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Big Roguey

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Big Roguey last won the day on October 12 2023

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About Big Roguey

  • Birthday 09/28/1995


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    TAFKA MHero. Same goofball, new name.

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  1. Sparky caused another bakery based war and accidentally incapacitated someone with a deathly nut allergy?
  2. Is Christian mocking Bryan's history of head knocks any different from the various angles over the years of people claiming broken necks/arms/legs etc as trophies? It's a despicable heel striking low which has been Christian's MO ever since he became the dad of AEW (Arguably the worst part of Dynamite was the pretzel booking to get to Bryan/Nigel at Arthur Ashe instead of the promoted title match). Mox's quote is semi-dubious depending on how you view the quote but outside of it it's still in its infancy and relatively by the numbers work at this point until more happens on screen. I think ultimately it comes down to where you draw the line on things being distasteful or not and there is no answer that makes everyone happy/content. As Self says, you can have wrestling as a safe, cartoon adjacent place of escapism or you can have it be darker in tone. There is plenty of content to watch throughout that entire spectrum so if what one promotion is doing is off-putting to someone, there will be something that can fill that void. I wonder if TV shows have this same moral debate about content, I should probably get into TV more.
  3. Adam can correct me on this if I'm off base because I can't find a post on his that says it through a small search but the spirit of these forums is that any suggestion be posted individually as it helps Adam keep tabs on them rather than one jumbled mega thread of suggestions. Attributes and products are slightly different which is why they get their own thread but anything else should be its own thread. What might seem like little effort to implement may not always be the case as well, it's worth keeping that in mind.
  4. Yeah, there isn't anything inherently on that sort of spectrum apart from an ill chosen quote (With the caveat that potentially it being a Mussolini quote would go over the heads of people, I didn't pick up on it myself until it was pointed out after the promo aired). I know there has been particular chatter about it being based on Romper Stomper too but nothing that's been confirmed/anything more than loose connections. It seems a little hyperbolic to rush to talks of people being released - I very highly doubt that everything that's been done has been some sort of maddening shoot angle so it'll have been ran past people (YMMV on the effectiveness of the people it's being ran past). So far all he's done is take out Bryan in the old Terry Funk/Ric Flair spot with the bag, body three lower card workers with his group of people and taunt Darby into a trap, I'm really confused as to how it got to genocidal from that. It's quite clearly something designed to make people feel uncomfortable at this point and it's doing enough to see people who are interested in it continue to tune in to see the end goal of it.
  5. Read through this a few times and have some counters to the points raised; Issue #1 Products that are rated 80:20 or 20:80 absolutely do NOT balance each other out (until you reach the highest levels of popularity). It’s true all along the scale (70:30 vs 30:70, etc) where products should be equal and opposite, but performance in TEW is king and always has been. This leads to situations where at lower levels it makes no sense to play as a popularity-based promotion because they will always get lower ratings than a performance based one AND cost a lot more money to run. To counter, this is normally roughly how it goes in the "real" world too. There are a lot more notable indie feds that lean towards performance based results than a sports entertainment feel - the example I gave was ROH/PWG always getting more critical acclaim/higher ratings than CHIKARA which would be the closest entertainment based promotion around the same time frame with Chikara's most talked about match for years coming from the Ibushi/Generico/Nick Jackson/Jigsaw four way that was more ROH in tone than CHIKARA. I'd argue as well that the only level it makes no sense to play as a popularity based promotion is if you're playing purely on a meta level and that's just one playstyle/type of player in TEW. If you jack up things like sponsorships to pay for bigger names you're ultimately just creating an inverse of the issue wherein then it becomes the meta to just play SE and have the sponsorship money come in hand over first so it's replacing one issue with another issue. I'd also argue the product splits aren't massively an issue either, there are a small handful of promotions that reach a 90/10 split and it's nice to have an option like that for players who want it. With regards to the wage demands, there is nothing stopping players offering more to workers already. It's just that the "meta" play is to take the offer the worker presents and go with it, there aren't any blocks in place other than the player themselves to stop workers getting a fair wage (and having seen people complain about wage rises requested when workers clock on to them being underpaid, I suspect that this isn't something that'd necessarily be popular). Issue #2 "If a match can be rated 80:20 on skills vs popularity, then angles should be roughly the same too based on relevant skills vs popularity. If angles are fixed at a lower rating for the skill side (maybe 70% relevant skill vs 30 pop), then products should be limited to that range too with very few exceptions. This would bring the different product types into balance and make each more viable at any level of the game." Disagree with this. Not every product should be viable at every level and those that are tougher at smaller levels are just a sort of difficulty cap on players who want a challenge. Again, if people want to play the meta then that's fine but not everyone picks the meta play to run with. Issue #3 I don't actually have many thoughts here other than, again, if people want to use the meta then that's on them but these are all written in such a way that heavily suggests the meta is the only way to play the game which isn't correct. Issue #4 I actually quite like the idea of a natural growth limit for workers too as long as it's toggleable like the existing function for promotions so that people who don't want to use it still have the option. "The knock-on effect of this is that it would also eliminate a tactic that a lot of people use when they absolutely bury someone who is about to leave the company by having them lose to people over and over. Smart bookers could just start having people lose further out from the end of their contract of course, but at least that’s a longer-term decision." If players wanna bury someone leaving the territory, let them. It's catharsis through booking especially if it's someone who a player has sunk time into building up. Issue #5 "Lower the charisma requirement on squashes so that workers aren’t being penalised more than they are gaining. I can’t find the number in the handbook, but I think it used to be 72 in TEW20 and the problem was there too. Monsters are tried and true everywhere, and this should be a way to introduce them to any roster, at any level of the game." This was a MAJOR issue with pre-2020 games in TEW and the sole reason for why a cap was put in place. Monsters are everywhere but when they were an easy way to spin 100 pop is something that needed to be capped. Even in the examples you've given, you can't really rush to 100 pop in perf feds at low levels. I do agree and quite like the idea that an unimportant vs unimportant match gets excluded from the penalty if there is a clear instruction in the road agent notes that there is a worker who is dominating/being kept strong and if the match is under a certain time limit (max of, like, 5 mins).
  6. They're definitely appreciated Wrenegade and anyone else who works on them. I'm in a similar boat to Shianne in that the default CVerse doesn't hold much interest to me now but seeing people keep the spirit of the golden days alive is always rad.
  7. AI photos being better than real photos of which the AI stuff is already based on is an interesting thought.
  8. Said to you already but wanting it here too, I think that's your finest show that you've done across all of your diaries and such. Nailing a big finale for a season is one of the hardest aspects in writing but you've knocked it out of the park.
  9. Not to speak for Quest but you've got three workers on the list that have a request for an undefined stat increase. You'd be better off stating what stats you think should be raised specifically.
  10. My stance for stuff like this and COVID are that they just simply didn't happen in the Cornellverse so it would be fine to run it. You don't even really need to tie it too much to Russia as a country though, have Beskov talk up about how steel produced in Russia is much stronger/harder/etc than steel in the UK so he's going to inflict Maximum Punishment on Wadeo.
  11. Been enjoying this from afar Self, don't comment as much as I probably should. Votes for the Rumble below! Thumbs Up (Pick 3 CGC wrestlers you like, they will enter the Rumble later) Battering Lamb because he's fun, Pedro Monsoon because it's an incredible name and Canadian Dragon because patriotism. Thumbs Down (Pick 3 CGC you don't like, they will enter the Rumble earlier... if at all) Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Steve DeColt.
  12. You could just note the date that the last show in the first month takes place and work from there. That feels easier than trying to work out what -43 days would be etc.
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