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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. and that why women wrestling cant be taken seriously anymore


    and dont get me wrong i like seeing Lacey shake her money maker and seeing as she is gorgeous specially when i met her but i cared for Tara and Love just as much if not more.




    Anymore???? When was it taken seriously to begin with?


    Also..you seem to be blaming crownsy, the viwer, for TNA's mistakes.

  2. that statement can be true or false like i said i know many who cares for women wrestling.


    But enough to influence the ratings?


    Exactly. Don't be dense TBF. If I say 'nobody watched Impact' that doesn't literally that NO ONE ON THE PLANET watched, it means the numbers are so small as to have no noticeable effect on the ratings.

  3. That goes counter to their mission statement that the WWE isn't mainstream wrestling.


    I think that's at the heart of the problem. TNA can't really decide if it wants to break new ground with it's product or be sports entertainment and just try to do the WWE's product better than it does.


    These last few weeks, they seem to have decided it's better to be main stream, provide the fans on-going storylines, and generally try to be the WWE "attitude Era" product.


    Which is fine, and i think the last three shows have been good, though i would have placed the ladder match as the M/E last night, or as previously discussed made the M/E a knockouts match rather than a T & A segment.


    The point is they need to stick with what they decide, next week can't be an overbooked "SWERVE BECAUSE ITS EXTREME AND EDGEY!!!" show they were doing the previous two months....agian, unless that's what they decide to do.


    The point is they have to pick a product and stick with it. Personally i like the direction the last few weeks have gone, and hope that remains the strategy.



    What he said.

  4. But how special was it when it wasn't drawing viewers when it was being showcased? This is different than it being good/bad. It's an indy promotion on TV. They have to cater to what the mainstream want to see if they want to be mainstream. ECW was edgy and innovative, but it was never mainstream.


    Totally agree. But don't market it then. If you're a sports entertianment company then that's what you focus on.


    I think it does more damage to constantly brag about the X Division, 'we are wrestling,' and the Knockouts and then not deliver on those promises.


    Could be wrong though.

  5. Since Trish left honestly the WWE women division sucked this coming from a Mickie James fan. So this was different on Impact closing with the women and the focus was not Lacey stripping it was Tara and Angelina and Velvet.


    Ok..but so what? The women's division isn't important to the WWE because they know that - outside of a few exceptions over the years like Chyna, Trish and Lita to a lesser extent - NOBODY CARES!


    It's similar to the X Division...if TNA wants to brag about a segment of their product and how it separates them from the competition, then they should probably do a good job with that segment.


    That ending last night was strictly T&A...it was confusing from a storyline standpoint...and it actually made the title seem less important.


    You want the Knockouts to be more impressive than the WWE women's division: keep workers like Kong, do more with the Sarita/Taylor Wilde tag team, and bring in more workers like Hamada.


    It won't make a difference in the ratings either way, but it won't be WWE-lite.


    (you could take that whole example and use it for the X Division ...don't brag how special it is and then drop the matches down to the bottom of the card, hire a bunch of WWE cast-offs and run fprgettable storylines)

  6. Peter...did you mean to quote my post, or was that accidental? Don't see why you'd intentionally quote it, as I said I pretty much agreed with your point of view. I enjoy solid women's wrestling personally, but like you said, it's a niche, and not something that should be pushed as the focal point of the company. But push it as a nice side attraction, like WCW's Cruiserweight division? Sure.


    Naw..I was trying to grab TBF. Hang on.


    EDIT: I think it's just puzzles me that there are still nets fans that insist the key to TNA's success is the Knockouts.

  7. well dont agree with your first sentence i know alot who like women wrestling.


    Also I liked the ending and it was something different then the same people closing the show.


    Here's the thing: try and separate yourselves from the world of internet wrestling nerds.


    It's hard to do, especially on a board teeming with women's wrestling knowledge, and women's wrestling fans, and entire databases dedicated to women's wrestling..but the fact of the matter is that pro wrestling has been around for decades and really big time pro wrestling has always treated women as a side attraction. The people who follow, pay attention to, and are willing to spend actual money on women's wrestling are a tiny tiny segment of the over-all wrestling audience.


    Why? Because the majority of your fans are young males and young males don't necessarily care to see women as heroic figures or having leading roles in storylines. Unless they're hot. And if they're hot, the stories don't really have to be that good or the matches that exciting.


    Does anyone really think the Knockouts are getting decent ratings because of the riveting feud centered around a pet spider? or do guys just like to see big boobs in tiny outfits? What's more likely? Honestly?


    So unless they're going to ratchet the sex waaaaaaay up, the Knockouts don't have the potential to be the draw that the rest of the card can be.


    [For instance, when those buy rates come in for the next PPV, will more people buy for the AJ/Pope match or for the Tara/Angelina match I'm sure will be booked?]


    They're a nice little addition. But that's it.

  8. Not to sound like too much of an ass, but nobody cares about women's wrestling.


    TNA presents a much better version than the WWe, and they have higher than average quarters, but it's insane to think that pushing the Knockouts as the focal point of the show will translate to bigger ratings.


    People who truly follow women's wrestling are a tiny portion of an already tiny wrestling audience ...the majority are looking for hot girls nad not much else.


    Keep the Knockouts interesting and strong; it really is a differentiator. But a 15 minute segment to close out the show? When you also had an Angle/Anderson match AND an AJ/Pope segment?


    That's nuts.



    No...not you too jester..

  10. You guys missed the attack on Trip while he was saying goodbye to HBK last week?


    This goes at least one more PPV.


    EDIT: Also, Unless Trips turns, they needs Sheamus to continue his main event run. Batista is supposedly taking time off which leaves RAw with a HUUUUGE need for heels. And even if Trips turns, Sheamus could work extended programs with Orton and Kofi...I'm not a huge fan of the guy but I don't think he's moving down the card any time soon. Out of necessity if anything.

  11. Not just this thread. And yeah chill. Hope it helped getting that off your chest.


    I wonder when people go off like that if they've read any of the discussions in the rest of the thread..like..did they think this would be effective? Would this spark pages of good convo?


    Or is it that the boards at tnawrestlingnews are down?

  12. Okay as much as I hate to say it...TNA is officially on it's last legs now.


    How in the world can they justify paying guys like Bubba, Hall, Waltman, and Nash so much money to do nothing at all while letting go of people like Daniels, Kong, and Creed?


    They keep 3 wrestlers who haven't been worth a **** in over a decade and are known to destroy anything they touch **cough**WCW**cough** and a horrible radio DJ who no one likes and just keep bringing bad publicity to the company making TNA look even more amateurish. Then they get rid of two of TNA's biggest names pre-Hogan in Kong and Daniels even knowing that it was Daniels and his epic matches with Styles and Joe that put TNA on the map to begin with and they get rid of Creed who could have been a massive star in the future!


    **** The Band, Bubba, Hogan, Bischoff, and Dixie Carter for allowing the cancer that killed WCW to come in and do the same to TNA.


    Guess what....it's going to happen...the next release....Samoa Joe.....then the MCMG....and then once Abyss....and then once he loses the title to Hogan or Nash.....AJ Styles. And then the rest of the TNA originals as Buff Bagwell makes his debut and takes the X division title, Hall/Waltman take the tag titles, and Nash becomes the longest reigning TNA champion of all time.


    The good news? ROH by this time next year will have Daniels, MCMG, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, and The Young Bucks back. And WWE will probably pick up Abyss.


    RIP TNA 2002 - 2010


    Man...what happened to the quality cotrol in this thread lately?


    You're wrong. TNA is struggling. But it's realistically nowhere near being 'on its last legs.'


    Take a breathe. Relax. It's cool.

  13. You guys keep putting up opposing examples from other companies as if that makes it a good idea.


    A shot here in there can come off as clever and funny. But when you spend this much time and effort into attacking the competition - whether you're TNA,WWE, ECW, whatever - makes you look worried which makes you look bad.


    if your product really is better the viewer will figure it out. How are you going to win over possible viewers who switch over from the E by insulting something they might enjoy? All you're doing is playing to the hardcore TNA fanbase that's going to tune in anyway.

  14. Top 8 reasons to watch Impact at 8




    That is so stupid... yet they pull the same **** ratings and the so called other PG show pulls the same and they dont have the Hogan/Bischoff regime to run chaos.


    chill out it was for fun :rolleyes:


    It would be "for fun" if it was a fan putting out that video. But it's not.


    That's a promotional piece by TNA and by constantly taking swipes at the WWE and making up excuses like "oh the low ratings were due to HBK's retirement" they come off as bush league.

  15. <p>First off, I think age is a non-factor in wrestling. If a guy can work his age doesn't matter. </p><p> </p><p>

    Hyde, if you think Daniels was perfectfor the current product, you haven't been watching TNA. That whole "we are wrestling" thing is gone by the wayside.</p><p> </p><p>

    He's a talented guy and was actually better than average on the mic, especially doing the Fallen Angel thing, but his time in TNA was up a while ago.</p><p> </p><p>

    For him, I'm happy. For TNA..meh, they weren't gonna do anything with him anyway. So no real loss.</p>

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pate" data-cite="pate" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>CHRISTOPHER DANIELS UPDATE<p> By Mike Johnson on 2010-04-04 13:18:34</p><p> Since a few readers have asked, Christopher Daniels was indeed released from TNA this past Wednesday. He immediately contacted Ring of Honor and made the deal to debut at last night's Big Bang PPV.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Great move by Daniels.</p><p> </p><p> Hard to blame this on the current regime as TNA has pretty much wasted Chris for years (dropping the ball on the Fallen Angel/Sting feud, Curry Man, even recently failing to follow up after the Daniels/AJ/Joe match).</p><p> </p><p> When we were doing the "who should you cut" thing recently I actually named Daniels as a candidate to release specifically because I honestly believe his chance to be a 'star' in TNA had passed. </p><p> </p><p> I don't see him signing with the E; hopefully he does a few PWG shows so i can catch him live and makes a ton of money with ROH and overseas . </p><p> </p><p> A wonderful guy and a great performer. This is the BEST thing that could've happened to him.</p>
  17. <p>I don't want to jumpm too far into this, but I really don't think lazorbeak saying that it's easier for bigger guys to get over or that's more prevalent is that much of a stretch. </p><p> </p><p> I mean..we can ALL name exceptions to the rule as it were, but we could also if we tried list hundred of guyys who's size was an asset and who - in fact - probably only had a job BECAUSE of their size.</p><p> </p><p> It's a part of the industry. It is. Bieing bigger helps in wrestler. Hell, it's a part of TEW. Wrestling nerds should just come to terms with it.</p><p> </p><p> It doesn't mean smaller workers can't succeed; it just makes it tougher. </p><p> </p><p> The one thing I did want to disagree with is this examplelazor used:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lazorbeak" data-cite="lazorbeak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> I'm not really saying anything controversial here, so I don't know why people have a problem with this? To take a related example from another sport, anybody who knows anything about boxing can attest to the fact that heavyweight fighters generally aren't the most talented or the most scientific of boxers, but who draws the big money and attracts all the casual fans, Mike Tyson or Oscar De La Hoya? It doesn't matter that Oscar was a better pure fighter, people believed Tyson was a bad-ass and would pay money to see him.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tyson was actually considered small for a heavyweight. He's a actually a great example of a guy who was intimidating because of his ring presence and performance made him a bad ass. </p><p> </p><p> And De La Hoya was a phenomenal draw and in fact was a bigger draw than Tyson over the length of his career. De La Hoya/Mayweather is the standard by which all boxing/MMA PPVs will be measured for years to come.</p><p> </p><p> I know your over-all point was that the heavyweights draw more than the 'more talented' middleweights classes (which is incredibly debatable in today's boxing) but the example was iffy.</p>
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