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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. That was true.And it was actually surprising. But Fish got lots of help. I still think Rondo dominated enough during the second half of last season and the play-offs that it's no longer fair to doubt his credentials.
  2. Whatever. It's not like all he had was this one game. He completely dominated the Celtics playoff run and routinely overwhelmed the opposing PG to the point the Celtics' opponents had to rearrange their defense.
  3. To me that Chargers game just proves my point...San Diego is the exact opposite..lot's of first round type talent and big name fantasy players but they're sloppy and inconsistent. They lost because NE flat out outplayed them.
  4. Whether he wanted it or not, the fact that the Vikings traded away a 3rd round pick for a guy they dealt TWO WEEKS LATER is completely unfathomable. Awful move. No wonder Childress has lost that club.
  5. How so? Statistics? Because statistics are a lie in real world NFL terms. The Pats don't make many mistakes, they play hard, they don't get hit with penalties, they've drafted well so they're very deep...(and getting deeper with two 1's, two 2's, and two 3's next year) They're the best coached team in the NFL with a good young defense and one of the most reliable QBs in the league.
  6. Totally true. And it's not like being compared to a first ballot HOFer is a slam.
  7. In a lot of instances, it doesn't matter though. Even when teams back off him, he can still drive past defenders and create shots for Pierce and Allen. Even in the playoffs, he carried that team on his back because he ate up opposing PGs. On this team..right now..he's a top 5 PG in the league. When those two leave, that's when his lack of an outside shot is going to really hurt him. Until then, Rondo is a killer and the best player on that team.
  8. His wife died this past summer and all of his kids are moved out and in college. If anything, he might WANT to get away from the Carolina area.
  9. Absolutely. i *do* think it would work to have him or someone like him threaten to negotiate with the WWE, especially since the net loves running with those rumors too. And i actually might play with this concept in my diary to give it more form. I'm going to continue to wander off topic since I like the convo... I definitely agree that TNA has the chance to do more because they don't have as much to lose. And in a lot of ways, they WANT to be seen as the more risque product (making fun of the WWE's PG product is one of the few times i agree with them taking a shot at their competition). As for how you'd present a show: I have no idea if it would work because it goes against everything that's ever been done in pro wrestling. In a weird way, the fact that kayfabe existed makes it virtually impossible to ever just come out and admit it's all a work. The industry spent so much time trying to convince people they weren't fake that now it's just as hard to admit to people they are. Fans have this weird hang up about seeing wrestling as a TV show. I like your idea...it'd certainly make things easier... but you'd have to spend a lot of time changing the mentality of your fanbase though.
  10. Not at all...i really like the fake sports commission idea And free agency/contracts would work fine in any era if there were more managers. Again, taking AJ as a for instance, he could try to 're-negotiate' with Flair but where would he go? Actually I think both WWE and TNA have missed out on making their characters more relateable by treating their wrestlers more like modern athletes that fans are familiar with (contracts, free agency, signing periods, etc). As for keeping the kayfabe and real TNA separate: it's tougher with TNA imo because there's a much higher percentage of the "smart" fans that watch TNA. That' why they do so much of the "worked shoot/media fake-out" thing. not impossible..but you'd just need to spend a lot of time feeding fake stories to the rag-sheets and get your roster to live their gimmick as much as possible. And you'd still fail some of the time just because the real world (Hardy's trial, Angle's arrest, etc) would keep interfering.
  11. I actually agree..I think it's smart to use current events and issues, even if I don't think this is especially a good use in this case. The only problem is, How Far Do You Go? If you broach these serious subjects, don't you leave yourself open to some serious criticism if you aren't completely honest? For instance, can you really bring up the subject of drug use when Jeff Hardy is still facing charges and you have/had guys like Angle and Steiner on the roster with a history of serious drug issues? If you use 'concussions in sports' don't you have to address it every time you run an angle with overt violence or blood ...which is quite a lot in TNA's case. As for Rooney: free agency and contract negotiations would be interesting except where would a TNA free agent be threatening to leave to? Would TNA have the nads to run an angle where someone like AJ Styles threatens to go to WWE if he doesn't get a raise from Fourtune..(I'd actually be REALLY interested in something like that. Fake tweets. Vague interviews alluding to a company "up north." maybe even do a press conference one-on-one interview to spoof Lebron's "announcement" Might have to steal that for my diary. )
  12. I just don't think that it's a good way to turn Morgan. Over-all, it just made no sense. I'm glad Eric pointed out the hypocrisy, but in that case it's still sorta dumb....why not just work an angle that DOESN'T have a giant hole in the logic?
  13. I did miss that earlier in the show. Still..like you said..flimsy.. I think a simple "face-almost-wins-then-the-heels-rush-in-for-the-beatdown would've been fine.
  14. Meh. Steve signed a huge extension in 09. If he was really bothered by his situation he could've opted out then. And everyone thought the Suns were a lottery team last year and they ended up in the Western Finals. As for losing Amare? That offense turned guys like Leandro Barbosa and Boris Diaw into scoring machines ...if Hedo has anything at all left in the tank he'll be a great fit and Warrick and Frye will both be consistent double digit scorers by the end of the season. Continued improvement by Dragic and Childress.... Listen, they're not title contenders because they're front line is so small, but depending on the match-ups they could be back in the Western Finals as long as Nash and JRich stay healthy.
  15. I only caught the last 20 minutes and the last angle on Reaction, but I feel like we're watching two different shows... It made NO SENSE to me. I like Morgan. I love that he's getting a push. I don't even mind that they did the turn in one night since it was a reaction to an injury and TNA's taping schedule. But concussions in sports? REALLY?? This was a guy who's main storyline over the last few months involved him putting people "out of commission" by stomping their heads against a metal ring post. But now he's worried about head injuries in sports? And TNA watchers are ok with this? And also (and i know this is nitpicky) but why have JJ pick up the win there? Especially a clean win? It makes no sense. You already have a beatdown schedule by Fourtune after the match. So why not have them either A) run in after Morgan gets the duke or B) cause Morgan to lose through interference before jumping him? JJ winning served no purpose whatsoever. My opinion is colored by the fact that JJ is by far my least favorite major wrestling character of the last decade...but still...what did him winning do there? These are simple booking decisions that any goober playing TEW would avoid.
  16. It's probably due to injury. And it is deserved. But it's really REALLY out of nowhere and the storyline doesn't make sense, despite the fact that it's grounded in a "real" issue.
  17. Ahhhh..I see... No idea then. Because to me the video is totally a work so i don't see it signaling any change or any effect really other than - as I mentioned - more time with Hogan and Bischoff driving the storylines. Based on their buy-rates, I'm not sure it matters
  18. you don't need a .psd file to make changes. Since you've been here so long, you've no doubt run across the thousands and thousands of alt pictures that have been done on worker profile pics. You don't really think all those people have all those .psd files do you? It's an image. Stick your request in one of the request threads (for example: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=153103 ) and you should get some kind of feedback in a day or so.
  19. Those are all good moves as all three are fairly useless. TNA needs to cut dead weight. If it were me i wouldn't have even offered Young that...lotsa guys working the indys that would be better as comedy jobbers.
  20. You just spent the last few pages of this thread saying you LIKE the direction TNA is going and you LIKE the Immortals/Fourtune storyline...so who is this "we" you're speaking of? I don't think this "means" anything. They're going to do episode after where Hogan and Bischoff abuse their power and screw over the faces. There will be questions as to who is "really" with the good guys. At least a dozen major characters will turn. Mostly inexplicably. And 6months form now we'll be right back where we started. So.. status quo for the most part.
  21. There's a giant post at the very beginning of the thread where Reaper says requests are closed for the moment. since you're just asking for an alteration,youmight want to just post this request in one of the other graphics request threads and let someone besides Reaper do it.
  22. Jerry likes big names. Jerry likes to win. If he was able to put aside his ego to work with Bill Parcells, who wanted complete control of the roster, then I think he'd be able to work with either Gruden or Cowher since neither guy was ever really big on player personnel decisions being mandatory.
  23. I'm a Cowboys fans so last night was a downer on multiple levels. This has been a sloppy team that played with it's head in it's collective a** all season long. And that's been the case pretty much since Wade Phillips took over. The only bad part about last season is that winning a playoff game saved Wade and gave the appearance that this team was on the right track. They make tons of mental errors. They're weak along the offensive line and the defense is aging. Even their K is just so-so and their special teams is erratic. Romo going down pretty much ends the season. As someone else said, you spend the rest of the season getting your younger players in line (and they do have lots of talent at the skill positions). You overhaul the O-Line. You get rid of Wade and probably Jason Garrett and you go get Bill Cowher or Gruden and you correct the disciplinary problems that have plagued this team since Parcells left.
  24. Gator...you have like 7 QBs don't you? And starting Ryan Fitzpatrick has been a pretty good idea recently.
  25. You're making vast generalizations about everyone on this board based on most net fans. Read through this discussion and tell me where people are freaking out for some hotshot angle or one isolated incident of bad booking. This is months (in some cases years ) of examples of people putting up with bad storytelling before they change their mind. Any person who sits there and watches a show even if the storytelling has sucked for MONTHS then they're an idiot. It's not your obligation to watch any show if it's bad for an extended period.
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