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The Swanton825

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Posts posted by The Swanton825

  1. On 11/12/2022 at 11:00 AM, CQI13 said:

    Watching Criminal Minds now, and I can understand Mandy Patinkin quitting after 2 seasons over how dark the show is - some of the first half of Season 1 is especially dark. But how do you move to Homeland from it? Lol

    TBH, I felt the seasons immediately after his departure were better. Season 4's Normal is still one of the show's absolute best.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

    TAS basically turned me onto the entire Noir genre and Batman Beyond helped introduce me to cyberpunk and industrial music. Also, with as with you, they really helped me escape a really bad reality as a kid. 

    It was years after the fact when I rediscovered bands like Static X that I realized Batman Beyond got me into industrial. Also, Conroy doesn't get enough credit for how well he portrayed a bitter, elderly Bruce. Beyond is massively underrated in general, but Conroy's acting was what especially carried a ton of the dramatic weight.

  3. On 11/5/2022 at 8:55 PM, willr0ck said:

    In Soviet Russia you do not name wrestling promotion, wrestling promotion names you!!! (anyone who follows the thread knows how much I love animal themed graphics)...










    They're not invading EWA, it's just a special wrestling operation! For some reason my brain immediately went to thinking of an all-female sister promotion called Russian Girl Power Wrestling where the only change is that the bear has lipstick.

  4. 14 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    It’s not that it can’t work. It’s the way they do it is not good. They basically had guys win a bunch of job matches on farm to pad their records then they appear on dynamite like 15-2 without us actually seeing them.

    They'd also have to pretty much stop running storylines too because the ebb and flow of a normal storyline (I.E. face chases heel) is going to put the average babyface's record at 50% or lower without the jobber farming while the top heels will be hovering around 90%. In TEW terms, they'd have to switch from Wrestling Nerd Nirvana to Royal Puro or Faux MMA in order to make the records mean something AND work with the booking.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Blackman said:

    Honestly what I enjoy most is just traveling from A to B. The combat is fine but not what I'm looking for in the game.

    The Piranha Bytes games seem nice and might do a better job in terms of open-world, but unfortunately don't look as good. I never finished one (unsure) as I failed to immerse.

    Unfortunately, their lower budgets will always mean they lag behind graphically. Gothic 1+2, Risen and ELEX are all games that I would heartily recommend to people, the satisfaction of going from a powerless nobody to a powerhouse in them is second only to Souls games IMO, but they do come with the caveat that they require a bit of patience with the jank.

    I'm more of a combat-inclined player (I struggle to play as anything but a mighty character who solves their problems by hitting things really hard lol) so I can't think of any good exploration games off the top of my head. You'd think somebody would have tried to bring back the adventure game spirit of wandering around and solving puzzles but instead it's all just walking sims. 

    5 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

    My first Elder Scrolls was Morrowind, but I love Skyrim. Is it buggy? Yes, but man, I've clocked HUNDREDS of hours in Skyrim. It's in my top five most played games behind TEW, Chrono Trigger, Perfect Dark 64, and Shadowrun for Sega Genesis. 

    I also like to roleplay my characters in Skyrim. Like right now, I have a character based on Kain from Blood Omen/Soul Reaver and I am having a blast. 

    Just had to prove my sweeping generalization wrong, didn't you? :classic_tongue: Also reminds me that I need to really sit down and play the 16-bit Shadowruns. I've played a bit of the Genesis version but panicked once I started and didn't immediately know what I was doing.

    • Haha 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Blackman said:

    It's hard to believe but I FINALLY started the Dragonborn expansion from Skyrim. How long's it been? Honestly I'm not too impressed and the game, though it still looks amazing with all the gfx mods, does start to bore a little after all these years. Still haven't tried some of the renowned full world mods but I should before I eventually deinstall it. Trying to stop myself from doing that as I'm almost positive that TESVI (when it released in 2024) will be worse than Skyrim+mods.

    That's pretty much the trend of all TES games, Skyrim was worse than Oblivion (to most, I never liked Oblivion), which was worse than Morrwind, which was (depending on who you ask) worse than Daggerfall, which was buggier than Arena. You can always tell which TES game was someone's first because it'll always be the one they say is the best.

    And because I know it's tempting to try them once you get bored of the game, I'll go ahead and warn you that those combat overhauls people rave about for Skyrim don't actually fix the combat so much as make it even more janky. If I want more jank in my open world RPG, I'll play a Piranha Bytes game thank you very much.

  7. On 10/15/2022 at 9:57 AM, Makhai said:

    Matt Taven was a key player on that abomination of an MSG show, that killed ROH, it's relationship with NJPW, and paved the way for AEW.

    I'm pretty sure All In paved the way for AEW. All the G1 Supercard did was teach New Japan that they could successfully run big shows in the US that blew their show's co-promoter out of the water.

  8. 14 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Hoping that someone can help me as my Google-Fu is failing me. 

    Has anyone played Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2? I bought the base game and I'm trying to figure out which DLC packs to buy, but there's so many and I can't tell if there's any crossover. Some are called Super Packs while others are Ultra or something. I want to wait to play the game until I have all the DLC so I can experience the whole game at once, but the way the DLC in the Nintendo eShop is, it's really hard for me to navigate for some reason. 

    Sorry for the double post but I missed this last night. The Super, Extra and Ultra packs are confusingly named on purpose because Bandai Namco are greedy as hell but they're similar to different "seasons" of DLC. So what should get you everything is the Super Pass, Extra Pass, the Ultra Pack Set, the Legendary Pack Set and the Conton CIty Vote Pack. The passes and sets combine the 2-4 DLCs with the same name.

  9. 12 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    I loved California, but I also like Matt Skiba more than I like blink as a whole. He's a better song writer than the blink guys and a much better vocalist. Alkaline Trio blows blink out of the water in every way in my opinion. Not saying I dislike blink, I actually love them, but I feel like this reunion with Tom is them riding on nostalgia.

    Anyway, Kid Cudi, Slipknot, and Wednesday 13 all released albums recently. Slipknot's album is very mediocre. The Dying Song is the only real standout track. Hoping that now that they're free from Roadrunner, they can find themselves again. The last few records haven't lived up to their older discography. Cudi has another solid entry into his discography with the track New Mode really standing out. Wednesday's new one tho has been fantastic. Perfectly timed release with spooky season in full swing. 

    Also, randomly been listening to Metallica's Kill Em All record and Acid Bath's Kite String Goes Pop a lot lately. I'm very much anti-Lars, but man, Kill Em All is a metal masterpiece and Acid Bath is stoner royalty. 

    I couldn't stand Slipknot's new album at all, it sounded more like one of those Slipknot copycat bands from the mid 2000s like Motograter than an actual Slipknot album. Machine Head also disappointed once again except this time you get faked out by Slaughter the Martyr reminding you of the good old days of The Blackening and Unto the Locust before being smacked upside the head by the following twelve tracks of dreck. I really need to stop expecting anything from Robb Flynn.

    Also, in a weird coincidence, Acid Bath's Toubabo Koomi popped up in my nightly song rotation yesterday. Acid Bath are right up there with Snot as a fantastic 90s metal band cut short too soon by tragedy.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Are any of those on Switch? That's what I'm looking for per my post...

    They are not, no matter how much MFL 2 and MHL being on Switch would be amazing. I'm also 99% sure that The Wrestling Code is the next Pro Wrestling X considering they bothered to have a roster reveal before actually having a functioning game. That was a year ago and they're still only releasing "tech demo" footage that's mostly cutscenes and making big promises about totally unnecessary features like "every wrestler will have unique animations" instead of, y'know, making the game play well.

    As for games that are actually on Switch and on sale currently, I cannot recommend Metroid Dread enough.

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