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Posts posted by CQI13

  1. You certainly come cheap (or have a warped sense of "pride").




    The difference between 8 and 10 is pretty small, but pretty big from 10 to 15.


    Another thing that grinds my gear:


    People who advocate a higher minimum wage. Firstly, you're not meant to survive on it. It wasn't designed for that. And secondly, would these same people pay more for something than it's worth, just so the merchant gets to keep more money? It's the same situation they describe, except it's a lot easier to be charitable with someone else's money.

  2. Just remember, everyone is expendable.


    I'm sure if they fired you, you'd say "Can you believe they fired me for ________?"


    And I'd say, if that's the rule, then follow it or pay the consequences. I highly doubt they're keeping your phone for life and that you'd have to buy a replacement. You'd get it back at the end of the shift or on your break. There are far more egregious workplace infractions to get worked up over.

  3. If my mom's husband calls and says she's going into the hospital I need to be able to answer my phone then and there. If my sister calls and says my brother got held up and I need to run and get the kids from the sitter because I'm closest then I'm answering my phone. My expectation of my employees which has been met to date is that you know the difference between an emergency call and not. You see you're buddies number on the screen you put your phone back in your pocket, your with a customer you wait til you're done and call back. If its your mom and you pick up for a second find out its not an emergency and say I can't talk now then that's fine too.


    And yet, if you're in the middle of a transaction or helping a customer, you shouldn't pick up the phone until you get a chance anyway. In my wholesale business, we don't deal with customers face to face. If my employees want to be on the phone while they do their job, good for them.

  4. Though annoying, those are not the race pimps I was referring to. I was referring to those people who only try to create tension/conflicts between races. These are the same kind of people who think everything is racist and are thus diluting the meaning of the word.


    But the race pimps you mention are highly annoying. Like people who modify their Civics. Dude, that car is made to go get groceries, not race.

  5. I still think the division is New England's...For as much as people want to say that the Jets were 1 game away from the Super Bowl, they were what, a .500 team? They're closer to that than they are an elite team. And the Dolphins should be OK, but we'll have to see what the schedule is like.
  6. What people fail to realize (or take into consideration) is that the Chargers have Norv Turner...


    Just like in the NBA, you'll never win a title with Vince Carter as your best player; In the NFL you'll never win a Super Bowl with Norv Turner as your coach.

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