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Everything posted by 1PWfan

  1. <p>Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada</p><p> <em>I'm gonna call a draw here, because I can't pick between the two and their masks are equally cool</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Calavera</strong> vs. Pyromaniac</p><p> <em>Ordinarily I'd assume Calavera loses to keep some of the Prime Universe homers looking strong, but Pyromaniac's not that good and Calavera's mask is the bomb</em></p><p> </p><p> Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong></p><p> <em>Fantasma's cooler</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. El Orgulloso</p><p> <em>I could see this being a DQ but I don't think Lucha should lose to any of the Sins except Demon King</em></p><p> </p><p> Powerful Man vs. <strong>Zebra Man</strong></p><p> <em>I was dissapointed that Zebra's not from an alternate universe where everyone's some kind of horse but he's still better than Powerful Man</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Aprendiz Jr</strong> vs. Death's Head</p><p> <em>I'm gonna say Aprendiz goes over in a way that keeps Death's Head looking strong like a flash pinfall or a DQ</em></p><p> </p><p> Charron vs. <strong>Demon King</strong></p><p> <em>Demon's one of your top dudes, Charron's a secondary member of the Dark Universe</em></p>
  2. Alphaville (Duke Freeman, Guillotine & Paris Burnett) vs Miller Fforde & DeMarcus & Gray As someone else said, I don't see developmental workers winning alliance titles Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Josh Jacobs Fernandes is one of your top guys Devil May Care vs The Past Masters © I will never not root for the Masters Young & Wasted vs The Wolf Pack © I prefer the Wolf Pack Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield vs Bradley Blaze It's a good way to put Alphaville over Bonus Prediction: Who will lay down a challenge for the soon to be renamed Mid Atlantic American title on the show?: I'm gonna say Harvey Robbinfield
  3. ** Card for RMW Who Are You: FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE Max Mayhem vs. The Silencer © Tavon Blake Jr & Remmy Honeyman vs. Mercutio Sleep and The Masked Mauler VII Ray Snow vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Dominic DeGraff Ace Youngblood vs. Wolfie Tagg Chip Martin vs. Kalder Tagg Roger Monteiro vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde
  4. Next post will definitely go up this evening, and official disclaimer; Wrestleworld launches in March and I went into the editor and lowered the entry requirements to make it easier to join. It won't be a thing for quite some time, but do bear in mind that in this continuity Wrestleworld covers insignificant promotions and has lower entry requirements for production and pop. In the meantime, here's the answer to Regis' question: Question for Haley Buck: How did the No Remorse Corps form? Are you the architect, or is Silencer the real power here? Haley Buck: No Remorse Corps was formed by The Silencer, he's our leader and commanding officer. I'm just the mouthpiece, the trusted lieutenant.
  5. Thanks for that Voeltz, it's always nice to hear positive feedback. As for the injuries, it's not the worst I've seen; in a NYCW game I played for a bit on the side TCW lost Wolf Hawkins for something like 2 years and Greg Gauge for six months- in January. Now, let's look at the predictions: Regis: 5/6 Herrbear: 1/6 RingRider: 4/6, and Mauler's just the best isn't he? Munit: 3/6 Regis wins this month and gets the right to ask a question of any RMW roster member, wrestler or non-wrestler, he wishes. HerrBear also has a question from January he can ask if he wishes. Next post will be up probably tomorrow evening but it could be Sunday afternoon BST depending on how my schedule shakes out.
  6. RMW Behind Blue Eyes From the Park County Fairground in Wyoming Sunday, Week 3, February Audience: 64 The Show Ray Snow vs. Chip Martin We kicked things off tonight with the match I expected the least from; not to criticise either wrestler, but with Chip not having had a chance to get in front of the fans last month he was always going to struggle to draw the crowd in. Sure enough, his performance wasn’t much good, with his inexperience and poor psychology showing in a scattergun offence that never really felt cohesive of flowing. Still, Ray was on point and the match as a whole was an improvement on pretty much the entire undercard from last month so I’m inclined to be forgiving; as he gets over Chip’s matches will improve, and if he doesn’t then I’ll drop him into the jobber slot and give Pepper more of a run-out (though that depends on how Pelton performs as well). You can guess who got the win here, but if you can’t- Ray Snow, Spinning Back Fist, pin. Winner: Ray Snow Match Rating: 26 * Mercutio Sleep vs. Pepper Pelton Well, that was bad. I had this going 20 minutes as the crowd still seems to think Mercutio’s a top name and it turns out that Sleep’s stamina can’t handle that kind of match length, leaving him visibly slower at the end of the match and amplifying issues with his consistency (nothing as dramatic as the rookies but ‘Cutio has a tendency to blow spots at bad times). Pepper, meanwhile, did his best but came down with chronic shoulder pain and had to fight through the pain which really hampered his performance (though fair play to him, he did a lot better than most guys would). Still, whilst this was pretty much a disaster in terms of what we’re capable of the crowd enjoyed it and as long as they stay hot I can accept the odd duff match. Mercutio got the win (no way is Pepper ready to win over an established name), putting his opponent away with the Go To Sleep. Winner: Mercutio Sleep Match Rating: 17 * Stanley Axis vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde Okay, it’s official; god hates me (must be a Blackhawks fan). Not only was this match actually worse than the last one, but once again somebody got injured; Jack accidentally caught Stanley with a punch that left the veteran with a bruised eye socket. Honestly I’m a little impressed Jack could punch that hard, and it’s also worth pointing out that he performed pretty well by the standards of my undercard, but still, this isn’t going well so far. As for Stanley, obviously it’s hard to deliver your best work when you’ve been punched right in the eye but he did a reasonable job of working through the pain and his overall performance was about what you’d expect from a spectacularly dull midcard face. He also took the win, managing to get Jack through a Pumphandle Slam despite barely being able to see out of one eye. Winner: Stanley Axis Match Rating: 16 * It’s promo time, as The Wolfpack head to the ring. “The weeds of crime bear bitter fruit, and villainy must not go unchallenged by those who walk in the light. No Remorse Corps, you bring the shadow wherever you walk, and now the wolf spirits of my people have risen up to challenge you. My brothers in wrestling, Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem- have united with me to drive you out and together we will overcome your darkness with our light. We are the Wolfpack, empowered by spirit and united in blood, and together we will…together we will…together we will overcome everything you try to do.” “Boys, you done screwed up now! Not only have you got this guy, The American Eagle, on your @ss and looking to take you down, you got my boy Ace Youngblood all fired up and ready to go! They don’t call his team The Aces of Mayhem just ‘cos it sounds clever, these two can cause chaos you don’t know how to deal with! You wanna fight? You got it! You wanna win? Brother bring your working shoes ‘cos Youngblood’s proud, he’s powerful and he don’t know how to quit!” Max raises the mic to his lips, but instead of talking merely starts laughing crazily before flinging it down and indicating that now would be a good time for No Remorse Corps to bring it. This was pretty good, as at least nobody got injured and the reaction was solid. Roger struggled a little going off script- hence the weird ending, I think he didn’t know how finish his promo- but overall it went well and DeAnna did a good job taking it home.. Plus, and I cannot emphasise this enough, nobody got injured. Rating: 27 * The Wolfpack vs. No Remorse Corps I was happy with how this one went, and not just because nobody got injured (two people in two matches? I’m not shutting up about that any time soon). This was a good match that got the show back on track after two hilariously sub-par matches, albeit one that was largely carried by a strong babyface unit. Roger in particular was a strong performer, whilst Ace was hampered by his comparative lack of name value but compensated for it by leaning into his strong dynamic with DeAnna, who herself did a great job contributing from ringside. As for the heels, they’re unproven and inexperienced and their performances were pretty average as a result but hey, they weren’t awful and as their overness improves so will their performance (I was also pleased to see Dom keeping up with the Taggs despite coming in as a complete unknown; clearly he’s getting over at a good rate). The Wolfpack took the win here; Roger nailed Dom with the Eagle Splash whilst Ace and Max stopped the Taggs from interefering with a simultaneous baseball slide and plancha. Winners: The Wolfpack Match Rating: 30 * Remmy Honeyman vs. The Masked Mauler VII Karma swung back my way on this one; Mauler and Remmy just click and it made for a great match. Of course, the fact that this one featured arguably my two best wrestlers in terms of pure talent may also have helped, but when you get good chemistry in a key match that’s always reason to celebrate. Honestly, if it wasn’t for this feud I’d give serious thought to moving Remmy into the title feud, two months in a row he’s been our MVP in terms of in-ring performance and that counts for a lot. As for Mauler, he’s very quickly rising through the ranks and should help bolster the heel side of the main event scene behind Ray and The Silencer. He cemented that spot with the win tonight, using a handful of powder to blind Remmy and cut off the high knee before nailing the Piledriver and putting a foot on the ropes to secure the pin. Winner: The Masked Mauler VII Match Rating: 35 * The sinister tones of ‘The End’ bring Haley Buck to ringside, mic in hand. “We’ve already been out here once tonight, and you won’t see a repeat of what happened then. Once already we’ve stood in this ring, fought our opponents, and seen them get very, very lucky. The scales will rebalance on that score, Wolfpack, make no mistake, but for now, our priorities have shifted. Mr. Blake, you may consider yourself a tough opponent, a worthy challenger for the Rocky Mountain Heavyweight Title, but The Silencer has no challengers, only more victims. If you value your life, Mr. Blake, you’ll stay away tonight, because I promise you…you won’t enjoy what happens to you tonight.” This was a much improved effort by Haley- I wrote this one out for her and she seemed much more at ease with a script to follow. Rating: 34 * Tavon Blake Jr. vs The Silencer Well, that worked. Tavon was great, Silencer was the best heel on the roster and together they delivered a great main event to cap a fairly dramatic show off with a belter of a main event. It helped that Haley did her usual sterling work at ringside, and Blake’s ability to sell like a champ made for a natural fit against a power guy like the champion; I’m not 100% on this yet but given that we have three in the Wolfpack and four in the Corps there’s a real possibility of Blake being added into the stable war to even up the odds and provide an extra boost for probably my most promising youngster (it’s between Blake and Mauler and I’m giving the edge to Tavon as he hasn’t had chemistry to help him out). The Champ, meanwhile, comes off like a star in everything he does and continues to deliver in the ring; he’s had two solid challengers to be sure but they can only carry things so far and The Silencer has more than held up his end of things. He took the win tonight (hot-shot title changes only happen in case of injury or departure), pinning Tavon after a thunderous Drop Zone. Winner: The Silencer Match Rating: 35 Overall Rating: 34, with the disastrous first half being eclipsed by a brilliant second half. Plaudits go to Tavon for his work in the main event and Remmy and Mauler for their brilliant match.
  7. Show will go up tomorrow evening so this is a last call for predictions.
  8. <p><img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brat99" data-cite="brat99" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't know the exact numbers on how high a show rating impacts company pop. I seem to remember Adam commenting on it somewhere, but a couple of other things to consider are your company momentum and the state of the wrestling industry in your area. If both are low, it will be that much harder to grow until they improve.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks man, I hadn't thought to check company momentum, that's really low at the moment and probably explains the lack of pop increase.</p>
  9. This may have already been asked, but what's the metric by which show quality's impact on size is measured? I know that your shows have to be better than your current size to improve your name value, but how much better? For example, my first show in RMW was rated at a 26 over a size of 9, my second show at 34 over 9 and my third at 32 over 9. As you can see, despite putting on shows way over my size it's not gone noticeably up, so I'm wondering how that rating impacts size increase.
  10. ** Card for RMW Behind Blue Eyes FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE Tavon Blake Jr. vs The Silencer © The Wolfpack (Roger Monteiro & The Aces of Mayhem) vs. No Remorse Corps (The Hot Taggs & Dominic DeGraff) Remmy Honeyman vs. The Masked Mauler VII Chip Martin vs. Ray Snow Pepper Pelton vs. Mercutio Sleep Stanley Axis vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde
  11. Jaylon Martins vs Local Talent JOBBER! Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead JOBBER AGAIN! Ho Tinh vs Paris Burnett I'm assuming Paris is one of the newer developmental guys, I can never keep track of them Simon Ice vs The Historian w/Sandman Winks I will never vote against The Historian DeMarcus & Gray vs The Heartbreak Express w/Lisa Bowen I think the Heartbreaks are better Bradley Blaze and Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Cheetah Boy and The Architect w/Jonah Pilgrim Pure guess work, really One worker on this show is leaving at the end of September, who is it? I'm gonna guess Seth Whitehead gets called up to TCW
  12. Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master Death's Head has the cooler mask but I love Aquaman so his luchador cousin gets my vote Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada Bestia's awesome DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma I'm guessing some of the villains from The Hellmouth interfere El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince Giving the new stable a bit of momentum, and we don't really know what Goblin Prince's deal is yet Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King Coolest mask wins Captain Lucha vs. Demon King I like him more
  13. Show's been up for a while, I'm assuming everyone's read it who wants to, let's see how the predictions went: Regis: 4/6 Tiberious: 5/6 CloudyDay: 5/6 HerrBear: 5/6 Hitman74: 4/6 So, a generally solid set of prediction but the three winners are Tiberious, CloudyDay and HerrBear, who all get the chance to ask a question of any RMW star they wish, to be posted ahead of the next show. The next post will probably be up tomorrow or the day after- I'm working on March in RMW and I want to make sure it's all good to go.
  14. Deuce Deadline and Duke Freeman vs The Greatness The named team gets the win Jaylon Martins vs Joey Fili vs The Architect w/Jonah Pilgrim I'm assuming The Architect isn't done with the title scene for right now Ho Tinh and Kyle Diamond vs Jacobs & Nelson Josh is secretly hecka good and I don't really know Tinh and Diamond yet DeMarcus & Gray vs Copperhead and Trix Triumph They're a more experienced unit Chris Caulfield vs Guillotine Bit of a guess but I'm assuming Chris is willing to put the guy over Cheetah Boy vs Miller Fforde Total guess
  15. I'll hold off on predicting 'til I get more of a sense of how you'll be using the roster but I'm definitely interested in what you'll be doing with NYCW. What're you doing with the product? It sounds like you're changing it and I'd be interested in seeing what to.
  16. <div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:36px;">RMW The Kids Are Alright</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Saturday, Week 3, January</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"> Audience: 60</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">The Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Remmy Honeyman vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde</strong></p><p> We kicked things off with a quick squash match to warm the crowd up, if you can call a 15 minute match quick. Results were pretty reasonable; it’s not always easy to get the measure of your roster on the first show but this seemed like a decent match. That was pretty much all down to Remmy; Jack’s performance was okay for a rookie having an off-night but Remmy was the better worker by some considerable distance, as you might expect, and really carried this match. We also had Mauler come out to ringside; he didn’t interfere at all, but me and Rob L speculated as to why he was scouting Remmy and what he had planned for the future (allowing us to slide in a quick plug for the February show). Remmy took the win, as you might expect, taking Jack to the mat with a high knee before quickly transitioning into The Last Supper, all the while locking eyes with The Masked Mauler at ringside.</p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Remmy Honeyman <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">27</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Masked Mauler VII vs. Stanley Axis</strong></p><p> Neither of these two are on Remmy’s level so I always knew this match would be a step-down from the opener but I was still happy with how it turned out. The crowd took to Stanley’s gimmick as well as they took to everyone’s in the opener (which is to say, it went Great; I may not be a perfect booker but I know characters), and both guys performed to a pretty reasonable level. I’m slightly more impressed with Mauler, to be honest; he had almost no name value going in but his performance was only a point or two lower than Stanley’s. He also took the win here, choking Stanley out with the Iron Claw (well, it’s not technically a chokehold but you know what I mean).</p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> The Masked Mauler VII <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">23</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> The distinctive opening of ‘The End’ brings No Remorse Corps marching to ringside, as Haley Buck steps into the ring, mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">“You all know who I am, but you don’t know why I’m here”</span></p><p> </p><p> Actually, as one fan points out, none of the crowd really knows who Haley is. </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">“Yes, well, my name is Haley Buck, and I speak for my brothers in the No Remorse Corps. We are here in Wyoming to dominate this town, this state, this country and Rocky Mountain Wrestling. You may not recognise all of us but you will learn to fear the name of Remorse Corps…No Remorse Corps, that is”</span></p><p> </p><p> Ooof, that was a bad flub.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">“Who are we, you ask? Our commander, The Silencer, is the cerebral strongman, the master technician who will break the bodies of all who oppose the Corps and hold and take The Rocky Mountain Heavyweight Champion. We have Dominic DeGraff, the bruiser out of Queens, New York, who will beat down any who stand in his way. And these two men? Walder and Wolfie, The Hotaggs, care not for your reg-rules and regulations, they care only to inflict pain and violence. Notice has been served, RMW, Wyoming, and to all you fans here tonight. No Remorse Corps are here, and No Remorse Corps will always prevail.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Note to self, Haley doesn’t cope well without a script- she was thrown after her opener went wrong and flubbed a lot of little things out there that undermined the whole air of menace we were trying for with the Corps. On the upside, the crowd took to the Hot Taggs gimmick really well, and whilst they didn’t love The Silencer and Dom’s characters they weren’t disasters either. We also didn’t lose the crowd; they weren’t beefed up after this but they didn’t go cold either so there’s always that. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on, I guess.</p><p> <strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">23</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dominic DeGraff vs. Pepper Pelton vs. Mercutio Sleep</strong></p><p> This one was a bit of a disappointment if I’m being honest. It wasn’t exactly bad, but given that it was designed in part to get Dom over the fact that his performance wasn’t great made this feel like a comedown. In fairness I’m once again dealing with a lack of name value among key players; if I was more interested in pushing Sleep I’d probably be happy with this as he gave a very strong performance but as it stands he’s fairly low down the pecking order and I didn’t get what I wanted in terms of individual performance (Pepper was pretty rough as well but then he is a jobber and didn’t do any worse than I’d expected). We also had Chip on commentary here, as he has a bruised kidney and couldn’t work a match, which I really should’ve noticed when I first signed him, and he did a good job without really doing anything special. Dom took the win by nailing Pepper with the Double-Arm DDT whilst Haley grabbed Mercutio and stopped him breaking up the subsequent pinfall.</p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Dominic DeGraff <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">23</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Aces of Mayhem vs. The Hot Taggs</strong></p><p> After the slightly disappointing Triple Threat I was worried about this one, but whilst Kalder and Wolfie’s performance wasn’t anything special the Aces stepped up in a big way to help carry this one to a pretty reasonable response, whilst Haley did great work at ringside again to make up for the promo. Of course, it wasn’t all good news; Ace and DeAnna sparked off each other well but it was clear that she and Max didn’t really know to meld their personas and the chemistry was way off. Still, we’ll just have DeAnna focus on Ace and drop her from managing Max and that should work out fine. I was also pleased with how the finish went over; Wolfie was choking Ace in the ropes and when Erin threatened to disqualify him Wolfie just grinned at her and leaned right back into it. Bing bang bosh, one DQ win for the Aces and Wolfie’s even better at playing his character.</p><p> <strong>Winners:</strong> The Aces of Mayhem <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">25</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tavon Blake Jr. vs Ray Snow</strong></p><p> I wasn’t certain whether this one or the tag match should go in the semi-main spot; on the evidence of tonight I made the right call. This one was definitely the better match, as both Tavon and Ray delivered performances head and shoulders above everyone in the tag match whose initials don’t alliterate. It wasn’t all perfect- Ray was starting to run out of gas by the end and his gimmick didn’t get much love- but on the whole I was happy with how this went and could definitely see us revisiting this match down the line once the guys get a bit more over. Tavon got the win here with the Hangman’s Neckbreaker, as I figure on him having a bit more of a long-term future with us (also he’s not a pain in the @ss the way Ray can be).</p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Tavon Blake Jr. <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">31</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Silencer vs. Roger Monteiro</strong></p><p> This one was disappointing; it wasn’t a bad match, but it was definitely a step-down from Tavon/Ray despite Rog and Silencer performing like the top stars they are. It’s probably just the injury throwing the flow off- Roger strained his wrist coming off a back body drop by Silencer and it definitely affected the match. On the plus side he also debuted a new dropkick counter that made for a great hope spot; if he can lean into that in his matches it’ll do wonders for the storytelling of a match. As for The Silencer, he was our top performer of the night by some distance which is really reassuring; we’ve got plenty of depth on the face side (Remmy was only a step or two behind him, and Stanley and the Aces should improve with more name recognition) but the heel side’s a little thin and we needed Silencer to deliver to bridge things whilst we bring the likes of Dom and Mauler up. He took the win here; Roger nailed the Eagle Splash only for Dom DeGraff to interfere and break the fall. Whilst the Eagle was able to take Dom out but Silencer had recovered enough to take over on offence, eventually nailing the Drop Zone to secure the pinfall and win the title.</p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> The Silencer <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">28</span></em></p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> With the match over and Monteiro still laid out Dom and the Hot Taggs join their boss in the ring for a celebration, by which I mean they put the boots to the downed hero before lifting him for a Montana Slammer. Before they could hit the move, however, the Aces of Mayhem charged out to make the save, with Ace taking Dom down with a Flying Tomahawk Chop whilst Max suckered the Taggs into going over the top rope (though DeAnna had to quickly get out of the way as the timing between her and Max is still off). With all his allies out of the way Silencer briefly faced off with the pair before a double dropkick sent him packing, and we faded to black over Roger and The Aces facing the Corps down. </p><p> </p><p> The reaction to this one was good- nothing hugely special but of a piece with the general standard of the rest of the show.</p><p> <strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;">25</span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Rating:</span></strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">26</span></em>, a disappointing result given how good the last two matches were, but then I did massively overuse Dom DeGraff and Ace Youngblood, as well as featuring a little too much Hot Taggs (clearly our fans are dumb). Plaudits go to Silencer and Roger, whilst Haley gets some encouragement that we won’t hold her rough promo work against her.</p>
  17. The show will be going up around this time tomorrow, so there's still time to get predictions in, folks!
  18. From the diary of Hugh Dansigny: The roster’s finally sorted, so I can go ahead and start filling in details here- I’ll need to know what’s going on and who’s who, after all, and not just for the commentary. I’m booking this shebang and if I forget who I’m pushing somebody somewhere will be p*ssed. The Faces Roger Monteiro Age: 29 Billed From: Rapid City, South Dakota Entrance Theme: Apache- The Shadows Finisher: Eagle Splash (450 Splash) Character: Roger’s The American Eagle- essentially a sort of mysterious Native American superhero-type. Evaluation: One of the top local names, Roger’s more of a high flyer than I’m used to working with but that’s why we’re going for modern throwback not straight old-school wrestling. He’s not a bad worker, can handle his own promo work and is a lively, likeable presence backstage that’s easily marketable so there’s a lot of reasons to keep him in the top face spot for the foreseeable future. Besides, if he doesn’t work out there’s plenty of other folks behind him that can take the spot. He's going to be teaming up with Ace and Max in The Wolfpack, our top babyface stable. Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem- The Aces of Mayhem Ages: 34 & 35 Billed From: Richmond, Virginia & Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Entrance Theme: Run to the Hills- Iron Maiden Finishers: Flying Tomahawk Chop (Youngblood), Canadian Tumbleweed (Somersault Corkscrew Legdrop, Mayhem), Chaos Effect (Leg Lariat/Leg Sweep Combo) Characters: Ace is a fairly standard Proud Native American, whilst Max is an Offbeat Babyface that lacks any sense of self-preservation. Evaluation: I’m not sure how these two will hold up as individual workers but they’re an experienced tag team and should be a good unit to build the division around (not that we have a division yet but it’s top of my to-do list). The big problem I have with them right now is Max’s back; it’s already troubling him and that isn’t helped by his work in GSW. I’ll have to keep an eye on him and make sure it doesn’t wind up ending his career halfway through a major storyline, but I do have plans for potential replacements if it comes to that (I’d really rather it didn’t though). As for Ace, he’s solid but nothing obviously special and is clearly more cut out for the tag ranks rather than a singles push. Remmy Honeyman Age: 32 Billed From: Annapolis, Maryland Entrance Theme: Do You Feel Like We Do- Peter Frampton Finisher: Honeyman Special (Last Supper) Character: A bog-standard Underdog- it’s not especially original but should be a great fit Evaluation: There’s a reason I always call Remmy Rock Solid; there’s nobody I wouldn’t trust Remmy to work with and help get over. He’s one of the best in-ring talents we’ve got in RMW, which is good as he’s a total disaster on the mic and unlikely to get himself over that way. Still, he’s an experienced veteran with a good all-round game, a cool-as-heck finisher and the kind of fundamentals that could easily make him a top star for us down the line. How the heck we’ll sell him as a top babyface I don’t know, but if it happens then I’m up for the challenge. Stanley Axis Age: 28 Billed From: Tucson, Arizona Entrance Theme: Already Gone- Eagles Finisher: Pumphandle Slam Character: Stanley’s playing a clean cut, Mr. Fair Play type, the kind of guy who never cheats and always respects the fans and his opponents. Evaluation: He’s a good solid worker with the right mix of youth and experience but there’s no denying that Stanley only looks interesting if you put him next to Remmy. He’s the kind of guy every promotion needs but nobody really notices; a rock-solid talent who can work with anyone but never stands out and rarely has any kind of focus. If you’re working with Stanley you’ll have a good match and the focus will nearly always be on you. I don’t see that changing here, Stanley’s not someone that really gets the creative juices flowing, but if he does take off I’m not gonna bury the guy or anything. Tavon Blake Jr. Age: 25 Billed From: Los Angeles, California Entrance Theme: To Live & Die In LA- Tupac Shakur (apparently, rap music’s not my genre) Finishers: Hangman’s Neckbreaker, Figure Four Leglock Character: Tavon’s an Old School Grappler- no muss, no fuss, just pure wrestling goodness. Evaluation: If you’d told me a few years ago I’d one day willingly employ a GSW worker in a fed where I was calling the shots I’d have laughed in your face (and then probably cussed you out for even mentioning GSW, but I was a lot angrier before we adopted the kids), but Tavon is genuinely a brilliant fit for RMW. He can brawl, he’s definitely good on the mat and his fundamentals are great for a guy his age. He’s even got a fair bit of experience which will help some of the rookies on the heel side and as many faces as I can lever into multi-mans. No two ways about it, this guy’s got a real shot at being a key player for us in the years to come (assuming we last that long and he doesn’t get picked up elsewhere). Chip Martin Age: 20 Billed From: Berkeley, California Entrance Music: Roots Radicals- Rancid Finisher: Super Kick Character: Chip’s whole thing is he’s cocky but basically a good guy; he truly believes he’s great but respects the rules and loves the fans. Evaluation: Chip’s very much a prospect at the moment, but there’s plenty to work with here. He’s got a decent all-round game and his physical abilities are insane, but his fundamentals have a lot of room for improvement and I don’t like his promo abilities. Given the quality of his intangibles I could see him getting over regardless of what I do but for right now the plans are to keep Chip down near the bottom of the card until he polishes up his consistency and psychology some. Pepper Pelton Age: 18 Billed From: Madison, Wisconsin Entrance Music: I Won’t Back Down- Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers Finisher: Fisherman’s Suplex Character: Pepper’s a Fearless Young Gun, a bad-ass young kid who’ll never back down from a fight, even when others say he should. Evaluation: It’s between Chip and Pepper as to who our face jobber’s going to be, and for right now Pepper’s the lower of the two. He’s about as good as Chip in the ring, as what Pelton lacks in Chip’s versatility he makes up for in better pure brawling, but Martin’s got the better fundamentals and intangibles. Pepper does have slightly better mic skills, though, so it’s not out of the question that he rises up the card, possibly via a heel turn or the like, but for right now I figure on him polishing up his weaknesses against guys like Ray Snow and the Mauler. The Heels The Silencer Age: 37 Billed From: Spokane, Washington Entrance Music: The End- The Doors Finishers: Drop Zone (Gorilla Press Slam), Extreme Prejudice (Torture Rack) Character: A Cerebral Strongman, The Silencer can throw you around like a ragdoll but is also a master tactician. Evaluation: He’s a good brawler and one of the few even vaguely recognisable stars on this side of the country that fit our product, so The Silencer’s pretty much guaranteed the top heel spot for at least a year or so if not longer. I’m not thrilled about his age- at 37 he’s likely done all the improving he’s going to and yet there’s still some crucial weaknesses there- but there’s plenty to work with here, he can brawl reasonably well and is physically very capable. I’m putting him in the lead of our top heel stable, No Remorse Corps, and with a manager to handle his promo’s and a succession of top face opponents The Silencer should be able to carry the main event for a good few years yet. Wolfie and Kalder Tagg- The Hot Taggs Ages: 21 & 19 Billed From: Billings, Montana Entrance Music: The End- The Doors Finishers: Spinebuster (Kalder), Mafia Kick (Wolfie), Montana Slammer (Double-Team Sitout Alabama Slam) Character: The Hot Taggs are a pair of wild brawlers who love nothing more than throwing fists and beating down their opponents. Evaluation: The Hot Taggs are pure hoss brawlers, but they’re fairly good at it. Okay, so they aren’t exactly the McWade brothers or anything, but they can throw good fists and their fundamentals are surprisingly decent given their lack of experience. They’re going to be in No Remorse Corps alongside The Silencer and feuding with the likes of Roger Monteiro and The Aces of Mayhem, so it’s not like they won’t have a lot of chances to improve, either; it’s fair to say they’ll have every chance to stake out their claim at a top spot in RMW. One black mark against them, though, is their comparatively poor intangibles- not only do they not have a lot of star quality but they’re not even all that menacing and that could be an issue given that they can’t cut their own promo’s. Mercutio Sleep Age: 29 Billed From: Omaha, Nebraska Entrance Music: Heart of Gold- Neil Young Finisher: Go To Sleep (Fireman’s Carry into a Knee to the Face) Character: Sleep’s a cheating scumbag, willing to take any shortcut you could imagine to get the W. Evaluation: Mercutio’s reasonably over and talented so I brought him in to work with the rookie faces as a trainer, though if he takes off I wouldn’t object to pushing up the card to a top spot. Instinct says he won’t though; he’s a talented all-rounder but a little generic and whilst he can bump well and go a reasonable length of time in the ring he’s pretty inconsistent and that will probably count against him when compared to some of the other guys on this side of the roster. Ray Snow Age: 33 Billed From: St. Paul, Minnesota Entrance Music: Cold Hearted Man- AC/DC Finisher: Spinning Back Fist Character: Ray Snow’s cold as ice, totally focused on taking you apart in the ring and devoid of compassion. Evaluation: He’s not the easiest guy to get on with but Ray’s got a lot of talent and name value and I can put up with a little coldness (heh) from a guy with future champion written all over him. He’s basically a slightly more brawling-focussed version of Steve Flash, complete with an utter lack of charisma or flashiness and an ability to make his opponent look like a million bucks. Given that Steve was a grand-slam champion in New York it’s fair to say that Ray’s got a very bright future ahead of him in RMW. Dominic DeGraff Age: 23 Billed From: Queens, New York Entrance Music: The End- The Doors Finishers: Double Arm DDT Character: Dom’s a Bruiser, an out-and-out thug who’ll beat up anyone and enjoy it. Evaluation: He’s an unsophisticated brawler without any real mic skills but I could definitely see Dom settling in as a key player for us. It helps that he’s got better fundamentals than you’d expect given his level of experience- he’s only been wrestling two or three years but he already knows how to tell a story in the ring and won’t blow too many spots doing it. Granted, it’s a pretty basic story and his form’s just about 50/50 (not to mention he doesn’t bump all that well) but the dude’s 23, let him work on it. I’m putting him in with The Silencer and The Hot Taggs in No Remorse Corps, and whilst he’s basically there to eat the occasional loss he should still benefit from the association. The Masked Mauler VII Age: 22 Billed From: Parts Unknown Entrance Music: Gimme Shelter- The Rolling Stones Finishers: Piledriver, Iron Claw Character: The same basic character every Mauler’s played since time immemorial, an Old-School Villain that cheats whenever he can. Evaluation: He’s got virtually no name value on this side of the country but Mauler’s such a perfect fit for Rocky Mountain Wrestling that I brought him in anyway. He’s a good (if one-dimensional) brawler, his fundamentals are solid and he’s even got a fair bit of experience- not much, granted, but enough to stand out from the other rookies we’ve got. Current plans put Mauler in a feud with Remmy- I don’t know if Mauler will come out on top in that one but either way it should help boost his profile. Prime Time Jack Pryde Age: 19 Billed From: St. Cloud, Minnesota Entrance Music: Baby I’m a Star- Prince Finishers: PrydeFall (Snap Samoan Drop) Character: Jack’s whole thing is ‘Prime Time’, essentially a cocky young brat who feels like he belongs on TV and doesn’t have to pay his dues. Evaluation: Another raw recruit like Chip and Pepper, Jack’s got a lot of potential upside but the key word there is potential; however much he might act like he’s ready for the big-time (something he believes a little too much in real life, if you ask me) there’s a lot of room for improvement there, particularly in terms of consistency and psychology. He does have upside, though, the man’s charismatic as hell and can brawl and wrestle pretty well to boot so the raw material’s all there. We just need to put in a lot of work polishing him up, that’s all. The Non-Wrestlers Rob L. Miskovsky Role: Announcer Evaluation: I wanted an announcer I could play off of that wouldn’t be too expensive and Rob L. fit the bill. His style is very detail-oriented and measured, which should compliment my more energy and drama-focused approach though we’ll have to see how the chemistry shakes out. As long as we fit together there’s no reason to get rid of Rob, and there are other options if it turns out we don’t. Hugh Dansigny Role: Colour Commentator Evaluation: I can also work as a manager but for now I’m going to exclusively focus on colour commentary- there’s a lot of good managers out there for cheap whilst colour commentators at my level are much more expensive. Haley Buck Role: Manager of No Remorse Corps Character: Haley’s one Twisted Sister, a sadist who clearly enjoys watching her clients rip their opponents apart. Evaluation: We’re bussing her in from Maryland but Haley’s worth it; there aren’t many managers if any out there who can match her for talent-to-cost ratio. Okay, so nobody’s ever heard her name on this side of the country but hey, put her next to The Silencer and The Hot Taggs and that should carry her the rest of the way until she gets over. And make no mistake, she will get over if I have to go round to the audience’s houses and force them to boo her at gunpoint. DeAnna Desire Role: Manager of The Aces of Mayhem Character: DeAnna’s proud and passionate, a fiery young woman who’s never afraid to speak her mind Evaluation: DeAnne’s about as obscure as Haley but lives substantially closer (San Antonio, to be specific) and is still pretty talented so I didn’t have a problem bringing her in to work with The Aces. She’s a very positive presence backstage, so even if things don’t work out straight off I’m planning to keep her around and see who else she can work with. Erin Lawrence and Quincy Jargon Roles: The ref team. Evaluation: Erin’s our senior official, largely due to her experience. As for Quincy, he’s definitely not as good as Dale but at 22 is substantially younger and is worth keeping around as a switch-hitter for that reason if nothing else. They’re both solid hands in the ring, reasonable presences backstage (particularly Erin) and not too expensive so I don’t see any reason to get rid of them. Tamara McFly and Rick Sanders Roles: Tammy and Rick will be serving as our road agents. Evaluation: One’s my wife and I managed the other for years in New York so it only made sense to bring these two to run the backstage. They’re just about equally good and equally influential in the locker room so there isn’t really a senior figure out of the pair. That way, if we lose one the other can take over without seeing a big drop off in match quality. ** Card for RMW The Kids Are Alright: FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Roger Monteiro vs. The Silencer The Aces of Mayhem vs. The Hot Taggs Tavon Blake Jr. vs. Ray Snow Pepper Pelton vs. Mercutio Sleep vs. Dominic DeGraff Stanley Axis vs. The Masked Mauler VII Remmy Honeyman vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde
  19. Sam Keith Classic Quarter Final Match 1 Barnaby & Rudge (IPW) vs The Wolf Pack I think they're a better team Sam Keith Classic Quarter Final Match 2 The Greatness vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen I will always root for a team with 'Express' in the name Sam Keith Classic Quarter Final Match 3 Brooklyn’s Finest (NYCW) vs The Past Masters Objectivity be damned, I'm calling the whole thing for the Masters! Sam Keith Classic Quarter Final Match 4 Devil May Care (Indie) vs The Vikings (CILL) Bit of a guess here but I root for The Vikings more Sam Keith Classic Semi Final Match 1 The Wolf Pack vs The Heartbreak Express Again, Express teams for the win! Sam Keith Classic Semi Final Match 2 The Past Masters vs The Vikings Let's go champions! Ho Tinh vs Local Talent JOBBER! Sam Keith Classic Final The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters The first of what will be many SKC cups for the Past Masters Bradley Blaze & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs The Scheme Team beats two solo stars
  20. TEW.com Presents…The Five-Minute Interview with William Patrick Recently I sat down with longtime indy commentator and manager Hugh Dansigny to discuss his new venture in the wrestling business as promoter of the newly-opened Rocky Mountain Wrestling. As usual you can find the audio as part of the Total Extreme Podcast, and the transcript is included below ** WP: So, Hugh, you left NYCW and AAA in 2017, you’ve been out of the business for two and a half years, and now you’re back and promoting your own company. Why’d you leave and what brought you back? HD: I don’t think it’s any secret that I left in the first place for family reasons. Me and Tammy had moved out here and adopted two kids, Hanson and Gracie, and we decided that one of us needed to stay home more often and be with the kids. I was getting fed up of travelling cross-country every month to work New York show and AAA was on its last legs so it seemed like a good time to call time on the business and focus on home, eh? As for coming back, again it just felt like the right time. I’d been happy at home, done a lot of guest appearances on other podcasts as well as the day job [Hugh hosts the popular sports quiz podcast What’s The Game?- ed], but I was starting to miss the business again and figured, why not? WP: I think the biggest surprise wasn’t your return but how you’re doing that; you’re not going back to NYCW, you’re not joining a big outfit like QAW or the Combat Zone, you’re opening your own promotion, Rocky Mountain Wrestling. HD: Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for what Farrah and her company do but what with her, Vinny Cruz and the Boss Man there isn’t a role for me there so that was never really on the table. As for the Zone…look, I’ve said my piece on Cliff’s operation in the past, and frankly I wasn’t as nice or respectful as I should’ve been so I’d rather say no more on that. So when I decided to return, I was looking around and the big thing I noticed? When you look at the North East, there’s a strong fanbase here for the kind of classic old-school wrestling that places like MAW and NYCW promote on the east coast. Seriously, you look at DVD sales, VOD, all that stuff, there’s a lot of money being spent in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, on shows all the way on the other side of the country. There’s a real opportunity for somebody to bring that kind of show to this crowd, and who knows old-school wrestling like me, eh? WP: So that’s what you’re doing in RMW, providing a kind of MAW or NYCW West, if you will? HD: Well, not exactly. Both of those outfits, they’re very much super-old school shows, very traditional. I love New York, Larry and Stomper were great people to work for but you know as well as I do that for them wrestling basically peaked around 1979, what Stomper always called The Golden Age of Pro Wrestling. The phrase I’m using a lot when describing RMW to people is ‘Harking Back to the Golden Age’- we’re trying to present a show that feels familiar to fans of old school wrestling but with all the action and excitement in the ring you’d expect from a modern company like TCW or the CWA. WP: You think that kind of updated form will work out here? HD: Given how many high flyers and ex-combat zone guys we have out here there’s no reason it shouldn’t. Look, the reason New York and MAW can work on the east coast is that they have the right kind of talent pool to draw on to stay right in that pure, old-school wheelhouse. On this side of the country? It’s a little more complicated, the name guys are nearly all high flyers and super junior types. Believe me, I’d love to promote a show starring Sandman Winks and The Historian- really, I would- but to sell tickets you need to sign guys people recognise, and if they recognise guys who’re happiest coming off the top rope then you tailor your product to match, as much as you can. WP: I’m guessing it’s still too early to talk about what fans can expect from your first show. HD: I’m gonna say yes and no on that, Will. Obviously there’s a lot we can’t give away at this stage, but if you’re a wrestling fan in the North-East that wants to see a good show featuring some of the best local talent out there as well as workers from across the country our first show, RMW Start Me Up, is taking place on the third Sunday of the month at the Park County Fairground in Cody, Wyoming. For more information on the show, including matches once they’re announced, you can subscribe to our mailing list at RockyMountainWrestling.com or follow us on social media. Not that I know what our social media ID actually is, that’s pretty definitively not my area. WP: And on that plug for the show it’s time to wrap this up. Thanks to Hugh Dansigny for joining me tonight… HD: No problem Will, thanks for having me on. WP: And we’ll see you next time on the five-minute interview, where we’ll be talking to USPW Women’s Champion Jaime Quine off the back of her 2019 Female Wrestler of the Year award. ‘Til then, goodbye and enjoy the wrestling. Coming Up: The RMW roster is introduced and Hugh has lots of opinions…
  21. <p><strong>Copperhead</strong> vs Jonah Pilgrim</p><p> <em>I don't see Jonah winning much when he's not teaming with The Architect</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joey Fili</strong> vs Trix Triumph</p><p> <em>I could see this going the other way but instinct says to go with Joey</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DeMarcus & Gray and The Heartbreak Express</strong> vs The Greatness and Duke Freeman & Paris Burnett</p><p> <em>Heartbreaks are cool so I go with their team</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ho Tinh</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> <em>JOBBER!</em></p><p> </p><p> Barnaby & Rudge vs <strong>The Past Masters</strong></p><p> <em>I will never root against The Past Masters</em></p><p> </p><p> Bull Wrecker vs <strong>Bradley Blaze ©</strong></p><p> <em>Wrecker's a good, solid worker but there's no reason to take the belt off Brad</em></p><p> </p><p> Bonus Prediction: Who is the "wrestling legend" appearing on the show"?: <em>Well the Past Masters are already booked, do they count?</em></p>
  22. This is great stuff, really enjoying the storytelling here. One small note, though- it's quite hard to keep track of who's what alignment and from which faction. Maybe a bit more of an in-depth look at each character would make it easier? Like, a spotlight feature between shows or something.
  23. Could somebody put the Hot Taggs, Wolfie and Kalder, in some sort of camo? Either facepaint or gear would be fine, whichever's easier. Either way, thanks to anyone who gives this a go.
  24. Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead JOBBER! Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme The Architect rules Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde Bit of a coinflip but Josh is surprisingly good and could be a credible challenger to one of the belts The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray © The Wolf Pack and The Past Masters are two of my favourite new teams Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes Too hard to call so I'm gonna plumb for a draw Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?: I'm going for the six-man tag
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