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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. When you think about it, that can be appealing. Not knowing how much is legit or how much is a red herring - guess if you wanna know you gotta tune in - that's the idea anyway, though most just hate on it and act like they actually saw what they are hating on lol...which is a whole other topic of first hand hate or second hand sheep.


    Bubba? You know we're talking about Bubba's radio show right?

  2. One on Pro Wrestling Insider which imo is the least unreliable source around. The band on thin ice was during a Bubba radio interview with Hogan. If he was shooting it seems Dixie and Spike really dislike them and Hogan dislikes Hall but he wants to bring real closure to the NWO storyline in TNA. I heard the show on Youtube ill see if I can dig it up.


    Here is part one of three Peter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLz-9VwOgw


    Hogan also said the Foley punch was a shoot as it was scripted to be a shove hehe. Thanks Foley.


    I'm never sure how much of that show is real and how much is work.


    Actually, now that I'm listening to it: it's mostly work on this segment.

  3. Nobody cares about Terminator? Really dude? That's why T1 and T2 especially were movies that paved the way for the movies we see today every summer?


    Terminator the show. Obviously. Since that's what we were talking about.


    Don't be obtuse on purpose.


    As for why people treat you with disrespect:


    Different times obviously but the point is still the same. Half of the crap you've tried to peddle on me has been completely false. Everything I've actually said to you has been completely true - welcome to the wonderful world of forums for me I guess - leave the real world at the door and enjoy the BS. If that's the way forums go I can do BS with the best of them. But it seems people don't like that too much either when I do it lol. Got no chance unless you have over 1000 posts so it seems.



    WTF are you talking about? Truth and non-truth? "Everything I've said has been completely true" ? "What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate" ?


    Basically any time someone disagrees with you, they are lying or something. I don't HAVE to agree with you. That doesn't mean I'm not 'peddling crap.'

  4. And yet how much of that equates to show quality or creative success and how much of public perception discussion is based on numbers as opposed to creative? Not a lot. Hence it is mostly subjective.


    Actually, if you read through this thread, A LOT of the discussion about TNA's success or lack thereof is based on numbers. You should try rreading other people's posts.


    Especially on a board with a bunch of wrestling sim geeks that generally don't argue by saying things like "you all hate me becaue I'm right! bleargh"


    Except on IGN and that's just for starters. If you're going to play that game then I could say the exact same thing about wrestling and this board in terms of mainstream.


    IGN is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and movie geeks. This is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and wreslting geeks. And you could definitely say that in terms of the mainstream and this board:


    IGN is not a reflection of the mainstream TV viewer. Most people don't care about Terminator.


    This board is not a reflection of the mainstream wrestling fan. Most people don't watch wrestling the way a lot of the people on these boards do.


    So what do you do? Oh yeah, fall back on the numbers, which actually do reflect mainstream opinion in a lot of ways.


    I'm not disagreeing about Russo. And yet it still doesn't change the fact that a lot of people aren't paying attention when they should be doing when they watch TNA which straight away proves a point that people judge too quickly on general principle, miss the point and then get it wrong. Then people like me correct them, then proceed to get shoved down the gutter for pointing out a fact.


    You're not getting it. TV is a 'majority rules' kinda deal. If you're writing isn't clear to the point where other people have to consistently run around explaining all these subtle nuances etc the problem is the writing, not the viewer.

  5. Obviously you didn't watch Impact last week......it shows anyway that you're a hater because the only time you're somewhat friendly with me is when I'm being negative about TNA. Except the difference is I'm rightly being negative about TNA and rightly positive about TNA - where warranted. The big difference between me and you is that I don't give unwarranted praise or unwarranted criticism. Even about some of you guys. You might not like me, but that does not mean that I'm not right. I tell you the truth, and I don't need biased opinions to validate my opinions or the facts and that's just the way that it is and you can't stand that I'm aware of that and that I don't need you to validate me. In short, I know I'm right with the things I've pointed out so why the hate? If you think I'm an ******* then that's okay but don't be twisting the facts to suit your version.


    They've put together two decent Impacts. Calm down.


    The last part of that paragraph is you giving your opinion of your opinion. Calm down some more.

  6. Yes and I'm right. In my opinion in your opinion, but the million dollar question is who is right in actual fact....nobody. Because it's all subjective to a large extent.


    Totally true. Except that there are some numbers (ratings, buy rates, etc) out there. And when you discuss public perception it's fair to bring those up.


    Tell that to the many people who were hating on the show when it was on and who now think it's the best show ever now that it's cancelled.


    I have no idea what you're talking about. You might visit too many message boards because there's been very little public outcry about that show in the mainstream.


    Never said his writing was too complex, or that his writing wasn't crap. You are putting words in my mouth. What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate. And that is a fact.


    I know you didn't say it. I didn't mean to imply you did. But I've heard and read Russo say that before and its a BS excuse.


    Hating a show can't be unfair. It's not the job of the consumer to be entertained. It's the other way around. If I don't like something because it's not clear, you can only use the excuse that "I'm not paying attention" so often.


    Because..guess what..if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't get what you're trying to convey, you're not too smart for the room...you fricking suck.


    Given the context that you said this in, I have to ask why on Earth you are posting in this TNA thread? If you don't like TNA and you don't watch and you're questioning people's contribution to something you don't like then why are you posting in the TNA thread if you don't like it? Or are you just trolling.


    Because every once in a while - like when they close a PPV with Angle/Wolfe followed by Daniels/Joe/AJ - i see how good TNA could be.

  7. Stennick you might be there already mate, as for your comment on HHH wrestling rings (pub intended) around 90% of the TNA roster and WWE having better in ring product that is just completely false. TNA has consistently better in ring product than WWE does, or do you skip all the MCMG matches (hell even the knockouts are somewhat watchable!) and rather watch what's her name who used to have the mole on her face and who sings awfully flop around the ring or Hornswaggle take away every facade of legitimacy that the WWE had....WWE for the most part is boring outside of a handful of superstars and even fewer matches in the year. TNA on the other hand is the polar opposite. As for saying you'd say you wouldn't lament TNA's absense were it to implode, it's easy to say that now and I'm sure Terminator haters would have said the same thing about that program when it was on. Yet look at them now.....


    Your opinion. TNA is such a mess that I don't give a sh*t what's happening. Which = boring.


    And guess what? A lot of people don't give a crap that Terminator was cancelled. Not a lick.


    What's your contribution besides negativity? Nothing I bet.


    Why would someone contribute to a prodcut they don't like?


    What do you know, maybe Russo was right after all - people don't pay attention cos it's not spoon fed! lol


    It's Russo's job to make a product that's easy to understand and relate to. Even if it means he has to 'spoon feed' people. That's his job. He's a writer.


    Saying his stuff is "too complex" to be understood by the common fan is a masturbatory bullsh*t excuse for the fact that his writing is crap.

  8. If TNA folded today I would say it had flashes of potential in its eight year history surrounded by utter failure at every level. TNA has provided nothing that other promotions have not provided and better. If I cared about in ring action I'd watch ROH, if I want storytelling I watch WWE, TNA on very few occasions put the two together and when they did their peak was much lower than the WWE's. AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle never would be compared to Shawn vs. Taker of last year, or even Shawn vs. Flair from the year before. TNA put on some good wrestling matches that I couldn't ever be bothered to watch because the "story" for those matches happening was to mind numbingly stupid. If you "get it" because you're way ahead of your time as a wrestling fan and TNA is offering a product that will be the future of wrestling as you suggest then sometime between now and then I will be referring to myself as a FORMER wrestling fan.


    Somebody add the rep function to this board already, dammit ! :)

  9. But all the dying rumors etc is such bs.


    The idea that TNA is going to die at any second because of a months worth of crap ratings is ridiculous. But this stuff..


    And you know, you can support a promotion's continued existence in ways other than just sitting in front of the tube every week. How many TNA pay per views have you purchased consistently? How much merch do you own? How many events have you attended? You admit that low TV ratings won't kill TNA....but I'm sure those other things could.


    So where is this fanbase that "gets it"? I'm not seeing it reflected in any meaningful metrics.


    That's all really meaningful. TNA has a lot of work to do. And when all of your eggs are in one tenuous basket (the TV deal with Spike) you kind of have to expect there to be doubts about the company's existence.

  10. I think but can't be sure that even for a casual who watches for 2 to 3 years it becomes kinda predictable and stale. I am not saying one is superior to the other, actually the E's is atm, but that they both have their flaws. TNA is becoming less all over the place though it seems.


    Two to three year in short spurts? Like...consistently watch for a few months then tune out for a few months and come back? I doubt it.


    If you're watching every week for years you're not a casual fan. You're a wreslting geek lol


    And TNA ...you know as well as I do that a couple weeks of good shows doesn't mean anything. They need to do this for months before I beleive the writing team is on the right track.

  11. I think the E and TNA tend to be on both sides of the spectrum. The E is overly predictable and TNA is over swerving, turning, shocking for shock. Its about finding a good balance imho.


    What's funny is that the E is only overly predictable to the wrestling geeks (like, say, people who would pay to own a text based wrestling simulator :p ) because the casual fan who watchs the shows without thinking too hard seem to follow along an enjoy it well enough.

  12. And as for the TNA haters - if TNA were to cease to exist and end tomorrow as a television property you'd be saying it was the best thing ever and how nobody "got it" and how it should come back if they could - pretty much like what happens now with all good tv shows that get cancelled due to low ratings.


    No..no I wouldn't.


    I'd say that based on the quality of their product for the majority of its existence, it was lucky to exist for as long as it did.


    Also, what an incredible waste of talent.

  13. I didn't either. Most of the fans do know the Montreal Screwjob. All the talked about during the storyline (it seems) was Montreal Screwjob. Bret screwed Bret. Vince screwed Bret. Whatever. Bret Hart wanted to get revenge on Vince's action, and he wanted to screw Vince. He did it, and he got revenge.


    ummmmm...I think that might be a reach. This is not the same fanbase. WM draws a lot of casual fans and Bret left the company more than a decade ago.


    People know "of it" but I don't think most viewers really understand the impact.

  14. For me, Bret hates Vince's guts, Vince hates Bret's. Vince screwed Bret in Montreal and since Bret's return, he showed zero compassion for what happened. He's had Bret beaten up off of Batista, spat in his face and insulted his Dad. Of course he's going to give Vince the beating of his life.


    I see what you're saying about people not understanding the screwjob. I'd imagine there are a lot of fans today who don't have a good understanding of what happened in 1997. If this was how they intended the match to be when they brough Bret back in then maybe they should have told more of that story.


    Or done a better job of recapping the last few months? Or just booked it so Bret didn't have such a huge advantage? Or possibly do the "i bought off the Harts" and then reveal the double-cross a little later in the match.


    Or maybe he will actually turn heel? I know a lot of people sided with Vince in the beginning anyway (after the JR interview ages ago). The tide turned when he became Mr. McMahon.


    See..if it leads to that it'd make more sense.

  15. Why shouldn't they have had Hart destroy Vince for 10+ minutes. He's meant to hate his guts. He's wanted revenge for 12 years and on the night he gets it he's expected to finish him off in a few minutes? No way.


    Because as a storytelling device, you are supposed to ROOT FOR THE GOOD GUY


    And in that match, the good guy had an unfair numbers advantage, took no punishment (not his fault, i know, but still there's a reaosn why the 'face in peril' is such a standard part of wrestling), used a series of weapons, and then twice refused to finish Vince off when he had the chance.


    Take away the storyline, and that is a standard issue bad guy beatdown.


    And the people who I was watching with, who didn't really understand the screwjob, all sympathized with Vince. Especially because the way the Harts came off - like a bunch of bloodthirsty jackals


    It was poorly booked.

  16. Wow man.. You gotta be kidding me. That might have just been (and probably is) the best match I have seen in my life. No, not your Kobashi vs. Misawa, not your Japanese Wrestler #1 vs. Japanese Wrestler #2 matches, but Taker vs. HBK. Epic. Just. Epic.


    Y'know it wasn't the best match I've ever seen, but I know it definitely was not as bad as you described..


    2) Taker vs HBK. Not a good match. Not even memorable really. Taker is spent. Very disappointed that this match was so lame feeling. There were a few good spots but all in all it did not feel epic.


    Not a good match? I mean..not even a 'good' match?


    To each their own, but in a spectrum my opinion is closer to Snoop's than yours.


    Again..not the best ever but definitely not osmething i'd describe as 'not good' or 'not memorable.'

  17. Super Bowl is for American Football. The World Series is for Baseball (right?). Two sports very few outside of the US cares about. Their entire identities are rooted in Americana, therefore the American national anthem is very appropriate. WWE on the other hand... I dunno, maybe they're going for the same American-heavy vibe, but I figured they were trying to project a more global image.



    Why would you figure that? Not being xenophobic or sarcastic, but I really don't get where you'd see that in the WWE product...heavy on American character archetypes, American pop culture references, based in America, most of their revenue comes from American venues and American PPVs


    It's nice as a company to broaden your appeal so you can gain some market share and be able to broadcast internationally (which is why the World Series and Super Bowl are broadcast worldwide) but realistically, the E makes most of its money by appealing to it's fans in the states.


    Any of their global appeal is icing on the cake so to speak.

  18. I concur. What's funny is, I watched it at a friend's house (the man's such a huge WWE mark, his wife BANS WWE merch from the house....so the garage is like a shrine to VKM). Sure, $55 isn't much but I'd rather spend that on a bottle of wine or lapdances or something I'm sure to enjoy. He spent the whole broadcast yelling "What the [censored] was that [censored]?". Hilarious! Taker-HBK was on point but that basically left it as $55 for one match (to him). The bad thing about that is, he had to pass on the UFC 111, 112, 113 package to get Wrestlemania so he's feelin' really salty right about now.


    I'm willing to deal with negative hyperbole from other people but c'mon Remi...how many lapdances are you REALLY getting for $55? One? One and a half? lol ;)


    Good, but not great WM. Much, much better than some of the posts in this thread give it credit for. Some times the expectations of the IWC amuse the hell out of me. If wrestling was half as epic as they claim every match should be, it would be the #1 pass time in the world :D


    I'm with crownsy. My only niggling complaints would be that giving all that time to HBKs farewell could've been better spent giving a few more minutes here and there to Rey/Punk, the tag title match, and HHH/SHeamus.


    But truthfully, that was probably one of those deals where everyone on the card was given the heads up to not go long to make sure the main event had plenty of time. So with everyone being careful, you end up with too much time at the end. Meh.


    Also, am i the only one who thinks that Bret going too long with his beatdown on Vince could set up for a heel run? I mean, towards the end he was not the guy I was rooting for in that match. Heel Bret as a GM on Raw?

  19. Isn't it "World" Wrestling Federation? It's cool to sing the US National anthem at house shows in the states, but it's a bit obnoxious at an event you're promoting as a worldwide experience. America the Beautiful isn't much better, but... It's slightly better to me. Not sure why.


    That's ridiculous. It's tradition at sporting events to play the national anthem. The Super Bowl and World Series are telecast world wide; they both start with the national anthem.


    If the venue is in the states it's not 'obnoxious' it's what makes sense in terms of the other major 'sports' events in this country.

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