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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. There was a pretty funny thread I saw a while back where someone asked why he had 'BRONX PRIDE' on his chest if he was from Cali. It lead to people responding with "It actually says X". Some of them were pretty funny. My contribution was "BOUGHT PRIDE" (A tribute to the Fertitta brothers). Cain's reasoning: Personally I could care less if someone has a Brown/Pride, Black/White Power or whatever. They all mean different things to different people and everyone is entitled to their opinions and views. Besides, if someone has had something like that written on their body, they're probably not going to care all that much what anyone thinks about it :-p I've taken a fair bit of grief over the years for my Anarchy tats, usually from people who have no idea what they mean :-p It's a Lion roaring.
  2. Turns out the Mirko stuff was all a nasty rumor...unless he has some crazy superhero healing powers :-p http://www.sherdog.com/pictures/gallery/event/22769/106381
  3. British director. It's a decent film...some of it is actually closer to the source material than most of the other screen adaptations of Holmes.
  4. If Anthony Perosh isn't on the front cover of UFC Undisputed 2011 then I'm not buying it.
  5. I was thinking the same while I was watching it in the cinema first time around...I mean, I was loving it, but it was too quick...untill... The photo's at the end...I absolutly loved how you got to fill in all the blanks with the photos. I literally had tears in my eyes. Watched it in a packed screening and people were howling. In retrospect, I think the fact that they did it like that, filling in the gaps while still not giving you the whole picture, made it better than expanding those scenes in the movie. It was almost like you were living the hangover with them, brief, intermittent flashes of a day gone wrong while you're still fuzzy from the night before. One thing that makes me a sad panda though is that a sequel is already in the works. I think The Hangover is something that can only work once, so I'm expecting it to dissapoint.
  6. Yes, very, very good. One of the better modern war movies IMO.
  7. There's nobody that needs to clear him - The UFC are regulating themselves in Australia, same as with the UK/Germany. It's not at all uncommon for boxers/MMA fighters to compete with stitches in unregulated areas. Not smart, not great, but it gets you in the ring/cage. Point being, it's Mirko's decision to compete - The UFC have had no problems in the past encouraging guys to fight hurt, so I'm sure they'll have no issues with a guy who wants to fight. I expect if the cut hasn't closed by fight time they'll glue it and worry about it afterwards. Cro Cop will have even more of an incentive to work fast...if the cut opens (and if it's anything like they're making it out to be, it will) then it's likely the fight will be stopped if it's impairing his vision.
  8. I liked Impact this week, more good stuff from TNA. Likes: - Angle's promo - Pretty much all the matches aside from Daniels being used as a jobber for no apparent reason. Is there noone else that Angle could have tapped out in short order? - Pope on the mic. - The Nash/Hall 'fight'. I always loved The Outsiders, so I find myself pulling for Hall and Nash whatever they do, moreso Hall for some reason. This whole thing *HAS* to be a swerve though, with Hall, Nash, Waltman and maybe even Hogan teaming up as another incarnation of the n.W.o. against the likes of Jarrett, Young, Abyss...heck, I wouldn't even be supprised to see Sting back in the rafters. My only gripe would be that none of the 'NWO' guys are great in the ring anymore, so it could work better with Nash, Hall, Waltman and a couple of younger guys going up against Hogan and TNA. - Good to see them going somewhere with Terry and Magnus. I had the feeling that these two would be lost in the shuffle when Williams got the X-Division title, but it looks like they are going to give them the ball. - The big tag match was a good TV bout. Dislikes: - The whole Hogan/Abyss thing. Did I really just see Hogan give Abyss a ring in order to turn him back into a monster? What, so he's going to be shouting "Form of a Moster!" or summoning Captain Planet to help him out. Abyss needed to 'snap' somehow...maybe he gets locked in a room and has the crazy beaten into him by Mick Foley, maybe he gets sick of Bischoff and beats him to a pulp in his office. But a magic ring? Seriously? Plus, it went on for way too long and some of the lines were awful. Including Hogan's "I was bigger than you could ever be". It may be true, but no need to rub it in :-p - As I said before, Daniels jobbing. Unless he's going off TV and back under the Suicide hood, I'm not interested in seeing him wasted like that. If it was being used as a long running storyline that involves him getting crazy/evil after being unable to get a win for ages, then ok...but with the way TNA has jobbed out some guys inexplicably recently, I doubt thats happening. All in all though, a good show. Really enjoying TNA at the mo!
  9. Very true. You just never know these days with Mirko...on paper he's goot good TD defence, never been subbed and he's facing a 205lb'er who blocks punches with his chin on a days notice. But there's still that lingering question mark: will the last minute change and as you say, the fact that it is a no-win fight, throw him off mentally. I think he takes this one quite easily, but I'll be nervous watching :-p Also, I think one of the thing alot of people forget about Mirko is that although he's known for that LHK knock out (which he hasn't pulled off in what, three and a half years) he's actually got an awsome right cross that did just as much for him, if not more, throughout his career. I think that's the strike he'll be ending Perosh's night with on Saturday. Lol. Funny story, and a bit of an exclusive for the good people of the GDS forums. Bisping had an AWFUL weight cut for 105. If you saw the weigh-in you'll notice he had a bottle of juice in his hand as soon as he got off the scale, even before the staredown. He was really miserable the day before the fight. Anyway, I stayed with family in Manchester for 105, but my boss was staying with Antony McGann (Bisping's manager/wolfslair owner). At about 11:30pm on the night after the weigh-ins, Bisping decided he wanted to go to the cinema. He figured out that the night before every UFC fight since he won TUF, he'd been to watch a film...all except the Dan Henderson fight. So to humor him, we all get ready at like 11:45 and jump in the car to make the late night cinema, and Mike is in a really good mood, thanking everyone for comming and rabbiting on about the cinema being his lucky charm, and that we should see if they'll stay open so we can watch two movies in a row (WTF?). So we get there, get the tickets and he's dissappeared. We catch up with him comming back from the consessions stand, carrying the biggest tray of drinks/snacks I've ever seen. Hotdog, three supersize cokes, two huge popcorns, a bag of Malteasers, Revels, and a Santa's sack-sized Pick-and-Mix. We thought that he was being overly greatfull and had bought us all refreshments, untill he gleefully informed us that they were all for him. Seriously, he demolished the lot, and missed most of the film as he kept having to run out and take a pee. You know, if Bisping challenges for the title late this year or early next, I think the odds for that fight (assuming it's against Anderson Silva) would be so crazy that it'd be silly not to put a fed quid on him regardless.
  10. Breaking news (well, in the last few hours): Ben Rothwell is out of the Cro Cop fight after coming down with a sudden illness. They've talked Anthony Perosh, a 10-5 light heavyweight, into replacing him. He's fought in the UFC twice before in 2006, losing to Jeff Monson and and Christian Wellisch. He'll most likely get murdered, unless the late change causes Mirko to suffer another one of his meltdowns. Also, the Elvis Sinosic vs Chris Haseman bout has been pulled completely from the even. Elvis hurt his shoulder in his final training session Thursday evening. For those who don't know, both Sinosic and Haseman are retired - Acording to Elvis, Lorenzo Fertitta promised him that if they ever went to Oz, he'd put him on the card by way of thanks for all the times he'd stepped up and gone balls to the wall for the UFC. Haseman is another Aussie who made his name in the RINGS promotion in Japan. He also had numerous fights in Holland in their RINGS offshoot which don't appear on his record due to the partial-MMA rules and 'iffy' nature of some of the outcomes (read: they were fixed fights). He only fought once in the UFC (a loss to the late Evan Tanner in 2002) but is held in high regard by Aussie fans as a pioneer of the sport. The fight was only put on because the UFC were unsure of ticket sales due to the lack of a really big Aussie fighter for the main card (they sold out 18,000 seats and a CCTV ballroom in days anyway), so there was little chance (or point) in them replacing Elvis. I spoke to him earlier via messenger and he said they're going to try again next year :-p
  11. Terry, the guy who runs KOTC (and has done since the begining aside from the ProElite blip) and is a straight-up awsome guy, has taken a once-bitten, twice shy sort of attitude as far as selling stakes/co-promoting is concerned. It's a shame, because like you say, KOTC would be the ideal type of joint venture. XFC would be another great option, as they are very geared up towards developing fighters already. They have interests in a few small MMA gyms and training facilities and generally work on getting undeveloped fighters 'up to standard'.
  12. I'd love to see the UFC have some sort of 'talent exchange' program with a smaller 'feeder' organisation in a few years time. Somewhere to send guys that need a few wins without cutting them for the competition to pick up. They've got something stupid like 280 fighters on the books; it'd allow some of these guys to get an extra fight or two a year in as well, on loan, to use a football term. UFC gets first refusal on any talented prospects from it's own personal breeding ground, and a regional organisation gets the benefit of UFC backing and the odd UFC cast-off to headline it's shows.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2gantP7kos That how the reverse elbow is done. Boom!
  14. Oh god, I can see it now... "Oh, so *that's* why they call you 'Big Rob'...honey you can 'invade' me anytime..."
  15. I agree that there's no way in hell that he's going to be a bad ass wrestler who just happens to be gay or bi. This is wrestling after all; nobody is expecting anything particularly 'high-brow' from it. Lets face it, the majority of wrestling fans are about as ready for a gay/bi face character as 1800's America was for a black President. I guess what I'm hoping is that the character wont be some prancing stereotype - "Ooooooh, you can give me a piledriver *anytime* wink-wink". I think a 'sexual predetor' type character could work really well and would allow him to play of his orientation to make people uncomfortable, without chasing men round with a bottle of oil begging to be greased up :-p
  16. Fair play to him...I think we all agree that the best characters in wrestling are an extension of someones real personality, so as long as they don't turn him into some horrendously camp homosexual, I'm willing to run with it.
  17. I don't see it personally. Looking at his last fight, he was constantly throwing combinations as a means to get inside and wrestle. That wont work with 'Page because he's a bigger, stronger guy. I'm probably a little biased on this one to be honest, but I know how badly he's been obsessing about smashing Rashad up. A lot of people think 'Page is distracted with movie deals etc...but honestly, I've never seen someone with as much focus and desire to win a fight as Q right now.
  18. The problem is, Faber is one of the only guys the WEC thinks can sell a PPV. He has the 'look' and the charisma that MTB doesn't have, so he's great for interviews and press duties. If they weren't making their PPV debut with this one then maybe they'd do it differently, but who else is there? They'd have to find Aldo a legitimate title challenger and an opponant for Faber who would be a realistic and sellable opponant the champion should Urijah lose. They just don't have that depth at 145 at the moment, especially for a PPV debut. Of course the original plan was a Faber/Torres superfight, but that went down the pan last year.
  19. That's bittersweet for me, as Igor is my absolute all time favourite. I spent one too many nights in shady Russian hotels after traveling to watch him fight. Worth every second though. My Mrs and I are actually traveling to the Ukraine later this year to visit his restaurant. But yeah, that CroCop KO, damn, that was insane. One of my biggest 'what-ifs' in MMA has always been an openweight bout between Igor and Wand in their primes.
  20. My favourite Cro Cop MMA fights were the Nogueira fight and his demolitions of Coleman, Waterman and Herring. He got gift after gift in that OWGP, but it was amazing to see him finally win something in Japan, where he was known as 'King With No Crown' for pretty much his entire K-1/MMA career. Loved his K-1 fight with Sapp, and the classics with Hoost as well. Definatelly worth checking out if you havent already seen them.
  21. What I took out of the Rashad/Silva fight is that he's very wary of getting hit after the Machida bout (and seeming with good reason considering how badly he was rocked by Thiago). Rampage is the last guy you want to be fighting if you have concerns about your chin...We do a lot of stuff with the Wolfslair and I held the pads for Rampage when we were up there fairly recently; the guy hits like a heat-seaker...hard, fast and precise. I agree with your point about him being champ not being the best thing for the UFC. He's still very much at odds with them over the way he was treated - and there is a LOT more to than than has been talked about in the press for various reasons. He has some pretty big plans, while I don't know if I agree with them all from an MMA fan's perspective...well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
  22. CroCop is nothing because he couldn't beat Fedor, and Fedor only fights terrible opponants! Also, CroCop 'sucks at UFC' because he lost to Kongo who is a can because Mir beat him. But Mir is a title contender because he beat...erm...Kongo. And CroCop 'sucks at UFC ' because he lost to Dos Santos, who is a top ten heavyweight after beating...erm...CroCop. Oh, and CroCop 'sucks at UFC' because he lost to Gonzaga, who went from being prelim filler to main eventer after beating...erm...CroCop. It makes me cry a little inside that some people actually believe all that
  23. Anyway, back on topic. Numbers out today show that the UFC did an incredible 8 million buys over 13 events in 09. WWE did just 4.6 mil over 14 events. UFC got 6 out of the top 10 PPV of the year and 11 of the top 15. The other top 10 events were Pacquiao/Cotto (2nd), Floyd Mayweather Jr/Juan Marquez (3rd), Paquiao/Hatton (6th) and Wrestlemania (10th). Ouch WWE, ouch. That's a huge indication of the juggernaut UFC has become in the past five years. Especially when you consider that Lesnar only fought once and St Pierre twice. Showtime has moved the April Super-Six bouts from the 17th to the 24th of April. Interesting as it means that the 17th (which still has HBO boxing scheduled) is mostly free for Strikeforce on CBS. Some people I've talked to are under the impression that Strikeforce wanted to counterprogramme WEC's first PPV on the 21st - so it could even be that they are going all-in with Showtime on that. Anderson Silva has said he was told by Dana White that Rashad Evans was going to be his opponant at UFC 112 before Damian Maia stepped in. Interesting as it could have put the Rashad/Rampage fight on the shelf untill later in the year - one would imagine that the UFC will be looking to piggyback on the summer's A-Team launch as much as possible with that one.
  24. Congratulations for completely missing the point and going off on an absurd rant with so many innacuracies that I honestly don't know where to start. You compared Overeem's recent history to Fedor's: Remember that? My point was that you were well off the mark with that comment and nothing else. Nobody mentioned anything about 'credible' opponants, 'bad' fighters or anything else. The fact that you went on some crazy rant about 'credible' opponants (by the way, anybody ranked in the top five by the IWMMAR is a credible opponant) and 'bad' fighters show just how much of a fanboy you are, and how little you actually know about the fighters we're discussing and the spot itself. You also make needlessly inflamatory comments (you really think I don't know that Barnett and Fedor didn't fight?) looking to get a reaction out of people. If you're going to take threads off at a tangent and attack people's professions etc then all you're going to achive is annoying Adam and getting the threads closed.
  25. That's an unfair comparison. Overeem: Fujita: 15-9, never beaten a top 10 ranked heavyweight, on a run of 2-4 when they fought Thompson: 15-12, never beat a top 10 HW, on a run of 1-8-1 when they fought Sylvester: Part-time fighter, biggest win over 11-14 Sherman Pendergarst Goodridge: 23-21, without a win since 2007, last significant win over a decade ago Fedor: Rogers: 11-1, top 15 heavyweight, undefeated at the time of the fight. Barnett: 24-5, concensus number two ranked HW before the fight was pulled, only lost to CroCop (injury) and Nogueira (decision) in the past 4 years. Arlovski: Concencus top three ranked HW at the time of the fight Sylvia: 25-6, top 10 HW at the time of the fight, comming off a UFC title bout, only lost to Nogueira and Couture in the three years leading up to the fight. Points being, A) Completely different class of opponants and B) Fedor is fighting the best opponants availible to him, while Alistair is purposely fighting 'tune-up' fights until he gets Fedor.
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