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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. Fixed Seriously though...Nasty Boys...dream feud...really? I can't recall anything they have done ever that has made me think "I want to see that again".
  2. Read: They think they'll be able to hold out for more money if there is another option. Good for 'the business'? What they mean is good for their wallets. Read: They think they'll be able to hold out for more money if there is another option.
  3. Just missed the first few mins of Impact...anyone know why Flair was all bloody?
  4. To be fair though, company reps are never going to say they are 'devastated' by the ratings their show got the first night of it's permanent move to oppose the opposition.... There's no way they were happy with that rating.
  5. I remember hearing a lot about this when I was following the Lesnar court case some years back. As I understand it, WWE pays the talent quite far in arrears for things like royalties, appearance fees, etc; basically everything above and beyond their guaranteed money. These are all termed as 'bonus' payments. If you violate your no-compete, you forfeit any bonuses due. When Lesnar was busy trying to prove that the WWE's no-competes were unfair, this was one of the points he raised...guys losing out on up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for work already completed prior to the termination date on the contracts. He must have been trying to hard not to laugh when he signed that 10-year no-compete :-p Anyway, this would explain why a guy like Christian could just turn up on TNA...it's possible that the amount he was owed was insignificant in comparison to what he would be making in TNA, or that he agreed a signing fee with TNA to compensate him the equivalent for violating the no-compete.
  6. So option 1, you have actual fans doing the throwing out. That'd never work for a whole host of reasons. Half of them wouldn't behave, you'd have idiots getting to 'into it' and having to be thrown out...all sorts of commotion. Option 2, you have 20 'plants' in the crowd, hassling another 'plant'. It also sends out the message to drunk idiots in the crowd that they can physically hassle someone. Obviously anyone with a bit of common sense would know otherwise...but there's always one... Personally I hate all 'worked-shoot' angles. It's either real or make believe, can't have it both ways.
  7. Damn, somebody missed their mark there!!! Good job he's an undead-cult-biker-zombie, otherwise it could have been serious!
  8. Roger Gracie is going to be making his Strikeforce debut on the televised portion of the May 15th Showtime card. Roger was the legit p4p best grappler in the world a couple of years back. He's been taking time off due to the birth of his kid, but is now back at it and ready to commit to MMA full time. Also, this is the best (MMA) GIF ever. http://i28.tinypic.com/2rwm9hz.gif ...or maybe this. http://i43.tinypic.com/289bn6u.gif
  9. Lol, it's funny, I know loads of boxers who think MMA is 'too rough' for them. A couple of guys at my local boxing club regularly fight at unlicenced boxing events where it's not uncommon to get headbutted, punched when you're down, etc...When I try and talk MMA to these guys they think it's for animals :-p
  10. It's a good indicator as to how far away MMA is from being recognised and accepted as a mainstream sport. People are conditioned to seeing boxing; it's been part of the norm for decades, nearly a century. Seeing guys rolling around on the floor, getting their faces and heads split open with elbows and knees...it's savage. People can't stomach it.
  11. SPOILER IN WHITE!!!! Brother Runt retuns on next week's Impact to team with Team 3D against Jimmy Hart and the Nasty Boyz
  12. Massachusetts has approved a temporary mandate for fighters to weigh in not once, but twice before a fight in order to controll harmfull fluctuations in weight. In short, fighters will have to hit the scales twice to make sure they arent putting on 30lbs after the weigh-ins. The methodology is this; fighter weighs in no later than 36 hours before the fight as normal. They then face a second weigh-in before the bout. At the second weigh in, they are allowed to weigh no more than 1.0625 times their innitial weight from the first weigh in. That means a Bantamweight (135lbs) could come in no higher than 143.4lbs, a welterweight (170) would be capped at 180.6 and a light heavyweight (205lbs) would be allowed up to 217.8lbs. Thoughts? Personally I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not too keen on the 'cut as low as you can' ideology amongst fighters (probably something to do with having done it three times myself), but as with everything in US MMA, unless every state does it, all it will do is put young fighters in Mass. at a disadvantage. Also, I'm sceptical of how much this method actually protects fighters at all. It won't stopp people cutting down, but it will mean that fighters have to maintain something close to that unnatural weight for longer. That means they won't be propperly rehydrated come fight time, which for me is just as dangerous.
  13. For the lolz... One of the guys at Team Gracie (Cecar Gracie's team) has put up a website in a pathetic attempt to drum up support for the Hershal Walker/Jose Canceco fight that as of right now, as many as 84 people want to see. How do I know it's 84? Well they have a link to a petition on the site. They're aiming to present it when it hits 50,000 sigs...so yeah, only 4,916 to go! The other great part is the poll on the front page that asks if you want to see Walker and Canceco fight. Of 1,234 votes cast so far, 763 (62%) have voted "NO WAY!!" Awsome. Here's the site, but you're only allowed to visit it if you promise to vote "NO WAY!!" in the poll and not sign the petition :-D
  14. Promise you're not holding your breath...I want to read the rest of your TCW diary :-p
  15. I remember back in the day people in the US with certain satalite dishes could intercept the Smackdown feed when they taped it on Tuesdays. Pity there wasn't an online file-sharing community around back then :-p
  16. Called it...lol at the cut-off before the swanton though :-p
  17. Ahh, didn't realise that...thought they were live every Monday now. Still, you'd think they'd maybe have some sort of video hyping his appearence or something.
  18. Hmmm, so we're gonna see a Jeff Hardy run in during/after the main event or not at all? Unless they are setting Jeff up to be a major player, seems a bit wierd...
  19. "Hall is wasted" chant :-p Only wrestling could turn someones slow, alcohol related death into a humerous chant :-p
  20. Well.....that was a bit of overkill. I guess they needed something big to fully turn Sting heel.
  21. Just had a really bizzare flashback. Uncensored 2000, 3-Count vs Brian Knobs Hardcore Title match. Yuck.
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