on society.


    Unions are the reason we have a forty hour work week. Unions are the reason overtime exists as a concept. Unions are the reason you were in school at the age of ten instead of working in a mill. Unions are the reason the place you work has windows and fire exits. Unions are the reason clean and safe working environments exist. Unions brought about the end of the Gilded Age and helped to usher America into its most prosperous decades of existence.


    It's possible to argue that certain unions have too much power, or that reform is needed to prevent them from combating necessary change. But when you use the word "parasite" to disparage every union worker, you disrespect the hard-working men and women responsible for your quality of life today, and whose existence insulates you from having those freedoms taken away.


    The last thing I ask you to consider is those who have been the opponents of labor unions throughout history. I, for one, would not want to be associated with the jackboot or the burning cross. I have a feeling you don't want to either.

  13. I know I'm a page or so late, but is there an explanation as to why WWE are making every single event a specialised, concept event? I fail to see the point. I'd get a lot more excited if a Hell in a Cell match was spontaneously announced in the run-up to a Pay Per View, rather than knowing that I won't see one until a specific event.


    It is a strange thing. It's almost like they're making an active attempt to destroy the ability of trademark matches to draw money.

  14. While putting it together, there was certainly something very existential going on in my mind with the contentment of knowledge that no matter how "awesome" I made it, it would almost never get used. Kind of a one shot gimmick. Still I had fun making it.


    When TEW 2010 comes out, I promise you I will most certainly find a use for it. There's already an idea developing in my head for a promotion, with the gorilla representing lucha libre, the shark representing England, and the T-Rex being awesome.

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