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Everything posted by Bigpapa42

  1. Mexico MPWF Carlos Arroyo Domino Luis Montero Máximo Energía / Age 45 / Retired Mr Lucha Pablo Rodriguez / Ager 25 / Ager 30 Spanish Superfly / Age 40 ager Yosuke Narita / Ager 35 / Ager 40 / Ager 45 Younger version OLLIE Bala Azul Bala Carmesi Bala Negra Bala Verde Cazador / Ager 45 years Carlos Mencia Oceano Unemployed Caras Colleccion Mateo Iglesias Pinaculo Pinaculo Jr Top Cat Aguila / Retired Zenith Zenith Jr
  2. Canada NOTBPW Billy Sanderson Craig Prince / Ager 40 years Dan Stone Jr Duane Stone Jeremy Stone CGC 4C Andy Otto / Age 35 Auguste Lazure Big Trouble Shane Vandross
  3. Inspired by all the AI generated CV content that has been posted over the past few months, I started creating some worker renders for the 1997 CornellVerse. And after mulling it for awhile, I decided to share some. And then I decided to put em here instead of the main thread since they are meant to specific to the 1997 version of the CV data. Notes -no intent to render the entire picture pack. Don't know if I'll get all that much further than I've already gotten. -figure I'll create a breakdown on the first page here and try to keep it up to date, but just post some bunches here and there. -if there is already a re-render done that I quite like for a specific worker in this time period, I'm generally not doing them. I will note that where possible. -I will endevor to post ONLY images I've created. If I post one by accident that someone else created, please let me know ASAP. -I have the original images and PGNs of all of these so if someone wants one of those, let me know. -if you have done some for this period, post em up! -I have been doing "ager" sets for a lot of the younger workers. I will post some of those but not as a priority. They are a mixed bag - some are pretty consistent and do look like the same person over a period of time... some less so lol -the main thread has some 1997 renders as well. Self in particular has posted the entire CGC roster and some additional Canadian scene workers. I won't be redo those, except for the wonderful DeColt's themselves, mainly as I wanted to do some agers for them. America SWF Adonis / Ager 35 / Ager 40 Alex Pierce Black Hat Bailey Bubbles the Clown Cap n Crush / Age 45 Captain USA / Ager 45 years Cheatin' Mike Barstow / Retired Christian Faith Colin Kennedy / Age 25 Danny Bruce / Age 25 / Age 30 / Age 40 Dennis Butler Eden Layman Ethan Phillips Flare / Age 25 / Age 30 Hollywood Mike Kinsey Jean-Luc Lemans / Age 60 Jim Force Louis Williams Major WG Reginald / Age 65 Masked Patriot Nemesis No Way Jose Perfect Storm Phillip Roberts Richard Eisen Rory McCallum Ryan O'Brian / Age 60 Sam Keith Sam Sparrow Sean Self / Age 25 / Age 30 / Age 35 Sebastian Krause / Age 30 / Age 35 Sid Streets / Age 45 / Retired The Big Easy Ultima / Age 35 / Age 38 / Retired HGC Black Serpent Cult (Cobra + Viper) Bryan Vessey / Age 28 / Age 32 / Age 34 Age 36 / Age 38 / Age 40 Coach Dick Pangrazzio Dusty Streets / Age 50 / Retired Golden Fox Jack Bruce Java / Age 30 / Age 35 Jimmy Power / Age 55 v Larry Vessey / Age 45 / Age 48 Liberty Miss Bliss Peter Valentine / Age 40 Richie Pangrazzio Jr. / Age 48 Rip Chord (+ retirement pic) Sam Strong (+ retirement pic) The Blazing Flames (Joey + Teddy) The Danger Kid Tribal Warrior / Age 30 / Age 35 PPPW Brent Hill / Ager 30 years / Ager 40 years / The Machines Alt Dan Billiot Jake Harvey Leon Williams / Retired Rick Sanders / Age 35 William Franklin VILE RPW Officer Easyway Officer Hardway Sammy Bach / Age24 / Age 26 / Age 28 Age 30 / Age 32 / Age 34 / Age 36 Age 38 / Age 40 The Samoan Warrior XFW Aurthur Salvadore Simpson Colossus / Age 35 Doug Peak / Age 24 / Age 28 / Age 32 Age 36 / Age 40 / Age 44 / Age 48 Eddie Peak / Age 24 / Age 28 / Age 30 Age 32 / Age 34 / Age 36 / Age 38 Age 40 / Age 42 / Age 44 Genghis Rahn / Age 30 / Age 35 AMW Ernie Turner / Age 30 Johnny Boy Tucker Mighty Thor Trenton Evenrud DAVE 411 Chris Caufield Enuit / Age 35 Fabulous Frank Kurt Laramee / Age 24 / Age 28 / Age 32 Age 36 Luchas Hale Michael Cook Tim Tantrum Tyrannosaurus Pex / Age 40 Vin Tanner / Age 35 Whistler / Age 40 / Age 45 NYCW Chris Morrisette aka Lobster Warrior aka The Crippler Corporal Doom Coyote Dynamite / Age 35 / Age 40 Jungle Jack CZCW Eclipse / Age 40 Human Arsenal / Ager 30 years / Ager 40 years / The Machines Alt The Guru / Age 35 / Age 40 Troy Tornado / Age 25 / Age 30 / Age 35 / Age 40 / Age 45 AAA Anne Stardust PD Trauma Doll Unemployed Pistol Pete Hall / Ager 40 Professor Nero / Age 50 / Age 55 / Age 60 Toby Carver / Age 45
  4. So a couple notes before I drop another batch. Thinking I may just start a stand alone thread for 97 renders. If you are starting out with doing some logos, be prepared to deal with the inability of the AI to spell correctly with any consistency. At least with Bing. I cannot count how many really nice looking logos I’ve had it spit out that had something just woefully misspelled. Sometimes, you can just roll with it regardless – if you note on the 2nd Supreme TV logo, the SWF logo on the GameBoy is really just the WWF logo, but I though it was interesting enough to still resize and post. I tend to be pretty general with the prompts and let the AI be creative, but you can be really specific to get something specific. And if you get a nice one with a spelling error, you can use an editing program to correct it or just keep trying to get it to do the same thing but without the error by giving a lot of really specific prompts. Now you may notice some prominent workers from that period haven’t been redone. This is typically because someone else already did a version that seems time and age appropriate that I quite like. So if you wonder where Sean McFly, Bruce the Giant, or Sid Streets is, that’s the answer. Conversely, there are some where there have been re-renders posted of them and I quite like, but still redid for some specific reason, like Jack Bruce and Big Cat Brandon. I’ve tried to base most of the renders on the originals in the picture set, their bio data, and (where applicable) renders from the 2020 data. As Self has pointed out, the AI tends towards “pretty” people and while I have started to make heavy use of the “ugly” prompt, there are quite a few that are much more attractive looking human beings than their Sex Appeal would indicate. Hair styles aren’t all era appropriate. Clothes might not be either, but I tried and you can see less of them with more zoomed in cuts. When I started doing ager versions, I tried to pick out ones for each age bracket than looked pretty similar to the other ages, but some are misses. That’s part of why I haven’t made heavy use of tattoos – they vary too much on the agers and that kinda takes away IMO. Lastly, if there is anyone from this period you would particularly like to see, or if there are any where you would like a specific alt made of, let me know. No promises, but I can try. On to some renders... Luis Montero Mr Lucha No Way Jose Kazu Yoshizawa Kojiro Harada Suezo Hojo / Age 40 / Retired Liberty Roka Furuhata
  5. CV 1997 Batch 2 Sam Strong (+ retirement pic) Rip Chord (+ retirement pic) Yoshifusa Maeda Tadiyuki Kikkawa Louis Williams Nemesis Master Kitozon Classic Domino Caras Colleccion Oceano Dan Stone Jr Jeremy Stone Duane Stone Stunner Okazawaya Miyuki Miharu Black Serpent Cult (Cobra + Viper) The Blazing Flames (Joey + Teddy)
  6. So I figured I would start posting some of the renders I’ve been doing for the CV 97, but also to share a bit of a story. Like many on here, I’ve always appreciate the graphics community around TEW. Some new renders or logos or belts or whatever can really liven up a company, even if the “old” ones were just fine. I’ve been intrigued by the AI renders since they first started getting posted, and reached out to a few folks for some guidance. Between that and the prompts folks have posted on here, I managed to get things rolling. With the continued work being done on the 2020 Cverse and almost everyone redone once, if not multiple times, I kinda wanted to do some of the Cverse legends at a younger age for Classic images. After Self started posting some his 1997 CV renders, I started poking around the mod again and looking at CGC led me to looking at the SWF. And while it was cool to have 97-specific renders for the likes of Sam Strong, Sam Keith, Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Rip Chord… what about the rest of the SWF roster? And what about a bunch of the Burning Hammer guys? So began an AI rendering adventure. I haven’t posted them to the thread up to this point because I feel like mine are a bit lacking. Its obviously not the AI’s ability but me being a bit lazy with prompts. I don’t end up with quite the diversity of appearance that I could. Hairstyles are sometimes a bit off for the time period. I tend to do zoomed-in cuts, which isn’t everyone’s preference. And I like trying to do a bit of an age range but Bing doesn’t do it directly and sometimes they age sequence is imperfect, plus it makes it hard to do things like tattoos. But I still like how the updated 97CV looks, so… Story time! One of the 97-specific characters I’ve always struggled with a bit is Dennis Butler, aka Mr. Supreme. I can understand the challenge he presents, and I get the character in a basic sense. But I’ve never connected to that character in the way that makes it easy to book them. Maybe it’s the brooding render that doesn't quite match my perception of the gimmick. So when I switched some SWF renders, I found one that was quite different but somehow felt like it fit better – stringy blond hair, American flag bandana, aviators. Reminded me of a prototypical party boy / frat boy from the late 90s who could be a Jackass cast member. Okay, that worked better. When I was doing some renders for the SWF, I did a few based on that render. And I randomly did a few in suits, thinking maybe he could have a "gone Corporate" story arc at some point… and one of them kicked off a bout of creativity. A default stable idea I tend to use in a lot of saves is a serious, suited heel group a la the original Syndicate. And nicely, in 1997 SWF, you can have Sam Keith as the leader and Tommy Cornell as a lackey. Figure its also a way to cycle through some young heel talent, give them a rub from Keith, and have them move on to bigger things. Butler is not someone I had considered for that group, for various reasons. But one of the suited renders Bing handed me looked a light bulb moment. Nothing special – same hair, arrogant look, sunglasses, and even bandana… but with a suit jacket open with no shirt underneath. Reminded me of the drunk party guy at the end of a wedding. Post-party drunkard wasn’t the moment of inspiration, though. It was realizing that Butler not fitting into the intended stable could BE the story. He gets recruited, joins, doesn’t really fit in (as visually represented by the rumpled render), gets turfed, feud ensues. Endless ways to do it – does he get jumped by his stable-mates and turns face? It is an amicable split that Butler still somehow ends up being bitter over, and going after them? It could be a quick throwaway feud that maybe gives Keith a one-PPV title challenger or it could be a drawn-out story where Butler feuds with each stable member, elevating him possibly even to world title level. Its not an original story idea but its also not a limiting one – I could do it in SWF 1997, CGC 1997, or in a default data save with USPW with Kirk Jameson joining Money’s Business stable. But that little bit of inspiration was just because the AI threw me a render with a certain something based on a small extra prompt. And it made me realize how much being able to add your own renders relatively easily can be a game-changer for a game like this. It can obviously also work in the reverse – you have an idea for a character already and want to create the render or alternate render. But this whole story is basically to encourage you jump in and try. Do a stable logo, or one for your custom company, or a child company. Its fun and if you feel like posting them, well, its always great to contribute to the TEW community! On to the renders... CornellVerse 1997 I have no intention of trying to re-render the entirety of the database. Self and others have already done some. I started out doing much of the SWF roster and some of the other bigger names. Not sure how many I'll post and whether I'll bother doing any of the "agers" or not. SWF 1997 SWF Supreme TV SWF Uprising Richard Eisen Christian Faith Sam Keith Dennis Butler The Big Easy Phillip Roberts Black Hat Bailey Perfect Storm Bubbles the Clown Eden Layman Alex Pierce Rory McCallum
  7. Suggestions for how to set up weekly tour style shows that aren't just tout shows? Often run bigger companies with big rosters. Start with an A show and monthly PPVs. Add a b show. Used to also set up weekly tour event but now that makes the company a touring company. Can't add a 2nd B show immediately. Run some tests using both weekly Lesser and Throwaway shows but not sure either are ideal, though that's AI run.
  8. Hope everything is okay and you are feeling better soon, @Scott Zodiac
  9. One other name I'll throw out there... he's a non-wrestler with no roles but can be hired as owner or booker or both for a development company.... everyone's favorite Cverse Podcaster, greg Sluchinski. Was going to tackle it myself but ran into... issues...
  10. I've been using the method that Shmoe II describes. In Bing AI Chat, its been... mixed. Decent and getting better. The prompts seem to have a big impact on what you get. I use prompts based on what Arlovski has posted on here a few pages ago. Generate teh "base" image - usually the current one. In the Chat, you can then make 4 more requests - something as simple as "can you make him/her look X years old" works reasonably well. I find the more specific I am with the prompts for details on the initial - shape of face, texture of hair, etc - the more likely the age or deage is fairly similar in general appearance. Can also add some prompts to the age/de-age request - just things like adjusting the hair, beard, gray in hair, complexion, etc. I tend to save all 4 images generated each time and pick out the ones that look most similar to ones from the other ages. Its not always the version I like best, which can be annoying.
  11. Nice! More event logos! LOL I recently did a set for EILL but they are inconsistent in style and logo, and I don't think I convinced Bing to get the spelling right on every one. If no one else has a set, I can post them up but... don't expect greatness lol
  12. I've experimented a bit too and the AI rendering stuff is not only fun but a bit addictive. And it produces so much. 4 images at once is great but I keep finding one is "it" and the other three aren't right but are still solid. So I save all of them and have 3 extra that when I get around to cutting them, I guess they become free pics? Or you have to refine your prompts and run it a second time, so you might have 7 extras. Have not played with era-specific prompts yet, but given what you've created for 70s styles, I imagine its quite capable and probably very fun. Look forward to seeing the update 🙂
  13. Slower than the update of the full CornellVerse, which has kinda been the priority for me. But getting there. Arlovski doing workers with the agers has helped a ton, but it does take a bit of time to edit the database and add agers. The 97 data has a lot of unique characters with individual renders that look pretty dated in comparison to the newer AI renders, but lots of those are lower level workers - many are interesting but aren't going to end up a big company. A little while back, I had gone thru and changed out some of the renders for a couple bigger companies to carefully picked out free pics (my free pic package has grown a lot with the AI renders lol). But Self and dannydvia have posted a few 97-specific renders. I've also started doing a few myself - using the Arlovski ager approach, but with less success, as mine are less obviously the same person at different ages. It can be a fun process but also frustrating at times lol. So lots of words to say... the re-render process has definitely changed up the look and feel of the data, but just not quite as much so as the regular default CornellVerse... yet.
  14. Glad to hear the wife is going to be okay. Know how stressful that can be and how hard it can be to just... wait.
  15. Both? LOL. I looked at those and immediately figured I would probably use them as Tommy C renders in the 97 Cverse, with one set being a bit more babyface and the other more heel. Maybe its just me, but those all look similar enough to be different pics / looks of teh same worker. That was my understanding of the "New Pic" alter egos. They just created a chance that when the worker got hired to a company, that alter would get picked and the pic would be different.
  16. It doesn't specify in the Players Handbook, but in my experience, its random. My free pic pack for the Cverse has gotten huge and when I run a test sim, it will use some of the newest (which would be high numbers for that type of worker) and also some older ones (lower numbers).
  17. After bouncing around the Cverse and not really finding that exact right combo of factors in any given company, I’ve started eyeing EILL. I’m reasonably familiar with lucha and its unique dynamics – watch some CMLL, used to watch AAA, have watched Lucha Underground, and do delve into some of the indy stuff put up on YouTube. I generally find Sports entertainment fun and interesting to book, and I’ve had great fun coming up with super junior characters on Burning Hammer saves, so I imagine creating new luchadors would be similarly fun. I haven’t done a test save yet, but I will. Been reading up on what I can find on the board about EILL. I know that keeping TV can be a bit of a challenge because of the grades required to maintain company size and the starting popularity levels. But in a lot of ways, it seems like lucha easy mode – a talented roster that doesn’t have overt age issues, good broadcast deals, roster isn’t overly bloated (I’ll take care of creating that issue myself), and it's even a re-branded company with almost endless options. Oh, and money! Plans... so Far New Stars So rather than trying to go after big talent from other big companies, I think my focus will be on building up new stars. Between poaching talent from other lucha companies (don't want to completely talent strip them) and free agents, I think the lucha world offers plenty to create a new generation of stars. I may look abroad for some talent as well. From some test sims, it looks like USPW will go after the biggest stars EILL has when their deals come up, so I plan on the possibility of losing them. Developmental Company I know the AI likes to have EILL sign up OLLIE as a developmental company but that feels all kinds of wrong. So I will just open one. Nothing huge. Performance Center Since there is money and EILL doesn’t have a school of its own, it seems like a no-brainer to open a PC. Some of the younger talent can be developed a bit faster and the company will eventually start to produce its own talent. I have a couple thousand masked male free pics, so… might as well take advantage. Broadcasting When a company has money, opening a broadcaster is always tempting. But besides targeting wider growth in the US or maybe another market, I’m not sure there is a huge amount of need. Could put the child company on it, but… not sure that’s worth spending most of the starting money on it. If / when I lose the TV deal, then I’ll jump at it, but not sure its worth doing prior to that. Women’s Division Another idea I’m toying with but not certain about. I know the women’s side of the CV isn't the deepest but there are some strong talents. They need popularity to be built but that’s typically not the toughest thing in an SE-type product. Questions Wrestler Types Any limitations I should be on the lookout for? The Product info just mentions hardcore skill not being used. Brawlers fit in anywhere. Any issues with Puroresu-focused workers, for example? I was thinking of adding a few Japanese talents like Yanagimoto and Orange Tsuchie, but there are some really talented workers who could come in on PPA deals from the likes of BCG. No popularity, of course, but as regular B show fodder, they could be useful. Shows Speaking of B shows, the intent is to add a Tuesday night B show. But I’m also toying with the idea of adding a regular weekly Mexico City show, much like CMLL’s traditional Friday night show. Just not sure how I can do it. Adding a regularly weekly event means it needs to meet the grade standard, even if its not broadcast. I tried adding a Lesser weekly event for the AI on a test and it ended up just replacing the monthly PPV. Adding a Throwaway led to the company losing money. Like, a lot of money. And doing it as a tour show means the company doesn’t run house shows, and those tend to earn a good amount of money. I could add a tour event for every house show but that’s a lotta booking. Only idea that seems like it might work would be having a B show anchored in one city and maybe running a bit longer. Besides that… anyone have suggestions on how to do a regular weekly house show style event? Experiences? Since this hasn’t had any posts in a long time, anyone want to share their EILL stories? What they did, what worked, what didn’t, and really anything at all?
  18. Just ran a one-year watcher sim as I wanted to check financials on a couple of companies. I didn't look too close at the game-generated workers but several had 70+ Psychology out of the gates. So Bret 2.0 here isn't alone in that. But odd coincidence to get that name, that Psychology, that personality...
  19. Thanks for this. I tried the prompt and got a "unable to create". And then it created something similar, but different. I've kept toying and I can get some prompts regarding "looks similar" real people to work and some don't.
  20. That's pretty much what I figured. Guess its a matter of find the right prompts to get close as can be. Thanks.
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