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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. Enough of that nonsense..let's talk business:


    WWE released it's quarterly numbers.






    Hard to say how successful they really were, because WM was in the second quarter last year and the first quarter this year, so it will skew high. Really can't tell for sure until the midway point of the fiscal year.


    Vince did his stockholder thing and here are the posted highlights


    WWE released their First Quarter Financials for 2010 earlier today. At 11AM, they had their quarterly conference call. Here are some highlights from that call…


    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Vince McMahon, Chief Financial Officer George Barrios and Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith were on hand for today's conference call.


    Vince started off with the good news that the profit margin for the quarter was one of the highest in company history. The bad news was that WrestleMania dropped in buys. McMahon did admit that the event may not have been "exactly what everyone wanted to see," but also said that communal viewing of the event could have hurt it as well.


    The move of Smackdown to SyFy was discussed, which he felt was a good move and could add to the international business growth. He is also happy about the new toy line from Mattel. Chief Financial Officer George Barrios did a quick review of the First Quarter Financials, and then we had some question and answer time.


    On WrestleMania dropping buys, Vince said that he felt the branding of last year's event as the "25th Anniversary" created nostalgia. WrestleMania did add greatly to the quarterly numbers, but was not quite what they hoped for. It was down 12% from last year's event. He noted that, "it was a good attraction, not a great attraction and sometimes you just don't give them great attractions all the time. It's the creative process, and that's the process we're in."


    As for Phoenix as a host city, he felt that the city out performed as the host, and said all involved should be applauded.


    Vince would not blame the economy for the drop in WrestleMania, stating that too many use that as an excuse. He related that many promoters would always make excuses for not drawing, with he exception of Bobo Brazil, because he did not believe in excuses. Bobo would say that you just can't blame it on anything else people may have decided to go with that night.


    Chief Financial Officer George Barrios and Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith said that they are constantly evaluating how many PPVs and live events that the company runs. They did note that there are less PPVs this year as opposed to last year.


    They discussed the WWE Studios projects, noting that they were aiming for projects in the $5 million range from now on.


    On the decline in video game sales, they said that it was due to "the changeover in game platforms."


    Vince noted that the Rumble and Elimination Chamber did increase buys, and was asked if competition (UFC 111 on the same weekend) hurt WrestleMania. Vince stated, "We're not sure if it has or not, you're talking about two relatively different audiences, completely. The UFC audience, which I guess is what you are referring to, is more of a boxing audience than an entertainment thing, like we are. Nonetheless, there has been some of that, but from a scheduling standpoint, we can't control that. Going forward, I don't see any on the schedule at the moment."


    The final thing discussed was the WWE Cable Network. They have the model set, and are now going to cable providers to see what the interest in it is.


    Vince saying WM wasn't the event they hoped for was interesting.


    Also, you can continue to see that WM is going to do everything possible (the whole PG thing) to avoid 'competing' with the UFC directly.

  2. Yep he is good midcarder and at best uppermidcarder given the current TNA roster imho. But hell if The Band and others get so much TV time why not Rhino?


    Because, at one point in time, Hall and Nash were among the biggest names, biggest draws, and most well known names in the history of the industry.


    They are 'has beens'


    Rhino - in comparison - is a never was.

  3. Rhino is meh.


    That's the problem. He's not spectacular at any one thing.


    He's a power based wrestler who's like 5'10" tops. He's a decent interview, but nothing to write home about. Little repetitive to be honest.


    He's good in the ring, but I don't think i've ever seen a Rhino match I'd say was truly 'memorable.'


    He's a perfectly acceptable midcard worker that can play face or heel, but that's about it.


    He needs a monster push to really get over with the crowd, but 5 years into his TNA career, on a roster where he's nowhere near the most well known or talented, I think you can hang up the idea of Rhino being turned into a superstar any time soon.

  4. You get your wish!


    Why has Sting avoided all the same **** his contemporaries have gotten for sticking around in the spot light too long?


    I don't know. He's been 'retiring' for like seven years now. His feud with JJ went on waaaaaaaayyyyy too long. His 'EPIC' showdowns with Angle and AJ didn't do the business people thought it would.


    Honeslty, I think no one complains because there are never any net rumors about him being a jerk.

  5. Too bad he does not have the skills to carry a character like that or that it has been presented in an interesting way so far. His promo last week was horrendous. Goldust, Adrian Street style etc is fine imho but takes a lot of skill as a performer and as a writing team. Lenny and Lodi, Billy and Chuck blegh.


    haha..like minds etc


    I didn't vote for Wolfe only for him to see him in a 5 minute match. Damnit TNA the reason I watched tonight was for that match.



  6. Because Bischoff likes him as a talent and for controversy purposes unfortunately and Hogan owed a lot of the Tour performers dates which got them on the radar. I wouldn't mind a Sting vs Hogan redo if it did not get so much damn attention and Hogan was not a cripple.


    Jordan's character isn't bad. But for something like that you need someone who can cut the hell out of a promo and OJ didn't deliver.


    I mean..those were good lines .."no batteries necessary, it'll be our little secret"..but he mumbled through them and the promo lost the creepy Rocky Horror Picture Show vibe it should've had.

  7. Using him in a GM role would be perfectly fine. With all of those guys brawling the only thing that came to mind was, "how in the world are things going to get under control?" Having someone like Hogan come out and JUST talk on the mic to set something up would be cool, but they push the limit every single time. Nobody wants to see Hogan blocking punches and taking guys down. He's been doing it since the late 70's and it's ridiculous.


    Have him come out with a battalion of security.


    Have him use Joe as a 'personal enforcer.'


    Have him use pyro and/or effects to get their attention.


    ANYTHING ..literally ...ANYTHING...would've been better than having Hogan storm the rign and upstage the entire main event scene in basically thirty seconds flat.



    So this is 'listening to the fans?'


    Having a 70 year old Hulk Hogan come out to the ring, decimate the bad guys (doing more damage than Team 3D, Abyss, and RVD combined) and blow off the segment by having him take out AJ Styles with one punch and the 4 millionth Hogan/Flair face-off.


    I have no idea how the move to Mondays didn't work out. :rolleyes:

  9. Oh when will the Bubba Era end???




    Credit: Richard Trionfo and Pwinsider.com


    Bubba the Love Sponge discussed his recent termination from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling on his radio show on Monday morning.


    The show's discussion started with an audio clip of local news coverage of the firing which detailed the incident in January as well as the phone confrontation between Bubba and Awesome Kong on the Cowhead Show (which airs on the same station in Tampa that carries Bubba's show) that took place last week.


    Bubba noted how the incident with Awesome Kong started over his comments about the relief programs for Haiti after an Earthquake caused significant damage in January. He discussed the way that the relief has been distributed to the people and how a lot has not been given to the people and he said that he "looks right" about Haiti.


    In regard to his firing from TNA, Bubba said that it was because he was "racially insensitive" for calling Awesome Kong a "dumb black bi**h." Bubba asked how that was ‘racial' when TNA has a character called "The Black Pope" [Note: While D'Angelo Dinero has used that term online, TNA has never referred to him under that nickname], has a character who is "openly gay throwing milk on himself as if it is sperm" (Orlando Jordan), has booked Chelsea ‘dry humping Black Pope', has a wrestler called "Black Machismo", and has a wrestler named Awesome Kong. [although Kong is no longer with the company.]


    Bubba said that Dixie sent him an e-mail regarding the firing and there was discussion of having zero tolerance for racial insensitivity. He said that Dixie has advertisers, investors, and a board to answer to.


    Bubba commented, "nobody watches TNA" while wondering why he got fired for what he did on the radio. He noted it was not on TNA programming and suggested that Awesome Kong and her fans organized Bubba's firing from TNA.


    During the segment, Bubba called Dixie a "mark" and wondered if Dixie listened to the Cowhead Show segment because Dixie "makes most of her decisions from marks". He talked about how she uses the internet to make decisions and then wondered if Vince McMahon listened to the internet to make decisions. Bubba then said that "TNA is run like marks" and suggested that Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Terry Taylor, or Ed Ferrara should run the wrestling product.


    Bubba said that they should "fire me because I suck or the product sucks", but not because people Tweet Dixie Carter. He wondered how Kong could say "kiss my black a**" on the radio, but Bubba is considered the ‘racially insensitive' one. He said that "Dixie hires and fires based on the internet."


    Bubba also wondered why Dixie still followed Kong's Twitter account after she was no longer with the company while Dixie never followed his Twitter account. Bubba called Dixie a "mark b***h".


    Bubba said that he doesn't care if he is part of TNA because it is "below him." Bubba said that he was flipping off TNA with both hands while saying "thanks for the money." Bubba again said that the "product sucks."


    One of the people on Bubba's show wondered how they could complain about Bubba being ‘racially insensitive' when they have a wrestler called Awesome Kong when ‘Kong' is usually associated with King Kong. [They did not mention on the show that Kong was known as ‘Amazing Kong' before she signed with TNA, so the name existed long before TNA hired her]. Bubba mentioned that he did not want to be considered a racist when he talked to her on the Cowhead Show by calling her by her real name.


    Bubba discussed where he stands with Hulk Hogan and he said that he did not know. He said that Hogan told him to "take the high road". The situation may effect their friendship because Hogan will probably have to distance himself from Bubba. One of the people on his show asked Bubba "what did Terry do for him?" Bubba said that he did not sue over the Kong beating incident in January because of his friendship with Hogan. Bubba did say that his attorney had discussed the situation with him and they are now looking into the possibility of seeking damages against TNA at this time.


    Bubba asked if he deserved to be hit three times for his comments about Haiti in January. He said that the people in TNA "shuffled it off like nothing happened." Bubba said that he would play the clip of the Hogan phone call the day after the incident when Hogan was laughing about it. Bubba read an e-mail that suggested that he should have challenged Kong immediately, but Bubba wondered how he would have looked if he did confront her physically at that point.


    Bubba said that he has not mobilized his Bubba Army to deal with the firing, but said that a "modern day war" is going on. Bubba then read a number of e-mails that attacked him and were glad that he got fired from TNA. One of the cast members on Bubba's show, Brent, called people who follow wrestling "morons." They also wondered why so many people cared about Bubba being fired by TNA.


    Bubba called Dixie a "mark a**" before commenting on a column written by Kevin Eck of The Baltimore Sun that discussed the Kong/Bubba telephone call on the Cowhead Show. Bubba wondered why Kong was now being portrayed as the victim in this entire situation. Bubba said that if he read the article and did not hear the radio interview, he would probably have fired himself as well. Bubba commented that Eck wrote "During the verbal exchange, BTLS called her a word that cannot appear on a family Web site seven times and also made remarks that had racial overtones" in his column. Bubba and his staff mentioned that they would have assumed that Bubba called Kong "the ‘n' word" those seven times based on that working.


    Bubba also commented on Eck's bias against him and in favor of Dixie Carter because he started off his column saying "Before I get into this, let me first say that I would like nothing better than to never have to type the words "Bubba The Love Sponge" ever again. One, because I hate giving him or any shock jock publicity when they say outrageous and venomous things because that is exactly what they want; and two, because he is a crony who only has a job in pro wrestling because of who he has latched himself onto" and then wrote "I like TNA president Dixie Carter, and the consensus among everyone I know who knows her is that she is a classy person with a good heart" about Dixie.


    Bubba said that he believed that Eck's column was the reason why he was fired from TNA. Bubba then played the confrontation on the Cowhead Show between him and Awesome Kong.


    After playing the audio, Bubba said that he is "not going to miss the bull crap at TNA" but said that he met some great people in TNA. Bubba pointed out Sting, Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Jeremy Borash, Kurt Angle, Eric Bischoff, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash among those he liked in TNA. It was actually a group of about thirty people. Bubba commented they "should get as much money as they can" from TNA.


    Bubba took a number of calls from listeners and most of them were supportive of Bubba's position. They said that they only watched TNA because of Bubba. One of the callers said to watch the ratings drop now that Bubba is gone.


    Bubba said that Dixie's decision to fire him was "knee-jerk" and that TNA will "feel the wrath of Bubba." Bubba said that he is "not going to go out as the racist b***h they are portraying him as." They ended the discussion by going back to Dixie's mention of how she had to answer to advertisers and commented, "nobody is going to advertise because it is a horrible product."


    Bubba the Love Sponge's radio show is based in Tampa on 102.5 ‘The Bone' and is syndicated in a number of markets.


    Kevin Eck's column about the Bubba/Awesome Kong incident can be found here.

  10. Which is why she's worked about 5 minutes in the ring her entire time in TNA.


    She's still very very green, and you can't just write off her entire career because she's awful in her what...2nd year wrestling? C'mon!


    Not writing off her career. But in sports terms she's a project.


    I mean..she's one of those Hasheem Thabeet projects where she's got all the physical gifts to be a star, and she's incredibly raw, so there's definitely tremendous upside potential.


    But there's just as much of a chance she never gets her act together.


    Considering the personality she's shown thus far and the incredibly sad, dysfunctional, and violent family she's come from (and I know this isn't a nice thing to say but it's true) there's a prett goody chance she's not easy to deal with.


    Hope for the best, I suppose.

  11. Lacey's f'n awful in the ring.




    The fac tthat she looks like that and has that last name but isn't working for the E means that a) they think she's a legitimate danger to others (which is saying a lot if you look at that pile of hot mess they call a women's division) or b) she's a giant pain in the ass to work with (which seems possible considering the rumors and interviews she gave when Angelina was having visa issues).

  12. This is KENNEDY we are talking about here. That guy gets injured so much, it's not funny.


    Wow..now you're grasping at straws. We get it. You think Shelton is a great performer.


    But regardless of the other worker in the match, and regardless of whether or not it resulted in an injury, there's no good excuse for going away from the Road Agent's finish. Especially not in the WWE.

  13. Also...if you want to do the 'coasting' debate...Shelton's mic work never improved. It didn't. In that way he's been coasting for years.


    But it was stil a mistake to release him because, in the same way that Kane's size makes him an attraction, Shelton's athleticism and ability to work a decent match would've made him a perfectly acceptable midcardr for years.


    The E has several guys on the roster who's sole job seems to be to season the younger workers : Finlay, Regal, etc


    Well those guys are on the wrong side of 30 so having men like Shelton or Haas or Chavo or (going way back) keeping Dinsmore around would not be a bad idea.

  14. ok Bret said Melina great so it makes her great when alot of people in the business has said Mickie a good or great worker yet she garbage?


    I understand where ya'll are coming from but i still think Mickie is one of the best workers they had.



    As for the wrestlemania "botch" finish, well even Trish said she was selling her leg injury and could not pick Mickie up fully.


    Don't take this personally but...are you really young or is English your second language? You posting from your blackberry?

  15. well that not how I and many others see it and she was way more popular then Kelly Kelly. Mickie was the most over female they had since Trish left.


    That's the same response you gave me when I said "no one cares about women's wrestling"


    You and a bunch of net fans don't make a difference. The MAJORITY of fans won't be bothered. And that's who the WWE is selling their product to.


    The Majority

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