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The Swanton825

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Posts posted by The Swanton825

  1. I think my favorite part of She-Hulk is the outrage over it from people who have clearly never read comics calling it a "disgrace" to the source material when it's probably one of the most accurate-to-the-comics TV shows around. Especially the dumb moments like the Megan Thee Stallion bit. The most popular runs of her solo series were filled to the brim with fanservice, sophomoric humor and about as many fourth wall breaks as Deadpool.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

    I'll give you Britt, but I think the bit about Brandi is unfair. The only big TV feud she had that time was with Anna Jay, who she put over.

    I'll give you that. Though personally I'm of the belief that the disaster that was The Nightmare Collective was meant to get her over as a top heel and the angle flopping was the only thing that spared us of that. I'm also more than a little bitter that they brought Awesome Kong in just to be her enforcer. Even if she wasn't the same worker she was before, she still would've been a solid gatekeeper monster heel ala Kane.

  3. 1 hour ago, Makhai said:

    The Women's belt was the second biggest in the company until the TBS was minted and the deathmarch began. 

    Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Makhai said:

    Nothing devalues champions, like having a bunch of useless titles so you can fill out an event on your calendar. One of the refreshing things about this company was that there were like 3 belts, and they all meant something. 

    Now there are 40, and I don't care about any of them. 

    Really? Because I always saw them as the World title as the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bullet-Club and also Jericho belt, the TNT title as the Cody Rhodes belt and the Tag titles as the afterthought belts. Everyone always talked about how much they "meant something" the same way they talk about "long term booking" but honestly even the NWA World Heavyweight circa Adam Pearce and the Impact World title immediately after Victory Road 11 still had more prestige than any AEW belt has ever had. Seriously, who has held the AEW World title and could conceivably hold any other main event title right now? A Chris Jericho ten years past his sell-by date? A banged-up, unmotivated Kenny Omega who just wants to go back to Japan but is stuck in this venture because he couldn't tell his friends no? The millennial anxiety cowboy? No, no and no. That leaves us with Moxley when he cares enough to tell a story and not just do his Atsushi Onita impression and a healthy CM Punk, a being so rare and mythical that Mountain Monsters is filming a special episode in search of him.

    Oh and I guess the Women's title has been there since the start too, but it's hard to tell with how rarely it's on TV. Something, something, ratings drop. Something, something, other excuses lazy bookers always use.

    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, Makhai said:

    At the time, Dinner Debonair was lapped up by all of you. And the feud was a net win for MJF, who went over in the end. MJF became a star off this. His ratings draw starts here. 


    And I want to make clear that I would ask Jericho where his wife was on Jan. 6th to his face. I hate the fact you are putting me in a position to defend him. 

    I would like to clarify that I didn't care for it. In fact, I frustrated one AEW-loving friend enough with my hatred of everything Jericho did that he put a moratorium on us talking about AEW. I will go to my grave insisting that MJF was ready for the main event without any sort of rub from Jericho and "needing" a WWE guy's approval only served to hurt his credibility as AEW's future centerpiece the similar to AJ and Joe jobbing out to every has-been in TNA.

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  6. 2 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    In his feud with Punk he was the IT FACTOR, he got people to cheer him over Punk two months after his return. Then Jericho killed him like has done everything he touches. Punk was the opposite of Jericho interestingly. Punk would leave guys better off then where they were while Jericho would destroy everyone to keep himself on top.

    I'm glad someone else sees the same thing with Jericho. He's a shell of his former self (no surprise there, given his age) who is ironically doing the same thing the WCW main eventers did to him back in the day.


    1 hour ago, d12345 said:

    People's reactions were, as usual, premature. After hearing the full details, it really is Andrade being a full blockhead here. He confronts Sammy, then throws punches at Sammy, and Sammy does not fight back because he doesn't want to ruin the main event. If an act is in the main event in any promotion and you try to fight them before the show, you're threatening the promoter's money. Doesn't matter what sly comment Sammy may have made in the past, Andrade was ridiculously unprofessional.

    Says a lot about someone's reputation though when people don't even blink at the suggestion that they were the cause of the fight before details get out. Andrade seems to want out so maybe he tried picking a fight with the problem child in the hopes

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Derek B said:

    I think that part is entirely down to him being a "loner", which is another word for recluse in English and the town name is just picked to go with the character :)

    I get that part lol. It just bugs me because I grew up about half an hour away from the actual Recluse (yes, it is a real place) and because of that I can't picture someone like Dexter Lumis being from there. And it has nothing to do with me being jealous because I always wanted to be the guy billed from Wyoming who became a wrestling star.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Makhai said:

    He spent almost 4 years training actually. He was doing commentary for CES while he was doing it. Original plan was to do local Chicago amateur fights and then go pro but Dana got wind of it, and wanted him to fight for the UFC and offered him big money to do it. 

    Also he's a blue belt, under Duke Rufus. Don't know where the hell you got that he's a black-belt. 

    No. HGH and Testosterone management do absolute wonders, especially for guys in their 40s and 50s. Look at guys like Vitor Belfort on and off the stuff. It's night and day. You recover faster, train harder, your endurance goes up, you get stronger because you can go longer, it's literally night and day. 

    His videos with Rener Gracie sure did a great job pretending he wasn't a blue belt then.

    And re-read what I said. I wasn't dismissing what roids and HGH can do for older men. My point was that NOT using it shouldn't make him more frail than every other guy who also doesn't use it like, for example, Brody King.

  9. 7 hours ago, Makhai said:

    For what goal? What does having her involved do exactly? Did you see what happened to Tua Tagovailoa on TNF? Right now the team is actively covering up that to avoid a huge lawsuit from the NFLPA, BTW. And all so he could play in a week 4 game. People have gone insane. 

    What does anyone get for doing this? Is she going to make people care about women's wrestling? No. Is she going to have a classic moment that will live beyond her? No. Is she going to get anybody else over? No. 

    What's the endgame? A vanity project for someone who worked for the other guys? I just don't get it. 

    People have always been insane. Jon Kitna suffered a concussion in 2000 so bad that he couldn't remember any of the plays and yet Mike Holmgren forced him to stay in the game just so they didn't have to put their third string QB in, only avoiding what happened to Tua by pure luck. Bubba Ray Dudley got concussed bad enough that he basically completed a ladder match with Christian and Jericho while sleepwalking. In both of these cases and thousands of others across contact sports, people treat these moments as proof of someone's toughness. They never have and never will treat brain and spinal injuries with the grave seriousness they should.

  10. 20 hours ago, Makhai said:

    Edge is a lifer though. Wrestling is all he ever wanted to do. After 2013, Wrestling was literally the last thing Punk wanted to do, and I can tell you nothing is worse on your body than training MMA full-time. He was breaking down in WWE, doing MMA probably made that worse. Also, there's the consideration that Punk is straight edge. No Roids, No HGH. Big factor. 

    Yep, I truly believe that Punk actually spent those two years doing MMA training full-time and didn't wait to start seriously training until Dana White got impatient with him. It's either that or Gracie BJJ is a total scam and they only gave Punk a black belt because he was a minor celebrity, but when have the Gracies ever been known to be scumbags? ...Oh, right.

    And frankly, not using roids or HGH would make his healing time longer but it shouldn't make him so frail that a stiff breeze could make him break a bone. If that wasn't the case then Brody King would be hurt all the time too. (Cue King developing an injury bug now)

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  11. 17 hours ago, CQI13 said:

    Much like Punk, Edge just looks...old. At least he looks infinitely better with the short hair than when he came back with the long hair. I'll enjoy it for what it is, but haven't been a fan for a while.

    Edge IS getting close to 50 and has had multiple devastating injuries over the course of his career. Punk makes way less sense when you realize he's only in his early 40s, had most of his 30s off from wrestling and yet he's become so old and frail. He's starting to remind me of that "I was born with glass bones and paper skin" bit from Spongebob.

  12. 5 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

    They call it Odo, or Royal Road with Ark. Nowadays, NOAH is right up there underneath NJPW. NOAH uses stars like AEW does. That meaning they have their own roster but also use workers from other companies, even AJPW. I have a feeling this is why NJPW is now "lending out" workers to AEW and ROH to compete in that aspect with NOAH. In Japan, it kind of seems like the equivalent to USA is NJPW = WWE and NOAH = AEW. I know I shouldn't compare because all 4 companies are their own entities with their own charms and faults. However, if I were explaining Japan wrestling to a casual American viewer, that is how I would explain it. I haven't watched much NOAH, but the recent stuff I have seen is more in line with Puro style.

    I'm surprised to hear how well they're doing because a friend of mine was insistent that they've been on the downswing for a while now. Then again, when aren't wrestling fans cynical about everything?

  13. 42 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

    It's not that far-fetched. Sting is just as well known in Japan as he is here. And, tbh, I think Sting could wrestle and still be a huge draw no matter where he wrestled. Even India! 😆

    Oh I know he's popular in Japan, it's the NOAH part that surprised me. Alas, I am old and still think of NOAH as they were when Misawa was still alive. Sting's one of the only guys who could call himself The Icon and it not be a ridiculous boast, but I don't think he would have meshed well with the old King's Road style. (Yes, I know that's the name for 90s All Japan, but Misawa took that to NOAH and I can't remember if they called it something else afterwards)

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