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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. Back on the Benoit thing (and I wish I could see these numbers), those who jumped weren't drawing fans in (according to the quarter hour numbers). Most would say they were much more entertaining than Hogan, Savage, and Nash. Would never know judging by the numbers.


    Well no..obviously the overall product is more important than the individual quarter hour rating and who was on screen at that time.


    If the show sucsk, all the quarters will be low regardless of who's on screen..but if that's how networks look at that show...

  2. Why the insistence on quarter hour ratings? Back in 98 at one point certain "average" wrestlers were outperforming (by that metric) a lot of the big names. In fact, Mike Graham even had a quote on Benoit leaving that went along the lines of "Good. He didn't draw a dime." -- based on individual quarter hour ratings for the wrestlers.


    It's how the industry loks at TV numbers. Even if you don't agree (and I don't think they're entirely 100% reliable) it's something you can't ignore entirely


    Also...if the quarter hours showed Benoit wasn't a draw, I'm not exactly sure that's proof they're 'wrong' per se. Benoit as a draw was very..meh.

  3. Keep in mind, i prefaced this all by admitting it's nitpicky to expound on commercials. but when your trying to make headway against an established show's ratings, It's little things like that which make headway. That's all i was pointing out.


    You're making a decent point, but like you said, it's nitpicky:


    Here are the quarter hour breakdowns



    TNA Impact did a .56 rating on Monday (off hours of .53 and .60). The show's 18-34 viewers were down a stunning 53.5% from last week while total viewers were down 30%. Here are more quarter hour details [Credit to PWTorch]:


    * The show opened with a .50 quarter hour.


    * The third quarter hour drew a show-low .43 for The Pope talking, Samoa Joe, and Orlando Jordan.


    * The show's highest quarter hour was the sixth which drew a .64 for the end of AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal vs. Beer Money.


    * The seventh quarter hour did a .53 rating (featured a commercial, Hernandez update, and The Pope vs. Desmond Wolfe).


    * The final quarter hour did a .58 (featured Kurt Angle/Mr. Anderson segments).


    * The overrun did a .63. The overrun featured the end of the Jeff Hardy & RVD vs. Wolfpack Cage match


    Average audience of 813,000 viewers


    Too bad about the Pope..but the argument that Raw won so handily because of HBK's retirement seems wrong since the rating for TNA actually went up while Shawn was doing his farewell address.

  4. Bill Simmons is awesome. I wish ESPN would let him back on the Adam Carolla Podcast...


    I tuned into Dancing with the Stars last night JUST so I could see Adam. Good stuff. Big fan of both guys.


    As for Swagger, I'll say the same thing I said with Sheamus: his talent won't matter and how good a move this is will be determined by how it's booked. Sheamus' title run did nothing for him (he's looked better and gotten more over in the feud with Trips than with anything that happened while he had the strap) and if Swagger is booked in the same way - wins over midcarders and nobodies, running away from confrontations, holding onto your belt against big names through flukey count-outs and DQs - this title win won't mean anything either.


    I'm hoping they play up his athleticism and wrestling acumen.

  5. Masters was decent by WWE standards and was getting fairly over up until he was fired. Don't know why the E brought him back, they've wasted what value he could of been.



    This is another one of those cases where you live in a different version of reality than I do.


    First, Masters was AWFUL. God AWFUL. In the ring and on the mic. Just a total botchfest.


    Secondly, he was nowhere near over. He was given months and months of time with the Masterlock challenge, was put into a program with HBK and Cena off the bat, and yet everytime he talked the crowd completely turned on him. He got X-Pac heat. The only person who was less over than him at the time was Rob Conway.


    I have no idea what you were watching if you thought he was 'fairly over'


    He wasn't getting booed as a heel. People wanted him off TV.

  6. damn it was still close but that not what im saying it goes up when LIVE and down when TAPED


    I understand your point, but you responded to my post by saying "so 0.9 is not close to a 1.0"


    And again..it wasn't a 0.9. And again..it wasn't close.


    The difference between a 0.86 and 1.0 is several tens of thousands of viewers. Those 0.1's mean something in TV terms.

  7. They've been watchable for a few weeks now, but that's after a 2 months of appallingly awful television and they're turning the corner at the same time the biggest Wrestling event in the world happens. Just a potpourri of awfulness.


    If they keep pulling sub-.8s when they move to 8pm they may be best set to just admit failure and move back to Thursdays.


    More than watchable. Last night's episode was really good and the few weeks before that were definitely above average


    But like you said..really bad timing.


    I'm guessing they will write off the 0.6 rating as due to the post-WM Raw with HBK's goodbye. There is some validity to that. But they also need to take a long hard look at the booking. Time for them to be honest about that and change up what isn't.


    The booking was really bad in the months before..but other than a few nitpicky things, last night's show was well booked.


    i notice with Impact's rating when the show is live its close to 1.0 but when it taped it goes down


    Ummm..you'd be off. It raises slightly when it's live, but it hasn't been "close to 1.0" in a month.

  8. You would be correct! I like the dominating heel and it seems like it has been ages since the WWE had one of these. Orton was pretty good but he still lost too many matches.



    Yeah, I was about to say...when was the last time you had a dominant heel in the E? One of my biggest gripes is that they turn every heel, no matter their look or character, into the typical 'cowardly heel.'


    Used to bug the crap out of me...couldn;t stand watching guys like Angle and Jericho (especially Angle) scurry away from Cena at every confrontation.


    Trips as The Game and Lesnar never get over in the WWE with the way main event heels are booked right now.

  9. I dont get real excited about him. I'm not sure if its how hes booked or if it is just him.


    I like Punk as a ME caliber heel. I forgot about him.


    Im a big fan of old school booking and I like the face overcoming all odds storylines. When the top performers of the company are all faces we dont get this type of storyline.


    I have to disagree if only because the the top performers AREN'T all faces.


    Jericho and Punk have been stellar, and I know you're not excited about him but Dave is doing his best work in years since turning heel.


    Orton can't be heel...not with the current product. He's just getting too many pops from the crowd.

  10. The match wasn't the best they've had but I think you got I didn't mean that, just in general they are awesome, waaay better than jack swagger or other WWE young guns, Pope is basically what WWE wants R-Truth to be.


    edit (im on an edit kick tonight) Pope's promo tonight was Rock/Jericho caliber which sure as hell impressed me (and im a very pessimistic picky person :p )


    Yup. like I said, you stick him back in the E and let him work THIS gimmick (which seems like a natural extension of his personality) and the only person who sniffs his potential is Morrison.

  11. You know what I just realized? If neither Pope or Wofe were part of TNA, I honestly don't think I would watch anymore, kinda like how I stopped watching last year, there just wasn't anyone I cared about. These two guys are fresh, great in ring and out, have GREAT personalities/gimmicks, are they WWE Main event levels? Heck no, but for TNA they are damn good upper midcarders. Love it, love it, love it, this is what people mean when they say mix in the new guys with the old and like I said a long time ago, each Nasty promo/match, each time Bischoff/Hogan or Foley/JJ is on TV is time these guys could be having, yes we need the older guys, but taking off just 5 minutes from them is a whole new match.


    BTW, Lethal also= awesome, eventhough is outfit was a bit odd for his first time on tv in awhile.


    edit: however i did not like Wolfe beating the #1 contender but that is nitpicking.


    Little disappointed by this match tonight but I agree with you on Wolfe and Dinero


    Matter off act...Vince & Co have to be kicking themselves for not letting Dinero do this with the E. His character could've been PG pretty easy and if you put him in Killings place on SD you would've had ten times the return...he's younger, a better wrestler, a bettter promo, and he can work as a heel where the 'hip-hoppy' thing doesn't transition well to the bad guy thing.


    The screwed that up big time. Put Dinero on the WWE roster and he's the most talented 'young guy' in the company.

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